Friday, January 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2017

Hi, This is Sami, from Fawzi, In this video, I will talk about,

What is uric acid? , Uric acid is a heterocyclic compound of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen, with the

formula, C5H4N4O3. It forms ions, and salts known as urates, Uric acid is, a Chemical Compound,

Created, when the body breaks down, substances called purines. Purines, are found in some foods, and drinks.

These include, liver, anchovies, mackerel, dried beans And peas, and beer.

Most uric acid, dissolves in blood, And travels to the kidneys. From there, it passes out in urine. If your body

produces, too much uric acid or doesn't remove enough from it, you can get sick. Blood Test must Performed, to check how much

uric acid you have in your blood. Another test can be used to check the level of uric acid in your urine.

In human blood plasma, the reference range of uric acid is typically 3.4-7.2 mg/dL for men, and 2.4-6.1 mg/dL for women,

Uric acid concentrations, above and below the normal range, are known, respectively, as hyperuricemia ,and hyperuricemia.

Causes of high uric acid, In many instances, people have elevated uric acid levels for hereditary reasons

Diet may be a factor. High intake of dietary, purine, high-fructose corn syrup, and table sugar can cause increased levels of uric acid,

Serum uric acid, can be elevated due to reduced excretion, by the kidneys Fasting ,or rapid weight loss, can temporarily

elevate uric acid levels, Certain drugs, such as diuretics, can increase uric acid levels in the blood

Saturation levels of uric acid in blood may result in one form of kidney stones when the urate crystallizes in the kidney,

And can lead to a type of arthritis,, known as gout. This painful condition, is the result of needle-like crystals of uric acid precipitating in,

joints, capillaries, skin, and other tissues Thank you for watching Fawzi academy, please subscribe share this video

Favorite and like, I'm not doctor I just have uric acid level 7.4 gm/dl transfer my experience to all of you

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