Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 11 2017

I'm going to tell you a story.

When I was 19 I got my first personal training job.

I had a couple jobs and they were just retail and I worked at a pool but this was my first

big girl job.

This was the first job where I had a decent amount of responsibility.

I was hired based on my potential.

Not because I was the best personal trainer out there, but because they saw a lot of potential

in me.

They were going to train me up to be a good personal trainer.

3 months goes by and they sit me down for my first performance review and they say "I

know this is going to be hard to hear... you've been doing a great job here, you have a lot

of potential, BUT there's something that you need to address.

Your work ethic sucks."

And that was really hard to hear for me.

Here I am, I was a straight A student, I was an athlete, I thought that I knew how to work

hard and apparently I did not.

Out of a place of love, I want to tell you... that you've got a lot of potential.

You've got all of the necessary tools to reach your goals.


Your work ethic sucks.

You're not willing to actually put in the hard work necessary to reach your goals.

You're doing just enough to scrape by and say that you're making an effort, but not

enough to actually get results.

Maybe you're showing up to the gym a couple times a week, but kind of sleeping through

your workouts.

Maybe you're showing up to the gym, doing your weights, your cardio but you're not paying

any attention to your nutrition.

Maybe you've got some stuff that happened to you in your past that you really need to

turn around and face so you can approach fitness and exercise and nutrition from a place of

self-love, and you're avoiding that hard work.

You're doing something, and I don't want to negate the importance of that because doing

something is better than nothing at all.

But at the same time, your work ethic is not to where it needs to be to really get results,

to really change your life.

And that's what I know many of you are after.

You're tired of being fat, you're tired of being uncomfortable, you're tired of being

tired all the time.

You need a life change.

You want to feel different, you want to act different, you want to be more confident,

you want to not have to drag your ass out of bed every morning.

You want life-changing results.


you need to do something about that.

You need to address that before you go any further.

You need to do whatever you need to put in the work to be successful and don't just skate

by doing the bare minimum, saying "Well, I tried it and it didn't work so that wasn't

for me."

I love you guys, this is coming from a place of love and I know it's hard to hear but at

the same time it's one of those really important lessons that can totally change whether or

not you get results.

For more infomation >> Work Ethic - Duration: 2:47.


Doc McStuffins at McDonald's gives Farting Mommy Tummy Ache Check-Up Suregery - Duration: 13:38.

Wow, so yummy.

Oh, my belly hurts, but the food is so good. fart..fart..fart

oh, my belly hurts. Mommy farts

so good! fart.. fart.. mommy tummy ache

oowie, oowie, mommy has a tummy ache... so good

My tummy hurts and I fart like a champ

oowie, owie, I am choking

Call Doc Msctuffins to the rescue

I am Doc McStuffins. I am helping you

Help, Doc McStuffins

Ok, I will do a Heimlich maneuver to get the food out

Let me Examine you

What did you eat?

I eat hamburger and chicken nuggets

I know I am not suppose to eat them

Doc McStuffins, do you want to check the baby?

Is it a boy or a girl?

I think it is a girl. Congratulations!

For more infomation >> Doc McStuffins at McDonald's gives Farting Mommy Tummy Ache Check-Up Suregery - Duration: 13:38.


comment trouver 10 idées de vidéos Youtube en 10 minutes - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> comment trouver 10 idées de vidéos Youtube en 10 minutes - Duration: 3:55.


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3



For more infomation >> Silence


BMW 3 Serie Touring 2.0D EXECUTIVE | Upgrade naar 194PK voor € - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 2.0D EXECUTIVE | Upgrade naar 194PK voor € - Duration: 1:14.


BMW 3 Serie 2.0D BUSINESS LINE Upgrade naar 194PK voor €300 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 2.0D BUSINESS LINE Upgrade naar 194PK voor €300 - Duration: 1:07.



Everything said in this video is a joke and not to be taken seriously :) hope you all enjoy!:D

For more infomation >> HALO REACH & MWR FUNNY MOMENTS!(BORDER PATROL AND INVASION) - Duration: 11:40.


Mercedes-Benz Sales Beat BMW - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz Sales Beat BMW - Duration: 0:54.


comment trouver 10 idées de vidéos Youtube en 10 minutes - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> comment trouver 10 idées de vidéos Youtube en 10 minutes - Duration: 3:55.


The Family Is Infatuated With Kai | Season 1 Ep. 3 | THE MICK - Duration: 0:52.

[music playing]


Oh, that's nasty.


Good morning, everybody.


Who the hell is this clown?


I'm Kai.

He's my boyfriend.

Who are you?

Well, I'm--

[kissing loudly]

I'm Jimmy.

[kissing loudly]

My goodness.

They are really going for it, huh?

[music playing]

For more infomation >> The Family Is Infatuated With Kai | Season 1 Ep. 3 | THE MICK - Duration: 0:52.


Mickey Has "The Talk" With Sabrina | Season 1 Ep. 3 | THE MICK - Duration: 1:09.

So, I guess you guys are having sex, huh?

Oh, god. Are we having the talk?


I don't want to have the talk at all.

Listen, I just wanted to let you know that I totally get it.

And you picked a good one.

That guy is a hall-of-fame piece of ass.

Oh, man.

I'd let him do things to me.

Please stop.

Just stop it.

All right, the point is you're a woman with needs.

And I get it.

So as long as you're using condoms, I'm cool.

We're not.

Oh, OK.

Well, that's cool.

Your body, your choice.

I am more of a pill person myself.

Do you have any idea how poisonous that stuff is?

How is birth control poison, Sabrina?

It destroys your body and causes crazy mood swings.

So do babies!

Why do you all of a sudden care what-- oh, I get it.

You get what?

You're jealous.

-I'm jealous? -Yeah.

What, of you?

Why would I be jealous of you?

Maybe because I have a beautiful

hunk of beef and you don't.

I got beef.

Who, Jimmy, that packaged lunch meat?

I'm over here feasting on filet mignon.

All right, you know what?

I don't want to have this conversation.

For more infomation >> Mickey Has "The Talk" With Sabrina | Season 1 Ep. 3 | THE MICK - Duration: 1:09.


Mickey Tries To Get Kai Into Bed | Season 1 Ep. 3 | THE MICK - Duration: 1:16.

So what seems to be the problem over here?

Oh man, she's creaking like a barn door.

Oh yeah?



Well, I guess I could tighten a few screws,

but it looks good to me.

It looks good to me, too.

[laughs nervously] Yeah.


Um, let's see.

Yeah, you know, I'm still not really hearing anything.

You're not hearing it?

Yeah, oh, I think I know what the problem is.

Normally I'm, [grunts] on top of it when I'm hearing the noises.

You know what I mean?

It's kind of like, hi, hi, ha, squeak,

ha, squeak, ha, squeak, squeak.

You hearing it at all?

Yeah, you know, I'm not hearing it.

Oh, OK.

Well, then I guess, let's just start over.

We don't have to overthink it.

Let's go under the bed and we'll figure out sort of a--


I just want to get out of this here.

You know what, maybe I should--

- Mm? - OK.

Well, hold on. Hang on a second.


I think if you just gave me a second.


My goodness.

What a launch!

Are you-- are you leaving?

You know what, leave!

Get out of here!

Get out of my room.

Get out of my room!

And do not come back.

For more infomation >> Mickey Tries To Get Kai Into Bed | Season 1 Ep. 3 | THE MICK - Duration: 1:16.


Mickey Goes To Extreme Lengths to Keep Sabrina And Kai Apart | Season 1 Ep. 3 | THE MICK - Duration: 1:20.


Well, there's nothing to it.

All you've got to do is just close your eyes

and just let the wave wash over you.

[kissing loudly]

No, no! OK, all right!

All right! Hold on!

Hey! Hang on a second!

Wait! Just stop!

Stop-- stop it!


Get out.



Good-- really good.

Healthy-- healthy as a horse.

[laughs awkwardly]

Jimmy, a word?



[music - k7, "come baby come"]

K7: (SINGING) Bounce, bounce.

Come on, bounce.


Oh my god!

What are you--

K7: (SINGING) Turn me on, turn me loose.

Try to hit it if I have to--




K7: (SINGING) Play me like Nintendo.

Never, ever let go.

Keep it so loud you'll be hitting the crescendo.

Do re mi fa so la ti do!

Come, baby, come.

Baby, baby, come. Come.

Come, baby, come.

Baby, baby, come.

Come when you've got to give me loving

and you've got to give me some.

[fire extinguisher spraying]

What are you doing?

Oh, come on!

For more infomation >> Mickey Goes To Extreme Lengths to Keep Sabrina And Kai Apart | Season 1 Ep. 3 | THE MICK - Duration: 1:20.


Doc McStuffins at McDonald's gives Farting Mommy Tummy Ache Check-Up Suregery - Duration: 13:38.

Wow, so yummy.

Oh, my belly hurts, but the food is so good. fart..fart..fart

oh, my belly hurts. Mommy farts

so good! fart.. fart.. mommy tummy ache

oowie, oowie, mommy has a tummy ache... so good

My tummy hurts and I fart like a champ

oowie, owie, I am choking

Call Doc Msctuffins to the rescue

I am Doc McStuffins. I am helping you

Help, Doc McStuffins

Ok, I will do a Heimlich maneuver to get the food out

Let me Examine you

What did you eat?

I eat hamburger and chicken nuggets

I know I am not suppose to eat them

Doc McStuffins, do you want to check the baby?

Is it a boy or a girl?

I think it is a girl. Congratulations!

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