In this video we will help you to get started with SentiMask SDK sample that shows how our
software can be used together with Blender 3D.
SentiMask is a software development kit for real-time 3D face tracking, facial pose, feature
points, shape and expression estimation.
It can be downloaded from our website. So let's get started.
First of all you will need to install AddOSC plugin for Blender, because we are using OSC protocol
for data exchange between our sample and Blender.
The plugin can be downloaded from a website. You can find a link in the description of
this video.
Scroll down to the bottom of this page and you will find an installation instructions,
the plugin itself can be downloaded from Github. Just follow the link.
Then download the zip file with the plugin.
In order to install a plugin we need a zip file.
So once you have downloaded make sure that it is a single zip file, because some of the
browsers or download managers automatically extracts archives by default.
If so, you will have to recompress it.
Now start the Blender and go to the User preferences.
Hit on add-ons tab and click on Install Add-on from file.
Then navigate to the zip file that you have just downloaded, select it and press install
add-on from file.
Once the plugin is installed you will have to enable it by checking the check box.
Then click Save user settings otherwise the plugin will not be enabled.
Now you can close user preferences window.
If everything went ok, now you should see the AddOSC tab on the left side of the Blender.
Now you can close the Blender.
Go to SentiMask SDK bin folder find and open Vincent.blend file.
Blender will load the file with a character.
This character's name is Vincent and the original blend file can be found in coud.blender.org.
It is a production ready character with lots of features.
But we have modified it leaving just his head and added certain expressions supported by
our SDK.
Now in the Blender under the AddOSC tab hit the start button.
Blender will start listening for OSC commands.
Now you can start SentiMaskOSCSample.
Once the sample is opened it will start tracking your face and it will send commands directly
to the Blender.
You can find all the source files for this sample under our SDK's samples folder.
Thank you for watching this video.
For more infomation >> SentiMask SDK + Blender 3D Tutorial - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
人はなぜ借りたスーパーカーで事故を起こすのか。今回はフェラーリ458 - Duration: 1:27.
AMG GT Rが正式公開。ワイドボディ装備ながらもマイナス90キロの軽量化 - Duration: 3:51.
她一人化妝成15位女明星,黎姿張柏芝張曼玉...卸妝後竟是這個樣子! - Duration: 7:11.
ខុសជំនាន់ Tena [Original Khmer Song] - Duration: 3:00.
[FOREX UNI] - Đồng Tiền AUD và Ảnh Hưởng Của Australia Trong Thị Trường Forex - Hoàng Ngọc Sơn - Duration: 3:54.
Krist Cries at "Sotus S Fanmeeting At Hatyai" (27.01.2017) - Duration: 0:34.
Last night, after finishing practice, I went back to the room and I thought that...
If tomorrow's stage is the last stage
I would like to say it directly that I stick with fans club a lot
And I have thought that... If one day, they (fans) leave me, what should I do???...
Liam Di Benedetto accusée de vol, « elle s'est fait avoir » selon son avocat - Duration: 2:57.
Dodge Caliber 2.0 CRD S (LEER/Airco/LMV) - Duration: 0:42.
September 2017 Winner - $1,000 You Deserve It Scholarship Award - Duration: 1:10.
Hi, my name is Sarah.
I am a 19-year-old college sophomore and I am the September 2017 You Deserve It award
scholarship winner for ScholarshipOwl.
I first heard about ScholarshipOwl from my college career center and my high school,
and signed up and just applied for everything I could and I was really surprised with what
I got including the You Deserve It award.
This award is gonna help me pay with some stuff with school.
I am currently getting ready to transfer to get my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theater
Performance, with that I just really want to work professionally in the musical theater
industry, and hopefully one day get my Actors' Equity Association card.
So yeah, that's a little bit about me.
I highly encourage anybody to apply for what they can on ScholarshipOwl you may be very
surprised with what you get in return from it.
And yeah, thank you guys so much for this opportunity!
Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVTi X-Style - Duration: 0:54.
Top 10 Japanese KitKats 2018 - Duration: 12:41.
Angelina Jolie emmène ses deux filles Zahara et Shiloh dans un camp de réfugiés en Jordanie - Duration: 2:10.
Pascal Obispo, bouleversé par la candidate Rebecca : le coach de The Voice s'explique - Duration: 3:19.
💛5 Fun DIY Planter Ideas For Limited Area💛 - Duration: 3:35.
Are you tired of seeing concrete right after you come into your dorm?
Feeling a little out of touch with nature?
Need a little green in your life
but you don't have room for the hanging garden of Petunia?
Don't let limited space prevent you from trying out your green thumb and creativity.
Look no further because we have collected 5 fun DIY planter ideas for limited area
by simphome.com that will give your room a nature touch.
1. Market on a Table
Small plants such as cherry tomatoes and chillies are eye-catching as well as edible.
When potted together on a table,
they will transform a tiny patch of porch into a lively farmer's market-in-your-porch.
Mix and match the colours to provide a vibrant look.
If you want something more challenging and artistic,
paint your terracotta pots with unique designs to give them a more DIY touch.
2. Pocket Herbs
Hang an old canvas or over-the-door shoe organizer on a fence or wall,
and then fill the shoe spaces with potting soil and herb plants.
Voila! You have yourself a homemade, self-regenerating wall of fresh herbs for your cooking needs.
Make sure to move them to a bigger planter once they are bushy.
3. Recycled Hanging Garden
Recycling is a great way to save money, space, and our Mother Earth.
This recycled hanging garden idea is perfect for those who live in dorms or apartments with open windows
or you can just hang your plants on the balcony if you have one.
You just need to choose the containers
that you want to use (we prefer milk cartons or Pepsi bottles to make eco-friendly planters),
cut off the top, poke four or five drainage holes underneath,
and attach a length of wire to properly hang your plants
so that they will grow as they should.
This is great for flowers, herbs or many vegetables
and is surprisingly space saving and a really cute way to show off those plants.
It doesn't get more DIY than that!
4. Tiered Garden
Tiered gardens are great for those who are into architecturally proportional decorations
but only have small outdoor spaces.
If you only have minimal space for flowers or veggies,
you can create a great tiered garden from a number of terracotta planters.
Once stacked, you can just plant whatever you want in the planters.
You will have space for as many plants as you want depending on how many planters you use.
This is a great DIY idea for filling up empty corners on your front yard
and bring that proud look on your face
whenever someone admires your mini masterpiece of a garden.
5. Terrarium
The idea of having your own micro garden
that you can put in your bedside can be a little too difficult for some,
but the terrarium is in fact the simplest and easiest DIY planter idea for limited area to make and maintain.
Throw in a handful of pebbles, earth, ferns, and moss into a glass bowl
and you have yourself a garden for your bedside.
That's it.
Come back again next time with more home, Kitchen makeover and decorating ideas.
Like this video, comment it, or better yet share it with everyone in your social circle.
Don't forget to press subscribe button if this channel is new to you.
See you again later and thanks for watching
Le montant des frais d'avion de Melania Trump dévoilé et c'est astronomique - Duration: 2:29.
I was There (Scene) | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Movie Clip 11 - Duration: 4:59.
I miss the Shire.
I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else.
Off with you, on one of your adventures.
But my own adventure turned out to be quite different.
I'm not like you, Bilbo.
My dear boy.
- Now, what have I forgotten? - Packed already?
No harm in being prepared.
- I thought you wanted to see the elves. - I do.
- More than anything. - I did.
It's just....
We did what Gandalf wanted, didn't we?
We got the ring this far, to Rivendell. And I thought...
...seeing as how you're on the mend, we'd be off soon.
Off home.
You are right, Sam.
We did what we set out to do.
The ring will be safe in Rivendell.
I am ready to go home.
His strength returns.
That wound will never fully heal. He will carry it the rest of his life.
And yet to have come so far still bearing the ring...
...the Hobbit has shown extraordinary resilience to its evil.
It is a burden he should never have had to bear.
- We can ask no more of Frodo. - Gandalf, the enemy is moving.
Sauron's forces are massing in the East. His eye is fixed on Rivendell.
And Saruman, you tell me, has betrayed us.
Our list of allies grows thin.
His treachery runs deeper than you know.
By foul craft, Saruman has crossed orcs with goblin-men.
He's breeding an army in the caverns of Isengard.
An army that can move in sunlight and cover great distance at speed.
Saruman is coming for the ring.
This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the elves.
We do not have the strength to fight both Mordor and Isengard!
...the ring cannot stay here.
This peril belongs to all Middle-earth.
They must decide now how to end it.
The time of the elves is over. My people are leaving these shores.
Who will you look to when we've gone? The dwarves?
They hide in mountains seeking riches. They care nothing for the troubles of others.
It is in men that we must place our hope.
Men are weak. The race of men is failing.
The blood of Numenor is all but spent, its pride and dignity forgotten.
It is because of men the ring survives.
I was there, Gandalf.
I was there 3000 years ago...
... when Isildur took the ring.
I was there the day the strength of men failed.
Isildur, hurry! Follow me.
I led Isildur into the heart of Mount Doom...
...where the ring was forged, the one place it could be destroyed.
Cast it into the fire!
- Destroy it! - No.
It should have ended that day, but evil was allowed to endure.
Isildur kept the ring. The line of kings is broken.
There's no strength left in the world of men.
- They're scattered, divided, leaderless. - There is one who could unite them.
One who could reclaim the throne of Gondor.
He turned from that path a long time ago.
He has chosen exile.
Z66-A Comfortable House With An Attic, A Double Pitched Roof Room On The Ground Floor, Easy To Build - Duration: 3:17.
Z66-A Comfortable House With An Attic, A Double Pitched Roof Room On The Ground Floor, Easy To Build
"Z79" Simple, Economical, A House With Attic And Functional Interior, Gable Roof (127 m²) - Duration: 3:18.
"Z79" Simple, Economical, A House With Attic And Functional Interior, Gable Roof (127 m²)
Походы: Изба Третьякова - Duration: 15:17.
Maleek Berry - Kontrol Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:28.
Lady Gaga : Joanne (Piano Version), un dernier clip qui vient clore son ère country ? - Duration: 2:38.
Laeticia Hallyday elle retrouve le sourire à la plage avec ses filles Jade et Joy - Duration: 3:01.
Laeticia a laissé un objet symbolique sur la tombe de Johnny avant de quitter Saint Barth - Duration: 2:09.
Wie gefährlich sind Kopfhörer im Straßenverkehr? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:24.
Avertissement urgent des pompiers : ne faites jamais ca avec une rallonge ! - Random888 - Duration: 5:22.
Lonvelin gaming
BMxB Collaboration d'édition limitée - Métaphore - Duration: 0:07.
Collaboration d'édition limitée BMxB - Ingrédients - Duration: 0:16.
BMxB Collaboration d'édition limitée - Métaphore - Duration: 0:31.
BMxB Collaboration d'édition limitée - Silhouette - Duration: 0:07.
BMxB Collaboration d'édition limitée - Harmonie - Duration: 0:31.
Buvez! traiter les migraines, les brûlures d'estomac, les douleurs musculaires et articulaires - Duration: 8:27.
Collaboration d'édition limitée BMxB - Concret - Duration: 0:16.
Emma Prats tries to record a MORNING ROUTINE 🙄 influencer problems 💁🏻 (+ RICHIE'S DEBUT!) - Duration: 2:09.
Good morning!
Today I'm going to show you my morning routine!
Every morning I check my mail for free stuff brands send me.
What is this?
I have a problem!
They're trying to blackmail me with these
clearly fake pictures of me
from when I was fat!
It's Photoshop!
I've never been fat and I never will!
I am an influencer!
Make them disappear!
Calm down. The photos will come out no matter what.
But you can publish them yourself and control the message.
How am I supposed to publish this humiliation myself?
I am an influencer!
I will be roasted!
Don't you see the opportunity you have in front of your eyes?
You could be a fitness model!
A weight loss success story!
A generation's "fitspo"!
Not to mention the bilion diet industry.
How did I manage to go from fat
to skinny, pretty, influencer, you ask?
Thanks to the "Te Fit"!
By drinking a cup of "Te Fit" a day for only 3 months,
I managed to lose 20kg
without hunger, diet, or exercise.
It's usually 19,99€ a pack,
but if you use my code EMMAPRATS,
you'll get a 20% discount.
Buy your magic solution today!
Cette boisson étonnante va soulager chaque muscle de votre corps ! - France 365 - Duration: 6:02.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI BUSINESSLINE Trekhaak, Navigatie, Climate control, Bluetooth* - Duration: 0:41.
汪建民甩寶媽,戀上小16歲D奶辣媽白家綺,直擊兩人一起進飯店!寶媽暴瘦8公斤後,汪建民卻「這樣說」! - Duration: 11:43.
Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D LT - Duration: 0:43.
Volvo V70 2.4D D5 AUTOMAAT / NAVI / ARCO-ECC / AUDIO / LEDER / LMV - Duration: 1:01.
Kia pro_cee'd 1.4 CVVT X-ECUTIVE Nav. - Duration: 0:57.
10 Missgeschicke, wenn du krass übermüdet bist! | KostasKind - Duration: 2:37.
Le montant des frais d'avion de Melania Trump dévoilé et c'est astronomique - Duration: 2:29.
[MD픽]D-1 '염력' 예매율 34% 압도적 1위, '부산행' 열풍 이을까 - Duration: 3:10.
The Disappearing Spoon, The Rooster and the Bearded Russian - Duration: 5:35.
Nothing like a hot cup of tea after a long day of chemistrying.
Lemme just stir in some sugar here ...
Alright ...
Real funny, Guys.
Where's my spoon?
The answer to that question is in this here chart.
Recognize it?
There it is in all its glory - the periodic table of elements.
Perhaps to some chemists, a holy testament to the power of science.
But when it first came out, it was a different kind of holey.
And its journey to classroom walls everywhere had a whole lot of bumps.
The tale takes us back to the mid 1860s..
Ulysses S Grant is president of the USA, Germany elects their very first chancellor, Ernest
Rutherford is born and about 63 elements have already been discovered.
But the beautifully organized columns and rows we know today hadn't been devised yet,
and chemists were just starting to glimpse the repeating chemical properties they represent.
John Newlands, Lothar Meyer and Dmitri Mendeleev were all working on their own theories of
the elements.
Newlands actually predicted the yet-to-be-discovered element of Germanium, but his version of the
table wasn't recognized until over ten years later.
Meyer's work seemed more promising.
He brought some organization into the elements by classifying them according to their ability
to combine with other elements, but he only managed to work that out for 53 of them
and his table didn't have room to grow.
Which is a problem because, remember, there were 63 elements.
This leads us to St, Petersburg, Russia.
Mendeleev is teaching organic chemistry at St Petersburg University.
There he publishes a book called Principles of Chemistry.
In this book was his version of how to organize the elements -- the Periodic Table.
Here's what that table looked like.
But something's off.
Mendeleev's table was full of missing holes because he had figured out something
the other two scientists hadn't.
Mendeleev recognized that the elements' properties repeated in a pattern -- they were
And he figured any new elements ought to fit the pattern -- even though no one had observed
them yet.
His proposed table left room for all the missing elements.
This was more than a chart, it was a tool that could predict things nobody even knew about yet.
Mendeleev gave names to these undiscovered elements such as "eka-aluminum," "eka-silicon",
and "eka-manganese."
Over the next 4 years, no new elements were discovered and the periodic table remained
Enter French chemist Paul É-m-i-l-e ...
Help me Internet Robot Lady.
You're my only hope.
Paul Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran
So our friend Paul was in France studying sphalerite, using analytical spectroscopy.
This was the most cutting-ist edgiest version of the good 'ol flame test, thanks to work
by Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchoff.
The new spectroscope allowed chemists to measure the colored light produced when metals burn.
Regardless of who burned the metal on what part of the planet, or what prism they used,
the same unique lines would be produced for the same metal.
This gave chemists a fingerprinting system for the elements.
So when Paul's sphalerite sample showed a completely new light spectrum with two violet
lines, he realized he had discovered a new metal, a new element that fit the properties
of density and atomic mass predicted by Mendeleev's holey periodic table, right there in the spot
Good ol' Dmitri had labeled eka-aluminum.
But instead of that, Paul called his new element, "gallium."
Now here's where the drama comes in.
Mendeleev claimed he discovered gallium, but Paul disagreed since he kinda did all the work.
In a sort of Crimean War of articles in scientific journals, the Russian and the Frenchman
duked it out for years.
Think of it as the 19th century version of an epic Twitter beef.
The winner of this battle is in the name for gallium itself.
Mr. Paul gave it a play on the Roman name for France: Gaul.
It was a trend in the 19th century to name elements after geographical regions.
But maybe he named it after himself: an English translation of this French chemist's name
is Paul Emil The Rooster Of Boisbaudran.
And the Latin word for "rooster" just happens to be gallus.
By that logic, gallium narrowly misses being chickenium.
So anyway, how much did science benefit from this newly found element?
At first, gallium wasn't all that useful.
Its primary use was for thermometers due to its low melting point, and because it's
non-toxic unlike pesky mercury.
Chemists like to say that gallium melts in your mouth AND in your hand!
I mean that's a thing people say...
Gallium's low melting point is also great for pranks . Pranks like … making a spoon
disappear in a hot cuppa tea.
Being a shiny metal, it was easy to disguise gallium as
Tricksters would fashion it into a spoon, then hand their mark a cuppa and what looked
like regular old silverware.
You can order a gallium spoon and try it for yourself!
As some of the comedians around this office evidently already done.
Gallium isn't considered toxic.
But you shouldn't swallow it, either, so I'm just gonna...go make a fresh cuppa.
Today, however, gallium is a VERY sought-after not for tricks but because it makes a great semiconductor.
A semiconductor is a material solid that can pass an electrical current under the right
Since chemistry allows us to manipulate what the "right conditions" are, semiconductors
have revolutionized electrical circuitry making mass production of electronics and computers
Some semiconductors are also gangbusters at converting light into electricity, giving
us inexpensive solar cells.
Gallium arsenide is a very common semiconductor, found in the chip in your smartphone, and
powering those plucky robots rolling around on the surface of Mars.
Gallium is so popular these days, some say it may even be more useful than another common
So maybe tech billionaires will start saying they live in Gallium Valley.
So the next time you sit down with your precious mobile device watching science videos on YouTube,
make sure to thank Paul The Rooster and his rival the bearded Russian.
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