Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 11 2017

Hello everyone, welcome to my bench,

Today I will introduce you to the construction of a blue LED light for my aquarium,

The material I used, was a pliers, a soldering iron, 1 led 3w blue

an aluminum square, to fix the led,

2 Jack Socket male and female, insulation tape and a and a mobile phone charger of 3.5 w

I started by fixing the led to the aluminum plate with thermal mass,

then soldered the led to the plate

I also soldered the jack

then it was only plug the charger

it is necessary to pay attention to the polarity of the sockets

because if they have changed the led does not light

Both leds and jack plugs bought on ebay, I leave the link in the description.

This was a small project that I had already recorded

and I will add to my channel, I hope it is useful

I want to invite you to visit another channel that I have about aquarism,

where you can see mine as my aquarium was well in the surrounding space

I leave the link in the subscription

If you like this video, give your like

if you are not already registered, sign up

and do not forget to load the bell to receive the next projects

For more infomation >> DIY - My Bench - building led light for my aquarium - Duration: 1:34.


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego



For more infomation >> Silence


Can I Shoot Time Lapse and Interval Photography w/ the Olympus Pen-F Mirrorless Camera? | FAQ Video - Duration: 2:26.

Izzy here from Digital Goja. Today I'd like

to go over a frequently asked question

about the Olympus Pen F.

If this video helps you out remember

to hit me up with a like button

underneath and subscribe to our channel.

Hey! And when in Miami, come visit me at

Digital Goja showrooms.

Can I do timelapse and interval photography?

Yes you can, that's another nice feature

that Olympus put in the Pen F.

Now, very important, you can only work in that mode

when you have your dial set to P-A-S-M

so that means you have to pick one of these

whether you're comfortable on program

and letting the camera do it for you

you can set it to that.

I like aperture priority so I can control

my depth of field, so I'll set it to that.

Now we're going to turn on the camera of course

and we're going to go into our menu settings.

And then we're going to hit the menu button

and we're going to go to the

first camera setting, the one that has the 1 on it.

And notice how we have to

scroll all the way down to where it has our

drive setting, so let's click on that

and there it is

interval shooting and time-lapse

right now it's set to the default, which is off

we'll turn it on and now, voilĂ !

Now we can actually change the amount of frames

anywhere from 1 to 999. We can set the

starting time, the interval length

you can actually tell it to record a

time-lapse movie and still pictures

and you can also change your resolution

for your movie setting, so you can set your

resolution for your movie setting

depending on the way you want to shoot

your video also. So there you have it

a very simple way to do time lapse and

interval shooting with your Olympus Pen F.

Well I hope I answered your question

about the Olympus Pen F and if I didn't

leave them in the comment section below.

Happy shooting!

For more infomation >> Can I Shoot Time Lapse and Interval Photography w/ the Olympus Pen-F Mirrorless Camera? | FAQ Video - Duration: 2:26.


7 Surprising Thing7 Surprising Things You've Never Heard About Near Death Experiences NDEs - Duration: 6:08.

7 Surprising Things You�ve Never Heard About Near Death Experiences (NDEs).


Parapsychologists have been studying Near-Death-Experiences (NDEs) for many years, however, most of us

aren�t familiar with what they�ve been finding.

We are familiar with the idea that many see a tunnel or a light in the distance, see or

meet passed on loved ones, and then return with perhaps a new outlook on life, but what

else do you know?

Here are some of the more interesting phenomena scientists have reported:


People can have NDEs when they are brain dead.

A famous case occurred during an operation referred to as a �standstill,� where one�s

body temperature is reduced to 60 degrees (F), the heartbeat and breathing stop, and

blood drains from the brain � in other words, a person is put to death to perform surgery.

In Pam Reynold�s case, she left her body, observed the operation and also entered the

tunnel and met with deceased loved ones, before returning to her body.


People born blind experience sight during an NDE.

In the book �Mindsight,� researchers documented 31 cases of the blind experiencing normal

vision during NDEs and reporting identical experiences to those who experienced NDEs

with normal vision.


Scientific discoveries have been brought back by people having NDEs.

7 Surprising Things You�ve Never Heard About Near Death Experiences (NDEs) One instance

happened when Lynneclaire Dennis returned from an NDE describing a three dimensional

geometric structure of light she called �The Pattern� and explained was �the the essence

of all being.�

The �Mereon Matrix�, as it is called, has been studied by world-renowned mathematician

Dr. Louis H. Kauffman, who concluded that a Ms. Dennis, non-scientist, had described

in detail a complex geometric structure that coincided with knot theory in physics and

did so without any prior knowledge of geometry, knot theory, or science.


NDEs can be shared by groups of dying people.

A fascinating example is that of a crew of wildland firefighters that took place in Colorado

in 1989.

Trapped by a change in conditions, firefighters had to take refuge in individual foil shelters

while the fire burned around and over them.

It was during this time in the shelters (known as �turkey cookers� in this field), that

one firefighter found himself above this scene looking down.

As he looked around, he saw his fellow firefighters gathered near him, doing the same.

He went on to witness the bright light and meet his deceased loved ones, but upon returning,

discovered that several other firefighters had the same experience � they had experienced

a group NDE!


Some have had visions of the future during NDEs that later came true.

In 1975, Dannion Brinkley was struck by lightning while talking on the phone during a thunderstorm.

During his NDE, he was shown 12 future events, presented to him almost as if he were watching

the news on T.V.

One event Brinkley had predicted was the nuclear melt down and explosion that occurred at Chernobyl

in 1986.


Children have similar NDEs to adults.

7 Surprising Things You�ve Never Heard About Near Death Experiences (NDEs) Children also

describe encountering �light beings� and deceased loved ones, but most also encounter

parental figures � some of which are more critical than loving, giving the child stern

advice or pointing out previous bad behavior.

Interestingly enough, some children reported having to go to animal heaven before they

were allowed to visit �people heaven.� Overall, though, the experiences between child

and adult NDEs were very similar.


Not all NDEs are pleasant.

Despite what is seen in the movies and on T.V., NDEs can be difficult or distressing

and, in a few cases, horrifying experiences.

Known as LTPs (for Less Than Positives), up to 18 percent of all NDEs fall into this category.

It is believed that LTPs may happen when someone is fearful or agitated just prior to the NDE

or when someone is in need of a readjustment in the trajectory of their lives.

Those that return from LTPs typically gain a new perspective on life and choose to live

it differently (and more positively) after the experience.

Anyone can have an LTP � it is more about needing a �course correction� than about

being a specific type of person � even good people can have them.

What is true is that all that experience LTPs learn from them!

NDEs often have commonalities, but in this article we�ve seen that there are exceptions

� that they are individual experiences in some ways and common in others.

Had you heard about some of these different types of NDEs?

Share your thoughts


the comments area below!

For more infomation >> 7 Surprising Thing7 Surprising Things You've Never Heard About Near Death Experiences NDEs - Duration: 6:08.



For more infomation >> Silence


A New League of MVPs

For more infomation >> A New League of MVPs


#AbrahamHicks § Learn how to align the Universe gives you everything ♥ Esther Hicks #LawofAttraction - Duration: 13:38.

For more infomation >> #AbrahamHicks § Learn how to align the Universe gives you everything ♥ Esther Hicks #LawofAttraction - Duration: 13:38.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


KRUMP BATTLE: FEMALE KRUMPERS | krumping on hollywood boulevard - Duration: 0:57.

What's good y'all? It's hope formerly known as Daisy.

One love, God bless. Krumping Kids UP.

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