Friday, January 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2017

Korea's central bank revised down its growth forecast for the year.

But the BOK did keep its key rate steady at a record low of one-and-a-quarter percent.

Weak local demand is expected to weigh down the economy.

Shin Se-min breaks down the digits for us.

The Bank of Korea revised its growth forecast for the local economy to 2-and-a-half percent

this year,… down by zero-point-3 percentage point from its original projection in October.

It cited worsening economic sentiment,… with the ongoing political turmoil widely

expected to hamper domestic activities even further,… reflected in the near 8-year low

consumer sentiment late last year.

With this,… the BOK also trimmed its inflation outlook to 1-point-8 percent from the previous


"With the rise of global oil prices,… inflation is likely to rise, but the question is what

price pressures will look like on the supply side.

As growth is expected to remain in the 2-percent range, there will not be enough upward price

pressures from the demand side."

In other words,… external factors are expected to help push up price growth, but the contribution

of consumer demand will be weaker.

"We've seen demand shrink.

Consumer sentiment has been tepid, and there are also long-term factors such as an aging

population and wealth disparity that will continue to weigh down spending."

And with Korea's outbound shipments seeing a slight bump on the back of strengthening

global economic recovery,... the BOK held its key rate steady at an all-time low of

one-and-a-quarter percent.

"The bank added that it would closely monitor uncertainties lingering both at home and abroad,…

with the potential impact from new economic policies under the incoming U.S. administration

being considered one of the biggest concerns.

It also said, the Fed's faster-than-expected rate hike scenario and its impact on the local

economy will also be closely watched for future policy decisions.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> BOK cuts growth forecast by 0.3%p while keeping key rate steady at 1.25% - Duration: 2:04.


BMW X1 2.0d sDrive High Executive Sport-Line Automaat-8 P - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.0d sDrive High Executive Sport-Line Automaat-8 P - Duration: 1:54.


Lexus RX 450H 2WD Preference Pro (NAV/Leer/Climate/Cruise/P - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Lexus RX 450H 2WD Preference Pro (NAV/Leer/Climate/Cruise/P - Duration: 0:59.


Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 DCI GT-LINE LEDER NAVI LED 6VERSN LMV P - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 DCI GT-LINE LEDER NAVI LED 6VERSN LMV P - Duration: 1:09.


Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 DCI GT-LINE LEDER NAVI LED 6VERSN LMV P - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 DCI GT-LINE LEDER NAVI LED 6VERSN LMV P - Duration: 1:08.


Metallica - Live - 2003-06-21 Barcelona, Spain (Doctor Music Festival) - Duration: 2:00:36.

For more infomation >> Metallica - Live - 2003-06-21 Barcelona, Spain (Doctor Music Festival) - Duration: 2:00:36.


Messiah of Possilpark - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Messiah of Possilpark - Duration: 2:16.


Contactless throttle position sensor for BMW E28 with automatic trasaxle - Duration: 10:06.

Good night, dear friends

and hello evrebody from Bishkek

it's 3 a.m. now

I was late a little and decided to record this video tonight for a one guy from Australia

Who some time ago wrote on our forum

a request of developing contactless throttle position sensor(TPS) for BMW e28 with automatic transaxle

He sent an interesting photo. Lets admire it

As you see it's very interesting not typical design of TPS. It was installed on factory (not DIY)

I asked him to take measurements of electrical signals of this TPS

Also he measured mouting sizes. i.e. holes distance, throttle's shaft diameter, etc.

And it turned out,

that this sensor

which was installed on e28

is fully compliant by mounting sizes with our

contactless TPS for BMW motorcycles

So it was needed only to develop new firmware for it

And we have a great result!

Becuse i have not BMW e28 throttle body

i will show you installation example on BMW motorcycle throttle body, because the main priciples is same

First of all In this case we interesting in resetting and automatic calibarion of this sensor

and also how to calibrate idle switch, and how to mount this sensor.

Lets look at pinout of this sensor

This sensor has a 5 different pins:

12V- input of supply voltage (recommended 8-14.8v)

GND- ground or supply and signal "-"

REF- reference voltage input 4.8-5V

I dont want to solder additional reference voltage supply,

so i am simply using 10 kOm potentiometer, which powered from 12v supply and i'll tune it to get 5V REF for this test

As you see here i connected 2 LEDs.

This one is GREEN

It will show us when power supply is on and off.

And the second is RED LED

It will show us when "idle switch" is on , i.e. idle signal wire shorted to ground.

Now i will explain how to reset this sensor and how to enable autocalibration mode.

To reset this sensor and enable autocalibration mode

first of all we should remove it from magnet for a distance more than 10 cm

Next we should turn on ignition i.e. turn on supply voltage

wait for 2-3 sec and turn off the ignition ( supply voltage)

We should do this operations 3 times

after that this TPS will be resetted and ready for installation and autocalibration

Lets do this

Supply voltage is on. Waiting for 2 seconds.

Turn off supply voltage

Again supply voltage is turned on

2-3 seconds



wait for 2 sec


Thats all. We did this 3 times and now TPS resetted

and ready for automatic calibration . It will calibrate automatically after next power on.

After we had turned on and off power supply 3 times , we should install it on throttle body (bushing with magnet already installed)

Note that it should be installed in central position

The central position is a key for next precise tuning by hands

By rotating this sensor you can tune gear shifting of automatic transaxle

Earlier or later shifting

Thats why we should run calibration in central position

ok now it's ready for calibration. Let's turn on supply voltage

Now sensor is running autocalibration within 3-5 seconds

Ohh, it's too small reference voltage

ok. I'll try to tune it near 5V

got ~5V

Let's check what a result of autocalibration on output 1

0.68-0.69V Not bad! Should be 0.7V, so as you see error is very small :)

Calibration is well done

Now let's see the working voltage range

I can not open it fully, will try

4.63V it's ok. I cant open it fully with one hand

returned to beginning

As you see RED LED is off i.e. "idle switch" is not working now at all.

It also should be calibrated.

To calibrate "idle switch" we should use feeler gauge

typical clearance before idle switch goes off should be 0.5-0.8mm. Better to look at workshop manual.

At this moment i have not feeler gauge. It is in my garage which 2 kilometers far from my home and at 3am is not a good time to go there - dont like criminals on streets

So i will use a model out of a cardboard, to show how to calibrate idle switch.

We should install feeler gauge between stoper screw and throttle body

If there is no stopper screw then install it between stopper lever and throttle body

This will give us "Idle switch" clearence .When throttle opens more than this clearence , idle switch will turn off

And when throttle will be closed to clearance "idle switch" will turn on.

When "idle switch" will turn on we will see RED light from this LED.

It is very thick probe, but this is a model

Let's install it here

To calibrate "Idle switch" we should ground it's output(output 2) with some wire jumper. Install jumper between GND and 2 pins

As output 2 grounded you can see RED LED lights. Lets wait for 5 seconds.

After that remove jumper

Now "idle switch" is calibrated. Let's look how it works now.

When probe removed, and throttle fully closed- RED LED lights

When throttle opens more than "calibrating clearence", "idle switch" and RED LED goes off.

Look how RED LED reacting on throttle opening now

If you made wrong calibration with a wrong clearance, or you want to recalibrate "idle switch" after some tuning of TPS ( remember - gear shifting tuning)

First of all you will need to reset calibration of " idle switch" without resetting calibration of "potentiometer" output.

To do this you will need to open throttle fully and short to ground "idle switch" output

for a 5 seconds

Then fully close the throttle and after that remove jumper .

Ohh it didnt worked, seems jumper had bad contact

Will try again

Ok now "idle switch" resetted. RED LED if off.

As you see "Idle switch" now is not working and you can recalibrate it to desired clearance

After reclibration it works

In this case calibration of "potentiometer" output is not resetted!

In principle, the same sensor can be developed for vehicles with manual transmission

There is two switches in original TPS and we can emulate both in firmware

Thats all.

If you have any questions or wishes

feel free to ask in comments or on our forum

sign up to our chanel , likes .

Good luck and see you soon

For more infomation >> Contactless throttle position sensor for BMW E28 with automatic trasaxle - Duration: 10:06.


Erlebe Gottes gütige und heilende Hand - Duration: 27:31.

For more infomation >> Erlebe Gottes gütige und heilende Hand - Duration: 27:31.


When Does Star Come Back...

For more infomation >> When Does Star Come Back...


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Seoul calls S. Korea-U.S. alliance "the best it's ever been" - Duration: 2:18.

U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert underscored the robust Seoul-Washington alliance,...

calling it "the best it's ever been".

He also expressed disappointment towards North Korea,... but hoped for Pyongyang to come

back to the negotiating table.

Kwon Soa brings us the message from the diplomat that left a lasting impression as he readies

to bid farewell.

"Katchi Kapshida"

"Let's go together",... is what U.S. Ambassador to Seoul Mark Lippert wished for the South

Korea-U.S. alliance,... as he held his -- most likely last press briefing -- at the ambassador's

residence in downtown Seoul Friday.

Lippert highlighted the two countries achievements and alignment,... especially when it comes

to North Korea policy.

He said the intensity of issues on the Korean peninsula he felt while being in South Korea,

cannot be felt in the U.S., nor in neighboring countries like Japan and China.

The ambassador also expressed his disappointment towards Pyongyang's attitude.

"The shift to the sanctions regime was only after the North walked out of the talks and

proceeded to not one but two nuclear tests, and corresponding missile tests.

The point of sanctions is to get the North back to the table.

Even though they don't want to talk now, doesn't mean they may not want to talk in the future.

The Obama administration's policy has always been to keep that dialogue channel open and

the possibility of negotiations open."

Lippert refrained from predicting policy directions and challenges concerning South Korea lying

ahead for the incoming Trump administration,... well as what his own plans for his career

will be once he's back in the U.S.

He does intend however to keep working towards shaping up the relationship between Seoul

and Washington.

He called his leaving of South Korea bitter sweet and showed tears when making remarks

on his experience during his more than two years stay in the country.

"To all the tens of thousands of Koreans with whom our paths have crossed, I say thank you

for your help in strengthening our friendship and our alliance."

Kwon Soa, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Seoul calls S. Korea-U.S. alliance "the best it's ever been" - Duration: 2:18.


Honda Civic 1.8i-VTEC TYPE-S ADVANTAGE ECC 17"LMV PDC STOELVER - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.8i-VTEC TYPE-S ADVANTAGE ECC 17"LMV PDC STOELVER - Duration: 1:44.


Last Chance Kitchen: Treasured Ingredients (Season 14, Episode 7) | Bravo - Duration: 9:49.

- This is "Last Chance Kitchen,"

brought to you by Hidden Valley Ranch.

[dramatic tones]

[upbeat music]

- Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.

- I'm frustrated. Gave up my immunity,

it was the right thing to do and I was eliminated, so...

I don't want to win the title of "Top Chef"

by playing games. I realize it's a competition,

but at the end of the day, the best chef should win.

- You made "Top Chef" history by giving up immunity.

You're the first person ever to do that.

Any regrets? - No.

It was the right thing to do.

In the pirate challenge, you had immunity

so you deliberately took the two worst ingredients.

You took peanut butter and chicken breasts.

And unfortunately your plate caused

the entire team to be on the bottom.

- He's got immunity. If there's something--

we get some strange ingredient that doesn't go into it,

he can throw it into his dish. - I'll take it.

- And what about you, Jamie, what did you make?

- Uh, so I made you guys a chicken satay.

- His lack of effort or ambition

might have really sunk the whole team.

- We have an important decision to make.

- Yeah, I just have one thing I'd like to say.

I would like to offer up my immunity

and be judged with my team.

- He had immunity and he kind of fell on his sword.

[suspenseful music]

That pirate sword, I guess it was that you fell on.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

So for your challenge, I'm gonna give you

a new crack at your team's treasure chest.

- Oh, great.

- But you get the good ingredients:

the lobster, the truffle, the oranges, the peas.

This is my last chance to use a pirate pun.

Arrgh you gonna use peanut butter?

[laughter and groans]

- No way.

- Jim, what do you think of these ingredients?

Sound good, right? Lobster, peas, truffle.

- They sound good to me, yeah.

- You don't have to use all the ingredients.

Just pick the ones that you like.

Hopefully you'll make a dish that would have

put your team on the top.

30 minutes. Your time starts now.

[clapping] - Come on!

[energetic music]

- I'm a little pleased by what's in the mystery box.

As I see what's in the box, it's all coming together there.

There's kafir lime leaves. There's fennel.

There's lemongrass.

These are all ingredients that--

what I like to cook when I cook Asian food,

and so I already have an idea as to what I'm gonna make

and how I'm gonna do it. - Take the chicken breasts.

- And the peanut butter? - Yeah take the chicken breasts.

I'm definitely fired up to put out a really solid dish.

Had I got the opportunity to work with truffles and lobster

in the elimination, I don't think I would have

been going home, so I'm definitely gonna bring it.

- Hey! - Hey!

- The Italian Stallion.

[upbeat rock music]

- Why's he always steal all the butter each challenge?

- [laughs] You see? - He just took a ton of butter

and he did it to Sylva, too. I like his style.

- Mm-hmm. [blender whirring]

- There you go. Citrus so it doesn't turn brown.

♪ ♪

- What you making, Jimbo?

- Sort of an Asian, poached truffle lobster tail.

- Ooh. - What about you, Jamie?

- Heading down the same path, except I'm gonna poach

my lobster tails in a little lemongrass,

truffle, little bit of orange, over a pea emulsion.

- "Orange" you glad it's not peanut butter?

- Say it again? [laughter]

- 22 minutes, guys.

♪ ♪

- We didn't get any fennel, huh?

♪ ♪

- I will say that seafood is definitely

one of my biggest strengths.

I was selected by my peers to be the chairman

of the Alabama Seafood Marketing Commission.

So I have some ideas about how to cook a lobster tail,

so I'm feeling pretty good about it.

- I smell lobster.

- For me, the most important thing is

not to overcook the lobster tail.

The lobster needs to be poached just right,

or it gets really rubbery and tough.

You know, everybody wants to win

and we're definitely very focused on executing.

- 18 minutes, guys!

[clapping] - Turn it up!

- Why don't we get butter in pounds, guys, seriously?

What's up with that? - [laughs]

- Why are you using all the butter, Jim?

- He's like, "I can take it all

way easier if it was in pounds."

- It's gonna take a lot of butter to poach

these four lobster tails that I have because they're so big,

and poaching lobster in butter, it's not the hardest

thing to do, but it's something that kind of

requires a steady eye.

- Jimmy, you didn't see any fennel over there, did you?

- Yeah, it's in the mystery box. I have a bowl if you want it.

- I'll totally take it.

- Oh, look at this, the hand-over.

all: Aww. - Yes.

- Thanks, man.

- The integrity challenge is back!

Yes! I mean, that's pretty cool, right?

One guy gives up his immunity,

the other guy gives up his fennel.

This is like the integrity challenge, guys.

- Yeah. - I feel like one's, uh...

- One's a little bit bigger. I'm with the fennel too.

I get that. - 15 minutes!

- How are you feeling right now, Jamie?

- I'm feeling good. - What you got there?

- Some of that pea emulsion.

This competition is the hardest thing I've ever done.

I run restaurants, I plan menus,

I'm methodical that way, so in this competition,

we're frantically trying to get these dishes

together with a time crunch. It's a really big challenge.

- Oh, sh--. Jimbo?

- What's up? - Turn around.

- Oh. Oh--oh--oh--oh.

Thank you.

Glad I have some fans in the cheering section.

I cranked the temperature up on that to get those flavors

extracted, particularly from the lobster tails.

Every day I come into the kitchen,

especially in these challenges,

it's always serious for me.

I want to win this challenge.

- 12 minutes, guys.

- What's up? - What's up, Chef?

- Ooh. So what are you making there?

- Butter poached lobster with some kafir lime

and, um, some of the lemongrass.

A little bit of truffle. - Okay.

- We're gonna blend some flavors here a little bit.

- Got it. Blending of flavors.

What's up, Jim? - Hey, Chef.

- What are you doing with your lobster?

- Poaching it in a... truffle...fennel...

kafir lime butter.

- You guys are sounding like you're doing the same dish.

- Uh, maybe so. I hope not.

Maybe I shouldn't have said my dish too loud.

- Jim has kind of put together a similar flavor profile

that I was working with.

It's gonna be close.

- Dude, you wish you had immunity now?

- Ha-ha. Yeah, right.

I do.

- That's a lot of lobster to cut up.

- Yeah, I know. - You have almost seven minutes.

Seven minutes.

That's a lot of sauce there.

- It's, uh, lobster, fennel, lemongrass.

That's about half cream, half coconut milk.

- Why so much?

- Uh, you know, I got to feed those guys over there.

- Ah, okay. Jim's looking out for you.

He's cooking for the whole team, I guess.


- How's that lobster, Jamie? - It's good.

- What's that? - Butter...

- Butter that you're poaching it in.

- Yeah. - Going pretty hard there.

- Yeah...

- What is that, Jamie?

- It's a little orange and fennel salad.

Jim is a really solid cook,

but I think I have the chops to beat anybody.

I hate to have to knock him out,

but that's what you got to do.

- Two minutes.

- The lobster's perfectly cooked.

The broth is tasting awesome.

I'm feeling good about what I'm making

and it's all coming together nicely.

- One minute left.

- I'm really happy with the way my dish is shaping up.

Colors are good.

The texture of the lobster's great.

So I think I definitely got a good chance.

- 30 seconds, guys.

[tense music]

- Five seconds.

- You got it, Jim? - Four...

- Come on, Jim, go. all: Three...

two, one!

[cheers and applause]

- Good job. - Good job.

- Yeah, man.

[dramatic sting]

- Hey, Jamie. - Hey, Chef.

- All right, so, what do we have here?

- Here we have, uh... - The pirate's booty?

- A little pirate's booty, we got, uh,

a butter-poached kafir lime,

lemongrass and black truffle

butter-poached lobster over pea emulsion.

Uh, with a little fennel radish,

um, and black truffle salad.

- So you used the can of peas?

- I used the canned peas. I--I blended a little bit

of spinach in it to brighten the color a little bit.

Heated that up on the stove,

melted it with a little bit of butter,

um, and then strained it out.

- All right, thanks. - Yep. Yep.

[tense music]

- Hey, Jim. - Hello, Chef.

- What do we have here? - So, uh,

I've poached the lobster tails and a little bit of

the kafir lime leaf, a little bit of the lemongrass,

the truffle, and, uh, and butter.

And I've stirred that with a broth that I made

from the, uh, bones from the shells,

a little bit of, uh, ginger, some five-spice.

- What was it on top of this?

A little salad or something? - Oh, there was just--

I just did a tiny little bit of shaved raw fennel

and, uh, lemon zest and truffle.

- Thanks.

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic tones]

- You know, I think the treasure chest

gave you some pretty good ingredients.

And you ended up doing dishes that were very similar

in flavor profiles.

A little different in, uh, execution.

I like food that is well-seasoned

to the point where everything is balanced,

everything just kind of works together.

Jamie, I found your dish-- everything was cooked nicely,

but I found the dish to be a little just under-seasoned.

That salt does more than add salt,

it just brings the flavors,

you'll get more of those background flavors.

Jim, I found your broth to be really, really delicious.

Um, I thought the lobster was nicely cooked.

But you went the opposite way.

There was that garnish that was so salty.

[tense music]


Jamie, you win.

- Awesome.

- Good job. Way to go. - Thanks, man. Great job.

- Jim, did you taste it afterwards?

Did you see what I was saying?

'Cause I was asking about that one garnish.

I got it in my mouth, it was-- I had to stop eating.

Maybe your hands are wet, 'cause sometimes

if your hands are wet, a clump of salt

just goes on there, yeah. - That may have been it.

Because the rest of the dish was really beautiful,

But it's that one little thing that really threw it off, so...

You can exit the kitchen. - Thank you, Chef.

I made a mistake and it's enough to send me home.

It's, uh--it's tough.

Sometimes it's the simple mistakes

and I wanted to make it further in the competition.

I knew "Top Chef" was gonna be a life-changing experience

and I--I'm leaving here knowing that it has been.

It's been everything I wanted and more.

- Jamie, you're gonna need this. - Awesome.

- Got that back. - Thank you, Chef.

- I know how bad you want this.

I mean, you gave up immunity, you should still be

in the competition. Lot of integrity,

but you still have a long way to go.

I think you have five more chefs to go through

till you get back in the competition.

But getting closer, okay?

- Yep. I'm gonna bring it.

- I'll see you next week. - Thank you.

- I'm super excited.

I haven't put out my best food yet

and I really want a chance to show everybody

what I'm made of. I'm looking forward

to who my next competitor's gonna be

and getting after it. Back in.

- Way to go.

♪ ♪

[dramatic tones]

For more infomation >> Last Chance Kitchen: Treasured Ingredients (Season 14, Episode 7) | Bravo - Duration: 9:49.


Biedermeier - BACK TO NATURE - Duration: 0:13.

Biedermeier is about

nature, forests, hiking,

walks, country outings

and ...

and today?

Show us what Biedermeier means to you!

further information here:

For more infomation >> Biedermeier - BACK TO NATURE - Duration: 0:13.



For more infomation >> 1 APPLICATION TO HOLD ITS RESOLUTIONS - Duration: 4:27.


Tokyo Auto Salon limited Tomica - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Tokyo Auto Salon limited Tomica - Duration: 0:43.


The Simpsons TV - Kids Photo Studio - Hippo Peppa Pig Games - New Educational mini-games - Duration: 11:10.

The Simpsons TV - Kids Photo Studio - Hippo Peppa Pig Games

For more infomation >> The Simpsons TV - Kids Photo Studio - Hippo Peppa Pig Games - New Educational mini-games - Duration: 11:10.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


Disney's Pinocchio

For more infomation >> Disney's Pinocchio


Gimmick'd - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Gimmick'd - Duration: 2:30.


BMW X1 2.0d sDrive High Executive Sport-Line Automaat-8 P - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.0d sDrive High Executive Sport-Line Automaat-8 P - Duration: 1:54.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon, Automaat, 1.6 GDI Plus Pack, Navigati - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon, Automaat, 1.6 GDI Plus Pack, Navigati - Duration: 1:46.


Jaguar XF 2.2D (Xenon/NAV./LEER) - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XF 2.2D (Xenon/NAV./LEER) - Duration: 1:45.



For more infomation >> 1 APPLICATION TO HOLD ITS RESOLUTIONS - Duration: 4:27.


Tiramisu : prise en main de l'éditeur - Duration: 18:30.

For more infomation >> Tiramisu : prise en main de l'éditeur - Duration: 18:30.


Qui êtes vous ? Qui suis je ? EFT en français #117 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Qui êtes vous ? Qui suis je ? EFT en français #117 - Duration: 3:05.


Avant l'événement - Série sur le réseautage (partie 1) - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Avant l'événement - Série sur le réseautage (partie 1) - Duration: 2:29.



For more infomation >> Silence


Travis Scott Type Beat

For more infomation >> Travis Scott Type Beat


Israeli Air Force F-35 ADIR in Action - Duration: 5:47.

Meet the F-35 "Adir"

F-35 in Action


The IAF Presents

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