Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 11 2017


So, Today! tadaa I've bought 36 donuts from Krispy Kreme ~Krispy Kreme's donuts are so delish~

this time around I bought a thing called 'Caramel dozen box' its a different recipe that uses a blend of caramel and choco

and there are all sorts of different types in it I also bought 2 boxes of my fav. glazed donuts

I'll have cafe au lait to drink today



are these my first sweet treats of the year? hmm... perhaps

tadaa this is a caramel blond walnut its got cracked walnuts on it

the walnuts are coated in a crunchy syrup the choco has a bit of caramel taste to it, so delish

its so fluffy

next is ?white/salty? blond choco its topped with a swrily caramel pattern

inside is some flavorful caramel cream its a bit salty and very delish

caramel and blond choco

its topped with some crunchy crispy bits on top its makes for a great mouthfeel

and now time for the original glazed that I bought a tonne of

all said, this has got to be my fav flavor

these original glazed are so soft and fluffy with a hint of sweetness covered in sugar that melts in your mouth... I can't get enough of these

a warm cafe au lait and these donuts are a divine pairing

I believe I can live out the rest of my life eating nothing but this #Donuts4Lyfe

they've taken the original glazed and covered it in choco and some sugary candies

for me, I feel as though if you top the original glazed with anything it tends to make it a bit too sweet

that's why I gotta say that these original glazed are the best tasting most balanced flavored

these other ones are nice to have from time to time but when I want to donut binge I always choose these guys

check this out!!! the donut hole is completely sealed by this sugar glaze

~Such a happy little donut~

we don't have many donuts left now I've heard these caramel donuts taste good when heated

up so I'll now go warm them I love these original glazed when warmed as well

tadaa I've gone and warmed them up check them out the choco is melted and all shiny

I'll try this one out

the caramel pudding inside is all warm and melty its so delish. white choco is way tastier when warmed up

a warmed original glazed

the dough is even fluffier I can't stop eating these

the ? ? is even tastier when warmed up its probably because it feels more freshly baked?

you can enjoy a more intense flavor

final mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita Krispy Kreme's donuts were so delish this was the years

first video on Krispy Kreme the new caramel and blond choco series of donuts were very delish

they taste so much better when warmed up yep, during the cold months you crave something sweet

you also crave hot things as well. but during the winter I think everyone kind of craves

something rich and sweet ~well I crave the regardless of whether its winter or summer~

well... I think in the summer I want something that has a refreshing taste ...... err so I... Imagine...

I, for one, crave them in the winter and summer these were so delish won't you all give them a try?

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked....

~why did I just do that? ~ thanks for watching and if you liked this video

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