15-1 RECORD.
ผัดสะตอหมูสามชั้น - Duration: 1:19.
Stir Fried Streaky Pork with Bitter Bean
Oil 1 tbsp
Chili, garlic pound 1 tbsp
Streaky pork 300 g
Water 2 tbsp
Fish sauce 1 ½ tsp
Palm sugar 1 tsp
Oyster sauce 1 ½ tbsp
Bitter bean 100 g
1-2 serve
"రోహిణి" నక్షత్ర 1వ పాదం "వృషభరాశి" నవాంశలో పుట్టినవారు..? Rohini Nakshtram 2018 !! Mesha Rasi 2018 - Duration: 5:22.
Carter G. Woodson Google Doodle - Duration: 1:46.
Today Search Engine Google is celebrating Carter G. Woodson in USA by a Google Doodle.
Carter G. Woodson was an African-American writer and historian recognized as the 'Father
of Black History.'
He penned the influential book 'The Mis-Education of the Negro.'
Carter G. Woodson was Born in 1875 in New Canton, Virginia, Carter G. Woodson was the
second African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard, after W.E.B.
Du Bois.
Known as the "Father of Black History," Woodson dedicated his career to the field of African-American
history and lobbied extensively to establish Black History Month as a nationwide institution.
He also wrote many historical works, including the 1933 book The Mis-Education of the Negro.
Carter G. Woodson wrote more than a dozen books over the course of his career, most
notably Mis-Education of the Negro (1933).
With its focus on the Western indoctrination system and African-American self-empowerment,
Mis-Education has become required reading at numerous colleges and universities.
Additional books from the author include A Century of Negro Migration (1918), The History
of the Negro Church (1921) and The Negro in Our History (1922).
Woodson also penned literature for elementary and secondary school students.
He died on April 3rd 1950 at the age of 74 in Washington, D.C.
미쓰비시, 부산.경남 지역 본격 공략[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:05.
인피니티, ″4월에 만나는 특별한 할인 혜택″[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:13.
Elle verse une bouteille de Coca sur ses cheveux : le résultat est incroyable ! - Duration: 4:47.
메르세데스-벤츠의 팔방미인, CLS350 타보니...[24/7 카] - Duration: 7:48.
뉴 아우디 A6, 일본 판매 시작 - Duration: 2:23.
Alerte rouge : si vous voyez cela sur vos ongles consultez immédiatement un médecin ! - Duration: 4:22.
Voici ce qui arrive à votre corps quand vous buvez du soda light - Duration: 5:23.
미쓰비시 전기차 'i MIEV' 시험운행 시작[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:01.
닛산 슈퍼카 'GT-R' 올해의 퍼포먼스 카 - Duration: 1:34.
미쓰비시 전기차 'i MIEV' 시험운행 시작 - Duration: 1:52.
도요타 車판매 세계1위 등극... - Duration: 1:23.
Tình khúc Bạch Dương Tập 3, Cầm hoa đi đón Quyên, Hùng bị chặn đánh túi bụi - Duration: 2:08.
캐딜락.사브, 드라마 ′남자이야기′ 협찬 - Duration: 1:25.
기아차 컴팩트 SUV ´뉴 스포티지´ 시승기 - Duration: 11:41.
Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA
What does photophysical mean? - Duration: 0:39.
Life As Artist | Ep 1 - Friends - Duration: 9:43.
as a kid for me it was very hard to make friends and as I've gotten older I know
that I should just keep the people around me that are very important and
don't let negative people into my life I've lost a lot of friends as I've
gotten older in many have passed away it's it was very difficult for me to
keep friends because I was always afraid to get too close to people because it
felt like the closer I got to people I was lost then as a friend and then I
closed myself off from others around me to the point that I just disconnect me
from everything and I just enclosed in myself to the point to where I just quit
socializing and it felt like a job a really hard task to keep friends or do
even gain friends and just felt like a lot of work to try to explain yourself
with somebody and have them get to know you and all the work get to put into it
just felt like a waste of time at some points in my life
and after the friends I did lose it had a pretty big impact on me and I
never really talked to anybody about it and I think that's part of why now I
have a really hard time connecting with people because I just
cut myself from doing that in the first place
but now I've made a few friends that matter to me and I'm doing what I enjoy
and as long as we keep doing the things that we enjoy and just associate with
the people that matter to us then things should be okay
and when I was a kid I didn't I have hardly any friends and a few it did have
they passed away I had one friend and sixth-grade that I was really close to
and I gave him this game to play over the summer he was going to give it back
to me when school started back up and I didn't have his phone number anything
because we were very poor we didn't have any money
so we never had a phone and I had no way of getting ahold of him because I didn't
know where he lived and I couldn't get there anyways because I had no one that
could take me and so once school started back up he he never showed up
and didn't see him anywhere and one day in class one of the teachers asked if
somebody knew of this kid and I told them yes I knew who that is and the
teacher told me that he'd passed away and I never I never knew about it and it
was a really strange feeling to have a close friend and then to have him just
disappear like that
and then after the teacher told us that he passed away I kind of took it uh as I
did with a lot of things in life where I just I'm numb to it to where after
things happen to you so often you get at the point where they don't really bother
you and then as you get older you realize it did bother you
you just never thought about it because you want to avoid that pain as much as
possible and I spent a lot of time alone drawing and doing things but I do
spend quite a bit of time while enjoying really thinking about a lot of things
trying to figure myself out and for me it always seems like talking to people
really didn't do a whole lot of helping myself and talking about problems really
didn't do much for me it was I always had to take action and do things because
talking about it never did anything and that's why I pursued running and then I
got back in control now because it takes my mind off of a lot of things that I'm
thinking about and
I know that um for some people can be hard to keep people around because it
seems like in the world that there's a lot of negative people they don't want
anything to do with you until you have something to offer them but just because
there's a lot of negative people like that doesn't mean should let that affect
you to change you in to being a type of person because there are some good
people out there and we shouldn't be afraid of making friends just because
we're afraid you'd afraid of losing them
but what we should live with is to avoid
the whole I thought that i need to be a certain type of person or do certain
things for people to like us when we should just be ourselves and I had
another friend it was later on this was in seventh grade he also passed away and
then in eighth grade i had two friends that also passed away and it seemed like
each person that I gotten really close to his friends that I made would pass
away from something and then throughout high school I had friends but they they
weren't really close or anything they were they were more like people that I
just talk to you that we had things that were similar you know had similar
interests we had similar hobbies I had a couple friends a ninth-grade those
really close to what ever since I moved I didn't really hear from them at all
anymore and now it's like my best friend is doing the thing that I love doing
which is drawing and the jewelry that is it won't leave me because it's something
I choose to do they'll always be there for me despite my differences despite my
choices despite who I am or any mistakes I've
it'll always be there for me and that's why in life if you don't have anyone
find something you love doing make that your passion
Paris Hilton se déguise en Kim Kardashian pour promouvoir la nouvelle collection de Kanye West - Duration: 2:05.
Sandwich Shop
Shark Tank SheFit Bra Got An Offer of $250K For 33% From Daymond John - Best of Shark Tank TV - Duration: 9:41.
Best of Shark Tank TV
Shark Tank SheFit Bra Got An Offer of $250K For 33% From Daymond John - Best of Shark Tank TV
we are so excited to be here today my name is Sarah Moylan and I'm her
husband Bob Moylan and we're from Michigan I'm the creator and were the
founders of she fit we're seeking a $250,000 investment in exchange for 20%
of our company shark sheep it is the ultimate sports bra we are the first and
only fully custom adjustable sports bra on the market yes I said it fully custom
adjustable putting on could not be easier simply unzip it and put it on
like a jacket no need to be a contortionist anymore does she fit
sports bra is the only bra to have a two inch wide bus ban that will never
stretch out roll or allow you to fall out the bottom again with over 10 inches
of adjustability for you to set the rib fit that you want and banish the bumps
for good with even more adjustability for you to set the vertical lift that
you desire she fit is the perfect mix of compression and encapsulation so that
you're always comfortable and you never have to worry about that dreaded uniboob
again who's ready to be a part of the next big thing in fitness you are so not
in shape I try I try she always on like this thank you each
one of you your own personal she fit sports bra Laura of course you got me
I'll be using at the gym tonight Sarah this is the perfect fit for you he
actually does need a prom okay Damon and Mark thank you this is yours shit Lori
is it a little fake I just was gonna ask you that this does feel very padded yeah
it is very thick is there a reason for that yes so first off I created this out
of my own need for sports bra so I'm a fitness professional I have four kids at
home and when I was pregnant with my first I was trying to stay in shape and
do all the right moves for kids okay I have four little girls at home
all girls so you know I was doubling and tripling up on bras I mean when you are
big busted it's very difficult to get a sports bra that fits you the way you
need it to be so are you saying when you wear the traditional ones which are like
really like it's really stretchy nylon yes Matthew yes so that's why it said
you know because you compression and encapsulation which gives you the shape
of not having the uniboob and the zipper helps as well so because when you to put
on your compression brought of try to compress the bounce if you will it
swishes everything together you standing there
it doesn't look bulky on you but it's so padded that I would think that you would
look bigger and you don't have the pad in yours I don't I take the pads out see
this is what's so great it's really your bra and you wear it your way isn't it
uncomfortable because it's so thick oh that's a really good question it's not
uncomfortable so when you actually get this product on it is so comfortable
it's light all of these are wicking fabrics is there any other bra out there
that zips from the front like this there are sports bras that zip from the front
however we have a patent on our adjustability it's a way to just ability
partnering the shoulder strap in the Panda bus band component the two
together they're two together it's a very strong patent nobody else has this
type of technology you know most of what would just mean technically no and
nobody has it the way that we're doing it but let's get past that because the
proof is in the market itself so talk numbers we've done 220,000 dollars in
sales in 18 months 50,000 of which have been done in the last 45 days 25,000
goes out you from your ecommerce store the other 25,000 we opened up 19
retailers is it one chain no no multiple type of retail okay let me wonder who
does the talking in the family again stead of insulting her well you
say she does all the talking she does all the talking what is your role what
is her role I'm all creative engineering sales Bob's new manufacturing working
with overseas vendors did you do this full-time we have sales jobs by day and
so just a couple of what kind of sales do you do so I do my device sales i
industrial chemicals and you have four kids like crazy you have to taste and
around a bunch of kids and a have a wife that's superwoman over here guys amazing
mom and I have been very successful in our daily sales jobs but because of that
success has come a ton of freedom and I'm walking away in less than 90 days
you're walking away in less than 90 days yes why do you need a shark why do you
need $250,000 a bulk of the money about 70% is going to be to fund our inventory
because right now we need to shorten our leave times it increase our supply our
reliability we need to enhance our front-end right for our website show our
website we have such an average front-end that's been one of our biggest
challenges is we can't get a web team to get things right so the amount of sales
that we've done you guys I just need to back up and tell you have come literally
from word of mouth raster it's marketing meat hustling picking up the phone going
to trade shows and rookies okay that's that's it what is close to make that bra
right there is 1450 why don't you sell it for 58 great margin you don't hear
such an awesome listen to this though this is the thing we worried before
well we were paint we were paying almost $40 abroad to make them here in LA they
couldn't keep up with the demand we were selling out when we got them in you guys
this is a three billion dollar industry what we want to do is get into the
active wear space active wear for women is a fifteen point seven billion dollar
industry we're going outside of that pie and we're creating our own pie this
doesn't exist right you're not creating your own pottery you're you're you're
going after the sports bra industry there are things gonna get better you
may be doing a much better but you're not going outside of the pie well if you
think about it though rubber and I don't mean to challenge you but everyone's
doing adjustable sports bras in terms of adjustability it's limited we are
customizing this but this is a customizable sports bra nobody else
allows you to customize your own fit here and here it look the proof you guys
can argue all day long the proof is in the sail we've done $50,000 less 45 days
we have 200 online reviews of women that we average four and a half stars because
they love it so first of all I admired that discipline to have four kids and
then being this incredible shape I mean healthy body healthy mind right yeah
absolutely but when you start talking about you're
gonna create a brand new category of women's wear you'll lose me there
and that's a that's fair what I'm saying is that adjustability in
terms of studying your own support does not exist and the sports bra category is
huge I just need some doors to be open get me in front of the right person and
also these brawls all day I believe that like this is a big thing our retailers
retailers have to stop anywhere from 12 to 14 bras per cup size 32 34 36 ABCD
our bra because of the adjustability can go from for example this they stock
seven sizes to this we've dramatically cut their SKUs in half now that's
interesting you're reducing the SKU consolute we are and the amount of
inventory they have to house but I've been sitting here thinking about what if
I seen out there on the market so you guys have seen things that help you with
your posture yeah I've seen them they adjust here right they brace across your
base like criss cross in your back and they help you to keep your shoulders
yeah the only missing feature is is they don't come across here that's a big way
all right it's not a big deal because in patenting if you see something there's
prior art which I would imagine you must have filed that if you see something
then an examiner might look at it and say well it is intuitive that you drew
this into a bra so that concerns me and I'm not saying that you don't have a
patent or you'll lose your PIN just saying for me as an investor because I
think there are other things out there that might become problematic
and that's fine we alright we do it we appreciate that
however with apparel Daymond you know to get a patent on apparel is very hard
yeah so you know I always say you're never gonna create anything new in this
world again you know Twitter with a note on her page is like a million years ago
any crazy thing you would a t-shirt right speed to market I found a new area
that was being neglected mm-hmm I think I can add value with speed to market I I
represent Jillian Michaels for international Isis a and a lot of these
influencers so I'm gonna take a shot yeah but your valuations a little high
you wanna $250 for 20% I want to be one third partner twenty fifty thousand for
33 and a third percent okay that's a little rich isn't it would you have to
give me an answer now this guy is asking for third of your business why do you
want to give up all the equity do I need that answer right now because I love
decisive partner
for them to accept your offer we actually knew coming in what our
congratulations guys good job
Russian envoy to North Korea says limitations on oil trade are too harsh - Duration: 1:49.
Russia's envoy to North Korea has warned that international limitations on oil trade with
Pyongyang are far too harsh... and could leave the regime with no choice but to lash out.
He says the crushing UN sanctions on North Korea will inevitably lead to a humanitarian
Lee Seung-jae reports.
With the ongoing sanctions on North Korea aimed at curbing the regime's development
of nuclear weapons,... the UN and the United States have sought to reduce the North's access
to crude oil and refined petroleum products.
However, according to Russia's ambassador to North Korea, Alexander Matzergora,... lowering
deliveries any further would be interpreted by the North as an 'act of war'.
With UN quotas set at around 540-thousand tons of crude oil a year to be delivered to
North Korea from China, and some 60-thousand tons of oil products from Russia, China and
other countries,... Matzergora said it was a "drop in the ocean" for a country of 25
million people, adding that shortages would lead to serious humanitarian problems.
Russia's deputy foreign minister Igor Morgulov also stated that Russia has no obligation
to carry out sanctions produced by the U.S. Russian officials deny charges by Washington
that Moscow, in contravention of UN sanctions, was allowing the North to use Russian ports
for transporting coal.
With no clues on whether or not the latest UN sanctions will slow down North Korea's
nuclear and missile programs,... questions remain over how Russia's relations with the
isolated state will affect the ongoing tensions on the Korean peninsula.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
British PM vows to work with China to stop 'reckless' North Korea - Duration: 0:52.
British Prime Minister Theresa May says the UK will work with China to stop what she called
a "reckless" North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un from launching a nuclear war.
Speaking alongside the Chinese premier Li Keqiang in Beijing on Wednesday, May added
that they agreed to implement stronger sanctions on Pyongyang in a bid to curb its nuclear
We agree that its pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile programs is illegal, reckless, and
poses an unacceptable threat to international peace and security.
And we have agreed the full and effective implementation of UN Security Council sanctions
is vital to persuade the North Korean regime to change course and abandon its illegal activity."
The sentiment was echoed by Li, who reaffirmed that China, a key North Korean ally, is committed
to upholding global peace.
오늘은 96명 모두 해고되는 아파트 경비실엔 시름만 - Duration: 5:39.
PHOTOPIC 수지, '한겨울에 한여름 패션' - Duration: 1:55.
Nigran-e-Shura Ki Masroofiaat | South Korea | Haji Imran Attari Kay Madani Phool | Madani Channel - Duration: 3:01.
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