Now that your ActivPanel and ActivConnect OPS-G have been installed, there are a few
things you should do to prepare them for everyday use.
First, check to see if there is a firmware update for the ActivPanel.
You will need a laptop with the latest version of the ActivDriver.
Go to and click ActivDriver in the what's new section.
If your laptop has an HDMI port, you can connect it to the HDMI port on the front of the ActivPanel.
Connect a USB cable into the computer and plug it into the USB port next to the HDMI
port on the front.
If your laptop does not have an HDMI port, you can use VGA.
In this scenario, the USB cable should go into TOUCH 2.
To check for a firmware update, on your computer, click the ActivManager icon and select Control
Highlight the ActivPanel and click upgrade.
If an update is available, please proceed and follow the prompts.
Once the upgrade is complete, restart the ActivPanel by powering it off and back on.
The ActivPanel should auto-detect the ActivConnect OPS-G and display it.
If it does not, use the remote or ActivPanel to select the correct source.
The next thing you should do is check to see if a software update is available on the ActivConnect
You will need an Internet connection to do this.
Make sure a network cable is connected or connect to a wireless network.
Tap the apps icon, settings, and Wi-Fi.
If you have proxy settings you need to enter, please see article 1540 on our support portal.
To check for a software update, tap the apps icon and select update.
Tap online update to begin.
Once the update is complete, the ActivConnect OPS-G will reboot itself.
When it comes back on, it will be ready to use.
Another thing you may want to do is change the date and time.
In the settings menu, scroll down to the system section and select date and time.
To have the date and time set automatically according to your server, enable automatic
date and time.
To set them manually, disable this option and set the date and time in the menus below.
You can find more information about the ActivPanel and ActivConnect OPS-G on our support portal.
Thanks for watching!
For more infomation >> Setting Up Your ActivConnect OPS-G with an ActivPanel v6 - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Studio G 1 29 18 - Duration: 1:15.
HEY TRIPPSTERS Garth brook's inside studio G Monday night he did not give us a lot
of information other than his new website will be launching February the
7th which is on his birthday other than that all he did was answer questions but
he didn't give us any new details on what's coming the big thing that's going
to happen that's gonna make everything else look small
we don't know anything okay so the only actual official information we got is
yes the new website will be launching February the 7th so if you're a Garth
fan keep an eye out for that and that's it that's seriously that's it guys and
please let me say I'm sorry for not having finished the video that I have
been doing on the anthology I will do it guys
but I've had some health issues and I've not been able to do anything and I am
sorry about that but I will do it I promise I will get to disc four and five
hopefully within the next couple of weeks if not sooner but guys that is
going to do it for now this is Icepets Queen and I am tripping out
Home Workout for MUSCLE GAIN EP5 | Legs Routine - Duration: 5:39.
guys, welcome back to the new episode of our home workouts from muscle gain
course and in this episode I will show you an amazing routine for your legs, let
go. so, as I said, this is the routine for you to train legs at home and I promise
you that you will feel the muscle soreness for at least 3 to 5 days, ok. so,
the idea is to do at least 10 rounds, as with all of our other exercises, but
actually 20 rounds will be the best, but it's not only the number of rounds, it is
also about how you do it, ok. so, try not to rest too much between rounds to
do it as intense as possible, probably about a minute, maximum minute and a half
between rounds, if you can't. so, you need to start with 10 explosive sit ups to 90
degrees, 90 degrees means that you do not break this line, you just go to 90
degrees and then you have to jump up, then after you do 10 of this without any
rest you do ten full explosive situps, so now you do break that line and the
third one will be the jumping lunges exercise, which I will show you how it's
done and after doing the whole 20 rounds, then you will have 100 burpees,
but llet's do this, I will show you how it looks, okay. so, first you do ten
jumping ones to ninety degrees one and now you do ten complete ones immediately.
okay, immediately ten lunges, okay. so, try to touch with your knee the floor
okay, so, this was one around and it's really effective if you do it in an
intense way, probably by fifth-seven round you will feel that your legs start
getting really pumped, after you complete the number of rounds, let's say those
could be ten, fifteen or twenty rounds, then you have to do hundred burpees.
I hope you enjoyed this routine, it's really effective, also it's really easy
to do in any place, at home or maybe in your local park and it makes your legs
work a lot, also another suggestion, you can finish off this routine with 5 hundred
meter sprints and then you will feel muscle soreness even more, I would say
for at least 3 to 5 days, we do 20 rounds of this routine with a 20 kilo vest
but of course, when you do it with a weight you have to rest more between the
rounds so this way it's a little bit different, but if you do it just with
your bodyweight you can do it in a really like more intense way and you
will feel how your legs are getting really pumped with such exercise. so, guys,
I hope you enjoyed this episode as well, I will see you in the next part where we
will show you more amazing routines and workouts that you can do at home to
gain strength in your body and to build your muscle, we'll see you there, lets go.
Trono Over U&D news, Gemma Galgani protagonista di un libro, ecco quale | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:46.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:50.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:47.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:51.
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:51.
Nissan Micra - Duration: 0:52.
Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:50.
Nissan Micra - Duration: 0:51.
#Olivier Giroud undergoing medical at Chelsea ahead of £18million move from Arsenal - Duration: 3:06.
Olivier Giroud undergoing medical at Chelsea ahead of £18million move from Arsenal
OLIVIER GIROUD is undergoing a medical ahead of an £18million move to Chelsea.
The Arsenal striker was given permission to link up with the Blues this morning after the Gunners finally agreed a fee to sell him to their London rivals.
Olivier Giroud has linked up with Chelsea to undergo a medical before making the move from Arsenal.
SunSport understands Giroud has travelled to go through his health checks while the finer points of his contract are still to be ironed out.
And with Michy Batshuayi already in Germany putting the finishing touches to his loan move to Borussia Dortmund, Chelsea hope to confirm the signing later today.
Giroud played as a substitute for Arsenal in their 3-1 defeat to Swansea last night as Arsene Wenger refused to leave his forward out of his plans while a deal was not done.
But afterwards the 31-year-old made a point of waving goodbye to the travelling supporters at the end of the game.
Giroud played for Arsenal against Swansea last night but is now on the verge of joining Chelsea.
Arsenal had been waiting for Dortmund to give the all-clear to Pierre Emerick Aubameyang to complete his £56million move to the Emirates.
They would only do that once they had a replacement in place, and that came when Batshuayi travelled to Germany this morning after agreeing a loan move.
Chelsea only sanctioned that switch when they were confident they had a striker coming in - and Giroud is the man now that Arsenal have agreed to lower their original asking price of £30m.
It is understood Giroud is close to agreeing a two-and-a-half year deal to move to Stamford Bridge, a transfer that boosts his chances of being involved in the World Cup with France this summer.
Chelsea boss Antonio Conte is busy preparing his squad for tonights Premier League clash with Bournemouth.
The plan is to get the formalities done this afternoon before the striker meets up with his new team-mates before the game tonight.
And Chelsea are hopeful of parading the Frenchman on the pitch in front of their fans at Stamford Bridge either before kick-off or at half-time.
Petr Cech greets Giroud as he leaves the pitch for probably the last time as an Arsenal player.
Farming Simulator 17 Grass And Hay Cut Collect Transport - Duration: 18:33.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some mods you can use to cut grass and make hay.
CLAAS DISCO 9300 9.1m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 100Hp
Fanex 604 Front Attacher Version Tedder 6m Working Width 19Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 60Hp Colorable
Krone Titan 6/42 GD 31.795l Capacity 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 90Hp
Check Also Under Pallet For Silage Additives And Replacement Blades
Press R Key To refill with Additives
Krone Turbo 2500 25.000l Capacity 14Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 60Hp
Same Explorer 105H Snow Edition 3 Engine Setup 2 Design Setup 52Km/h Top Speed
Near the wheels press R Key to added more wheels Register Vehicle Left Ctrl And Y Key
New Holland Big Baler 960A 4.500l Capacity 20Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 185Hp Platform PC/MAC, PS4, XB1
The field is not flat and the hay is sread
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:48.
Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:47.
How to replace rear shock absorbers DODGE CALIBER TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 13:31.
Use an end bit №5 and a combination spanner №15
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №10
Use a combination spanner №15
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use an open-end wrench №15 and an ajustable spanner
Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually
PIZZA NA CIENKIM CIEŚCIE 🍕 | DG & Kuchnia Lidla - Duration: 6:06.
'Mi tocca difenderlo', un Rodriguez contro la madre per Monte: ecco chi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:43.
Al Bano 'contro' Loredana Lecciso: ecco cosa ha detto della sua 'fuga' a Pavia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.
L'Isola dei famosi shock: il figlio di Eva Henger arrestato per droga | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.
iPhone X - Animoji: Alien
Center of the World ~ Senora Desert California - Duration: 15:02.
well alrighty good morning guys before we leave the great state of Arizona for a
while I stopped back in here in my favorite little dump station here in
Yuma then go ahead and top off the water don't need to dump the tanks but like to
have fifty eight gallons before we get too far into California also get gas
because I think gas prices are gonna jump 50 to 70 cents a gallon in
California so alright goodbye Arizona you are a beautiful spot and I'm glad I
got to see a lot of a lot of really neat good stuff happened in Arizona and
there's many more memories to make in other states as well so let's go for a
ride today guys Jax how excited are you for new adventures
cat excited okay
okay man here we go and see this blue sign coming up here on the right
welcome to California entering Pacific time
all right
California may not be one of the best states to move dog in because the big
cities but you know I'm gonna find Harvey friendly response it's just in my
nature we'll figure it out guys Jax we hit an
inspection station here hide the catnip hide the catnip Jax
I've got apples from Arizona Walmart Oh yep get it
so apparently apples from Arizona are okay but I don't know what they're I
don't know what they don't want flashbacks of route 66 rode here kind of
frontage road and what the heck do we have here this is the city of Felicia
felicity listen center of the world felicity
California I see all sorts of Flags Mexico Arizona Canada what do we have
here this is interesting so I love stopping at stuff that most people would
just buy pass on the highway and never look over did anybody even know that
felicity California is dubbed the official centre of the world I guess
yeah just kind of randomly out here in the middle of the Sonora Desert
so to mark it from the aerial I can't fly my drone here it says it's
restricted but there's a shot of what it looks like here and they do have a
museum look at the spiral staircase to nowhere there is a plaque I'll read it
to you right there it says escalier de origen Tour Eiffel
1889 well sitting down trying to get my bearings straight I'm not really sure
where the entrance is oh is it that way no you know what this is guys this is a
sundial this is a working this is a very unique one though I think that's
supposed to be a replica bust of Michelangelo's finger pointing from the
painting interesting so this has something to do with the French I don't
want to sit in they've got like an hour-long DVD you can watch but anyway
this is a tribute to like the French Legion stuff and that staircase that I
showed you that that is actually from the Eiffel Tower that's part of the
original staircase at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower brought over here to this
continent right here in the center of the world so so there's a lot of granite
put out here in the middle of the desert their pyramid an extra $5 to go inside
okay Wow Wow that's neat Oh somebody already paid and
left the door open so we can peek in for free cool
so all these banks the pyramids represent something else like this is
just the history of California and the history of Arizona on each side that one
across the way is for the Korean War so there's some older stuff here too
history of the United States of America 1776 now we're talking so these are all
laser engraved I guess they would have to be to withstand the heavy wind and
sand and the Sonora Desert is considered the one of the hottest places in the
country here it gets brutally brutally hot in this area of the desert
hey it's a Liberty Bell they're like what a smaller version replica of it at
least cool
but we'll head up to the church real quick the history of humanity
I guess that's still a work in progress oh so hot out here in the desert
Oh sometimes people watch some of my older videos like when I'm out in places
like these in the winter but they don't realize it they don't look at the date
they're like how could you be out there how could you leave Jack's in the RV
because it's 67 degrees out here in the winter oh yeah
you wouldn't find me in a place like this in the summer that's for sure
here's the church the church on the hill at felicity well I do like the blue
doors the maze of honor so it is a maze but I'm too short to see over I'm gonna
hold the camera over and see if you guys can see anything I don't know what it
symbolizes or anything but yeah wow this is a maze in well while more laser
inscribed dedications and stuff oh look here's the pet wall some kitty cats and
snakes and dogs
I'm really lost ah okay I made it alright let's get back
on the road I got an email from Walmart and Brawley my package is ready for
pickup there
we are literally on a highway built right over the Sonoran Desert that is
interesting I don't know if you can see that the
dust that we have blowing the sand over the highway
it's pretty neat well we're getting off the interstate
here I know Asha pendemonium was here a few weeks ago the Imperial sans dune
Recreation Area popular spot for ATVs he'll go right up in here but you need a
permit of some kind and to use it and camp overnight
so I pulled off here in a nice little shady spot you know non-fee area a free
area of the dunes this is a historical site that I'm at here we'll go walk over
here I know this is hard to see but if you want to pause it there on the plaque
and read it it says plank road 1914 to 1927 this is a replica here that you can
stand to walk but if we look up here there's part of the original remaining
we'll go get a little closer here I read a little bit of the board back there and
it says that this plank was built out here in the desert in the early 1900s to
lure people from Los Angeles to San Diego as a nicer Road than the desert ok
really windy out here guys but but there you go
so planks and steel almost like railroad ties all the way up hmm so this is going
to be my my pitstop guys my spot I'm here at the Walmart in Brawley
California and it may be some time before I see another Walley world here
so got a stock up because I need TP for my bunghole
and groceries and another little tip here like I said I'm picking up my anti
wobbler I could not find that device at Tractor Supply in fact they have no idea
what I'm talking about at Tractor Supply when I say an anti wobbler for the hitch
no idea not even in their catalog but I did a search on Walmart just out of the
blue and had like 9 results and two of the nine anti wobblers are eligible for
free store delivery so I use the Walmart pickup services a lot on the road
especially if I know where I'm gonna be in the next four to six days that's what
I did and so I go in show my ID they scan the
barcode on my phone that says order pickup since I already pay with my debit
card it's just an quick in-and-out to pick it up and so I'll go do that and do
my shopping and then once I get parked for the night at the campground I'll
install that and show you the difference okay interesting a lot has happened this
afternoon that I was not planning on but everything is awesome right now
because I was waiting for Angela we were gonna go to the campground together from
here and so I just decided you know what the heck I'm gonna take all the bill of
sale and the title and odometer and everything over to the DMV here in
Brawley California and just see what happens and I gotta be honest with you
guys it was easy it was so much better than
Washington you have no idea how lucky you are and I know people complain from
California about the DMV's ridiculous rules and stuff but come on the only way
this would have got done for me in Washington state because the odometer
read it they don't accept what what Californians do for the odometer
verification you can't print the form and they won't mail you the form you
have to go to an office and get it printed on their special boid proof
paper then you got to fly back to California with a notary sit down with
the previous owner sign it get it notarized and then hand-deliver that
back to Washington State that's the only way I can get it titled and registered
in Washington State so now I'm good through July that it's already in my
name it already has California plates so I don't have to get new plates it's
already past emissions last year so I have now till July to put it to put it
in Washington state plates so they're mailing the title back to Washington
State we'll be there in three weeks I just need to take the title in and to
get motorcycle plates are there but that was just so darn easy I'm so glad I
stopped in so a little little later than I planned though now it's four o'clock
and Angela doesn't want to go to the campground I'm gonna go see her anyway
and we'll we'll plan we'll go from here because I really dodged a bullet with
getting it transferred in my name in California instead of Washington whoo
geez could today be any better of a day I am they just in a fantastic mood I
called up Geico and switched the policy over to the new bike and the premium
didn't change didn't even change which kind of surprises me it's the same exact
annual premium so and there was one concern because now Geico is worried
that my bike is is double insured which you can't do with them but I was trying
to explain it in a way because the RV full timers insurance that I
it covers anything on the RV so if I were towing a car it wouldn't count but
because it's up on the hitch I have an extra $3,000 replacement insurance
policy on the RV which includes the bike itself that doesn't work on the road
obviously but if somebody ran into me when I was parked or if a tree fell or
something like that so anyway it's all good I already printed off my ID cards
with my printer on board 100% good to go so and there's the anti wobbler in this
box here I'll just show you what's going on I think I already showed this stand
back here see this see all that play that's not this that's just the wiggle
room between where the hitch goes into the receiver that's how you're getting
all of this wobble so that's why you need one of these and they're hard to
find but like I said they are available at Walmart and if you're carrying
anything on the back of your RV or truck or something you might want one after
you see how well this works so I'll put a link below in the video description
for this Walmart version which they ship to your house or site to store all
righty got her all installed there it is preventing wobble that's what it's doing
so they can put my foot on it still show you guys so it's moving a lot less
there's still some shake but it's in the hitch as strongly as it can get and I'm
happy with it what more can you ask for one of the thing I want to talk about is
the lights not blocked right not blocked over here
you know what partially blocked by the tire so I mean a license plate no matter
what is not going to be blocked but see how get farther back here so I got a
plan to fix that too what I'm gonna do is get some exterior lights the ones
that hook you into the connections down here and then I'll mount them here on
the corners of this next to the tire right here the ones with the signal turn
signals and the brake lights and the running lights and all that
just to make sure so I'm gonna start looking at Amazon tonight for those
because I didn't realize that the tire technically is kind of blocking some of
the visuals of this until then I will do all of my turn signals out the window
and brake lighting out the window just to make sure because California is weird
and they might be kind of picky about that so anyway guys have a good night
Jax and I are gonna be back on the road with some new adventures here to come in
a couple days have a good night okay
[#98] | Cystic Acne, Pimples Extraction | Health & Beauty - HT - Duration: 4:11.
SSC Exam 2018 Biology MCQ Exclusive Question And Answer. - Duration: 21:06.
SSC Exam
EN İLGİNÇ JAPON ÜRÜNLERİ ! - Duration: 3:17.
Fiesta Latina 2018 - Wisin, Maluma, Shakira, J Balvin, CNCO, Anitta - Reggaeton Mix 2018 - Duration: 1:05:50.
Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
Alan J. Lombardo 2017 Distinguished Alumnus Award for Professional Achievement - Duration: 3:16.
I've known Alan for many years now we met in 1999 when we first came to PT
school here at Shenandoah University we've been friends ever since
I would say best words or phrases that identify Alan would be dedicated
motivated a loyal friend just fun to be around that's what I would how I would
describe Alan and now I probably describe Alan as a more so more
currently as as a family man Alan like I said is married to Amy
who's a good friend of ours and has three beautiful daughters
Olivia Isabella and Elena Alan's career started after he graduated from from PT
school in 2002 he went out to California and he went to work for the VA hospital
out near San Francisco soon after a couple years after I guess he became
a board-certified clinical specialist in neurological PT a couple years later he
went back to came back to the East Coast after he married Amy and
worked at the Richmond VA hospital he was in patient care for I guess till
about 2011 or so when he decided to move out of patient care and move into
administration but I do have a testimonial I actually asked a friend of
mine and a friend of Alan's actually a patient of Alan's for a testimonial and
I'd like to share that with you guys if that is okay his name is Mark Metivier
and Mark has helped out in the physical therapy program for many years and he
helped out when we were students and Mark was actually a patient of Alan's
for years Mark's a veteran who goes to the VA hospital and this is Mark Metivier
as a veteran I have been lucky enough to experience Alan doing what he loves at
the Richmond VA versus a patient of his when he was a PT
on spinal cord injury unit where he provided me with outstanding care on a
professional and personal level more recently in his role as an
administrator he has become a key player in running one of one of our country's
largest VA hospitals all while still being all while still being Alan
outgoing personable caring approachable and still taking the time to throw a
quick conversation or two in about sports well I think Alan's deserving of
the professional achievement award because he has shown such a professional
development since he started from 2002 as a physical therapist to now being a
such a high level administrative position at the VA it is my great pleasure
to introduce to you the 2017 winner professional achievement award
Alan Lombardo
郑卫莉自曝嫁给杜志国的根本原因:他成熟踏实人也好 - Duration: 3:44.
Farming Simulator 17 Grass And Hay Cut Collect Transport - Duration: 18:33.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some mods you can use to cut grass and make hay.
CLAAS DISCO 9300 9.1m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 100Hp
Fanex 604 Front Attacher Version Tedder 6m Working Width 19Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 60Hp Colorable
Krone Titan 6/42 GD 31.795l Capacity 17Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 90Hp
Check Also Under Pallet For Silage Additives And Replacement Blades
Press R Key To refill with Additives
Krone Turbo 2500 25.000l Capacity 14Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 60Hp
Same Explorer 105H Snow Edition 3 Engine Setup 2 Design Setup 52Km/h Top Speed
Near the wheels press R Key to added more wheels Register Vehicle Left Ctrl And Y Key
New Holland Big Baler 960A 4.500l Capacity 20Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 185Hp Platform PC/MAC, PS4, XB1
The field is not flat and the hay is sread
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
新版《半生缘》最大的槽点不是蒋欣,而是52岁的她 - Duration: 3:41.
余罪中是张一山初恋,本是清纯校花人设,如今穿低胸装变成这样 - Duration: 4:15.
The Room Drinking Game - The Drunk Platypus #1 - Duration: 5:37.
In this video, I'm gonna give you a drinking game for the film 'The Room'.
It's fun, easy to play, and will definitely make your next movie night memorable.
That's all coming up right here, with me: The Drunk Platypus
Oh Hi youtube.
I'm the Drunk Platypus bringing you weekly drinking games that can play at home with
your friends, your family, or just by yourself if you're an anti-social alcoholic, like
Don't worry, no one's gonna judge you.
Cuz you're all alone.
Welcome to my very first youtube video.
Yep, this is a truly momentous occasion.
Youtube history in the making.
But enough of my over-inflated narcissism.
Let's get this dumpster fire lit.
So if you haven't heard of it, 'The Room' is a small budget Indy film that has become
a cult classic in recent years.
It's basically The Citizen Kane of movies that are So bad, they're hilarious to watch.
Its able to somehow be both dumb and amazing in its weirdness.
And all of it was the brainchild of one man.
Writer, director, producer, actor, and space alien, Tommy Wiseau.
The film became so unusually popular, Hollywood eventually caught on..
And never missing an opportunity to make money off a growing trend... they made another movie
about the making of The Room. I actually hear it's a pretty good movie too.
If you don't already own this cinematic masterpiece, you can find it on Amazon right now.
I'll throw the affiliate link down in the description.
Now, Before we move forward, lets go over the rules of the game, shall we?
The basic idea behind all our drinking games revolves around triggers.
You watch the tv show or movie looking for the triggers and you drink anytime you spot one.
It's that simple.
Later on in this video I'll give you a list of various triggers for this specific movie.
Before you start the film, you need to select which of these triggers you're gonna look for.
The more triggers you pick, the more you'll drink.
But remember, everything in moderation.
To spice things up a bit, pick one or two special triggers.
These require you to finish your whole drink whenever you catch one.
Now some games have what we call Deadly triggers.
Um… anyways...
These are optional challenges only for the most hardened drinkers.
These triggers happen a ridiculous number of times throughout the film and require a
LOT of drinking.
If you plan to play with a Death trigger, for your safety, we please ask that you play
this trigger and no others.
Ok, Now with all that out of the way, let's get to the game!
Ok, so starting with the Basic Triggers, take a drink anytime….
-Johnny says hi or hello to someone -Anytime you hear Johnny's weird laugh
-Anytime Lisa talks about how much she loves Mark and hates Johnny
-Anytime a new character shows up without any introduction
-Whenever someone mentions how Mark and Johnny are best friends
-Anytime Mark asks, "What's going on?"
-Whenever a character says some variant of "don't worry about it" or "everything will be ok"
-Whenever you spot stock footage of San Francisco.
-Whenever Denny comes off as super creepy -Anytime there's a line of dialog that doesn't make sense.
And finally…
-Drink anytime you notice the framed spoons in the background.
You might have to look for them.
But trust me.
They are there.
Ok, now for Special Triggers.
Finish your drink anytime….
-there's an awkward sex scenes.
-anytime Lisa's mother talks about her breast cancer
-Whenever the characters are playing football.
-finish your drink whenever you hear Johnny's Oscar worthy chicken impersonation
And finally..
-Finish your drink when you hear that amazing famous line, "You're tearing me apart, Lisa!"
Oh, that means we have a deadly trigger.
Drink anytime someone says the names of Johnny, Lisa, or Mark
Ok, that's it for now.
If you enjoyed this video, give it a LIKE and consider Subscribing.
I'll be uploading new drinking games just about every week.
So hit that stupid little Bell icon thingy if you wanna be notified as soon as those go live.
Also feel free to comment below with your ideas for triggers or just suggestions for
future drinking game.
I'd love to hear your feedback.
Thanks for watching.
And remember: Stay safe, have fun, and enjoy the show!
Volkswagen Fox 1.2 Trendline 81.749km! Stuurbekrachtiging! - Duration: 0:54.
柳岩晒最新写真,嘟嘴卖萌很像少女!网友:可爱与性感并存! - Duration: 4:20.
2018湖南卫视华人春晚录制,节目单曝光,看点十足! - Duration: 1:49.
J'ai 24 ans et je suis toujours une ado / IZI NEWS - Duration: 3:40.
Kate Middleton: hockey, badminton, rugby, pourquoi en fait-elle autant? - Duration: 1:33.
Geek Squad Same Day Scre...
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Sportcoupe / AUTOMAAT / SPORT EDITION 180 K. verkocht - Duration: 0:59.
Center of the World ~ Senora Desert California - Duration: 15:02.
well alrighty good morning guys before we leave the great state of Arizona for a
while I stopped back in here in my favorite little dump station here in
Yuma then go ahead and top off the water don't need to dump the tanks but like to
have fifty eight gallons before we get too far into California also get gas
because I think gas prices are gonna jump 50 to 70 cents a gallon in
California so alright goodbye Arizona you are a beautiful spot and I'm glad I
got to see a lot of a lot of really neat good stuff happened in Arizona and
there's many more memories to make in other states as well so let's go for a
ride today guys Jax how excited are you for new adventures
cat excited okay
okay man here we go and see this blue sign coming up here on the right
welcome to California entering Pacific time
all right
California may not be one of the best states to move dog in because the big
cities but you know I'm gonna find Harvey friendly response it's just in my
nature we'll figure it out guys Jax we hit an
inspection station here hide the catnip hide the catnip Jax
I've got apples from Arizona Walmart Oh yep get it
so apparently apples from Arizona are okay but I don't know what they're I
don't know what they don't want flashbacks of route 66 rode here kind of
frontage road and what the heck do we have here this is the city of Felicia
felicity listen center of the world felicity
California I see all sorts of Flags Mexico Arizona Canada what do we have
here this is interesting so I love stopping at stuff that most people would
just buy pass on the highway and never look over did anybody even know that
felicity California is dubbed the official centre of the world I guess
yeah just kind of randomly out here in the middle of the Sonora Desert
so to mark it from the aerial I can't fly my drone here it says it's
restricted but there's a shot of what it looks like here and they do have a
museum look at the spiral staircase to nowhere there is a plaque I'll read it
to you right there it says escalier de origen Tour Eiffel
1889 well sitting down trying to get my bearings straight I'm not really sure
where the entrance is oh is it that way no you know what this is guys this is a
sundial this is a working this is a very unique one though I think that's
supposed to be a replica bust of Michelangelo's finger pointing from the
painting interesting so this has something to do with the French I don't
want to sit in they've got like an hour-long DVD you can watch but anyway
this is a tribute to like the French Legion stuff and that staircase that I
showed you that that is actually from the Eiffel Tower that's part of the
original staircase at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower brought over here to this
continent right here in the center of the world so so there's a lot of granite
put out here in the middle of the desert their pyramid an extra $5 to go inside
okay Wow Wow that's neat Oh somebody already paid and
left the door open so we can peek in for free cool
so all these banks the pyramids represent something else like this is
just the history of California and the history of Arizona on each side that one
across the way is for the Korean War so there's some older stuff here too
history of the United States of America 1776 now we're talking so these are all
laser engraved I guess they would have to be to withstand the heavy wind and
sand and the Sonora Desert is considered the one of the hottest places in the
country here it gets brutally brutally hot in this area of the desert
hey it's a Liberty Bell they're like what a smaller version replica of it at
least cool
but we'll head up to the church real quick the history of humanity
I guess that's still a work in progress oh so hot out here in the desert
Oh sometimes people watch some of my older videos like when I'm out in places
like these in the winter but they don't realize it they don't look at the date
they're like how could you be out there how could you leave Jack's in the RV
because it's 67 degrees out here in the winter oh yeah
you wouldn't find me in a place like this in the summer that's for sure
here's the church the church on the hill at felicity well I do like the blue
doors the maze of honor so it is a maze but I'm too short to see over I'm gonna
hold the camera over and see if you guys can see anything I don't know what it
symbolizes or anything but yeah wow this is a maze in well while more laser
inscribed dedications and stuff oh look here's the pet wall some kitty cats and
snakes and dogs
I'm really lost ah okay I made it alright let's get back
on the road I got an email from Walmart and Brawley my package is ready for
pickup there
we are literally on a highway built right over the Sonoran Desert that is
interesting I don't know if you can see that the
dust that we have blowing the sand over the highway
it's pretty neat well we're getting off the interstate
here I know Asha pendemonium was here a few weeks ago the Imperial sans dune
Recreation Area popular spot for ATVs he'll go right up in here but you need a
permit of some kind and to use it and camp overnight
so I pulled off here in a nice little shady spot you know non-fee area a free
area of the dunes this is a historical site that I'm at here we'll go walk over
here I know this is hard to see but if you want to pause it there on the plaque
and read it it says plank road 1914 to 1927 this is a replica here that you can
stand to walk but if we look up here there's part of the original remaining
we'll go get a little closer here I read a little bit of the board back there and
it says that this plank was built out here in the desert in the early 1900s to
lure people from Los Angeles to San Diego as a nicer Road than the desert ok
really windy out here guys but but there you go
so planks and steel almost like railroad ties all the way up hmm so this is going
to be my my pitstop guys my spot I'm here at the Walmart in Brawley
California and it may be some time before I see another Walley world here
so got a stock up because I need TP for my bunghole
and groceries and another little tip here like I said I'm picking up my anti
wobbler I could not find that device at Tractor Supply in fact they have no idea
what I'm talking about at Tractor Supply when I say an anti wobbler for the hitch
no idea not even in their catalog but I did a search on Walmart just out of the
blue and had like 9 results and two of the nine anti wobblers are eligible for
free store delivery so I use the Walmart pickup services a lot on the road
especially if I know where I'm gonna be in the next four to six days that's what
I did and so I go in show my ID they scan the
barcode on my phone that says order pickup since I already pay with my debit
card it's just an quick in-and-out to pick it up and so I'll go do that and do
my shopping and then once I get parked for the night at the campground I'll
install that and show you the difference okay interesting a lot has happened this
afternoon that I was not planning on but everything is awesome right now
because I was waiting for Angela we were gonna go to the campground together from
here and so I just decided you know what the heck I'm gonna take all the bill of
sale and the title and odometer and everything over to the DMV here in
Brawley California and just see what happens and I gotta be honest with you
guys it was easy it was so much better than
Washington you have no idea how lucky you are and I know people complain from
California about the DMV's ridiculous rules and stuff but come on the only way
this would have got done for me in Washington state because the odometer
read it they don't accept what what Californians do for the odometer
verification you can't print the form and they won't mail you the form you
have to go to an office and get it printed on their special boid proof
paper then you got to fly back to California with a notary sit down with
the previous owner sign it get it notarized and then hand-deliver that
back to Washington State that's the only way I can get it titled and registered
in Washington State so now I'm good through July that it's already in my
name it already has California plates so I don't have to get new plates it's
already past emissions last year so I have now till July to put it to put it
in Washington state plates so they're mailing the title back to Washington
State we'll be there in three weeks I just need to take the title in and to
get motorcycle plates are there but that was just so darn easy I'm so glad I
stopped in so a little little later than I planned though now it's four o'clock
and Angela doesn't want to go to the campground I'm gonna go see her anyway
and we'll we'll plan we'll go from here because I really dodged a bullet with
getting it transferred in my name in California instead of Washington whoo
geez could today be any better of a day I am they just in a fantastic mood I
called up Geico and switched the policy over to the new bike and the premium
didn't change didn't even change which kind of surprises me it's the same exact
annual premium so and there was one concern because now Geico is worried
that my bike is is double insured which you can't do with them but I was trying
to explain it in a way because the RV full timers insurance that I
it covers anything on the RV so if I were towing a car it wouldn't count but
because it's up on the hitch I have an extra $3,000 replacement insurance
policy on the RV which includes the bike itself that doesn't work on the road
obviously but if somebody ran into me when I was parked or if a tree fell or
something like that so anyway it's all good I already printed off my ID cards
with my printer on board 100% good to go so and there's the anti wobbler in this
box here I'll just show you what's going on I think I already showed this stand
back here see this see all that play that's not this that's just the wiggle
room between where the hitch goes into the receiver that's how you're getting
all of this wobble so that's why you need one of these and they're hard to
find but like I said they are available at Walmart and if you're carrying
anything on the back of your RV or truck or something you might want one after
you see how well this works so I'll put a link below in the video description
for this Walmart version which they ship to your house or site to store all
righty got her all installed there it is preventing wobble that's what it's doing
so they can put my foot on it still show you guys so it's moving a lot less
there's still some shake but it's in the hitch as strongly as it can get and I'm
happy with it what more can you ask for one of the thing I want to talk about is
the lights not blocked right not blocked over here
you know what partially blocked by the tire so I mean a license plate no matter
what is not going to be blocked but see how get farther back here so I got a
plan to fix that too what I'm gonna do is get some exterior lights the ones
that hook you into the connections down here and then I'll mount them here on
the corners of this next to the tire right here the ones with the signal turn
signals and the brake lights and the running lights and all that
just to make sure so I'm gonna start looking at Amazon tonight for those
because I didn't realize that the tire technically is kind of blocking some of
the visuals of this until then I will do all of my turn signals out the window
and brake lighting out the window just to make sure because California is weird
and they might be kind of picky about that so anyway guys have a good night
Jax and I are gonna be back on the road with some new adventures here to come in
a couple days have a good night okay
[Rus sub] Run BTS! 2018 - EP.38 - Duration: 31:47.
여전히 '만찢남' 비주얼 뽐내는 '기안84 후배' 충재씨 근황 - Duration: 2:26.
데뷔하자마자 대박 터트린 '괴물 신인' 워너원 "올해... - Duration: 3:34.
allah ditta lonay wala old songs purani yaadein ►new saraiki song 2018 ►junaid studio - Duration: 8:39.
allah ditta lonay wala old songs purani yaadein ►new saraiki song 2018 ►junaid studio
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