Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 10 2017

Thou, nature, art my goddess

to thy law my services are bound.

Wherefore should I stand in the plague of custom

and permit the curiosity of nations to

deprive me

for that I am some twelve or fourteen

moonshines lag of a brother.

Why bastard?

Wherefore base?

when my dimensions are as well compact

my mind as generous and

my shape as true as honest Madam's issue

why brand they us with base?

with baseness?




Who, in the lusty stealth of nature take

more composition and fierce quality than

doth, within a dull, stale, tired bed

go to the creating a whole tribe of fops

got 'tween asleep and wake?

Well then,

legitimate Edgar,

I must have your lands.

our fathers love is to the bastard

Edmund, as to the legitimate

fine word,


Well my legitimate

if this letter speed

and my invention thrive

Edmund the base

shall top the legitimate.

I grow

I prosper.

Now, Gods,

stand up for bastards!

For more infomation >> Shakespeare Republic: #LoveTheBard - S2E2 Falon Ryan as "Edmund" - Duration: 5:09.


How To Become A Muslim - Duration: 15:24.

For more infomation >> How To Become A Muslim - Duration: 15:24.


How to make home ravioli - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> How to make home ravioli - Duration: 2:24.


Ottawa Art Gallery Expansion/Agrandissement de la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa - Duration: 2:57.

Ottawa Art Gallery Expansion.

Agrandissement de la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa.

Gift shop/Boutique.

Firestone Collection of Canadian Art Permanent Gallery/Galerie permanente de la Collection

Firestone d'art canadien.

Art Rental and Sales Gallery/ Galerie Art vente et location.

University of Ottawa Theatre/ Théâtre de l'Université d'Ottawa.

University of Ottawa classrooms/Locaux de l'Université d'Ottawa.

Saw video, Saw Gallery/Gallerie SAW.

OAG Art Lab/Labo d'art de la GAO.

Art Engine.


OAG multipurpose screening room/ Salle de cinéma polyvalente de la GAO. Daly Entrance/Entrée Daly

Changing Exhibition Gallery/ Galerie d'expositions temporaires.

Project Galleries/Galerie de projets.

Permanent Collection Gallery/Galerie de la Collection permanente.

Ottawa Art Gallery Expansion.

L'agrandissement de la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa.

Opening in 2017.

Ouverture en 2017.

For more infomation >> Ottawa Art Gallery Expansion/Agrandissement de la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa - Duration: 2:57.


Audi Q5 3.0 TDI 239pk Pro Line Plus quattro S-Tronic - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 3.0 TDI 239pk Pro Line Plus quattro S-Tronic - Duration: 1:35.


Petite histoire de l'évolution : la face cachée d'internet - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Petite histoire de l'évolution : la face cachée d'internet - Duration: 1:49.


Suzuki Vitara 1.4 VVT 103KW AUT6 S - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara 1.4 VVT 103KW AUT6 S - Duration: 1:29.



For more infomation >> ''DESENHOS DO PICA PAU'' -PICA PAU VIAJANTE DE PRIMEIRA VIAJEM - Duration: 6:45.


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Payer cher pour une chambre d'hôpital - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Payer cher pour une chambre d'hôpital - Duration: 1:01.


Petite histoire de l'évolution : la face cachée d'internet - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Petite histoire de l'évolution : la face cachée d'internet - Duration: 1:49.


Ottawa Art Gallery Expansion/Agrandissement de la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa - Duration: 2:57.

Ottawa Art Gallery Expansion.

Agrandissement de la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa.

Gift shop/Boutique.

Firestone Collection of Canadian Art Permanent Gallery/Galerie permanente de la Collection

Firestone d'art canadien.

Art Rental and Sales Gallery/ Galerie Art vente et location.

University of Ottawa Theatre/ Théâtre de l'Université d'Ottawa.

University of Ottawa classrooms/Locaux de l'Université d'Ottawa.

Saw video, Saw Gallery/Gallerie SAW.

OAG Art Lab/Labo d'art de la GAO.

Art Engine.


OAG multipurpose screening room/ Salle de cinéma polyvalente de la GAO. Daly Entrance/Entrée Daly

Changing Exhibition Gallery/ Galerie d'expositions temporaires.

Project Galleries/Galerie de projets.

Permanent Collection Gallery/Galerie de la Collection permanente.

Ottawa Art Gallery Expansion.

L'agrandissement de la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa.

Opening in 2017.

Ouverture en 2017.

For more infomation >> Ottawa Art Gallery Expansion/Agrandissement de la Galerie d'art d'Ottawa - Duration: 2:57.


Honda CR-V 1.6D Lifestyle - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 1.6D Lifestyle - Duration: 1:14.


Philomène and Marie and their Semester at Cégep Heritage College - Duration: 4:53.

Philomène and Marie

and their semester at Cégep Heritage College



My name is Marie Duffaut

I'm from IUT GACO in Saint-Étienne in France.

I am a second-year student

I'm here for my first—

For my third semester, actually

Well, my first semester of my second year

To complete it here, to learn English

Well, to improve my English

And me, my name is Philomène Certain-Bresson

I'm in the same class as Marie

in Saint-Étienne, France

And same as her

We both came here

to Heritage

Ah, alright

Why did you chose to complete

a part of your studies in Québec and in English

Well, first of all, about Québec,

we always knew we wanted to travel

to discover new cultures

to see what it's like

to study in another country

Do we seem that foreign to you?

Yes, the cultures are very different!

Even though we speak French here

it's actually very different

For uh...

Yes, that...

and this cége¸p was the only one offered

with the courses instructed in English

a hundred percent in English, so that also allowed us

to take advantage of that to improve

We didn't really hesitate

when we saw the choices presented to us

There were three that we could go to in Québec

and Heritage College was really the only one with courses in English

Anyhow, if we are going to go from one side of the Atlantic to the other

might as well improve our English

Yeah, that was a big advantage

Next, what was your most significant experience

during your stay at Heritage College

For me, it was really the cultural difference

Here, for example

people are much more forward

Even if we kept to ourselves at first, everyone comes to talk to us

The professors are also much more open than in France

For example...

It's easier to go to them if we have a problem

if we didn't understand the material, etc.

Here, it's more of an exchange

But, it's a good thing, I believe

It's true that people here are more accessible

and it is really easy to make friends

Easier than in France, in my opinion

What's great here is that everyone speaks French

Well, most people speak French and English

So, when we encounter a problem

if we're blocked with something, we can—

We can have someone translate for us or help us

So, it—

It wasn't—

It wasn't really a problem, in the end


Do you have any advice for those

who would like to participate in an exchange program to Québec and in English?

Well, um...

For me, actually, for us, we're part of—

We're part of the rugby team, here

We signed up for

the collegiate championship, if we could call it that

Yeah, the cégep's collegiate team

and that really allowed us to

travel, meet people...

To fully live a different experience

And I suggest to students

who would like to come here to join a group

It could be a sport, it could be theatre

I saw plenty of diverse groups

Yeah, I think that that really supported us

And it isn't really something we have in France

This varsity team environment

It's really...


The team, it was really something else.

From the get-go, it was a pleasant experience

and if not...

Yeah, I think you have to kind of try everything

When someone suggests

to go somewhere, say yes, don't hesitate

to go somewhere to eat, to go to the movies, to do things

with people

You have to say yes without thinking too much about it and

That's how you get nice surprises

So, to sum it up, participate in student life

and don't hesitate




Well, uh...

Finally, do you believe your knowledge of English has improved?

Of course!


It has

I think—

Like, you have to have a basic knowledge of English before coming

So that you can follow classes and...

Not get lost in the beginning

But, you would improve, for sure

You have to talk, if you...

Like, for example

We were in the rugby team

and, at the end, if you can talk

during the game, when someone is going to tackle you

I think you can improve your English

Alright, thank you!

Philomène and Marie are French students who participated in an exhange program to complete a portion of their studies in Québec in English

For more infomation >> Philomène and Marie and their Semester at Cégep Heritage College - Duration: 4:53.


Building green, boosting jobs, bettering lives in Zambia - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Building green, boosting jobs, bettering lives in Zambia - Duration: 4:51.


Product Studio: Crit - Duration: 1:58.

When you work on a product for a certain amount of hours

it becomes the best thing in the world.

You can't see anything otherwise, or

it becomes something that will never be perfect,

and you can never see it otherwise.

Here's our question: how might we deliver news to consumers

in a smart connected home environment

to create a seamless, entertaining and informed experience?

Crit is one of the most important parts of

this product development cycle to us.

Crit advisors are practitioners in the New York tech community

and we are bringing them into campus to actually give feedback

to students' actual work.

You're bringing in a new set of people

to be quickly exposed to what the challenge was

and wherever the team is at that time.

The device will notice that you're awake

and we envision that it's a small device.

I've been exposed to some really interesting people

through the Crit experience,

people from really amazing companies in New York,

people who have been in my shoes the year prior

and are alumni of Cornell Tech now.

You speak with experts in the field,

you speak with other students,

you speak with professionals, investors, about your product.

And they make you think about things that you just

wouldn't have thought of otherwise.

It's great and it's huge.

So personalizing and doing something innovative about recommendation with personalization,

you could do that as a whole challenge.

It's the closest thing they get to feedback or answers

with respect to the specific product they're developing.

They get the scope of what we're trying to do

and the feasibility of it.

Doing something interesting with Pico Projectors

and getting stuff going on those surfaces,

that's what I would do.

Crit, whether it's been from the instructors,

alumni, or even some of the practitioners,

has been really good in helping us validate some of our assumptions,

and make sure that we're going down the right path.

For more infomation >> Product Studio: Crit - Duration: 1:58.


How to make home ravioli - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> How to make home ravioli - Duration: 2:24.


Meet 2016 Team Canada competitor Joel Guindon - Duration: 2:08.

My name's Joel Guindon I served with

the Army. I was with the Royal

twenty-second regiment based out of Quebec.

I served tours of duty in Bosnia and

Afghanistan. I knew about after a month I

had come back from Afghanistan, my second

tour, that there was something different. I

was having headaches, nightmares I could

not sleep.

I was definitely not myself. The Joel

before PTSD every challenge

it was something that I took. I was

always happy, always going to do things

with everybody, constantly on the move,

I had fun and enjoyed life. When PTSD

hit me I completely stopped doing

everything. I quit everything and wasn't

there for my family, wasn't there for my kids,

wasn't there for my friends, I basically

just dropped everything.

The turning point for me was about this time last

year I got a phone call from a very good

friend of mine, Bruno Guevremont, was the

Team Captain for Invictus Games 2016. He knew

I loved precision sports shooting and

said "Joel there's this thing called the

Invictus Games and I think that

something like archery would be

something that you would like" and

discovered that the Games were not

really necessarily about competing

against other people, it was an

opportunity to face your injuries and

for me, that was my turning point.

Just being around other soldiers who've

been overseas and we're going through

the exact same thing that I'm going

through to me that was a calling.

I had to, I had to sign up so I signed up

and made the team and here I am. I'm more

open to challenges once more. I'm back, to

I'm getting back to that old Joel that

was before PTSD. I'm more involved with

my family, with my wife and my two kids,

I'm a lot more active. Are the results there?

Yes they are. I don't think I would have

been able to do that if it weren't for

the experiences I gained at the Invictus Games.

For more infomation >> Meet 2016 Team Canada competitor Joel Guindon - Duration: 2:08.


How to Pull off a Bridesmaid's Look and Teach a Groomsman about the Evolution of Dancing - Duration: 3:30.

- Oh, hey guys!

Welcome back to Christy's Science Salon.

So, winter weddings are trending.

And don't you just love being a bridesmaid?

The open bar, the stigma,

the insanely unflattering dresses?


Anyhow, each wedding is different.

Some have bands, others have DJs playing Shout,

but no matter what style of music you're into,

don't be a wallflower.

Walk up to Kevin and be like,

hey, whaddya say big guy?

And then wink at him a few times.

If Kevin accepts your invite, the science can really begin.

While you're dancing, be like,

so, did you know dancing was originally connected

with humans survival abilities?

Then twirl for him.


This costume change.

(sighing) Color is just so much more me.

And this dress is just swishier and fun and has this thing,

which is important.

Anyhow, when you're dancing with Kevin to a fast song,

quickly say, did you know that dancing was one way

our prehistoric ancestors bonded and communicated

during challenging times and that dancers

have higher serotonin levels than other humans?

At this point, take Kevin into your arms

and pull him into an intimate slow dance.

Then lean into his ear and whisper,

according to recent studies, early humans might have danced

to attract a mate, as far back as 1.5 million years.

Try to make him comfortable in your arms.

Be like, to be clear, the reason humans can dance

is that we're vocal learners, you know, like parrots,

meaning, we hear sounds and mimic them, requiring connection

between our auditory and motor circuits.

Then you could be like, you know, studies show that people

tend to prefer symmetrical dancing partners.

And then take a step back

so Kevin see how symmetrical you are.

Then pull Kevin back into your arms and be like,

women also prefer to dance with men

who had a high exposure to testosterone in the womb.

He'll appreciate the compliment.

Unless he considers it an insult.

If there's a lull between songs, be like,

did you know that swans paddle in circles in perfect sync

with their mates to illustrate their commitment

and a recent study showed that couples can transmit

the same signal by simply holding hands

and walking in a circle?

And then you can, you know, close your eyes, and hold hands,

and then walk in a circle, like this.

This is a surefire way to attract a mate, you know?

Works every time, as far as I can tell.

Chances are, both you and Kevin are out of breath

at this point,so explain your exhaustion and be like,

(breathing heavily) thanks for the dance.

You know, when humans became bipedal and began using

endurance running for survival,

they also developed balance, muscle-control and flexibility,

you know, the same fatiguing anatomical traits

that are also required for dancing.

And then curtsy to Kevin (chuckles)

to indicate that the dance is over.

So there you have it,

a dress that is awesome enough

to let your moves shine through.

Now go and get your dance partner ladies.

Kevin's all over the world are waiting.




(cheerful music)

(upbeat music) - For decades,

to get a thin piece of pure silicon,

we had to saw it off a thick piece of pure silicon.


The saw turns a lot of that silicon into dust.

This process is fine for making integrated circuit chips

for computers or smartphones because the amount of silicon

used is so small.


But for manufacturing big solar panels

out in the wide open spaces, it costs a lot

to waste a lot of pure silicon.

- Whether or not the water column is mixed

can affect organisms living in the environment, like,

there's no mixing, oxygen is depleted and then

the organisms at the bottom will just die,

and Shoshanna was like, (groaning)

"I hate when organisms die from oxygen depletion."

And I was like I know, right?

For more infomation >> How to Pull off a Bridesmaid's Look and Teach a Groomsman about the Evolution of Dancing - Duration: 3:30.


Macchine per bambini cartoni. Auto per bambini. Cartoni macchine bambini. Auto per bambini a motore. - Duration: 3:16.

What a beautiful day today! -the sun shines and the birds sing! How beautiful!! we are in

garage where he works the able-andy. he promised to tell you something important today!

Hello my friends!! Are you ready to learn more about the car and its types? The other

I once told you about 5 different cars. I hope to remember! True? .. There was the audi,

Land Rover, Peugeot, Opel and lexus. today we will learn the other 5 cars! We begin !!

The Primae a red Renault Clio. This is a small car with two doors. One for the

It is a driver for the passenger. I remind you that there is a car with a hatchback tailgate

the back rising. This car is perfect for city- is not very big but has a large

trunk and does not consume much fuel.

Look here! This is a compact car, Suzuki Swift of a beautiful orange. Also

This small car with two doors and a trunk in the back. The car is front-wheel drive,

this is when directing the front wheels.

Wow !! That bell'auto Bianca! Compared the other looks huge! It's a BMW 7 a

4-wheel drive luxury sedan. It's a car with closed bodywork and has four doors.

Ooh !! I see another sedan, but a little 'more small - it is a 'black Acura. It has 5 seats

- Two in front and three behind. It has four doors like all sedans.

Ok my friends! The last machine is a Volkswagen blue. It is a four-door rather

compact with enough room for driver and passengers. The car has comfortable interiors

everyone is perfect to ride in town!

That's all for today boys and girls !! We have saw 5 different types of cars! Next time

we will see other machines! I must return to my garage! Thanks for joining us!

If you will not miss any 'new carton , Subscribe to our channel. You can also click

on "I like it." See you soon! Beep .. Beep

For more infomation >> Macchine per bambini cartoni. Auto per bambini. Cartoni macchine bambini. Auto per bambini a motore. - Duration: 3:16.


【KPOP DIY】 How to Make a K-pop Stamp ♥! (Sub Español) - Duration: 9:14.

For more infomation >> 【KPOP DIY】 How to Make a K-pop Stamp ♥! (Sub Español) - Duration: 9:14.


Chilled Trap Beat 2017 | Tory Lanez Type Beat 2017 | J.Cole | Kendrick Lamar | Vibe - Duration: 3:18.

Chilled Trap Beat 2017

Tory Lanez Type Beat 2017 | Vibe

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For more infomation >> Chilled Trap Beat 2017 | Tory Lanez Type Beat 2017 | J.Cole | Kendrick Lamar | Vibe - Duration: 3:18.


COMPRIMES OU CAPSULES, Quelle est la différence ? - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> COMPRIMES OU CAPSULES, Quelle est la différence ? - Duration: 2:14.


How to Start Eclipse Adt And Install Java For Android Programming | Learn Android - Duration: 3:34.

Learn Android

Learn android in Hindi/English

Android Tutorial in hindi

Eclipse setup for Android

Lean Android using android studio

For more infomation >> How to Start Eclipse Adt And Install Java For Android Programming | Learn Android - Duration: 3:34.


The Big Trail 1930 HD 1080p - John Wayne, Marguerite Churchill, El Brendel Movie - Duration: 2:01:43.

Hello. Hello.

I wonder what's holding them up.

Don't worry about that, Father. We'll be going soon.

John, did you feed them hounds? Yes, Grandpa, yes.

All right. Now tighten her up, Son.

She'll take us where we're going.

Yes, but where are we going?

Now, Ma, they're thrashin' that matter out over there now.

Pa, they made you the leader.

Why don't you say where to go?

I'm only leader of the Missourians, Daughter.

There are families here from every state in the Union, I reckon.

Can't be waitin' on 'em forever, Dad.

No, Son.

They're holding a powwow over there now.

I'll just step over and see what they got to say.

Well, bless our wild heart. If it ain't Breck Coleman.

How are you, Zeke?

Where at you been hidin' yourself for the last year, boy?

Been down Santa Fe way, Zeke. Just drifted in.

And here's Windy Bill. Looks like you've

wintered through in good shape.

Well, Coleman, most times I winter through in fair shape.

This year, when the first grass showed, I'd only put on 60 pounds.

Say, Bascom, he maybe could

tell us of a likely stretch of country.

Breck, could you sight us to a second Missouri anywheres out yonder?

Sure. But it's a long, tough pull from here.

2,500 mile the way you'd have to go.

No, it's too far off.

No place is too far if it's what we want.

This is a land beyond Oregon.

There ain't no land beyond Oregon, mister.

West of Oregon comes the ocean, way it's been told to me.

This stretch is north of Oregon.

How many people settled on it now?

It's Indian country.

Except for the trappers, never a white man has left his track there.

Only one trading post in that whole country.

Who owns it?

A Missouri trapper owns it.

Hey, mister, will you tell me this...

Hey, hey, there.

Since you all elected me the he-coon

of this outfit, let me do the talking.

It's everything a Missourian's heart could crave.

There's two snow-capped mountain ranges with peaks lost in the sky.

And between them ranges, men, is a great valley.

Lakes and streams everywhere.

Fish, you ask, and game?

There's salmon swarmin' up them rivers

thicker than blackbirds in a cane patch.

Friend, will you undertake to lead us to that valley?

I'd like nothin' better, men...

But our trails fork here.

I've got business that calls me

back down the road Santa Fe way.

What business do you follow, friend?

I'm a trapper.

Well, surely there's fur aplenty

out in that land beyond Oregon.


But I gotta kill me a pair of skunks,

back apiece on the road to Santa Fe.

Hey, wait, wait. Friend, how do you find that valley?

Wellmore here is sending a bull train clear

through to old Tom Williams's trading post.

First time it's ever been tried.

String along behind them and, if they make it through, you'll find your valley.

And tell that great white mountain hello for me.

Good-bye, Zeke.

Well, thanks, boy.


Hey, maybe he fed us a fairy tale.

Now don't be a pig, you know.

Howdy, Mrs. Riggs.

Land's sakes!

Well, you sure look fine, Mother Riggs.

It's a long time since I've seen you.

You know, you always was a great hand to wander.

Yeah, I ramble around.

And how are the little twins?

Little? My lands!

Them girls has grown since you seen 'em last.

No! Mm-hmm.

They in the house?

Mildred is. Elise went down to watch the boat come in.

I reckon I'll saunter in and surprise Mildred.

Oh, you sure will surprise them.

Well, Breck, I sure am glad to see you.

Well, you certainly have doubled in size

since last I set eyes on you, Mildred.

You just must see Elise.

I'll surely see her before I leave.

<i>There's the Peensie Bell whistling now.</i>

Ooh, look at the crowd.

Oh, look.

Okay. I guess it is important to have everything ready.

I have everything ready.

Well, Miss Cameron, we be landin' in a few minutes.

Got all your outfit together?

Most everything's ready, Captain Hollister.

Listen, why don't you give up this plan and turn back?

Why, there's no place to turn back to.

Why, there isn't a home in all the South that wouldn't welcome the daughter

of Colonel Cameron.

True. But we can hardly become perpetual visitors.

It's a tough proposition, girl,

this pioneer life in a savage wilderness.

We realize that, Captain Hollister,

but we must keep the family together.

Honey Girl wants to stay with her sister Ruth, doesn't she?

Yes, I do.

And our brother Dave's almost a man grown.

Ruth is right, Captain. The Cameron tribe must stick together.

Say, you're just the fella I want to see.

I want to play some more of that shell game.

Have you got any more money?

Oh, sure I got some money.

Where'd you get that?

From my mother-in-law.

She lend it to me, but she don't know it.

Here, I'll meet you below deck. Get along.

Don't forget. I wait there for you.

Are you still determined to be a sturdy pioneer?

Quite determined, Mr. Thorpe.

I've told you about my plantation in Louisiana.

It must be wonderful.

Miss Cameron, those lands and servants are yours,

if you'll take me with them.

Why, I do thank you. But as I've said before, it's quite impossible.

Good-bye, Mr. Thorpe.

Now, if I win, I'm going to keep it.

But if I lose, I give my mother-in-law half.

Good afternoon, gentlemen. Here we are again.

Hello, Thorpe.

Well, Gussie, you want to see the elusive little ball under the shells.

There you are. Now it's bound to be under one of them.

There's one, there's two, and there's three.

Now we'll shuffle them just a little bit, just to confuse you.

And take your choice.

Now wait, I show you. Here, I bet you two dollars.

Two dollars. Covered.

I always do that for good luck.

Now wait. I show you. Now watch.

Ah, you see, Gussie, the hand is faster than the eye.

Better luck next time.

Oh, here. Who wants to buy my mother-in-law's stocking?


Oh, there you are. What do you mean by spending my money?

But, Mama, I'm going to give you half.

Give me my money.

Give it to her.

Hurry UP-

Give me the rest of it.

Why, madam, that's my own money.

That's my money.

No, no, Mama. That's his money.

Captain, I demand that that man give me my money.

Hand it over.

See, Mama? Didn't I tell you we would win?

Why, you big loafer! Get out of here! Spending my life's earnings!

Now, Thorpe, you get off of my boat.

If you set foot on it again, I'll put you in irons

and land you at St. Charles on my way back.

Davey, I think I better go find Mrs. Riggs,

that lady Captain Hollister told us about.

Come on, Honey Girl.

No. I want to stay here with Davey and watch them unload.

Well, you take good care of her, Davey.

I will.

I'll be right back, Honey Girl.

It's a nice place, ain't it, Mama?

It's terrible! Look at the mud!

Well, listen, Mama, I gonna go see if I can buy a horse.

Come on. Come on. I carry you over there.

I don't want you to get your feet wet. That's it. Here we go.

Now you stay there. I bring Abbie over.

Come on, Abbie. I don't want you to get your shoes all muddy.

That's it. Come on. Here we go.

Oh, stop laughing, will you, Abbie?

That's it. Now you wait here. I bring Mama.

Come on, Mama. I take you over, Mama.

Come on, Mama.

Come on, Mama. It's...

Here! What are you trying to do?

But, Mama, I want to carry you across

so you won't get your feet wet.

You? I'll cross my own mud.

All right then, Mama, but let me help you. That's it, Mama. Come on now.

Okay, step on that board, Mama. That's it, Mama.


Say, I come right back.

Ohh! Oh, Gus!

Uh, Mrs. Riggs?

Yes, miss. That's me.

Well, I'm Miss Cameron. Captain Hollister told me to see you.

Friend of Captain Hollister?

Yes, lam.

Come right on in. Oh, thank you.

Now don't tear your pretty dress on them logs.

Oh, it's nice and cool in here out of the sun.

Now you sit down, make yourself easy,

and I'll brew you a cup of tea.

Oh, that's awfully nice of you, Mrs. Riggs. Thank you.

No! Wha...

Why, what do you mean by...

Oh, I thought...

Oh! Oh!

It was thisaway, ma'am, I thought you were someone else.

Wait! It was thisaway. I thought you were Elise, ma'am.


Yes. Just thought I'd surprise her sort of.

Did you indeed?

Let me tell ya.

If you'll light someplace, I'll tell ya.



What is it? You're as pale as a ghost.

Oh, it's nothing, Mr. Thorpe. Really. I...

But there must be something wrong. Oh, nothing.

Just an unpleasant occurrence.

I'm gonna explain that play.

There's nothing to explain.

But I'm gonna tell you anyhow.

It seems to me you're forcing yourself on this lady.

Is that how it seems to you?

How else can I take it?

It's nothing to me how you take it.

But it matters a heap to me, ma'am, how you understand.

Perhaps not. But if it concerns Miss Cameron,

I'll demand an explanation.

You will? Then speak your piece.

Mr. Thorpe, will... Will you please take me to my brother?

With pleasure. I'll be looking for you shortly.

Well, I won't be hard to locate.

Hello, Honey Girl.


Thank you so much, Mr. Thorpe.

It's a great pleasure.

Just think. This wagon will be your home for the next six months.

And after that, a cabin in the wilderness.

My mind is made up, Mr. Thorpe.

We're going with the settlers.

You know my brother David.


Hello, Dave.

How do you do?

Howdy, DOV!

Hello, Zeke. Howdy, Bill.

Hey, Jack, I been tellin' you about this here boy Coleman.

He can heave a knife into a mark so big every time.

I'll bet you a buffalo hide he can't

heave it into that post back of ya.

Call the bet! Now here. Show him, boy.

Bless our wild heart!

Oh, I've seen him do it a hundred times, eh, Bill?

That's another buffalo hide you owe me, Jack.

You remember, Bill, that time up, uh, on the Snake River...

Oh, I sure do.

Say, boy, I want to know about old Ben Griswell.

I hear the Indians downed him.

Only it wasn't Injuns downed him.


Renegade whites done it.

How come?

He'd been wolf in' all winter.


Must've had $2,000, $3,000 worth of wolf pelts.

Oh, easy that.

He was hacked up and stuck full of arrows.

Looked like Injun work, all right.

The wolf pelts was gone.

If ever I find them hellhounds,

I'll sure make 'em hunt their holes.

Come on.

Lopez, who's that young buck over there with no hair on his face?

That's, uh, Breck Coleman. He very quick with his knife.

Oh, where's he come from?

He come from the plains, the mountains.

He live with the Indians.

He can throw a knife through the heart in 20 feet.

He's the best shot in all this country.

He knows everything.

He'll know too much for his own good someday.

Yes. All right.

If old Ben had lived, he'd be going on about 72 now, wouldn't he?

Injuns never done this.

It was renegade whites.

And they've left their mark.

Oh, I'd say I do.

Say, Zeke, who was that he-grizzly that just went by?

Why, that's Red Flack. He's bullwhackin' for Wellmore.

He's gonna whack Wellmore's train clear through to Oregon.

You reckon you'll ever find out who downed old Ben?

It's just possible that a certain low-down coyote left his sign there.

Well, hello, Coleman.

Howdy, Wellmore.

I've changed my mind. I'll scout for that bull train after all.

Well, that's a ray of sunshine.

Shake hands afore you change your mind again.

Got a good wagon boss for the trip?

Red Flack.

A burly ruffian, but he can maul

the toughest traitor on the plains into a pulp

without even working up a sweat.

He can do that, eh?

Flack? Ha!

Why, he likes to do it. But he can run

a bull train. Here he comes now.

Well, Wellmore, all ready to start?

Likely you two have met before.


I reckon not.

Coleman's gonna scout for the train.

You understand, Flack,

that he's to have final say in all matters dealing with the Indians.

Yes? Well, who's got the final say about bossin' this bull train?

He understands that you're the wagon boss.

Yeah. Another thing, another thing...

Am I supposed to be wet nurse to them

woodenhead pilgrims a-crossin' the plains?

The more that goes along, the better it is

for them and you in case Indians jump ya.

Well, all right. All right!

Make it clear to him that I'm wagon boss.

Oh, he understands that, Flack.

He seems to be a right pleasant cuss.

He's a ruffian, but he's a real wagon boss.

Likely he is.

Must've done a big trade in wolf pelts this year.

Yes, we had a big trade with the wolfers.

Flack sell you any of these?

Flack? No. He didn't do any wolfing last winter, I guess.

What outfit did you buy the biggest bunch from?

Fella name of Lopez come in about a month ago

with close on to 5,000 dollars' worth.

Lopez,eh? I guess I don't know him.

I signed him up as a bullwhacker on the train.

You did, eh?

I'll see you next year.

Bring your scalp along back whole.

All right. Good-bye.

Is that so?

It certainly is.

I don't know whether they're gonna get through or not...

Windy, I'm gonna scout for that bull train.


Oh, Mr. Cameron, this is Mr. Coleman.

Howdy, Mr. Coleman. How do you do, sir?

Uh, he can tell you more about that country where you're going,

and what kind of an outfit you need than any man around here.


Windy, throw my bags in with yours and Zeke's, will ya?

All right, I'll do.

Tell Zeke I'm going along.

All right, boy.

Mr. Coleman, would you mind looking over my outfit?

Certainly not. Uh, we'll go have a peek at it. Where is it?

Right over there, sir.

Honey Girl, it's time for your history lesson, dear.

Now, uh, how many stars in the flag?


How many stripes?


Now, you know better than that. There's 13.

And what do they stand for?

The 13 original colonies. Now remember that.

Now, who discovered the Columbia River?

Here's our outfit.

Mr. Coleman, this is my sister Ruth. Robert Gray.

Honey Girl, it isn't safe to be sitting in a rocking chair,

when there are certain persons present.

I think you'll find we have everything.

Plenty of guns?

A rifle and a fowling piece.

How about ammunition?


One thing... I don't see any barrel.

A barrel?

Yeah, you'll need a water barrel.

There'll be long stretches without water.

I knew we'd forget something. I'll go get one.

All right.

What I was aiming to tell you was this. When I came in...

The folks right next there had an extra one.

Oh, quick work, son.

Say, it wouldn't be a bad idea to take two barrels.

Suppose you go rustle another one.

I'll do that.

When I came romping into the Riggses' cabin, ma'am...

How's this one?

Oh! Well, that's fine.

Looks like barrels grow on trees around here.

Mr. Cameron, you better tell your sister to change that pretty dress.

She won't get very far in that.

Yes, sir.

Put on some traveling clothes.

Let's have a peek around here.

We have a trailer,

in case we needed...

I like him better than Mr. Thorpe.

Honey Girl, we'll finish your history lesson.

Ah, I know how that is.

Well, you won't...


<i>Thorpe, you get back on the Peensie Bell and make yourself scarce.</i>

If you're here when the boat pulls out,

the boys will certainly lead your pony out from under you.

Why, I had no intention of staying.

<i>I'll be on the Peensie Bell when she leaves.</i>

You see that you are.

My goodness. I don't know what I'm going to do with you.

Well, I try again. Come on. Here. Up you go. Up.

Oh, you stubborn jackass. I give you a "yab" in the "yaw."

I bet you "yump." Come on.


Hello there, Gus. What do you call that thing you got there?

Oh, his name is Jack.

Jack? Oh, yes. But that's only half of it.

Well, see, he's only a half a horse.

Well...What's the matter? Can't you get him up?

I don't know. I pull and I pull, but he won't come up.

Wait. Wait. I got an idea.

Say, what did you say to him then?

Heh! I told him a joke about my mother-in-law.


Wait. Shh. Here she comes.

Gus, what have you got there?

This is my new horse. I just bought him.

You bought him? Sure.

Say, ya...

That wasn't me, Mama. No, it was the mule.

That rum's for you and me, eh?

<i>Ah, gracias.</i>


Well, if it ain't Bill Thorpe, eh?

I always thought you was hung and planted years back.

No, my time ain't arrived yet, Flack.


Though it looks as though it might be drawing close.

Ah, how come?

Well, I've been promised a hanging bee

<i>if I don't get out on the Peensie Bell.</i>

And the captain promised me a necktie party if I set foot on the boat.

It's a case of nowhere to go.

Yeah. It appears to me you do your shooting by daylight,

with too many people looking on, eh?

Well, long as you can't go and you can't stay,

just what do you figure to do about it, eh?

Well, I've always been able to wiggle out.

Yeah. Appears to me as if you was born to be drowned, eh?

Come on, Zeke. Get rid of that moonshine,

and let's get out in the sunshine.

All right, big boy.

Hold your head up. Don't leave me.

Yeah, so long, folks. See you next year.


Are you just as handy with a gun as you was?

I can drive a nail at 30 paces.


Well, as long as you can't go,

and you can't stay...

Wouldn't be a bad idea if you was to go along with me.

Well, that sounds reasonable. Yeah.

Where do you happen to be headed for?

Well, anyways, it's out there,

where there ain't no noose awaitin' for you, eh?

Hello, Breck.

Well, Windy, I trapped him with his jug down at Joe's.

Hey, Windy, here's the last

you'll see of civilization for a long time.

That's worth tryin'.

Hey! Back up here, will ya? Back up.

I gotta finish that with Windy.

Hey, that's what you get for not drinkin' with me.

I'll drink at your next wedding.


Windy, uh...

Do some of them musical things, will you, with your mouth?

Ah, that's old stuff.

Dab, no. Something new.

Oh, well.

A coyote.

That's no coyote.

There's the stuff! Hey!

Hey, did you ever kill a dead Indian?

No, I never killed a dead one.

Before they was dead, did ya?

No. You see, the Injuns are my friends.

They taught me all I know about the woods.

They taught me how to follow a trail by watching the leaves.

And how to cut your mark on a tree

so you won't get lost in the forest.

And they taught me how to burry in in the snow,

so you won't freeze to death in the storms.

And they taught me how to make a fire without even a flint.

How could you do that?

And they taught me how to make the best bow and arrows too.

Did they teach you how to make papooses?

No, that's one of their own secrets.

Well, boys, I guess we better get going.

O God, our Father,

as you sit on high and look down on us poor mortals,

forgive our frailties.

I am about to lead these people

into a wild and dangerous country.

Give me strength and wisdom, 0 God, to lead them through.

Where's my steps?

Mama, I got everything packed up in the wagon.

But how can I get into the wagon, you idiot?

Well, look, I show you. Look, Mama, put your feets up on there.

That's it. Now wait. I lift. That's... Up you go, Mama. That's it.

Now one more foot up. Now up, Mama. Up, Mama. That's it. Up.

Wait, Mama. You're sitting on my head, Mama.

Please... There you go.

Get in. Get in, folks. We're goin'.

Mount up. We're goin' now. Get in there.

We're on our way.

Pull out!

Give us a song!

All right.

We're off, boys.

<i>Sam's got a wooden leg below the knee</i>

<i>Sam's got a wooden leg below the knee</i>

Whoa, mule!

Never mind! I walk there, Useless. Come on.

You want these sacks, don't ya?

Trade cattle.

Hyah! Hyah!

About time we were movin' on.



Come on, Willy. Forward!

Ah, giddyap!

Ah, giddyap! Ah, giddyap!

Hyah! Hyah! Move out!

Yeah! Yee!

You make me so tired! Get over there!

I'm tired of this!


Get up here!

Get along here!

Get in there! Get on! Go on!

Howdy, Dave.

Hello, Coleman.

Oh, Miss Cameron...

Glad to see you took my advice about saving that pretty dress.

You look so nice in it, it'd be a shame to spoil it.

Looking for anyone in particular?

Honey Girl, a gentleman never comes

to a lady's home when he isn't wanted.

Out here, this wagon's our only home.

Pony, that means us.

Come on, Useless. What's the matter?

Come here, Useless.

Hey, there.

Whoa! Wait. Wait.


Get in... Get in there.

Get in there! Giddyap!


Come on. Get in there!

Come on, Useless. This way.


Whoa. Wait a minute, Useless.

Come on, Useless. Come on, Useless. Come on.

What do you think of this fella Thorpe?

Ah, I've seen that there squawker somewheres afore.

Can't recollect just where.

He, uh, shoots a kind of a nasty look at you once in a while, boy.

We had a run-in the first day.


You know, he ain't no settler.


And he ain't no bullwhacker.


Wonder what he come along for.

Aha! He come along, uh, 'cause of that, uh, Cameron girl.

I'm still mystified, Mr. Thorpe,

why you came here instead of returning to your plantation.

I've told you why I came.

I induced Captain Hollister, an old friend of mine,

to put back to shore, and I followed you.

Yes, I know that's what you told me.

But I'm afraid you're a flatterer.

Oh! On my honor, no.

You got a chew of tobacco?

Hey, Lopez! Tobacco's gonna be mighty scarce later on.

Boy, I'm goin' back to old Windy Bill and get a slug of "come on."

Your name's Lopez, eh?

Uh, Lopez, that's me.

You and Flack good friends, he tells me.

Ah, Flack and me been friends 12, 15 years.

You were out wolfing together last winter, eh?

No, no, no. Wolfing, she not good business. No money.

Then you didn't get many?

No, not much.

Funny. Wellmore said you sold him

more furs than any other half dozen outfits.

No. He must have been talking about someone else. Not me.

Well, no matter. See you often.

Ah, you rascal.


Got a good bunch of bullwhackers, Flack.

That, uh, Lopez strikes me as a good hand.

Ah, you bet. Lopez can pound them along.

You and him old friends, eh?

Who? Lopez and me?

Nah. I never see'd him till he signed on this trip.

My mistake.

Ah, Lopez.

I don't like this man Coleman.


If he asks after me, you tell him you never see'd me,

till you signed on this trip.

You're too late.


He just speak to me, and I tell him we was old friends.


What do you use under your hat instead of brains?

You need no brains if you got this.

Ahh. Now you're talking sense.

Come on, you. Come on. Giddyap.

<i>Pick your partner and a-promenade back.</i>

<i>First couple out to the right and follow the ca...</i>

Prepare to promenade back.

First couple out to the right and follow the call.

Now right in circles.

Take your partner and a-promenade back.

First couple out to the right and follow the call.

Maybe she won't, uh, talk with him,

but she'll dance with him, eh?

It's a lovely dance.

On with the next and follow the call.

And a lovely night.

And a lovely girl.

Now's your chance. Go in and snag her away from him.

I claim the favor.

With pleasure, Mr. Thorpe.

Well, Zeke.

Hello, boy.

Thorpe just stole my partner and left me dancing with myself.


Say, boy, it just come to me a minute ago,

where I seen that there Thorpe before.


Camped on the Cimarron with Flack and Lopez. They're old friends.

Are you sure of that? Dead certain.

So keep your eye peeled on him, son.

Oh, I'm tired. I think I'll go to my wagon.

Why, certainly. Let me take you there.

And to think this same moon is shining

on my old plantation in Louisiana.

All it needs is a lovely woman to preside there.

Someday you'll find her.

I have found her, Ruth.

Oh, please, Mr. Thorpe. Look, I've told you before

that there can be no happiness without love.

But love will come.

Ruth... I'm really tired, Mr. Thorpe.

Do you mind if I go to bed? Good night.

Good night.

We're getting into dangerous country, Flack...

So I'll be riding to the Pawnee villages to pick up some Injun scouts.

Yes? Well, you're likely to lose your scalp out there.

I'll bet you a couple of wolf pelts I bring it back with me.

How long'll you be gone, Coleman?

Three or four days, a week maybe.

Oh, back so soon?

I thought maybe you wouldn't be coming back at all.

And just why did you think that?

Well, after I sort of took the dark-eyed beauty away from you,

I thought you might be decamping.

Listen, Thorpe. I never quit a job in the middle of the road.

Oh, quite so. Quite so.

But after the girl quit you in the middle of the road...

Say that again, Mr. Thorpe!

I know who you are now,

and I know why you quit the Cimarron country too.

Oh, well. No necessity to have quarrels among friends.

Friends? You threw too wide a loop.

Remember this, the three of you...

I'm not your friend.

Yeah. Well, you let him scare you stiff.

Not at all.

Only an idiot, you know, presses a quarrel,

when the other man has a knife pressed against his middle.

Yeah. Good excuse.

Wolf pelts, eh?

What does that mean?

Don't mean nothin'.

It doesn't to me, but it does to you.

Yeah? Where'd you get that notion?

When he mentioned wolf pelts, you looked

as though he'd rammed a knife in you.

Not exactly what I'd call a poker face.

Yeah? Well, what of it?

Oh, nothing.

Only I'm beginning to understand why you don't like Coleman.

Bye, Windy.

And, Zeke, I'll be seeing you in the happy hunting grounds if not before.

Good luck, boy.


Well, Miss Ruth, I got some good news for you.


I'm gonna be away for a while. I'm going scoutin'.

Well, isn't that dangerous in the open country?

Lord, no. I love it...

Especially now that it's spring and everything's so happy.

Why, there's trees out there, big, tall pines...

Just a-reachin' and a-reachin'...

As if they wanted to climb right through the gates of heaven.

And there's brooks, too, with the water smiling all day long.

But the part I like best is the night...

Lying out there beneath a blanket of stars,

with that old moon smiling down on you.

And every time you look up, there she is,

sort of guarding over you, like a mother minding her young.

Sometimes it's so beautiful that I just lie there, listening.

Birds singing, brooks laughing,

and the wind sort of crooning through the forest.

Like some great organ.

Oh, I've always loved it.

But I reckon I'm gonna be lonely this time.

You know, you can get sort of used to having somebody not like you.

And when they're not around, you miss them not liking you.

That's why I reckon I'm gonna be lonesome.

But I'll be thinking of you.


And you just take care you don't lose your scalp!

Zeke, is he leaving the train?

Yes, miss. He's riding out to Pawnee villages.

Well, how far are they?

Oh, nigh on a hundred mile.

Well, isn't that dangerous?

Well, he's likely to lose his scalp afore he gets there.

But once in the villages, he's safe.

So don't you worry about him, miss.

What... Why should I worry about him?

I don't know, miss. I don't know.

But seemed like as if maybe you was.

Oh, not at all. He means nothing to me.

No. No, in course not. Good night.

Good night, Zeke.

Hey! You got back here at last, eh?

Yeah. There's plenty of buffalo sign out here,

so I'll be riding out to pick up fresh meat.

Ah, well, who's keeping you?

I'll see you at the river crossing.

Lopez! Lopez! Thorpe! Pull up here. Come here.

You two have been waiting for your chance. Here it is.

Go out on a buffalo hunt.

Me? Nah.

I kill hundreds of buffalo. Why should I go?

Ah! Get them cobwebs out of your brain!

He means, Lopez, we might find better game.

Watch him till he leaves the Pawnees,

and then give it to him in the back.

Go on.

Hey, you pilgrims! Come here! Come here!

Bascom? Yes!

Bascom! Yes.

I'll shove the horses and the cattle right on through.

Leave only the wheelers hooked to the wagons.

Once you take to the water...

Well, it's every man and critter for hisself, eh?

Get out of here! Get out of here! Go on!

Mr. Flack.

Mr. Flack, how can I get my mule Useless across?

Well, uh, get your mother-in-law to ride him, eh?

Mr. Bascom. Yes?

Mr. Bascom, you know, I don't like that fella.


He's the kind who will pat you on your back to your face,

and then laughs in your face behind your back.


And another thing. Yes?

If he had a mother-in-law like mine, he would never laugh.

The hunt was a great success.

We bagged our buffalo.


Did you get your meat, eh?

Ah, good. Good!

Well, we'd better shove on off then.

Boots off.

I see you took a bath.

Uh, yeah, yeah.

Is there... ls there a slug of whiskey?

No, I left my jug... I hid it in the Camerons' wagon.

By the way, where is my little beauty?

Well, she's, uh... She's somewheres around.

Well, now that you've got her all to yourself,

what do you aim to do with her?

I think I'll take her back and settle on my plantation.

Your... Your plantation, eh?

Lopez, he's hollered so much about that there plantation of his,

he believes it hisself, eh?

<i>What? The Señor Thorpe, he have no plantation?</i>

Plantation! Ha!

All you got in the world is a dirty deck of cards

and a crooked one at that.

Zeke. Yeah?

Coleman's been gone two days.

Yeah. I've been kinda worried about that myself.

Eagle Tail says last time he seen him, he was headed for the train.

Well, another thing, the Camerons haven't crossed yet.

No. I better saunter on down there

and see what's holdin' 'em, huh?

Yes. We'd better help 'em across.

Yeah. Go on.

Well, I think we can...

We were just wondering what had become of you.

Where's your horse?

He stepped in a prairie-dog hole and broke his neck.

Come near breakin' mine too.

Are you hurt?

No. I was knocked out for a spell.

Here, I'll put these in your wagon and help you across.

Flack said we could only use the wheelers.

Flack said? What does he know about water?

He never took a bath in his life.


There's the Cameron wagon.

I'll go greet the little filly.

Greet, eh?

Well, Lopez and me will go greet a jug.


You take 'em from here on in, Dave. It's shallow water.

All right, Breck. I'll go back and get my saddle.

All right.

Giddyap! Come on, Shortie!

Come on!

Come on, Shortie! Come on! Get up there!

Whoa! Whoa!

I was just coming over to help you.

Thank you. We had the best of help.

Help? Who?

What's the matter, Lopez? Seein' a few ghosts?

Me? No, no.

Drive on into the corral, Dave.

All right.

Giddyap! Come on there! Get up there!

Pull on up!

I'll be seeing you three later about matters and things.

Why, hello, boy.

Howdy, Zeke.

Why, what happened?

Pony stepped in a dog hole.

Yeah? I suppose a prairie dog shot that hole through your saddle

and into your horse, eh?


Who was gone from camp, Zeke?

Thorpe and Lopez come in during the night,

and early morning, sent a wagon out for the meat.

Well, a nice mess you made of things.

Not at all!

Two hundred yards running is considerable of a handicap.

Besides, other days are coming.

Well, don't you fool yourself.

Here he is, here he is, here he is.

Flack, the Injuns been sending up

smoke signals for several days.

Yes, well, I seen 'em.

I'll skirmish around with the Pawnees for a few miles.

Well, go on. There ain't no one keeping you!

No, but you'd better keep Thorpe and Lopez here.


I got a feeling that if either one of 'em leaves camp,

they'll never come back.

What do you mean by that?

Just the way it sounded.

Hey, look there. Look there, eh?


Lopez, fire a long shot at 'em.

No fire!

They're Cheyennes. They want to palaver.

Ah, they look to me as if they're out for harm.

They will be if we take a shot at 'em.

That'll mean war. I'll go out and palaver with them.

Go on. Go on. Maybe so you no come back, huh?

Look how queerly his horse is acting.

Yeah. He's riding zigzag.

That's Indian sign that he wants to palaver.

There's the chief riding out to meet him now for a powwow.

Zeke! Bascom!


This is Black Elk, an old friend of mine.

Do they mean peace or war?

Peace, if as long as we march straight through the Cheyenne country

without stopping to settle.

Now that we're gonna be friends,

they'll probably bring their families over here to beg.

So feed 'em well and treat 'em right, and we'll have no trouble.

All right.

All right. Fine.

No more trouble now.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Zeke, what's he saying about me?

He says that Coleman wants you for his squaw.


Yes. And he says Flack or Thorpe will get you.

Flack or Thorpe? Why? Yeah.

Well, Flack's got a lot of horses.

Miss Ruth, you shouldn't be riding out

here alone like this away from the train.

Why not?

Because this is dangerous country and anything might happen.

You wouldn't care.

Care? Me?

Why should you care?

Listen, girl, if anything happened to you,

it'd be like throwing my heart to the wol...

Oh, what...

Don't worry. It's Black Elk and some of his braves.

Coleman squaw. Coleman squaw.

Well, he's saying that I'm your squaw.

Seems like that's what he's driving at.

Well, you tell him that you don't want me for your squaw.

I've never told Black Elk a lie yet.

He knows my tongue is straight.

Well, what do you mean?

Well, it wouldn't be true if I told him I didn't want you.

It happens I do.

And you've no better taste than

to tell me that before all these savages?

I'd tell you that in front of the whole world.

This silly joke has gone far enough.

Hey! Well, there's one down anyway.

Well, there's some more out there. Let's go get 'em.

All right, here we go.

Here she goes!

That's it. That's it.

Another one.

Get over there. Hey.

Hey, there. Go on.

Yeah. Hope we land in no trouble up ahead.

Help those... Help them take this stuff,

the ones that are going down.

All right. Hold tight.

All right.

Ah, you should be fine.

Hang on, boy.

You take Honey Girl from here on down, Dave.

It's a little easier going.

Hold on. All right, Breck.

Careful of her, Davey.

Now, Miss Ruth, you cling on to me.

Put your arms around my neck, Honey Girl.

A little tighter.

Just a little tighter.

Let him down. Come on, men.

Hurry up

Hang on. Let's take some in pairs.

Are you all right, Honey Girl?

It was a pretty bad place, wasn't it, Breck?

Yeah, but I sort of liked it.

Davey, let's see if our wagon's down yet. Come on, Honey Girl.

Thank you, Breck.

Well, well, well, well!

So I've seen that gal with her arms

around your neck at last.

Yeah, but she sure unwrapped them when she got on safe footin'.


You know, she don't care nothin' about me, Zeke.

Well, you can never tell how a woman feels by the way she acts.

They's all riddles, all of 'em, and you just gotta guess 'em.

And no matter which way you guess, you're wrong.

Looks like as if the way they're puttin'

some of them outfits over there,

they're a-gonna lose 'em.

Hold it!

Ha-ha! What did I tell you?

Let's get out of here afore they get a bead on us.

Hold it!

Zeke, did you hear that terrible crash?

Hear it? I seen it.

You did? That was your wagon!

Oh. Was my mother-in-law in it?

No, she wasn't.

Oh, that's too bad.

What'd you say?

I said, "I am glad."

Lucky for you that I wasn't, you loafing hound.

What you mean?

Because I was with your wife, Sarah, and she gave birth to twins.

Twins? Are they both mine?


Oh, Mama, are they boys or girls?

One of each!

Oh, Zeke, I am a papa. Mama, I am a papa.

Papa, lam a mama. Yeah.

I got two for one.

Yeah. Let's drink to the happy event.

Wait a minute. There was two events. I have two drinks.

Here, give me that jug. I'll take a pull at that myself.

Three more.

Hyah! Giddyap!


Well, who'd have guessed it?

If it ain't Breck Coleman.

Howdy, Jim.

Where'd you blow in from, boy?

All the way from the big river.


How long are we gonna camp here?

Well, just as long as it takes to fix up the outfit.

Bascom, you tell them pilgrims of yours,

there's 500 miles of desert ahead of us

and them that don't like what's comin' to them,

now's the time for 'em to turn back.

Yes, sir, that pork is nearly done right now.

Shank me off a snack!

Get out of there.

Fine piece of beef.


Fetch it on over here.

I hate to see you at menial tasks.

If we were only back at my old plantation in Louisiana,

you'd have a dozen servants to wait on you.

Let's turn back.

Turn back, Mr. Thorpe? Why... Oh. Why, I...

Oh, Honey Girl, didn't I tell you to stay away from the fire?

Yes. And you told me not to be sitting in a rocking chair

when Breck Coleman was around.

Hello, Coleman.

Howdy, Dave.

You shot these turkeys. Won't you stay and help us eat them?

No. Uh, I just had supper with the Bascoms.

Sorry, Breck.

Think I'll go hunt up old Zeke.

How many's that for you, Windy?

Number 84.

Well, here comes 85.

Hello, Zeke. Windy.

Hello, boy.

I smell turkey a-cookin'.

That's all I got was a smell.

Deal me a hand of them flapjacks.

That's the way it's done, Gussie.

My old arm's giving out. Now you try it. I'll get a pail of water.

That's easy. I can do that.

See, I've saw Zeke do that till he broke his arm.

Yes. And you know, someday my mother-in-law's gonna talk so much,

she's going to break her "yaw."

Say, boy, I wouldn't let my mother-in-law boss me around like that.

Stand up to her like a man. Face her down, boy.

Huh. If it was me, I'd tell her what was on my chest.

You got nothing on your chest but wind!

You old polecat.

I've just been talking with some trappers

who've come out of the Southwest.

They say the country they call California is wonderful.

Yes, so I've heard.

Why won't you come with me to a land like that?

Are you going there?

If you'll come with me.

Well, what about your plantation in Louisiana?

Oh. Well...

If we like California better,

we could sell my holdings and buy vast lands out there.

Well, it's... It's a compliment

to offer me all that, but it can't be.

I must join Davey.

Oh, Dave. Dave, come over here.

Black Elk here says that you and your sister were so good to him,

when he come in to visit that he wants to give you all them ponies.

Well, that's kind of him, Zeke,

but we couldn't take their horses.

Oh, of course you could. They got hundreds of ponies.

He wants you to show him where to put 'em.

You go and throw them ponies in with your herd.

Why, Zeke, you lyin' old coot.

That Injun's buying Cameron's sister for Coleman's squaw.

Well... Well... Well, why not?

So Coleman's buying himself a squaw, eh?

Zeke, you old whiskered Cupid, you!

I loathe the very sight of you!

What have I done now?

You've made me the joke of the plains.


Who else tried to buy me like an Indian squaw?

You put me to shame before them all.

Why, girl, you're imagining things.

Oh... Ohh! Ohh!

Zeke always told me women were damned funny.

Mr. Thorpe, I've changed my mind.

I'll go with you to California if you'll go at once.

At once? Why, yes, yes.

Uh, I'll make preparations immediately.

This is a fine state of affairs.

This man Thorpe isn't all he claims to be.

My mind is made up, Davey, and we're going to California.

Where's Flack?


I just came in to tell you good-bye.

Uh, good-bye? Where are you going?

I'm going to take my outfit and leave you here.

Uh, your outfit? All you got is one horse and two guns.

No, the Cameron outfit's mine now.

Oh, it is, eh?

Yes, we're going to California,

so I'll bid you a fond farewell.

No, you ain't!

No? Nah!

Why do you suppose I grubstaked you for, eh?

So far, you've been a fizzle.

One try, one miss.

Oh, he's no longer in my way.

Well, he's in mine.

Well, tear him down yourself.

Oh, I'd like to kick him into pulp.

Oh, I'd like to break him in two like a...

Well, why not?

I don't mind fists or feet, or even a gun.

It's the way he throws that knife.

But why should I risk it?

Because you're a dead shot.

You're a-going to stick.

You're a-going to prove how good you are,

before you leave the fort.

And if I don't?

Well, if you don't...

I'll tell that little filly

there's a wide-open noose waitin' for you

in every river town.

Thorpe, you do your job before you leave the fort.

Howdy, Henry.

How's things, Coleman? Just fine.

Say, Black Elk was telling me

that all the Injuns in the West

was gathering to keep you all from passin' through.

So they tell me.

Black Elk and the Cheyennes are going west

to hold a powwow with the Shoshones.

Yeah, Black Elk tells me that it's almost certain

that the Cheyennes will declare war later.


Old Pete Rubideaux was asking about you a while ago.

Pete? Where is he?

Camped at the spring yonder with his new squaw.

I think I'll ramble down and see him.


Say, Henry, will you put a new cap nipple on this gun?

Sure will, boy.

And a new trigger spring in the pistol.

All right.

I'll leave 'em with you while I go see Pete.

Be ready when you come back.

We are about to unite this loving and devoted couple

in the holy bonds of wedlock.

Hank Ginnis, do you take this woman

to be your lawful wedded wife?

I do.

Abigail Vance, do you take this man

to be your lawful wedded husband?

She does!

Hey, Flack.


You recollect how Coleman done told you that if Lopez here,

or Thorpe done strayed off into the brush,

they weren't likely as how never come back?


He made some kind of a bluff. What of it?

Well, uh, Thorpe strayed out

and he ain't a-never comin' back.



He's done gone back to his old plantation.


Well, you won't go to California with Thorpe now.

Why not?

He and Coleman just met in the brush,

and Coleman shot him.

Are you sure?

I heard the shot.

And I saw Coleman standing there over him.

It suits me too.

So he'll even do murder.

And so I pronounce you man and wife.

And may peace and happiness be yours.

There's been a murder! There's been a murder!

A murder? Where? Where, girl? Who?

Coleman met Mr. Thorpe in the brush and shot him!

That's a serious accusation, my girl. Are you sure?

My brother saw it.

Men, we can't have cold-blooded murderers among us.

There's the man that shot Bill Thorpe

down like a dog. Lopez, go and get a rope.

Get a rope.

Yeah, get the rope!

And just who accuses me of killing Thorpe?

It, uh... It was Miss Cameron.


You, eh?

So you'd like to see me hang.

Listen to me, you.

This boy, Coleman, here just couldn't have killed Thorpe.

Why not?

'Cause he didn't have no guns on him.

He left his'n with Dutch Henry to be fixed.

Coleman and Thorpe were at odds with the Cameron girl.

If it wasn't Coleman, who was it who shot Thorpe?

Since you're aimin' to know, I'll tell you who done it.

Who? I shot that skunk myself!

Coleman's a friend of his, men.

He's lying to save his neck.

What could Zeke have against a man like Thorpe?

You want to know that too?

Yes, I want to know that too!

Well, I'm a-tellin' ya.

I was camped out pretty close to you,

and I heared that powwow you had with Thorpe.

Yeah? What are you driving at?

Just this.

When a man begins to do a lot of talkin' about hangin',

he'd better make pretty sure as to who's

gonna decorate the end of the rope.

Get my meaning?

Well, Thorpe ain't nothin' to me. It's no affair of mine.

That's just what I was a-thinkin'.


And Coleman ain't gonna do no scouting,

while I'm boss of this train.

I'm leaving him behind.

Coleman would never...

Ah, now, we're taking on a new scout.

Guess again, Flack.

I started with this outfit, and I'll be with it at the finish.

Who says so?

I'm just telling ya.

I got two reasons.

One is I told Wellmore I'd scout the train through.

The other is a little personal business I aim to transact

at the end of the trail.

See if you can figure out what that is, Flack.

Coleman, the settlers are willing to push on.

We'll follow you. What's this talk about Injuns?

It's true. The Injuns are gathering

to the westward to stop us from going through.

Injuns have never yet prevented our breed of men

from travelin' into the settin' sun.

Go on. Lead the way.

Well, get your outfits together. We're going.

Never mind what you see or what you hear.

Red Flack is still boss of the train.

Get her going!

Go on. Let's pull out and follow!




Fall in!

Nag, giddyap!

Get in!

It's no use, men.

She's all dried up.

Hey, them settlers is dyin' off like rats.

We're for moving on. Come on, Lopez.

Boy, they're scattered back all across the desert.

We gotta gather 'em up and shove 'em along.

Old Charlie died, Coleman.

We raised him from a colt.

Tough, boy.

But we gotta battle it through.



Giddyap, Toby! Giddyap, Toby! Giddyap!

Giddyap there! Giddyap, Toby!

Come on!

Come on!

Work 'em on through!


What's all this?

Injun signs!

Pull up! Pull up!

Pull up!

Pull up there!

Pull over!

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

Here's your gun, boy!

All right.

Get up there.

Come on! Come on! Get in here! Hurry up!

Don't panic!

Looks like Crows and Cheyennes, Zeke.


Now let's throw it into 'em!

Stop shootin', everybody!

Stop shootin'! They're ridin' off.

When they wheel back on us, reload it up and give it to 'em!

Yes, sir!

There they go, boy. There they go.

Ha! I guess we was just a little too much for 'em.

Father, our good friends have perished here

at the hands of the savages.

Open your arms to them and care for our loved ones

until we meet again on the other shore.


Well, Zeke...

Ol' Windy's gone on another trail.

Windy, you and me was...

Well, you and me was, uh...

Oh, my baby!

My baby! Oh, no!

My baby!

Well, Zeke, I'm gonna trail the Injuns

and make sure they go back to their villages.

So you scout the train ahead,

and I'll pick it up in a week or so.

Bye, Zeke.

Bye, boy.

Giddyap, there!

Giddyap, there! Giddyap!

Get over there! Giddyap, there!

Come on, boys.

Get a hold of that wheel!

Tough time!

Lopez! Lopez, get 'em in line!

<i>Hey, sí!</i>

Put the whip to them!


Pull the trailers!

Giddyap there!

Get on Up!

Work 'em over!

Go on!

Get outta there!

Come on, Bob!

Get 'em movin' to the right!

Get over there!

Hey! Get over there! Giddyap, boy!

Come on. Come on. Giddyap. Giddyap.

There we go!

I wonder how long we'll be bogged down here.

I don't know. I heard there was three wagons already turned back.

Ma, let's turn back to Missouri!

Me? Turn back because of a little mud?

Say, Uncle, when did Bascom women ever turn back?

Grandma, don't you and Ma know that Pa is only jokin'?

Ha! All right now. Be powerful on it now.

Hyah! Hyah!

Go on there, Fanny! Go on, Meg!

Go on there, Jennie! Jennie, go on! Go on, go on!

Oh, we're stuck.

Gus, you idiot! You see what you've done?

You've got my wagon up to the hub in mud!

What are you kickin' about? I am sitting on my mule.


But don't worry, Mama.

I think it's gonna clear up. There will be no more rain.

Get up! Get up! Throw that idiot...

Throw that idiot a rope and help him out of there.

Keep in line!

Get up here!

Take the settlers to the right!

Get over here!

Get up in there!

Come over here and hold on.

Giddyap there!

Keep it in line!

Get over there! Get over there!

Come on, boy!

Giddyap there!

Keep it going!

Come on there!

Keep it going!

Here, Abbie. Here's the water.

Mama, I got good news for you.

Ah, you're always bad news to me.

Get on your long underwear quick.


Well, you're going in the snow up to your... Up to your... Your...

Way up, Mama. And hand me out my bear overcoat.

Well, Useless...

You're going someplace you won't want to sit down.

It's so cold, it'll freeze your hooves off.

You wait and see.

Think I'll go say howdy to the Camerons.

This is my best overcoat.

Well, I'd hate to see your worst one.

Hello, Gus.

Oh, hello there, Breck.

I'm certainly glad to see you back again.

What are you wearing the heavy overcoat for?

I'm getting all ready for that snow.

No, we won't be there for days.

Well, anyway, I'm going to keep warm by the camp.

Where's the Cameron outfit?

Oh, we left them four or five days back.

Left 'em?

Yes. All their horses give out. They couldn't go on.

Fifteen, 20 wagons. They all went back to the fort.

I hated to tell ya, son.

Zeke, why did you let the Camerons go?

Ah, not my doin', son.

Flack knows I savvy Injun sign,

so he sends me on ahead to scout.

And when I come back, they'd all dropped out.

If Injuns chance on those wagons, they'll kill the lot of 'em.

I'm afeard so, Breck boy.

The Way's clear ahead, Zeke. You scout 'em.


I'm going back for the Camerons.

Good luck, son!

Giddyap, Jennie!

Well, Useless...

Giddyap, Jennie!

I don't know who smells the worse, you or me.

Go ahead there!

Come on. Here we go again.

Pull, Fanny!

Hello! Hello!


I felt someway that you'd come.

I'd have been here a heap sooner if I could've.

Say, Dave, you'd better out off that trailer

and throw everything into one wagon.

All right.

I'll hitch up Ol' Rhody

and we'll see if we can get out of here.

After you left,

old Zeke told me the truth about some matters.

Thorpe and Flack and all.

He did, eh?

Sorry I was so stupid.

Oh, don't worry, Miss Ruth. Things did look sort of queer.

I should have known better.

Well, we all get off on the wrong trail once in a while.

We'll make it through all right.

Well, that's fixed. Can I do something, Breck?

No, I guess not.

We oughta overtake those settlers in a week or so.

Here you are, Ruthie. Take it.

We're goin' again, Davey.


Pull 'er there. Come on. Come on there, Shortie.

What did I tell you, huh? You wouldn't listen to me.

You wouldn't listen to me! We're lost!

There ain't a man here that knows the pass over them hills!

We're for turning back!

Wait! Wait!

Follow me and I'll lead you to that valley that Coleman told us about.

Coleman, huh? He's the only one that knows the way out,

and he's deserted us!

Sure, he quit!

If he was here, I'd shoot him down in his tracks.

Well, Flack, just when you gonna start this shootin'?

You're just in time, Coleman. Did you find the Camerons?

They're over yonder. What's the trouble here?

They're all against me. They're turning back.

No, you're not!

We can't turn back.

We're blazing a trail that started in England.

Not even storms of the sea could

turn back those first settlers.

And they carried it on further.

They blazed it on through the wilderness of Kentucky.

Famine, hunger, not even massacres could stop them.

And now we've picked up the trail again,

and nothing can stop us!

Not even the snows of winter nor the peaks of the highest mountains.

We're building a nation! So we've got to suffer.

No great trail was ever blazed without hardship.

And you've gotta fight! That's life.

And when you stop fightin', that's death.

What are you gonna do, lie down and die?



Not in a thousand years. You're going on with me!

The word is said, and we'll follow you.

Be ready to start at sunup!

Well... Well, he's turned up again.

Yeah, well, he'll down the both of us.

You've got to get him tonight.

But they can hear a shot at night.

Well, they can't hear a knife.

They all know this knife of mine.

Well, here's a knife they don't know.

No, no, no, no. I afraid of that knife.

I know where you got it.

Shh, shh, shh, shh!

It will get us in trouble sure.


Because a dead man's knife is bad medicine!

Here, just stop that drivel. No.

Take the knife and wait for tonight.

There he goes.

Wait until he's bedded down, and then...

Give me a drink.

God bless my sister Ruth and my brother Dave,

and make me a good girl, and take care of us.

Aren't you going to ask God to take care of Breck Coleman?

Oh, Zeke says that Breck Coleman can take care of himself.

You overplayed your hand that time, Lopez!

Zeke, this is old Ben Griswell's knife.

Well, where'd you find it, boy?

Lopez just left it sticking in my bedroll.

Their having it makes it certain that Flack and Lopez did it.

No question about it, boy.

What did they do, Coleman?

Killed my best friend.

I been on their trail ever since.

That's a serious charge.

If you're sure, we'll call a settlers' meeting in the morning to try 'em.

You can call a settlers' meeting to bury 'em.

What do you mean?

That I kill my own rats!

They've jumped camp, Zeke, and I'm off on their trail.

Breck, you can't leave us here!

You got to see us through.

He's right, boy.

Maybe so, the way you all look at it.

But those two men killed a man in cold blood,

and they've got to pay.

It's not that I've got hatred in my heart,

but that I'm the law out here, that's all.

And the law is justice.

Well, Zeke, I'll see 'em to the end of the trail.

But then I'm picking up a new trail here.

Get over! Get over!

Get over here!

Hah! Get over! Hah!

Get over!

Whoa, hah! Whoa, hah!

Whoa, hah!

Get over! Pull!

Yonder stands the great white mountain.

And down below lies the valley I've told you about.

Coleman, you have fulfilled our hopes.

Neighbors! Friends!

It is fitting that we give thanks to the Almighty.

Our Father, we thank thee for leading us to this land of promise,

for guiding our footsteps safely

through the dangers of our pilgrimage.

In this valley of our dreams, we'll build

our homes and serve thee, O Father.

And our children's children shall praise thy name.


The way is clear ahead. All gentle slopes.

So drive down, my friends, and settle it.

Lead the way.

Zeke will lead the way down.

Our trails fork here.

You mean you are leaving us?

There's a trail I've followed for over 3,000 miles now,

and I'm headin' back to pick it up again and follow it to the end.

Coleman, you're the breed of man

that would follow a trail to the end.

Thanks, Bascom.

Friends, we'll go on.

Boy, there's two of 'em. Bad ones.

Now, I'm going with you.

No, Zeke.

You stay here and look after Ruth and her outfit.

Breck, you're not leaving.

Yes, Miss Ruth. I'm pullin' out.

They say you're going to hunt down Flack and Lopez.

That's what I aim to do.

But you can't do this awful thing...

Take two lives!

It's frontier justice.

Don't go, Breck. Don't go!

It's a job I've got to finish.

But don't you see?

It doesn't matter about them. I'm afraid for you.

They'll kill you!

You're everything in the world to me, Breck.

I can't let you go! I can't!

The thing has to be done.



Our trails will cross again.

Now, now. Come, come, miss.

You mustn't be a-carryin' on thataway.

He's gone. He'll never come back.

Now, now, you just mustn't do this, miss.

You'll have me a-blubberin' here pretty soon.

I'm a-tellin' ya that everything is going to be all right.

When spring comes in that valley,

he'll be tracking back again.

I know that boy. I know him.

Now, come, come. Come on, Ruth.

Come on.

My legs are froze to the knees.

I can't get up.

Yes, looks as if you're done for, Lopez.

But, Flack, don't go away and leave me, Flack.

What? Do you think I'm staying here?

Well, then leave me a blanket! I'm frozen.

Ah, won't do you no good.

You'll be froze to death in an hour.


It may help me. Now get away.

Flack! Flack!

Flack, don't let me die alone!

Stay with me! Flack!


Well, Lopez.

It won't be long before you have company.


Yeah, Milt.

I got a hankerin' to trail on down into Mexico.

Old Bill Gillie done told me

that them there black-eyed gals is just full of fire.

Zeke? Yeah?

Zeke, you're not really leaving us?

Yeah, gal, I'm a-pullin' out. You is all nice and settled now.

And this here valley is gettin'

altogether too civilized for me.

Whenever I get more than three or four families

within a hundred mile of me,

I begin to feel kind of crowded.

That's not why you're going, Zeke.

No? Why else, gal?

Breck has never come back. You're going out to look for him.

Now, wherever that boy Breck Coleman is at,

he's a-lookin' out for hisself.

Now don't you fret about him.

Did you give away all your little puppies?

Why are you looking at that dress?

This is the anniversary of the...

The day that the wagon train left from Missouri.

Last time I had this on,

I was sitting in the Riggses' cabin.

In a rocking chair?

Yes, Honey Girl.

In a rocking chair.

Zeke, I reckon that's a panther.

Yeah! It's a two-legged panther.

The only kind whatever gimme that Comanche yell as a signal.

We might just as well start to unpack.

What, ain't you going?

No use of going now.

He's only a bit up in the timber there, and he's a-headed this way.

Zeke, won't you stay over for the anniversary?

Yes, gal, I'll stay.


And I just recollected, I got a little present for you.

Oh, Zeke, what is it?

Well, a young fella named Breck Coleman left it with me,

and he told me to give it to you in case he didn't show up.

Where is it, Zeke?

I hid it in the holler of the big tree at the bend of the trail.

You'll find it there.

Thanks, Zeke. I'll go get it.

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For more infomation >> The Big Trail 1930 HD 1080p - John Wayne, Marguerite Churchill, El Brendel Movie - Duration: 2:01:43.


The Basement Boogey! Enter Halloween. | Boogeyman #6 - Duration: 18:56.

TV's gonna come on scared the crap out

of me

I knew it I knew it I called it called


hello everyone and Jayskibean and welcome to

part 6 of boogie man and he's already

growling at me as usual is probably

gonna jump at me because I'm looking up

at the event you know supposed to do

that so we're doing the freeroll mon

night six super-fun times as usual gotta

find the flashlights etc

listen to the the you turn the light

back off to listen to the tape and open

all the doors make sure he doesn't eat


yeah he didn't good stuff i like when he

doesn't eat me

well stop don't do that to me

alright let's listen I gotta find the


yeah okay well in that case i'm gonna

look for that Tori I keep trying to hit

the sprint button because i want us well

because i want to sprint I want to run

away I want to run away I want to get

away i wanna fly don't copyright me


anyway uh I really don't i just want to

find the tape so i can watch the movie

what's that

what's making that sound TV's gonna come

on scared the crap out of me

I knew it I dick with it I call it call

it now bugs

that's the tape there's the tight the

final to a flashlight wasn't there


probably i'm probably just bland I

probably just bland

well have you ever tried recording your


no why would I do that well it would

really help me to get to Noel better

since i can't see her maybe i'll be able

to hear her

wouldn't that be nice you always they

have frustrating it is that she won't

show herself to anyone else that might

be nice to hear that last time we heard

that last time

yeah we've so we so did this last time

do we do night six the the water 496

already i get yeah i think we did pretty

sure we did

oh yeah I'm pretty sure let's do this

let's go

such a wasted everybody's time you guys

you guys had a pretty sweet Jam no nice


bring it

you don't scare me sounds that are

slightly louder now that I have my

headphones turned up

I think that the more

coming to be feeling it just a bird or

something in the window

what you stupid again

he opened the event

he don't got that vent open because i

was listening to the vet close yeah so

that that like undoes all your f ups is

that what it does

so like if you if he opens event on


I didn't feel like the ambiance has ever

been this loud is so loud it is he is

over to the door quick

ah step 2 he is he's on it tonight men

he is definitely on it tonight and if it

wasn't for my coffee


he was just under the bed and on the


let's go check again come on

got it

we good I think we're okay

tend to pop goes the ways i'll know he

popped too early

the weasel pop-pop early the popularly

wezel always a popular likes to poppin

know she is difficult

it's so hard


I don't know how how did


yeah no dude he is so close every time

he's gonna give me he didn't he didn't

get me but I thought I thought that new



he got the vent open you can hear the

vent over your own voice

so you

oh yeah oh boy on a live plenty of

battery now I have plenty i just have to

pay attention

I'm freaking out bro i'm flippin haha oh

thank you

Oh the plane came a little late

cheese Louise intense intense capital

letter in another night geez many nights

are there

let's do it let's do it to it

hey pumpkins it must be must be

Halloween and there must be Halloween

there's deck there's L decorations

this decorations find the tape

yeah every time it gets me every time it

gets me everytime acetate there's other

stuff your friend

well what do you call her your sister he

says I remind her of heads and that's

why she have to protect me this time the

mark on your body

did you do that to yourself alyssa yeah

with your friends

l never meant to

she can't help it sometimes why can't

she help her to this year he she's full

of rage

yes she tried to say herself sometimes

though you just won't let go of her

yeah okay well let's let's read this one

first because it's just for a couple

things I can read and easy just take

some boxes down to the basement today

whilst I am at work i'm believing this

note so you don't forget again i found a

flashlight is you can use as scoop the

lights pretty dim down there the

flashlight must belong to the previous

owners pretty convenient it's cursed

dude well I burr I tried like

handwriting's terrible i tried using it

but the batteries only last around two

minutes before they're dead weird

there are some batteries in the kitchen

cupboard see you tonight love you

alright let's read this

the boogeyman all cool all right i'm

gonna right there if you guys want to

read it read it i'm not going to read

all of it

boom I'll read it afterwards some so

yeah that's that's cool that's awesome

awesome awesome

yeah that's take a screenshot that read

it i'm sure it's got some light

real-life floor behind like bogeyman and

stuff so yeah

always still there now he's not okay

good stuff kitchen cupboard batteries in

the kitchen comfort that trees and L

kitchen covered

oh you can open these probably just that

one awesome i don't know if that was

just me

oh there goes l

okay yeah well where's the flashlight

where's the durn flashlight where the

Dern is the flash whatever whatever I

look I looked all over the house i'll

find a flashlight i found the batteries

but I don't have a flashlight to use


it's a flashlight like

I can't listen to it again gonna flash

where they say the flashlight was

helping guys is a flashlight was in the


calm down geez just walking

can I walk here let me walk yeah trying

to walk try to walk okay well well well

well well well well i don't it looked

everywhere and I'm not going back to say

even say

no not until they find a flashlight for

sure I need a flashlight and then i

would go but until I find a flashlight

have the batteries

you know I have the battery's about them

i found them all about all the little

bit of batteries i may go down there

where else would the flashlight be

honestly not not there

screw it let's go down basement maybe

they're in the basement or maybe they

had I just gotta do two random role and

they're just not anywhere not like in

the floor anywhere are they know

yeah let's do it let's do it to it just

opened on its own like it is get out of

here or what is this



whoa wow

whoa yeah that was strange


oh you know what I'm i'm stuck under the

bed so he's just gonna have to get me

anyway so he doesn't even he just opens

the door he doesn't even come in there

so anyway she comes at you 21 halloween

are intense

anyway that's finished episode of your

guys i will definitely finish this next


hope you guys enjoyed I'm a battery

actually slap that like button

underneath the video subscribe to my

page if you haven't already and tell

your friends about me double scared you

see that the fuck and another one crazy

but i'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> The Basement Boogey! Enter Halloween. | Boogeyman #6 - Duration: 18:56.


Exposure Triangle in Practice: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 9:30.

Hi everybody welcome to another episode

of Exploring Photography right here on

AdoramaTV, I'm Mark Wallace. Well about a

year and a half ago I did a series on

the Exposure Triangle, understanding the

ISO, the shutter and the aperture value,

and how those all relate to each other

and a lot of people have written in and

said; "can you please just give us an

example of you putting that into

practice" and so that's what we're going

to do today. So I am in Pretoria, South Africa

I'm going to be walking the streets, shooting

some street photography. Maybe doing a

portrait here and there, but the key to

this episode is explaining my thought

process. Why am I using a certain

aperture? Why am I using a certain ISO

value? Or why am I using a certain

shutter speed? And how do all those

things relate? And so we're going to do

that by me just walking taking pictures

and explaining it as I go. So join me as we

do this in this video today.

Alright we're going to start

by using the simplest setup possible.

We have lots of light here

and so what I'm doing is

I have my aperture set to f/8.

That is the sharpest that

this lens is going to be. So really,

really, crystal clear. If you're not sure

what the sharpest aperture value of your

lens is where you can google it or look

at the Adorama Learning Center,

we've probably had some discussions about that,

but it's going to be around f/8 around to

maybe, to f/11 something like that. I have

my ISO at 200 because we have lots of

light. I don't need to have that cranked

up, so it's going to keep everything nice

and noise free. As far as the shutter is

concerned, well I'm shooting in aperture

priority mode. In other words, I've set

this to f/8 ISO 200 the cameras going to

figure out the shutter speed, because we

know we have a lot of light, it's going

to be nice and fast, so I can shoot

handheld and I'm sitting with

the 21mm lens, which is perfect for

street photography, because almost

everything is going to be in focus.

I can almost just point and shoot and take

some great shots.

So behind me we've a lot of

construction. We got a lot of people

working. We've got a lot of activity.

So we're going to walk around

and shoot with these settings.

This is Gertrude, we just met

her on the street.

She said we could take pictures.

I think she sort of likes me.

Oh I love you darling.

Thank you. I just love you darling

[unintelligible singing]...


and you don't know the story

I think she was then the double pawn.

I think my husband will say,

"why, why, why?"

So I said, "Because you are not part of the story darling."

I'll just talk just a second about Gertrude,

so she just walked up and

said "hello" on the street and engaged

with us and what a fantastic

conversation, but in that situation

that's when understanding the exposure

triangle really comes into play, because

I wanted to get a good shot of her but

everything was all wacky. We had this

really strong back light. The first shots

I was taking were under exposed because

the camera was metering for the background,

and so I didn't have a chance to fumble

with my camera as I was having a

conversation with her, so I quickly

peaked at my histogram and the image on

the back of the screen and I could tell

that things were right and so as she was

talking, I took a picture of her feet and

that gave me a proper exposure because

it was in the shade, then I adjusted my

camera manually to the proper settings,

and then I was able to shoot and get

some shots of her face and everything

was all correct.

"Zinc, zinc, twilight..."

So still ISO 200, still, I think I was at

f/8 and then the shutter speed. I don't

remember what it is, but I will show it

right here, so you know what I was

shooting at, but that's the kind of thing

understanding the exposure triangle will

help you with, is understanding what to

do when things aren't going right and I

think these shots are really fun and I

really had fun hanging out with Gertrude.

Okay well in this situation what I'm

doing is, we have sort of this busy

shopping center with lots of hustle and

bustle, and people buying things, and

eating and so motion is the thing that's

important to me. So what I've done is I've

set my camera to a really small aperture

value. Its an aperture value of f/16

and that's going to restrict the light

and force my shutter speed to be really long

so I'm shooting at a shutter speed of a

1/4 of a second, 1/4s

at ISO 200 and that's going to

blur everything that's moving but

because my camera is on a tripod, anything

that's not moving;

like the ground and the environment

is going to be perfectly still,

and that'll give us that sense of motion.

So slow shutter speed, low ISO,

closed down aperture,

almost everything is going

to be in focus and now we can see that

we have this sort of hustle and bustle

scene and it works just fine.

So in this shot Odette is joining us.

You might remember her from previous episodes

of Exploring Photography. So thanks for

popping in for this. We are really in a

dark environment, right now. It's really,

really low light. We have the gain turned

up on the video camera, so it might not

look like that. So what settings do I use?

Well what I'm going to do is we're going

to shoot against this brick wall. We're

going to do a black and white exposure

here, to be sort of really nice and

contrasting. So what I'm going to do here

is I'm going to start at an aperture

value of f/2.8. That's going to let in

a lot of light.

I'm an ISO 200. That's my base ISO.

When I try to take this shot. So you

stand right there.

I look and I see that, oh my gosh I'm

at 1/8th of a second. That is really

slow so I'm going to have some problems

with camera shake.

So the next thing I'm going to do is at

an 1/8th of a second, I know I really need

to crank up my ISO, so I'm changing my

ISO from 200 all the way up to 800.

On this camera it doesn't do really well above

ISO 800, so I'm stopping they're.

Now I'm going to check and see what my shutter

speed is to see if I can shoot handheld.

So we're going to look again and now I'm

seeing that my shutter speed is about

1/30th of a second, which is still

going to be a little bit shaky so what

can I do my ISO is increased my aperture

is open

luckily I have a lens that goes from f/2.8

all the way to f/1.4

That's a full stop

That's going to allow me to shoot

handheld and because we have that nice

shallow depth of field against this,

it doesn't really matter how much is in

focus, as long as I focus on the eyes.

So ISO 800 for the low light. Aperture at

f/1.4 also because of low light and now

we're going to shoot. Are you ready?

Okay, let's begin, beautiful,

I love those eyes.

Right well, I think these shots

worked really great.

Thank you so much for popping in and

helping us with this video, but we have

other shots to take so we're going to

leave you and do that right now

Jimmy and Floyd, Jimmy and Floyd,

Jimmy and Floyd I'm going to take one more picture

of you guys okay we're going to film is that

alright? Alright Jimmy and Floyd are

going to let me take pictures, so I'm shooting

this f/2, shallow depth of field we're

sort of in low light here. That's going to

work out my 35mm lens. Give me

your best Jimmy and Floyd expression.

What I'm going to do now is, there's some

construction behind me ,you can see these

guys working. I want to maybe get a couple of

shots from them, but I want to isolate

the workers and so I'm going to use a shallow

depth of field, which requires a wide

open aperture. This is a 50mm lens,

so it's not going to be two shallow

at distance. So I'm going to go all the

way to f/1.4 that's wide open

that means I need to have my ISO as low

as possible with all this light, and that's

going to make my shutter speed really,

really fast. That'll freeze the motion so

I'm going to shoot these guys back here

and we'll show you what we get.

Can I take your picture? Yeah? Fantastic.

Ammous. This is Ammous. Ammous.

What is it? Ammous

Ammous, alright thank you

This was awesome.

Alright well I think we've

shot enough to illustrate the point of

how the exposure triangle works.

Remember; if you're thinking about motion,

you're thinking about the shutter speed.

A slow shutter speed shows motion, like we shot

in that busy little market there.

Fast shutter speed is going to freeze motion.

if you're concerned about depth of field,

how much is in focus?

Wide open aperture with

a long lens is going to give you

shallow depth of field, like we shot with

construction workers or a nice short

lens 21mm, like I used for the

street photography is going to have

everything in focus with an aperture

value about f/8

So if you're concerned about

depth of field, think aperture first,

but if you're in low light,

then you're going to start thinking about

your ISO, to bring that up so that you

can capture that low light as best as

possible. Once you start playing with

this you'll see that it works every

single time you just need to practice,

practice, practice and you'll see that

all of these things start to relate

automatically in your brain

and you'll be able to adjust very, very quickly.

Thank you so much for joining me for

this episode of Exploring Photography.

Don't forget to subscribe to AdoramaTV

it's absolutely free, so click the button

and subscribe right now.

Thanks for joining me and I'll see you

again next time.

For more infomation >> Exposure Triangle in Practice: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace - Duration: 9:30.


1994-2004 Mustang Xtreme Stop Performance Ceramic Brake Pads (Bullitt, Mach 1, Cobra) Review - Duration: 5:07.

Hey, guys.

Adam here with americanmuscle.com.

Today, I'm bringing you a quick overview of the Xtreme Stop Performance Ceramic Brake

Pads fitting the rear of all '94 to '04 Bullitt, Mach 1, and Cobra Mustangs.

So in this video, I'll be going over the benefits and performance of the stopping power you

can expect from the Xtreme Stop Performance Brake Pads as well as the materials and construction.

I'll top the video off with the installation which I'll let you know upfront gets a very

solid one out of three wrenches on our difficulty meter since it is a very simple brake job.

The Xtreme Stop Performance Ceramic Brake Pads for the rear will be for any '94 to '04

Bullitt, Mach 1, or Cobra owner who's got some wear and tear toward the back end of

their Mustang as far as brakes are concerned and need to pick up an upgrade and like to

go with something that adds a little bit more bite to their pads.

There's a couple of different reasons the Xtreme Stop Pads for the front and rear, now,

obviously, we just have the rear here today but all together, these are going to be a

very good upgrade compared to your stock pads.

Xtreme Stop lets us know that the biggest thing about these pads is that they can increase

your stopping and brake performance up to 25% over your stock pads.

Now, obviously, these are the rear pads so they're not doing most of the work like your

fronts are but they still do make a difference and upgrading to the Xtreme Stop Performance

Ceramic Pads can definitely make a difference.

Now, the other aspect of these pads actually has a two in one kind of combo.

Now, these are going to be a low dust brake pad and also a very quiet brake pad.

Now, the low dust brake pad thing is definitely going to be a factor for the guys out there

who have maybe a five spoke wheel and you can see a lot of that brake dust from the

moment it starts happening.

Now if you're anything like me, that is a very ugly sight and you wanna get rid of it

as soon as possible.

Now, you can wash your car constantly or you can pick up a low dust composite brake pad

that actually prevents it from happening as often and as quickly.

Now, the other side of that is going to be the fact that these are a quiet brake pad.

Now, as far as the quiet option is concerned, this is something that honestly is a no-brainer.

Nobody wants to hear a loud brake pad.

You don't wanna hear squealing or squeaking.

And Xtreme Stop actually uses a low dust composite mixed with a very quiet material that prevents

any squeaking and squealing while these are in use.

Now, obviously, that low dust composite and the quiet option here with these pads is all

thanks to the materials and construction.

These are manufactured from Xtreme Stop out of a high quality ceramic composite compound

here and these obviously increase the stopping power.

Now, like I said, it's the rear pairs.

They're not doing as much work but it still does make a difference.

Now, with that 25% increase in stopping power, you get the low dust composite, the quiet

pads, and all together, this is a very rotor friendly brake pad.

Now, what I mean by that is most brake pads, or at least some brake pads on the market,

need a breaking in period before you can really go hard on the street with the gears.

These can actually go right on your pads, right after the installation, and you can


This is perfect for the daily driver out there who just needs a quick brake job swap and

to get going.

As far as the installation is concerned, if you're trying to get these installed on the

rear end of your '94 to '04 Bullitt, Mach 1, or Cobra Mustang, it's great for any track

application, any street application, any daily driver, but any of those applications, the

install is all the same.

This one's gonna be a very simple break swap which requires pretty common hand tools with

the exception of one.

Now the common hand tools being the ratchet and socket set and of course, a lug wrench,

jack and jack stands to get it in the air or a lift if you have one available.

But the exception here is the rear calipers on these '94 to '04 Mustangs actually require

a very specific tool.

Now, the rear calipers actually have a twist-in piston here, not like a clamp.

So a C-clamp won't work.

If you try to use that, you're actually gonna break the caliper.

Now, you'll actually have to get this specific tool just to actually put the keys in the

piston to twist them in.

Now since that is the case, you can pick one up at your local auto parts store or if you

have one handy, that's perfect as well.

All together, the break job should actually take you about an hour's worth of time in

the driveway home which is why I give it a one out of three wrenches on our difficulty


So to kick things off, obviously you wanna break the lug nuts use, jack the car in the

air, and remove the wheel.

From there, you can open up the caliper by using your ratchet and socket set.

And of course once it's open, just kick those old brake pads out of the way and set them


Now, once you get the caliper opened up, the brake pads are aside, you can use that specific

caliper piston tool to get this thing clamped down.

Now, obviously, it's not like a C-clamp so you wanna set the keys into the divots specific

to your caliper and twist it down like you would any other ratchet.

Now once you have that twisted down, it'll decompress that caliper and allow you to slip

the new brake pads in.

Once that's decompressed you grease up the pads like you would any other ones, pop them

into place, close the caliper up and put it all back together again.

Repeat for the opposite side and you're good to go.

Overall like I said, an hour's worth of time in the driveway at home and a one out of three

wrenches on our difficult meter.

Just to wrap things up here, if you're the owner of a '94 to '04 Bullitt, Mach 1, or

Cobra and you're looking to get the bite back into your braking performance while also picking

up a low dust brake pad with a quiet braking noise, you might wanna check out the Xtreme

Stop Performance Ceramic Pads that'll fit the rear end of your Mustang which you can

find right here at americanmuscle.com.

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