Thursday, January 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 12 2017


Triplets: Boss!

BB: What?!

Triplets: Parents!


Dad: Aww, its like their having their own little meeting

BB: This is so humiliating


BB: I'm the Boss Tim: What the-?

BB: (Snoring) Power Nap!

You were saying?


BB: Lets get to work.


BB: Stacey read back the notes.

Stacey: I can't read, what's it say?



Tim: We could share!

BB: You obviously didn't go to business school.


For more infomation >> Boss Baby l Financial Literacy l Ad Council - Duration: 0:39.


Bossa Nova Acoustic Backing Track. Guitar Chords, Positions and Progression - Duration: 6:23.

Backing track slow Latin Bossa Nova Jazz style.

For electric, acoustic or classical guitar. Ideal to improvise solos.

You can also sing, or play different instruments on it.

You can improvise by using a scale of F# minor (A major). 5 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:20,000 More precisely, verse in B Dorian (B minor with major sixth G#).

Refrain in D Lydian (D Major with augmented fourth G#)

You can also practice the chords positions, which you see on the video.

Add it to your playlist, subscribe, share, to help me continue making these tracks.

Have fun!

For more infomation >> Bossa Nova Acoustic Backing Track. Guitar Chords, Positions and Progression - Duration: 6:23.


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego



For more infomation >> Silence


What Makes an Adaptation Good? - Duration: 11:31.

Back in June of 2015 when the Stardust Crusaders anime adaptation was ending, I was so excited

to see the fight between Jotaro and Dio reach its conclusion, that without reading the manga,

I did something many JoJo fans thought as of unthinkable.

I watched the 1993 OVA, so come the finale of the new anime, I couldn't help but subconsciously

compare the two, and in my opinion, despite its changes, the OVA did the concluding episodes

better, and after watching Diamond is Unbreakable and enjoying it quite a bit, I found myself

looking back on the previous season with a single thought.

"What makes an Adaptation Worth Watching and how faithful should it be?"

It's easy to assume that the closer to the source material an adaptation is, the better

a product you'll receive, but history has a different opinion with classic films such

as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Disney's Alice in Wonderland, while great

films in their own right, being less than fully faithful, especially in regards to other

films based off the same works.

While a key benefit for adapting long-running media is the chance to remove flaws in a narrative

by retconning inconsistencies, bringing back dropped plotlines, and foreshadowing later

events to help accentuate its more standout moments, if presentation is lacking, you're

bound to have an inferior product.

Adaptations aren't easy.

For every property exists both an author and a fanbase ready to be displeased at the slightest

of changes.

But making a good movie for the fans does not equate to a good movie.

The only way to make that transition thrive is to adapt, and for that, change becomes

a necessity.

However, external factors such as limited resources and creative interference from studios

or the original author can heavily impact how that process is handled.

The goal then is three-fold.

Keep the spirit of the original in a way that's serviceable to that format, but not so different

that you can't pull back and reference the source material when necessary, and present

said material as cleanly as possible.

This creates a delicate balance of knowing what to cut, alter, or leave alone.

The source material isn't perfect.

In their inception, faults and issues can easily come about due to tunnel vision, or

restrictive editors, especially in longer ongoing processes.

So a fresh pair of eyes can be beneficial in creating a better product, especially when

a creator finds themselves working in a medium previously unfamiliar to them.

No medium is created equal.

You may be dealt a similar hand, but each class has its own rules and since games, novels,

and comics aren't created with an eye for cinematography, it's sometimes necessary

to move away from the source material and reinterpret material for more compelling content.

To serve as example.

In video games the player is rarely a witness to events, but instead the participant.

You can throw dozens of enemies at them in a game like DOOM, and while it's satisfying

to fight and conquer, in a film that same feeling isn't going to come across nearly

as well.

Were a DOOM movie in first-person such as it were in the actual adaptation for a moment,

it wouldn't be more than a novelty and would grow tiresome over-time like in Hardcore Henry

while consistently damaging cinematography.

In actuality John Wick would be a better basis thanks to its brutal and up-close action,

yet simple and highly effective-storytelling.

While literal shot-for-shot interpretations of comics or older media can help make it

feel as though the source material is coming to life more effectively, it also robs the

viewer of a potentially better scene and can, at worst, feel more throwaway than vital.

These all sound like questionable tactics towards adaptations, but one's that have

proven quite successful in the right hands, even if it turns a few heads and creates a

few tonal changes.

Perhaps the best director to utilize these techniques is none other than Stanley Kubrick.

While most of his works are adaptations of novels two of his most famous films, The Shining

and 2001 A Space Odyssey, are often regarded as masterpieces and take full advantage of

his unique, and sometimes haunting, film-making style to push both films above and beyond

their novel counterparts.

After all, you can only convey so much through text, but in cinema, all it takes is an idea.

– Bone throwing scene- Film isn't just visual, it's audible as

well and that second factor alone can convey ideas more efficiently than any passage of

text or panel.

However, as a trade-off for lacking those two senses, books make the reader privy to

character's thoughts, more intimate aspects of their lives, and often state the intended

atmosphere in a scene so the reader has a better grasp of what's making their characters

tick, but with sound and motion picture, those ideas can happen all at once.

Naturally, it takes a lot of restraint from a director to know where and when to not use

sound, moving cameras, or visual trickery.

While they can be beneficial to making scenes easier to understand, silence can speak volumes

and add to the eeriness of more suspenseful moments.

This trait seems to be easily lost on newer media, where music, sound, and an ever-moving

camera often pervade every moment.

Overstimulating the viewer can make it harder for them to follow along and make the events

happening feel as their value only lies on the surface.

With the proper restraint and balance, you can completely change how the scene would

otherwise be read.

Of course, there's no such thing as a perfect adaptation, and somewhere down the line someone

is going to try and reinterpret the same material, but true success isn't determined by a book,

but a director.

Kubrick's methods where unorthodox to say the least, pushing his lead actors for the

Shining towards their mental breaking point for the perfect performance, but he wasn't

the only one to adapt the Shining and in 1997 a television miniseries totaling 6 hours in

length aired and was supervised by Stephen King who had expressed dissatisfaction with

Kubrick's film.

While both versions are well-regarded, only one remains ingrained in pop culture and for

good reason.

It's only natural for a work to be reiterated upon multiple times the longer it lives, but

sometimes the freshest takes are the most radically different.

Shakespeare's own work is no exception.

Lion King and Hamlet comparison's aside, Romeo + Juliet is an odd take on the classic

of similar name.

While the major shift here is the change towards a more modern era, beyond its surface, the

film is quite faithful, leaving dialogue largely intact with the same plot.

The result is a good film, but due to its overly safe nature, it feels less like a stand-out

adaptation and more like repetition.

A stark contrast to another modern-day take on Romeo and Juliet…

West Side Story is a musical set in the 1950s dealing with the story of two gangs in a war

and their two star-crossed lovers.

It finds itself less as an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet and more of a reinterpretation,

and to its benefit it helps add another layer to the story and its relevance thanks to the

unprivileged characters living in a time where the American Dream is still alive and thriving,

and racial discrimination is more openly prominent.

Story beats are carried over, but the changes made to the overall narrative keep in line

with the spirit of its source material so well that they often help at accentuating

the overall tone, especially at the end where instead of both Tony and Maria dying, only

Tony does, leaving Maria to live with the tragedy of his death, which comes off as feeling

more tragic than both meeting the same fate.

Having 2 adaptations of the same material doesn't take anything away from the original

and at worst it can even reaffirm what makes the other so great by comparison.

When it comes to JoJo, Stardust Crusaders found itself with not only a full 48 episode

anime, but a previous 13 episode OVA.

While the latter cuts out a majority of stand battles, Akira creator and director Katsuhiro

Otomo along with Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers director Satoshi Kon, despite only working

on less than a handful of episodes were a major hand in shaping how the OVA treated

its source material, and neither were new to adapting manga and novels to moving picture.

Scenes were wildly reinterpreted to convey similar ideas in shorter passages of time,

while often cutting out great deals of narration and character exposition in exchange for adding

smaller details, extra scenes, and leaving select moments lingering to grant more weight

to characters, their actions, and consequences.

Oddly enough the D'Arby and Dio episodes, while not directed by either, carry their

influence in great ways and are often regarded as handling the material more efficiently

than their 2014 anime counterpart.

The Jojo spirit is certainly still there, even if it's painted in a more serious tone.

These changes, while drastic, serve a key cause to mitigate the differences in pacing

and consumption rate across each form of media.

Books and television are often consumed in chapters and episodes that later form a full

image, while film is consumed as a single whole.

The pacing however differs greatly with manga occurring on a panel-by-panel basis, which

clashes with the scene-by-scene pacing of film and television.

This often leads towards screenwriters and directors, especially those adapting their

own works toward motion pictures, cutting out a great deal of content, while altering

certain characters to make sure it flows as smoothly as possible.

What sets the Shining, JoJo OVA, and others above being a simple adaptation is they're

not trying to be book adaptations that reiterate, but something greater that takes advantage

of shifting mediums, and we've seen the results of them being put in less capable


They might be a good watch, but they're certainly no classics.

Kubrick, Kon, and even Otomo knew their sources, no matter how beloved, were merely books and

not a holy source for which to fully derive their works, even if they wrote them themselves.

While there are certainly moments in the original material that are interesting ideas, trying

to force their inclusion for the fans can result in jarring and out of place moments

that can radically damage the adaptation's pacing and pull the viewer out of the experience,

and that's rarely something a director will ever want to do unless it's put towards

enhancing said experience.

It takes a fine hand to know what to keep and what to change to maintain the soul of

the original, and sometimes the only way to do that is to disassociate yourself from the


Fail to do so, and you can end up with a less than stellar product, and alienate not just

fans, but viewers in general.

There may never be a perfect 1-to-1 adaptation, and that is a reality that only becomes clearer

the more a material is reiterated upon, but that doesn't mean you can't get a great

experience, especially if it's one damn fine companion piece.

Hey, everybody, thank you so much for watching!

Sorry I haven't been doing end-speeches lately, but they're back!

I had a lot of help with this video thanks to Kawlun and Matt, so show them some love,

links to their channels in the description.

If you enjoyed the video, you know the drill, tell me your thoughts in the comments!

I made the Patreon page monthly again, so please check it out if you want to support

the channel.

The channel's dipped in views lately so I want to help build it back up so any effort

put towards spreading the video around would be greatly appreciated and I can't thank

you enough if you do.

I hope you had a wonderful time, check out some other videos if you missed them, and

much love.

For more infomation >> What Makes an Adaptation Good? - Duration: 11:31.


BREAKING SEQUENCE - [ ATHOPS Demo] Part 4 - Duration: 25:07.

I'm surprised Radax's side didn't destroy or occupy Silverdale during their first visit.

Maybe the soldier's we talked to drove them away offscreen.

Why did they poison and imprison the king rather than killing him?

Maybe they want to keep us busy trying to free and cure the king

while their plans continue unhindered.

He looks like a human version of Ganondorf.

These villains have a tendency to make their mooks try to finish us off,

even when they're far more capable than the mooks.

The ogre is still on fire for some reason.

Apparently, these 4 aren't supposed to show up yet.

This bug was patched sometime after I made this video.

But I'll include this battle just for fun.

100 HP healing? Clearly, the white mage should be paralyzed and eliminated first.

Saved in a different slot

At this point, the game crashes due to missing maps from the full version.

For more infomation >> BREAKING SEQUENCE - [ ATHOPS Demo] Part 4 - Duration: 25:07.


Seat Leon 1.4 AIRCO,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR. - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.4 AIRCO,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR. - Duration: 1:29.


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


Get more Views and Subscrib...

For more infomation >> Get more Views and Subscrib...


Ready For Anything | Walmart Canada - Duration: 0:31.

What's Walmart Doing For You?

Well, we're always working to save you money,

so we've lowered prices on hundreds more items storewide.

Like Activia yogurt. Now one dollar lower.

We've also lowered prices on Tide liquid,…

…Oatmeal Crisp Cereal, Viva Vantage towels, and Lays Chips.

So you can stock up and be ready for anything.

Well, almost anything.

Enjoy new lower prices that are here to stay.

Walmart. Save Money. Live Better.

For more infomation >> Ready For Anything | Walmart Canada - Duration: 0:31.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 - Ep.94 [ENG/2017.01.13] - Duration: 47:50.

(The hot place for designs)

(Korea's landmark DDP)

(Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Jung-gu, Seoul)

(94th class at the foreigner school)

This is My Neighbor, Charles

where we meet foreigners living in Korea.


- Hello. / - Hello.

Listen, in a few days, it will be Christmas.

Do you have plans?

I'm planning on making a single foreigner's group.

I'm planning to spend Christmas with

foreigners who will be alone.

- That's nice. / - Because we're lonely.

The guest we are inviting for our Christmas Special

doesn't have a girlfriend or a family,

but his heart is filled with love.

Who do you think it is?

I'll give you a hint, "The Priests."

- What? / - "The Priests?"

Gang Dongwon!

- Gang Dongwon. / - Will it really be Gang Dongwon?

He's not married.

Yes. Let's invite today's guest.

Please come in.

- Please come in. / - Please come in.


- Welcome. / - Welcome.

It's nice to meet you.

I think this is the first time

we've invited a Catholic priest on to our show.

He's a Catholic priest.

I'm Father Kim Hajong.

Kim Hajong? Isn't that a Korean name?

- You look European. / - I'm a Korean person.

Can't you tell?

I was born in Italy but I became a naturalized Korean.

- Sayuri. / - Yes?

Confess all the sins you've made for the last 26 years.

- This is your chance. / - There's too many to say.

I can't confess everything in one go.

- I have sinned too much. / - Too much?

I have a lot of time.

Was there a reason you came all the way

from Italy to Korea?

I liked Korea.

You came because you liked Korea.

When I was in college, I studied Eastern Philosophy.

I was interested in the subject.

As I studied Eastern Philosophy,

I got to learn about churches in Korea.

Among the many Korean priests,

I learned about Andrew Kim Taegon.

He was the first Korean priest.

I fell in love and came to Korea.

When you first came to Korea,

you didn't speak fluent Korean, right?

No, I came here in 1992.

I went to Seongnam in Gyeonggi-do.

And I've been at the same place

doing the same volunteer work.

What kind of volunteer work do you do?

I manage Anna's House.

We do volunteer work for the homeless.

It's a center for the homeless.

We make dinner for the homeless every day.

We feed 500 people every day.

- We feed around 500 people. / - 500 people?

Do you make enough for 500 people?


We make enough for 500 people.

We not only feed them, but we provide a shower room,

and also give them clothes as well as haircuts.

Father Hajong looks after even the smallest details

for other people.

He's been helping the needy in Korea

get through hard times for 24 years.

He is a great and holy man.

Let's take a look at his life in Korea.

(My Neighbor, Charles)

(Hug, share and rely on)

(Anna's House, Seongnam)

Father Hajong, what are you doing?

I'm starting my work.

- Where are you going? / - I'm off to make meals.

As soon as he gets to work, he puts on an apron

and heads into the kitchen.

His cutting skill is amazing.

(Expert cutter)

Father, how are you so good with a knife?

This is my job. I've been doing this for over 20 years.

It's been 24 years.

Most people couldn't even compete with you.

I can't cut like that.

When he starts cutting, I go somewhere else.

I go and do something else. I don't work with him.

You will get compared.

The kitchen can run so busily thanks to

these more than 20 volunteers who come in every day.

(Anna's House is run with the help and love)

(He's counting the number of rice sacks)

Is that all rice?

How many days will this last you?

This is enough for slightly over a day.

The amount of rice that gets consumed a day is a lot.

We eat a lot. My family eats a lot.

(He has cooked rice himself for the last 24 years)

He has washed and cooked rice himself every day

for the last 24 years.

We put three basketful of rice into here.

There's so much rice that it must be difficult to

get the water level right.

We fill the water up to here.

- Do you fill it up to there? / - Up to there.

If you want a delicious meal, please come.

I'll cook it for you.

It's incredibly tasty.

Today's menu is cabbage bean paste soup

and stir-fried spicy pork.

(Stir-fried spicy pork)

That looks tasty. That's a lot too, right?

Come and eat.

The dinner is ready.

As soon as the clock strikes 4:30 p.m...

(Why are they setting up a line?)

Anna's House has started to get busy.

The Father looks nervous as well.

(Hundreds of homeless people have lined up)

It's because of these people lining up for hours.

Hello, everyone.



Please come in.

The Father goes out and greets them warmly.

(Around 550 homeless and senior citizens come)

Over 550 homeless and senior citizens living alone

come to Anna's House every day.

We've been volunteering with our physical bodies,

now we're going to do it with our hearts.

Let's try and give back with a loving heart.

Please greet the people coming up to you warmly.

Please greet each and every person well.

Please wash the dishes with love.

With love, you will feel that the task is easy and fun.

Thank you very much.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Before dinner, he helps servers prepare their minds.

- Hello. / - Hello.

- I love you all. / - I love you all.

I think this line has a lot of love

but I don't think this line has a lot of love.

We only have a little love.

Don't worry about the cameras.

They will mostly film me and the volunteer workers.

They won't film you because all of you are ugly.

Because you're ugly.

(Relaxing those who might feel uncomfortable)

- Please enjoy the food. / - Thank you.

Three at a time, please.

Three at a time. Please enjoy the meal.

- Thank you for the food. / - Please enjoy.


They run a soup kitchen from

4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day.

(Abundant portions)

- Enjoy the meal. / - Please give me a little more.

For these people,

this is the only meal they will get today.

Father Hajong knows this better than anyone.

So he looks around while they're eating

to make sure no one is having any difficulties.

Shall I give you this one?

This isn't all.

They also hand out snacks for them on their way out.

The food is better than most restaurants. I'm not lying.

I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Everyone who eats here thinks that.

They feel like they'll get fat. It's true.

Worried that there might not be enough plates,

he does the dishes as well.

Father, why aren't you eating?

I've already eaten.

- I ate a lot. / - You didn't eat.

- We didn't see you eat. / - You didn't, right?

I ate when you weren't looking.

What did you eat?

I ate something delicious.

I ate rice, kimchi, meat and lettuce.

You're lying.

He's busy helping others that he skipped his meal.

What are you going to do now?

Since he even accepts people who comes late,

he does the cleaning himself as

he's worried that the staff will go home late.

Please enjoy the meal.

He works without taking breaks.

Please come back tomorrow.

Where are you going now?

- I'm going to Seoul. / - Where in Seoul?

City Hall.

Are there a lot of people there?

There are about 30 people.

Stay safe. Come back tomorrow.

Today's work is done.

The volunteers leave with a light heart as well.

Thank you for your hard work.

Father, it's time for you to go home and rest.

I'm off to work.

Are you going to work again...

- When you just finished here? / - Yes.

I'm going to AGIT.

Father Hajong opens the car door in a strange way.

- Father Hajong, is the door broken? / - No.

Why did you open it like that?

I don't know. Someone must have locked this.

The door must be broken.

Where are you going at this hour, Father Hajong?

Is this where he works?

- Hello! / - Hello! How's the popcorn?

He must be close to the kids.

(Father Hajong casually high-fives the kids)

- Hello! / - Hello!


- Hi! / - Long time no see.

It's a mobile youth counseling center that

he has been operating for the past two years.

He finally eats cup noodles for dinner.

- I ran away from home. / - You did?

- Where do you sleep? / - At a friend's house.

- At a friend's house? / - Yes.

Did you sleep outside again?

I sleep at a friend's house, if not,

I just wander around outside and play.

All night? Doesn't it get cold these days?

It gets warmer as I play outside.

You don't have a good relationship with your dad?


- He drinks a lot. / - He drinks a lot?

When are you going to go back home?

I don't want to yet.

It's unfortunate. You should be careful.

It could get dangerous. Don't get hurt.

You can come to AGIT any time.

There's much he would like to say,

but he listens to the kids first.

Kids don't like to hear, "no" and "don't do that."

They hear it at home all the time

so they don't want to hear it here, too.

I feel better when I talk with Father Hajong.

I've seen him many times.

As you can see, he's very understanding.

If I have a problem or an issue, I come here

and I always talk to him about it.

- Take care, Father. / - Bye! See you next week.


After midnight, Father Hajong finally comes home.

(Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Gangnam)

As soon as he comes home,

he goes to the basement chapel.

After a long day, he sends his last prayer of the day.

(The next day)

(The house of three men)

It's early, before sunrise.

Father Hajong is already up.

My wife ran away, so I have to do all this by myself.

It seems like you wear the same clothes every day.


Why do you always wear that?

Because I like it.

Father Hajong has been living

a simple and frugal life for a long time.

Is there someone else in the house?


(Friar Kim Okgi has been living here for two weeks)

(He's always a bit awkward and wants to be a host)

- Are you ready to start the day? / - Yes.

What do you do to prepare in the morning?

In the morning...

Oh, no...

There's nothing to prepare.

What were you doing?

I was combing my hair.

You were combing your hair?

Yes, I'm done.

What else can I say?

I don't know what else to say.

I'm too embarrassed, sorry.

I studied theology in Italy for three years.

Are you wearing something?


There's a camera.


(Father Hong Jangwon has been here for a year)

I'm ready now.

- Is that your priest's robe? / - Yes.

I have to conduct Mass today.

I don't often wear my priest's robe.

But I wear it when I conduct Mass.

(Roman collar)

Father Hajong conducts Mass on

Tuesdays and Fridays.

I conduct Mass on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

On other days, we conduct Mass in other churches.

(Father Hajong goes to conduct Mass)

- Good morning. / - Good morning.

Did you rest well?

Everyone has gone to Mass, but Okgi is still here.

What are you doing?

I'm cutting the candle. I forgot to do it.

Do you always cut the candles?

No, this is my first time today.

Friar Okgi always gives unexpected responses.

At the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, they

live according to simple and egalitarian principles.

(Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate)

They conduct morning Mass with the neighbors.

Before the Mass, the two priests

greet the congregation in their robes.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.

- Amen. / - Amen.

(They've known each other for over 10 years now)

The neighbors have become as close as family.

They even do volunteer works together now.

It's a house of three men, but the house is very clean.

(The three men are preparing for breakfast)

We have many Italian priests,

who come at the beginning of the year,

so we have to have this.

This is Italian coffee.

(Coffee is made from the pressure of the steam)

It's coffee made from steam.

Let's take a look at their breakfast table.

(A simple, yet healthy breakfast)

It's simple, but it looks very healthy.

Our monastery was established 200 years ago.

the Missionary Oblates came to Korea 25 years ago.

It's the 200th anniversary of establishment.

Do you know Bishop Myriel who saves Jean Valjean

in the movie "Les Miserables?"

Victor Hugo saw our founding Father and

and wrote him into his novel as Bishop Myriel.

Let's eat!

It's the 200th year?

In the name of the Father, of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Everyone, enjoy your breakfast.

Thank you for the meal.

(They drink coffee in their special anniversary mug)

Do you know Father Hajong's Italian name?

It's Hajong Kim.

- You have an Italian name. / - It's Hajong Kim.

- It's not like you were born here. / - Hajong Kim.

- Tell us your Italian name. / - Forget it.

What's your Italian name?

- Vincenzo. / - It's Vincenzo.

You should try to be more natural.

I naturally have to go to work.

Be natural.

- By yourself / - He'll have to speak to be more natural.

No, no.

He's going to be asked to speak.

You just need to answer the questions.

You're trying to control him too much.

He was trying to answer, but you tell him to answer.

If the director asks questions...

It's not like he's in court.

He's like a director.

Friar Kim, you're the one who needs to be natural.

Father, Catalina tells me

your parents were wealthy farmers.

They had a lot of land and a lot of animals.

There weren't any animals.

He's the son of wealthy parents.

He gave it all up and came here.

After his ordination in Italy,

he came to Korea in 1990.

To help the poor and isolated,

he started volunteering in the poor area of Seongnam

and has been continuing his work for 26 years.

This mini-van has been a long-time companion

of Father Hajong.

(A mini-van filled with love)

It's the best.

It can load a lot of things, it parks well.

I don't have to pay a lot of taxes.

He says this is his third mini-van.

Can you see why I need to drive a mini-van?

Big cars can't enter these alleys.

He's right.

(Where is he taking a box full of snacks?)

His steps are light as a feather.

This is a shelter that he runs

for kids who ran away from home.



- Hello. / - Thank you.

Thank you.


We have cameras here. You should do your hair.

Let's go.

I'm going to treat him to black bean noodles

because he's been studying so well.

He works really hard

so he gets to go on dates with the teacher often.

- Is that so? / - Handsome guy.

You worked hard.

- Thank you for your hard work. / - Thank you.

Every morning, before going to Anna's House,

he goes to four shelters to meet kids.

I love you.

There's a reason why he visits every day

even for a short time.

It's to give a sense of stability to the kids.

"You are a part of Anna's House's family."

"You can always lean on me for help."

They can see me and meet any time.

I wanted to impart that sense of stability.

Father, why are you stopping by a tire shop?

Can you fix it like this?

Can you put this part on here?

It's been punctured here.

He's the first person to enter our program.

- Seonghun. You should say hello. / - Hello.


He doesn't listen to me sometimes.

He does things his own way.

There are times when you don't listen to me.

I'll take the kids out.

Seonghun had grown up without parents and

he first met Father Hajong at the runaway youth shelter.

He's been relying on him like a father since then.

Has he ever told you off?

I got told off a lot when I was young.

- These days as well. / - I don't know about that.

When you spend money on things you don't need.

(Trying to ignore)

They are waiting for me. They are barking.

They heard my voice.

This is Seonghun's home.

Hello. Hello.

It's nice to see you again. Let's go.

You are so happy! Okay.

Let's go up.

They must've been waiting for him because of this.

Goodness. I'm sorry.

Sit down.

You guys are so pretty.

Seonghun is like my son.

And they are Seonghun's children

so they are my grandchildren.

My grandchildren.

He was worried that Seonghun might get lonely,

so he suggested him to adopt these dogs.

Since they live in the basement,

they don't get a lot of sunlight.

So I come here almost every day,

and leave them here for 1 to 2 hours a day.

Seonghun will take them back inside later.

I need to go eat as well. See you later.

They shouldn't stay there for too long.

Ruby, Momo, bye!

(Good-bye, grandfather)

(Later that day)

The kitchen staff have a meeting today.

The lettuce have been pickled and sent.

Did you put in a lot of meat yesterday?

- Yes, we did. / - Please put in a lot.

There's more meat than kimchi in the food.

I think it'd be good to put 30kg of meat

with three trays of tofu.

They will like it more if we put in 80kg of meat.

You always say to put more meat in.


- He always says meat all the time. / - It's fine.

He probably wants to give a hearty meal

to all the people who come to Anna's House.

Ice. Because of hygiene, we have to throw it out.

In Anna's House,

there's not a single job that the Father doesn't do.

Father, you should have a proper meal

instead of a piece of bread.

It's too late.

It's too late.

Don't you have time to eat?

I do. I have a lot of time to eat.

It's just a bit late today.

Why are you eating bread?

There's only bread.

There's nothing else to eat.

That's okay.

Friar Okgi is here as well.

- You are going to be on TV. / - Yes, I know.

This is the show, My Neighbor, Charles.


(They don't care about the camera)

You can film when Father Hajong comes back down.

Yes. Thank you very much.

You have to look into the camera.

No, you don't have to.

- Where are you from? / - I'm from India.

- Where in India? / - I'm from the North of India.

He's like the producer. He's become a producer.

(Friar Okgi's interview continues)

He's really good.

I think you're going to get fired.

He's very good.

(Wasn't that natural?)

They are busy preparing the chili peppers.

- You do the AGIT counseling at night, right? / - Yes.

You must be really tired.

You have to think about your health.

Yes, I agree with you.

- What's the second most important thing? / - Money.

- What's after that? / - Friends.

When people ask what I need,

the first thing I say is love.

The second thing is prayer.

When you have love, you become healthy.

You're mentally healthy.

When you pray more, Jesus will help you

and you will be healthier.

But most people wouldn't agree with you.

- You already said it. / - What?

The most important thing for you was health,

and then money and friends.

But for Father Hajong...

Friar Okgi is so mischievous.

It's 4:30 p.m.

- Hello. / - Hello.



Please come in slowly.

Father Hajong's greeting is filled with energy.

It's time for dinner at Anna's House.

The meals enough for 550 people have been

prepared with love by the Father and volunteers.

(We have three empty seats)

- Please enjoy your meal, ma'am. / - Thank you.

The Father becomes full with love

as he takes care of people.

(The Father takes care of each and every one)

(Anna's House's contract expiration)

(A serious mood inside the meeting room)

It feels like something has happened.

I think you should consider selling the building.

Maybe later. We can't do that now.

- We have to protect this. / - Okay.

When we receive $200,000 next year, it will be helpful.

What is going on?

(What is going on?)

Louis, the meeting is over.

Good job, Louis.

You were very patient.

We're done with the meeting.

Anna's House has been at

the current location for 20 years.

Our contract will end the year after next

so I'm worried.

We are causing a lot of harm to

the people around the church.

I don't know where and how we should move.

A lot of people are helping me out,

so I do feel a little more relieved.

However, since nothing is set in stone, I worry.

I have hope but still...

For the people on the streets, Anna's House is

more than just a place for a hearty meal.

Father Hajong is alone in the office late at night.

He's emailing many organizations and associations

to ask for aid for Anna's House.

I need to write up the budget for Anna's House.

At the beginning of a year, we get

40% of the funding from the government,

but I have to make up the other 60%.

But that's uncertain, so I'm always anxious.

There was a time when he was worried every day.

Once, we actually ran out of rice.

One of the chefs said, "Father, we ran out of rice."

I said, "Well, order more."

"Father, we don't have any more money."

"Since we always get the rice from the same place,

just explain our situation to the owner.

Ask him to send us the rice and

tell him we'll pay him later."

"Okay, I understand."

As soon as I finished this conversation,

a truck appeared in front of our building.

It was loaded with rice.

I asked the driver who sent us the rice.

He didn't know.

There have been many incidents like that.

We could run Anna's House

thanks to Jesus Christ's help.

Since I'm a foreigner,

I don't have a lot of people that I know.

I don't have a lot of connections.

But still, it's been 24 years and

we've never had a day that we didn't have enough.

It's a miracle.

Anna's House may have been able to survive

for 18 years thanks to that miracle.

Before he leaves, Father Hajong always

stops by the third floor of the building.

(Don't come in)


Please have a good rest. I'll see you tomorrow.

This floor is a place for the homeless

to rest and get back up again.

Anna's House not only provides food and shelter,

but they also give a lot of help.

(What we didn't know about Father Hajong)


How are you?

How are you? Is everyone well?

How is Amanda doing?

Yes, they are all doing well.

(He's video calling his mom in Italy)

He talks with his mom in Italy once a week.


I love you. Take care.

He's worried about his mom who is alone in Italy.

He feels sad that he can't be next to her.

Have you ever thought of going back as it's tough?

Yes, I have. Many times.

I did have thoughts of going back many times.

Of course. A lot.

Why didn't you go back?

In the end, this thought kept popping up.

I got myself together and thought, "This is my life."

The reason why he couldn't leave was

because he could see that there were

many people who needed his help.


He's preparing for the sermon that he has to give.

Your studying seems to be a little unique.

I'm rewriting the words.

When the word continues on to the following line,

it's hard for me to read.

I have dyslexia.

It's very hard for people with dyslexia

to read, write and memorize things.

I had a hard time at school because of dyslexia.

I couldn't memorize things.

I couldn't memorize things,

so I had to come up with another way of studying.

As you can see here, there are different colors.

The colors have meaning for me.

The red is very important words.

Green comes next.

Rather than words, for me, they are images.

You have to connect the broken up words like this.

I did have an inferiority complex.

So, little by little

when I see people who are struggling,

I can feel it. Even without asking, I know.

Thanks to my dyslexia, I could become who I am now.

Since I went through a hard time,

I can live a life like this.

He also created a dyslexia association in Korea.

(Where is Father Hajong going at such a late hour?)

A food truck is here today.

- Hello. Hello, everybody. / - Hello.

- Hello, everybody. Hi. / - Hello.

The Father is here to provide kids with a hot meal.

We put love in the food instead of salt.

- Love instead of salt? / - I'm not joking.

There's a lot of meat as well.

Thanks to the delicious smell, the tent became full.

The food today is really good.

Didn't we meet last week?

Yes, we did. We have bulgogi.

I think we ate sliced potatoes.

Wow! That's cool.

Have you heard of AGIT?

- Yes, I have. / - It's where you go to eat.

Let's go eat.

- We ate. / - We'll come and eat next week.

Okay, come next Friday.

The Father wants to help as many kids as he can.

The kids are protected by the adults' concerns.

What did you eat for dinner?

- I ate at Anna's House. / - We didn't see you eat.

- Did you eat afterwards? / - I ate afterwards.

Long ago, it wasn't that long ago actually,

Father Hajong didn't even tell us to go eat.

So, I didn't know

when and where we should eat.

In the end, I missed the missed the time.

And after I finished work,

- I asked where we eat. / - It's tough love.

After that, I just eat without asking.

Goodness. Get out. Walk back.

(That evening)

We'll just have cheese to go with the beer.

The three of them have gathered in a long time.

The Father's mom in Italy sent us this.

This is the most luxurious food in the house.

I want to try it.

Thank you for your hard work.

One child has four younger siblings.

His dream is to become a soccer player.

But he said he couldn't do it.

- His siblings. / - He has to take care of them.

Don't they live with their parents?

They do have parents.

It's hard to raise kids these days

just with the parents' earnings.

He thinks that he needs to earn money

as an older sibling.

In that area, all the parents work.

Even when they're home, they can't stop

thinking about the kids.

(A few days later)



How are you?

Was it easy to find?

Yes. My house is very close. I live in Bangi-dong.

It's Alberto.

I brought something

Thank you very much.

Alberto is from Italy too, right?

Alberto has come carrying a bag of winter clothes.

How did the two of you meet?

I had to attend an event last month, and I met him there.

Tell them the whole story.

- He received an award. / - I received a medal.

What kind of medal?

The Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

I'm a knight. I've been knighted.

I talked to him there.

I asked him if he needed any spare clothes.

He told me he needed them. So, I brought them.

He promised to come visit Anna's House

with his family next time.

Good-bye. Thank you.


On the first day of snow,

Anna's House has prepared something special.

It's a hearty bowl of spicy meat stew.

Come in slowly. Slowly.

Even though it's snowing, Anna's House is full.

(Father Hajong and Friar Okgi are very busy)

A vest.

Is today the day you give out clothes?

Because it's snowing and the weather is cold.

We give out clothes every Wednesday.

He gets the clothes ready, worried about

how they will cope in the cold weather.

(Youth shelter, Seongnam)

- Hello. / - Hello.

It's Jaeho.

Hello, Jaeho.


There are very young children like Jaeho

in the youth shelter.

Jaeho, would you like some snacks?

Jaeho, give this to him.

No, not him. Give it to him.

Give one to Sia as well.

- I already have one. / - You're a good boy.

What's this?

Okay, Jaeho.

This is a squid.

It's a squid.

No, say squid.

Father Hajong is worried about Jaeho

as he still can't speak.

Jaeho, what part of you is pretty?

Are your eyes pretty?

- Where is a pretty part? / - That part is pretty.

Where is the Father?

Jaeho's only family, his dad, also has a lot of pain.

Jaeho's father was abandoned when he was young.

He lived in orphanages, and youth shelters.

He went to many places.

If we don't receive love when we're young,

then we don't know how to love.

When you are physically abused, you pass that on.

I saw this many times. It's very unfortunate.

We need to cut off these links.


We need to make Jaeho a righteous person.

I'm sure Jaeho will receive miraculous love.

(Maybe the Father's love makes miracles happen)

We pray that it'll be a happy Christmas for everyone.

(Like the carol song filling the youth shelter)

(My Neighbor, Charles)

After seeing you on film, I think

I'd be completely exhausted even after a week.

He's been doing this for 24 years.

He's amazing.

You're 60 this year.

You've been in Korea 26 years now, right?

You were in your 30s when you came to Korea, right?


I was 33 years old.

You must have suffered a lot in Korea.

At that time, I came here to

try and help the homeless.

People looked at me strangely.

"You're a foreigner. Why are you doing this?"

"Go and do this kind of work in your own country."

There were many incidents like that.

At first, I felt a lot of discrimination.

And it was difficult financially as well.

We have two people here with us

who know everything about Father Hajong.

Welcome Father Jangwon and Friar Okgi.

We have these two with us today.

- It's nice to meet you. / - It's nice to meet you.

What does friar mean?

It's similar to what Fathers do,

we share God's love and message with everyone.

You can think of him as a male nun.

We saw that you follow the Father around everywhere.

You do everything he asks.

Isn't that tiring?

To be honest, it is a little exhausting.

But Father Hajong is always working hard.

He works hard every second.

- We can't keep up. / - You can't keep up.

I know that you've done good work for a long time.

But didn't you ever want to have a girlfriend?

Or did you ever like a girl?

Of course I did.

- What do you do in those cases? / - What do you do?

My love for Jesus Christ is larger than my love for her.

Even with married people,

the husband could be attracted to another woman,

but as long as he loves his wife,

he can overcome that moment.

He can live a happy life. That's normal.

The most heart-warming and memorable scene for me

was when the Father went out

and shouted, "I love you. Welcome."

For those people,

I think it would've been a while since

they heard someone tell them that.


I think it would've been very moving to hear.

People who come to Anna's House

are not people to be pitied.

They are all people like me.

Life turned out strangely,

that's why they became homeless.

However, they can get back up

and resume a normal life.

To be honest, there are many people

who got back up and restarted their lives.

A kind word is very important.

It can change someone's life.

These three are always worried about other people.

I'm sure Father Hajong has worries, too.

Let's take a look at what is the hardest part for you.

(The contract has expired so we have to leave)


They have to leave Anna's House.

We've been there for 20 years now.

We have to leave when it's 2018.

We are planning to leave.

Korea has changed a lot in the last 20 years.

I'm sure it will cost a lot.

What are you going to do?

I'm not sure what will happen either.

It's not something that I can decide by myself.

Our staff and a lot of people are

helping us find a solution to this.

I think we'll be able get good results.

I'm actually surprised that Anna's House

can run every day.

You feed almost 550 people a day.

He's amazing.

Exactly how is Anna's House managed?

Since we need a lot of money to run the place.

I worry about this as soon I wake up.

"How can I get more funds?"

To run Anna's House,

we need at least $6,000 a day.

- A day? / - That's how much you need a day?

I think Father Hajong is from a noble family in Italy.

He probably has a castle and a vineyard.

That's where he gets the money to run this.

That's not true.

Then how is it possible?

There are a lot of great people in Korea.

Thanks to them, we can run Anna's House.

Just a few days ago, this young couple

came in carrying a child.

"Father, it's our son's 1st birthday in a few days.

Rather than having a birthday party,

we'd like to spend the money to help feed the needy."

They made a sacrifice and gave me the money.

There are many people like that.

When you watch the news,

you hear a lot of things that make you angry and sad.

There are actually a lot of good people out there

making everything work.

While I was at Anna's House,

I saw a lot of good deeds

and I also saw a lot of miracles.

All the homeless in Seongnam

knows Father Hajong now.

That's how famous he is.

Wasn't it hard to get close with them at the start?

I remember that one day,

I had finished preparing the meal

and this bad person, a thug, he was very tall and big.

He came and said, "I'm going to do this my way."

The situation got very dangerous.

He grabbed me and he was about to hit me.

I shouted, "Help me. Help me."

- But no one came to my aid. / - They were afraid.

They were too scared.

I gave them food

but no one came to my aid.

I was so disappointed.

What happened next?

I told the staff to do as they wish and came back home.

I walked out with tears on my face.

The work was hard and I was so disappointed.

I closed up that day.

But I opened Anna's House the next day.

I had to do it for Anna's House.

Even though I was sad, I kept trying and trying.

Did you pray a lot that day?

Yes. I prayed a lot asking for Jesus Christ's help.

You were disappointed

but you were willing to continue to work.

The people who come are not homeless people.

They are my brothers and sisters.

They are my family.

When I go to Anna's House, I don't go there to work,

I go there to meet my family.

You are working to feed the homeless.

You're also running a youth shelter as well.

When you give consultations to homeless people.

As you talk to them... "How did this happen to you?"

"I don't have a job."

"Why don't you have a job?"

"I didn't study." "Why didn't you study?"

"My family was poor."

"So, I had to work from a young age."

Most homeless people's problems

have a connection with when they were young.

After seeing this,

we thought we had to help the children.

The problem isn't separate, they are connected.

After hearing this,

I feel like Anna's House needs to keep running.

It needs to keep running no matter what.

You have the same feeling, right?

For those of you watching, if you can help

we'll leave the contact details below for you.

- I hope a lot of people call. / - We'll be waiting.

Father Jangwon, we heard that

you are friends with a very famous person.

- Who? / - Right, yes.

- Kim Taepyeong. / - Do you mean Hyunbin?

Could you ask Hyunbin to come and volunteer?

Ask him to come and help.

Taepyeong, it's been a while.

It's been a very long. Should I call him Hyunbin?

If you could come over once and volunteer

and show other people how important

the feeling of achievement is, that'd be nice.

Everyone is waiting for presents on Christmas.

"What kind of presents will I receive?"

The present that I'd like to give you all is

that everyone become a present.

Don't wait for a present, become the present.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Thanks to the three of you, we realized that

we should pay more attention to people around us.

After such a meaningful time,

I think it's time to end the year.

I think we need to volunteer more in the new year.

- Take care of the people around you. / - I'll try harder.

- Thank you for coming in today. / - Thank you.

This is our last show for this year.


We'll see you next year.

We'll see you again in the new year.

- Everyone, Merry Christmas! / - Merry Christmas!

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