Hi, I'm Lauren, and today I'm going to show you how I made a wall calendar out of
a blank framed chalkboard that I bought probably five or six years ago. It looks like this!
And now that it's the beginning of a new year and I'm getting all organized again,
it felt like the perfect time to finally use it.
Personally, one reason why I don't use physical calendars super often is that I move my plans
around a lot. So when I discovered that I could write my appointments and video ideas
onto color-coded sticky notes rather than directly onto the calendar, it was kind of
life-changing. Since then, I've been meaning to make a big calendar for my wall where I
can see everything I've got coming up and move stuff around whenever I want to.
So I did! And I'm so excited about the way it came out. Read the video description below
for a list of materials you'll need, and here's how I did it!
Leaving room at the top of the chalkboard for the month and days of the week, start
placing seven square templates in a straight line across the chalkboard for our first week! This
16 inch wide chalkboard I'm using happened to fit seven of these 2 by 2 inch sticky notes
while still leaving a bit of room between each one, which was good for me because they
stick and don't move around. If you have a bigger or smaller chalkboard, you can measure
and cut your own templates to fit!
When you're happy with where they are, carefully trace around each template with a white paint
marker. Then, move the templates to the next row right beneath them, making sure they're
evenly spaced, and trace those as well! It's okay if it's a little bit messy, since I
think that gives it some charm and looks similar to chalk.
Keep moving the templates into a new row and tracing them until you have six rows - you
won't always use all of them, but some months fall into that sixth row depending on the
day of the week they start and that allows it to work for any month.
At the top of each column, write the days of the week in pencil in any style you'd
like, then trace over it with the paint marker. I'm just writing the first letter or two
of each day. Feel free to start your week with sunday or monday if you have a preference,
and then I'm adding a few little doodles in the corner here as well.
Now, the way that we're going to be able to adjust this calendar to display any month
is by putting the date numbers and the months on pieces of cardstock that we can move around!
Cut out 31 little half-inch squares that will fit in the corners of the days, then write
a number on each piece, from 1 to 31.
Then, cut out a 2 and a half by 8 inch piece for each month and write out the names of
the months on those. If your handwriting isn't great, feel free to type these out and print
them on your cardstock instead!
Place the month card at the top and arrange the dates in the squares you drew, looking
at a current calendar and paying attention to which day of the week each date falls on.
I used some super slim washi tape to hold them all down because it's colorful and
easy to remove. And then when next month arrives, just switch out the month card and move the dates!
Here's what my chalkboard wall calendar looked like when I finished it!
I like to write my video ideas and plans for the month on sticky notes and stick those
onto the proper day, so they can be easily moved around and I don't have to worry about
erasing or crossing them out. That way, if I don't have time to do a specific video,
I can carry it on to the next month! You can even color code them. There's also a little
space left at the bottom where I can keep new ideas before I schedule them as well,
which makes it even easier for me to figure out my posting schedule for the next month.
The idea here is that it looks like a chalkboard, but you don't actually have to use any chalk,
which, in my opinion, can be really messy and tough to read and you can't write really
small and fit a lot of stuff on it. Instead, I can write onto some cardstock and sticky
notes that can go up there and that makes it something that I'm much more likely to
use and benefit from.
Obviously, you can also customize this to fit your style and schedule and that makes
it pretty versatile! I'd love to see what you do with this idea if you end up making
one yourself, so post a photo of your finished calendar on social media and tag me @laurenfairwx.
I've mentioned in a previous video that I like to use Trello to plan out all of my
future videos on this channel, but sometimes I just feel like I want to be able to see
what I have coming up at a glance and there's a nice blank spot on my wall right next to
my desk… so I thought that this would be perfect.
If you're new here and you enjoyed this, remember to subscribe and click the notification
bell so you don't lose me in the abyss that is YouTube! I like making projects like this
and I would love for you to stick around for more.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you soon!
For more infomation >> DIY Wall Calendar - How To Make a Chalkboard Monthly Planner | @laurenfairwx - Duration: 4:42.-------------------------------------------
Learn with Elsa - Animals Alphabet - Education series by Teo Baby Nursery Rhymes & Kid songs - Duration: 3:14.
learn with elsa
learn the alphabet with animals
jelly fish
x-ray fish
อยากจีบเธอ - Tao popcorn's Oríginal Beats [ Repreaw Version ] - Duration: 3:03.
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit
Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSI S EDITION S line Navigatie Xenon FULL! - Duration: 0:59.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 URBAN airco! cruise! stoelverwarming! parksensor! prachtige staat! VERKOCHT! - Duration: 0:59.
Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S TEKNA 1e eigenaar! 19.000 km's! panoramadak! navigatie! als nieuw! - Duration: 1:01.
6 Abdominal Exercises Beyond the Crunch - Duration: 17:25.
hey what's up guys i'm rob riches welcome back to my gym workouts hey if
you're new to these videos and you haven't already seen me on youtube before let me
break down what my whole goal with this is. To kind of show you both exercises
that you might know and focus on muscle groups but also to give examples of some
of the exercises that you may not be too familiar with to show you how to
actually perform them and the benefits that they can give you. I know especially
around this time of the year a lot of people and newbies to the gym are kind
of focusing on you know the abdominal region losing body fat and maybe showing
some more shape and conditioning around the abdominal, so I thought hey let's
have a look at the typical abdominal crunch today, I'll break that down show
you why I think it's a great exercise and also maybe not the best exercise
when it comes to really working the abdominals, and then show you six other
exercise to focus on different areas of the abdomen. Before I do, shout out to
squarespace.com for sponsoring this video more on them later as well as give
you a glimpse of my brand new website that I'll be relaunching at the end of
this month, so this would be home to literally hundreds of training videos,
meal plans, nutritional information and exercises, so really a one-stop shop to
come and find out anything you need to about getting in better shape, feel
better about yourself, and more confident. Right with that being said let's first
of all take a look at the typical crunch how it works the abdominals, how not to
perform it and then start to show you some of the other exercises that I'd
throw into the mix.
So we've got a mat here in the gym, typically when we think about the
abdominal crunch it's a movement that looks like this - I'm going to perform it
how a lot of people interpret it. They sit down, they come all the way up and
then they rock back down. Are you working the abdominals there - yes.
Are you working them effectively - hmm not really and this is why - by coming all the
way down and then using a little bit of momentum and other muscle groups to pull
yourself up, you're using the abdominal muscles to lift the shoulder girdle up
but then you start to use a lot of ancillary and other muscle groups to
finish off the movement and taking away some of the strain from the abdominals.
Let me show you what I mean - by getting down onto the floor, abdominals are
really contracting in that movement
any higher up....
we're taking tension off them and using a little bit more of our erector spinae
the muscle opposite the abdominals through the back as well as some inertia
to finish off that movement. By the time we get to the top here the
abdominals might have tension on but we can't fully contract them the same that
we can down here. So if performing the crunch - focus like this; shoulders on the
mat, hands either out by the temple, crossed over or reaching out towards the
knee, whatever is more comfortable for you. I like to have them out here. Fully
exhale - and as you do so try to contract the abdominals as though you're about to
brace for somebody hitting you in the gut, it's that same technique where you
brace the abdominals and contract. Contract, and you want to curl the shoulders
just off the mat, so it's this movement my abdominals are fully contract now, so
from here to there that's the movement. You want to focus on exhaling
getting all the air out the lungs, and back down. Now, why might not this be a
great exercise? Well as you've seen it could be a little bit tricky especially
if you're just starting out by implementing an exercise regime and if
you're not fully focused on the technique and the movement it may not be
the most effective. So with that being said I'm going to show you six other
exercises that will focus on abdominal conditioning, core strength, great if you
have posture issues and just really making sure that you're training the
full abdominal region whether you play different sports, you need to improve
your posture, or like many of us, myself included, you just want to have more
definition and shape in the abdominals and the first exercise I'm going to
share with you is a cable pulldown so let's take a look at that.
Once again, this exercise might not look like I'm traveling all that far but I
can certainly feel it on the abdominals. Let me show you without the top on, I'll
lift it up, I'll perform it one hand at a time just as an example
A lot more activation in the abdominal muscles having to contract to pull not
just the shoulders down but that added resistance. This doesn't mean that you
can start adding a dumbbell or plate or extra weight when doing the crunch
because it's a slightly different movement with this one I'm putting my
shoulders down a Half-moon towards my hips, I'm not just pulling the rope down
towards the floor - that starts to work more the intercostals and brings the
shoulders into play. I really just want to isolate the abdominals, so it's this
movement - I'm on my knees, toes up at the top, nice and sturdy and my arm fixture
here remains the same. The angle here doesn't change I'm pulling that rope
down, I'm not using my arms to pull the rope. So I'm holding on to that with the
weight, exhaling & contracting the abdominals and then...
It's a small crunch, it's that Half-moon, shoulders coming down towards my hips in
that movement. We're back down to the mat for our second exercise, and for this
one I'm going to show more about the lower abdominals, which let's just be
clear - the abdominals one length of muscle, these bands of muscles really all
part of the same rectus abdominis here, so any crunch type movement either from
the shoulders coming down or the hips coming up - we're working this. A lot of us
want to kind of get this V-line here so we tend to work more of the lower
abdominals and this next exercise is a great one that engages hip action as
opposed to shoulder action, let's take a look.
We lay flat on our back, the legs come up. The goal here is not to push the legs up
towards the ceiling, we're not trying to do this..
All that we're doing is keeping the legs up which is the resistance vertically
over the hips, and then we're exhaling, contracting and we're putting the lower
abdominals inwards so that the hips curl up off the bench/mat. You'll see here
all I'm trying to do is get my toes over my eye line level, so exhale, I curl
upwards, my legs aren't going up my hips are just
moving the legs over my eye line level, which fully contracts the lower
abdominal region here. Also try not to push down with your hands, my palms are
upwards or at the side so it's the abdominals then having to curl and pull
my hips forwards rather than just using momentum or trying to swing my legs over
and just get that action from that same movement.
Medicine ball rotations or V twists, there's a few variations of this one, the
underlying principles are the same - we want to keep the hips fixed and then
we're rotating our upper torso around, so as long as you're mimicking this
movement whether it's by using a cable, some wood chops, you're on a decline
bench holding out a plate or a dumbbell, or just sat on the floor keeping the
feet supported so that they don't rock up, but if you do really want to progress
this keep the feet up in the air and then try to move side to side but as you
can see a lot more challenging, so I like to lock my feet under some dumbbells,
keep my hips firmly on the ground, arms fixed and just move that medicine ball
from side to side without bending my arms. What you'll see here is the
internal and external obliques - so these V sections here.
Which really control the rotation of the torso, so this is a great exercise for
getting more of that V-cut tapering the waist if you feel like you have a blocky
sort of waist part of that has to do with genetics but also adding some
rotations in there as well - medicine ball like this or a classic
favorite from Arnold Schwarzenegger - getting a broomstick or a light pole, not
an Olympic bar sat on a bench and just focusing on side rotations. Fully
exhaling on each one and really squeezing & contracting the abdominals. Now,
if you're unclear on what I mean by contracting, the difference is just by
turning like this and then really getting all of the air out of the lungs
and contracting the muscles in the abdomen - that's what I'm talking about
when I'm exhaling and squeezing on each and every rep and for this one 20 or 30
repetitions each time so one one two two all the way until you reach your rep target.
So exercise number four I'm sat on a Swiss ball or stability ball and that's
exactly what we're doing with in this exercise; we're stabilizing the movement.
We're moving away from solid sturdy ground on the floor and now adding in an
element that we need to control by stabilizing our muscles. This brings in a
little bit more variety of muscles to help stabilize so they're called
ancillary muscles, muscles that will not necessarily be worked through the
exercise directly but they're still involved in keeping us stable and you'll
see that I'm not sat on top of the ball like this, I'm not trying to do a crunch
where the ball is going to move under me. So my feet are positioned and anchored
securely up against the wall or dumbbells and kind of sat about
two-thirds up on the ball therefore I can stretch out the abdomen here, nice
stretch in the muscles here, and that same movement of curling my shoulders
back in that Half-moon towards my hips.
These are one of my favorite exercises for the abdominals. You can perform this
a number of different ways: straight arm like this or using the Ab supports, or
even with your arms positioned on one of those dip machines where you can do a
dip and then turn around and do abdominal supported leg lifts there. The
purpose of this exercise like with exercise number two is to get the hips
moving like this. So a lot of the time with this exercise you might see people
try to perform it with legs out straight whether they're just bringing their legs
up like this or they're trying to bring their toes all the way out to where they're
holding onto the bar. Whilst this does work the abdominal muscles I feel it
puts too much strain on the lower portion of the back and it's not as
effective as bringing your knees up towards the chest.
Side table lateral pulldowns might seem at first a little bit more of an
advanced exercise but simply by lowering that weight and focusing on just the
movement alone you can easily make this a great first starting exercise if you're just
getting into the gym and learning the ropes on all the exercises. Similar to
the first exercise with the rope pull down my arm placement here remains fixed.
I'm not using my arm to pull the rope down I'm merely holding on and the
reason I hold on to the handle like this as opposed to a handle because it allows
me to keep more of that arm fixture like that. So exhaling it's a very slight
movement down. My goal is to bring the elbow down towards my hip with this
movement I'm really not trying to go much beyond that, so it's a small lateral
motion slightly forwards, you can really see more of those obliques coming in to
play. Which I'll alternate with - you remember the third exercise, those
medicine ball rotations. So each of these six exercises are a great exercise on
their own but I like to group them together in three exercises for one
circuit. An example being on Monday I might do one, two, three of those first
exercises: the rope pull downs, the lying leg lifts and the medicine ball rotation.
Two or three sets of each, upwards of 20 to 30 repetitions and then the day after
giving a rest so let's say Wednesday I'll come back in and I'll perform
exercise number four, five. and six. therefore giving my abdominals plenty of
variety and working them from different angles. So speaking of new exercises and
workouts, my website is going to be up real soon and on here I'll have a whole
host of video workouts, exercises to follow, muscle groups both for in and out
of the gym so keep an eye out for that, I'll be showing more about that on
social media. So speaking of my new website if you're thinking about getting
a website for yourself, whether it's to rebrand a new
that you've got, or to start your very own website - I've got something just for
you: squarespace.com and see the link below
squarespace.com/robriches click on that you get a little bit of a
discount as well. This is a great platform to choose a lot of different
templates to build the style of websites that best suits you. Whether you're a
personal trainer, fitness model or you just want somewhere to showcase all of
your social media videos and photos and link everything from your YouTube videos
to social media sites, they have award-winning templates, 24/7 customer
care so you can jump on a live chat, phone them or email if you need any help.
The great thing is you really don't need any design experience or different
software to be able to build your websites like we did back in the day, so
click on there find out what's up, get your own website going and be sure to
hit me up on social media - @robrichesfitness and show me what you're creating,
let's create something new, together put it out there, pay it forwards - that's
exactly what I'll be doing within these videos over the coming month, so thank
you for watching. Let me know what you think of this video, check out more of my
videos online, and also a big shout out to the man behind the camera - Josh Morgan
aka momentum productions. He is the man with all the equipment filming these
great workout videos, so I give him some love and appreciation as well. I'll see you
back in the gym soon, thanks a lot.
Isaac's Head - Duration: 1:04.
Who owns Berlin? "F*** off Google" (trailer) - Duration: 1:00.
To speculate with our destinies.
with our houses, with our lives...
There is someone buying this house to speculate with us,
Our attempt is to highlight this whole capitalist shit.
and to achieve something for them.
We fight together with the people affected
they are looking at everybody.
Well it's the same with Google this is what they are doing,
you would kick them out of your building right?
is listening to your kids when they sleep,
is looking through the window,
in the mailbox, is looking through the keyhole,
and you know this person is looking at everybody's mail
If in your building somebody would move in
Joby GripTight GorillaPod | Best phone tripod | 10 Ways To Use A JOBY GRIPTIGHT Tripod - Duration: 5:11.
I'm so late I'm so late I hate being late
can't that dam GorillaPod... Dont make fun of me we have to go.
well I'm here but I'm 30 minutes late salutations everybody so I'm here on
location do some client work and it's going to be about a 10 hour shoot and
I'm already about eight hours in so I wanted to make sure that you guys had
something and this is that something so I'm going to show you ten ways to use a
Joby griptight tripod and luckily I've actually used the first one I wanted to
show so we can show you that right now first one being on a free
right along the number two which is Instagram story I'm moving on to a
different location now because I have another unit to shoot wait I got to take
you with me I mean this one's kind of a given for a
Joby griptight tripod right for vlogging
I mean if you have a cooking channel that's not a bad idea this one's a
little tricky but then you get it right it does the trick
moving on
a lot I know here's a recap
I do hope you enjoyed watching that video just as much as I enjoyed making
it and of course I've gone ahead and linked the Joby griptight tripod in the
description below there are two kinds they're both there for you to look at so
you can see which ones you can enjoy for yourself the only difference between the
two is ones for the XL large version of your phone the other one is just for
the regular size and for those of you who are curious because I have received
some themes about this I do link all my gear in the description as well so you
can just take a look and do whatever you will with that so if this video provided
you some value smash that like button for me subscribe for more videos like
this to enhance your video quality and I will see you on the next one oh yeah you
saw correctly I did hit my head on that outro
Portland Vlog // Vegan Eats - Duration: 4:45.
hi beautiful people it's Kaylee Michelle here and today I am in Portland I'm real excited
about it can you tell
I ordered food from uber for the first time
I know excited let me show you what I bought uber this is a tempeh salad from
crisp let's see how this looks it has 10 fav cow I think it's called
kill ya or something and then vegan farm so let's see how this goes ok let's try
this and see if it's in again Wow I'm definitely impressed I mean I should be
for $18 I took to get here
so I'm just hanging out here at the portland
Saturday to market I'm coming tarot cards read which was interesting but I
am hungry well I just want to snack so we're gonna
go find a vegan dessert shop
hi guys so I am in Portland I'm under tree right now because it's raining so
hard but I'm gonna go check out this place right before I leave it's super
cool it's an entire shop just for vegan cheese yeah so I might have to get a
bunch and then do a vegan taste test we'll see I'm getting some rain done
I'll catch up with you when I get there
hi so stop training I'm just walking back to my hostel I tried the cheese's
and to be completely honest I was a little less than impressed for $25
um the cheddar was my favorite but I just I don't know big and cheese doesn't
compare you know one day I'll find I'll find one but right now I'm gonna be a
picky cheese snob because of the day in culinary school cheese today that ruined
me so I'm just walking back I'm really sad this is probably gonna be it but I
hope you guys enjoyed this and I look forward to seeing you again soon we will see ya
Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSI S-Tronic Ambition Pro Line PANODAK KEYLESS FRONTASSIST '14 - Duration: 1:01.
Crue: le RER C va rester fermé jusqu'au 5 février - Duration: 2:43.
Qameezan Kali Pa Kay | Mani Group Nowshera Party | New Punjabi Dhol Geet | Saraiki Goun Mahiay - Duration: 5:59.
Learn with Elsa - Animals Alphabet - Education series by Teo Baby Nursery Rhymes & Kid songs - Duration: 3:14.
learn with elsa
learn the alphabet with animals
jelly fish
x-ray fish
Brigitte Bardot donne des nouvelles de son fils : «Il s'occupe de moi» - Duration: 1:21.
New Rampage The Movie Subject Ralph Big City Brawl Indominus Rex Vs Ralph Lanard Unboxing EP #6 - Duration: 15:42.
okay guys super excited today today we have another awesome wreckage the movie
figure this is a big city brawl genetic containment division this is subject so
they got Ralph the big huge wolf an awesome action figure destroyable bus
there ah like I showed you in the other videos too guys I love the artwork they
did on these boxes I mean they did a great job the boxes look as good as the
Rampage The Movie Subject Ralph Big City Brawl Indominus Rex Vs Ralph Lanard Unboxing EP #6
says chump the bus poseable legs and he's ready to destroy and here is a good
synopsis of the movie so if you want to pause it and read that but basically the
story is about Davis Akoya who is the rock he went ahead and his friend George
the gorilla is like mutated than these other animals have mutated they attack
the city and he tries to say so guys these toys are made by Lanyrd I'm not
sure if you haven't heard them if you seen the King Kong squaw island toys
that came out last year Lanyrd is the manufacturer that made them and if you
didn't see them I do have food in battle okay guys so here is guys I
cannot say enough about these lantern toys I mean they do such a great job
take a look we'll take a look at the detail on this wolf and it is astounding
I mean if these guys were making the new Jurassic world toys I would be totally
comfortable without looking at them at all so I really do help
Mattel does a great job what guys if you get a chance to buy these Lantern ties
you get like a whole set I mean this whole set I believe this was under $20
for the whole set so cool and uh like I said earlier you could only buy these at
Walmart but anyways let's go ahead and take a look at this guy one thing I love
this one check out his action feature would be nice if you had a button but
you got a pullback here look how realistic looking that movement
of the jaw is I mean this guy's looks like he's really attacking and getting
ready to chomp and another cool thing is they include a piece of the bus with an
exact imprint of this guy's teeth I mean they fit right into that piece of the
bus so I cannot say enough about lanyard toys I love their figures look at the
paint job and the detail on this besides the action features these teeth
are super sharp I mean most manufacturers of toys you know they
wanna sort of like safety you know have it more safe I mean I sort of domed the
toy down it makes it not as detailed bought Lanyrd I guess they want detail
over so here you go ahead push it down opens closes his mouth like I said great
detail on the teeth they're on you can put this guy
into a lot of different positions I'll show you in a minute
great paint job on the eyes the nose the ears you see he's got like baking wicked
looking ears on the back you could see this would probably be like his fur to
see their spikes or his fur standing up the muscle detail on this guy is
astounding I mean take a look at the stomach parts here when I take a look at
this I mean I think jobs that like Kenner used to do on the original
Jurassic Park toys so I mean these guys went far and above what they had to do
so uh movement wise on the leg - really good movement there ah
he has movement on the knee joint so you could put him into different positions
this guy will even stand on three legs pretty much any of his three legs really
good detail with the claws and the paint job is great there is no goggle run here
big huge claw in the back of the foot there and then I when you move to the
back his back legs they do not have as much they don't move at the knee but you
still got good movement on the lake here it does have to sort of be stiff because
ah his main weight is held by the back two legs and then his tail moves up and
down you could see his tail is full of spikes here it's probably a genetic
mutation type thing and then once again same movement on this leg nice big call
on the back of the feet there to give this guy more of an awesome wicked look
so you could have this guy actually like bend down
if you turn like his legs you could have a
then down to the ground grab this piece here and it will fit exactly into the
teeth and just have it rip the bus apart okay so let's go ahead and take a look
at the bots okay so here is a good look at the bus the bus is it's basically
just the shell in the front but it's nice I mean it stands by itself nice and
securely it doesn't just fall over as soon as you put it there the only thing
I was not able to figure out where this piece goes because it does not go what's
just the front of the bus no it doesn't fit in here anywhere I was thinking
maybe it could fit in here somewhere and you could just have the wolf's like rip
it off but I'm not seeing any where it could fit in so it's not made to be
attached so I mean it's it's more of a guest imagination type what's the detail
on it is good and the detail on the bus I mean you got broken windows here
you've got rip big Ric piece there even if you look at it from the front it
looks like half a bus inside you still got great detail I mean you've got
instrument panels you got gas pedal brake everything here so I mean they
really went above and beyond anything they needed to do and then the action
figures themselves are really cool here unlike the Dwayne Johnson action figure
you know the rock his name is Davis Okoye in this movie I think has movement
all over this guy does not have movement on his legs but he is really cool his
head does move back and forth his arms move 360 degrees there they do not bend
at the elbow because they have this guy ah almost like rigidly holding these
guns they have these guns attached by little rubber bands so if you do buy it
I do recommend take these into bands off
because the guns will probably fall out of his hand but they have like his
finger fit right into the triggers of the guns so again really good detail so
I mean guys this company is going far above and beyond anything they have to
do with these figures like I said if Mattel doesn't that good job with the
Jurassic world two figures I will be totally impressed well I like Lanyrd
toys I bought all their King Kong toys I bought all their rampage toys so check
them out
music manly
one thing we forgot about growl its
Ralph's got wings
of all the indominus rex is getting beat
yes no idea what's going on he's got him in the I just got hurt
Oh indominus rex
got one good eye
Thomas Gregson blinded an inner rage
oh he's going down this is the end of the indominus rex
the king of Jurassic world
and so Ralph is continuing to do work to meet George and Lizzie
Wow them proud and mighty indominus rex the king of jurassic world has been
beaten by a hybrid wolf wow what is going to happen next
wow guys that was awesome you guys enjoyed this episode and the other ones
go ahead and click the subscribe button and also the like button and if you want
to see more fun videos I do have over a thousand guys the majority are Jurassic
world Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong Power Rangers Wow
they are awesome totally cool in today's secret word is
the word
go ahead and put that in the comment section down below the video you
remember my club click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video
also cut the bell button to be notified every time I make a new video click the
boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go
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Une astuce simple pour avoir peau douce comme un bébé - Duration: 5:06.
Tosse o mal di gola? Grazie al MIX di questi due potenti ingredienti naturali scomparirà all'istante - Duration: 3:45.
EJ Carter is Up Next
Sister Of Louise Turpin Says: 'I Always Thought She'd Be The Perfect Mom' - Duration: 3:19.
Vivre en autonomie - Objectifs et Motivations - Duration: 4:58.
M'STR Pick Up Haul 04 | GI Joe Duke | Ghostbusters | Indiana Jones - Duration: 9:05.
Welcome everybody my name is Marcelo, this is my toy room and today
I'm going to show the last pickup that we did. Let me show it to you guys
The first guy that I want to show is
Casey Jones
This is a modern Casey Jones. Of course. It's not the very last one that came out for the Nickelodeon series
Which I have it right here
But I think this is from 2004
So I actually got this from
Salvation Army one dollar pretty cool Casey Jones
Went to Kalamazoo
The good old fanfare in Kalamazoo
And those guys they had a nice bucket over there for $2.99 for some loose figures
And I started digging in and I was able to find
mr., Indiana Jones Harrison Ford himself
he got the whip he got his little
old man satchel there
you can pose him around does not have his fedora, but got him being a look out for a fedora
I also found another
Jurassic Park Nick Owen, its gonna go with the other
two Jurassic park's guys that I have there
pretty cool
And I found this guy over here from total justice for five bucks
Green Lantern
Yes, this is actually Kyle Rayner
really really nice package
Look at creases here and there, but $4.99. I'm planning to open them up anyway, so
total justice, it's gonna go with my
Green arrow over there that I have
And I
Was also digging over there in that bucket found some blasters for my Star Wars guys
And another helmet
Pretty cool
Last but not least
Went back to rocket comics
Saw my buddy Eddie and got some pretty cool stuff first up
Got me another little ghost for the Ghostbusters
Got me a nice Clone Trooper here
Blastaar got me a nice Blastaar over here. Oh
Yeah lets put Blastaar up in here
This guy
This here is
before the mutation
Which is really cool. I don't know if they ever did any other figures
But this is a really cool bebop figure before
and mutates we can
pull his head back over here and forward
It's missing some accessories, but pretty cool bebop before the mutation mutated figure
Now I was also able to get this GI Joe over here
And I don't have that many GI Joes
in fact growing up
I only had me a Flint which I still cannot find Flint version number 1 I believe he's from 1985
Warrant officer Flint, If can find one out there, I will grab it because that's my only GI Joe that I had growing up I
had some other
Vehicles right there that I can show you guys
But growing up as a figure. I only had Flint all of my other figures
I got you know later on when I was in college so
Over there in a bucket for $1.99 I got Duke. I think this is version 7 from 1997
Duke v7 pretty cool, man my first you know
Gijoe that I got and I don't know I guess at least five years so awesome
Now this guy this
Is the mystery clown
What is this
Where is it from? Who made this? I have no idea. Please help me out YouTube
The head doesn't move
You got one?
two three
five six points of article
It has no markings whatsoever other than made in China which is at the bottom?
Excuse me right boot
China that's all this is I
Don't know it was in the bucket for dollar ninety-nine. I just thought it looked like a killer clown of something
so I
Don't know maybe I'll put
you know here with the
You know Jurassic Park people and say that he is the clown. That's supposed to be
Entertaining the kids, but then he went rogue, and we have to call
the Ghostbusters, and you know
GI joes and everybody to get the killer clown, I don't know
If you liked this video click
The thumbs up give that like share that love if you didn't like what you see over here
You can dislike it, but go in the comments and tell me why what is it?
Is it me saying nonsense?
Or didn't you like this these toys? if you know who the mystery clown is leave your comments down below
Help me people. I need to know!
Alright if you haven't done, so please subscribe
I want to thank everybody who has subscribed it already you guys get to see the video right away
Stay tuned next weekend. We're gonna go to the Byron Center
Comic Con near Grand Rapids it's gonna be a really good comic-con
near Grand Rapids
And I'm gonna go over there. Hopefully I can get some really cool toys a couple of comics
We'll see what's gonna be thank you everybody for checking out this video
See you next time
Brittany: why didnt you go the other way? Me: I prefer walking this way
you are such a freak LOL
Did it hit you
Put a back on good job, babe. Good catch, honey
It's gonna be lots of pretty cool boobs I believe they already have at least twenty. what did I say booths wrong?
What what are you laughing at? just say it again. boobss
It's a TH baby not a F booth
O honey I forgot to fix this look
You can't see that's behind you
I, I insist Oooo.....
Isaac's Head - Duration: 1:04.
Crue: le RER C va rester fermé jusqu'au 5 février - Duration: 2:43.
Select Committee on Interpersonal Violence Hearing - Duration: 1:55:18.
The Best Defenses Animals Have in Nature! - Duration: 10:32.
Here are a few of the best defenses animals have in nature!
9 - Malaysian Ant Armed with poisonous sacks on their body,
Malaysian ants will essentially commit Kamikaze in order to protect their colony.
Talk about doing what's best for everyone else!
These tiny little soldier ants willingly give up their own lives in the cause of protecting
their colony form a potential predator.Here's more or less how a scenario might play out.
A colony of Malaysian Ants are hanging out.
Then suddenly, a larger insect or small mammal might approach their colony with bad intentions.
The Malaysian Ant will literally self destruct, causing themselves to explode, spraying a
toxic chemical all over the predator.
In most cases, the predator is destroyed, along with the exploding ants.
Kind of a forest fire being good for the forest type scenario.
As their name might suggest, they're native to Malaysia and also parts of Brunei.
And as crazy as it seems, they're actually one of several insects in the animal kingdom
known for self-destructing.
Some termites, for example, are known for deploying a similar battle tactic when danger
8 - The Horned Lizard The horned lizard just looks pretty mean,
but it still has plenty of predators.
On any given day, your average horned Lizard has Hawks, snakes, coyotes, squirrels and
even dogs and cats to contend with.
And since they're always outsized, they have to resort to some pretty creative measures
when defending themselves.
And by creative, I mean shooting streams of bread from their eyeballs.
Yeah, these guys actually do that!
Now granted, they're not super accurate and shooting blood from their own eyes is
typically a last resort.
Their preferred method is just keeping still and hoping the danger will just go away.
They can also inflate themselves to look like spikey balloons.
However, once they're engaged in battle, they won't hesitate to shoot blood in the
thick of things.
Armed with two muscles around their veins, they cut off blood flow to the heart, flood
their eye sockets, and boom!
Blood shoots out at their attacker, and it often freaks them out enough that they'll
run away.
If someone did that to someone else in real life, they'd probably back down from a fight
7 - The Turkey Vulture Wanna clear out a room really quick at a party?
Just vomit everywhere!
We've all been at that party where someone had waaaay too much to drink and just puked
in the middle of the floor….maybe we've even been that guy.
Well, the Turkey Vulture uses this concept to their advantage.
Only in their case, it's not booze induced.
Rather, it's a very effective survival tactic.
Found in parts of North and South America, the Turkey Vulture will literally throw up
on anyone or anything trying to mess with it.
Not only that, they can spew up to 10 feet.
That's just...gross.
Now let's just take a moment and analyze their diet.
Their preferred meal is the meat plucked from rotting carcasses.
So roadkill, for example, is their idea of a five star dinner.
Sound good yet?
Also they obviously don't brush, floss, or use mouthwash.
I really don't want to imagine what their breath smells like.
When they feel threatened...boom!
They throw their food back up and spray their attacker, with what I can only believe is
a truly smelly combination.
Oh yeah, and get this.
Their vomit is acidic, since it's exactly what they need in order to eat rotten meat.
If you or I were to eat some rotten meat we found on the side of the highway, all that
decomposition would just get us sick.
But Turkey Vultures have so much acid in their bellies, that it just breaks it down as they
gorge on whatever decomposing meat they can get their beaks on.
And just in case you're not thoroughly grossed out right now, they also poop on their own
They do this in order to stay warm.
I wonder if they do this to each other?
6 - Frilled Lizard Ahh, the Frilled Lizard.
This guy definitely looks like it came off the set of Jurassic Park!
While they don't spit venom, or go after bad guys in their cars, they do enjoy intimidating
their attackers.
Found in Australia and parts of Southern New Guinea, these guys are often preyed upon by
eagles, dingoes, snakes, owls and sometimes even bigger lizards.
So when frilled lizards find themselves under attack, they stand on their hind legs, open
up their yellow mouth wide, and then spread out that crazy looking mane of theirs.
Then they start hissing.
But, as you can imagine, all this is for show.
Because if their predator calls their bluff and doesn't back off, they'll just turn
around and book it to the safety of a tree or anything they can climb.
I wonder how many times showing off that mane on the neck works?!
5 - Hagfish Just the name hagfish sounds sort of gross.
Did you know that they're actually one of the most studied creatures in the ocean?
This is because they're largely considered to be the ancestor of all living marine vertebrae.
So yeah, they're sorta the Godfather of fish!
However, despite this unofficial status that I just gave them, they're still a frequent
target for larger prey, such as sharks for example.
However, they have this cool defense strategy that helps them out with that.
Video images have shown hagfish using slime from their mouths that clogs their attacker's
gil, effectively choking them!
This slime is so effective, scientists from the U.S Navy are looking for ways to make
synthetic slime that could protect divers, fend off sharks and even stop missiles!
Hold up, how would slime stop missiles?
Anyways, their slime is kind of like spider silk.
There are two protein-based components in hagfish slime, which are tightly coiled threads
and a sticky membrane covering called mucin.
When the slime is shot out of their mouths, the threads quickly uncoil and the mucin binds
to water, releasing the connecting proteins between threads.
This allows the slime to quickly expand into a gluey, elastic shield.
Okay, I see the whole stopping missiles thing now…..I think.
Scientists just need to find ways to replicate this ability from hagfish in the lab and mass-produce
the compounds!
4 - Iberian Ribbed Newt If you've ever broken a rib before, then
you know it's a painful ordeal.
It hurts just to even breathe with a broken rib.
But for the Iberian Ribbed Newt, wellllll they probably don't care much about that
because they're using their ribs as a defense mechanism.
Their ribs are sharp, and when in danger, they'll push their own ribs out of their
body to use their ribs as a weapon, piercing their skin in the process!
This pretty much sounds like Wolverine except with ribs!
Not only are the ribs sharp, they're also covered in a toxic skin secretion.
According to National Geographic, they thrust their ribs out by rotating them forward until
they poke through the skin.
And while that sounds rather painful, you gotta do what you gotta do in the wild.
It's not always pretty.
Newts are able to heal very quickly, so it's not a huge deal to them.
Also known as Spanish Newts, these guys have been the subject of space experiments.
Since the 80's, they've been taken to space about six times.
Females can keep fertilized eggs for up to five months, which means they can be inseminated
here on earth and have the babies up in space.
I wonder what they're planning?!
3 - Armadillos and Their Armor For pretty much all of human existence, people
have protected themselves with armor.
It just makes sense.
And while human ingenuity is pretty impressive, we can't take all the credit here.
Nature came up with it first.
The Armadillo is a great example.
Found in South America and parts of the U.S, scientists have identified nine Armadillo
While they vary in size, they all sport that characteristic leathery, armored skin.
This is basically a mixture of bone and a tough tissue coating.
And that skin comes in handy, as the armadillo is often the target of larger, predatory animals.
Without much size or sharp teeth going for them, surviving against those guys is a tough
Thankfully, they have some built in armor to help out with that, in addition to the
good ol' run and hide tactic.
The three banded Armadillo can actually fold itself in half, and curl up into a ball.
This leaves no exposed flesh and this usually leaves the predator looking elsewhere for
2 - Bombardier Beetle If the Bombardier Beetle were a human being,
they'd be the equivalent of someone with a bottle of mace!
It's got a pretty cool defense mechanism where they're able to spray whatever they
want with essentially a super hot liquid.
When they're under attack, Bombardier Beetles will spray out scalding hot toxic liquid that
can seriously mess predators up!
Yes, actual boiling hot temperatures!
These chemicals are stored in two separate chambers in their abdomen, and are deployed
through an abdomen tip that rotates a full 270 degrees.
They can fire at objects from almost all angles, pretty dangerous if you ask me!
Now that whole thing I said about the two chambers, that's really important.
The chemicals in each chamber, hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide will more or less detonate
an explosion when it's mixed.
So keeping those compounds separated until deployed through the tip is crucial.
There's at least 500 bombardier beetles species roaming all over the planet, and they
tend to make their homes in woodlands and really anywhere moist enough to hatch eggs.
So if you ever see one hanging out, try not to be on the business end of that tip!
1 - The Boxer Crab These tiny little crabs are fiesty little
You can find them in the coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific region, although you would need
to look closely as they only measure less than an inch long.
However, that doesn't mean they make prime targets for predators.
Quite the contrary, actually.
They team up with sea anemones to help fend off attackers.
In exchange for feeding the anemones, boxer crabs employ their help by attaching them
to their claws, and then jabbing at the would be prey.
This looks silly, but the anemones have rather painful stinging tentacles that can badly
injure anyone trying to make a meal of the small crabs.
As a reward for their help, the crab will gladly help the anemones collect and digest
This has to be one of nature's more interesting symbiotic relationships!
In the event that there aren't any anemones to buddy up with, boxer crabs will instead
find a sea sponge or a coral for similar purposes.
How cool is that?!
Here's what's next!
Découvre 14 raisons de consommer du gingembre tous les jours - Duration: 8:19.
Shoreditch & Spitalfields | Walks in London #5 - Brick Lane and the East End - Duration: 14:09.
hi everyone its Lauren and Lauren I know and Owen see Lauren to go I'm here with
lo him from Lauren immigrant and we're going on another walk through London
today so we're starting at Little Boots tree that's where we are right now and
we're go take you around is Spitalfields good Lucas vegetables market good market
yeah nice and we're gonna go and proclaim good coloring where's the last
place I think it's a bit good with the last place well I don't know they might
Shoreditch Bethnal Green Road pizzas good ministers we're looking at really
fun and shops this is a really nice air air of London it's like the old East End
of London so it's a kind of old-fashioned Victorian buildings lots
of history it's lots of Jack the Ripper kind of
trivia I can give you how'd you know tribute oh yeah - oh and there's loads
of nice little cafes and bakeries and shops and dude it's gonna feature quite
heavily yeah I don't think massively there's loads of fun little places
listen like really keeps the places I've not been to before I think we can might
try but it's a rink with dress it's are enough I don't think we're cool enough
but that's fine we can just like march in there so there's the serial killer
cut though that's like they just serve cereal massive controversy controversy
yeah it was like people were talking about gentrification of the East End yes
let's go and be hipster and gentrified place Lister is also the cat Emporium
near there as well oh my god it's so exciting a little history I think we're
going to go in a bit of a circle as always there will be a map of this walk
in description box below so if you'd like to follow where we're going then
you can do that for yourself and we're going to go off the main road
now and down a little little winding anyway because Lauren what do you do if
you need to buy your want when you're going to I know there's a little worm
with a door down here we'll just called like four and a half
so this building I don't know what you call it a work like a scene or something
massive as well yeah there's something lovely nice I mean there's things in the
world is to run it and then opposite which needs to be Islam it'll be knocked
down now oh yeah that is where we Mary Kelly oh how smooth like that is the
area of where the house walls are stories emerge
we're turning backgrounds in ourselves now we're on
am i right and let's go towards
the boy going through the village I have one last bit exactly for trivia for you
know that people go this pub behind us on the corner there that's the ten bells
pub yeah so that is I think I think I looked this up before coming on the wall
country I think it was like 1755 I think that and that is the pub where several
of prostitutes were drinking before they commit their own yeah Mary Kelley was
seen drinking in that pub just before she got killed if you are interested in
job Jack the Ripper you can go in like a proper Jack the Ripper tour it's a bit
morbid but actually really really interesting so I'm gonna I'm gonna stop
with like the serial killer stuff now I don't enjoy wrong Jack the Ripper let's
go to the shops you can get match it you can get
now back across commercial street we're gonna go down and Maurice - I think this
is gold and go see your first book shop hmm
no I'll do a day without books no big that packing everything
we spotted a blue plaque on a building a blue plaque which means someone famous
will be lived in a building we're gonna go in the famous man whether we can your
feminist ideals every video found a really old street we kind of come off
the beaten track we're just taking pictures in front of words I'm wondering
people if there's I don't wake
that's not perfect
become a for detours pretty plain now and we're gonna go back onto Hanbury
Street behind the bookshop I suppose lebretia is the first one
we're going to Librium yeah I'm never gonna learn how to say that in Libya I
think it slipperier not like or librarian Jenny cause Italy Berea we'll
go with that she knows I think well we'll just trust
yes and it's about behind us the way we're going where the waves like
opposite way to the way we're walking there are lots of curry houses the Brick
Lane quite famous Korean you ever had a ferry on Brick Lane before yes I have so
many plates and I couldn't even tell you which one it was
yeah okay look this one's best curry house on Brick Lane every single one you
go past is best curry house and pick lettuce ooh I don't know I'm sure
they're all amazing and then the other end is much more hipster much more
vintage okay in there won't worried but oh hey look one hand we straight
straight let's go behind the book shop
you got something oh we got Fame books if I've got the woman in power than we
we can found this adorable little bookshelf play and learn I give to the
day we did a gift for myself but yes so we're just at the top of break right now
and I think around the corner is the cereal
that was lovely you do it excited how much did you pay for it five that's it
they will see it was we want delicious I mean nothing to my husband interocular
I think that within now
too soon with the m50 serial and then we had cereal we did it badly
we can still have these yeah so we're basically doing a tour of
ridiculous places do you think this has been the most ridiculous places you've
been so far on your tour yeah I don't think I've ever been into a serial cat
we're going to the painting that I found eating cereal and now he's like no one
has a cat and I can't pick these cats
excursion with them we couldn't go inside yeah they were full I mean good
thing there's only so much money I was so much I can throw my money out today
that I've already got at home yeah though we're on Bethnal Green right now
so come to the end of Brick Lane and after our detour to the cat Emporium
we've like if you can't freely we're going to turn left and go down towards
Shoreditch yeah so we haven't heard enough tips of things today we may see
some more
so we're down where are we when a Jew I street spot station trust legislation
and annexation education is both part which is slight massive unit I'll show
you it in a second and which has loads of different shops and well
yes I quite high turnovers they change like every month there's a
differentiation there and it's kind of like yeah I've beautiful and I will pass
this like I used to pass it every day but you just never go in no quite not
actually it's like showing it to a mist around take a cereal show around oh so
new great fun
so we have just got to - if you go back and turn left after boxpark you walk
down Bishopsgate and you'll get back to difficult rate so you will see in my map
in the description box kind of where we've been I think that will be the end
of an official walk circle thank you in our feet yes I wish they have a mutual
tradition so I'll show you some more things by fingers never little wander
about little little windy streets and different shops and things thanks for
coming along with us thank you have you enjoyed it I've loved it thanks so much
I'm really come on over time my favorite part is handing over 5050 very much like
all that road print slit story yes I mean that was some good building shop we
found yeah gallery that was actual gallery was very nice and everything
we've been see will be linked in description box as well so we're gonna
sign off now all of long as details are in the description box below as well and
Juvia's place the magic palette tutorial | Makeup Tutorial| AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 5:04.
What is up everybody and welcome back to my channel or welcome to my channel if you're new here, my name is amber
Mancha and if you are into all things beauty and baby
Make sure that you hit that subscribe button and that notification bells so that you don't miss anything today
I was feeling some mermaid vibes
We have a cut crease we have a triple wing we have glitter if you need it
We got it, so let's get started
I'm starting off by carving out my eyebrow
And then I'm going to take that concealer and put it all over my lid and set it with
setting powder so that we can blend out everything evenly and then I'm taking this navy blue shade and this is from the
Jiu vias place palette
And I'm going to start to build out my crease I have to go above my regular crease because my eyes are hooded
For those of you, who are new here, that's just how we got to do things
Because I don't actually own a crease I own like one little line in my eye. It's awful then
I'm going into the purple shade and I'm gonna go right above that and this is how I'm gonna start building my gradient
And I'm gonna blend that then into the blue shade just taking my time and making sure that everything is super blended out
So that there are no harsh lines
If you go below the blue shade it's fine because you're gonna clean up everything with concealer anyways next taking this pink shade
I'm gonna go that on top of that purple shade to again blend that out
I am taking these further and further to the outer portion of the eye because I don't want to drag it all
In and then I'm taking this white shade
And I'm gonna go in and just make sure that I don't have any harsh lines and that these
Lines don't stop abruptly and now I'm gonna go in and carve out my crease. I am using the Kat Von D
Shade + l7 and just a flat definer brush this brush is from BH Cosmetics
Then I'm going back into the white shade and that's what I'm gonna set the concealer with and make sure that you don't go
Above the concealer so that that blue line is nice and crisp, but don't worry if you mess it up
You can go back in and clean it up later
Then I'm taking this beautiful shimmery green shade and I'm gonna put that into the inner corner
And then I'm gonna follow that by this lighter green shade that's more emerald
And this is gonna start to give it a little bit of a gradient, and then I go into this even lighter shade
But they weren't different enough on the eye
I thought they were gonna be more different, but they're not so if I could go back
I would actually skip this step and go straight to this
Light shimmer shade and just go right on to the outside
And you want to make sure that you're rubbing these shades back and forth into each other. That's what's gonna
Give you a nice gradient, and not just like a super harsh stop
Then I'm gonna take this NYX soft matte lip cream eye you guys
I don't know the names for any of this stuff right now
I am NOT in my makeup room, but I will link them all down below
And I'm going to use this to make sure that that blue line is all just nice and crisp
And then I'm going in with this liquid lip and this is from NYX as well, and this is in subversive socialite
And I'm actually using this to build my wing
Then I'm going into this beautiful that the camera really does not do this any justice it's like this opalescent
Purple pink color, but I'm using that and putting that into my inner corner and then into the lash line
I'm going to put this deep purple shade and just smoke everything out and make sure that it's nice and blended
And I don't have any harsh lines underneath that eye
And then once I get to the outer wing I am going to follow the wing
But just a little below it so you can see just a little
Bit of space so it looks like we have a triple wing going on and then I'm applying the Koko lashes in the style Stella
Next I'm going to be taking this pink shade and this is I know this is Oh Sun because this is one of my favorite
Shades, and I'm just going to pop that into
This little area here so that that wing is just kind of sharp
And you can see the difference between the two lines and then on my waterline. I'm going to use
this is
Nude by Rimmel, and then I'm gonna apply mascara on my lower lash line to finish it all up now
I'm going in and this is from super glitters calm and NYX glitter primer
And this isn't them what is this purple moon
And I'm going to apply this over the glitter primer and then because that wasn't enough glitter because it's never enough
Glitter I'm going to take it down like little tears
And I'm going to put purple moon
On the top and then the lighter one on the bottom that I'm applying right now is a shade called purple tears actually
And that's just a mixture of the two that I used and then I'm going in with the Kat Von D
Studded kiss lipstick and this is in the shade Cathedral you're gonna. Be seeing this a lot because this lipstick is a
Stunner the color on this is amazing. Anyways that'll finish up this look
I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did, please give it a big thumbs up
Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve world domination if you're into all things beating a baby
Make sure that you hit that subscribe button in that notification bell so that you don't miss anything, and I will see you next time
Azerbaijan the land of oil - From Sochi to Yerevan (2014) - Duration: 43:31.
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Learn with Elsa - Animals Alphabet - Education series by Teo Baby Nursery Rhymes & Kid songs - Duration: 3:14.
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learn the alphabet with animals
jelly fish
x-ray fish
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Who owns Berlin? "F*** off Google" (trailer) - Duration: 1:00.
To speculate with our destinies.
with our houses, with our lives...
There is someone buying this house to speculate with us,
Our attempt is to highlight this whole capitalist shit.
and to achieve something for them.
We fight together with the people affected
they are looking at everybody.
Well it's the same with Google this is what they are doing,
you would kick them out of your building right?
is listening to your kids when they sleep,
is looking through the window,
in the mailbox, is looking through the keyhole,
and you know this person is looking at everybody's mail
If in your building somebody would move in
American Road Trip Journal #15: Salt Point State Park - Duration: 8:20.
Hey, hi guys and good morning, I don't know if you can tell
but I'm in Chicago. I've been here for the last three days
I've been taking a lot of photos that I can't wait to share with you
But today is about a new episode of the American road trip. As you might remember we were in Mendocino County in the last one
This time we drive south to Salt Point State Park. There was a campground there where we stayed for a couple nights
We slept in the car, in our sleeping bags, and yeah
We spent some time around there around the area. So during those two days exploring around we went back to Point Arena
Because I loved it and Rachel didn't go there the previous time
And we also explore a little bit of a salt point state park we didn't have too much time there
But let's play the video now, and we'll talk about a couple of photos afterwards, but yeah, hope you enjoy it
Okay, so really short. I just wanted to mention a few things the first one is this shot
I think it's one of my favorites from that weekend
You might recognize the place from the previous video. This is Point Arena, where the lighthouse is
As you can see the weathe was pretty different the first day was rainy and foggy
And this one was just a few clouds in the sky, but other than that it was perfect weather
So I took a long exposure here of this island. I think was called Seal Island or something
I don't know, it was a beautiful place: there were cows
Walking around so it was a perfect place to take photos. Okay, so these next four shots
I wanted to show them to you just for one reason: because it's the first time that I pushed HP5 to
3200 I wanted to take some photos at night of the sky and the campground
But it didn't really work out because there were some cars passing by all the time and people with flashlights and even with
campfires and everything and
This didn't really work out because I should have either taken a much longer exposure
So you get the the whole star trail or much shorter, you know, because that looks like it's moving
I mean it's still a kind of
cool looking shot because star photos are always cool, but it
didn't really work out as I wanted to
But yeah, these other three that you are seeing here
I damaged this one while developing
But the three of them were shot at 3200, and I'm pretty impressed because... they look pretty good. I mean
They are a little bit grainy, but pretty much
Perfect like it looks to me looks very very good
to be 3200 so yeah
I don't have much else to say about these shots other than I'm pretty impressed with HP5 and how
how it handles the pushing to such a high ISO value
And now I kind of want to try it with
6400 but I'm gonna need a new developer for that
Okay, the next
Three shots are just an example of really close
Shots that I don't usually take because the lenses that I have
don't really allow me to do this, they have a minimal focus distance of a few feet
I think that the 80mm lens is the one that I took these shots with, I think it's like one
Half or two feet that I can focus
But I still tried and I think I like them. They are kind of abstract
These were the rock formations in salt point. Okay, this one is Luna at sunset time
I thought it would be cool to have her
Blurred here while the the background was in focus
I just wanted to show it to you again because I kinda like the the shot of her silhouette here
Some shots that I didn't show in the video. I took this with the Rolleiflex. This is a church
You can go there and visit of course, at any time, but it was a cool church. I don't usually
visit or
Shoot churches, but this one was pretty cool. We saw it on the internet some photos
I was like... we have to go there, and yeah, you can get inside and everything and it's pretty cool to see
once again the Rolleiflex
Keeps impressing me, these shots look pretty good like if you told me that they were taken with the Bronica
I would have believed you. I'll be talking more, this time for real, about the Bronica and the Rolleiflex and comparing them
pretty soon, I want to talk a little bit more about the stuff that I use and the things that I've been learning
In the last few months, not only show
myself taking photos and the results of them
And yeah the last photo this one was taken with the Rolleiflex as well
It was from the car at night at salt point, these are some trees against the the night sky, and yeah
that's it for today, in the next video we get to San Francisco
I love that city, and I think that the video is going to be good, I hope
Once again, thanks for watching and see you in the next one
Joby GripTight GorillaPod | Best phone tripod | 10 Ways To Use A JOBY GRIPTIGHT Tripod - Duration: 5:11.
I'm so late I'm so late I hate being late
can't that dam GorillaPod... Dont make fun of me we have to go.
well I'm here but I'm 30 minutes late salutations everybody so I'm here on
location do some client work and it's going to be about a 10 hour shoot and
I'm already about eight hours in so I wanted to make sure that you guys had
something and this is that something so I'm going to show you ten ways to use a
Joby griptight tripod and luckily I've actually used the first one I wanted to
show so we can show you that right now first one being on a free
right along the number two which is Instagram story I'm moving on to a
different location now because I have another unit to shoot wait I got to take
you with me I mean this one's kind of a given for a
Joby griptight tripod right for vlogging
I mean if you have a cooking channel that's not a bad idea this one's a
little tricky but then you get it right it does the trick
moving on
a lot I know here's a recap
I do hope you enjoyed watching that video just as much as I enjoyed making
it and of course I've gone ahead and linked the Joby griptight tripod in the
description below there are two kinds they're both there for you to look at so
you can see which ones you can enjoy for yourself the only difference between the
two is ones for the XL large version of your phone the other one is just for
the regular size and for those of you who are curious because I have received
some themes about this I do link all my gear in the description as well so you
can just take a look and do whatever you will with that so if this video provided
you some value smash that like button for me subscribe for more videos like
this to enhance your video quality and I will see you on the next one oh yeah you
saw correctly I did hit my head on that outro
Reproductor de Música Online | Descargar Canciones - Duration: 2:02.
welcome to a new video today let's see a player to listen to online music,
download the music you want and manage playlist
well as I was saying this application allows us to listen to your favorite music or
any song that is in you so We are going to have a lot of artists to choose from
If we want to listen to music online, it's say without storing in our phone then
we just click on a song and we can adjust the equalization with an equalizer
5 bands
the first time we click on download music in mp3 format we must install an application
called media converter pro, which is free aunqe is called pro, so we installed it and
we do not have to do anything else
this application is what we say will manage the download of the music so when we press
to download a media converter pro song will open automatically and download
the music that we have chosen
the quality of mp3 music can reach 320 kilobits per second and that means it's
of very good audio quality
also in addition to music we can download videos and all the multimedia content is going
to store in the folder and music of our device
we can also create a playlist and before we have to log in with our gmail account
It is very easy to create playlists or lists of reproduction simply put a name
to the playlist and we're adding songs one behind the other
This would be the main functions of this application I hope you liked it
so I say goodbye here we'll see you in a next video
Trump Just Pissed Democrats Off With The AWESOME New Picture That Went Up In White House!! - Duration: 4:03.
Trump Just Pissed Democrats Off With The AWESOME New Picture That Went Up In White House!!
The White House is filled with historical pieces and artifacts that represent our nation's
history, but perhaps none are so controversial as what President Donald Trump just donned
the walls of the West Wing with today.
Among the painted pieces of notable figures in our nation's history, is a new framed
piece of work that comes with a clear message that cannot be ignored.
Now, idiots everywhere are infuriated about what our leader had the guts to put up that
we're pretty sure his supporters are going to love.
The First Family is getting comfortable in their new home, just as the Obamas did in
their disrespectful way that nobody seemed to have a problem with.
When Trump moved in and began putting his personal touch on the People's House, all
hell broke loose with accusations of tactless taste that his predecessor never got when
hosting rappers and their wives.
Whether people agree or disagree with what our President just put on the walls, he had
the right to celebrate his victory in the way he chose to decorate.
The White House isn't just a place where the president lives, it's a monument that
represents milestones in leadership throughout our nation's history.
Perhaps not a single leader has been so controversial as our current Commander-in-Chief who overcame
all odds to call this place home.
Because of that, he has every right to document this incredible feat with a framed piece that
shows exactly how that happened.
The media tried to portray that Trump's opposition, Hillary Clinton, had a huge lead
in the presidential race.
However, one picture proved that wrong, which has now become the West Wing's latest and
perhaps most extraordinary piece of artwork.
Trump didn't become president by a mere margin — he won by a landslide of votes
where it counted most.
The Electoral College is the deciding vote and the now infamous image of which way each
area of every state went has become its own modern art on display in the White House,
and for good reason.
Trey Yingst was among the first to spot this new display and seemingly without realizing
the can of controversy he was opening with this Tweeted picture of it, he simply stated,
" Spotted: a map to be hung somewhere in the West Wing."
The image of the Electoral College Map from the election Trump swept in 2016 accompanied
his sentiment and infuriated idiots around the country who couldn't fathom why Trump
would display such a thing.
It's unknown at what point these Democratic degenerates forgot who they were talking about
— thinking that somehow it was out of character for Trump to gloat.
When it's his right to do so by having earned it through honest means and against all odds,
he should display that victory since it sends a message about what America is all about.
Trump was truthful in his lead and the media was not, however, this is photo proof of that
bias and that the American dream can be accomplished despite any adversary against you, and needs
to be displayed for that reason..
Perhaps the most humorous part of the outrage over this imagery in the West Wing is that
the same people who publicly express how tasteless and gross it is, in their opinion, were in
support of a wife using the desk her husband received disgusting sexual favors at during
his time in office.
I think what it comes down to is that the truth hurts and no matter how much some people
in America hate Trump, they can't deny that he legitimately painted the country red in
approval of him.
It's often said that "a picture says a thousand words" but this one speaks volumes
beyond that.
Trump beat supposed frontrunner Hillary Clinton by far more than a thousand Electoral College
This wasn't just a victory for him, but for the American people who were heard and
deserve to have the piece of our country's history commemorated on the wall of the White
Every little girl and boy in America with a dream to make a difference and become president
one day can do that, just like Trump did as a non-career politician.
That's significant and part of what makes America great.
What do you think about this?
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