Friday, January 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2017

I know a trip outside the Royale Arena is exciting, but can we stick together?


Honestly, you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached. Which it isn't.

Over here. Behind the bush.

- Let's keep an eye on it, okay? - Yeah.

Wait! My head's on backwards!

Hey guys, my head is kind of personal space.

Oh, no! I lost my group!

Miss Witch?! Hello, where are you? Wait for me!

Ready to get to work, Lucy?

Yes, my rugged, handsome Builder.

Let's try to keep this professional, Lucy.

What are you doing? I almost hit you.

Trees are the protectors of nature, and this is our Village's oldest tree.

It's been here ten minutes. Can you imagine the things it's seen?

Yeah. I got a work order to tear it down right here.

Then you'll have to tear me down, too, because I'm not going anywhere.

Well, I can wait as long as you can.

Villagers, bear witness to the unspeakable murder

this man is about to commit on our beloved tree, all for gems.

Relax. She just said 'gems'.

There are no gems.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

- Tree murderer?! - My thumb! Lucy, I hit my thumb!

Shhh, all better. Everything's going to be okay.

You left your tree, for me.

I'm a Healer. It's my sworn duty.

You know, maybe I don't need to knock down that tree.

A new one will pop up if we ignore them.


I was on the other side of the Village.

I failed my tree.

I want to show you something.

Lucy and I felt real bad about what happened, so we made you this.

I may be the Healer, but today you healed my soul.

I have three trunks and a stump before lunch!

You know I'll heal him... eventually.

Maybe after lunch.

- Well, what do we got here? - Looks like a puny Skeleton.

- I... I found bombs. - Yeah, our bombs.

You messed with them, now we're gonna mess with you!

Damn it! Gimme that, jerk.

You better run, Skele-teeny! We're coming for you!

Geese are flying South way earlier this year.

Keep an eye on the party Balloon while I get this goose pulled?

Who does that skull-flier think we are, anyway. Balloon valets?

Nice rig, though.

Herk, this Balloon is our destiny. Let's take it into battle.

This is a story that will be told by Barbarians for generations!

Okay. A) it's stealing. And B) Balloons go high.

And we've never been higher than, you know, our heads.

Mere obstacles, Herk. And do you know who overcomes obstacles? Heroes!

What the... I've been Balloon-jacked! Archers! Take them down!

Oh, arrows!

Remember my friend: you're not in a Balloon. You're in a legend!

Okay, now we can relax.


Find a quill, Herk, because today we're writing history.

And this chapter is called 'Dragon slayers'!


Uh, Rocky... I think we're lost.

Hmm. A story turn... toward even greater glory!

What kind of crazy Village is that?

If any opponent dares to engage us in battle,

we shall show them no mercy and destroy them!

Hey, everybody. How you doing?

We are Barbarians from clan Hog Riders Of The Lost Ark!

And we mean you no harm!

Invaders! Prepare to be demolished!

- Whoa, whoa! - Whoa! Hey, come on!

What is that?

The Princesses are upset, because you forgot their birthday.

I thought it was next Wednesday.

Teenage Princesses will never forgive their old father.


You'd give them a surprise present... like a legendary war Balloon!

Britney and Tiffany will love it! Girls, daddy got you a present!

It's the Balloon. That's the present.

Good. 'Cause mine smelled!

How does this thing work?

Turn the flame to the right.

Or was it the left?

- I'm sure they'll be right back. - It's a fun ride.

You're lucky the Tower King owed me a favor.

Rocky, Herk, I sentence you both to sand all the Skeleton Trap coffins.

Our great grandchildren will speak of this as another heroic adventure!

Whoa! A Loot Cart!

There's enough loot in here to change our lives forever!

You know... we could split it amongst ourselves.

Stealing a Loot Cart is a crime,

worse than using an Air Sweeper as a hair dryer.

That's why we can't get caught.

All we need to do is follow one rule: don't buy anything flashy.

Ah, nothing beats that new Hog smell.

What the...

What did I say about being too flashy?

I want nice things. I deserve nice things.

No, you don't! You're going to get us all caught!

Said the Goblin who's got a flashy new Hog himself.

Snout scoop, dual exhausts and a butt spoiler.

I have a good excuse.

I'm a greedy Goblin. Besides, what are you carrying around in that sack?

X-Bow parts? Are you nuts?

Why don't you slap a 'go-to-jail' sign on your head?

- I'm not giving back my X-Bow. - I'm keeping the Hog.

Giving up my decorations is like giving up my soul.

I'm gonna be caught.

What have I done?

Get off!

I'm glad we are doing the right thing, sell our stuff and return the loot.

Yeah, I don't care what people say about greed. I think it's a bad thing.

And maybe by turning in the Loot Cart, they'll go easy on us.

You guys lead the way.

People say a lot of horrible things about Goblins, but you're a great guy.

Ah, that means a lot. Thanks.

So long, losers. Sooie!

There you are, the little Skeleton who plays with bombs that aren't his.

Can my new friend play too?

Sure! The more the scarier!

I got a problem with people who pick on my friends.

We're out of here!

It'll be easier for me to walk back without the bomb.

I still have this stupid barrel on my back for some reason though.

- Okay, little guy, stay safe. - I will, Monstro.

This way, children.

Now, let's go see an ocean that no one ever goes in.

- Hello. What's the matter? - Hurt my knee.

- Oh! My head came off. - Ah!

For more infomation >> Clash-A-Rama! The Series: The Barbarians Red Balloon - Duration: 11:31.


Cafe Racer (Choose the Top 10 Best Motorcycles of 2016) - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> Cafe Racer (Choose the Top 10 Best Motorcycles of 2016) - Duration: 8:31.


126cm long Gummy Candy, Himo-Q by Meiji Japan - BOOWHOWOO Haul Sweets - Duration: 7:56.

Hello everyone, I'm BOOWHOWOO

Today, I'm going to try Japanese gummy candy "Himo Q" by Meiji, Japan

This gummy candy has

126cm length. So long isn't it?

OK let's open it.


Really long gummy candy

Well, let's compare to my height to see how long this is


Let's get started

Here is my head...

Which is longer?

Surely I am, right?

Huh? why?

The gummy is longer than me!!

No way--!

Hey, hey, hey, it's impossible!

Why am I shorter than it? I'm 132cm tall

I measured my height in summer and really I'm 132cm tall.

Hey hey hey!

Don't be kidding!

huh? it's 137cm

It says 126cm length gummy

on the bag

I guess I got 11cm freebie :)

Now I can understand why I am shorter than it.

5cm shorter...


This time I'm going to try a magic with this



You see my fingers have been tied like this

Then I will disentangle it in a flash


It's time to make gummy candy bracelet!


How is it?

Oh, I'm hungry

anything to eat?

Oh, I have a bracelet!

I gonna have this!

I've just

ate the light blue part

It tastes like soda

it's delicious

This time the brown part

It tastes like


Aha, so tiny!


mini chopsticks ( "river" in Japan)

Oh, what is this?

How do I do

I can't do this one..


How was the video today?

I had a lot of fun with a long gummy candy Himo-Q

Thank you for watching today

See you next video!

For more infomation >> 126cm long Gummy Candy, Himo-Q by Meiji Japan - BOOWHOWOO Haul Sweets - Duration: 7:56.


Goede Vrijdag: De Kruisweg van Jezus Christus - Aankondiging - Duration: 55:00.

For more infomation >> Goede Vrijdag: De Kruisweg van Jezus Christus - Aankondiging - Duration: 55:00.


The Bye Bye Man

For more infomation >> The Bye Bye Man


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


Vader Systems creates Liquid Metal 3-D Printer for manufacturing - Duration: 2:26.

A father and son team in the START-UP NY

program have invented a liquid metal

printing machine that could represent a

significant transformation in

manufacturing. Their company named "Vader systems"

has created a machine that prints

three-dimensional object using liquid

metal. Engineering faculty and students

of the University at Buffalo work

closely with this company. Existing Technology is

very expensive input materials and

operates solid so that that means that

your price for printed part is extraordinary


Our Metal printing system works by taking in

commodity priced aluminum wires

we feed these wires into the ceramic nozzle

we have electromagnetic coil outside

the ceramic nozzle and we energies the coil

when we energies the coil, it creates a magnetic field

that pushes inward on metal that produces droplet

University at buffalo has been a great


For more infomation >> Vader Systems creates Liquid Metal 3-D Printer for manufacturing - Duration: 2:26.


Cryo-Care - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Cryo-Care - Duration: 1:23.


Clash-A-Rama! The Series: The Barbarians Red Balloon - Duration: 11:31.

I know a trip outside the Royale Arena is exciting, but can we stick together?


Honestly, you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached. Which it isn't.

Over here. Behind the bush.

- Let's keep an eye on it, okay? - Yeah.

Wait! My head's on backwards!

Hey guys, my head is kind of personal space.

Oh, no! I lost my group!

Miss Witch?! Hello, where are you? Wait for me!

Ready to get to work, Lucy?

Yes, my rugged, handsome Builder.

Let's try to keep this professional, Lucy.

What are you doing? I almost hit you.

Trees are the protectors of nature, and this is our Village's oldest tree.

It's been here ten minutes. Can you imagine the things it's seen?

Yeah. I got a work order to tear it down right here.

Then you'll have to tear me down, too, because I'm not going anywhere.

Well, I can wait as long as you can.

Villagers, bear witness to the unspeakable murder

this man is about to commit on our beloved tree, all for gems.

Relax. She just said 'gems'.

There are no gems.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

- Tree murderer?! - My thumb! Lucy, I hit my thumb!

Shhh, all better. Everything's going to be okay.

You left your tree, for me.

I'm a Healer. It's my sworn duty.

You know, maybe I don't need to knock down that tree.

A new one will pop up if we ignore them.


I was on the other side of the Village.

I failed my tree.

I want to show you something.

Lucy and I felt real bad about what happened, so we made you this.

I may be the Healer, but today you healed my soul.

I have three trunks and a stump before lunch!

You know I'll heal him... eventually.

Maybe after lunch.

- Well, what do we got here? - Looks like a puny Skeleton.

- I... I found bombs. - Yeah, our bombs.

You messed with them, now we're gonna mess with you!

Damn it! Gimme that, jerk.

You better run, Skele-teeny! We're coming for you!

Geese are flying South way earlier this year.

Keep an eye on the party Balloon while I get this goose pulled?

Who does that skull-flier think we are, anyway. Balloon valets?

Nice rig, though.

Herk, this Balloon is our destiny. Let's take it into battle.

This is a story that will be told by Barbarians for generations!

Okay. A) it's stealing. And B) Balloons go high.

And we've never been higher than, you know, our heads.

Mere obstacles, Herk. And do you know who overcomes obstacles? Heroes!

What the... I've been Balloon-jacked! Archers! Take them down!

Oh, arrows!

Remember my friend: you're not in a Balloon. You're in a legend!

Okay, now we can relax.


Find a quill, Herk, because today we're writing history.

And this chapter is called 'Dragon slayers'!


Uh, Rocky... I think we're lost.

Hmm. A story turn... toward even greater glory!

What kind of crazy Village is that?

If any opponent dares to engage us in battle,

we shall show them no mercy and destroy them!

Hey, everybody. How you doing?

We are Barbarians from clan Hog Riders Of The Lost Ark!

And we mean you no harm!

Invaders! Prepare to be demolished!

- Whoa, whoa! - Whoa! Hey, come on!

What is that?

The Princesses are upset, because you forgot their birthday.

I thought it was next Wednesday.

Teenage Princesses will never forgive their old father.


You'd give them a surprise present... like a legendary war Balloon!

Britney and Tiffany will love it! Girls, daddy got you a present!

It's the Balloon. That's the present.

Good. 'Cause mine smelled!

How does this thing work?

Turn the flame to the right.

Or was it the left?

- I'm sure they'll be right back. - It's a fun ride.

You're lucky the Tower King owed me a favor.

Rocky, Herk, I sentence you both to sand all the Skeleton Trap coffins.

Our great grandchildren will speak of this as another heroic adventure!

Whoa! A Loot Cart!

There's enough loot in here to change our lives forever!

You know... we could split it amongst ourselves.

Stealing a Loot Cart is a crime,

worse than using an Air Sweeper as a hair dryer.

That's why we can't get caught.

All we need to do is follow one rule: don't buy anything flashy.

Ah, nothing beats that new Hog smell.

What the...

What did I say about being too flashy?

I want nice things. I deserve nice things.

No, you don't! You're going to get us all caught!

Said the Goblin who's got a flashy new Hog himself.

Snout scoop, dual exhausts and a butt spoiler.

I have a good excuse.

I'm a greedy Goblin. Besides, what are you carrying around in that sack?

X-Bow parts? Are you nuts?

Why don't you slap a 'go-to-jail' sign on your head?

- I'm not giving back my X-Bow. - I'm keeping the Hog.

Giving up my decorations is like giving up my soul.

I'm gonna be caught.

What have I done?

Get off!

I'm glad we are doing the right thing, sell our stuff and return the loot.

Yeah, I don't care what people say about greed. I think it's a bad thing.

And maybe by turning in the Loot Cart, they'll go easy on us.

You guys lead the way.

People say a lot of horrible things about Goblins, but you're a great guy.

Ah, that means a lot. Thanks.

So long, losers. Sooie!

There you are, the little Skeleton who plays with bombs that aren't his.

Can my new friend play too?

Sure! The more the scarier!

I got a problem with people who pick on my friends.

We're out of here!

It'll be easier for me to walk back without the bomb.

I still have this stupid barrel on my back for some reason though.

- Okay, little guy, stay safe. - I will, Monstro.

This way, children.

Now, let's go see an ocean that no one ever goes in.

- Hello. What's the matter? - Hurt my knee.

- Oh! My head came off. - Ah!

For more infomation >> Clash-A-Rama! The Series: The Barbarians Red Balloon - Duration: 11:31.


HIT : Heroes of Incredible Tales History & IceXgame StoryLine Part #1 ( Enable Sub pls) - Duration: 11:07.

First time In HIT

At first i want to play Hugo

But i saw Lucas very fast attack in intro lol

and yep Lucas Win lol

Alot people ask me , why i don't put my name in game

Here its a problem lol

Second Try

W T f

3rd Try

k i give up :D

yep my first server is US server :D

Big Problem that time is Abnormal game paly detected and game Crash lol

yep only can play 6-7 mins with BS that time :)

Now i'm back to Asain server ( coz most of my friend r here )

and yep i though we r in same server at first :)

while most player in guild fill with lvl 20-30 :D

here my first more views video that help my channel grown to this days :)

And thank to everyone who still stay with me .

After that give me more strange to make more video of Open Chest :)

still at 12k Attack and 26k Def ( After 1-2 weeks game play )

And yep No Season 2 or Season 3 Drop from chest like today lol

and yep only 1 stats from costume :D

HIT First update

Yep New Lobby ( Song very Relax , Miss that time lol )

Traning Groud Added after 1-2 month Game Release

Yep Swimsuit costume :p

2 months Gameplay still can't pass Tipen 2-5 lol

my stats start grown abit ( still use mix gears )

all immortal mix gears near max

gears can up to lvl 30

Full set with lvl 20 immortal SS1 stats :)

Lobby change back to Old 1 ( Night Version )

And Wing Added

near max my first SS1 Weapon

yep already max some Armor

max lvl 65

100k+ Attack

with Max Season1 Weapon

Still no Magic Stone Yet lol

Old Time Guild War with Old members :)

When my Stats still OP lol ( and no PET , Mana some topup speed item ) Release yet

And Thank Everyone help me reach 2500 Sub and 1m+ Views

I will Make part 2 When we Reach 5k Subscribe

Most player will quit and Some player just start to play

I will remembers that time when we have a good time and chat with each other

Thank for Watching - IceXgame

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