Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 11 2017

currently running late to go for a meal

with her grandparents so far as a good

opportunity to tell you a story and

about priorities and not being stressed

about something

ours are you need my friend really

stressed mouse in and possibility just

want this multitude

this is over outside she just kept your


to the point where I was just like you

know far more things to worry about the

next one she wasn't doing very good with

a degree that you need to really going

to focus on that and not focus on the

engine and posture and and to you know

when she leaves university should have

something like real tough issues if

she's getting stressed something small

try to set like a practical example i

open the tuna and i put it all on the

floor there something smells really

really like go out now is probably doing

but the point was to see how stretchy

got that one more thing and she did she

went absolutely crazy

I tried to like point out to her

afterwards that she had far more like

bad things to worry about than just this

janitor on the floor which we could

clean up but i think she really

understood the message i was trying to

get across the lab but the point was you

know if you get stressed as infants are

small like pouring attitude on the floor

the smell of tuna

then how are you going to deal with the

bigger things in life like when you have

to go get a mortgage and you can't find

your next payment for your mortgage into

you run the risk of a bailiff or have

children and you can't afford to put

food on the table for your children you

know that individual things which are

big but then there's like the bigger

picture as well you know this is a

shared world and

you know we are going through

global warming

still stricken by was in the Middle East

you know these are really serious issues

that way more stressful than its energy

now it seems quite an exaggeration but i

think the point is there's a lot of

things going on in the world especially

in reference to the tenant

yeah well what say you know use this as

a precipice to push you forward to

always think well said to be stressed

about situation if you're running late

for a meal or you relate to your job but


you always give people call and just say

center bar in a panic and you know like

the above my last log you know when I my

phone went dead had to run around trying

to find this charge

I was moral panic i thought was really

amusing and I thought this is brilliant

it's always something that would happen

to me because the cluster

I was stressed I wasn't no reason

and I knew I get a situation so I just

seems possible and see how the points

for trying to be stressed and always try

to take it easy

I was a very particular range scrambled

over engine tires only important source

and it's a very very British shin

this is me yeah i did say that I did


For more infomation >> Take It Easy - Duration: 4:56.


What Would You Do If You Were Fluent In Chinese? - Duration: 5:46.

Hey, what's up, John Sonmez from

I got a question about what would you do if you were fluent in Chinese.

This is kind of an interesting question.

You might wonder why would someone ask that question.

I guess I should have said Ni Hao, because I actually took a trip to China this year

for 3 weeks.

I had my book translated to Chinese.

You can check out the Chinese version of my book here, of Soft Skills: A Software Developer's

Life Manual.

If you don't read Chinese, if you'd like the English version you can of course check

that out instead.

That's probably going to be more of you.

But I did a video, or you can check out my videos.

Some people get so uptight about thumbnails and stuff like that, but anyway, check out

the video.

If you like to call me a racist because I have a video of me looking like someone who's

Chinese, okay, you could do that.

That's fine.

I don't care.

It's not going to hurt my feelings.

Anyway, I talked on that video about that I'd like to learn Chinese and that I think

that China actually has a very good chance of, in the next 10 years, becoming the dominant

world power at least in the technology field.

Their advanced in so many ways more so than the west as far as technology, especially

in the mobile area.

There's an app in China called WeChat.

It is—I mean, it's more advanced than what we're—everyone uses WeChat, they

pay with WeChat.

It's crazy.

They've got multiple integrations.

I still have WeChat on my phone from when I was in China.

This question is from Bobby and Bobby says here, "If you're already fluent in Mandarin,

how would you go about using this skill as a software engineer?

As an investor?

If you're 100% mobile and not tied to any single location?

So, maybe Bobby is fluent or maybe he's thinking about being fluent.

Here's the thing, after my trip to China, again, this is my limited perspective.

I spent 3 weeks in China, but I had some ideas after I came back.

This is what I would do.

If I was fluent in Chinese, I would be taking all of my content and I would be reproducing

that content in Chinese for the Chinese market probably at a slightly lower price point because

of the economy there, but I would be pumping out as much content as possible.

I will be pumping out content that sort of bridges the gap.

I would be pumping out content in Chinese that talks about how to sell into the American


I'd pump out content that—I would look for the most popular English content and I

would try to make a Chinese version of that and explain it.

Not just my own content, but content from other people.

Not stealing their content, but taking some of the same ideas, some of the most popular

YouTube videos, some of the most popular tutorials, frameworks, languages, books and trying to

see how I can take my American perspective and translate that to Chinese and talk about

it in Chinese.

The reason why I say that, some of you say well that's—why won't you do it with

any language?

Well, after being in China, you know, I travelled around the world.

I've been in Europe, I've been in a lot of different countries, and in most places

when you go to a major city they speak English even though that's not their native language.

In China that's not the case.

You can see it from—China is just growing.

The book industry there is just growing like crazy because they're translating books.

Like I said, my book got translated from English to Chinese and that was a huge deal.

I'm selling more copies in China I think than anywhere else of my Soft Skills book

and a lot of it is American centric or at least western centric.

The point is this is that in China there is a lot less English speakers so they want the

stuff in Chinese whereas a lot of Europe, a lot of other countries they're like, "You

know, we take the American book.

Yeah, it's good."

You know what I'm saying?

You get that and that's fine because they're just expected to read it in English even though

in Russia, in Poland it's not their native language, although I do have a Polish version

of my book.

It was translated in Polish.

That's pretty cool.

I don't actually have a copy though, send me a copy someone.

So my point is this that there's a huge opportunity in the Chinese market to—more

so than any other market because it's the largest fastest growing market.

The tech industry is booming there especially in places like Beijing and Shanghai.

If you've got the skills, if you're an American or you've got the American viewpoint

and you can take some of this—the best technology, the best stuff, best material and content

and you can translate that to Chinese and put that out there that's great.

In fact, I'll put this out here.

If you speak fluent Chinese and you're watching these videos and you want to help me to start

generating some Chinese content, let's talk.

Send me an email at

We'll see what we can do because I think there's a huge opportunity there.

So if you like this video, I don't know how to say that in Chinese, as much as I would,

something about subscribing.

Click the subscribe button below and I will give you more of these videos.

I do about 2 to 3 a day if you can believe it or not.

I don't know why.

I just like it and I like you.

Give me a thumbs-up.

I'll talk to you next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> What Would You Do If You Were Fluent In Chinese? - Duration: 5:46.


[ENG SUB]EXO(엑소)-찬열구빰Chanyeol' Gubbam - Duration: 3:39.

I'm translating this from viet to eng, so don't bash me lmao ~ [Fansubs by Jhorsie]

C: Oh don't read this.. Aissshhh Sorry guys


S: D! C: F!

S:How is it that F is after D?

C: It's A and then C and then you have to... S: A B C...

S: Yeah, I already said D. C: No, you have to say E. S: But you said A, C! C: Yeah it's A, C and then you have to say E

C: Because you have to skip a letter S: Why? ( Sehun doesn't understand) Why do we have to skip a letter?

S: Who invented this rule? C: I invented it from the beginning, who else? S: Since when did you invent it?

C: Since I was born. How's that? S: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ You said A,C!

S: So that's why I said D! You're supposed to say E C: That's not it

C: A (B), C (D), E. Like that

C: That's why I didn't say B.

S: You said A,C. So it's A, B. Two letters..oh wait no

S: You said A, C. A, C now what C: That's what I said, A C.

C: So when it's your turn, you say E and then G. (Now Sehun understands)

C: Sorry guys S:Sorry guys

C: Today we have a new guest

C: We have a new guest

C: The guest's name is

C: Thumb. Say hi to Thumb!

Thumb: Hi guys

Thumb: I am Thumb!

C: Cute right?

C: This is Park Eomji

I always look rosy like this

Eomji: I'm Eomji!

Can you guys see Eomji?

Everyone say something to Eomji!

[Eomji] Will always smile like this

Eomji can't send you guys messages

Eomji is happy

Cute right? Now, let's talk with Eomji.

Eomji can also dance very well. Different from me.

Eomji's dream is.. ㅋㅋㅋ Keomji (index finger)

(so cute lol)

Eomji's dream is

to become an index finger

Because Keomji (index finger) is taller than Eomji (thumb)

I'll introduce Keomji to everyone soon

Eomji is going to go now

Say bye to everyone Eomji: Bye~

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