*NEW* NO BRIDGE GAMEMODE! | Clash Royale NEW Update Concepts!
For more infomation >> *NEW* NO BRIDGE GAMEMODE! | Clash Royale NEW Update Concepts! - Duration: 7:23.-------------------------------------------
💕My Retro Waves Look 💕 Using the Irresistible Me Diamond Flat Iron. - Duration: 5:58.
hey it's Annabelle. today I'm finally getting to show you how I make my hair
wavy or I curl it what a straightener I'm gonna be using this flat iron by
Irresistible Me- it's the diamond flat iron this is the third year I've had it it's
my favorite straightener that I've ever used actually just because the main
thing I like about it is how quickly it heats up. the efficiency is my number one
and also it has an automatically shutoff timer... I don't like to leave my things
plugged in, but for those who do it is definitely safer. when I hold this down
that turns it on and you can see how quickly it works so- the green light
turns on... and within five seconds I can use it to style my bangs.
I'm gonna set it to 370, that's my ideal temperature and my hair is naturally
straight so after I wash it, this is how it ends up looking like.
I have leave-in conditioner with heat protectant in it so I'm really bad like
I don't put any protectant. I split it in half but I'm not so strict about it and
I'll just start right here with the piece that frames my face. When I do that,
I curl inwards and hold it diagonally and I just drag it down and release it so it
becomes like... kind of a crimp, "a half wave" and what I do is since you can see it go
out in and then kind of out again I just pick it up where it left off and I twist
I twist it a little more, and it just becomes a very soft curl. so you just do this diagonally,
make an indent, and then do the same thing over here
I'm much less careful around the pieces that don't frame my face because it
doesn't show up quite as much. I have a decent amount of hair but I don't like
to clip it and section it off because, I think that's just too much effort
I enjoy kind of just, grabbing hair from different sections though and
integrating them together- and don't worry if they don't really behave with
each other because you can fix that later. so now you can see as I comb
through with my fingers that's... coming along. there's something very important
that I want to distinguish when you're curling the opposite side where your
hand is not dominant- unless you can use both hands- then it's perfect
I used to just mirror myself and curl it this way but, it always looked kind of
different and I really thought hard about it and it's because of the angle
of the flat iron. when I curl it inwards like this, it's kind of straight to my
face, and when I curl it inwards like this, because of the positioning of my
arm it's diagonal, so anytime I'm curling this side, I make sure that I'm holding
it this way- excuse my unshaped armpit... I almost never
shave because I'm not very hairy and I don't care that much- so you're gonna see
a little bit of a mini bush.
so I wanna take a smaller chunk, just because it
frames my face- I hold it over so that it's diagonal see when I curl it not
like this, because it's gonna be straight. hold it up, and then... do the same thing
curl it inwards, and since I'm holding it this way I'm curling it down. continue
where that curve left off, drag it down, and then...
same thing- but since it's the end I curl it a little bit more so that it doesn't
stick out straight. for the bigger pieces in the back that doesn't frame your face
or anything, they're almost illusions of curls,
because they're basically just crimps. so I'm gonna do that. release it so it's
like a wave, and then, carry it through here, another wave and then, right to the
end. especially if your part is not in the middle, a lot of times for vintage
hairstyles, this piece is pinned back and then you have a curl right here right by
the ear. I make my bangs extra curvy so that it kind of blends well with this
curl up here. now for my bottom, I just put the heat up to 400 and I take much
bigger sections of hair, so, the high heat will help expedite that process. another
reason why I stick to flat iron, is because when you use curling barrels, you don't
really get that big loose wave. if you use a bigger barrel
it just makes super loose waves that don't even hold for more than a day, so
after years of curling my hair- I used to do everyday- curl my hair. after years of
doing that, I kind of just gotten accustomed to using a flat iron for
everything. fair warning when you do this it makes it a lot more poofy, and
voluminous- which I like. I can't even imagine what it would look like if you
brushed it it would be like
sections that you at first
curled separately, you can go back and edit together. gonna take a big chunk,
conjoin them right here, and press them together- and they're just more neat all
of sudden. I'm just gonna keep combing through for a little bit, but that's the
gist of how I curl my hair everyday- it's quite simple so I hope that gave you
some insight in case you wanted to try it out, and let me know if you do, because
that would be really fun to see. but as always thank you so much for watching I
really appreciate you spending your time here and each and every comment... I really
appreciate it and it means so much. I'm sending you loads of love and happy thoughts. I'll see you!
thanks so much again, I love you! bye!
Fiat Doblò Cargo 1.3 MULTIJET | ACHTERDEUREN | ZIJDEUR | SENSOREN | 12-2014!! | ALL-IN!! - Duration: 0:57.
Opel Astra 1.0 TURBO 77KW 5D - Duration: 1:00.
해군 갱플랭크 스킨 인게임 (세일러복)|K-News - Duration: 2:17.
Opel Zafira Tourer 2.0 CDTI 125KW - Duration: 1:01.
하태경 가상화폐, 정부 작전개입 공개 "파문"|K-News - Duration: 7:59.
Option Trading Course
Outrage After Trey Gowdy Exposes Secret FBI Plan To Overthrow Trump — Dems Are - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 28:42.
Outrage After Trey Gowdy Exposes Secret FBI Plan To Overthrow Trump — Dems Are Furious!
Over the past few weeks, it's become blatantly obvious that White House Special Counsel Robert
Mueller's investigation into President Donald Trump's alleged collusion with Russia is
nothing more than a witch hunt.
Now, South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy has finally had enough.
Western Journalism reported that Gowdy went on Fox News on Monday night with fellow Republican
lawmaker John Ratcliffe to talk about the newly discovered text messages that add to
accusations that the FBI may be harboring anti-Trump bias in their investigation of
Russian collusion.
The text exchanges were between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who
was his mistress.
The texts make it clear that Stzok and Page have an intense dislike of Trump, with the
agent even implying that a "secret society" exists among federal agents to prevent Trump
from entering the White House.
"We know about this 'insurance policy' that was referenced in trying to prevent Donald
Trump from becoming president.
We learned today about information that after — in the immediate aftermath of this election
— that there may have been a 'secret society' of folks within the Department of Justice
and the FBI, to include Page and Strzok, that would be working against him," Ratcliffe
"I'm not saying that actually happened, but when folks speak in those terms, they
need to come forward to explain the contexts with which they use those terms."
"It's the day after the election and it's the same two people who were discussing a
little bit later in the texts the damage they had done with the Clinton investigation and
how they could 'fix it' and make it right," Gowdy said.
"That is a level of bias that is stunning among law enforcement officers."
In another damning text message, Strzok suggested that there was some sort of "insurance policy"
in place in the event that Trump were to win the presidency.
"I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office …that
there's no way he gets elected — but I'm afraid we can't take that risk.
It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40," the married
Strzok wrote to Page.
Last week, the Department of Justice announced that it had somehow lost five months worth
of texts between Strzok and Page.
The DOJ said that all texts between Dec. 14, 2016, to May 17, 2017, were no longer available,
and Republicans immediately called foul.
"It is possible these text messages that are missing, perhaps they really were lost.
Perhaps it is another strange coincidence," Ratcliffe stated.
"It makes it harder and harder for us to explain one strange coincidence after another."
We can only hope that Gowdy, Ratcliffe, and their fellow Republicans are able to get to
the bottom of this and finally put a stop to Mueller's witch hunt against Trump.
SHARE this story if you think Robert Mueller's investigation should be disbanded!
h/t Western Journalism
J Balvin Grandes Exitos Enganchados Mix | J Balvin Sus Mejores Éxitos - Duration: 53:38.
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How to Find the Perfect Career for You - Duration: 7:36.
Hey it's Abbi J from AJ Life Hacks and in this video I am giving you my top
tips for how to find a career you love. Because believe me, I have been in
careers that I've hated and finally I found my true passion and it took me so
long. I wish there'd just been one video that I could have watched to tell
me how to get where I am right now and to find real purpose in my job and the
work that I'm doing. So this video is for you,
and it includes all the steps that I wish I had known on my way and I've
discovered the hard way. So let's get right to it.
The first tip I have for you
when it comes to finding a career that you love and find really fulfilling, is
to explore your talents. Now I know that you've heard some form of this tip
throughout your life. Especially in high school when they tell you you have to
decide what you're gonna do for the rest of your life. But honestly this is you
being a little bit more truthful with yourself when trying to discover what
you love about you and what activities bring you such joy. So truly take the
time to figure out, "do I love physical activity? Am I really good at writing? Am
I super good at math? Like what subjects have I not truly gravitated myself to
and if I could just do it all day every day." I would do 6 hours of math instead
of like six hours of PE? Or I would do writing and science because those are my
favorite things like, what is it that you just love and have found you're
passionate? Because those talents that you naturally have and that are God-given
and also that you've worked on and created for yourself. They are going to
lead to some of the fulfillment that you're after in a career. So it's
critical to know those, and the second tip that I have for you when trying to
figure out your career, is to take those talents and now write a list of things
that interest you. Now note that I didn't say careers that interest you, you can
include those too but I don't want you to focus on that. So many times I felt
like I got a little bit of astray on my true loves and my true wants out of
life because I was already tailoring them to a career. I thought, "oh I like
writing so I guess that means I have to be an English teacher." When know there
were a million different things but I tailored that talent to that career and
not career only and guess what? I don't want to be teacher, so that meant that
was out. So on this list I want you to truly write everything that interests
you. Write writing, write maybe teaching, write that you love to play football.
That you love to interact with kids that you have so much fun teaching your peers,
like just put it all down and don't worry about
tailoring or matching that skill up to a career yet. My third tip for you is to
identify what you want most out of a career. Now I get that some of you
probably instantly went, oh I want money. I want recognition. Well specifically
try to narrow it down to these three categories: Are you after recognition?
security? or freedom? You know recognition is kind of more your doctors your
lawyers your firefighters your police officers.
People who find fulfillment out of the type of work that they do and how
they're recognized for that work. I feel like teachers fall in this too. You know
they feel so rewarded for helping their students. Security is more that you care
about the benefits of your company, the compensation, that you're making and that
this is a really steady job for you and that things are very like orderly and is
pretty like day after day you're doing about the same thing. And you find
enjoyment and being very skillful in your work, and the third is freedom. This
is that you could care so much more about having the ability to come and go
to work or work, when you're able to instead of necessarily tying that to a
salary or instead of being at your desk all day. Now
for some of us we think oh those are awesome. I'm all of those types. Well to
truly narrow it down, you need to ask yourself which of those would I give up
for the other one. For me I am a full blown freedom girl and I'm all about
giving me you know the ability to leave when my work is done and work super hard
and get it done and have flexible hours. I'll take that over a salary raise any
day and so that's a good indicator that my main thing I'm looking for in a
career is some freedom and some autonomy. So what is it that you're after in your
career? And one of those three categories really speaks to you? My fourth tip for
you is to do your due diligence. Now I get that they do personality assessments
and they kind of tell you what career path and college degrees will really
work for you in high school and even elementary school. This goes so much
further beyond that. This is that you utilize every tool available to you
particularly internships. My greatest regret in college was that I just signed
up for an internship that I knew the lady. I knew I could get
it done super quick and I'd be in and out. And it really wasn't something it it
pertains to my major but it wasn't like the career field exactly I wanted to go
into but I was going to do it to get it done. And I wish that I truly like been
strategic about the internships I chose and chosen an internship at like a place
that I really wanted a job at or in something that I thought could really
give me an insight into that industry but instead I used to the easy way out
and so for you, you know, go talk to people. Interview of a person who has a
job close to yours. Interview of somebody who has a job so far away from what you
thought your major was capable of to just inspire you and get you thinking of
different ways that you can use the knowledge that you have or maybe what
you even want to go to school. So interview people, do internships. I don't
care if it's working for free this is your future that you're setting up! And
my last tip for you is to never give up on that great job. Now full disclosure, no
matter how amazing your dream job is you're the CEO over the company, you're a
stay-at-home mom, you're that doctor you wanted to be, you're that teacher. As
awesome as that is going to be for you and it can be your dream career there
are gonna be days when it's hard to get out of bed and go to work. We all
experience that. I'm not talking about those days when Monday morning is hard.
I'm talking about the day after day, year after year, is it okay and are you happy
to go to work? Because if not, if you're finding yourself miserable in your job,
then get out! Go find that job because a good job is out there for you. So I hope
these steps help you and I really hope you take them seriously especially doing
your due diligence to figure out what possibilities are out there for you
because we tend to limit ourselves and say, well I'm gonna be a teacher and that
means I can only teach the subject at this time at this school like. We start
to really limit our focus into what we believe a doctor does or what we believe
a teacher does and we don't open our mind to all the possibilities for a
career around us. So I would encourage you to do that please leave a comment
below for maybe a career choice you are so excited to explore. Give this
video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet because I
have amazing videos coming out for you all about how to build your career, how
to nail that interview, and how to talk to anybody anywhere. So I'll see you in
the next video. Thank you for watching Abbi J out.
Geek Squad Same Day Scre...
해군 갱플랭크 스킨 인게임 (세일러복)|K-News - Duration: 2:17.
하태경 가상화폐, 정부 작전개입 공개 "파문"|K-News - Duration: 7:59.
An Exclusive Interview With Controversial 'K-Poppers' EXP Edition - Duration: 1:01.
An Exclusive Interview With Controversial 'K-Poppers' EXP Edition
If youve had a keen eye for K-Pop over the last year, youve probably heard of the group EXP Edition.
Theyre a group that consists entirely of non-Korean members, and that fact alone has been enough to draw the publics attention and even ruffle some feathers.
They follow a unique path in the K-Pop world, one previously uncovered by other acts.
Will this unique group be able to rise to the top? Heres how they see it, in their own words.
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