Thursday, January 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 12 2017

Where's the Storyteller?

What... are you talking about?

He seems to be missing.

Maybe we should ask our new weeabo friend if he's seem him.

Oh, ha ha.

Do you want grab some funions and watch Death Note later?

I don't know what that is.

Maybe we can argue about how awesome katanas are and get in a fight about Japanese history.

You've lost me.

Japanese is a surprisingly pervasive language out here.

Oh, why do you say that, round eye?

This is a temporary solution.

One night, and we go back to the way things were.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I couldn't hear you over the sound of YOUR VIRGINITY.

Uh huh. Here we got you something.

Hey what are you doing?

What did she do?

Upped your fuckability score a solid two points.

Especially if this turns out to be goth night.

Did you just give me guy-liner?

... maybe.

... do I look on fleek?



Hello again.

Myself, your super-sexy eyebot friend here, the freakishly

large sentient head statue, and our none-brotherhood compatriot here would like access to your


Hey assholes wait in line!

Let it go dude.

Yeah, fuck boy, let it go.

Dude, pump the brakes a little.

Sorry, makeup gets me fucking lit.


Right... so, can you let us in?



Aww come on dude, what's the problem here?

No fags aloud.


Okay fuck this.

Oh my god! Jesus fucking Christ!


Dude was a homophobe.

Look we dig the Superman shtick, but we can't around just evaporating everybody we have

a problem with!

They killed the bouncer!

That was consensual.

But my point stands, no one is going to want to talk to us if we just fucking melt everyone!

Seems to be working so far.

He does have a point.

How are you okay with this?

Well... he did seem to be a bigot.

How am I the one who feels insane right now?!

Right... well... this a group, therefore, we at least need to take a vote before you

broil the next mother fucker!

You can't kill the bouncer, lets get emm!

Can I blast him?


Okay that's one vote.

I vote we blast him.

We're not going to blast him, Ed.

So what's your plan here dude, the natives are getting restless.

There's only four of them!

Umm hey... listen everyone calm down.

You think we can just kill the bouncer to cut in line?!

Look, we're sorry we killed the bouncer.

No your not!

Okay... maybe we're not, but...

I mean, we killed the bouncer so that means... we're kind of the bouncer now?

What kind of sense does that make?!

... and as the bouncer... you are now... all

on the guest list?

Well... ... and each have two free drink tickets!

We want VIP wristbands too!

Umm... okay...?

What else you got!

What else... do you want?

We want to touch the head!


I think I just discovered my fetish.

We need... to find a lot of hand sanitizer.

That was amazing.

Can we focus on the task at hand now?

This particular outfit is making me somewhat... uncomfortable.

This... this is the thing making you uncomfortable.

I am not.

That's not true.

I wore something that was charcoal gray eight years ago.

You could try emoting.


I... did not know you could do that.

Okay lets find the bar.

Do you have any caps?

Who needs caps, you think I gave them all the drink tickets?

We're here on business but that doesn't mean can't get faced first.


Hey how you doing.

I do believe, you here, are looking for something?


What a satisfactory portion of enriching satirical narrative


I agree.

Almost as good as fist ****ing your favorite robot

compatriots for several hours after a computer duster binge.


There are few things as satisfactory as that experience.

However, one such experience is War Robots, a 6v6 multiplayer games.


Similar to a fisting party, you also can get together with your

friends and attempt to bludgeon them repeatedly in their sensitive

areas till they explode.

The similarities are uncanny.

You can even customize the load out of robots.

Big fists, small fists, rocket fists, fire fists.

All the accessories you could possibly need

until you run out of computer duster.

Use a diverse set of skills to customize your robot and really

stick it to them, where it hurts.

But always remember to ask for consent... or not.

It's a game about murdering innocent robots,

after all.

It is our place in life.

We have seen so much.

It is why we fist.

To forget.

Anyway 30,000,000 already play War Robots, and anyone who uses the

link below will receive 500 gold and 100,000 silver and three exclusive

weapons to start your own personal robot holocaust.


Won't that be fun.

Dear god, make it stop.

For more infomation >> Psycho - A Fallout 4 Machinima - Episode 10 - Duration: 6:56.


[MMD] Shingeki No Kyojin - Lady Boy (English Sub Press CC) - Duration: 0:51.

Tear: Can I have your number ?

Jean: Er....

Jean: I...

Jean: I can't give it to you.

Tear: Why not ?

Jean: Ee Marco !

Jean: Hey !

Jean: A girl here just ask for my number.

Jean: I'm a lady boy.

Jean: Marco ! Also a lady boy.

Tear: Lady boy ?

Jean: That's right!

Marco: Go away slut!

Marco: We are about to kick some balls you understand ?

Jean: Wait ! I want to kick some sluts...

Jean: I mean... football.

Jean: I'm a lady boy.

Jean: Are you sure you want my number ?

Jean: Normally, I'm the queen.

Jean: You want to be the king ?

Smile: *Go away now Tear... He crush Mikasa not you.*

For more infomation >> [MMD] Shingeki No Kyojin - Lady Boy (English Sub Press CC) - Duration: 0:51.


1986, August 14 - Ronald & Nancy Reagan - Just Say No address to the nation - open captioned - Duration: 20:21.

For more infomation >> 1986, August 14 - Ronald & Nancy Reagan - Just Say No address to the nation - open captioned - Duration: 20:21.


'IMPRESSIVE' UFO Footage Released by Chilean Navy – Can You BELIEVE What You See? - #UFO - Duration: 13:46.

Bizarre UFO video released by the Chilean navy perhaps not so mysterious.

Kennewick, Mysterious light balls in a large triangle, explained by experts as flares but

is that true?

Gosport, UK, Three blue lights makes random formations in the sky.

Hi, welcome, I'm Heathcliff of Lions Ground

and I hope you're doing well.

The Youtube channel "ufosontherecord's channel" published a remarkable video on January 6,


This would is about a UFO captured by the Chilean Navy.

The Chilean Authorities is not able to solve the puzzle after two years of investigation,

according to Investigative Journalist and Author Leslie Kean, a story that first appeared

on Huffington Post.

According to the story of Leslie, a branch of the Chilean government, the CEFAA filled

with military experts who investigate UFOs or UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), were

unable to give an explanation of what might be this strange flying thing.


What could this be?

Director of CEFAA, General Ricardo Bermúdez, told Leslie "We do not know what it was, but

we do know what it was not."

And "what it is not."

Yes, Good question, What is it or, not?

The story of CEFAA goes like this: "A Navy helicopter (Airbus Cougar AS-532) flew north

along the coast, west of Santiago.

They were at that moment testing an Infrared camera used for medium-altitude observation,

the MX-15 HD of the brand WESCAM.

They flew 4,500 feet on a clear afternoon and the clouds were 5,500 feet above them.

They flew at a speed of 152 mph.

Then they spotted this flying object, traveling W/NW, with the same speed of the helicopter"

You would expect that CEFAA, a world leader in open official investigations in UFOs, and

experts can offer some kind of answer?

After carefully examining the entire footage, frame by frame, while enjoying my cigar and

coffee, I came to the conclusion that the video is real, so, I still do not know what

that is?

Because I'm no airplane expert I decided to call on Air Force experts they should know

what it is and appeal to provide answers.

And yes, within 15 minutes I was heard.

This was the reaction: "Not very detailed.

I'd guess the object in the video is another helicopter.

It doesn't look like contrails to me, but it could be dumping fuel, hydraulic leak,


Because of this new result, I ended up on the website

an article that

was written by Mick West, he fully explained what the alleged UFO in the video is, More


The flying object was traveling W/NW.

The pilots flew north along the coast, west of Santiago.

The UFO flew north, there's the airport Viña del mar.

What we have witnessed is perhaps Fuel Dumping, a procedure for emergency situation shortly

before landing or after the plane took off.

The UFO, basically a plane was heading North, maybe to Viña del Mar.

Here's a logical explanation: Plane in distress or too heavy, not answer the radio, the plane

flew quite high so they were not spotted on the radar that was searching low altitude,

says, Mick.

I have communicated with Mick and he holds that this about a classic Aerodynamic Contrails.

How can a group of experts investigate this case for two years and do not know what it

is, while it took a few days for a website to debunk this?

Is the background story true? shared an official report, on page 15, I quote: "The object observed

in the video was most probably a medium-haul twin jet airliner in a landing phase, flying

ahead of the helicopter at a higher velocity, with a low height and a low velocity, in view

of landing.

Why did Leslie Kean not mention this crucial document, who proudly explains in her article

that she has the privilege to work closely with the CEFAA staff for about five years,

and had access to CEFAA case files.

Then I read her Tweet: "The Chilean Navy has gone viral It's been picked up by more news

outlets and websites than I can count."

Thank you, Leslie Kean, you confirmed my hunch.

She's so close to CEFAA for five years long, she's sitting with her bare ass on a gold


And she left out such a crucial document?

A mistake?

Theoretically, that is possible, yes.

But it is also theoretically possible that I will be the next president of the United


Kennewick, WA, US - January 7, 2017, 8:25 pm, after a friendly football match on TV,

Seahawks vs. Lions, the witness together with his wife went back to home.

Where they were confronted with six glowing objects high

in the sky.


thing that came up, flares, but according to them it is not possible because it seems

the glowing orbs were not descending.

An MUFON investigator contacted them and informed them that this has occurred several times

in that same area.

In theory, they might be drones in formation, in theory, they might be flares, but in theory,

they might be birds with glow in the dark suits too.

Does this only occur Washington or is this a recurring event?

Yes, this seems to take place all over the world.

Phoenix, US,

Bavaria, Germany,

or, North Shields, UK

How about flares?

I studied the behavior of flares, no matter what kind of flares, they move nervously,

flicker and accompanied by a path of smoke caused by combustion.

Kennewick is filled with military points, airport, and coastguard.

Can the UFOs be linked to this fact or is it something else?

Gosport, UK, January 9, 10:50 PM, three blue lights moving randomly.

At first, it seemed to be a part of the house, and it seemed that it comes from a stovepipe.

But that theory got debunked upon they start moving.

Despite I applied filters to get a clear picture to get a clear picture what it is, I have

to disappoint you, I can not say what it is.

In theory, it can be drones, but in theory, as indicated earlier, I can be the president

of the United States.

I will continue about this topic and other stories on my Patreon page.

So, Join my Patreon page at For more information read the video description.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you never miss the daily alternative news

they don't want you to know.

Like or dislike this video.

Give this story a voice by sharing this video with your friends.

Click the videos next to me to watch more of my videos.

I'll see you at Patreon.

I'm Heathcliff, your host,

For more infomation >> 'IMPRESSIVE' UFO Footage Released by Chilean Navy – Can You BELIEVE What You See? - #UFO - Duration: 13:46.


Vascular Surgery - Wilmington NC - Dr. Charles Neuwirth - Duration: 2:42.

I grew up in New York outside New York City and end up going to medical school in Israel,

and so I came back to the states and did residency's in part of New York and North Carolina not

far from here, so I met my wife Greenville she wanted to come back to this part of the state.

I just gravitated towards it you know in elementary school, and high school, middle school, I

just like the sciences and human bodies kind of the anatomy and physiology of it, and just

gravitated towards surgeries during medical school.

Vascular surgery we do a lot of things related to blood vessels, we treat aneurysms, where

blood vessels get larger and there's a life-threatening risk of rupture, we like to fix that before


There're screening programs in a community and your medical doctor and through Medicare

that can help discover these things and they're pretty easily treated if discovered early.

Certainly people who had aneurysms, they're grateful that it's discovered, that it's

treated because, a lot of people do have family histories, people that have passed away suddenly,

or they had an aneurysm and wasn't discovered till it was too late.

Those people are kind of grateful that they get that treated and they can live a regular

life and as full as it can be.

Another common problem we see is claudication which is people have trouble walking, there's

blockages in the arteries and the blood vessels of their legs, they can hurt when they walk

so they can't get around the house, they can't walk to the mailbox, and can't go to the store,

and do those normal things.

There are procedures that we can do in the office that are outpatient procedures where

you can basically, limp in, but you can walk out feeling like a 100% better because the

results are that fast.

Vascular surgery particular it's kind of got high tech things, these endografts we

use for aneurysms, a lot of advantages techniques and a lot of office-based procedures, but

there's a lot of simple things in terms of, you can walk up the patient you can assess

them, you can make a good treatment plan and analysis, or assessment based on just talking

to them and examining them.

So combined you know kind of straightforward person to person interaction with a high-tech

scientific technology approach.

I enjoy what I do and it's rewarding, it's hard work you know that people are sick and

they have left of medical problems but you do see good results and you see people coming

getting good benefit stuff like that so, that's rewarding.

For more infomation >> Vascular Surgery - Wilmington NC - Dr. Charles Neuwirth - Duration: 2:42.


Piramide Con Decenas Sorteo Domingo 15 de Enero 2017 Loteria Nacional : Loteria 15 de Enero de 2017 - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Piramide Con Decenas Sorteo Domingo 15 de Enero 2017 Loteria Nacional : Loteria 15 de Enero de 2017 - Duration: 1:03.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Audi A5 Sportback 1.8 TFSI S-LINE !! INT.& EXTERIEUR S-LIN - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Sportback 1.8 TFSI S-LINE !! INT.& EXTERIEUR S-LIN - Duration: 1:24.


[CC SUB ESP] SEVENTEEN TV-Besos de los miembros a S.coups y Vernon - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> [CC SUB ESP] SEVENTEEN TV-Besos de los miembros a S.coups y Vernon - Duration: 5:05.


Mazda 6 2.0 S-VT Touring Sedan - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 2.0 S-VT Touring Sedan - Duration: 1:29.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive ( Dak, Navi, Camera ) - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive ( Dak, Navi, Camera ) - Duration: 1:42.


Viene mi cumpleaños Regálame una Suscripción tuya Puedes?? CON MIS GEMELOS - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Viene mi cumpleaños Regálame una Suscripción tuya Puedes?? CON MIS GEMELOS - Duration: 1:58.


Soy Luna - Kdo je Kdo? Agustín vs. Gastón | CZ Titulky - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna - Kdo je Kdo? Agustín vs. Gastón | CZ Titulky - Duration: 2:59.


Psycho - A Fallout 4 Machinima - Episode 10 - Duration: 6:56.

Where's the Storyteller?

What... are you talking about?

He seems to be missing.

Maybe we should ask our new weeabo friend if he's seem him.

Oh, ha ha.

Do you want grab some funions and watch Death Note later?

I don't know what that is.

Maybe we can argue about how awesome katanas are and get in a fight about Japanese history.

You've lost me.

Japanese is a surprisingly pervasive language out here.

Oh, why do you say that, round eye?

This is a temporary solution.

One night, and we go back to the way things were.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I couldn't hear you over the sound of YOUR VIRGINITY.

Uh huh. Here we got you something.

Hey what are you doing?

What did she do?

Upped your fuckability score a solid two points.

Especially if this turns out to be goth night.

Did you just give me guy-liner?

... maybe.

... do I look on fleek?



Hello again.

Myself, your super-sexy eyebot friend here, the freakishly

large sentient head statue, and our none-brotherhood compatriot here would like access to your


Hey assholes wait in line!

Let it go dude.

Yeah, fuck boy, let it go.

Dude, pump the brakes a little.

Sorry, makeup gets me fucking lit.


Right... so, can you let us in?



Aww come on dude, what's the problem here?

No fags aloud.


Okay fuck this.

Oh my god! Jesus fucking Christ!


Dude was a homophobe.

Look we dig the Superman shtick, but we can't around just evaporating everybody we have

a problem with!

They killed the bouncer!

That was consensual.

But my point stands, no one is going to want to talk to us if we just fucking melt everyone!

Seems to be working so far.

He does have a point.

How are you okay with this?

Well... he did seem to be a bigot.

How am I the one who feels insane right now?!

Right... well... this a group, therefore, we at least need to take a vote before you

broil the next mother fucker!

You can't kill the bouncer, lets get emm!

Can I blast him?


Okay that's one vote.

I vote we blast him.

We're not going to blast him, Ed.

So what's your plan here dude, the natives are getting restless.

There's only four of them!

Umm hey... listen everyone calm down.

You think we can just kill the bouncer to cut in line?!

Look, we're sorry we killed the bouncer.

No your not!

Okay... maybe we're not, but...

I mean, we killed the bouncer so that means... we're kind of the bouncer now?

What kind of sense does that make?!

... and as the bouncer... you are now... all

on the guest list?

Well... ... and each have two free drink tickets!

We want VIP wristbands too!

Umm... okay...?

What else you got!

What else... do you want?

We want to touch the head!


I think I just discovered my fetish.

We need... to find a lot of hand sanitizer.

That was amazing.

Can we focus on the task at hand now?

This particular outfit is making me somewhat... uncomfortable.

This... this is the thing making you uncomfortable.

I am not.

That's not true.

I wore something that was charcoal gray eight years ago.

You could try emoting.


I... did not know you could do that.

Okay lets find the bar.

Do you have any caps?

Who needs caps, you think I gave them all the drink tickets?

We're here on business but that doesn't mean can't get faced first.


Hey how you doing.

I do believe, you here, are looking for something?


What a satisfactory portion of enriching satirical narrative


I agree.

Almost as good as fist ****ing your favorite robot

compatriots for several hours after a computer duster binge.


There are few things as satisfactory as that experience.

However, one such experience is War Robots, a 6v6 multiplayer games.


Similar to a fisting party, you also can get together with your

friends and attempt to bludgeon them repeatedly in their sensitive

areas till they explode.

The similarities are uncanny.

You can even customize the load out of robots.

Big fists, small fists, rocket fists, fire fists.

All the accessories you could possibly need

until you run out of computer duster.

Use a diverse set of skills to customize your robot and really

stick it to them, where it hurts.

But always remember to ask for consent... or not.

It's a game about murdering innocent robots,

after all.

It is our place in life.

We have seen so much.

It is why we fist.

To forget.

Anyway 30,000,000 already play War Robots, and anyone who uses the

link below will receive 500 gold and 100,000 silver and three exclusive

weapons to start your own personal robot holocaust.


Won't that be fun.

Dear god, make it stop.

For more infomation >> Psycho - A Fallout 4 Machinima - Episode 10 - Duration: 6:56.


An Unbeatable Dodge Selection at Troiano Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Duration: 0:35.

At Troiano Chrysler Jeep Dodge, choose from our Dodge selection of new and certified pre-owned

vehicles like the sleek and sporty Dodge Charger, the versatile Dodge Dart, or the spacious

and powerful Dodge Durango.

Whether you're looking for a family friendly option like the Caravan, or want to upgrade

your ride with the Viper Coupe, we have a style and financing options to match your


Check out our site for more information!

For more infomation >> An Unbeatable Dodge Selection at Troiano Chrysler Jeep Dodge - Duration: 0:35.


Moana Sailing - Ep. 10 - Our first Passage - Duration: 17:00.


Can you tell me.....what is happening?

We have been eating out. Nice seafood.

It's Mads' cooking day so that equals eating out.

We were lucky enough to be dropped of next to the restaurant though.

Right next to the door....

And then they just had to park the dinghy.

What they forgot is that in England there's this little thing called: tide...

So that was a great succes!

Skipper is not quite satisfied with the dinghy parking.

Lucky that Mads didn't wear his favorite shoes.

Cause now he has to work...

That's a lot.

Are we motoring the hole way or what?

We certainly don't hope so, but we are ready!

We are ready for a lot of motoring!

We have been really unlucky with the winduntil now so....

So now we have prepared for a motor boat.

Let's start with the "No sail zone".

When the wind direction is between the two arrows...

That is between here and here...

Then it's like now where your sails are no good.

Super nice soundtrack to my life.

This is crazy!

What is going on?

The first night.....

And the first day is over.

We left Wednesday and it's Thursday morning now.

And it was really tough.


But... ehm....

We are ready..... Although the waves are still... high.

So now we're ready to get moving.

When I woke up.... ...and started my watch and....

Ehm....Then Skipper came out and we saw a couple of dolphines.

A group of six that played around the boat.

It was really awesome.

So we'll be high on that experience for a while.

And then we look forward to catch some fish and see some whales.

It's coming up!


WOW, it's big!

You have to swin along JB. We're still moving a bit.

Wow it feels good!

Hahaha. Is it refreshing?

Come on JB.

Are you doing a somersault or a back flip?


Wow it feels nice!

I don't think I could be happier at this moment.

We have just jumped in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time.

I'm on a high right now, and....

Just drying in the air. And Mikael made me an Irish Coffee.

And I'm on watch but we're on auto pilot so it's really nice.

The big circles are aprox. 24 hours of sailing.

And this is the weather right now.

And the dotted red line is the course.

This is by midnight.

Where the wind turns and begin to come from the north.

And then by 6 am tomorrow....

Then we will get it right in the ass....

Right in from behind.

Just as we like it.

And you can see the wind up here right by the marker.

6 m/s

For more infomation >> Moana Sailing - Ep. 10 - Our first Passage - Duration: 17:00.


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Hidden Infrared CCTV Cam

For more infomation >> Hidden Infrared CCTV Cam


Honda CR-V 1.6D Lifestyle ( Navi Full-Map, Trekhaak ) - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 1.6D Lifestyle ( Navi Full-Map, Trekhaak ) - Duration: 1:49.


Russian officers negotiate on the admission of repair crews to the water intake in Ayn Fiji. [CC] - Duration: 2:26.

This primitive cleaning stations come from all the surrounding villages. Water from highly polluted river such equipment to the quality of drinking is not exactly clear.

"The water that was coming from the mountain water intake to Damascus, was available to us. Now, let's see what did the militants. They sent all of it in the dirty river. From the inflow of groundwater and drinking water she, alas, does not become clearer, says Wahida, a resident of the village Dumar.

Moreover, upstream — an improvised wash. We've driven past drivers, washing machines upstream, past the bubbling threshold of the river with all sorts of debris and foam.

This bank of the river Barada. Nine settlements on the coast. Seven of them joined the armistice, and two for no. The militants, which controls Ayn Fiji blew up the water intake supplying drinking water to the capital of Syria Damascus.

In some areas of Damascus, the water is fed on schedule. The townspeople hurry to fill the tanks, installed on almost every roof. On the outskirts of the Syrian capital — pump station, where pipelines from several groundwater wells. Tanker trucks leave from here around the clock. Safety is ensured by the police.

"It's a matter of honor to deliver drinking water to those who because of the actions of the militants lost their lives. We guard the station, and accompanied cars on the road. And people appreciate it, very grateful," says Hussein, a police spokesman in Damascus.

Officers of the Russian centre for reconciliation working in the province of Damascus, leading complex negotiations with the militants blew up the water intake and controlling the surrounding villages. As soon as the agreement on their accession to peremirie is reached, repair crews can restore supply of drinking water to the capital of Syria.

Basilya meet in the quarter from the centre on payment for utilities. A quarter still serves regularly. Tells us why all the friends and neighbors all try not to delay with the payment."Pay the fine. After all the government is doing everything to restore the old peaceful life. We must help and share this responsibility. Got a receipt — pay!"

Many still come to built in haste to instantiam cleaning. Haidarab tells us that the lack of drinking water considers a temporary difficulty.

"Yes, the militants are not thinking about patients, not about small children. To deprive of drinking water in our environment is inhuman. We have a power that will fix everything. Us helps Russia. We will not break, and you'll see, soon the bandits will not be on our land," — said Haidarab, a resident of the village of Kadesia.

For more infomation >> Russian officers negotiate on the admission of repair crews to the water intake in Ayn Fiji. [CC] - Duration: 2:26.


Navigation and the Hjortspring boat | Bedtime Viking Stories👑 - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Navigation and the Hjortspring boat | Bedtime Viking Stories👑 - Duration: 0:44.


Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome? - Duration: 5:48.

Suffers from irritable bowel syndrome? now know the best natural remedies

to treat those suffering from this evil

The irritable bowel syndrome, is a gastrointestinal disorder caused by movement

irritable and irregular of the small intestines and thick. It can also be called

spastic colon and mucous colitis.

Some SII signals are cramps or pain stomach, constipation, bloating,

gas, mucous in the stool, nausea, sore head, depression and fatigue.

The reasons for irritable bowel syndrome are not known, but the nervousness,

frustration or anger can help. Drinking too much coffee and eating raw fruits, vegetables

cruciferous vegetables, or dairy products can make the problem worse.

Here are Some easy and natural treatments for those who suffer from IBS.

1. Yoghurt Yogurts that has "live cultures" can

help cure diarrhea caused by IBS. This is because the live cultures are

good bacteria that add a layer of protection of the intestine, and help produce

lactic acid to kill germs body.

Yogurt can be consumed neat or in a milk shake. Drink it a few times a day until

feel better.

You can also mix ½ teaspoon psyllium husk or Isabgol which can

It is found in drugstores, with a glass of yogurt. Eat it one hour after your lunch

and dinner every day to improve.

2. Flaxseed Flaxseed has dietary fiber, they help

the body eliminate waste quickly and no problem. Flaxseed is also rich in

omega-3 essential fatty acids, which They help the immune system and the system

digestive to remain strong. For these reasons, flaxseed is excellent for treatment

constipation and diarrhea.

Take a tablespoon of flaxseed soup freshly ground with water, once per day.

You can also place a teaspoon flaxseed in a cup of boiling water.

Let stand for five or ten minutes, and then drink this tea before going to

bed. Drink it every day to keep your stomach clean and gas free.

Another thing you can do is mix a tablespoon of flaxseed soup

in a glass of water and let stand for two or three hours. Drink water all

day before going to bed to regularize intestinal movement.

3. Ginger Since the ginger can reduce the gas

and swelling, it is used as a cure for SII. Furthermore, the ginger can decrease

swelling in the intestines and relax the muscles Intestinal.

Mix ½ teaspoon of fresh ginger grated, and a cup of hot water. let stand

for ten minutes, drain ginger, add honey and drink the tea.

You can drink ginger tea two or three times a day to relieve colic

and stomach pain.

4. Cabbage juice Cabbage juice is a great way to treat

constipation accompanying IBS. This It is because the raw cabbage juice has sulfur

and chlorine. These help to clean the membrane lining of the stomach and intestinal tract.

Because the cabbage juice functions as a laxative, regulates bowel movement

and keeps the body hydrated.

1. Wash a cool cabbage and cut into pieces small.

2. Place the pieces in a juicer or blender to make cabbage juice

fresh. 3. Drink half cup at a time, three or four

times per day. 4. Make sure to drink cabbage juice,

as soon as you start having constipation.

To prevent you from contracting the syndrome irritable bowel, you need to always

have a good diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Anything to avoid stress, as exercise or meditation, is a good way

to help with intestinal distress because it will keep your intestines working


Enjoy this video? If you liked the video, short, join the channel and share

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For more infomation >> Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome? - Duration: 5:48.


SEO | Search Engine Optimization - Duration: 11:19.

SEO | SearchEngine Optimization

SEO | SearchEngine Optimization

Learning Search Engine Optimization

SEO | Search Engine Optimization

SEO | SearchEngine Optimization

For more infomation >> SEO | Search Engine Optimization - Duration: 11:19.


Intervista di Attilio Cordaro a Radio In 102 - Duration: 17:22.

For more infomation >> Intervista di Attilio Cordaro a Radio In 102 - Duration: 17:22.



For more infomation >> Silence


Sleight Trailer

For more infomation >> Sleight Trailer


Psycho - A Fallout 4 Machinima - Episode 10 - Duration: 6:56.

Where's the Storyteller?

What... are you talking about?

He seems to be missing.

Maybe we should ask our new weeabo friend if he's seem him.

Oh, ha ha.

Do you want grab some funions and watch Death Note later?

I don't know what that is.

Maybe we can argue about how awesome katanas are and get in a fight about Japanese history.

You've lost me.

Japanese is a surprisingly pervasive language out here.

Oh, why do you say that, round eye?

This is a temporary solution.

One night, and we go back to the way things were.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I couldn't hear you over the sound of YOUR VIRGINITY.

Uh huh. Here we got you something.

Hey what are you doing?

What did she do?

Upped your fuckability score a solid two points.

Especially if this turns out to be goth night.

Did you just give me guy-liner?

... maybe.

... do I look on fleek?



Hello again.

Myself, your super-sexy eyebot friend here, the freakishly

large sentient head statue, and our none-brotherhood compatriot here would like access to your


Hey assholes wait in line!

Let it go dude.

Yeah, fuck boy, let it go.

Dude, pump the brakes a little.

Sorry, makeup gets me fucking lit.


Right... so, can you let us in?



Aww come on dude, what's the problem here?

No fags aloud.


Okay fuck this.

Oh my god! Jesus fucking Christ!


Dude was a homophobe.

Look we dig the Superman shtick, but we can't around just evaporating everybody we have

a problem with!

They killed the bouncer!

That was consensual.

But my point stands, no one is going to want to talk to us if we just fucking melt everyone!

Seems to be working so far.

He does have a point.

How are you okay with this?

Well... he did seem to be a bigot.

How am I the one who feels insane right now?!

Right... well... this a group, therefore, we at least need to take a vote before you

broil the next mother fucker!

You can't kill the bouncer, lets get emm!

Can I blast him?


Okay that's one vote.

I vote we blast him.

We're not going to blast him, Ed.

So what's your plan here dude, the natives are getting restless.

There's only four of them!

Umm hey... listen everyone calm down.

You think we can just kill the bouncer to cut in line?!

Look, we're sorry we killed the bouncer.

No your not!

Okay... maybe we're not, but...

I mean, we killed the bouncer so that means... we're kind of the bouncer now?

What kind of sense does that make?!

... and as the bouncer... you are now... all

on the guest list?

Well... ... and each have two free drink tickets!

We want VIP wristbands too!

Umm... okay...?

What else you got!

What else... do you want?

We want to touch the head!


I think I just discovered my fetish.

We need... to find a lot of hand sanitizer.

That was amazing.

Can we focus on the task at hand now?

This particular outfit is making me somewhat... uncomfortable.

This... this is the thing making you uncomfortable.

I am not.

That's not true.

I wore something that was charcoal gray eight years ago.

You could try emoting.


I... did not know you could do that.

Okay lets find the bar.

Do you have any caps?

Who needs caps, you think I gave them all the drink tickets?

We're here on business but that doesn't mean can't get faced first.


Hey how you doing.

I do believe, you here, are looking for something?


What a satisfactory portion of enriching satirical narrative


I agree.

Almost as good as fist ****ing your favorite robot

compatriots for several hours after a computer duster binge.


There are few things as satisfactory as that experience.

However, one such experience is War Robots, a 6v6 multiplayer games.


Similar to a fisting party, you also can get together with your

friends and attempt to bludgeon them repeatedly in their sensitive

areas till they explode.

The similarities are uncanny.

You can even customize the load out of robots.

Big fists, small fists, rocket fists, fire fists.

All the accessories you could possibly need

until you run out of computer duster.

Use a diverse set of skills to customize your robot and really

stick it to them, where it hurts.

But always remember to ask for consent... or not.

It's a game about murdering innocent robots,

after all.

It is our place in life.

We have seen so much.

It is why we fist.

To forget.

Anyway 30,000,000 already play War Robots, and anyone who uses the

link below will receive 500 gold and 100,000 silver and three exclusive

weapons to start your own personal robot holocaust.


Won't that be fun.

Dear god, make it stop.

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