Friday, January 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2017

It's in these kind of moments that you think:

"Maybe I shouldn't have taken my helmet off

I shouldn't have done it with the helmet on."

Tadaaaa !

total brocoli

It's my seasonal wig

my winter coat, it's warm

after an showcase like that

How I enjoyed this showcase !

be it with the... I was about to say filming... the shooting

be it the editing, even thinking before the shooting

Frankly it feels awesome to get you another video like that

I hope you'll enjoy, I'm so damn happy

And since fr the second part of the video there's good stuff coming

I thought "we're gonna split it in two, we'll talk a little"

and it still fells good to talk

The famous beast, the monster, name it how you want, the fighter jet

I also wanted to talk a little about that because it's both...

It's a huge pride

My first enduro !

A 250 EUC 2016

My choice immediatly went to the 2 times, for many many reasons

Not only is he so flexible

Maybe you saw when I dwas wheeling, when I went really slowly wit the rear-break

not only is he so flexible

but if you need to turn up the handle

if you turn up all the way, if you throttle up, it's...

frankly it's impressive

obviously it's a 2-time, so you get the power right away

But it's really crazy, the versatility of this machine I...

Frankly I...

I don't need to tell you how much I'm in love with this bike obviously. I could tell you about it for hours

she's more or less factory-issued, I put a protective casing on the exhaust

I protected the exhaust here, a carbon casing

I'm had a personnal deco-kit made with it

I had it made by "Féroce Grafique"

I had all the ideas in my mind, I knew exactly what I wanted, so I was super-pissy with the deco-kit

so they made me a custom deco-kit

in two days

So I was super annoying with it

so big-up to you guys

anyway this bike is...

frankly it's a pride


plus I have some little ideas for this bike

maybe she won't feel dirt and gravels only, still pending

little by little the adevnture continues

the adventure keeps on getting more beautiful

It's always awesome when you wait days, weeks, months

for your new bike and she comes

we're all the same, we're all the same brats

when we get our new toy

so it's crazy, it's so good to share that with you

and now, on to the second part of the video

yeah bro !

yeah !

we'll try to... We'll ride it down again

Ah fuck !

show me your face

come dude

come here

come here

you should see your face

that guy's gonna ride down drifting

thanks !

I'd kick the gear hard

wraaaap !

in third, it rolls

in third yeah

see ? It's at the top

you got a gap in the middle Kika: Yeah a chasm

you go in the middle, you take left

you climb the hill


hey you okay bro ?!

*faintly* I'm okay

you sure ?

hey dude, how you crashed again that tree !

it's going down on it's own !

to be continued...

Available !

Big up to: Tom prod' (cameraman for the first part) icaseque Férocegrafics Bitume (he almost killed me 3 time with his drone)

For more infomation >> MY NEW BIKE ! KTM 250 EXC 2016 - Duration: 11:46.


Scrivere e far di conto dell'era digitale - Duration: 3:42.

Hi! My name is Maura Cerioli and my name is Gianna Reggio. We are both

associate professors in Computer Science at the University of Genoa

Since last century, all children learn

reading, writing and making simple computations

in their primary school,

because those are skills that any citizen must have,

in order to function in modern society

Writing and computing are so relevant,

that during the years we developed many tools for it

such as you can see here, for instance, a typewriter

a calculator

or things that are slightly more primitive like these. However,

nowadays they have all been supplanted

by the use of the computers

that are more versatile and infinitely easier to use

Currently it is impossible to think

of finding a job without knowing how to use at least in a minimal a computer

to read write and count

Students can save hundreds of hours, by using a computer


improve their notes and to integrate them with other sources

to create their own personal perfect textbook, containing

all, and only, what interests him

or by using a computer to analyze data for scientific


economic, engineering purposes

In everyday life,

normal people use computers

For instance,

I use a spreadsheet to automatize my condominium administration

Whereas I, use a spreadsheet to manage the data of my coin collection;

we both have created wonderful recipe books, by using a word processor, indeed,

and we are using it to writing letters as well, and in many our

professional activities.

In this course,

we will focus on the fundamental concepts about word processor and


Now, I cannot believe that in your primary school you had course where they taught you

to write, let's say,

with a pen

as opposite to with a pencil

You just learned how to write,

because there are fundamental concepts, like how to draw a character, how

to group characters to form a word, that are the most important part

when somebody says "I'm learning to read and write"


a course on basic computer support should be not limited

to a specific type of application adopted as word processor

or spreadsheet.


deliberately in the course we have chosen not to restrict ourselves to a unique specific application,

we use, instead, a couple of different applications

We will have lessons, to present

the main concepts

and we will have demos, to show you how to apply these concepts

using an application or another

At the end of the course, if you will have taken advantage of all the lessons,

all the exercises, and all the demos,

you will be able to use different suites, and you will be ready to learn others

easily, and on your own.

Instead, if you prefer to save time, you can just limit yourself to one track, that is,

one kind of application

It will take less effort; at the end of the course, you will know less

We hope you will enjoy this course, that is eminently an applied course

with lots of exercises

proposed, and that you will try your hand at other situations of your choice, using

the available tools, so to speak by applying

these wonders of science and technique

to your own problems on writing and computing

For more infomation >> Scrivere e far di conto dell'era digitale - Duration: 3:42.


Sleight Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Sleight Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:12.


Power Boy - Vodka, Cola, Sex (Official Video) - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Power Boy - Vodka, Cola, Sex (Official Video) - Duration: 4:05.


10 Astuces pour bien Filmer avec son Drone -Tuto Filmora - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> 10 Astuces pour bien Filmer avec son Drone -Tuto Filmora - Duration: 4:14.


Ford Fiesta 1.4-16V Trend - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.4-16V Trend - Duration: 0:58.


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3



For more infomation >> Silence



For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0D *!*PANODAK/VENTILATIE/COMFORTLEER/PROFNAVI*!* - Duration: 1:39.


Star Trok comment ça marche ? avec Basket Infos - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Star Trok comment ça marche ? avec Basket Infos - Duration: 1:55.


10 Astuces pour bien Filmer avec son Drone -Tuto Filmora - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> 10 Astuces pour bien Filmer avec son Drone -Tuto Filmora - Duration: 4:14.


My Morning Routine | Vergine fa cose... - Duration: 3:12.

Willies, Pussies!

We're already in 2017 and just like when we were in 2016

I'm not as famous as those who claim to be famous yet.

So again I have to do another of those important videos

that makes you become famous so I'll be famous like those who are already famous

and so I'm gonna do My Morning Routine!

In the morning I usually get up early, around 6.30 so I can slowly get ready

and most of all because I've found out that I'm more energetic

throughout the rest of the day.

Now I don't even set the alarm anymore because I've got used to wake up with the first rays of sun,

this way my awakening is more natural and less traumatic.

Then when I get up I do a little bit of yoga,

so that my body wakes up better and fills up with positive energy.

I like a lot stay for a bit in front of an open window

to breathe fresh air and let the light caress my face.

When I'm awake and ready to go I prepare myself an healthy breakfast

with muesli, fresh fruit, milk or some super healthy organic coconut yogurth

And obviously my good natural detox supplements that regenerate me completely.

While I slowly eat breakfast, I turn on my computer and I start answering some emails,

the comments, the partnership requests I receive.

In short, I move forward with my work so I have more time to dedicate to housework.

After breakfast I spend some minute meditating

or even just listening to my Tibetan Bell because it calms me a lot

and helps me concentrate more on the things I have to do.

And then I brush my teeth with my wonderful organic toothbrush

and I use a vegan cruelty free toothpaste that cleans the teeth

and strengthen the gums without polluting the environment.

Then I choose my outfit for the day because I don't like to spend the day in my pajamas,

it gives me the idea I did nothing at all.

And then it's time to clean the house, making the bed, wash the dishes from breakfast...

I just do all the things everybody does before facing the new day

with a huge smile and the will to realize all of your dreams!

Fine, this was my morning routine

to wake up energetic, positive and ready to face anything life has to offer me.

Let me know if you liked this video with a comment below and a thumb up.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel

so I'll become super famous without even trying.

Goodbye and see you next week with a new video. BYE!!!

For more infomation >> My Morning Routine | Vergine fa cose... - Duration: 3:12.


Sleight Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Sleight Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:12.


Before the Networking Event - Networking Series (Part 1) - Duration: 2:29.

What is networking?

Networking is defined as the interaction between people to exchange information and to develop


So in the world of business, how do you use networking to your advantage?

Well, let's follow Ila's example who's preparing for an upcoming networking event.

First, she must determine her goals.

Why is she networking exactly?

As a third-year accounting co-op student, she's looking to work at the local firm

in Ottawa.

Next, she must do her research and find out in advance which organizations are going to

be attending that networking event.

Once she knows which organizations will be attending, looking at each company's website

is the perfect way to find more information about them.

This will help her avoid having to ask: "What does your company do?"

which is something that you can easily find online.

The next step for Ila is to update her resume.

Asking someone to look over it and give you feedback is a good way to make sure it stands


Once you've updated your resume, go ahead and print out a few copies.

Don't forget to make business cards too.

You can find a variety of templates online and use one that appeals to you.

Ila also has to update her LinkedIn profile.

Many organizations are using LinkedIn profiles instead of resumes nowadays.

Creating a summary statement or an elevator pitch is a great way to distinguish yourself.

You should include who you are, what your skills and experiences are and what you're

looking for at this point in time.

You can also memorize this and use it at the actual networking event.

Finally, getting a professional headshot is a perfect way to make your profile stand out.

By following all of these steps, you're now finally going to be ready to attend the

actual networking event.

For more infomation >> Before the Networking Event - Networking Series (Part 1) - Duration: 2:29.


After the Networking Event - Networking Series (Part 3) - Duration: 1:47.

So once you've made new connections at the networking event, it's important

to keep track of them and to stay in touch with them.

You should keep a document of all the business cards you've collected and a few notes attached

to each one.

Using the business cards you've collected, you should send a thank you email within

24 hours of the networking event.

You can also connect with that person on LinkedIn.

If you feel like you had a great connection with someone or you'd like to continue the

conversation at a later date, let them know in a follow-up email that you'd like to

meet up for coffee for example.

This way you get to learn more about the employer or maybe even get tips on the

recruitment process.

When following up with a possible employer, it's important to give first and not necessarily

expect anything from them.

Emphasize how you could offer your help instead of asking for job openings.

Remember, a contact may not be of immediate assistance to you, but later down the line,

you could possibly reconnect on a different subject; hence, the important of nurturing

the relationship.

While quick connections can turn into rapid job offers, dont be disappointed if miracles

don't happen overnight.

Instead, be patient and enjoy developing mutually beneficial relationships with your new contacts.

By following all of these steps, you'll be able to greatly benefit from the contacts

that you've made at your next networking event.

For more infomation >> After the Networking Event - Networking Series (Part 3) - Duration: 1:47.


During the Networking Event - Networking Series (Part 2) - Duration: 2:28.

So, the day of the networking event has finally come around and Ila's getting

ready to go.

Her first step is to wear professional attire.

When attending a networking event, make sure you look presentable and professional.

Now that she's arrived to the event, Ila has to lay out a plan of action.

Before talking to anyone, it's important to walk around and try to find the companies

you wanted to see.

High-profiled companies often have the longest line, so you might want to arrive early to

avoid waiting a long time.

Otherwise, try finding people who don't look too busy and who seem open to starting

a conversation.

When meeting someone for the first time, it's important to leave a good first impression.

This starts off with a good firm handshake.

Once you've started talking, try to establish a connection early on.

Remember to smile as much as possible, keep good eye contact and have an open posture.

Company representatives are often looking for people who would fit in well within their

organization, so remember to be yourself and make sure to come across as confident.

Don't pretend to be someone you're not.

Have a few appropriate topics of conversation ready before the event so you don't run

out of subjects to talk about.

When networking with someone, try not to take up too much of their time.

One way to end a conversation is to extend your hand, thank the employer for their time

and offer to exchange business cards.

Finally, it's important to network with as many people as possible.

Just because someone doesn't have the power to hire you on the spot doesn't mean they

can't put in a good word for you.

Connecting with others can open a lot of doors.

It's also important to speak with other students.

They may know of other opportunities available that you haven't yet heard of.

This will also increase your network and the amount of contacts you have.

By following all of these steps, you'll be able to benefit greatly from your next

networking event.

For more infomation >> During the Networking Event - Networking Series (Part 2) - Duration: 2:28.


10 Surprising Benefits of Yogurt For Skin And Hair - Duration: 6:45.

When trying to eat more healthy, yogurt is an excellent food to add. Yogurt is full of

essential protein, calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B5. It also contains

healthy bacteria, which assists in digestion. These are known as probiotics.

Besides these health benefits, nutrients in plain and unsweetened yogurt are also beneficial

to your hair and skin. Yogurt contains lactic acid, zinc and B vitamins, which all offer

benefits to your beauty regime.

Just be sure to use yogurt that does not have any additional additives to it.

Here are beauty benefits of yogurt for your skin and your hair:

1. Prevents and Treats Dry and Itchy Skin

Yogurt has the ability to moisturize your skin and keep it hydrated. Yogurt also can

remove dead skin and leave your skin looking healthy and shiny. The lactic acid in the

yogurt will get rid of any germs or bacteria to prevent future itching. Yogurt also prevents

swelling and cleanses your body and pores, which both help to soothe dry and itchy skin.

For daily use:

- Apply fresh plain yogurt on your hands, face and legs.

- Gently massage your skin using circular motions.

- Leave it on for 10 minutes, then take a shower.

For weekly use, prepare a moisturizing mask:

- Add ½ cup of yogurt and 3 to 4 tablespoons of mashed ripe papaya. (You can also add a

little honey and lemon juice.) - Apply it on your skin and leave it on for

10 minutes. - Rinse it off with cold water.

2. Lightens a Suntan

Because yogurt is high in protein, it helps to lighten your suntan and calm your sunburn.

Because it can moisturize your skin, it will help to heal your skin that has been damaged

by the sun's UV rays. It will help to calm your skin after sun exposure. Because yogurt

contains zinc, it will reduce swelling and cool the pain of your sunburn.

- Apply plain, unsweetened yogurt all over the affected area.

- Leave on for 15 minutes. - Remove with a warm, damp washcloth.

3. Fights Dandruff

Dandruff on your scalp is caused by dry and flaky skin. Yogurt can help to relieve the

itchy, flaking and dry skin. Yogurt can fight the fungus and germs that are causing the


- Apply yogurt on your scalp and massage it around for 5 to 10 minutes. (You can also

add a little lemon to the yogurt before applying it.) - Allow it to sit for 45 minutes before

rinsing it off with lukewarm water. - Use this remedy a few times a week.

4. Conditions Hair

Because of all of it's nourishing properties, yogurt makes an excellent conditioner for

your hair. It can fight any germs and fungus, so it keeps your scalp and hair clean from


- Apply plain, unsweetened yogurt to your wet hair.

- Allow the mixture to sit and soak in for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse it out with lukewarm

water. - Use this hair treatment once a week.

5. Reduces Blemishes

Since yogurt has the ability to mildly bleach your skin, it can help with any skin discolorations.

It can help to reduce to appearance of any blemishes and scars that may be on your skin.

As yogurt contains lactic acid, it can cleanse your skin and cause your skin to obtain it's

healthy glow.

- Smear some plain yogurt on the darkened skin areas and massage for a few minutes.

- Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse it off with plain water.

- Use this remedy once or twice daily to help clear blemishes.

6. Tightens Skin Pores

When your skin's pores are large and open, they can acquire bacteria build up and be

susceptible to acne and blackheads. Luckily, this can all be treated with yogurt. Yogurt

can clean out your pores, restore your skin and rid your skin of blemishes and break-outs.

- Simply smear 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt on your face.

- Allow it to sit there for about 15 minutes to get absorbed.

- Rinse it off with cool water. - Repeat once or twice daily.

7. Fights Acne

As we just mentioned, yogurt can fight acne because it kills germs and fungus that can

cause breakouts. It can clean out your bores and rid them of any bacteria. The zinc levels

in the yogurt can help to reduce swelling caused by the acne.

- Dip a cotton ball in plain, unsweetened yogurt and apply it on the affected areas.

- Leave it overnight and wash your face with cool water the next morning.

- Use this remedy daily before going to bed.

8. Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Yogurt is high in lactic acid, which can help reduce the sight of wrinkles and prevent new

wrinkles from forming. It can also remove dead skin cells and reduce the size of your

pores. Yogurt can fight off bacteria and germs that can take the oxygen molecules off your

skin cells, which damages them.

For a daily treatment:

- Mix together 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil and 3 to 4 tablespoons of yogurt.

- Apply the mixture to your face for about 30 minutes.

- Rinse with lukewarm water.

9. Softens Cracked Heels

Yogurt is even effective in softening rough and cracked feet and heels. Again, that lactic

acid works to get rid of any dead skin cells, softens any cracks and helps your feet heal

quicker. Because yogurt is a moisturizer, it keeps your skin from drying out.

Here's how to keep your feet soft:

- Soak your feet in warm water for 15 minutes. - Using a pumice stone, scrub your feet gently.

- Apply plain yogurt on your heels and massage gently.

- Wait 15 minutes, then rinse off, using lukewarm water.

- Pat dry and put on socks. - Use this remedy once or twice a week.

10. Keeps Hands and Nails Beautiful

Since yogurt can keep your skin moisturized, it can keep your hands from getting dry and

calloused. The lactic acid naturally cleans the skin and removes any dead skin cells.

Yogurt can also help treat hangnails, since it fights inflammation.

- Apply some fresh plain yogurt on your hands and fingers.

- Gently massage for 5 minutes using circular motions.

- Leave it on for 10 minutes. - Rinse off with lukewarm water.

- Do this daily or every other day for the best results.

If you like the video, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends!

If you want more recipes and tips, subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> 10 Surprising Benefits of Yogurt For Skin And Hair - Duration: 6:45.


Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (year A). - Duration: 8:19.

Friends of Sion presents

Sunday readings

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Good morning and good Sunday. We are on the 2nd Sunday O.T. The readings proposed today are Isaiah 49,

some parts of Psalm 39 (40) 1st Corinthians 1: 1 ff and the continuation of the Gospel of John 1: 29-34.

According to what we have, the most important idea is the dimension of universality that is present in the Word of God itself.

But God chose the people of Israel, especially for the sake of all the nations.

So, all theology that does not respect this biblical frame is outside the Bible and even outside the framework of Revelation.

The reading of Isaiah 49 shows the deep awareness of Israel in this period of Isaiah,

preceding the period of the Babylonian Exile in the ch. 49 (2nd Isaiah).

The deep awareness that the God of Israel is the God of all people, there are no other gods.

This is why Israel must understand that all her work is to be witness in this world of this God.

And the nations shall recognize God by the attitude of Israel.

The second thing that reading also clearly shows is that Israel will always be light OF the nations, TOWARDS the nations and FOR the nations.

All this has an aspect of passage: Israel is the one that transmits God to the nations.

Conversely, we can say that the nations, from the point of view of Scripture, have their reason of being only because of Israel.

So if Israel has this mission to the nations also nations must recognize that their existence before God passes through Israel.

The texts says: "You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will manifest my glory."

And now the Lord spoke to me, he who formed me from the womb, to make me his servant "...

Then God says, "It is too little for you to be my servant, to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and restore the survivors of Israel; I will make you a light to the nations"

Basically, Israel already has a vocation directed to nations even before existing. That is, Israel's vocation precedes its existence.

Psalm 39 (40) sings this greatness of God: "I have waited, waited for the LORD, and he stooped toward me and heard my cry."

It is a God who cares, a historical God, who is present, a God who is incarnated in the history of Israel.

As for the 1st Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, ch. 1, I can not understand why it was chosen, since it is only the introduction of the reading.

It is important to realize this problem: it lacks a deep awareness of the relationship between the readings.

They put only the introduction of reading. It would be important to give a chance to those who have no access to the reading so that they continue reading.

It would be interesting to observe the reading to the Galatians 1: 15-16 related to the same reading,

where this idea of ​​Isaiah is proposed by Paul, where he personally incorporates this same vocation.

Paul, as a Jew, finds faith in the Messiah awaited by Israel.

He, as Israel proclaims that he recognizes the Messiah from the tradition he received.

He says: " But when [God], who from my mother's womb had set me apart and called me through his grace,

was pleased to reveal his Son to me, so that I might proclaim him to the Gentiles".

Paul interprets this as Israel, for his faith in Jesus as Messiah to the nations.

And Paul's readings shows that he is speaking of the nations.

Nations have been receiving the proclamation of the Word of Jesus, who is Israel's way towards the nations.

"to the church of God that is in Corinth, to you who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy,

with all those everywhere who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours".

The gospel is John ch.1, 29ff. Here a further study is worth to do, as we find in Judaism this movement called the "baptizers"

those who preached the baptism. We get always confused when we say that John was baptizing.

We immediately think that the baptism he did was like ours today.

John announced a baptism of conversion. It was necessary a life according to the Word.

What is interesting is that in Judaism there were many movements. We know four or five, but there were a dozen or more.

One of these movements that was on the periphery of Judaism was represented by John the Baptist.

The text shows that at some point this John the Baptist movement disappears

and gives way to the Jesus movement. John himself says: "Not me, but He whom God sends to you."

And the liturgical way to do this transition is represented like that:

"John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

He is the one of whom I said, 'A man is coming after me who ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.'

I did not know him, but the reason why I came baptizing with water was that he might be made known to Israel."

That is, John says his mission ended. Basically, this movement disappears and the Jesus movement takes place.

This Jesus according to John: "He who comes after me is before me," brings back the same reading of Israel made by Isaiah,

and then by Paul, "From the womb of my mother I was formed and chosen" ... That is, this reality precedes itself.

It had already been built in God's plan. And Jesus as Messiah even in Jewish perspective, exists already before creation.

I wish you all a good week and a good Sunday. Thank you!

Subscribe to our channel!

Subtitles: Br. Joel Moreira, NDS.

For more infomation >> Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (year A). - Duration: 8:19.



Wait, that's true, activate the Bluetooth

Here and there, that normally it works well, but it is still practical either bluetooth

"Hi! Everybody" Well, okay, I stop to talk in English, I hope you are well

Me, it'll nickel, super good, in great shape, and today I'll give you a little product test

Why not? We love it, Here; So I got a little keyboard, almost like the Apple keyboard

Well, that one and I'll introduce you to the famous small keyboard brand Aukey, who kindly sent me

kindly sent to test you so get started! Here!

So therefore this is the famous magnificent keyboard finally magnifies this is a box, so we'll talk a little bit as the small

box is a wireless keyboard brand Aukey just so already, I'm a little in love anyway design

content that this box offers, simply because, wait it's wrong target

Already the matter to the touch, it's a kind of, I do not know how it's called

but you know, it's pretty sweet stuff, it's kind of this kind of box that

when you buy an iPhone box, when you buy an iPhone, you have a little bit the same

Wood felt simply and precisely what I can show you, this is so beautiful just

Aukey keyboard of the brand, we will see after that, the most interesting, we keep it to the end, so what with

there is little notice simply, the famous keyboard, with little guarantee card

So frankly, at first I did not understand what it was for this stuff, I said to myself: it looks like an electronic circuit, what to do?

and there is nothing to do, do not worry, that there is no cable, yes indeed, there is no cable

So because the keyboard is a Bluetooth keyboard then the keyboard that can often find the design of keyboards

the Apple brand, so something quite there, silvery edges with white buttons

so this is only a keyboard for computer, only it's a keyboard base so for Macs!

So Apple computers Apple simply

So with the command, Option, and everything that follows simply, behind this

A fairly simple trick, friendly enough so there you insert two small batteries here

there you select on / off so simply to turn your keyboard with the connect button

So here is a keyboard I show you a little more, more ready, so a fairly stylish, sophisticated enough

quite modern, you can see a small little bit, so it's really the computer keys, so mac

On apple, then here you can see, So here, then, the little light that will light up in blue

to say that your keyboard is turned on, so it will flash and a little bit As for connecting bluetooth fashion

you can see right down "Command" control button, well, it's a keyboard that is

Then, the trick is that you can, if you wish, use it for a PC, but it can cause a few problems

incompatibility of time to time, after you adjust your Apple keyboard simply your pc

I myself have done, since I have my mac, I did not have any Apple keyboard, I had a windows key, I adapted

it worked very well, that if ever you have a little crush, then me honestly, I love

heart because already the box, I find quite elegant and all that, here; Having a keyboard like that, just great, we're still going to spend

part of behind, here, so you put two batteries like that, what's it like battery anyway?

AAA, something like that, I know nothing stack, I'm sorry! It's control batteries, so I can tell you

Battery, remote control screen just so I will zoom you a little bit like that, anyway

it will be more fun, so light, this is the OFF button is activated, it is deactivated and activated

I think that you know and then the Connect button then we'll turn it on

if you do it, thank you, thank you, you see the button here is on, you see more

Dylan awesome, then we will press the connect button just so for bluetooth

and there he should light it is! You see, so there it is spirit to connect simply to the computer

The big positives I can put this keyboard is that it is primarily bluetooth harbor

the fact that this keyboard, this beautiful keyboard is compatible with Bluetooth, so this is a period of 5-10 m forgiveness

10 meters, frankly, but it's great simply when connecting, sure it takes the set mode, a meter

mac, it's better for the configuration, so for configuration, simply

He'll have to make is that when you pair finally when you start to pair your

Keyboard to your Mac, your Mac at some point will ask you to enter a code, and click enter on the keyboard

and therefore, there is therefore to unlock to make it very simply combined

Advantage that we have, so with this keyboard, as is that of the sudden it's bluetooth 3.0 just so

it's still a fairly recent Bluetooth as you can see the configuration is very simple

and very fast, simply connect your keyboard to your Mac, it's very fast

The keyboard in addition, it is really very fine, as you can see, it is really very end

légé more, so it is not heavy, it's the opposite of light, you know? And also, another thing to know

it can still be useful, this keyboard, yes, this keyboard can be connected to IOS appreils so Ipad

Iphone or for example, yes, you can connect to your iPhone or iPad's, it can not seriously?

it can be used, it is small, it is légé, Bluetooth 3.0 that ask for? So obviously

link this keyboard if it interests you, it is in the description, so the Amazon link

to a value of € 16.99 simply, not very expensive, elegant, fine, fast connection, it works very well

It works very well, sorry! The keys are very receptive, I am very happy and I also used

Me personally and professionally speaking, Good if you enjoyed the video

Do not hesitate to put a big thumbs up, do not hesitate to see the small keyboard on Amazon

All links will be in the description of course, give me your opinion on this keyboard

In comment, it greatly interests me, I tell you one last thing, subscribe

Go kiss!

For more infomation >> UN CLAVIER APPLE PAS CHER - Duration: 7:32.


Magika by Two Steps From Hell (Piano) - Duration: 2:51.

Hey audience!

Hope you enjoyed Magika by Two Steps From Hell. I really depend on patron support to

keep this channel going so if you'd like to help me out, head on over to my Patreon where

you can get some cool stuff like sheet music and mp3s.

And you can vote on my next video.

So if you enjoyed this one, hit the LIKE button and leave a comment below and tell me what

you thought.

I upload new videos on Fridays so be sure to SUBSCRIBE and look out for more Two Steps

From Hell.

See ya!

For more infomation >> Magika by Two Steps From Hell (Piano) - Duration: 2:51.



For more infomation >> GRABO UN VIDEO CON AMIGO Y PASA ESTO (FANTASMA) | Yutoshi - Duration: 6:53.


On débat de YouTube ! | BattleField 4 | Saturne10 [FR] - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> On débat de YouTube ! | BattleField 4 | Saturne10 [FR] - Duration: 8:34.


Mẹ chồng độc địa tìm mọi cách chia rẽ chồng với con dâu để đi VỤNG TRỘM TRAI LẠ - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Mẹ chồng độc địa tìm mọi cách chia rẽ chồng với con dâu để đi VỤNG TRỘM TRAI LẠ - Duration: 6:06.


3 Easy Steps for Entrepreneurs to Avoid Burnout - Duration: 2:18.

3 Easy Steps for Entrepreneurs to Avoid Burnout

As an Entrepreneur, you always work hard.

If you're not doing a job, then you're trying to find a job.

You started your business because of passion, and it's passion that carries you forward.

But working hard will only get you so far.

Working smart is how you get to where you want to be.

So here are three easy steps to take in order to avoid burnout and keep you at the top of

your game.

Step 1.

Set Boundaries

Set boundaries for yourself in order to keep your work life, and your personal life apart

from one another.

Your home is where you live and it can be difficult to focus on work while you are there.

If you don't already have one, you will need to create a mini office.

Get dressed for work when you go to your office, and force yourself to respect it as a place

of business.

Step 2.

Take Breaks

As an Entrepreneur, you work very hard, day in and day out.

And sometimes you ignore our own needs just to get the job done.

But it is a well-known fact, that when we are tired, our efficiency drops.

A task that should take an hour, suddenly takes two.

Only to find that it needs to be redone it in the morning.

Take care of yourself by taking regularly scheduled breaks.

Step 3 Delegate

As an Entrepreneur, you take your business very seriously.

It's your vision, your baby, your pride and joy.

No one can do it like you can.

And you're right, no one can.

But eventually, to reach your goal, you are going to need a little support.

Someone to manage the small details, so that you can focus on the bigger picture.

Because that has always been how successful Entrepreneurs have gotten from where they

were, to where they wanted to be.

At Contract Business Solutions, we'd like you to know that we understand.

Our business is the business of helping people grow their business.

And over time, we have become quite good at it.

So call us now, and get the support that you need to get to where you're going, much


For more infomation >> 3 Easy Steps for Entrepreneurs to Avoid Burnout - Duration: 2:18.



For more infomation >> GAMING - MAYA L'ABEILLE N'EST PLUS ( DÉCOUVERTE TROVE) - Duration: 8:45.


Treat you better - Shawn Mendes (Nightcore) - Duration: 2:26.

I won't lie to you I know he's just not right for you

And you can tell me if I'm off But I see it on your face When you say that he's the one that you want

And you're spending all your time In this wrong situation And anytime you want it to stop

I know I can treat you better than he can

And any girl like you deserves a gentleman

Tell me why are we wasting time On all your wasted crying When you should be with me instead

I know I can treat you better Better than he can

I'll stop time for you

The second you say you'd like me to

I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing Baby, just to wake up with you

Would be everything I need and this could be so different Tell me what you want to do

I know I can treat you better than he can

And any girl like you deserves a gentleman

Tell me why are we wasting time On all your wasted crying When you should be with me instead

I know I can treat you better Better than he can

Better than he can

Give me a sign Take my hand, we'll be fine

Promise I won't let you down

Just know that you don't Have to do this alone

Promise I'll never let you down

'Cause I know I can treat you better than he can

And any girl like you deserves a gentleman

Tell me why are we wasting time On all your wasted crying When you should be with me instead

I know I can treat you better Better than he can

Better than he can

Better than he can

For more infomation >> Treat you better - Shawn Mendes (Nightcore) - Duration: 2:26.



For more infomation >> Silence



For more infomation >> Lockjaw


2015-2017 F-150 Iron Cross Full Guard Front Bumper Review & Install - Duration: 7:30.

Hey, guys, Justin with

Here is my detailed review of the Iron Cross Full Guard HD Front Bumper, available for

your 2015 and up F-150.

All right, guys, in this review I'm gonna cover a few basic topics in regards to the

Iron Cross HD Bumper here.

Basically, what you can expect as far as functionality and styling, what you're gonna be looking

at when it comes to construction materials, and then finally, what it takes to get this

mammoth installed.

Yes, it's as heavy as it looks, guys.

So believe me, you're gonna wanna have an extra set of hands on hand, to help you get

this thing installed.

But still, one out of three wrenches on my difficulty meter, basic nut and bolt stuff

here, but we will have a little bit more detail on that later on.

So, who is this thing going to be for?

Well, as you can see, this is gonna be for the F-150 owners out there, who are looking

for the ultimate level of protection for the front end of his or her new truck, and don't

mind spending a little bit of money to help get you that.

This thing is gonna be packing some extra functionality, thanks to the winch mount and

the recessed light mounts, that's also gonna help add some very aggressive styling to the

front end.

It is gonna add a little bit of weight as well, but overall, a very solid bumper, so

let's get into it.

All right, guys, the HD series from Iron Cross is without a doubt the most popular lineup.

And what I really enjoy is, they offer it a few different configurations, depending

on your wants or your needs.

Now, first and foremost, they offer the HD base, which is basically, there are no frills,

barebones options.

They're gonna give you some additional stuff here with the winch mount, but overall, it's

just gonna be the bumper portion.

And as you might expect, that's going to be the most affordable in the group.

The next step up is their HD Push Bar Bumper, which is basically going to incorporate a

Bull Bar style overbar to the bumper itself, along with the base here.

A little bit more money, and that's gonna give you a little extra protection for the

front end, in addition to giving you some extra lighting mounts as well.

Finally, guys, we have the big boy here, right?

The Full Guard option for the F-150 owners, again, that want the ultimate level of protection.

But as you might expect, this thing is gonna be the most expensive of the three, falling

right around the $1,500 price point.

Now, all three of those options are available here at AM, so if you want to compare, contrast

those, feel free to do so at any point.

With that said, though, however, all three options are gonna share the same basic instruction,

when it comes to the base bumper portion here of the HD series.

We're gonna be looking at 10-gauge heavy duty steel plating, comprising basically, the bumper

here itself.

This thing is hand-built here in the USA, and it's all been CNC laser cut.

All of the Iron Cross HD series bumpers are double-welded both inside and out, and that's

just to ensure a very solid construction throughout.

And again, this thing is built like a tank, backed by a lifetime warranty, I doubt you

ever need it, but it's nice to know you have it.

Finally, they finish everything off in a very attractive textured black powdered coat here,

got a bit of a gloss finish to it.

It looks great in person in the shop, probably will look even better on your truck.

When it comes to protection for the front end, the Iron Cross Full Guard option is going

to be the clear cut winner in the line of steel bumpers.

Now, the base bumper itself here is gonna feature that 10-gauge heavy duty steel, again,

just a huge upgrade of your factory bumper in every way.

However, a factor in that included brush guard up top.

And again, you just have the ultimate level of protection for your new F-150.

Guys, taking the protection even further, again, with the Full Guard option, you're

getting heavy duty steel tubing here, protecting the headlight area.

In case you do take your rig off-road, this is gonna help you out against any trees, shrubs,

obstacles, whatever.

You're also getting full coverage for the front end, and this is something that's really

cool here with the Full Guard option.

And, of course, you got the steel supports and all that stuff, the steel tubing protecting

the majority of the grille area, but even further, the Iron Cross Full Guard includes

this measure, which is very unique in my eyes.

A lot of times with these brush guards, this is all open, so you can still smack a tree

or an obstacle or something like that, take a little abuse to the grille.

Not the case here with the Full Guard option from Iron Cross.

As you can see, they got you protected pretty well.

So again, if bulletproofing the front end of your truck is your number one goal, this

thing is probably the best option out there.

As far as additional functionality, besides the protection aspect here, which you're obviously

getting plenty of, all of the HD series bumpers from Iron Cross include this winch mount up

front, capable of handling a 12,500-pound winch.

So again, if you do a lot of heavy off-roading or hard core wheeling, the HD Full Guard Bumper

will definitely be a solid option for that reason.

Iron Cross also offers an interchangeable two-inch receiver plate that would take the

place of the winch here with the HD series bumpers, and this thing is just gonna give

you a little-added versatility.

You could throw a class three style hitch upfront if you wanted to, or you could even

add a removable winch mount, just in case you want to take it on and off, giving you

again, just a little bit more flexibility with the bumper itself.

Along with that winch mount, Iron Cross does also include a very burly deering mount here

that is incorporated into all the HD series bumpers.

Again, this is just gonna make for a really nice recovery point, for again, those F-150s

that do some pretty serious off-roading, along with a set of shackle.

But just a heads up here guys, Iron Cross does not include those shackles.

So, if you wanted to add those, you're just gonna have to pick them up separately.

Iron Cross also incorporates four-inch holes here for some recessed lighting, whether it'd

be auxiliary lighting, fog lights, whatever.

Now, unfortunately, you can't throw your stock fog lights in there because they will simply

not fit.

However, there are a number of different four-inch options available here on the site or in the

app market, that should work just fine.

Finally, guys, I do want to point out that Iron Cross, the CNC laser cut their name and

logo into the front end of the HD series bumper here.

Some of you guys might like that, maybe others not so much, but it is worth pointing out.

Now,I do also want to address the concern that some of you guys might have as well watching

this at home, and that is the added weight to the front end of your truck.

When installed, I will say even though this thing is very heavy, it did not sag the front

end of our shop truck here at AM, so that should help alleviate some concerns you might

have at home.

Now, I did drop the price quickly earlier in this video here, but again, you're gonna

be dropping right around $1,500 for the Full Guard option from Iron Cross.

It is a lot of dough, I'll give you that, but you have to consider what you're getting


A ton of projection, a ton of coverage for the front end, and therefore, a lot of materials.

So, it's pretty easy to see why this particular option is gonna be a little bit more than

their push bar or just their base option.

However, you also have to compare this to similarly priced ADD or road bumpers out there.

And again, you're gonna be getting a lot more for your money here with the Iron Cross Full

Guard option.

All right, guys, on to the install, and like we mentioned earlier, this is a bolt-up job,

there's really no cutting or no permanent modification needed when it comes time to

get this thing onto your rig.

Iron Cross does throw in some brand new quarter-inch steel plate brackets for this kit here, in

addition to brand new hardware as well, which should help you get the job done.

As you might expect guys, this thing is going to be heavy.

So call a buddy, call two buddies before getting started with the install.

It will definitely make your life a whole lot easier.

Trust me, when it comes the time to bolt this thing up.

Now, could you do it by yourself?

Maybe, but it's going to be very, very difficult.

Ultimately though guys, you're looking at basic hand tools here, strong one out of three

wrenches on my difficulty meter, maybe an hour or two before you're all set and done.

The Full Guard option here from Iron Cross is going to be a solid investment for any

F-150 owner out there, looking for maximum protection for the front end, whether on or


Now, for my money, there's really nothing quite like this on the market that's gonna

offer the same level of protection, coverage, and versatility at this price point, and that

very aggressive look certainly doesn't hurt either.

So, that's my review of the Iron Cross Full Coverage or Full Guard HD Bumper, which you

can find right here at

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