G League!
G League!
G League!
Let's Go!
Hey this is Max and today I am here in Mississauga Ontario for the 2018 Jr NBA G League Showcase.
It's going to be fun to watch.
This is an NBA fan's dream.
We have games all day on two separate courts.
Wisconsin takes the lead.
GMs, scouts, and some of the best basketball players in the world.Bryson with the windmill.
Who's your favorite team?
Raptors 905.
Inside short pass and a bucket.
Is this your first game in Canada?
Yes, it is.
Today I am here with Luke Kornet.
How do I become 7 feet tall?
Oh, you gotta eat your vegetables.
What's the best part about the NBA G League showcase?
Just being able to show what you got.
PJ gets the win at the buzzer.
Let's go.
What's up, it's Max and today with the JR NBA for the JR NBA Clinic at the NBA G League
We are ready for a fun day.
What advice would you give to some kids this year that want to pursue their dreams?
Work hard, take any advice that you can get, especially from guys like us and never give
Getting that work in.
That's a hard work out.
I had an amazing time at the JR NBA clinic.
I got to talk to some really cool players, go through some drills, just a really fun
So I'm ready for next year!
For more infomation >> NBA Showcase G League 2018 - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
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DIY puszysty i prosty sernik dla niej od niego na Walentynki * odchudzanie * - Duration: 1:21.
Pomeriggio 5, Romina Power contro Barbara D'Urso? La clamorosa rivelazione | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:48.
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Kia Ceed - Duration: 0:51.
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Francesco Monte sarà squalificato dall'Isola? Tutto quello che c'è da sapere | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:08.
Gossip Uomini e donne,Gemma Galgani lascia il programma per passare su Rai1? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:39.
Dealing with bad weather - Duration: 6:59.
Water bill, bank statement insurance, no idea, banks something oh that one's
interesting. Thank you Qantas I'll open that in a second. The worst bit of mail
that any pilot can receive. I don't know whether you subscribe to this. I know we're
using electronic flight bags but this is the air services update to the
departure and approach plates for IFR. I don't know I don't know why I still get
the paper versions. Anyway what you have to do every time is open this up open the
second bag. Why are there two bags? Hang on. So here
is my guide to what I do when you have to update your departure and approach
plates. Number one take the ridiculous amount of plastic off throw on the
ground. Check if the page is updated and find the pages which have changed.
Albury, great. Take these two pages put the other massive pack down. Don't get
those out of order because you'll be in... Step two, find the corresponding airport
in your current version.
Step 3 once you've found the airport find the actual chart that's changed because
they don't give you the whole airport no no just the specific pages that have
changed. Step 4 remove the old
important point do not get old charts confuse with new
charts. Place new chart in binder. Step 5 close binder and repeat 5 million
times. By the time you're finished your floor should look like your bedroom
floor when you were a 16 year old. God electronic flight bags are
definitely the future okay we're supposed to be flying today however.
The weather today is not really what we were expecting. Ah, all right we might need a change of location here.
Look at the, ants they're on my shoe my shoe they're on my shoe. Yuck I was
going to stop there becuase you get a good view of the sky but those ants were, yuck. I hate ants.
So yes the weather had very different ideas. I don't know whether you
can hear me over this wind as well but this is kind of a bit of the problem.
So the idea today was to take tango Delta Sierra up for a quick practice
flight and then I was going to take a friend of mine actually a work colleague
flying this afternoon. We were going to go and do the Melbourne City orbits it's
low level so you do the whole thing at about one and a half thousand feet. So on
days like this when you've got a bit of wind you're going to get some turbulence
down low. There's a severe turbulence warning at Melbourne Airport at the
moment the International Airport and there's moderate to severe turbulence
warnings in Moorabbin as well. So it's not much fun. Now this is a really
important part of life as a private pilot because you're going to get your
license and people are going to start asking you if they can go for rides
believe me it happens all the time. But when you've got a time constraint
this is when it can become a little bit dangerous because the temptation is to
think well I have to do the flight at that time if I don't it's never going to
happen. They're relying on me I'm the pilot I should be able to be fly, it'd
be fine. But this is where you actually need to be the pilot be the pilot in
command and start making those difficult decisions and that's kind of what I had
to do today. So this is how I made the decision so I was looking at the weather
I'm gonna sit down in the grass. I'll give you a quick bit of background on the
actual the way that I plan a flight when it comes to weather. I've I think
four stages. First one is about seven days before I want to fly I check the
long-range weather I use a you know Google weather, Weatherzone,
whatever app you kind of like using for generic weather and I just checked
roughly what I think it's looking like. So if there's a big sunshine on the day
you're probably okay if there's a big thundercloud on the day... Then secondly
four days out I jump on to the Bureau of Meteorology
website and I pull up the four day synoptic chart. At that point if there's
you know isobars are well spaced or big high
pressure sitting over you just think yeah do you know what though we should
be alright. If there's thin isobars fronts coming through troughs all that
kind of thing then I start to think oh maybe we might need to look at shifting
the date a little. The day before the flight now this is a good trick my
instructor taught me is that here in Melbourne we can use the Melbourne
International Airport that's Tullamarine over in that direction. Their weather it
comes out 36 hours in advance. So the day before you're flying you can actually
check Melbourne's TAF and get a pretty good indication of what's happening here
at Moorabbin. If you fly from Arab in for it Bankstown check the Sydney one. Then
on the actual day of the flight then that's when you do your normal weather
checks you check your local TAF you check the area forecast all that kind of
thing. But my point is you can get a pretty good indication of the weather
quite a long way out and it's good to get into that habit. But the best thing
you can do as a pilot when you're flying with passengers is try and set their
expectations. If you know seven days out that there's probably a 50/50 chance of
thunderstorms coming in you can prepare contingencies. If you know four days out
there's maybe an 80/20 chance of thunderstorms again you can do that. And
if the day before you're pretty certain you've got storms the next day then
don't bloody fly, go to the pub.
Right I'm going to head back home now before the rain comes in. I hope that was useful I just wanted to share
some of my thoughts about weather and planning I don't want to get too much into the
details of planning with this channel but I do want to get into a bit of the
background of your responsibilities as a pilot and I just try to give you some
tricks of what you can do, try and make your life as a pilot a little bit easier
and safer for yourself and your passengers all round. So I hope you
found that useful give us a thumbs up if you did if you haven't subscribed yet
don't forget to subscribe but yes thanks for watching guys travel safe I'll catch
you again soon. Here comes the storm.
WAOUH WOOL • Comment tricoter avec les bras - Duration: 10:10.
Shadow of the Colossus - Behind the Scenes: Die Entstehung eines Giganten [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 2:26.
María Castro desvela un detalle clave de su futura boda - Duration: 4:09.
¿Es Kim Kardashian? ¡No! Es París Hilton y su increíble transformación - Duration: 2:18.
Major Lazer Come on to me ( YouTube Telifsiz Müzikler ) No Copyrıght - Duration: 1:23.
ALPHABET Coloring Page | Cute Little Wizard Letter W Alphabet Learning W How To Draw Alphabet W - Duration: 8:17.
ALPHABET Coloring Page | Cute Little Wizard Letter W Alphabet Learning W | How To Draw Alphabet #W
Robert Pattinson, Bella Hadid y el 'coqueteo' que ha revolucionado a sus fans - Duration: 3:24.
Google Search by File - The File Extensions You Can Find on Google - Duration: 6:53.
WAOUH WOOL • Comment tricoter avec les bras - Duration: 10:10.
Who Is Sitting Behind Trump During the State of the Union? || SML News - Duration: 6:19.
Who Is Sitting Behind Trump During the State of the Union?
Vice President Mike Pence (L) and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R) applaud after U.S.
President Donald J.
Trump delivers his first address to a joint session of the U.S.
Congress on February 28, 2017.
During tonight's State of the Union address, President Donald Trump will be sharing his plan for the coming year and his hope for working together with Democrats on some of his goals for the country.
While you're watching the State of the Union tonight, you may be wondering one question in particular: Who's sitting behind Trump while he's speaking to Congress and the nation?.
Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan are sitting behind Trump during his State of the Union speech tonight. Although there's no rule requiring that this happens, this is the tradition for every State of the Union speech.
The top leaders of the Senate and the House always sit behind the President while he gives his State of the Union speech to a joint session of Congress.
The Vice President is the top leader of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House is the top leader for the House.
Other things you might want to watch for during the speech include the special guests that Democrats and Republicans bring.
You'll want to watch to see if Trump goes off-script (and maybe count how many times he says "fake news.") You'll also want to keep an eye out for protests during the SOTU.
Will anyone shout something out to Trump while he's speaking? How many people will be wearing all black as a sign of solidarity for the women who speak out against sexual harassment?.
Also, you'll want to watch the response speeches after the State of the Union concludes. After Trump speaks, Rep.
Joe Kennedy will deliver the Democrats' official response to the State of the Union.
He will deliver his response from his home state rather than attending the speech in person, The Washington Post reported.
Elizabeth Guzman, a member of the Virginia state legislature, will also deliver a Spanish-language response, officially sponsored by the Democrats.
But Progressives will be delivering responses of their own, official or not.
Bernie Sanders will also deliver a response to the State of the Union via social media.
Maxine Waters from California will also give a response during a BET news special.
And Donna F.
Edwards, a former Maryland Congresswoman, will also give an address for the Working Families Party.
Democrats are bringing quite a few guests.
These include Chessy Prout (victim of sexual assault and guest of Rep.
Annie Kuster); dozens of young immigrants who are part of the DACA program, including Karen Bahena, Melody Klingenfuss, and Nicolle Uria; and Cindy Garcia (her husband was deported after 30 years in the U.S., guest of Rep.
Debbie Dingell).
President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump announced that the following guests will be seated with the First Lady during the speech: Corey Adams (a welder); Elizabeth Alvarado, Robert Mickens, Evelyn Rodriguez, and Freddy Cuevas (parents of girls murdered by MS-13); Corporal (Ret.) Matthew Bradford (blinded by shrapnel and lost both his legs in Iraq, then reenlisted); Jon Bridgers (founded the Cajun Navy); David Dahlberg (a fire prevention technician); Officer Ryan Holets (police officer who's been shot twice); Ashlee Leppert (aviation electronics technician who rescued Americans during hurricanes); Agent Celestino "CJ" Martinez (supervisory special agent for Homeland Security); Staff Sergeant Justin Peck (U.S.
Army, saved an officer struck by an IED); Preston Sharp (organized flags at veterans' graves); and Steve Staub and Sandy Keplinger (started Staub Manufacturing Solutions).
Ford Focus C-MAX 2.0-16V Futura , Auto, 138625 KM. - Duration: 0:59.
Shadow of the Colossus - Behind the Scenes: Die Entstehung eines Giganten [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 2:26.
Fanátic@s - Pastor Firmino Candidato [LIBRAS] - Duration: 3:33.
Sorpresa y trajes feministas en la gala eurovisiva de OT - Duration: 5:27.
Geek Squad Same Day Scre...
VetBiz / SDVOSB Certification Assistance - Duration: 2:36.
In 2016
the government awarded $21 billion to Veteran Owned Small Businesses
and an additional
$16 billion to Service Disabled Veteran Owned Companies.
That averages out to
almost half a million dollars per year to every Veteran Owned company.
Nearly $800 thousand dollars per year to each Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business.
If you're doing the math, that's a potential $2.5 - $3.9 million dollar income source
over the next five years for your Veteran Owned Business.
But, in order to qualify for this small business set-aside,
you need to be registered properly
with a certification from the Veteran's Affairs.
The veteran-owned status is something that's evolved over the last couple years that I
have been here.
From that being a self-certificate to now having to be registered with the VA.
US Federal Contractor Registration will help veteran-owned small businesses that want assistance
in getting their Vet Biz or their Service Disabled Veteran Owned, their SDVOSB certificates.
For those businesses that do want the help, you'll furnish us with the DD214s and the
rest of the information that the case manager's going to need.
Our team, our staff, they'll comprise that information to make a strong offer to make
sure that goes through properly.
That takes about ninety days now.
But, once you're in this system that will include you as a veteran-owned small business.
>> The whole reason to start the business was to help out other disabled veterans.
>> This is Geno of the Band of Brothers Restoration LLC.
Let's go back three-years ago.
2014, I went to go get certified as a Service Disabled Owned Business.
Immediately was just not getting any help.
You know, I would get ahold of somebody.
They'd contact this person and then they would say contact that person.
I just kept getting the run-around.
I basically gave up on that.
Once we came in contact with John, he basically was able to look into it, give us the right directions
and within thirty days we were certified!
So, what took me years of not getting anywhere, you guys were able to help us
within thirty days to get our certification.
>> You guys have already won a contract.
Is that correct?
>> Correct.
Like two days ago actually.
It's an erosion control job in West Virginia.
And it'll be roughly two weeks.
Just shy of $40,000.
How to replace 🔌 Micro USB port port 📱 Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920f - Duration: 6:10.
Hello and welcome!
Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,
we glad to offer you a new video
in which we look at how to replace
🔌 Micro USB port
📱 Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920f
(2000) Ganbare! Nippon Olympics 2000 (Prayer) (English captions available) - Duration: 0:15.
Do your best.
Bring out everything within you.
Go! Japan!
Even within a game! Do your best, Japan! (From Konami, the #1 in sports)
Appearing on 5 consoles!
Do your best! Japan! Olympic 2000
Konami is heating up sports.
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