Oh, hi, Sheryl!
Let's get out of here
Ra, did you know that just now is just inappropriate?
Well, it is complicated
But just because someone says something 'positive' to you doesn't mean that it's a compliment
Especially when it's unwanted attention from strangers
What about things like whistling,
Honking horns, or other things like that?
Is that catcalling?
It sure is! Catcalling isn't just words
It can be sounds, gestures,
And even just looks, too
Like the way they stare at you like this
That's catcalling, sister
Well yeah, it felt a little uncomfortable
But ... How can I address it without embarrassing them or hurting their feelings?
I totally get what you're saying
I don't want to embarrass people, either...
But we don't have to be polite to people who catcall at us
When people catcall us
They aren't seeing us as a person...
They're just seeing us as an object. That's so uncool, Ra
Ya, that makes sense.. I've always felt a little uncomfortable when people holler at me
But I've never known what to do...
So... What should I do when someone catcalls me?
Should I confront them?
Well, your safety is the most important thing, Ra
And you never know how someone might react to a confrontation
If you're comfortable enough, you can speak up
But if the situation doesn't seem safe
Sometimes the best thing to do is just ignore it and just move on
Yeah, I agree
They're probably looking for a reaction anyways
So ignoring them is a way to not encourage their behavior, right?
Yep! Totally!
If you can't help it anymore
Try to contact trustworthy people in the case of an emergency
Like me!
Or go to safe places
Or a crowded place so people can notice you
I think that's better
Yeah, I guess it's true
I'm glad that we talked about this, Sheryl
For all of us Springsters who want to learn more about catcalling
And staying safe, what can we do?
You can read more about it at id.heyspringster.com!
For those of you who have experienced this before
What's the best safety tip you got?
Share your stories with us in the comments below!
And always remember that we: #Don'tNeedYourHollering
Bye, Springster!!!
Hara Huru Dara season 1 is over!
But don't fret! Season 2 is coming
And meanwhile.. We got HHD best bloopers for you!
Stay tuned to our channel
Visit Springster Indonesia's website
See you all, soon!
For more infomation >> Hara Huru Dara #10: Talking About Catcalling with Sheryl & Rara: A Compliment or Something Sinister? - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit
English possession with 's, possession in English, using apostrophe s - Duration: 7:36.
Hey, what's up! And welcome to Series English! My name is Antonia Romaker
and today we'll focus on possession using an apostrophe s.
There's another variant when you use the preposition of.
But today we'll study mainly, purely the apostrophe s situation.
Firstly we need to understand that an apostrophe s is used to show
that something belongs to somebody or something.
Here there is an asterix, because mostly something belongs to somebody.
A couple of examples.
Is that Mary's car?
So I mean: Does this car belong to Mary?
Is that Mary's car?
Russia's territory is so vast.
How do we pronounce an apostrophe s?
Here the rules are absolutely the same as for the plural ending s.
So it can be pronounced as [s] for example cat's, the plural form is pronounced the same way - cats.
It can be pronounced as [z], kid's, kids, kids' - all three forms are pronounced the same.
And [iz], George's, Georges.
If you do not remember the rules then let me refresh your memory,
take a look at this chart.
And now let's review some peculiarities which you are supposed to know when you deal with an apostrophe s.
First off we can use an apostrophe s with noun phrases.
An example. This is my brother's girlfriend. This is a noun phrase - my brother, two words.
And we add an apostrophe s to the last word.
This is my brother's girlfriend.
Second off we can use two possessive contractions.
We went to Sarah's parents' house. So the house belongs to the parents.
And the parents belong to Sarah, so they are Sarah's parents and we went to their house.
So therefore we have - We went to Sarah's parents house.
By the way have you noticed that here we do not have an apostrophe s, we have just an apostrophe and that's it.
That's because it is a plural noun which ends in the ending s,
so we add just an apostrophe. For singular nouns we add an apostrophe s,
but for plural nouns which end in s already we add just an apostrophe.
Thirdly an apostrophe s can be about time and duration. Is this today's paper?
The next point. As I have already said we use an apostrophe s with singular nouns
and we use just an apostrophe with plural nouns which have the ending s.
But with irregular plural forms we use an apostrophe s. The children's toys are all over the place.
Children is plural, but it is an irregular form that's why we add an apostrophe s.
Moving on, if the first or the second name ends in s,
we can add an apostrophe s or just an apostrophe, both variants are possible.
And usually we pronounce such words as [ziz] or [siz].
Is that James' dog? James - that's why this - James'.
As for compound words we add an apostrophe s to the final noun.
My mother-in-law's cooking is delish, is delicious.
Do not forget that we don't usually use an apostrophe s with things.
Therefore we have - the door handle, the kitchen table, the shop window and so on.
Also when we talk about places familiar to the speaker and the listener
we sometimes can drop the noun after an apostrophe s.
The hairdressers, the doctors, the vets - the vet's office I mean, the John's - I mean the John's house,
the Whites' - the Whites' place. Here Whites' stands for the whole family. The Johnsons.
And the last two points. Number 9 - in short answers we can omit the noun if it is not necessary to repeat it.
Iis that your coat? No, it's Sandra's.
10. We can use an apostrophe s with one, anyone, someone, anybody, somebody.
It's essential to know one's rights. And answering the previous question - It is someone else's coat.
Else's. If you add else then an apostrophe s is added to else.
And take a look at these two forms. What is the difference? What do you think?
This is a singular form and this is a plural form, the same logic.
You should ask for others' opinion - other people, many people, that's why we use this form.
You should ask for others opinion.
And finally do not use an apostrophe s with possessive pronouns. Be careful.
Anyway that's it. If you have any questions as usual feel free to write a comment,
also do not forget to like, share and subscribe, it will help me a lot.
And I hope that you would like to continue studying English with me.
See you in my next video! Happy English and Russian practice! Bye!
Audi A5 LAGE KM-STAND!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.8 TFSI S EDITION - Duration: 0:54.
ABC Turkish Alphabet Animals - SİNCAP and YUNUS - Duration: 2:46.
How to open a multiple page pdf file as artboards in Adobe Illustrator - Duration: 2:01.
How to open a multiple page pdf file as artboards in Adobe Illustrator
Illustrator doesn't have a way to open a multi page PDF as an .ai file with multiple artboards.
You need to download this script (link in description)
Extract the script
Launch Adobe Illustrator
Go to File > Scripts > Other Script
Navigate to the script folder
Select your PDF file and adjust the page range
Click Open
How to Open Multi page PDF in Adobe Illustrator
Talla Sujetador ¿Cómo saber la copa y la talla de sujetador que necesitas? - Duration: 22:05.
Todesurteil gegen deutsche Islamistin? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 4:12.
Abstract Painting Acrylics demonstration | Step by step painting only with Palette Knife | Tunnel - Duration: 3:50.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Bích Phương - Mình Yêu Nhau Đi (Mons Remix) - Duration: 3:08.
Versez du sel et de l'eau dans un verre. Ce qui se passe va vous changer la vie ! - Duration: 5:36.
Hampton Inn Manhattan-SoHo en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, América del Norte - Duration: 5:02.
Les animaux pour bébé en français - (Partie 15) Apprendre les couleurs avec ZOO animaux & Baby dance - Duration: 6:07.
Aymeric Laporte, la voie express pour s'imposer chez les Bleus - Duration: 5:49.
Puigdemont : 21 cosas que no sabías de Carles Puigdemont - Duration: 4:22.
EJ Carter is Up Next
Karine Le Marchand « peinée » par le tacle appuyé d'Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 1:49.
Laeticia Hallyday retrouve goût à la vie avec ses filles à la plage - Duration: 1:11.
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8 Short Bollywood Actresses Who Prove That Height Is Not A Matter In Acting
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Qu'est-ce que le diabète ? Cause, symptômes et traitement - partie 1 - Diabète de type 1 - conseils - Duration: 7:16.
Rainz hold their first 'Shake You Up' fansigning - Duration: 1:03.
Rainz hold their first 'Shake You Up' fansigning
Rainz had their first fansigning of their Shake You Up promotions.
The boys came back recently with their 2nd mini album Shake You Up and title song Turn It Up on the 23rd.
The members also prepared face mask packs for their fans whod come to their fansigning.
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PHOTOS – Après Rihanna et Bono, Brigitte Macron reçoit Angelina Jolie - Duration: 2:27.
Abstract Painting Acrylics demonstration | Step by step painting only with Palette Knife | Tunnel - Duration: 3:50.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
ZENGİN VS FAKİR HAYATI #11 - (Minecraft) - Duration: 12:30.
Brevis - Too Late - Duration: 3:53.
50 like?
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KEŞKE DETIRTEN KORKU EVI VE IFŞALAYICI FILM KAYITLARI (Elektrik Şok ile Saldırdılar) - Duration: 22:02.
Les animaux pour bébé en français - (Partie 15) Apprendre les couleurs avec ZOO animaux & Baby dance - Duration: 6:07.
Remèdes pour les poches sous les yeux et les pattes d'oie - Duration: 8:17.
PWWT 004 - Addendum to RFAoETAQs Volume 1 - Duration: 11:54.
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Epic remix
Karine Le Marchand « peinée » par le tacle appuyé d'Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 1:49.
Bonial - Paroles de clients - Auchan - F. Combres - Duration: 2:53.
I'm the Media Manager for Auchan Retail France
We use traditional media like television, radio, press, billboards,
but also digital media.
The digital brochure is still the main communication asset
of our offers towards our customers
and the people near our stores.
It's important that we give consumers access to our offers in the digital world,
and therefore to invest on the visibility of our digital brochures.
What's interesting is that the people who use Bonial are doing it willfully,
they choose to come and to view our weekly ads.
So we show them our promotional offers when they want to.
Everything is taken care of by the Bonial team
they load the different versions of our circulars on the platform
and make all the necessary links.
It's really simple for us. In addition,
we have a regular report that enables us to keep
the teams working with Bonial,
but also other stakeholders at HQ or on the field, informed on the performances.
We have an average engagement time around 2 minutes.
Compared to other digital media,
it's an interesting investment for us,
even if we can't rely solely on Bonial's platform.
Bonial gives us a geotracking measurement,
since most users read the brochures on mobile:
they're able to identify the proportion of users
that went to our stores after reading one of our brochures.
In the future, I would like to have these data certified by a third party
for improved precision and objectivity of the measurement.
The more we'll be able to combine the different assets we use in a complementary way,
whether paper or the digital,
the more effective our investments will be.
8 Short Bollywood Actresses Who Prove That Height Is Not A Matter In Acting - Duration: 3:26.
8 Short Bollywood Actresses Who Prove That Height Is Not A Matter In Acting
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