Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 10 2017

FUNNY UNBOXING | Toy cars for toddlers | Unpacking Welly Die Cast Cars | Audi TT | Porsche Boxster

For more infomation >> FUNNY UNBOXING | Toy cars for toddlers | Unpacking Welly Die Cast Cars | Audi TT | Porsche Boxster - Duration: 5:30.


Très Relaxant Musique Pour Dormir - Musique Douce Pour Enfants - Musique Zen Relaxant - Duration: 4:21:36.

For more infomation >> Très Relaxant Musique Pour Dormir - Musique Douce Pour Enfants - Musique Zen Relaxant - Duration: 4:21:36.


Did Vikings Ice Skate or Ski? | Bedtime Viking Stories👑 - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Did Vikings Ice Skate or Ski? | Bedtime Viking Stories👑 - Duration: 1:35.


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Volvo V50 1.6D DRIVe Momentum Leder+Navigatie! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.6D DRIVe Momentum Leder+Navigatie! - Duration: 1:07.


Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse Coupé 220 D 4MATIC - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse Coupé 220 D 4MATIC - Duration: 1:28.


BMW X5 3.0D Exclusive Edition **PANORAMA+XENON+COMFORTPAK - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0D Exclusive Edition **PANORAMA+XENON+COMFORTPAK - Duration: 0:43.


Singer Simple 3223G 23stitch Sewing Machine - Duration: 15:19.

For more infomation >> Singer Simple 3223G 23stitch Sewing Machine - Duration: 15:19.


Très Relaxant Musique Pour Dormir - Musique Douce Pour Enfants - Musique Zen Relaxant - Duration: 4:21:36.

For more infomation >> Très Relaxant Musique Pour Dormir - Musique Douce Pour Enfants - Musique Zen Relaxant - Duration: 4:21:36.


Did the Vikings Use Sledges? | Bedtime Viking Stories👑 - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Did the Vikings Use Sledges? | Bedtime Viking Stories👑 - Duration: 0:33.


Merzouga FIM 2016 Official Video - Duration: 9:50.

¿Have you heard of the magic of the desert?

An unknown location,

an ocean of sand,

Merzouga, awakens your senses.

I'm Nasser Naciri director of the International Festival of Merzouga, the fourth edition

The theme we have chosen this year is tolerance and peace.

With everything that is happening in the Arab and Muslim world

or the vision that European people or people of other nationalities on the Arab and Muslim world.

we want to convey a very clear message to humanity. We are a town, small,

but it is a country culturally rich hyper.

we are in the desert, we are at peace, tranquility and is what we want to convey to people,

that people come to enjoy with us.

For more infomation >> Merzouga FIM 2016 Official Video - Duration: 9:50.


Did Vikings Ice Skate or Ski? | Bedtime Viking Stories👑 - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Did Vikings Ice Skate or Ski? | Bedtime Viking Stories👑 - Duration: 1:35.


RADMIR CRMP Говно или нет?!?!?!?!? Осторожно (10фпс) - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> RADMIR CRMP Говно или нет?!?!?!?!? Осторожно (10фпс) - Duration: 7:01.


(clickbait dramatization) TOURIST SHOOTS LION TO SAVE BABY BUFFALO?! - Duration: 2:18.

hi i'm kevin and you are being stalked by a lion

but i am going to save you and you are going to give me your gratitude for it

because i am a hero of nature


yeah you're safe now you can live in harmony in the beautiful grass

without worrying about those evil lions lol

i wouldn't have done that if i were you

you shouldn't have done that kevin you've butchered the continuity of nature

who are you and where are you hiding


eew a fucking cockroach that's nasty you are the scum of the earth

i hope you go extinct you pest

why are you here you dumb butthead

and what made you think it was a good idea to just shoot a lion from your truck

i read a comment on a youtube video of a lion killing a buffalo

and she said that poor buffalo you asshole cameraman why didn't you help it

and i agree so i came here to save another buffalo from possibly that same lion


you should never trust youtube comments because they are always suspicious

and 99% of them are just shitposts including some of the comments i've posted in recent memory

but arguments on that website are unproductive and should not be read under any circumstances

unless you want to melt your brain

trust me

i'm a cockroach

shut up dumb cockroach you're hurting the buffalo's feelings

so it's time to blow your roach out hahahahahahahahaha

oh fuck

hahahaha yeah they have no business

trying to screw around with a peaceful vegan buffalo


and don't forget that buffalo is too young to graze and therefore must rely on its mother's milk

but i know you'll just go to the grocery store to buy a half gallon for it

because you've demonstrated you only think with your shotgun

For more infomation >> (clickbait dramatization) TOURIST SHOOTS LION TO SAVE BABY BUFFALO?! - Duration: 2:18.


Trump vs the Spies - Duration: 9:46.

Trump vs. the Spies.


In this digital age, it is reasonable to ask just what America�s intelligence community

still brings to the table.

The answer is a lot.

Something stunning happened on Capitol Hill yesterday: Republican and Democratic members

of the Senate Armed Services Committee practically stood shoulder to shoulder with senior officials

from the U.S. intelligence community as they declared that America�s spies were right

after all: The Russian government sought to interfere in the U.S. presidential election

by hacking into election-related email and leaking information.

It was a striking bipartisan rebuke to President-elect Donald Trump, who has consistently cast skepticism

on allegations of Russian involvement and seemed to disparage the intelligence community.

Perhaps in anticipation of that committee hearing, Trump was already backpedaling on

Twitter before it started, declaring, �The media lies to make it look like I am against

�Intelligence� when in fact I am a big fan!�

Trump�s �never mind� tweet is unlikely to repair the dangerous breach between the

incoming president and the intelligence agencies that serve him.

Presidents often throw intelligence agencies under the bus when they fail.

Never before has a president-elect thrown them under the bus for succeeding.

But that�s exactly what Trump has been doing for weeks, in an unrelenting frenzy.

Since his election, Trump has spent more time fighting Langley than ISIS.

He has called the CIA�s assessment of the Russian government�s role in election hacking

�ridiculous� and has insisted, repeatedly, that the culprit could be anyone, including

a 400-pound hacker or �somebody sitting in a bed some place.� His transition team

has disparaged and discredited the CIA as �the same people who thought Saddam Hussein

had weapons of mass destruction��even though they aren�t the same people, Russian

cyber hacking isn�t the same intelligence target as Iraq WMD, the Iraq failure was 14

years ago, and intelligence agencies have radically overhauled their analytic process

since then.

The president-elect has also said he won�t bother getting daily intelligence briefings�making

him the first president since 9/11 to skip them�because he�s smart.

And just a day before Trump declared himself an intelligence fan, The Wall Street Journal

reported that his team was cooking up a Nixon-esque scheme to purge the CIA and the Office of

the Director of National Intelligence of suspected politicization in the ranks by trimming and

reorganizing both agencies.

(The Trump team has denied this report, which was based on the accounts of sources �familiar

with the planning,� including at least one close to the transition.)

With fans like this, who needs enemies?

Some skepticism toward intelligence is healthy.

And tension between presidents and their intelligence agencies is nothing new.

Lyndon Johnson was said to compare the intelligence community to his boyhood cow, Bessie, who

would swing her �shit smeared� tail through a bucket of milk as soon as he�d finished

milking her.

Bill Clinton met so infrequently with his CIA Director, Jim Woolsey, that when a plane

crashed on the White House lawn, aides joked that it was Woolsey trying to get a meeting.

(Woolsey, incidentally, had been advising the Trump transition team until resigning

yesterday, reportedly due to �growing tensions over Trump�s vision for intelligence agencies.�)

Nearly all presidents leave office disappointed and disgruntled with their intelligence apparatus,

for two reasons: because presidents want crystal balls and even the CIA�s smartest people

don�t have them; and because presidents resort to covert operations for the toughest

of problems, when all else fails�which is why covert operations usually fail, too.

But no president until now has entered office with such a profound, publicly vented distrust

of his own intelligence establishment.

Read more: Intelligence Chief Sets High Expectations For Next Week�s Hacking Report

See also: How Putin is Using Populist Movements Against the West

And As Trump�s Foreign Policy Emerges, Watch His Temperament in Washington

Trump�s doubts are both understandable and alarming.

Understandable because we live in an era where threats are moving faster than bureaucrats,

and where hacks, tweets, leaks, and internet �news� (both real and fake) make information

available everywhere, all the time, instantly.

In this digital age, it is reasonable to ask just what America�s intelligence community

still brings to the table.

U.S. intelligence agencies have one overriding mission: giving the president decision-making

advantage in a dangerous and deceptive world.

The answer is a lot.

U.S. intelligence agencies have one overriding mission: giving the president decision-making

advantage in a dangerous and deceptive world.

Intelligence officials risk their lives to recruit foreign assets, they intercept foreign

email and cell-phone communications, they build and deploy spy satellites, they track

obscure foreign government reports and trends for vital clues about the stability of a regime

or the health of a foreign economy.

Sure, you can find a Wikipedia page on just about anything these days.

Where intelligence agencies add value is by integrating the best open-source information

and integrating it with the secret nuggets they gather.

All intelligence is information.

But not all information is intelligence.

Agencies like the CIA or NSA sort through a crushing daily stream of information and

marry it with secrets to yield insights that keep Americans safe and advance the country�s

national interests.

Do they get it wrong sometimes?

Of course.

In 1962, just weeks before an American U-2 spy plane discovered unmistakable evidence

of Soviet nuclear missile installations in Cuba, the intelligence community completed

an assessment that concluded the Soviets would not dare place missiles in Cuba.

Today Americans remember the U-2 photos but forget the intelligence failure that preceded

them and led the United States to the nuclear brink.

The intelligence failures of 9/11 and Iraq WMD are still fresh and searing.

But castigating intelligence officials because they don�t succeed every time is like saying

Stephen Curry is a terrible NBA basketball player because he doesn�t make every 3-point

shot he takes.

Intelligence agencies are paid to pierce the fog of the future as best they can.

They tackle the toughest targets�trying to divine the capabilities and intentions

of adversaries who hide in caves, send children to be suicide bombers, enrich uranium in secret

underground facilities, seek space weapons that could destroy GPS and every digital system

people use, and would detonate a nuclear bomb in a New York minute to take out New York

City if they ever got one.

As one former senior intelligence official told me, if the intelligence community is

getting it right 100 percent of the time, then they should be fired because they aren�t

asking hard enough questions.

The president cannot afford to delegate intelligence briefings to underlings in today�s threat


This is serious business, and intelligence agencies take it deadly seriously.

They are the silent warriors of America.

There�s no holiday in their honor.

There�s no big public memorial on the National Mall.

There are no Air Force flyovers or standing ovations at football games for them.

There are only unmarked stars on the walls at Langley and Fort Meade honoring those at

CIA and NSA who died in silent service to their country.

Mr. Trump should visit those walls and feel their sacrifice.

Better yet, he should honor America�s intelligence professionals by listening to what they have

to say�starting with the daily intelligence briefing.

The president cannot afford to delegate intelligence briefings to underlings in today�s threat

environment, for three reasons that Mr. Trump should know well from his experience in the

business world.

First, nothing generates knowledge and results like face-to-face meetings.

That�s why CEOs fly around the world to meet in person instead of Skyping.

Whether in the boardroom or the Oval Office, good briefings are two-way interactions that

build trust and insight.

They�re golden moments for a senior intelligence official to converse with the nation�s leader,

to better understand what�s on his mind, what he wants to know, what he finds unconvincing,

and how the vast assets of the intelligence community can better serve him.

Second, good briefings inform�they arm the commander-in-chief with a view of what matters

right now and what could matter tomorrow, so that he isn�t surprised.

Because in foreign policy, surprises are never the good kind.

Third and finally, the daily briefing boosts morale.

It says to the men and women of the intelligence community, �you matter.� Nothing signals

importance like minutes of the president�s schedule.

Given the dangers America confronts, the nation needs the intelligence community now more

than ever.

The 45th president needs to show that he thinks so, too

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