Hello and welcome to this week's Movie Math
where Star Wars The Last Jedi
has not only created a - well let's say
"interesting" situation for the franchise and Disney
at large, but some unexpected opportunities
for the rest of Hollywood!
For more infomation >> Box Office for Maze Runner 3, Hostiles, Jumanji, The Greatest Showman - Duration: 12:50.-------------------------------------------
Arrival | En Büyük Silah Zaman | HD - Duration: 4:56.
[HD] Divisão de Praça do Cidade Alerta para o Cidade Alerta MG | 29/01/2018 - Duration: 0:47.
Les Anges 10 : Un couple vient de se séparer sur le tournage |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:35.
Avant leurs fiançailles, le prince Harry a emmené Meghan Markle sur la tombe de sa mère Diana - Duration: 2:54.
Plantarfasziitis: Was ist das und was hilft dagegen? - Duration: 4:43.
Little Remedies Baby Tips
SHROUD JOINING MYTHIC? STEWIE2K CSGO'D in MAJOR? CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:42.
Consommez cette boisson avant d'aller au lit pour brûler la graisse en dormant ! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 6:26.
Un projet d'impression 3D de prothèses sur mesure porte ses fruits - Duration: 3:28.
Recette Peau d'Orange Confite طريقة عمل قشر البرتقال المعسل - Duration: 2:51.
GAGNER plus de PARIS SPORTIFS avec la MARTINGALE ? - Duration: 8:08.
Avant leurs fiançailles, le prince Harry a emmené Meghan Markle sur la tombe de sa mère Diana - Duration: 2:54.
La détermination de Sofiane / Sofiane's Determination (subtitled) - Duration: 3:50.
Sofiane's Determination
I hit my limit at a certain point. I was in Grade 12,
it was time to make decisions about universities and a career path.
My parents had gotten divorced, but I hadn't seen it coming
It was a real psychological blow, but I tried to stay strong.
I liked to please, to live up to expectations and to show that I have a role to play, and that I could do a good job.
But I was also really hard on myself, and I hit rock bottom.
My parents started to notice, I was writing on the walls in my room, I was writing poetry, all kinds of stuff.
I wasn't sleeping much because I always had all kinds of ideas percolating and I had stories
and then what I was writing was no longer making any sense.
I was known for being dynamic and creative.
Sometimes it was hard, maybe just a phase, but at one point it became alarming.
My parents said, "OK, we need to do something." They took me to Montfort,
and I ended up staying there for about three months.
I always felt like the people were there for me,
for the human being, not just for the stigma that I had kind of created in my mind.
I remember that the psychologists, the entire team here,
tried to figure out what was going on with me. They had a hard time identifying what I had,
they tried to understand what was going on. They tried several alternatives,
and then finally figured out that I had had a psychotic episode.
It kind of came out of nowhere, it was like pieces of a puzzle that couldn't be put together.
Finally, we realized that it was just my brain overdosing on emotions and pressure,
and it just kind of took over.
I participated in a mental health program that allowed me to find the tools
I needed for positive reinforcement.
. I realized there were others there who had also had difficult experiences and that we were all there
to make an effort, to find a way to get better.
At the day hospital, I learned a lot and met some great people.
In particular, a psychiatrist who followed me through my remission,
and became an important person I could confide in.
Thanks to those around me, particularly my loved ones, my family, my sister, my brother, friends too,
close friends who stuck by me and came to visit me, to see me when I was at my most vulnerable,
even though sometimes I didn't want to see them.
They helped to break my isolation and, eventually, I had the courage to confront this episode,
to turn a page, but also to embrace it and to see that, after all,
it had also brought some very positive things, and even made me a stronger person.
It makes me feel good when people say "you haven't changed" because
because I think the way I saw myself before, I thought I was creating my own obstacles.
They've always accepted me, and they always saw
something in me that, at that point, I could no longer see in myself.
So, it's thanks to them
and to me
that I'm here today and that I can talk about this.
How To Paint Watercolour Donuts: 3 WAYS! (Easy, Beginner Tutorial) - Duration: 10:27.
Hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome if you're new here! Definitely subscribe if you want to keep seeing more videos like this.
So today, we're gonna create some
I'm gonna show you three different ways to do this. To start off,
I'm just creating a circle shape. Just use anything round and trace it and you'll get your circle.
And then we're gonna create the center of the donut.
You can use a smaller object to do this or just freehand it like I'm doing now.
For the first example I'm going to work on the icing first,
and then the doughy part of the donut after. I'm just mixing up a pink shade here
(I'm gonna list everything below as always that I've used) and I'm just gonna start filling in the circle...
But I'm not gonna touch the edges of the pencil marks.
I'm gonna kind of keep it loose and sort of wobbly around the edges to really give that
icing effect. And then with a darker shade of the color I've mixed up,
I'm just adding that around the center circle and also around the outside edges.
This is just gonna add a bit of dimension. And then to lighten areas,
I just take a dry brush, and I sop up some of that paint in the center areas.
Going back in while the paint is still wet, I'm adding more of that darker color again
Just to amp up the dimension a little bit more.
So once that's totally dry, I'm just taking my eraser and erasing the pencil marks
just so they don't show through on what I'm gonna do next.
I've mixed up sort of a brown tan shade with raw umber a little bit of yellow and
I'm just going to
recreate that circle around the icing.
If you want to you could leave the pencil marks in if that helps, but just try not to touch them with your paint because
Depending on the pencil you're using the pencil mark might still show through when you try to erase it later on.
So just add that doughy part around your icing, and then you're gonna add a little bit in the center as well.
Once again, I'm keeping it close to the icing, but I'm still making sure there's a defined circle shape in the center.
Now I'm going to take a smaller number 2 brush
And I'm just mixing up a darker shade to create these little sprinkles.
I'm just gonna randomly place these all over the icing just to really give it that doughnut feel.
Once those sprinkles are dry. I'm just taking a fine detail brush, and I'm using a bit of
Burnt Umber (just a darker shade) of that pink tone.
And I'm just making these little shadows on one side of each of the sprinkles... again
just to add a little bit more dimension to those. You don't have to do this, you could keep your
drawing looking flat, but I like to add highlights and shadows. For the highlights I'm just using a gel pen.
Now moving on to the second donut.
I've created my circle again the exact same way and this time we're gonna start with the dough
base of the donut
This works well if you're doing a darker shade of icing on top.
It wouldn't work as well if we were doing this on the lighter pink shade icing...
So this is just something to keep in mind when you're choosing your colors. This might be easier for some, you might like the other
method... it just depends on your personal preference.
So I've filled in that entire donut area with
a light mix of raw umber and burnt umber (I believe),
and then I'm just going over it one more time now that it's dry, and
I'm going to add in darker bits of Lamp Black and burnt umber
just to create more dimension as well around the inside circle and then the outside pieces.
And once again with a dry brush
You can just wipe your brush off on paper towel and then lift up some of that wet paint
To create these sort of glazy
Then I'm going back in with a darker shade. I'm just sort of dotting on a little bit of texture and
Just shadows and things that kind of show up on a doughnut.
It just helps to keep it less one-dimensional.
I'm just blending that into a darker shade again because I wanted the icing part to be a little bit darker.
I did try to keep some of that donut dough around the edges and in the center as you can see and
for highlights again just use that dry brush to lift off some of the paint wherever you want to.
You can see how much lighter watercolor dries in this example in particular.
But once it does dry you're going to want to erase that pencil line
So you're left with your finished donut.
Now this is just an option... you could go back in with white
Gouache or something more opaque than a watercolor and add in little white highlights.
I didn't really like how this looked so I just kind of stopped doing it.
But if that's something you want to do definitely go ahead.
For the third doughnut
We're gonna make it more of a side view.
I've just drawn a circle like I did previously and I'm just gonna take my pencil and kind of draw a guideline
of where I'm gonna
chop some of the top of that circle off.
So I'm basically creating sort of an oval shape in the center of that circle and then
Connecting the bottom parts and adding in a little round donut hole.
And I'm gonna start with the icing again, so using that same pink color
I'm just applying that to the top of the donut leaving some space around the inside circle
you don't have to leave space around the top this time because you're not going to see that side of the dough.
Then with a darker shade I'm just adding that around the
top half of the inner circle and then around the base of the
Icing, and using that same dry brush trick I'm just creating a little bit of highlight.
Once that's dry, I'm erasing that pencil line and the line underneath the icing.
And I've mixed up the brown color now. When you look at a donut from the side,
It's got a darker stripe a lighter stripe, and then another darker stripe.
I guess that's just how Donuts are made and it kind of appears that way.
So I'm doing the darker stripe right under the icing and then along the bottom of the donut
And I'm kind of leaving the center lighter, and I will blend that in with a little bit of water.
Of course you can't forget the donut hole. At this angle you're not going to see any actual
hole you're just gonna see the side of the dough.
So you're just gonna fill in that hole with the dough color making it darker along the bottom half.
Now because the icing is dry you can go in with your smaller brush
and your sprinkle colors and just add as many sprinkles as you like.
Once that is totally dry you can erase the pencil marks. You can see here on this side that I just finished erasing...
Some of the paint got onto the pencil and the pencil
marks still kind of show through. That's why I like to erase the pencil lines as I go.
So there are three different ways to do donuts! You can decorate them however you like.
I hope this tutorial helped you out, and I hope you enjoyed it.
If you did, please give it a big thumbs up
It really helps me out
And if you haven't yet, subscribe to my channel because I am regularly putting out videos now...
And I really hope to see you guys in the next ones!
Also, if you do attempt these Donuts be sure to share them with me on instagram @wonderforest
I love seeing your work, and I'll see you guys next time
Nazarian: Registration Open for Earthquake Retrofit Funds - Duration: 1:45.
It's ready to go?
Today's 7.9 earthquake in Alaska is a reminder of how tenuous and
how vulnerable we always are in the Southland.
So, here's our earthquake...
We're coming right down off of our crawlspace.
Having lived through the 1994 Northridge earthquake
and seeing my brother's house my sister's house in my parent's house all
being impacted severely it's always been something of a great concern to me to
make sure that our residents have access to programs that can protect their homes
and property because once a city comes to standstill like that especially in a
place like Los Angeles with the density that we have it is it is going to be
The Brace and Bolt program is a one of the programs that the state offers to
California residents in selected zip codes that allows homeowners to take
advantage of a $3,000 grant that they can apply for and
through a lottery receive in order to be able to brace and bolt their older home
to the foundation.
Ces 18 Règles universelles de bonnes manières t'éviteront tous les impairs partout dans le monde - Duration: 3:31.
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 6:36.
In Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, myasthenia refers to muscle weakness, and Lambert-Eaton
refers to Edward Lambert and Lealdes Eaton, the two physicians who first described the
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease that attacks the peripheral
nervous system, causing muscle weakness, and actually improves temporarily after repeated
use of the muscle.
The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system, which is the brain and the
spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, which includes all the nerves that connect
the central nervous system to the muscles and organs.
The peripheral nervous system can then be further divided into the somatic nervous system,
which controls voluntary movement of our skeletal muscles, and the autonomic nervous system,
which is then even further divided into the sympathetic and the parasympathetic, and controls
the involuntary movement of the smooth muscles and the glands of our organs.
Now, to better understand Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, let's review normal skeletal muscle
contraction at the cellular level.
First you've got your motor neurons, which have voltage-gated calcium channels in their
Whenever a motor neuron receives an electrical impulse from the brain, these channels open
up and let calcium inside.
The increased intracellular calcium concentration triggers the release of small vesicles that
contain the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into the neuromuscular junction.
Acetylcholine goes from the neuron over to the nicotinic receptors on muscle cell membranes.
When acetylcholine binds the nicotinic receptors it leads to muscle contraction.
The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system also has motor neurons that
work in the same way; the main difference from the somatic nervous system is that they
work on smooth muscle, so the muscle cell membranes have muscarinic receptors for acetylcholine,
and they're not called neuromuscular junctions.
In Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome there's an autoimmune response against the voltage-gated
calcium channels on the motor neurons, mostly affecting the somatic nervous system, but
also the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system.
More specifically, it's a type II hypersensitivity reaction, meaning that the body produces antibodies
against it's own proteins.
In this case B cells inappropriately make antibodies that recognize and bind to and
block voltage-gated calcium channels on the motor neurons, which leaves only a few unbound
channels that are available to open and allow calcium in.
Unfortunately, when only a few of the channels are working, they can only really generate
a low level of calcium within the neuron, and it's insufficient to trigger the release
of acetylcholine into the neuromuscular junction.
When there's no release of acetylcholine, there's no contraction of the attached muscle
However, with repeated stimulation by electrical impulses from the brain, enough calcium might
get through the few free calcium channels, resulting in acetylcholine release and muscle
The majority of Lambert-Eaton cases are associated with small cell lung cancer, because the small
cell lung cancer cells express the same calcium channels that are found on motor neurons.
So when B cells generate antibodies against the cancer cells, the antibodies can mistakenly
attack the voltage-gated calcium channels on the motor neurons.
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome can also be associated with other autoimmune diseases
like Hashimoto's thyroiditis or diabetes mellitus type 1, although the precise mechanism
is unclear.
The main symptom of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome is symmetrical weakness of the proximal
muscles, like those in the shoulders, hips and thighs, and classically that can lead
to difficulties climbing stairs or standing up.
There's also usually a reduction in the strength of reflexes.
Individuals also experience a warming-up phenomenon, which is when weakness is relieved temporarily
after repeated use of the muscles.
In the advanced stages of the disease, individuals can also develop weakness in the respiratory
muscles, and that can cause respiratory failure.
Most people with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome have autonomic symptoms as well,
including dry mouth, constipation, blurry vision, urinary problems, and fainting.
Diagnosis of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome can be done by looking for autoantibodies
against the voltage-gated calcium channels.
Once diagnosis is confirmed, a chest CT scan is often done to look for evidence of an underlying
small cell lung cancer.
Treatment of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome depends on the underlying cause.
If there's a small cell lung cancer, then treatment of the cancer is the main goal.
When there's no associated lung cancer, however, treatment options include immunosuppressant
drugs like steroids, pyridostigmine which can be used to increase acetylcholine availability,
and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy which can be used to bind and neutralize the autoantibodies.
Occasionally, more severe cases can be treated with plasma exchange, like plasmapheresis,
which is when plasma proteins, like antibodies, are removed and replaced with plasma from
a healthy donor.
All right, as a quick recap, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease
caused by autoantibodies that target the voltage-gated calcium channels on motor neurons.
Most cases are associated with small cell lung cancer, the cells of which have the same
voltage-gated calcium channels.
Typically, there's symmetric muscle weakness of the proximal muscles that improves temporarily
after use.
#87[On y va ou pas ?] PENTAGON PAPERS //Critique à chaud - Duration: 2:52.
Notification Settings in Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Experience (Students) - Duration: 1:12.
You can choose the types of notifications you receive and how they're delivered.
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Katie Holmes et Jamie Foxx : ils ne se cachent plus ! - Duration: 2:33.
劉德華愛了她3年,卻被她罵了32年來炒作,如今滿臉玻尿酸! - Duration: 4:27.
63歲林青霞和汪玲生活照曝光,終於明白秦漢現在為什麼孤獨終老了! - Duration: 4:32.
藝人小蜜桃姐姐7年前嫁給身家10億的大陸富商,如今豪宅曝光,規模有如度 - Duration: 2:57.
很南部?被說穿的很「南部品味」到底是什麼樣的打扮?網友:就是穿得比較OO呀… - Duration: 2:50.
O RETORNO DE CPNOT - Duration: 0:44.
Gigi D'Alessio ammette: Con Anna Tatangelo non è mai finita |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:19.
Geek Squad Same Day Scre...
NEW BILL Will Stop Congressmen Using Taxpayer Money To Bribe Sexual Victims! - Duration: 2:14.
NEW BILL Will Stop Congressmen Using Taxpayer Money To Bribe Sexual Victims!
As soon as the first sexual harassment case broke out including Harvey Weinstein, there
had been numerous new convictions and new people being exposed.
After that, we saw that most of the convicted were using dirty tricks.
Many of them have tried to bribe their victims with money not to tell what they've done
to them.
What is even worse is that some members of the Congress have used taxpayer money for
that issue.
And now, Florida Republican Ron DeSantis has pushed a brand new bill that will solve these
Via CNS News:
House Bill Would Name Those Who Have Used Taxpayer Funds to Settle Sex Harassment Claims
Legislation introduced by Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) last month would require the Congressional
Office of Compliance to submit to Congress the names of those members who have used taxpayer
funds to settle sexual harassment claims, require the members to reimburse the U.S.
Treasury, and void non-disclosure agreements so victims can tell their stories.
The "Congressional Accountability and Hush Fund Elimination Act," introduced by DeSantis
on Nov. 30, currently has 88 co-sponsors.
"What does it say about the sincerity of Congress in combatting harassment when members
and staff can have taxpayers cover for their misconduct while keeping it all secret?,"
DeSantis said in a statement.
"This legislation will protect taxpayers by making congressional settlement data public,
barring tax dollars from being used to bail out congressional misconduct and requiring
reimbursement of the treasury by members and staff who have had taxpayer-financed settlements
paid on their behalf.
The bill will also allow victims to speak publicly about harassment suffered irrespective
of any non-disclosure agreements."
This is such good news for every single American because it will get rid of future problems
of this sort.
Thank God someone dealt with this problem and will put these criminals behind bars.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
Top Stories Today.
خطوات تحسين العلاقة الحميمة بين الزوجين - Duration: 7:13.
International LUMA StarT Education Award 2017 Nominee - De Creatieve STEM - The Diorama Project - Duration: 3:05.
The Diorama Project is actually a lot of things in one project.
In fact, some children work together to prepare a small theatre play.
The Diorama Project are also four discs that are sticked together
like two walls and a floor.
And then, you should program something
to make the disc rotate.
We had chosen a theme,
so we made a mindmap
about male, female and gender neutral.
Boys and girls are not different.
It is not because boys can do things better,
or because girls can draw better,
that girls are better than boys
or boys are better than girls.
What we did first,
was writing a story
and write it on the computer,
type it on the computer
My group, for example, decide that a girl would become a boy.
We made the diorama with some cardboard.
The teacher had drawn something
that we had to cut out with such a special knife.
Next, we painted it in a different colour.
The most puppets we made with...
this kind of wooden things.
- Wine corks. - Yes, wine corks!
Yes, and using a glue gun was the most fun!
After that, we recorded the text with a computer.
We did voice-acting!
(Except for some minor housekeeping tasks...)
There was a Youtube video
that we had to watch
and do exactly the same as in the video
to build everything and precisely put it in place
and orientate what should be where.
It was a little difficult to do so.
During programming
we watched the computer together
while we discussed.
Then, we had to fill in some numbers
to make it turn.
Because we were super happy!
After we finished everything, we filmed our theatre.
My job was taking care of the audio.
and now: video-editing!
We really liked the Diorama Project!
We have done a lot of things.
Working together for seven weeks was not always easy,
but we learned a lot from it!
Miss, can we make another one?
For their final results, watch Youtube!
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