Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 11 2017

Bodybuilding Motivation 2017 | GYM MOTIVATION - HARDCORE CHEST DAY | Iron House #81

For more infomation >> Bodybuilding Motivation 2017 | GYM MOTIVATION - HARDCORE CHEST DAY | Iron House #81 - Duration: 4:37.


TRAI LẠ VỤNG TRỘM MÃNH LIỆT cùng các cô gái trẻ khi được giải ngố điểm G và cực khoái của chị em - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> TRAI LẠ VỤNG TRỘM MÃNH LIỆT cùng các cô gái trẻ khi được giải ngố điểm G và cực khoái của chị em - Duration: 4:35.


Dslr Nikon D3100 review & unboxing in hindi - Duration: 8:50.

Dslr Nikon D3100

is good for photostudio

For more infomation >> Dslr Nikon D3100 review & unboxing in hindi - Duration: 8:50.


XẾP HÌNH NHIỆT TÌNH cùng nữ sinh khi có tuyệt chiêu thăng hoa - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> XẾP HÌNH NHIỆT TÌNH cùng nữ sinh khi có tuyệt chiêu thăng hoa - Duration: 5:56.


NỮ SINH RÊN ÂM Ỉ vì mình vẫn còn zin tiết - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> NỮ SINH RÊN ÂM Ỉ vì mình vẫn còn zin tiết - Duration: 6:18.


Disney Style Unboxing

For more infomation >> Disney Style Unboxing



For more infomation >> Silence


22.12.2016 15:10 (Mersinli Mahallesi) - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> 22.12.2016 15:10 (Mersinli Mahallesi) - Duration: 12:52.


Giới Thiệu Về Magento 2 - Duration: 3:15.


For more infomation >> Giới Thiệu Về Magento 2 - Duration: 3:15.


Dslr Nikon D3100 review & unboxing in hindi - Duration: 8:50.

Dslr Nikon D3100

is good for photostudio

For more infomation >> Dslr Nikon D3100 review & unboxing in hindi - Duration: 8:50.


Undertale Fr Remastered - Part 1 - Duration: 28:32.

So, hello everyone.

My name is Daniel

and I'll be doing

a Let's Play of Undertale

So the reasons why I'm doing a Let's Play

There's 3 of them

You should have notice them a bit (mainly one of them)

I've put the french patch

that got released last décember

I've also changed

to a 100...

nearly 90% of al the musics were changed

for orchestrated version.

As you can also hear

the music playing now,

for those that know the original, obviously

is different

This one, I've done it myself

A majority of all the other ones

are from other Youtubers

I'll put a playlist,

with all the musics I've used

in the description

Besides that, the other thing I've added

is the Better Graphics Mod from IzzyDude

And I've took less than a week

to complete it by mylself

because it wasn't finished yet.

So, with those three things

It's a bit like

it's an Undertale Remastered version


the fact that it's the french version,

It's a bit a

like we can rediscover the game


try to see how they translated it.

Anyway, it should be interesting.


I'll be commenting throughout.

The videos should be between 20 to 30 min

Good! Let's begin.

Oh, there is something else, that is

I'll do this Let's Play

keeping in mind that it is possible

that not everyone watching

played Undertale

Like you may have never play the game

And if you have played it before

and you know a lot about it

I'll also try to

Lots of stuff... to go see most of everything I can

in the game.

To make a Let's Play almost like a walkthrough without beeing one

And it's possible in the meantime, that because of this,


you find out things that you didn't see before

I've watched at least 10 Let's Play

and most of the time, I discovered some small things.

Obviously, I was watching them to

see their first time reactions.

But as I've already played the game,

you can't really

see my first time reaction

My first... (Struggling putting it in french)

My reaction for the first time.

But on the other hand, you'll be watching my first reactions

regarding the (french) translation

It can be less intersting,

but at least you could also...

see the musics I've chosen

see how they...

If you like to see...

If they fit with the game or not.

Yes, obviously, I'm taking,

For this Let's Play, I'll take

the "original" name

Here already,

in english, it is "The True Name"

Which actually is "Le vrai nom"

or means the canon name

But them, they translated it as "the original name".

It's good enough.

Anyway, let's begin

Most people at the start of the game,

getting to this screen,

thinks that

we just fall down... obiously... from the hole

and that we got there and are still unconscious or something.

But in fact,

We are not sleeping, we're just...

We can already start moving.

Ah yes., and for those that don't know...

There's a bug where if you're pressing up and down

together, well, it does this when

you hit a wall upwards.

Well, anyway.

Now that it's done, let's continue

Good, they kept the english

names. It's good.

The other thing is,

In english, when Flowey introduce himself

he sais "Howdy".

which is an important detail

We'll get back to it later.

They called it the "Beyond"


"Underground" VS "Beyond"

"Sous-terrain" (which means underground)

Anyway, I would've put "Sous-terrain",

but they chose "Beyond"

But if...

Only for...

telling you that

it's not a parallel world

or anything.

Like another dimension.

It's just "Underground"

Anyway, (wow I say that a lot) they decide to call it like that.

The translation isn't that bad. (meaning it's good)

Now it's telling us we can move.

We can move the heart, good.

Well translated.

Ok, befroe I go on...


These little white pellets.

that are above Flowey

When they touch you, it progress the story

and if you miss them, there's more dialog

and in the end it comes back to the same results.

So, I'll be avoiding them to get more dialog

of course

and touch them at the last moment

so we can see the dialog

he would have giving me if I had touch the pellets

the first time.

"Friendliness Pellets" in english

Good enough. It's a good translation.

No thank you, no right now

Projectiles... anyway...

We touch them and it does this.

Bye Flowey!

Yep, well translated

Just for those that...

For those that never saw

the original graphics

It's skin was yellowish

But now it's more beige.


( I'm saying this way too often)

A save point.

Ok, they decided to make the texts (from save point)

with fancy verbe, fancy words.

Life point (PV)

Ok. So, this is a translation...

Em, of course it's a translation...

But what I was trying to say is that

the sign here

is suppose to

hint us at how to do the puzzle that Toriel just did for us.

That was to not take the road in the middle (Identified by the light pink with two switch)

Because in english it's like:

Brave ones, foolish ones, both not walk the middle road.

in other words...

I would have translated it more like so

The brave or the foolish,

neither of them go by the path in the center.

But the text would have been too long

to fit in the dialog box.

So they tried to shorten the translation

Like so.

But as the puzzle is already completed

because the remaining switch don't do anything if press


We'll continue.

So, it's "Z" to interact with objects

In deed, it's logical

So, with just these two signs

It already show the kind of humor the game's

gonna have throughout.

Because this sign is pretty useless

as you have to know that you press "Z"

to read signs before reading it.

And they other one on the wall?

We need to get off the road

to read

For it to tell to stay on the road. Anyway.

It's stupid,

It's funny,

because it's only for the troll

At the start, I didn't know what was

those yellow lines

but it was Toriel that had writen on the wall.

And she even put arrows...

For those wondering..

Ok, she's saying the same thing.

Ok, and if we talk to her...

She tells you exactly what to do.

We press it.

For those still wondering...

There was not point to have 2 switch

as only one was working.

In the "Sous-terrain", I'll call them like that, anyway

Ok, yes. "Outremonde", it takes less space that "Sous-terrain"

It might be the reason

So, most people

will go directly to the dummy

But I found out recently

that you can talk to Toriel

and she tells you something.

I see.

They manage to translate the joke.

because in english it's:

What does the skeleton tile his roof with?

He tile his roof with SHINgles. (Tuile = Tile and Rotule = Ball-joint)

Ok, so shingles is some sort of tile in Enlgish

and the Shin is a bone in the body

somewhere in the leg, near the knee

if I remember correctly or something in those lines

(I was speaking fast...)

(Found out which bone the shin is)

no, Shin, anyway, no that's the ball-joint

they managed to translate that

and take the ball-joint to make a new wordplay

with tile. Anyway.

The successfully translate the joke.

I'm proud of them

I'm only finding funny the success in this translation.


We'll talk to the dummy.

For those seeing for the first time

the combat menu

They translated

"Fight" by "Combat". It's ok.

"Act" by "Action",

"Item" by "Objet". That's good.

"Mercy" by "Clémence"

It's true that "Grace"...

it's not really the same

In here we can "Spare" or "Run"

"Éargner" is good. "Fuir" is good.

We don't have any items

There we can see the live bar and the monsters name

In this case it's the Dummy

So, we'll check the dummy...

we can examine and talk.

For now we'll examine.

The translation is sticking to the original description

So, normally,

here, if you...

Ah yes, there's something else,

if you attack

but do nothing afterwards

it's the same

as "sparing". The results is the same.

But only with "Sparing" being white

Anyway, I'll come back with the color thing later.

Because there is a color thing.

So, if you talk to the dummy, it will

It will do something like...

There will be text saying...

the dum...

The dummy isn't really into conversation.

or something like that

(I'm coming back later for this)

Then, it will say that Toriel is happy with the situation.

On the other hand, I'll do something more interesting.

That is: Over-Sparing him.

The dummy goes away because he's tired

of us fooling around.

And Toriel's face is priceless

I'll try to race Toriel.

What was it in english, Frogit ?

" Croâpaud"

Anyway, in english it's a wordplay

with frog.

And in french, they successfully kept the wordplay

It makes sens.

I like it.

Ok, now we examine "croâpaud",

we always examine monsters

because there's always interesting stuff.

Bye "croâpaud".

So, in other words

This is the path to take

right here...

on this.

Toriel si doing the "Enigma" in our sted

Bah, "énigma"... the puzzle

"Casse-tête"? (puzzle or brain teaser)

I admit that you can't really translate "puzzle" by "Casse-tête"

in this case

"Énigma" doesn't make more sens either

Hmm, "énigma"...

Anyway, it's still better than "casse-tête"

Ok, for those who knows

which musics is going to play

Just to tell you

that I really found a Youtuber

that did

the upcoming music

but in an epic orchestration. Anyway.

So here it is:

So, that's it.


I'll just

let you listen a bit more to the music

because it's really good.

Oh yeah, and ovbiously, there's nothing on the walls

there's no point in checking the vines.

(I'm saying "obviously" a lot, even when I don't mean it)

I'll wait for the music to loop

so that you can hear it all, or else

You can just skip a bit ahead

(Like a 17:50)

I'll do that

Ok, it looped, so we'll get going.

Ok, they really make here sound educated and stuff when she speaks.

So, we have a...

a "Tél"

Ok, but I would...

"Téléphone Portable", hmm.

I would have used "cellulaire" and used "Cell" ("Cellulaire" = "Cell phone")

Anyway... That is me.


"Niveau" 1... but still LV 1, hmm.

Ok, they kept LV instead of using NV for "Niveau" ("Niveau" = "Level")

Because it's level...

it's important...

PV for "Points de vie" (Vie = Life, so: Life points)

Ok, attack, defense, Exp

("Suiv" = "Suivant" = "Next") Ok...

Weapons, I have my stick, armor, I got my bandage

and I don't have any gold pieces

Wasn't it just "G" in english?

Or was it Gold?

Maybe it was "Gold". Anyway.

Cellphone. Say hello,

Getting to know her,

Call her "Mom" and flirt with her. Ok...

They just left "Flirt" (and verbalized it)

We don't really have any words in french for that.

"Draguer" ? (Which is a familiar way of saying flirt)

It sounds like a derived english word that is not related.

It doesn't make sens. Anyway.

"Say hello"

"Call in progress" Ok...

"I hope this suffice" (French retranslated: I hope it's ok with you)

I prefer the french translation here.

Getting to know her.

"Call-me whenever you feel like it"

I don't remember her saying it like that in english.

I was more like:

"You can call me like that as many times as you want."

or something like that

Anyway, let's flirt

She didn't had time to answer.

Ok, so we'll just go back for a...

A little something special


Ok, it's done.

For those that didn't see

Try to pause and see it by yourself.

Because it's something like an "Easter Egg"

That's coming back throughout the game.

"Easter Egg"... Anyway

It's some small thing...

Anyway, thins thing will happen latter...

occasionally in the game

and I'll try to "take" them all.

well, get them all.

Ah *, that's right, I forgot.

I have to stay in the other room to get more dialog.

(from Toriel)

Ok, I'll reload

and I'll wait in the other room

because Toriel calls you and stuff happens

Anyway, It's just some small interesting things.

I'll just skip parts, cut them

to only show you the dialog.

In the meantime...

I'll talk to the Frogit before doing that.

The fact that it's yellow is important

Ah, that's why they used "Clémence" for mercy

It fit better in sentences.

Ok, I must not save.

Ok, so I'm closing and be right back.

So, I'll speed run this.

Ooh, I made her glitch

(I only restart her walking animation. Not much)

While I'm here...

I'll take this opportunity to show you what the

what the dummy do normally

Aah, "He doesn't seem much for conversation"

Hmm, I admit that it means pretty much the same thing.


(Back where we were)

Ok, so, now, I'll wait some

5 minutes in a row

I'll be able to get Toriel's dialog

I'll cut that out for you.

Ah, just in time

And we're waiting another 5 min

Ah, second time.

And we're waiting another 5 min. (again)

Anyway, I am

Ah, third discussion

Ok, hmm. Gasped like a dog...

Ok, it's pretty straight forward

It's really a dog

She got her phone nabbed by the dog.

Anyway, another 5 min


I'm not sure it's the last one,

but I'll wait another 5 min.

I started my chrono, so like that

if it's over 5 min and nothing happens...

We'll stop here, I'll go save

and it will be the end of the video

Ah, it's only 3 min.

The dog is still sleeping on it.

Hey, just checking

Ok, another 3 min

Yep, it's close to 3 min 30

We can hear blinking eyes through the cellphone

Good, another 3 min 30 then

Yep, 3:30

The dog is still sleeping on it.

That's it?!?

Only "Zzz, zzz, clic". That's it

Ok, so I think this is all.

Let's go save.

Ah yes, of course.

Good, let's save and finish here.

"Crinkling though the leaves"...


It's good.

"Leaves pile" ?

I'm not sure what it was in english. Anyway

Let's stop here.

For more infomation >> Undertale Fr Remastered - Part 1 - Duration: 28:32.


My childhood crush (Sid) - Duration: 2:48.

Hey paperboys, happy Wednesday! It's Sid and this week we talk about my childhood crush.

My first crush was a cartoon character....

And when I was young my mom would let me watch late night cartoon.

Like the Simpson, South Park and Daria

And my true first crush was the brother of Lane Jane in Daria AKA Trent Lane

That's him...

And I just don't know why but I really really liked him and thought that he was SO SO cool.

I was so in love with him that I was always drawing him and ran to show it to my mom.

And my mother was really into my crush, and she even printed out some picture of him and stick them in my bedroom

But like, it wasn't the time where internet fast (available) and the printer were not as amazing as today...

So yeah, she took time to cut the phone line to connect to the internet to print some picture of him with this bad printer (I love her)

And I was so freaking happy about it!

Maybe I Liked Trent because he was some sort of an inspiration for me.. I wanted to be like him maybe!

And he was SO cool. He didn't give a damn about people and their opinion and was playing guitar with a band...

I thought that was cool I guess!

And I was so happy that my mother was so on board with my crush ahah!

But I don't know how long I had a crush on him but... For a long time I guess.

But I kinda think that maybe it was a reflection of something I wanted to be...

But I don't want the soul patch tho. That's ugly.

And I don't know why but he was my first crush and he was cool in that time... And that I remember being crazy about him

That's it! Until next week paperboys!

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