So I have to start off by using coconut oil on my face when I'm wearing makeup.
So just use coconut oil rub it between my hands to warm it up and get it nice and liquidy
and rub it into my face.
Loosens up all the makeup makes it easier to remove and wash off afterwards.
If I don't have makeup on I skip this step and I use cleanser right away.
But since I do have makeup on this day I use coconut oil first.
And I use baby wipes.
These baby wipes are the Walmart brand baby wipes.
Doesn't matter any baby wipes will do.
And I use baby wipes to wipe off all the oil and makeup off.
Sorry that I have RBF throughout this whole video I'll work on that.
So then I use my facewash and I foam it up with water.
And I just use my fingers for this step just to kind of get rid of any residual makeup.
Then I go in with a more gentle cleanser just to really make sure that I get rid of all
the makeup and the coconut oil because if I don't I will break out.
My skin is acne prone and if I don't cleanse a second time I will get acne.
Then I use whatever's left over on my fingers to massage away any makeup left on my eyes
and pat my face dry after rinsing.
Love the Pixi toner makes my face feel fresh.
Then this is just acne medication.
I bought this at target over the counter I only use it once or twice a week but definitely
after wearing makeup just in case.
Then this is Mario Badescu rosewater spray.
Not too crazy about this rosewater spray but it's fine for now.
Next I use pure 100% cold-pressed Argan oil.
Supposed to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and it really moisturizes m face especially
in the winter.
I put whatever's leftover on my hands all the time.
My hands are super dry.
Then I use Ponds…
I think it's called Ponds Moisturizer, I'll have it linked down below but I use ponds
moisturizer over the Argan oil just for extra moisture if I don't use this my skin will
feel dry.
And I just pat the extra into my eyelids.
I have super dry eyelids.
And whatever's remaining I bring it down my neck and on my hands.
Thank you so much for watching please subscribe and I'll see you in the next video.
For more infomation >> Glowy Affordable Skin Care Routine for Combination Skin - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING NEWS! IT'S HAPPENING!! Congress Just Gave Her 2 Weeks! - Duration: 8:29.
Tire le Coyote à TLMEP pour son album ''Désherbage'' Tout Le Monde En Parle - Duration: 13:05.
Trump hits Jay Z on black employment following CNN interview with Van Jones - Duration: 1:46.
Where Do We Go
Happy Valentin's Day Jeanne d'Arc - Fate/Grand Order - Duration: 1:11.
Les Denis Drolet pour le spectacle ''En attendant le beau temps'' à TLMEP Tout Le Monde En Parle - Duration: 15:21.
Love Live! SIF WW/EN - Step-up scouting Aqours January 2018 - Duration: 7:21.
hey there guys and welcome back to this channel in Awil channel
here so we back
again in this game in school idol festival in the worldwide server
and today there is
another step up scouting
and I just check the list so there is a rate-up for
the valentine set for Yohane and Mari
but I was aiming
the Riko the wonderland~ yeah
and there is another... uuhh..
UR of Dia, You, Kanan, and Ruby
but that's not them I'm
aiming for
okay so I have 120
for to do this! so.. my
goals.. of course, for
UR riko
or from the step up and at least I get 2 SSS's on this one
lets hoping
all right, lemme pray first~
that was a short pray
here we go
the scouting begin! so.. what we got?
oh nice!
i think my goal is gonna fullied, 2 SR
so what we got?
oh .. its...
valentine Chika
yeah it's Valentine Chika and she was to be my seal
I'm sorry Chika..
I need your seal...
all right so my goal is
will be fulfilled now we're looking for the...
wonderland Riko
dear KLab
please come on..
UR Riko..
so that is a single SR
so what get?
single SR and bonus 1 BT
ohhh! okay.. that a..
valentine set of Riko
im sure imma keep this because im a Riko fag
a free SR i get is a Riko
oh that's a little chocolate
i wanna it that for you
okay good!
the last one
i think my goals only get SSR
maybe.. getting UR..
not an option?
here we go
last one guys
ohhh.. come on comeon comeon come on!!, nope~
soo no URs
tha initial one Ruby
alright.. soo
that it
we get this valentine Zura
owh, she gonna eat the Chocolate
instead giving that chocolate
to someone now
alright that the initial one
I think that's it for my scouting it's really short
and I'm sorry guys I
cant get UR;s from this step up scouting, but..
I get my two SSR's from
this scouting..
if you really enjoy to watch this step-up scouting
you can give a like
in this video and if you really not enjoy that much you can give a dislike
to this video..
and if you wanna another video scouting like this in the future
you can give a subscribe in this channel if you haven't subscribed yet and see
and see you guys~ in the next videos thank you for watching~
BREAKING NEWS! IT'S HAPPENING!! Congress Just Gave Her 2 Weeks! - Duration: 8:28.
登坂淳一アナの女性問題を文春が告発!嫁や相手女性の画像やフライデー写真は? - JN D - Duration: 10:14.
香里奈のフライデー画像!修正前5枚の本物カラー写真が流出!? - JN D - Duration: 8:33.
DPad's First Look - Donkey Kong 64 - DPadGamer Livestream - Duration: 2:10:33.
成海璃子に熱愛報道!タバコやビットコイン?歴代彼氏や現在も調査 - JN D - Duration: 12:01.
Trump-Hating Union Boss 'Spews Lies' On Fox News, Maria Bartiromo DESTROYS Him On Live TV - Duration: 3:57.
Servant And A Slave (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 2:41.
Put Others and God before yourself.Be prudent.Be last of all and the servant of all.Be A servant
and a slave of all.Hey !
When they lead you away and hand you over do not worry before hand about what you are
to say but say whatever will be given to you on that hour.For it will not be you speaking
but the Holy Spirit.
Put Others and God before yourself.Be prudent.Be last of all and the servant of all.Be A servant
and a slave of all.Hey !
Persevere to the end so that you can be saved.Repent if you ever had sin and when you pray forgive
all who have done wrong against you.
Put Others and God before yourself.Be prudent.Be last of all and the servant of all.Be A servant
and a slave of all.Hey !
Love your enemies do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you.Pray for those
who mistreat you.
Put Others and God before yourself.Be prudent.Be last of all and the servant of all.Put Others
and God before yourself.Be prudent.Be last of all and the servant of all.
Lend to people and enemies expecting nothing back stop judging and condemning forgive give
gifts blessed are those who hear the word and observe it Acknowledge god before others.Provide
money bags for yourselves that do not wear out an inexhaustiable
treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth can destroy.For where your treasure
is there also will your heart be.
Pray Put God To The Test And Watch It Settle!
The More You Work The More You Should Pray!
BREAKING!! Obama HID This Picture His Entire Presidency!! IT JUST LEAKED and Its BAD- BreakingNews24 - Duration: 33:34.
Obama HID This Picture His Entire Presidency!!
There's a lot that's been long-suspected about the seemingly ever elusive Barack Hussein
Obama during his eight years in office.
While he was in charge, he made the rules and very much did whatever he wanted, mostly
going against his campaign promises and the person he professed to be.
However, now that he's a normal citizen he can't protect his secrets as well as
he did in the White House.
At almost one year following his eviction notice from the highest position, the most
pressing question about him seems to have been answered and we're afraid to say that's
it's probably even worse than what was rumored.
Somehow, Barack was trusted to run our Christian nation for not one, but two terms in the highest
position of power one could achieve.
Uninformed voters elected him for freebies and false promises he couldn't keep that
secured his position of power for as long as they could.
Essentially on bribes of handouts and other enticing concessions that kept him in a place
he didn't deserve but knew what he was doing by offering people things paid for by others.
This bought his time to carry out his sinister and divisive plan and destruction for the
greatest nation in the world and now one picture proves exactly who he is and what his intentions
were all along.
It's no wonder he tried to hide it and thankfully, he didn't have the only copy.
The following photo was never supposed to see the light of day and thankfully for concerned
citizens desperate for confirmation and truth, it did.
Perhaps it was hidden next to his ever elusive birth certificate.
Talking Points Memo reports:
A journalist announced last week that he will publish a photograph of then-Illinois Sen.
Barack Obama (D) and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan that he took in 2005 at a
Congressional Black Caucus meeting, but did not make public because he believed it would
have "made a difference" to Obama's political future.
The photographer, Askia Muhammad, told the Trice Edney News Wire that he "gave the
picture up at the time and basically swore secrecy."
"But after the nomination was secured and all the way up until the inauguration; then
for eight years after he was President, it was kept under cover," Muhammad said.
Asked whether he thought the photo's release would have affected Obama's presidential
campaign, Muhammad said, "I insist.
It absolutely would have made a difference."
Reached by TPM on Thursday, Muhammad said a "staff member" for the CBC contacted
him "sort of in a panic" after he took the photo at a caucus meeting in 2005.
TPM has published the photo above with Muhammad's permission.
"I sort of understood what was going on," Muhammad told TPM.
"I promised and made arrangements to give the picture to Leonard Farrakhan," the minister's
son-in-law and chief of staff.
Barack has long since denied his supposed belief in Islam, creating a Christian image
for himself rather than admitting he's Muslim.
His actions while in the White House spoke volumes more than his identity claims since
he catered to Muslims and the extremist enemies every single chance he got.
In fact, any time he had the chance to honor or respect Christians and that faith as the
basis in which our country was built upon, he did just the opposite.
As to how this deeply hidden photo resurfaced one year after Barack's White House eviction,
Muhammad, from the previous TPM interview explains:
Muhammad said he gave away "the disk" from his camera but "copied the photograph
from that day onto a file" on his computer.
"Realizing that I had given it up, I mean, it was sort of like a promise to keep the
photograph secret," Muhammad said.
Muhammad said he did not release his copy of the photograph because he thought it would
be perceived as a betrayal of that promise: "I was really, I guess, afraid of them."
Muhammad said he thought the photograph would be "damaging politically" if it were released
and was afraid that someone might "break into his apartment" looking for it, like
"that Watergate crap."
He said he "felt a little bit more at ease" after Farrakhan in 2016 claimed that Obama
visited his home in Chicago.
Muhammad contacted Farrakhan in autumn 2017 with the "final manuscript" for a self-published
book containing the photo.
"I sent him a copy of the manuscript suggesting that showing him the picture, and saying to
him if he did not object, I was going to publish it," Muhammad said.
"He had no objection."
Muhammad also told TPM that around the time he took the photo, he asked Obama about a
perceived resemblance to Farrakhan.
"I asked the senator, 'Has anyone ever told you that you resemble Minister Farrakhan?'"
Muhammad said.
"And he said what I thought was the perfect answer: 'Well, he's much better looking
than I am.'"
It's often said that you can judge the character of a person by who they surround themselves
with and that's exactly what we're seeing in this photo.
Barack was clearly in agreement with the like of his close confidante, the leader of the
Nation of Islam, and his actions proved to be more appealing to this cause than the American
That tells us everything we need to know rather than any excuse this traitor has to offer
for this picture.
David Hallyday de retour en France : le fils de Johnny s'éclate avec ses amis - Duration: 3:32.
David Hallyday de retour en France : le fils de Johnny s'éclate avec ses amis - Duration: 3:33.
Alessia Macari e Oliver Kragl a Domenica Live: "Il nostro matrimonio durerà tre giorni" - Duration: 3:04.
Glowy Affordable Skin Care Routine for Combination Skin - Duration: 3:52.
So I have to start off by using coconut oil on my face when I'm wearing makeup.
So just use coconut oil rub it between my hands to warm it up and get it nice and liquidy
and rub it into my face.
Loosens up all the makeup makes it easier to remove and wash off afterwards.
If I don't have makeup on I skip this step and I use cleanser right away.
But since I do have makeup on this day I use coconut oil first.
And I use baby wipes.
These baby wipes are the Walmart brand baby wipes.
Doesn't matter any baby wipes will do.
And I use baby wipes to wipe off all the oil and makeup off.
Sorry that I have RBF throughout this whole video I'll work on that.
So then I use my facewash and I foam it up with water.
And I just use my fingers for this step just to kind of get rid of any residual makeup.
Then I go in with a more gentle cleanser just to really make sure that I get rid of all
the makeup and the coconut oil because if I don't I will break out.
My skin is acne prone and if I don't cleanse a second time I will get acne.
Then I use whatever's left over on my fingers to massage away any makeup left on my eyes
and pat my face dry after rinsing.
Love the Pixi toner makes my face feel fresh.
Then this is just acne medication.
I bought this at target over the counter I only use it once or twice a week but definitely
after wearing makeup just in case.
Then this is Mario Badescu rosewater spray.
Not too crazy about this rosewater spray but it's fine for now.
Next I use pure 100% cold-pressed Argan oil.
Supposed to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and it really moisturizes m face especially
in the winter.
I put whatever's leftover on my hands all the time.
My hands are super dry.
Then I use Ponds…
I think it's called Ponds Moisturizer, I'll have it linked down below but I use ponds
moisturizer over the Argan oil just for extra moisture if I don't use this my skin will
feel dry.
And I just pat the extra into my eyelids.
I have super dry eyelids.
And whatever's remaining I bring it down my neck and on my hands.
Thank you so much for watching please subscribe and I'll see you in the next video.
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