Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 10 2017

Hi everyone, I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with MuttButs.com. I'm a Social

Media Content Creator for Atlanta Pet Businesses. In this video I'm going to give you the

five steps to create your Social Media Plan for your Pet Business. Make sure you stay

tuned to the end because I'm going to give you a link to download a Free Checklist and

Template. Step 1 is to Brainstorm. You are going to

brainstorm and write down every single topic that you can come up with that you are going

to want to discuss throughout the year. The best thing I think is to have at least 6 to

12 months planned ahead that way you are not wasting time at the last minute trying to

come up with something and having a hard time with it. Just brainstorm as much as you can.

Step 2 is to put your topics into a more concise and coherent list. For instance, if you are

a dog trainer, and one month you are going to be talking about beginning tips that you

want to make sure that you do to train your dog like sit and stay, the next month after

that you may not want to talk about off leash training because it's going to be too far

of a gap. So, if you have them all written down, you can then go and look at them and

decide a good flow and order of them to go throughout the year so that your entire content

seems to have a better flow to it. That will help you tremendously throughout your year.

Step 3 is to break the topics down into weekly tips. Now you've basically gone from 0 to

12 to 48 topics. Step 4 is to Take Action - Just Do It! "A

goal without a plan is just a wish!" That's why writing everything down, putting it in

order so that you can then take action. Let's say you are a groomer and your monthly

topic is Paw Health and your weekly tip has to do with the importance of trimming your

pet's nails. So you go through and show them how you do it differently to reduce the

stress for the animal and different tips about why trimming their nails is a very important

thing for their pet's health. So a lot of people aren't going to do their pet's

nails themselves so they will come to you because they've seen how you do it differently.

The other thing is to take this opportunity to offer them 12 nail trims for the price

of 10. They can get a package deal. That's a great thing to add to the end of your social

media for the month so that they can come in and schedule that and get those 12 for

10 and get a great deal and you've got a customer that's got a package deal coming

in more than once. Step 5 is to Review, review and review some

more. Ok, so the best thing about an entrepreneur or small business is that you can easily change

what you're doing. What you are working on is not set in stone. So if something comes

up throughout the year that you think is a great topic and is very timely and you don't

want to miss out on it, by all means, change that calendar. Actually, I like to write down

my entire calendar in pencil because I'm constantly making little tweaks to it and

if something comes up that I want to make sure that I hit on because it's something

that's hot that everybody's talking about, I want to do it as fast as I can. So, go ahead,

make those changes and I always like to keep my notes with me so that if anything comes

up that I think of that I might not want to do immediately, but I might wan to keep in

mind for the next year, I write that down so I've got those topics in my notes and

I can remember them. And now for your BONUS TIP. Remember when

you're making your content for your blog, make sure that it is Evergreen content. So,

what I mean by that is something that you can share year-round. For instance, February

is pet dental health month. So while you might write a blog about pet dental health and you

may share that throughout the entire year because pet dental health is important 12

months out of the year, not just in February. You're going to want to do your blog and

you're not going to want to talk about specifically pet dental health month, you'll want to

talk about dental health. Then what you can do is in February you can make sure that you

add some graphics and maybe change a few things, headings and talk about pet dental health

month being in February and also if you've got a coupon if you're selling pet dental

toothpaste, pet toothbrush, toys that help with that, anything that you've got a special

going on. If you're a veterinarian, a lot of veterinarians have specials in February

for dental cleanings. So you can do those graphics, share them out on social media and

link back to your blog. That is something that you can do, then make sure at the end

of the month that your blog doesn't have anything that specifically say February. That

way you can share that blog that you've created that content for all year round. That's

evergreen content. Content that can be shared no matter what time of year it is.

Now you have the 5 steps to create your Social Media Plan, and if you need a little help

organizing it. No problem, I've got you covered. I've got a template that you can

click in the description below. Just click on it and download it now.

If you like this video hit the like button below, make sure you share it with your friends

and subscribe. I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with MuttButs.com and I'll

see you in my next video. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Social Media Plan - 5 Steps to Create your Social Media Plan for your Pet Business - Duration: 6:12.


Why You Shouldn't Trust Men To Take Male Birth Control [GEN WHY] | Elite Daily - Duration: 1:53.

- Guys can't remember to wash their own ass let alone remember to take birth control.

-We already have very effective forms of birth control.

They're called condoms and personalities.

I can be a DJ who makes his own beats and support Donald Trump.

I wouldn't say they're worried about me but they're like "Luke

how do you go to crossfit 8 times a day and it's like I don't have a job.

- I would never take male birth control,

I'd rather stick with the male birth control I already have, cigarettes!

Cigarettes have that bold rich flavor that birth control could never match!

-You smoke cigarettes? God dammit!

-Works everytime.

-Male birth control has yet to be sold because they started doing

some trial runs and all these guys started getting pimply and fat and grumpy and

they were like "what is this devil pill?"

You good bro?

-Men take pills to have sex but not to prevent pregnancy.

That's why they need to put birth control in Viagra, or for younger guys, Bud Light.

- Honey, did you remember to take your birth control?

-Oh, I forgot! Thanks babe. -Of course

-And for even younger kids, Capri Suns!

-Women bleed for most of our life once a month, we also purchase expensive tampons and pads,

then we have children in our wombs, that make us gain weight,  

have acne, go through mood swings,then we push them out of our vagina - so yea!

I think men should take birth control.

I dated a dude who never remember to brush his tongue when he was brushing his teeth.

That's gross. -Brush your tongue?

-Wow. wow. Crazy. -It's just a toothbrush.

For more infomation >> Why You Shouldn't Trust Men To Take Male Birth Control [GEN WHY] | Elite Daily - Duration: 1:53.


How To Become A Marine Engineer - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> How To Become A Marine Engineer - Duration: 1:25.


How To Become A Master At Tony Hawks Project 8 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> How To Become A Master At Tony Hawks Project 8 - Duration: 1:21.


The Mick on Fox

For more infomation >> The Mick on Fox


Sleight Trailer

For more infomation >> Sleight Trailer


JOVANA DAILY VLOGS | #1| welcome to my life - Duration: 3:21.


For more infomation >> JOVANA DAILY VLOGS | #1| welcome to my life - Duration: 3:21.


Lecture rapide. Comment lire plus d'un livre par jour et apprendre encore plus ? - Duration: 15:03.

For more infomation >> Lecture rapide. Comment lire plus d'un livre par jour et apprendre encore plus ? - Duration: 15:03.


Thinking about a kilt?

For more infomation >> Thinking about a kilt?


Ridiculous Eats Ep. 8

For more infomation >> Ridiculous Eats Ep. 8


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 180 K AVANTGRD A/T*NIEUWSTAAT* - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 180 K AVANTGRD A/T*NIEUWSTAAT* - Duration: 0:51.


【日本必去#2】吃貨注目|全都是食!大阪伊勢おかげ横丁|SHERRY 's Heaven - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> 【日本必去#2】吃貨注目|全都是食!大阪伊勢おかげ横丁|SHERRY 's Heaven - Duration: 5:56.


Khwabon Ki Tabeer - Khwab main Cheekhain Marne ki Tabeer - خواب میں چیخ مارنا - Duration: 1:34.

Khwabon Ki Tabeer - Khwab main Cheekhain Marne ki Tabeer - خواب میں چیخ مارنا

Khwabon Ki Tabeer - Khwab main Cheekhain Marne ki Tabeer - خواب میں چیخ مارنا

Khwabon Ki Tabeer - Khwab main Cheekhain Marne ki Tabeer - خواب میں چیخ مارنا

Khwabon Ki Tabeer - Khwab main Cheekhain Marne ki Tabeer - خواب میں چیخ مارنا

For more infomation >> Khwabon Ki Tabeer - Khwab main Cheekhain Marne ki Tabeer - خواب میں چیخ مارنا - Duration: 1:34.


China, Japan, U.S., North Korea... South Korea's diplomatic challenges _ Part.2 - Duration: 2:03.

Soa, withdrawing their diplomats from a country... that carries a huge diplomatic significance.

But, it doesn't end there.

Japan's vowed other measures as well.

Right, last week Japan mentioned it will halt South Korea-Japan currency swap negotiations

and put off bilateral high-level economic talks.

Economic retaliation... is something experts speculate not only Japan, but China is carrying

out vis-a-vis South Korea...


China and its banning of K-pop stars, efforts to decrease tourism to South Korea,... and

more retaliatory measures against the planned deployment of the U.S. missile defense system

THAAD to the Korean Peninsula,... ...which Beijing has strongly expressed opposition

to,... since Seoul and Washington decided on it last year.

The South Korean government has not been able to stop these measures yet,... but has been

reiterating it's been closely monitoring China's movements for a long time, and is working

on comprehensive countermeasures with related ministries.

"With our diplomatic leadership absent at this moment, its very difficult for us to

argue against China, but the decision is already made, so we have to make sure and let them

know that South Korean government is for certain to deploy THAAD as scheduled."

The instability in South Korea's domestic politics is also a handicap, due to the diplomatic

vacuum it has caused,... which is why some say, China and Japan are taking advantage

of the current situation.

And amid all this,... there's also North Korea's lingering threat.

"As South Korea-China, and South Korea-Japan ties are facing difficulties, North Korea

could take this opportunity to further widen the gap between Seoul and its neighboring

allies, while try to strengthen its relationship with Beijing."

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