Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 11 2017

ZWV 178 - Crab Canon - Partita 2 - Zelenka

For more infomation >> ZWV 178 - Partita 2 (Zelenka) - Guitar - Duration: 0:46.


Shop Update January 11th 2016 - Duration: 8:22.

Thank you all for watching. As you can see, I've kinda been stuck inside the house for a few days.

Uhh... hopefully next week my voice will be better.

It's already working at getting a little bit better, but it's still not back to 100%.

In the meantime....

My instagram, facebook......

and twitter... All those links are down there in the description.


Follow me on those please.

Have a lovely day. Have a lovely night.

Stay out the cold. Don't get sick.

Have a lovely life. Because life is short....

And it's meant to be enjoyed.

When you're not trying to get pneumonia.


Oh yeah, by the way....

If you're not alreby sub... (my tongue twisted)

If you're not already a subscriber,

I invite you to pretty please subscribe.

Hopefully things will get better as soon as I get better.

Have a lovely day. Peace.

Click the button.... subscribe.

or maybe over here. It's a little round button.

It's got me in it.


For more infomation >> Shop Update January 11th 2016 - Duration: 8:22.


Infinate Warfare GAMEPLAY LIVE w/ Jay-A #1! - ''LET'S DO THIS! '' - (Call Of Duty IW) - Duration: 9:42.

For more Black Ops Videos Subscribe!

For more infomation >> Infinate Warfare GAMEPLAY LIVE w/ Jay-A #1! - ''LET'S DO THIS! '' - (Call Of Duty IW) - Duration: 9:42.


Boban Marjanović (Detroit Pistons) - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Boban Marjanović (Detroit Pistons) - Duration: 1:31.


COLREG Rule 20 & 32 Light And Shapes Signals - Duration: 3:34.


roll20 and rule 32 light and shape

signals are to be displayed in all

different weather and sea conditions the

lights must be shown from sunset to

sunrise and when in restricted


and the shape signals must be shown

during the hours of daylight

the sound signals described in the rules

must be used by needed under these rules

and always as prescribed in or near an

area of restricted visibility a long

blast on the whistle means a blast of

between four

last on the whistle royal second

duration roll20 application for all 32

sound signal definitions

roll20 application a roles in this part

shall be complied with in all weathers

be the rules concerning lights shall be

complied with from sunset to sunrise and

during such times no other lights shall

be exhibited accept such lights as

cannot be mistaken for the lights

specified in these rules will do not

impair their visibility or distinctive

character or interfere with the keeping

of a proper lookout see the lights

prescribed by these rules shall if

carried also be exhibited from sunrise

to sunset in restricted visibility and

may be exhibited in all other

circumstances when it is deemed


d the rules concerning shapes shall be

complied with by day p the lights and

shapes specified in these rules shall

comply with the provisions of x 12 these


roll 32 sound signal definitions Part D

sound and light signals rule 32

definitions a the word whistle means any

sound signaling appliance capable of

producing the prescribed blasts and

which complies with the specifications

in an x 32 these regulations be the term

short blasts means a blast of about 1

seconds duration see the term prolonged

blast means a blast of from four to six

seconds duration

For more infomation >> COLREG Rule 20 & 32 Light And Shapes Signals - Duration: 3:34.



I want to show my friends where I will stay during New Year Eve

Where we celebrate this big day

This is Masa, the cook

Kitchen, back to the roots

Lots of rice, for 4 person

Here is my guide

but he is dead now (after trekking)

can see only feets

Nang Nang wake up

girls from the forest arrived

ahh he is not interested

here is the camp where we sleep, five star hotel

all girls from Indonesia can see now

this good guy

he is lookign for wife

yes I'm looking for wife

for my bedroom

because his bed is too big, alone feels lost

it's time to look for a food for dinner

cause our cook haven't prepared anything

let's look for a wild pig

where is the pig?

here here it is!

is not fat enough

let's look for another one

it's quiet here

got the pig!

here is the crazy tourist, he drinks in the forest

Vodka with grass inside

Now celebrating the opening of Vodka brought from Poland

16 days in the bag

Now we got it in the forest

Vodka comes to the village

from forest to forest

can't drink Vodka with demons inside

close it close it!

No! You drink it now!

Close it! Cannot like this, later will be drunk

If drink, just like this!

Zubrowka already opened

so good!

In a moment I will look for girls

He will be crazy after drinking!

Don't give him Vodka!

that's right friend!

close it close it!

in New Year we will open it again

It's 9pm now (vodka almost finished)

Still 3 hours left till New Year

3 hours more and we will celebrate like now.




Happy New Year!

Before departure, shower first!

Already got shower, first in new year

Old year has been washed

Start the new year


Can go crazy again!

BPK is ready for trekking with bro Masa

Have to go back to the village

So, where are we going friend?

Drink Tuak

We can get it in Bukit Lawang?

tuak is very tasty, drink it!

I like it all

Today we are very slow

we have to wait for other bule because they are not strong enough

One gibon throwed me some peanuts, but I'm just after breakfast

Jojo! Son of Bob Marley!

What is with you!

I'm good!

Why you are so slow!

Wasn't me!


Trekking in Bukit Lawang almost finished

Now we will use jungle taxi

Which one is ours?

Masa prepared it!

How long have you been using jungle taxi?

I'm using it long enough

I work here already 10 years

Finally finished rafting but

After arriving to the village, electricity is down everywhere

That's why I'm black

All for today

Watch my videos and subsribe

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