Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 11 2017

'She loved colors.'




'The day Kuhu drowned in a lake in Nainital..'

'..the cloud lost one of its part.'

'Where do the dead go?'

Father, stop! Stop, father!

- Moon! - Moon!

- 'The dead are alive in our memories.' - Moon! Moon! It's so far away.

Let's cook sweet bread with sugar.

'Memories. Sometimes they are a mirage.'

At that time I was coming up.

I heard her voice.

Father! Father, I am here.

Father, wait. I am here. Father, I am here.

'When my uncle and aunt's daughter Kuhu drowned..'

' a lake in Nainital, she remained alive not only in memories.'

'But she actually came back.'

I thought I heard something. As if someone is roller-skating.

'Me, Vidhu, Prabal, Asmi.'

'Like four strings of a puppet.'

'After graduating from the film school..'

'..all three of them were looking for a story.'

'That day when I told them about my family tragedy..'

Happy birthday to you!

'They thought we can make a film on it.'

Happy birthday to you!

'I was against it.'

'Because making a film on real people's real life..'

'..was like peeping into their house.'

'Initially I faced a lot of problems.'

'But when they insisted repeatedly..'

'..I also joined them in their quest without giving it a thought.'

'They only had an idea. And I had my memories.'

'Far away in the mountains there is a village named Chappan Taalon.'

'Where someone was alive even after dying.'

"Butterscotch is dripping from above."

"Below there is Chappan Taalon village."

"Cool breeze is blowing."

"Above there is shade of the sky."

"Listen, girl." "Listen, girl."

"All seasons arrive noiselessly."

- Room number 103. - Yeah!

What are you smiling at?

Well.. Nothing.

I was looking at your photos which I had clicked on the way.

Show me. Which photos are you looking at?

No. Not now. Not now.

First let me correct the color. Then I will show you.


- Go to hell! - Hey!

Listen. Listen. Listen.

See this.

It was an absolutely pathetic kiss. Absolutely pathetic.

I love you.

'After two years I was back to the same town.'

'Same house.'

'Perhaps I didn't want to come back.'


The outhouse that has a green roof.

That's where I found Manav talking to Kuhu.



- Manav. - Here.

Here is my move.

Come on.

I wondered why he was talking to himself.

It was strange.

Got in a fix. You always win.

I have lost.

I can't forget that moment.

His face.

His eyes.

His voice.

Kuhu is here.

Kuhu, mama.

Isn't it?


Really. I don't believe in all this. But..

You pour fresh lime juice on clothes.

I miss it very much.

I miss that smell, mama.

It's just that Manav couldn't have known all this.

He never cares for honey pancakes or smelling clothes.

It was Kuhu.

I don't know what the hell, but..

It was.

Yes. Take.


Say anything that you would tell Kuhu, aunt.


- Recite it. - Please.


Moon! Moon! Moon!

Moon! Moon! Moon! It's so far away!

Let's cook sweet bread with sugar. Eating himself from a plate.

Kuhu gets only a bowl. The bowl breaks.

Kuhu can't take sweets.

Moon! Moon! Moon!

Moon! Moon! Moon!

Moon! Moon! Moon! It's so far away!

It's.. it's just that Kuhu is not there.

And wonder what is happening to Manav.

Who do I have besides Manav now that Kuhu is dead?


Aunt, please don't cry.

Aunt, look here.

Aunt, I am so sorry.

- We are very comfortable.. - Bhatt's lentil.

- Yes. - What lentil?

- Bhatt's lentil. - Bhatt's lentil.

- What is that? - It's a local specialty.

It's more like black soya.

- Please pass this to Manav. - Yes.

- Vidhu. - Here.

- It's uncle's. - Please. I am starving.



- Thanks. - Manav, did you take your medicine?

Okay, listen. Go quickly.

It's on the table in the outer room.

Bring that. Okay?

And yes, also bring salt and pepper jars.

What you guys are making.. Documentary, right?

It will have only interviews, right?

No. It's not exactly a documentary, uncle.


After your accident you started seeing Kuhu again.

We thought it could be quite interesting.

- In fact, I.. - Vidhu..

Shall we first eat? We can talk later.

What did you find interesting?

- Uncle, actually.. - Uncle.

In such films small things, you know..

- We saw the pictures of the mountain. - Vidhu.

Shall I please complete what I am saying?

He is the director.

You speak.

The main story of our film is based on a family's tragedy.

A child drowns.

And how her family deals with this tragedy.

Why are you smoking? First eat your lunch.

When do we have to go to the mountain?

Shall we go after lunch?

Okay. So he is Vidhu.

I am glad you came back.

Oh my God!

Uncle, please.

Boss, I am not going to go up.

I am afraid. I have vertigo, man.

- Okay, Vidhu. Listen. - Yes.

Shall I also follow him or shall I stay here?

No. Stay here.

- Okay. - Yeah.

Come on.

So Manav, how did you fall from here?

Today the weather is so pleasant, isn't it?

Isn't it?

Uncle.. your depression problem.

- Look, depression.. - Okay. Rolling.

Do I have to talk about this in front of them?

Chill. Don't worry.

We are not going to show the film to anyone..

..before showing it to both of you. Promise.

I am really much better these days.

She likes that.

What is that called?


Kuhu is saying that sister is looking very beautiful.

What happened?

Kuhu is here.

With me.

'Can uncle really see Kuhu?'

'Or is it a figment of his imagination?'

'To find the answer I took them to uncle's psychiatrist.'

Come, baby. Come. Come. Come.

Manav is quite impressive.

I have been treating him from the time he was 16 years old.

Yeah! The queen is mine!

If a tragedy happens with such people, they can hallucinate.

You got the queen, didn't you? Now take the cover.

Come on. Play.

They start imagining things.

Seeing his dead daughter is one of those things.

This is cheating.

What is this? You always win.


Manav had gone there to commit suicide. This is my opinion.

Have you seen that cliff?

Why will anyone climb it?

A person who wants to commit suicide..

..will never tell you that he wants to commit suicide.

It is just a moment. A moment.

Open your fist and it's gone.

- Sir, another question. - Yes.

Was there any major change in uncle's behavior after his accident?


- In what sense? - In any sense, sir.

Anything that was unusual about him.

Last time when he came to meet me..

..he told me that he has developed a bad habit.

- Cyber sex. - Cyber sex.

Hey guys! Look! Look! Look!

I knew it!

Damn! That's why I have installed cameras everywhere.

Hats off to you.


I must say.. you are really bad.

Scoundrel. Get lost.


Enough, Vidhu. He is going to sleep.

Look, something will happen. For sure.

Come on. Don't do MAAN.


Much ado about nothing.


Oh my, God!

Come on. Come on, hot man.

This is what I have been waiting for.




What do you want me to do?


- Tell me. - How are you?

How are you feeling?



- Yes. - Hot.

Kiss me.

- Okay. - Kiss me.

Kiss me.

What do you want?

Oh my, God! What's wrong with him?


- Okay. How about some spanking? - Great!


- Turn around. Turn around. - Okay.

No. Do like this.

Like this.


Yes. Harder.

Harder. Harder.

- Yes, yeah. - Do you like it?



- Now spank on thighs. - Oh God!

- Harder. - What's wrong with him?

Vidhu, look! Look! Look!

Please don't record it. I am telling you.

I will go and tell Koya.

- Yes. - Stop it, Koya's sycophant.

Moron! Have you come to make a film or to be a friend?

- Try to understand. - 'Perhaps that day Prabal wanted to stand up for me.'

- 'He wanted to raise a voice for me.' - Yes. It's fun.

- 'But Vidhu wanted to wash dirty linen in public.' - Hey, get up.


- 'The next day we went to meet aunt's best friend Sarah.' - Hi.

- 'Sarah was emotionally attached to Kuhu.' - How are you?

- Hi. - Hi.

I went down, besides the lake.

I was walking.

Then suddenly I realized the grass was moving.

It's like someone is trying to talk to me.

Perhaps someone was calling me.

Aunt Sarah.

Maybe Kuhu.

She was trying to talk to me.

At that time I was coming up.

I heard her voice.

- I was standing there. - Father!

Father, look here quickly. I am shooting you.

Kuhu was standing here.

She was holding a camcorder in her hand.

My child was shooting me.

Tell me what is it?

It is a five-letter word..

..and even if you add two letters to it, it will remain shorter.



- Yes! - Oh no!

Believe me. All this was happening.

It was really happening.

Okay. One more.

Which word starts and ends with the same letter..

..but it has only one letter in it?

This is really tough.

- How will it happen? - You are in a fix.

- Envelope. - Father!

When I went home, I saw the footage.

The one that Kuhu had shot with the camcorder.

Anshu said it might be an old one.

She must have shot it before and I must have forgotten.

It was for real.

My mind wasn't playing a trick this time.

Okay. This is a new one.

Okay. I am ready.

- Shoot. - Okay, father.

Where do the dead go?


I won! Father doesn't know.

My child!

Come on!

- No! - You know.

Kuhu died on 3rd April.

The date on the camcorder was 27th May.

I am so high.

I was sitting here. I had a coffee mug in my hand.

And.. yes, perhaps I was reading something.

I thought I heard something.

- Mama! - As if someone is roller-skating.

Look at me, mama!

Then the story of our family started changing.

When Sarah introduced us to a man who believes..

..that you shouldn't believe what you see.

This is a trick.

You think something will come out of this.

What is this? Nothing.

It's not fun.

Let's see now.

Did you have fun?

Anybody can do this.

Any sorcerer or magician. Anybody.

Even one of you.

But nobody can do what nature does.

There is no magician greater than nature.

A child is seen although she is dead.

What is this?


Or is his mind wandering?

Or is her spirit wandering?

Am I good?

He is good. Take his help.

Take my help.

'Take my help. It was not a request.'

'It was a forewarning.'

'I couldn't stop it although I wanted to.'

'Sarah and Aayam explained to aunt.'

'To talk to the dead.'

'To ask her daughter why she has stayed back.'

If you feel any movement or anything..

- Okay. - Tilt your angles.

We have cameras everywhere.

Front, left, back. So don't worry about that.

Make sure we cover everything.

- Yeah? - Yeah.

You just keep your focus perfect.

Don't miss anything.

- Okay? - Okay.

Uncle, aunt, we are ready.


Both of you keep your finger here.

Your daughter has left you.

But she has not gone far from you.

Do you want to speak to her?

Say yes.


We can't call Kuhu here.

But her spirit can come here.

She won't come. If she doesn't want to.

She has come many times before too.

- Mama. - Hi, dear.

Dear.. are you angry with me?

Yes. I am angry with you.

Are you okay?

- Nothing is fine over here, mama. - Kuhu.

- Mama. - What happened, Kuhu?

- Mama. - Kuhu.

Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama.

No. Don't open it.

Don't open it. Don't open it. Don't open it.

Don't open it. Don't open it. Don't open it.

Don't open it. Don't open it.

Don't open it.

'Kuhu's incomplete talks said many things.'

'Whether anybody else understood or not..'

'..but perhaps I had started understanding it.'

Whatever it is. Now it's real fun.

Now the story is being made. By God!

This planchette thing really worked. Right?

But why do you feel..

But I didn't understand one thing.

What was Kuhu trying to say about Manav?

And.. who was outside the door?

I don't know what is happening with my uncle and aunt.

I can't see them suffer so much.

Prabal.. shall we go?

Take care.

It's okay. It's okay.



Okay. Okay.

What happened?

It was Sarah's call. Aayam wants to meet us.


- I will get ready. - Yes.

These are his eyes.

How many pupils do I have?

Two. One here. One there.

But he has two in each eye.

Can you see it?

Can you?

Yes. Dutch angle.

- Okay. And? - Tilt down a little.

- Perfect. - 'Vidhu thought if Aayam is right..'

'..then there is only one way.'

- Is it working? - 'Secret peeping.'

'He started installing cameras in..'

'..the entire house without my knowledge.'

In the past three years..

We have not have sex.

You know.. Manav had started alienating himself.

And I could feel it.

It feels a little bad.

Rejection is not a good feeling.

I think it's good.

- Just move it a little. - Okay.

It's fine now.

What is going on?

- Damn! - What is happening?

Get up.

You are installing cameras. Man, this is my bedroom.

Koya! It's my bedroom, Koya!

- Hey! - You can't do this.

I am sorry, aunt. I..

What are you guys doing?

At least ask me. Camera and here?

Amazing! I am sorry.

- Trust me. It won't happen. - You better be careful about this.

- Don't worry. Out. - Please.

Out. Don't worry. I am there. Out.

We are going.

See, I myself didn't know.

- But.. I am sorry. - Disgusting.

Will we simply stand here? What is this, man?

If Kuhu comes at night, she will definitely go into their bedroom.

Yes. If we had installed it a little earlier..

..she wouldn't have been able to see us, right?

- Damn! - Man!

That's not fair. It's their bedroom.

Mr. Morality.

Prabal Sharma.

After finishing the course, go and join an honest political party.

Is that so?

Excuse me. Everything is fair in love and filmmaking. Okay?

Koya won't agree.

Who will tell Koya?

"Don't look at me like that. Something happens to me."

"These days my lover doesn't let me sleep."

"He simply holds me in his arms."

"Neither do my lips move nor does he say anything."

"You play with my tresses."

"You disturb me when I stretch my body."

"Forgetting the whole world."

"I have become only yours."

"My lover doesn't let me say goodnight."

"Let me say."

"Let me say."

"It's a long night. It's a long night."

"It's a long night."

"My lover doesn't let me sleep."

"It's a long night. It's a long night."

"It's a long night."

"He doesn't let me go away from him."

"Oh yeah."

"Oh yeah."

"Long night."

"I swear. When you touch me."

"Myriad butterflies fly."

"Myriad butterflies fly."

"How will I learn how to love? Unless I make mistakes."

"Unless I make mistakes."

"I don't feel lonely."

"When you are with me."

"Baby, with each breath I say."

"I am yours. You are mine."

"My lover doesn't let me say goodnight."

"Say it."

"Say it."

"It's a long night. It's a long night."

"It's a long night."

"My lover doesn't let me sleep."

"It's a long night. It's a long night."

"It's a long night."

"He doesn't let me go away from him."

"It's a treacherous night and you are with me."

"I was thirsty for so long. Today I have got rainfall."

"After giving me hopes and rousing my longing."

"You are saying goodnight and going to sleep."

"Is this done?"

"Let's do this. Let's dim the light."

"Let me sleep on your left side, baby."

"Keep your head on my arm."

"Don't feel shy. Hug me tight."

"It's a long night. It's a long night."

"It's a long night."

"It's a long night. It's a long night."

"It's a long night."

"My lover doesn't let me sleep."

"It's a long night. It's a long night."

"It's a long night."

`"My lover doesn't let me sleep."

"It's a long night. It's a long night."

"It's a long night."

"He doesn't let me go away from him."

"Long night."


Go Pro.


It's working. Careful. Careful. Careful.

It's actually working.

- This is good. This is good. Careful. - Yes, let me focus.

- Yes! - We are going to get this. Go, dude.

- Yes. Yes. - Go.

It's going. It's going. Careful. Careful.

- Yes. Yes! - Careful. Yes!

-Yes! - It's gone. Done.


We got this. Okay. We got this.

- Vidhu. - Yes.

- Come. Come. Look at this. - Okay.

- Bedroom. Bedroom. Bedroom. - Yes.

- I am doing it. - You are going left.

- Here. - I am doing it. Go. Go. Go.

- Go. - We got it. We got it.

- Yes. - Keep it steady, Vidhu.

That's it.


It's working.

- Okay. Keep it steady. Keep it steady, Vidhu. - I am.

- Wait. - Why is he walking towards us?

Let me focus.

Vidhu, is he looking at us?


Are you fine?

Who is he talking to? That is so freaky.

"These mesmerizing eyes."

- Oh my God! I don't believe this. - "This intoxicating charm."

- Look at this. - Baby, go.

"Life is fun now."

"The night. The weather."

- "The lakeside." - Wait, man.

I am trying. Wait.

"This capricious breeze."


Look. Look over there.

Who is he? Vidhu.

This is not done, Vidhu.

Do you even realize what you are doing to them?

Your film is disturbing their personal lives. For God's sake.

What do we care about their personal life, Koya?

To hell with them.

We have come here for Kuhu. And you..

Stop lying, Vidhu. Stop lying.

You know what you are doing. So do I.

From the time you saw the footage..

- Footage? - You have gone crazy.

What footage, Koya?

As if you don't know, Vidhu.

I am talking about aunt's footage.

What was in that footage?

Koya, what was in that footage?

I don't understand why we are doing this.

Koya, you saw the footage.

You saw the man.

Koya, what was he doing at 1 o'clock a.m.?

Isn't it odd?

Dude, I am telling you that house is haunted.

You know what? That's enough now.

- Stop it now. - Okay.

And Vidhu, this is not the way to make a film.

Okay. Okay.

After doing a 3-year course Koya will tell us about filmmaking.

Please. Give me a break, Koya.

- You need a break, right, Vidhu? - Yes.

Then take a break. Get lost.


I don't know..

..whether I should say this to you or not. But..

I know, Prabal.

I shouldn't have given my consent for this film.

No. It's not that.

Look, Vidhu is my best friend.

So are you.

But.. I always..


I don't know. Because both of you..

..both of you are very different.

See, I know Vidhu is passionate about his work.

And it's not bad to be passionate.

But that doesn't mean you don't support..

..those who have always supported you.

And you play with their emotions.


I personally feel it's really strange.

Thanks, Prabal.

Oh man!

This is nice, isn't it?

Where had you gone?




Is he.. is he sleeping with both of you?




Huh? Huh?


You talk about that, don't you, Koya?

Speak up.

You talk about it, don't you?

- Why? - Vidhu.

Uncle and you.

You do it, don't you?

Talk with her tomorrow.

- You do it with your uncle, don't you? - Vidhu.

- Huh? You sleep with him, don't you? - Vidhu, come on.

- Speak up. - Vidhu.

- You sleep with him. - Vidhu.

- Talk tomorrow. Talk tomorrow. - What talk tomorrow?

- Vidhu, stop it! What the hell is going on? - I have seem the together.

- Vidhu, come on. - Morality!

Come on!

- I am going. I am going. - Vidhu!

I am going.

- Come on. - Here is your morality.


Come on, Vidhu. What are you doing?

- Your morality. - Vidhu, stop it. Just get out!

- Vidhu! - I will see to it.

Get out!

- Morality. - Come on.

I am sorry.

I am sorry.

I never got a chance to talk about it.

Koya must have told you that she and I..

I know.


By the way..

Koya is there.

You are here.

You must be missing Koya, right?

Koya misses you.

Koya is a nice girl.


He is..


Vidhu, last night..

I am sorry.

Man, listen to me.

Vidhu, what is my fault? Why are you angry?

Listen. Listen to me once. After that whatever you say..

Moron. Just don't get involved with Koya.

Remember that.

Two boys can't sleep with the same girl at the same time.

Got that?



What was Vidhu saying last night about that uncle thing?

Uncle. Uncle.



Are you alright?

What happened, uncle?

I didn't come to know.

I didn't come to know..

..when Kuhu fell into the water from the boat.

I tried my best to save her.

I am speaking the truth.

I am speaking the truth.

Uncle, please.

Anshu thinks I didn't try hard enough.

How can a man let his daughter die?

I am her father.

Don't think about all this.

Please. Stop thinking.

- Sorry. - Cheer up now.

- Yes. I am sorry. - Come on. Let's go downstairs.

- Everybody is waiting downstairs. Get up. Get up. - Look, I..

Come on.

You know what is frustrating?

Anshu still thinks that I didn't try.

No, uncle.

We all understand you. Please don't think like that.

Think about aunt too. She is very upset.

And we all know you miss Kuhu so much.

We all miss her.

Don't be so upset, uncle. Please.

Promise me.

Uncle. 1What are you doing, uncle?



Uncle, leave me.

Uncle..what are you doing?


Uncle. Uncle, please.

Leave me.

No. Uncle. Uncle. No. No.


Okay. Forget it. Don't tell me. But don't stress.

- Asu. - What the hell!


I am sorry about last night.

Did she say something?


She is a mature girl.

I spoke to Asmi.

See, it was just that..

I was just.. I was just trying to tease Vidhu.


Manav's sex habits have changed..

This morning I saw the footage that Vidhu shot at night.

I was just curious about what's in the footage.

Earlier Manav was not interested in sex.

But yesterday you saw that aunt was sleeping and Manav..

And his cyber sex thing.

Prabal, can we please not get there?

We won't talk about this.


Don't misunderstand it.

Koya was kissing Prabal only to tease you.

And why is that?

Because she is irritated with you.


She feels that you are interfering a lot.. her uncle and aunt's personal life.

But I am doing it only for the truth.

Look, as a director I feel and I genuinely feel..

..that the actual root cause of Kuhu's story is Anshu and Manav.

So what shall I do? Tell me.

And I feel.. there is something between Koya and Manav.

Something is definitely there.

Vidhu, I don't know whether..

I don't know how you will take this. But..

I went to Koya's room. And..

She was in the shower.

Her phone rang.

It was Manav's message. I mean, it was a message.

And I saw it just out of curiosity. So..

What was in the message?



It was a little strange.

It read something like.. "..Roses are red.

"..Roses are red. Violets are blue."

"Do you miss the pain I gave you?

- Get ready. - Why?

I want to meet some people.

Instead of Prabal you will operate the camera.

Promise. You don't have to tell this to Koya or Prabal.

- Okay? - Man..


- Okay. Fine. - Yes.

Come on.

Are you mad? Koya and Manav?

But Sarah, I was there.

No. I can't believe it.

Manav is like a father to Koya.

Believe me, Sarah. I was there.

I myself.. I have seen it.

Hold on.

Like.. Like..

Manav used to never smoke before.

But after his accident he started smoking.

What has smoking got to do with possession, Sarah?

He used to hate smokers.

Who are you calling?


I got it.

Very good.

Sita is playing videogame.

What an interesting shot that would be!

Which game are you playing?

The princess and the warrior.

The princess and the warrior. Very close.

The actor who enacts the role of Ram in the play based on Ram's life..

..he is also a warrior, sir.

You see, every year a different girl plays the role of Sita.

And every year he falls in love with the new Sita.

But only Surpanakha has proposed to him till now.



Sir, if someone has possessed Manav..

..then how is he able to see his daughter?

It's not necessary that..

..the person..

..inside you..


..does something vulgar.. make others feel someone has possessed you.

What is inside you.. is afraid to reveal himself.

You see.. he is dead.

Isn't it?

And now, he has entered your body.

He is having fun.

Even after dying he has got a body.

To experience life.

Why would he attract anybody's attention towards himself?

What are you thinking?

I don't understand.

Sarah. Aayam.

If we believe them, everything is clear.

Seeing Kuhu.. is the drama of the man who has possessed Manav.

He doesn't want to reveal himself.

- Kuhu, cigarette, sex. - Sex.

All clear. Mystery solved.

But Koya..

..why is Koya behaving like that?

Behaving like what?

She comes out of uncle's room adjusting her clothes.

What were both of them doing in the room?

But she doesn't share anything with me.

- And then she kisses my best friend. - Vidhu.

She had gone crazy.

I am telling you. She has an incest relationship with her uncle.

That's how girls are, Vidhu.

They never talk about these things.

Nonsense. Me and Koya. You know it very well.

We share each and every thing. At least used to.

"From the time I have seen you, I feel."

"You should become mine. Baby, you belong with me."

"There is a little fervor. There is tumult in my heart."

"I just want to make you mine."

"You fine. You mine."

"Just take some chance."

"Ask for whatever you want."

"Kiss me. I will become your longing. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

"Kiss me. I will become your life. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

"Kiss me. I will become your longing. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

"Ask for whatever you want."

"Kiss me. I will become your longing. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

"Kiss me. I will become your life. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

"My body craves for only your love."

"What have you done? I have become responsible now."

"Ask for whatever you want."

"Kiss me. I will become your longing. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

"Kiss me. I will become your life. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

"Kiss me. I will become your longing. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

"My loneliness says to feel you and kiss your fragrance."

"After kissing you I feel I have lost myself in you."

"Ask for whatever you want."

"Kiss me. I will become your longing. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

"Kiss me. I will become your life. Yes, yours."

"Yes, yours."

Are you angry?

Okay. Tell me something.

Tell me the truth.

Have I ever hidden anything from you?

Anything. Whatever it is.

I have always shared it with you.

And you have also done the same.

So why today?

Come to the point, Vidhu.

Look, Manav..

I mean..

Whatever your relation with your uncle is.. can tell me.

You can share it with me. - Oh God!

Tell me. Trust me. I will forgive everything.


You know I love you. Isn't it?

And.. you know, for me our relationship matters the most.

So, look, I don't want..

..any secret to spoil our relationship

It should not be in between us.

- So.. - You know what?

You are sick, Vidhu.

I am sick? I am sick?

And what about your uncle?

What do you think? I don't know anything?

I don't know anything. Right?

He sleeps with every woman. I have unearthed all his misdeeds.


Koya, what happened?

Koya, is everything okay?


Koya..what Vidhu said just now.. the room about uncle, is it..

Prabal, please.

I don't want to answer you on this.

I don't want to be another character of Vidhu's film.

That's it.

Are you simply using me in Vidhu and your fight?

Uncle had..

There was a girl.

I don't know for sure whether it was just an affair or lust.

Aunt had gone out for three days. But she returned the very next day.

After Kuhu's death uncle's infidelity..

Aunt already suspected uncle.

That he is having an affair.

You know..

..carrying his phone with him all the time.

Deleting his messages.

Closing the door of the room while chatting.

Things like that.

If you knew this, why didn't you share this with us?

Because Prabal, this wasn't important for our film.

And as far as Manav's affair is concerned..

..I am telling you, he wasn't like that before the accident.

He was a one-woman man.

Actually, we met Manav's psychiatrist a few days ago.

He told us that his fall from the cliff wasn't an accident.

- It was a suicide attempt. - What?


But.. I don't know anything about it.



It feels like if you go on the other side..

..there will be a wonderland.

Everything will become silent.

There won't be any problem.

Or sorrow.

Isn't it?

At times I feel..

..if I die, I want to die here.


I am sorry.

That night..

But we completely agree with you.


- I had a question. This.. - Yes.

Your farmhouse is really beautiful.

You guys must be visiting it quite often.

I mean, this place must have a special significance for you people.

Yes. Manav loves this place.

I go there and pray.


- Give me. Give me the camera. - He says..

..whenever he comes here, he feels recharged.

There is something about that place.

He calls it his magic land.

My prayers, my worship, my dreams..

..never come true.

It has never happened.

But when I go there, I feel..

What dreams?

What prayers?

Here. Take this. Take this.

Why do you want all this?

- Hi. - Hi.

- Have a seat. - Please come. Please come.



- Hi. - Asmi..

- ..come here. - Okay.

Your husband didn't come?

- Well.. he.. - Good he didn't come.

It's good for me.

Please be seated. Please have a seat.

'Sanksrit Words.'

'Sanksrit Words.'

'Sanksrit Words.'

'Sanksrit Words.'

Manthara tells Kaikeyi, "If you want to hear only sweet words.."

"'s better to remain quiet."

Shall I speak further?


Did both of you have a fight..

..on the day Manav fell from the cliff?

Youh had..

You did have a fight.


I tried.


I am tired of hearing this word tried.

Where are your attempts, Manav?

I can't see them.

You are always in your dream world, Manav. Do you even realize that?

My Kuhu died that day, Manav.

You are a failure.

You have been a failed father. You have been a failed husband.

And you don't even have an idea..

..what it is to live with a man like you.

Manav left you and went to the cliff.

This is not true.

'Sanksrit Words.'

'Sanksrit Words.'

This is not true.

This is not true.

This is true.

If Manav had fallen from the cliff accidently..

..his soul wouldn't have been weak.

- He wanted to die. - That's not true.

He wanted to die because his soul was weak.

And whoever has possessed him.. the same man who died in the hospital.

That's not true.



That's not true.

Manav was brought to Ramsay hospital.. an almost dead state.

The doctors had given up hope.

But he started recovering rapidly.

Go to Ramsay hospital.

The answers of your questions are waiting there.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

That night three people had died.

The first one.. the first one was Rajesh Pant.

- He was ill since a long time.. - Age 47.

And he was admitted in the hospital.

Due to wrong treatment he developed an allergic reaction.

Due to which he had an untimely death.

The second patient was..

..Ishrat Khan. AIDS.

Initially we didn't come to know.

When we took him to the doctor..

..we found out he was HIV positive.

His hair started falling. His skin turned coarse.

And it was the last stage.

And the third one was Abhay Bisht.

41 years.

I knew him very well.

He had a childish face.

He had a petrol pump in Nainital.

Do you know? Once he refilled my Luna..

..and said, "I am very happy today.

I won't charge you."

Wonder who killed such a nice man and why.

Guys, I think if someone has possessed uncle.. must be Abhay Bisht.



Because he was murdered.

And they say those who die due to an unnatural cause..

..their spirit wanders.

Point. But why did he possess only uncle?

I mean, there must be other people also in the hospital.

Good question. Why only uncle?

Who knows? Perhaps his bed was nearby.

Yes. The spirit feels lazy to walk.

So it entered the body which was nearest.

Why do you always.. Forget it.

Let's do one thing. Let's ask aunt.

Perhaps they knew Abhay Bisht.

Shall we go?

You guys have gone crazy.

The only think you guys care about is this freaky film, right?

What do you want, Vidhu?


Don't you even care about the fact that.. are playing with someone's emotions.

They are my uncle and aunt.

Excuse me. We are just doing our job.

We are not interested in giving stress to anyone needlessly.

And you have gone crazy.

I am noticing since many days. You snap at every trivial matter.

After all, what do you want?

What do you want? You have troubled my uncle.

Will you kill him? Kill him and kill me too.

- Here. - Damn!

There is a problem in your entire family.

All of them are abnormal.

You will find it a little strange.

I don't know.

Whether I should say this to you or not, Koya.

I love you.

I have.. always loved you.


Asu, are you angry?


Are you angry?

Is that pathetic camera of yours on?

What has happened to you? At least tell me.

Ask Koya. She is the heroine of your film.

Look, do you remember?

You had said I am a smart guy, right?

If I am smart, why would I leave you and make Koya the heroine?

She is studying microbiology.

God knows what the hell it means.

And you.. are studying filmmaking.

Look, you are cute and talented.

You will make a film in the future. You will give me work.

Why would I leave you and make her the heroine?

Why do you roam around with her till late night?

For my film. What else?

What is this ideology of your film?

Why am I the last one to know everything?

Look, come on. Listen. Listen. Look here.

Forget the film. Let's talk about us.

- Do you love me? - Do you?

I like you in every way.

You like me.

You like me.

Back off, Prabal.

I can see it in your eyes. You are in love with Koya.

Listen. Listen. I don't love her.

'In their quest Vidhu and Asmi met the police officer..'

'..who had investigated Abhay Bisht's case.'

'They met some other people too who were close to Abhay Bisht.'

'Everybody had a different opinion about him.'

'I was constantly feeling that I have made..'

'..a grave mistake by bringing them here.'

Why did someone kill him?

Someone smashed his skull with this stone.

Hold it.

When a nice man is killed, you should first probe his personal life.

The police are..

They asked such weird questions. You won't believe.

Whether I am having an affair with someone? I mean, come on.

But yes, he had a very annoying habit.

His smoking.

He had a unique style of smoking.

Will you please give me your cigarette?

Okay. Here.

He would enjoy smoking like this.

Okay. After Abhay's death did you ever feel him around you?

- What? - Vidhu, enough.

- Prabal, pack up. - What's happening, Vidhu?

- Pack up? - Asmi, no more shoot now. Out.

- Vidhu, I.. - Thank you very much for your time.

- We are really sorry. - Okay.

- Should I stop shooting? - Stop.

- Vidhu, leave my hand. - Come here.

- Excuse me. What the hell are you doing? - What the hell do you think you did?

This is my film. I am taking the interview.

- Who the hell are you to interrupt this? - Who the hell am I?

Yes. Who the hell are you?

- You be in your limits. Understand? - Vidhu, don't touch me.

- You be in your limits. - Vidhu, don't touch me.

- Be in your limits. - Vidhu!

Vidhu, listen to me.

How can you leave the film and go?

It happens in anger. Forget it.

You moron! If I see you with your camera again..

..I will smash you as well as your camera.

Get ready. We are going to Delhi.

Don't you want to leave?

Do you want to stay here with Koya?

Whether you come or stay, I don't give a damn anymore.


I never saw a fraud like you, Prabal.

Do you love me, my foot!

Koya, everybody is leaving.

And I am also leaving.

Fine, Koya. See you in Delhi.

By the way..

I know you don't love me.

And I am not okay with it.

And I love you.

And I know.. are not okay with it.


Can I kiss you?

"Butterscotch is dripping from above."

"Below there is Chappan Taalon village."

"Cool breeze is blowing."

"Above there is shade of the sky."

"Listen, girl."

"Listen. Listen, girl."

"All seasons arrive noiselessly."





I am going to Sarah's house. See you in the evening. Okay?

Please. Uncle.

Leave me.

Uncle, please.

Leave me.

Please. Please. Please, uncle. Don't do this.


Please help.

Help please.

What happened?

Why are you running?

Now you don't like it when I touch you?

Just look at me.

I am the same person.

Goodness! You still look 19.

- Do you love me? - More than my life.


What did you think?

You will kill me.

And you will get rid of me.

As it is, it's been ages since I separated from you.

Your touch.

Your smell.

Your smell.

I always desire you.

Uncle, please don't do this. Please.



Abhay. Please.

My love.


Relax. Relax.

- Abhay, your camera is on. - I know.

Yes. It's on.

Let's switch it off.

I just want to feel your love for me.



And again.

My touch.

And you go crazy.

Please leave me.

What will my pussy cat do today?

- Abhay, what are you doing? Abhay. - Tell me, Koya.

- Abhay, what are you doing? - Or..

- Oh no! - Is Koya afraid?


You are so bad.

I know, Abhay.

- You want me very badly. - Yes.

Like you wanted my sister, right?

She was only 9 years old, Abhay.

Kuhu was only 9 years old.

The doll's dress is very nice, isn't it?

Kuhu likes it.

Come on. Change your clothes.

No! No!

No! No!

You are a devil, Abhay.


- Roses are red. - Uncle, please.

- Violets are blue. - Don't do this. Please.

Do you miss the pain which I gave you?


Roses are red. Violets are blue.

Do you miss the pain..

Sorry, uncle. I am sorry.

I loved you, Abhay.

I loved you, Abhay.

I would endure everything for you.

Your sexual pleasures.

Your love for pain.


But Kuhu.. Kuhu was my younger sister, Abhay.

She was only 9 years old.


You didn't even spare her.


You are a devil, Abhay.

You are a devil, Abhay.


I had to kill you then.

I will have to kill you now again.

Why did you come back, Abhay? Why?


- Father, stop! - Let me go.

He is dead.

'Now he has entered your body. He is having fun.'

'- Even after dying.. - Let's have lunch first.'

'..he got a body to experience life.'

'Why would he attract anybody's attention towards himself?'

'Uncle, leave me. Uncle.'

'Come on. Change your clothes.'



'Today I liberated my uncle.'

'Today I liberated Kuhu.'

'And today, I liberated myself too.'


"Butterscotch is dripping from above."

"Below there is Chappan Taalon village."

"Cool breeze is blowing."

"Above there is shade of the sky."

"Listen, girl. Listen."

"Listen, girl."

"All seasons arrive noiselessly."

For more infomation >> A Scandall - Duration: 1:49:08.


✅ How to Remove Background Noise from Video or Audio with Free Software - Duration: 6:12.

What's up guys, I'm Pete from the Gaming

Careers YouTube channel, and we're a channel

dedicated to helping you grow your

Twitch or YouTube Gaming channels so you

can make a profession out of your gaming

passion. Today we're going to be talking

about how you can remove background

noise from your voiceovers. Now if you

have background noise in your audio

recordings already, because you live on a

busy street where there's a lot of car noise going

past or maybe you have to have a fan

on in your room or maybe just have a

beast computer that has a really loud

fan and you can always hear that

in your audio recordings, today i'm going

to be teaching you how with free

software you can remove that background

noise so you can just hear the crystal

clear voice. Now you may be thinking that

high-quality audio doesn't really matter

as long as your video looks good,

but actually I find the opposite is true. If

you go and have a look at your favorite

streamers or YouTube channels I guarantee

that they'll probably have on par audio

quality with their video quality if not

higher. So what I'll be covering in this

video is I am going to turn on some of

the fans that I have in my room, to create a

kind of noisy environment and take an

audio recording. Then I'm going to jump onto

the computer and i'm going to show you

in Audacity how I can remove that

background noise, so it will be a live example as

to how I've removed the noisy fans from

my recording so you can do the same home.

I've now turned the fans on so hopefully

you can hear that there's quite a lot of

background noise going on.

Not an ideal recording environment but

something worthwhile for the tutorial so

I'm just going to create quick voice clip

that I'm going to use to then remove the

background audio. "Hi I'm Pete from the

Gaming Careers YouTube channel,

why not subscribe?" Now before we jump

into audacity and look at the noise

reduction process, I would just give you

4 tips on how to record higher quality

audio in general. The first one is try and

remove as much noise as you can before

even recording your audio. So if you can

turn fans off or close windows, that's

really going to help because the less

noise you have the less noise reduction you

need to do. The second tip is all about

the mic positioning from your face.

I know a lot of YouTubers use the Blue

Yeti or the Blue Snowball and you want

to try and position that about 6 to 12

inches from your face. Not directly in

front you don't want to be speaking into

it like this, you want to be about 6 to 12

inches away. My third tip would be to

invest in a cheap pop filter. A pop

filter basically just remove some of the

pop noises that you create when you

say your P's and your T's and removes

them from the microphone, it acts as like a

filter in between your mouth and the

microphone. They're really cheap, you can

pick them up on amazon pretty cheaply or

you can always just use a sock as it

does just as good a job. Finally my

fourth tip is to make sure that your

audio levels within whichever program

you're recording your audio with are set

correctly. If this is your camera

settings or in something like Audacity,

you want to be aiming for between

-12 and -6 dB for when you're recording your audio,

then you can always boost this if you

need to in post-production.

Now the first thing that you're going to want to do is

download and install Audacity. I've put a

link in the description below to take

you to the website and there are

versions for PC and for MAC so it doesn't

matter what operating system you're

running. The installation process is

actually pretty basic so I'm not going

to cover that here, just install it as you

do with any other program. So the next

thing we want to do is to open up our

audio file that we're going to be

editing. You can of course use

Audacity to record your voice overs and I'd recommend doing so, so if you're just

looking to record and then edit your

audio afterwards then you just hit the

record button, but I'm going to be opening

up my example that I recorded earlier.

The next thing we want to do is just to

zoom in on the timeline so you can

select the zoom tool here and try and

find a point in the video where you

weren't talking and it's just the

background noise that's occurring.

Once you've found a section that has just

background noise and none of your voice

over the top,

you want to select that section. Next go

up to Effect, down to Noise Reduction and

then a new window will pop up, you just

want to click "Get Noise Profile". What

that's going to do is it's going to take the

section that you just highlighted and

set that as the noise profile. Now select

all of the audio, you can do that by

pressing "Ctrl+A", go back up to Effect,

Noise Reduction and then if you copy my

settings here you can play around with

these if it's not quite removing all of

the background audio but I find my

settings are a pretty good starting point,

and then you can just press "OK". Now what

this has done is it has taken the noise

profile that you set and basically

subtracted that from the full recording.

It does lower the quality of your voice

a tiny bit, but hopefully if you've set a good

noise profile, this should be pretty negligible.

Let's now listen back to what it's been

able to do in terms of noise reduction.

I'm pretty satisfied with that,

so we'll go ahead and export the audio,

we just go up to File, Export Audio

and save the file as a WAV.

I would then go back into your editing

suite of choice, for me that's Premiere Pro

and import the new .wav into your

project and drag it down to a new

timeline. As you can see it matches up

perfectly because this is the exact same

length, and then we can mute the original

audio track which has the noisy

background audio.

And that is pretty much it,

hopefully you guys have had good results

with that and been able to reduce the

noise in the background of your

recordings or your voiceovers. If you've

watched all the way to this point in the

video and you've found the video helpful,

please do give it a thumbs up. That really

does help us out and also have a look

around at the Gaming Careers YouTube channel

where we started to really build up a

good amount of videos helping you

guys create better videos for YouTube

and better live streams for Twitch, until

next time guys, Peace!

For more infomation >> ✅ How to Remove Background Noise from Video or Audio with Free Software - Duration: 6:12.


Disney's Pinocchio

For more infomation >> Disney's Pinocchio


Cars 3

For more infomation >> Cars 3


22.12.2016 16:26 (Alsancak Mahallesi) - Duration: 16:38.

For more infomation >> 22.12.2016 16:26 (Alsancak Mahallesi) - Duration: 16:38.


DEEPEST COAL MINE IN EUROPE available for Tourists. | Guido - Zabrze - Poland - Duration: 19:23.

Guido, Zabrze, Poland. 16:00 17 December 2016

### More details in description ### ### You can pause and read ###

Do you want the light?

Dad or mom can wear it, because it's not so lightweight

Maybe i will ask you, to take the second one. Because you are tall

Mine is lit, but we always take couple flashlights with us. Just in case.

Let's go 6 people.

Ok... 3 more, we won't split you.

It is small indeed.

**there are 3 cages, we are in the middle one**

**now loading the last one, above us**

## Sorry for my English translation, English it's not my native language ##

**We will go down with a speed of 4 m/s in the original mining cage, mounted on 980 meters long steel ropes.**

### NOTE: This video is long, (minimum cuts) and i did it on purpose. Because I want you, to have better immersion in adventure ###

** Miners are descended with 12 m/s speed. **

**That's 3 times faster, and our cage is already disturbingly shaking **

** We are waiting for our turn **

Let's go over there

A few words about Guido Mine

It was build in second half of 19th century. One of 7 mines in this area.

It's small mine, because the biggest extraction was around 1000 tons of coal per 24h

Mine was providing a job for 1500 miners

Name is inherited from the first owner.

Prince Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck (Full name: Guido Georg Friedrich Erdmann Heinrich Adalbert Graf Henckel von Donnersmarck

One of the richest people in silesia

Owner of numerous mining properties and ironworks.

Advisor to Bismarck, cus this land was in possesion of Prussian, German and later on in 1945 Poland

In every mine those shafts are bottleneck

Because those shafts were used by miners, withdrawing coal, and also horses.

They were here to drag carts filled up coal.

More than 100 years ago, number of working horses down here was about 4000

Horse that was exiled here he would never come back to the surface. :(

He was working from 4 to 5 years

Those horses were dragging up to 12 carts of coal. Weight of one cart was about 800 kg (1 763 pounds)

They were working in two shifts (12 h).

After 12 hours of work, horses were resting at the stable.

At Level 170 we had 3 stables, and at Level 320 we had only one.

We go down this shaft, and right now we are here.

We will go this way

Our walk will be ended at old pump chamber. But today there is restaurant / bar.

You can get there coffee, tea or something STRONGER ;)

You can also eat there, and buy souvenir.

It's a little bit tight here.

In front of us we have coal container.

A small container for around 300 tons of coal

It happens that we won't have enough carts in loading room, so you will have to stop extraction. This is why we need those containers.

Belt conveyors transporting coal to the carts, are above those containers. Also there is some mechanism that will send coal to it or the carts.

Every part of containers have flap opened hydraulically.

If the driver provide carts, he open flaps and coal is going to those carts.

So no matter what, miners can extracting coal without a break.

Sidewalks in mine that should be used for next 50 or 100 years are hollow in the rock.

Because rock is fire resistant material.

We have coal deck 17m below

To ensure access to it, they have to hollow this sidewalk called "upadowa" (conveying declines?)

If coal deposit was above, we have to create sidewalk called "pochylnia" (ramp).

Inclination of this sidewalk during hollowing has to be controlled by miners according to decline.

How they do it? I will tell you in a moment.

Sidewalk is protected by steel arches

If the tunnel is going down, geodesist hangs this measuring beam (red) This beam is showing good decline for the future tunnel.

At the top you can see 3 strings.

** in short, those strings + lamps are helping to correct decline. **

** Sorry, but you can't record everything he says if you are there first time. I didn't know where to point camera **

It's sufficient to control hollowed tunnel.

And very simple

Already in the 70s we had lasers down here. But lasers must have power, switch, and very stable mount.

And this method give us enough precision.

Those decline tunnels are also used to transport

by carts

Sometimes happens that cart detaches from the hook or rope will break.

So cart at the end of tunnel will have very big speed.

If they derail it can lead to destroing some of tunnel fortifications. And than to collapse the ceiling.

This is why we build those "Catchers"

How it works? When the cart is riding slowly, those "Catchers" are just little elevating.

But when cart is riding too fast. It goes vertical, and the cart is stopped.

Those catchers are called "Dogs" by miners.

**joking to a kid**

** Old miners equipment Sorry for not taking close up **

** gas meters**

** oxygen meters **

## interference methanometer ##

** carbon dioxide sensor **

In my hand i have small mining pickaxe.

In coal mines this type of pickaxe are carried only by managers or bosses

On the one hand, this is symbol of power, on the other versatile measuring device.

Anyone who want to feel how it was like to work in shortwall can go inside.

** of course I will do this for you guys **

** out of the context **

** talking about work assignment **

** sometimes miners were sent back to home, because there was no job for them **

Or you work 2 or 3 weeks and then take one week break.

** something about praying before and after work **

Prayers were lead by "spiwok". It was oldest miner. Then miners go to "oil room" cus they have oil lapms.

They filled up oil lamps

Every lamp has mark on it (indicator of max lamp capacity). It was called "szychta".

If miner's lamp was running out of oil. He had only 30 min to come back. Miners didn't had watches.

From that mark on lamps, to this day miners work shift is called "szychta" and it is 7,5h long.

Bath time, after work does not include into work shift.

**END OF PART ONE ** ###Do you like long videos? Or should I make it shorter? ###

For more infomation >> DEEPEST COAL MINE IN EUROPE available for Tourists. | Guido - Zabrze - Poland - Duration: 19:23.


Top 13 Fails - Try Not to Laugh

For more infomation >> Top 13 Fails - Try Not to Laugh


bad tim simulator (spoil fin génocide d'undertale) - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> bad tim simulator (spoil fin génocide d'undertale) - Duration: 6:07.


COMIKET A TÔKYÔ ! (Manga, Cosplay, Pizza à volonté...) 2/6 [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 11:52.

Hey ! It's me Rockuu !

Welcom to this second video about my two weeks in Tokyo

If you missed the first part you can click here

Today, I'm going to talk about a more specific event

that occured today at Tokyo

We were so lucky that this winter, we were in Tokyo during this market

Just in the same time !

If you've been following me for several months, you may know

That I've already been to The Comiket,

but it was the summer comiket

I know that is very popular, and that summer comiket is way more popular

than the winter comiket

Now that i've been to winter's...I'm not so sure !

Of course we are in winter so it's way colder

but it's not THAT cold (compared to our countries...)

We were barely queuing

we lived a very special experiment

There was this girl in front of us

And two men in front of me

she stares at the two men and finally

and she asks the two men 'Is it possible...are you Yamaguchi sensei ?'

then, she aks the other man

'And you, maybe Satô sensei ?'

she was literally into a trance

I'll show you a little extract !

she was shaking !

(You can hear it, she is talking with a very loud breathing

and she also uses a high level of politeness that's how I figured out what was happening...)

(Giving her a paper, he touches her hand, that could explain the little scream !)

The two men where just like "Yep..."

Like "I don't mind'

I understood a bit in the conversation

that the two men were Mangaka (manga author)

It's not especially a very famous manga...

Here, it's independant manga, kind of "non official"

After that, they take from their bag a little card

They gave it to the girl

and signed it...she was like...

that was really difficult to her

to put several words into a proper sentence

But in the same time...

I cannot imagine myself, meeting for real Tite Kubo

or even Toriyama

I will not only be in a transe...

I would definitely collapse !

I've carried on my little researches,

Unfortunately, these two authors have a very common name in Japan...

It wasn't easy...

Honestly I don't want to say stupid things...

So I can't tell you the name...

Anyway it's still interresting to know, that two mangaka where just in front of us...!

As you may know, comiket is

guys with 'lolita' on shirts with no shame at all



and when FINALLY you arrive in the inside




and queue !

*I feel like the dog running after a car...*

*Ok now, we are here, what shall we do ?*

The best place to do here, according to me

the West Hall

you can find here pro stands

And if you are lucky, you may find a stand which manga that you like

because it's pro, so it's the most 'official' thing you can find here

You may find a manga you like

especially if you are a big fan

of very recent manga / anime

if Japanese people are crzy about it, you can find it

especially with idols

for instance, randomly...

Love Live !

Don't be afraid to queue...really...

or come the day before in fact...

We are changing hall now,

let's take the LOLI-ESCALATORS now...

And...surprise : PEOPLE.

To be able to handle such a huge amount of people

be careful, stay behind the barriers...put in place by the security

You must not go wrong


by those people, and die in disastrous circumstances !

It happened to me twice...and I hope you will not live th same !

(sincerely, I hope the guy which was following me so close had a tripod in his pocket...)

There are two main places to eat here, two opposite places from each other

we wanted to eat at the first place, but there were nothing we liked...

So, we wanted to go to the second place...

but it was so awful to cross the whole building !

In the West hall you will find


which are independent manga

Unless you are Japanese you there are few chances you know one of these manga

One of the advantages, is know they are also making manga from manga that are already existing

making couples that don't exists in the original artwork

for example in Final Fantasy...

And believe me there are all kind of couple...

I won't go into details

but I found a manga about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

really, with the faces of Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch...turned into manga

When one says 'independent manga' usually one means 'lolita' and that means...weird people...

big pervert are usually behind...(be careful...)

Recently, little by little, a female audience find its groove

Society evolves

one more time : no details

but know yo ucan find female here

I have to say that independent manga

It's not that bad

it allows some people to be known

maybe to became famous, who knows ?

There were people that draw well, some other that draw less well...

but if that can permit them to become famous, it's not a bad thing !

We can say that the best thing in this convention is


Cosplay made by Japanese's like

It's a bit like eating a pizza in Italy

or complaining in France

Things are this way : we do it better !

You've seen people cosplaying all along the video, but now

I'm going to go outside !

Outside, people pay their location to pose for photographers !

And THESE photographs are used on the internet as a cosplay reference (reference of best cosplay)

If you ever see a small pink spot, in the blur behind a cosplay...

It may be me !

As the last Pokemon game has just been released

we were lucky to see Pokemon Cosplay

and of course, the intemporal, Pikachu, Eevee family...

With the American influence, you can see more and more american cosplay,

linked to Marvel and Dc movies...

Cosplay are more diverse than ever

of course it's easier to wear in winter...

than in summer by 40°C (104°F) !!

We don't realise it like this

when we are crushed between a sweating little guy searching for loli,

and a big muscular photographer

but yeah, there are a lot of people here !

As you can see, it can go very far...

to have manga stuff

Here in these bus, you can give your blood

and have, in exchange, have a super rare poster of your favorite manga... works !

even cars are doing cosplay here...

As we are in Odaiba, I'm taking advantage of it

I know there is a food court here


Odaiba is an artificial island...

it's super romantic

you can find a lot to do !

You can watch my other videos, I'm used to spending more time there

This day we were here for this special event and had too few time...

shopping mall,


ferry wheel

For the moment we are comming back to Tokyo

because we are very tired...

what do we do when we are tired ?


Seriously, it's the first time of my life I see so many different pizza !

And please, don't complain's only the beginning of my food marathon !

Let's go fatie !

Salad as starter


Fanta melon

3 cheese pizza







and, as a desert

caramelized apples

marshmallow and white chocolate

caramel almond

chocolate & banana

Finally, a TEA !

to be like 'oh, dear, I'm so fancy.'

whereas i'm a fat cow in fact :D

It's over for this second video !

I'll hope you like it, leave a comment if you read this :P

It was only one day, but I had a lot to tell

but next time, you will see, it will be different !

bye bye !

For more infomation >> COMIKET A TÔKYÔ ! (Manga, Cosplay, Pizza à volonté...) 2/6 [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 11:52.



For more infomation >> Silence


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


K Lamina Testbericht / K Lamina Testimonial - Duration: 2:40.

Hello, I would like to share my experience and tell you something about the K Lamina product of K Line.

Before, I was very unsatisfied with my teeth until I found K Line.

I read on the website about the products of K Line and then ordered the package to my home.

The package contained an impression kit for taking the impressions of your teeth at home, like I did it.

It is also possible to visit a dentist for taking the impressions.

After taking the impressions I sent back everything together to K Line.

Within 14 days I received my K Lamina.

On the order form you can enter which shade of colour you would like to have and whether you would like to have K Lamina or K Smile.

I asked the K Line specialists to choose the right product for me because I was not so sure whether the K Lamina or the K Smile would be the best choice for me.

After 14 days I received my parcel from K Line.

Inside the package I found this box which contained my removable veneer.

The package also contained some instructions for use & care of the K Lamina.

I will show you my K Lamina that I am wearing right now.

My K Lamina is in A2 shade, which is the colour that is not so extremely white.

I wanted it to look natural compared to my teeth.

I am wearing only the upper one. I will take it out for you now.

When you want to take it out it is best to take it from the front and for inserting it, from the back.

It is very easy. Usually my teeth look like that.

I have a tooth gap between my front teeth.

It is very easy and quick to insert the K Lamina.

I find the difference amazing!

I am totally convinced by the K Lamina and I wear it almost everyday.

I am so happy with it!

For more infomation >> K Lamina Testbericht / K Lamina Testimonial - Duration: 2:40.


#6 日本語字幕 DT K 韓国ドラマ - Duration: 58:58.

For more infomation >> #6 日本語字幕 DT K 韓国ドラマ - Duration: 58:58.


Vijay Superhit Romantic Action Movie 2016 | Namitha, Shriya Saran | Malayalam Dubbed Movies 2016 - Duration: 2:19:59.

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