Friday, January 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2017

It's in these kind of moments that you think:

"Maybe I shouldn't have taken my helmet off

I shouldn't have done it with the helmet on."

Tadaaaa !

total brocoli

It's my seasonal wig

my winter coat, it's warm

after an showcase like that

How I enjoyed this showcase !

be it with the... I was about to say filming... the shooting

be it the editing, even thinking before the shooting

Frankly it feels awesome to get you another video like that

I hope you'll enjoy, I'm so damn happy

And since fr the second part of the video there's good stuff coming

I thought "we're gonna split it in two, we'll talk a little"

and it still fells good to talk

The famous beast, the monster, name it how you want, the fighter jet

I also wanted to talk a little about that because it's both...

It's a huge pride

My first enduro !

A 250 EUC 2016

My choice immediatly went to the 2 times, for many many reasons

Not only is he so flexible

Maybe you saw when I dwas wheeling, when I went really slowly wit the rear-break

not only is he so flexible

but if you need to turn up the handle

if you turn up all the way, if you throttle up, it's...

frankly it's impressive

obviously it's a 2-time, so you get the power right away

But it's really crazy, the versatility of this machine I...

Frankly I...

I don't need to tell you how much I'm in love with this bike obviously. I could tell you about it for hours

she's more or less factory-issued, I put a protective casing on the exhaust

I protected the exhaust here, a carbon casing

I'm had a personnal deco-kit made with it

I had it made by "FΓ©roce Grafique"

I had all the ideas in my mind, I knew exactly what I wanted, so I was super-pissy with the deco-kit

so they made me a custom deco-kit

in two days

So I was super annoying with it

so big-up to you guys

anyway this bike is...

frankly it's a pride


plus I have some little ideas for this bike

maybe she won't feel dirt and gravels only, still pending

little by little the adevnture continues

the adventure keeps on getting more beautiful

It's always awesome when you wait days, weeks, months

for your new bike and she comes

we're all the same, we're all the same brats

when we get our new toy

so it's crazy, it's so good to share that with you

and now, on to the second part of the video

yeah bro !

yeah !

we'll try to... We'll ride it down again

Ah fuck !

show me your face

come dude

come here

come here

you should see your face

that guy's gonna ride down drifting

thanks !

I'd kick the gear hard

wraaaap !

in third, it rolls

in third yeah

see ? It's at the top

you got a gap in the middle Kika: Yeah a chasm

you go in the middle, you take left

you climb the hill


hey you okay bro ?!

*faintly* I'm okay

you sure ?

hey dude, how you crashed again that tree !

it's going down on it's own !

to be continued...

Available !

Big up to: Tom prod' (cameraman for the first part) icaseque FΓ©rocegrafics Bitume (he almost killed me 3 time with his drone)

For more infomation >> MY NEW BIKE ! KTM 250 EXC 2016 - Duration: 11:46.


Sleight Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Sleight Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:12.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


The Bye Bye Man

For more infomation >> The Bye Bye Man


Best Of EDM 2017 | 🎧 Top 15 Songs EDM Most Listened | Best Of All Time | 1 Hours Music Gaming 2017 - Duration: 1:03:01.

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Wellcome you to my channel !!!

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to listen more best music EDM .

Tks You Verry Much !!! =))

For more infomation >> Best Of EDM 2017 | 🎧 Top 15 Songs EDM Most Listened | Best Of All Time | 1 Hours Music Gaming 2017 - Duration: 1:03:01.


[ENG SUB] Stellar Gayoung Broadcast - Dinnertime chat with fans πŸ˜‹πŸš - Part 1/3 (2016.11.06) - Duration: 35:41.

- English Subtitles by Stellar Communications Project Contributors -

Uh, my lips are colorless.



Hello~ I'm on Periscope, so it looks like I have dark circles under my eyes again.

Hello~ it's dark in here because I'm in a car. So, I turned all the lights on~ but it's still dark in here.

Have you eaten yet, everyone?

[@ch***2: Super surprised] You were super surprised?


[@ch***2: No dinner] "No dinner"? Why haven't you had dinner yet? Not yet?

[@g***a: Sushi is delicious] Sushi? Is it good? What did you eat?

[@b***1: I was surprised when I heard the whistle sound and came here~] Hello~ you came here because you were startled by the whistle sound? Ah~ Twitter notification sound is a whistle sound, right?

[@c***2: Yupyup I was super surprised] You were super surprised? Why? Is it because I haven't done this in a while?

There are Japanese [comments] on here too.


[@i***2: You're pretty today too] "You're pretty today too"? Thank you~

[@w***2: I think I have the flu☹☹Be careful not to catch a cold☹☹] "I think I have the flu." Be careful not to catch a cold~

[@b***1: Are you going somewhere?] I'm not going somewhere, but I-

[@O***U_: You look like you're in a good mood~] ah [@O***U_] said I look like I'm in a good mood, I'm waiting right now.

That's why I'm alone in the car right now.

[@s***0: Be careful not to catch a cold] You guys, please be careful not to catch a cold.

Yes, we're filming something here, but I'm waiting.

[@9***n: Feeling excited?? γ…‹γ…‹] Ah, [I look like I'm] feeling excited? Umm…

[@w***2: Is this like the one that Hyoeun always does when she's waiting? Or is it different?] Yes, this [broadcast] is similar to the one that Hyoeun does when she's waiting.

[@D***m: Parka commercial?!] Parka commercial? I'd love to do it, but it's not for a commercial, it's sponsored.

It looks like only my face is floating in the air because it's too dark in here, huh? Even though my head comes right up here.

[@j***l: Leader Kim-nim is getting prettier] I got prettier? Thank you.

[@b***1: I can see your clothes well!] "I can see your clothes well." Thank you. This one is pretty, right?

[@m***p: Did you stretch out your fingers for us so we can screenshot this?] "Did you stretch out your fingers for us so we can screenshot this?" You should screenshot something like this-

Everyone~ you should have dinner.

[@s***0: Today's clothes look pretty] Today's concept looks like a pure and innocent one, right?

[@g***a: I had dinner already but I should have dessert or something since you're telling us to have dinner] This~ ah, sorry for telling you to have dinner again when you've had it already. Those of you who had dinner already, you should have dessert~

[@O***U_: Gayoung, did you have dinner?] I haven't had dinner yet. Oh? It's 7 PM already. I didn't have dinner yet because I had a late lunch. I had snacks instead.

[@m***p: I ate seaweed soup with rice] You ate seaweed soup? Uh, I ate seaweed soup yesterday.

Mm~ if you place [your phone] right in front of you like this, then it'll feel like you're eating with me.

Then I'll give you a snack. This is black so it's hard to see.

This is black too.

"Black (colored) snack"

[@j***l: It's a chocolate creme Oreo~ γ…Žγ…Ž] Oh, yes, it's a chocolate creme Oreo. Chocolate creme Oreo.

I like the original ones more than the chocolate creme ones, but they only had this one [in store].

[@V***G: Hello do you speak English?] "Hello do you speak English?" Uh, um, I don't speak English very well. I'm not good at English.

I try hard to write in English on Instagram. I forgot all about English.

But in class, I take an international language class, we only speak in English from the beginning to the end.

The teacher, professor is Korean but only speaks in English, textbooks are in English, PPTs (PowerPoint presentations) are in English, the professor asks questions in English, and students answer everything in English.

Why are people so good at English? I'm scared.

[@_***B: Where are you going?] "Where are you going?" I'm in Daejeon right now. I'm waiting here.

[@_S***k_: Stellar, when are you going to go to France?] France? I want to go to France.

[@g***a: Grades are in English too] "Grades are in English (letter grading scale) too." Yes, grades are also in English.

Wouldn't it be nice if they were in Su, Wu, Mi, Yang, and Ga (a five-level grading scale that was used in Korea but it's not used anymore after the change in academic grading system)? Right?

[@j***i: English is easy though] Oh, "English is easy though"? I envy you.

[@l***g: JP?] Japan? Japan-

[@9***n: Yesterday's event was a corporate event??] Yesterday's event was a corporate event. So, that might be why the announcement wasn't up.

I guess we're not supposed to put up an announcement for a private event.

Heart~ heart keeps popping up here.

[@j***l: I'm Kim Leader-nim's fan~] "I'm Kim Leader-nim's fan~

[@a***a: What are you doing, Gayoung?] "What are you doing, Gayoung?" I'm waiting.

Since I'm waiting, you know, I was working on school assignments~ and I've finished two assignments already, so yeah, I have nothing else to do.

There are too many assignments. I feel like I'm going to die. Really though. I mean it.

[@g***a: There's no end to assignments until you graduate…] I know, why, why is there no end to assignments?

[@j***l: jae-pen = it means [I'm] Kim Leader-nim's fan~ γ…Žγ…Ž] Ah~ "jae-pen means [I'm] Kim Leader-nim's fan. Ah~ "jae-pen". I was talking about Japan hehe.

[@w***2: It's the best to procrastinate and do the assignments all at once ☺] "It's the best to procrastinate and do the assignments all at once."

Seriously, I finished this assignment because it was due and then there's a new assignment and another one~

[@O***U_: Living in this world is an assignment] Ah~ [@O***U_] said living in this world is an assignment.

But, uh, just like how we feel proud of ourselves after finishing assignments, wouldn't we feel proud of ourselves once we've gone through everything?

[@D***m: Lobster …] Omo [@D***m] said lobster… I want to eat a lobster.

[@l***T: bonjour de France] Bonjour de… F-France!

[@Y***a: very beautiful] "Very beautiful" thank you~ I love you.

[@9***n: Please dress warmly~~] Yes, I should dress warmly because it's so much colder these days. I should wear a parka every day.

But I look fat when I wear a parka. I get fat.

[@g***a: The weather is unpredictable these days] "The weather is unpredictable these days." Yup, that's true.

It gets freezing cold and gets better, but then it gets cold again.

Hearts are coming up right here.

[@D***m: The weather is doing push-pull with us…] Oh~ yes. It's warm during the day, it's like the weather is doing push-pull with us.

[@p***6: Be careful not to get a sore throat too] Be careful not to get a sore throat, everyone.

[@9***n: Parka all the way in the morning and evening!!] "Parka all the way in the morning and evening." That's right.

[@j***i: I hear a song] Ah, it's not a song that you're hearing, but there are students/people passing by. Can you hear the sound?

[@O***U_: It's hard to see you because there aren't any public events nowadays, but I'm so glad that there's going to be an event on Wednesday (it's in front of my house!! :D :D)]

Ah yeah, you're right. We didn't have many events, public broadcasts recently, right?

Mm, we're going to have a public broadcast in Changwon on Wednesday. It feels like it's been forever since we've had one, right?

Also, concert, we're preparing for our concert but, ah, what should I do this time? What should I do?

It's hard.

Since we have concerts so often, I don't know what to do for my solo stage…

Umm… I see musical, roomie diss, individual skill/personal talent, etc. etc. on the comments.

[@O***U_: I failed to get tickets for the concert!!!!! T_T] Ticketing? Ah, ticketing, those bad people got all the tickets. They got them to sell them later, right? Those people need to be scolded.

Tell them that I'll scold them when they get caught.

[@g***a: I also couldn't get tickets γ…‹….] Ticketing. Ah~ all of you couldn't get tickets because of those people.

I'll scold them.

I'm sure those people will cancel their purchases. Please wait a little and see what happens.

[@i***2: I wanna go to the concert γ… ] "I wanna go to the concert." Please come this time~ please come this time~

[@p***6: I guess I have no choice but to buy tickets at the doorγ… γ… ] "I guess I would have to buy tickets at the door."

[@d***r: shy shy shy] "Shy shy shy", you mean shy shy shy [from Cheer Up by Twice]?

[@O***U_: I wonder if you'd like to sing the song that you sang for us… (at the concert…)] "I wonder if you'd like to sing the song, that you sang for us, at the concert."

Uh, I'd like to do it, but I need to arrange the song and the song arrangement is… I don't know.

Um, if I don't get to sing it, I will um, upload it on Instagram~ or YouTube~ upload it somewhere later.

[@w***2: Sing it on radio] On radio? If I can sing on radio, I'll sing the song.

[@D***m: If Byoung Min hyung doesn't come the concert, then you should do a Byoung Min hyung diss track…] "If Byoung Min hyung doesn't come to the concert, then you should do a Byoung Min hyung diss track."

Unfortunately, he'll come.

[@S***o: GaYoung fighting] Fighting!

[@y***t: International Twinkles love you] "International Twinkles love you"? Me too.

Love, love. L-O-V-E, love you~

It's brighter here. Oh~ it's even brighter here~ But it's hard [to hold it].

[@k***4: You're coming to Japan on Christmas~~ I'm looking forward to it~] "You're coming to Japan on Christmas~ I'm looking forward to it."

Yes, we're going to have a concert in Japan on Christmas Eve.

[@i***5: Leader, aren't you cold?] [@i***5]'s asking, "Aren't you cold?" but, uh, I'm a little cold but my butt is warm right now. Yes, the seat is very warm.

[@w***2: I should go to Japan ☺] Uh, [you think] you should come to Japan?

[@f***9: Other members?] Other members~ other members~ umm, what do you guys think they're doing?

Umm, some members are filming and some members are taking a break.

[@9***n: Why aren't you promoting the concert?] "Why aren't you promoting the concert?" I know, huh~ They'll probably do it soon, right?

[@i***5: Are you outside?] "Are you outside?" I'm in a car, our "James" right here, I'm in our car named "James".

[@w***2: I heard it's going to rainγ…œγ…œ Be careful of the rain when you play golf γ…œγ…œ] Ah, "I heard it's going to rain. Be careful of the rain when you play golf." I have to be out on the field again, but it's going to rain again.

[@i***5: Leader, do you go to Pocheon every week for Kkaebaek filming?] "Does Kkaebaek go to Pocheon every week?"

No, we go to different places each week. We probably won't go to Pocheon again since we've been to Pocheon already.

We've been to the place near Inje last time and been to Pocheon… and where else did we go? We've been to Yangju, so I don't think we'll go to those three places again.

[@b***1: It's nationwide] Yes, we travel across the country.

[@k***4: Are you studying Japanese?] "Are you studying Japanese?" Yes, I'm studying a little.

[@i***5: It's so cold, our poor leader γ…œγ…œ] Yes, it's cold. It's cold when I play golf and they sponsor clothes that are very cute and pretty since I'm the youngest one there.

I'm very, very grateful but all those clothes end up being skirts [because they give me the ones that are cute and pretty].

So, since it's too cold, I put a hot pack on my stomach, put one on my back, put them in my pockets, and wear stockings.

But everyone on the program is very kind, so they give me some more hot packs.

[@i***5: Your knees will be cold γ…œγ…œ] I know. I need to wear something warmer next time.

[@g***a: You need electric heating pad sponsorship] "You need electric heating pad sponsorship." Uh, I can't wake up if I sleep on an electric heating pad.

I can't hear the alarms in the morning. So, I need to stay cool when I sleep.

[@w***2: Get hot packs for your shoes] Hot packs for shoes? Are they warm?

[@g***a: It's normal that you can't wake up [when you sleep on an electric heating pad]] Ah, it's normal to be like that?

[@g***a: Because your body melts [from the heat]] Ah, because your body melts, so Minhee turns on the electric heating pad and goes to sleep, right?

You know, we have a big bed. Minhee puts the electric heating pad for one person up to here, then there are times when about 1/3 of my body touches the pad.

It's warm, but I can't hear the alarms in the morning if the pad is too warm. I guess I end up sleeping too well.

[@O***U_: Wear your fuzzy socks to sleep!] Oh, yes. I wear fuzzy socks to sleep. But Minhee, I guess Minhee has a very warm body. I wear two layers to sleep but she wears a thin layer to sleep.

[@S***7: Gayoung eonni, Hi] Hello~

[@E***i: do u speak English?] Someone's asking again. "Do you speak English?" I don't speak English very well.

Uh… fu… ah, it's gone. I forgot all about Hiragana.

[@l***n: Are you waiting right now?] Right now?

[@y***t: Your English is cute] My English is cute? My English is so cute?

[@R***X: The connection is slightly bad…] The connection is bad?

[@w***2: I wonder if you'll film until dawnγ…œ.γ…œ] No, I don't think we'll film until dawn.

[@k***4: [*the hiragana comment that Gayoung couldn't finish reading earlier b/c it disappeared while she was trying to read*] = means "fighting"] Ah, fighting! Ganbare? Not ganbare but ah-

[@O***U_: You've always had a book in the seat in front of you, so what book do you have right now?] Ah, I, the seat in front me… I can't talk about it.

I'll show you this. Ta-da!

[@b***1: Rustle rustle] *Rustle rustle* the reason behind this rustling sound is because, ta-da! I have gummies right here.

[@9***n: Gayoung, did you say you like hydrangea [before]??] "Gayoung, did you say you like hydrangea?" Yes, I like hydrangea.

[@g***a: It might be good to read comic books sometimes] I don't usually read comic books. I used to read them when I was little.


[@k***0: Hello] Hello~

[@w***2: Give me the green bear] There's no green gummy bear in here.

There are only white, yellow, orange, and red ones in here.

Little bear (gomdolee/gomdori)~ One little bear! Dol, rushes to you! Ee, like this! Han, one more time! Ma, for the last time! Replay~

[@k***0: Miss, how old are you?] "Miss", I'm 26.

[@S***7: What color does eonni like?] "What color does eonni like?" Pink! Baby pink. A color like this one.

[@w***2: Pink and then?] "Pink and then?" Um, white! White.

[@9***n: Are you very busy these days?] I'm busy these days. But it's strange, isn't it? Even though there aren't many events going on, it seems like I'm still busy.

So, um, ah I'm busy because I play golf, film other things, have private events, and um… school is too busy. I should graduate soon.

[@p***1: Did you eat?] I didn't eat yet.

[@9***n: Ah I want some γ…‹γ…‹ Gimme some at the concert] Do you want me to give this to you at the concert?

[@y***t: yummy] Yummy!

[@O***U_: School is the best time of your life…] Um, when you're attending school, I like going to school.

Well, assignments are a little tough and it's hard to attend school and work at the same time, but I like going to school.

Also, when I'm working in this industry, I always see the same things and meet the similar groups of people, so it's like I'm stuck in a well.

I think my perspective of the world broadens when I go to school. I might not need that subject right now, I live my life without thinking about that at all, but I get to think about it once more when I attend school.

And I think my perspective of the world broadens as I go through that. So, I recommend attending school diligently.

[@w***2: People say there's no such thing as unnecessary study] That's right, "there's no such thing as unnecessary study." I'm sure it'll all help.

[@9***n: What's your dream, Gayoung?] My dream? I have too many dreams. I have too many things that I want to do.

I might be doing something totally random in the future. Umm, I might do something that's related.

[@D***H: U speak French?] Um, "you speak French?" I don't know much about French. Bonjour. I only know this one. Je t'aime.

Huh? the comments get deleted on this [broadcast].

You can scroll up to see the comments on V app, but the comments get deleted on here and disappear if I don't read them quickly.

[@k***g: Je t'aime] Je t'aime, I can see it.

[@g***a: Time-limited comments] "Time-limited comments."

[@d***d: She says she can't say much, just those two haha] "She says, she can't…" and it disappeared.

Time-limited comments are disappearing.

[@b***3: open] "Open."

[@D***H: Viens je te baise] Um, is that in French?

[@b***1: Are you going to delete this when it's over?] "Are you going to delete this when it's over?" Why? Are you going to leave [this broadcast] now if I say I'm not going to delete it?

[@g***a: The comment was explaining that you're not good at French] Ah, the comment was explaining that I'm not good at French.

[@k***0: Do you have an Instagram account, Miss?] Yes, I do. My ID is, G, Y, underscore and Stellar. S-T-E-L-L-A-R

[@D***m: The comment was a good comment. *speaking in remembrance of the comment that disappeared*] "The comment was a good comment."

[@p***y: Hola] Hola!

[@d***d: @gy_stellar] Oh, that's correct. Dengke, what Dengke wrote over there is my Instagram ID.

[@9***n: gy_stellar] [@O***U_: gy_stellar] Oh, In-hee eonni and O***U oppa wrote it too.

[@i***5: Leader, when are you going to stop being pretty? Isn't it hard to be pretty every day?] "When are you going to stop being pretty?" I'm not pretty every day.

Today, I took pictures in my parka, but it was too hard to choose one because I didn't look pretty.

[@S***7: Give us hearts] "Give us hearts."

[@D***H: Age?] Age? I'm 26. Ah, since a foreigner asked, 24.

[@b***1: We're Sheep friends] "We're Sheep friends." Yes, I was born in the Year of the Sheep.

[@y***t: Korean age 26] Yes, my Korean age is 26.

[@k***g: International age γ…Žγ…Ž] My international age is 24.

[Talking about @m***v's comment] What language is this?

[@k***g: Looks like it's in Thai] Um, ah it's in Thai.

[@g***a: I have a feeling that it's in Russian] Russian?

[@p***y: Mexcio] Mexico?

[@D***H: Boy friend?] Boyfriend?

[@9***n: Let's have a birthday party, Gayoung] "Let's have a birthday party, Gayoung."

[@m***p: Are you allowed to lower your age like that or not?] "Are you allowed to lower your age like that or not?"

[@O***U_: It's in Russian] Ah, it's in Russian.

[@M***3: are you from china?] Are you from China? No, I'm Korea. I'm from Korea.

[@O***U_: Birthday party!!!!!] [@9***n: You're going to have a birthday party, right?] Birthday party? Do you think the company knows my birthday right now?

Did they schedule it because they knew my birthday? Or did they schedule it and it turn out to be on 12/3? I don't think they're interested in my birthday.

[@i***5: Leader is the prettiest out of the celebrities who were born in the Year of the Sheep] "Gayoung is the prettiest out of the celebrities who were born in the Year of the Sheep." Thank you. I'm not pretty though.

[@O***U_: crying emoticons][@g***a: Freaking company γ… γ… ] It's okay~ everyone. It's okay~

[@D***m: Byoung Min hyung, get down…] [@D***m] said get down.

It's a secret~ [the CEO Choi Byoung Min] might watch this.

[@X***a: Cave Ahjussi (*Shimatchu Oji-san from Bonobono), please live a long life] I'm not Cave Ahjussi.

[@O***U_: We are not okay~ T-T T-T T-T] "We are not okay~" But at least we get to see each other, you know?

[@M***R: hola] Hola~

[@k***0: Miss, aren't you married?] "Miss, aren't you married?" Are you asking if I'm married or not?

[@i***5: [CEO Choi Byoung Min] should've been my junior in the military] "[CEO Choi Byoung Min] should've been my junior in the military." Yeah.

[@9***n: I wish we could see each other more often γ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œ] "I wish we could see each other more often." Me too.

[@M***3: Chinese people looks like Korean people] Chinese people look like Korean people? Ah, Chinese people and Korean people look similar? I guess Asians look similar in the eyes of Westerners?

[@a***9: かわあ] Kawaii? Wait, that's not right…

[@9***n: Gayoung, what's your contact lenses prescription (the spherical power)?] Gayoung's contact lenses prescription (the spherical power)?

[@b***1: over 1250 people are watching this] Oh, we have over 1250 people!

The power of Gayoung's contact lenses is minus, I'm supposed to wear -4.75 and -4.5 but I wore -2.75 and -2.5 without realizing that my eyesight is worse.

So, I'm wearing -3.75 and -3.5 now because I heard they're going to make me dizzy if I suddenly take two steps down [from -2.75, -2.5 to -4.75, -4.5]

[@D***9: Girl group?] Girl group? Yes, Korean girl group. Stellar.

[@w***2: Can you even see when your vision is minus?γ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œ] "Can you even see when your vision is minus?" Um, I can see well with my contacts on, but I can't see well when I take my contacts out

Uh, there was a time when I thought it was a cat passing by right in front of me, but it was a plastic bag.

[@r***r: Gayoung's eyesight is bad] My eyesight is bad.

[@p***6: Doesn't it hurt when you put contacts on???] Putting contacts on? It doesn't hurt. Yes, it doesn't hurt for me.

[@O***U_: Whenever you do Radio In Gayoung, are the other members not in the dorm?] "Whenever you do Radio In Gayoung, are the other members not in the dorm?"

Some members are in the dorm, some members aren't, yup.

[@X***a: Cheer up, grandmaγ…‹] "Cheer up, grandma?" You're not saying that to me, right? I'm not a grandma.

[@d***d: @a***9 Haha she can speak a little Japanese] She can speak a little Japanese. That's right.

[@k***4: When you came to Japan in August, you went to a convenience store, right?? How was it?? The Japan convenience store] Huh? Oh, Japanese convenience store.

"When you came to Japan in August, you went to a convenience store, right?" That's right.

I, we, there's a convenience store called LAWSON in Japan. They have this mochi roll, mochi roll is delicious, so we went there but they only had one or two in store.

So, we went to another LAWSON store to find some more. They didn't have those mochi rolls in other convenience stores. Yeah, they're yummy.

[@s***1: sendme a kisssssssssssss] "Send me a kiss~"

Mochi roll. Mochi roll is delicious.

[@g***a: It'd be nice to have those in Korea] Mm, yes.

[@D***H: U should learn English] "You should learn English." I should learn English? Yeah I know, I need to learn too.

[@O***U_: Would you ever invite Radio In Gayoung fans to do a live radio show?] "Would you ever invite Radio In Gayoung fans to do a radio show with a live audience?"

Huh? Will you be able to make it, everyone? But my show is late at night. If I do it during the day? That'd be fun.

Who can make it? I gotta make sure because what if no one can come after I invite them…

We'll see …

Oh~ I think it'd be fun to do if people can make it. I think I should think about how to do it when I invite people over.

[@k***n: I love you] I love you~ me too~

[@X***a: Gayoung-nim, why do you look like you have no energy???] "Why do you look like you have no energy?" Not at all.

[@9***n: You communicate with fans too little these days γ… γ… ] "You communicate with fans too little these days." So, I turned this on.

[@g***a: You should have dinner] Dinner… oh yeah, I didn't have dinner yet.

[@i***5: Radio show with a live audience!?] Yes, I'll do a radio show with a live audience someday.

[@K***g: Yaaaaay] Yaaaaay!

[@i***n: λ‘Έγ…›γ„·μ²˜γ…γ„ΉμΈ„γ…“?] What does that mean?

[@X***a: It seems like the concert promotion isn't going so well γ…œγ…œ] "It seems like the concert promotion isn't going so well." Yeah, I know. What should we do?

[@O***U_: What do people around you say about your radio? (Your acquaintances/friends…)] "What do people around you say about your radio?" My acquaintances?

Uh, I didn't tell them about it before, but quite a few of my acquaintances and friends have watched it already.

They leave comments on it too. When I monitor the broadcast later, I see my friends' comments. But uh, they tell me that I do well.

[@w***2: Emma beauty friend] Yes, there's Emma beauty friend. There's Areum from Kukak high school and there's Kyu-bin.

Areum said she watched it with her mother.

[@j***3: hi beautiful girl] "Hi beautiful girl." Hi~

[@l***n: You look very pretty today] "You look very pretty today"? It's because I have two lights on right now.

[@R***X: Radio In Gayoung is fun] "Radio In Gayoung is fun"? I'm glad to hear that. I'm worried because I think I talk too much. If you get sleepy while listening to it, feel free to go to sleep since I do this late at night.

I do it because I just want to talk to you guys instead of being noisy. So, you can sleep if you get sleepy while watching it, okay?

I think next week, um, there's a high chance that the broadcast will be on Saturday.

[@l***n: I wish there are more lines on the radio than the songs] You want me to talk more and have more lines than the number of songs, right?

But, I did that because a lot of you request songs when you send your letters/stories to me and I wanted to listen to those together.

Then, the radio ended up being really long because I talked a lot.

There were lots of songs, but I also talked a lot. So, it balances out.

[@X***a: Is golf going well for you??] "Is golf going well for you?" Um, golf… I couldn't play for 3 weeks or so, because I was injured.

Other people probably practiced hard while I was recovering, you know. So, so, I'm a little down.

Actually, I shouldn't be playing golf right now because my back still hurts. But, I have to do it.

So, I'm trying my best, but it might be a little difficult for me to do Kkaebaek.

However, I'm glad I learned how to play golf thanks to this opportunity and I liked it very much.

[@d***d: Are you wearing a seatbelt right now? T.T Please wear one] Ah, the seatbelt, I'm in a car right now, but I'm not wearing a seatbelt because it's parked.

I'm waiting in here. Yup, so please don't worry. I always wear a seatbelt in a car even if we're going somewhere nearby. Please don't worry. Don't worry~

[@t***3: dance baby] "Dance baby?" Dance, dance, dance.

[@d***d: Thank you~] "Thank you~"

[@i***5: I heard the Drivers License Test will be harder from 12/22 and on γ…œγ…œ] Ah, "I heard the Drivers License Test will be harder from 12/22 and on."

Yes. What should I do with the Driver's License Test? Should I take it or not?

But I think it's good to get a license when the test is harder. Because if I pass the test without trying my best, then I won't be able to drive well in real life.

[Gayoung's Stream cut out here. End of Part 1/3 :)]

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