Bad LSE...very bad LSE
OH MY GOD What the Heck?
For more infomation >> GOD OF ROUX! 8.53, 9.24 & 10.27 FAIL TRILOGY [Fast Solves] - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Mickey Meets A Grown-Up Sabrina | Season 1 Ep. 1 | THE MICK - Duration: 1:06.
- And you should see Sabrina.
Oh, my god. There she is.
Sabrina, look.
It's your Aunt Mackenzie.
[laughs] Sabrina.
Wow, Aunt Mackenzie.
I haven't seen you since you were young.
Sabrina's going to Yale next year.
I got into Yale.
That doesn't mean I'm going.
That's probably a good call.
Remind me.
What do you do again?
You know how it goes?
Just kind of in between things.
I don't.
But good luck with your thing.
Thank you.
Isn't she amazing?
Oh, she is.
I am amazed.
So listen.
Yeah, poodle.
I wanted to give you an opportunity
to invest in my future.
There it is.
This is the Micky that I know.
What are you talking about?
I was half your age when I settled down.
You didn't settle down.
You got knocked up by some rich guy when
you were working as a stripper.
[gasps] I was a waitress at a strip club.
You were a topless waitress.
And that's even worse.
It just means you couldn't dance.
I am a great dancer.
Mickey Tells Alba That They Are Equals | Season 1 Ep. 1 | THE MICK - Duration: 0:38.
All right, so what's the deal with that pool?
Is it heated?
Oh, I don't know.
I never try.
You telling me you're here every single day busting
your hump, these entitled monkeys
don't even let you get wet?
Oh, I cannot swear.
That's not the point.
The pool is a metaphor.
No, you're getting boxed out.
And I don't like that. - Oh.
I'll tell you what.
As long as I'm here, you and me, we're equals.
Oh, yeah.
In fact, pull up a chair.
We're eating breakfast together.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait.
I mean, you got to cook the food first.
Mickey Enjoys The Good Life | Season 1 Ep. 1 | THE MICK - Duration: 0:53.
[music playing]
[music playing]
(SINGING) I'm having a ball.
[inaudible] It will be fun.
Here come the shoes. Come closer.
I can't reach it.
Trust me.
Come on!
Aww, man.
You are a bummer.
Catch it!
You'd better run.
All right.
[music playing]
(SINGING) With so much love, I'll never know.
Each day I wake up and greet the world at my feet.
I'm riding high-- having a ball.
[DAY 124] Last Day in 2016: Busan Night View from BIFC ! - Duration: 3:39.
hello, grandma
how are you~?
waking up in this morning and realised:
"aiya!" it's already the last day of 2k16!
what should i do?
there're too many ppl celebrating on street
but staying at home is too dull
therefore, i decided to go out and enjoy a bike ride
i follow the cycling bath near metro station
and ride for around 3 station away
then stopped and take a rest
checking messages from friends,
enjoy the precious sunshine in this chilly day
take a pic (+ share it to family ^ ^ )
and go back for lunch
after lunch,
i worked (+ Internet surfing XD) until 4pm
and headed to BIFC
which stands for Busan International Financial Center
on every Sat
the 63/F Observatory is opened to public for free
may be today is the last day of 2k16
most ppl go for count-down party
so it isn't that crowded :)
the sunset is very pretty (& calming) !
see? it's really orange > v < (looks better with bare eye than this)
on the Observatory, there's a board
showing you the names of those buildings underneath
but to be honest,
from this angle,
all the skyscrapers look so small
and i can't really distinguish them haha
but why i stayed after witnessing the sunset?
form what i heard,
after 30mins of the sunset
it's the "golden time" for taking pic for night view
so i decided to wait for a while
and see if i could capture the city beauty at night :)
hm... i waited for 30min until 6pm
(which isn't that long ^ ^)
i could finally witness & capture the nightview >v<
well, it may not look that good in this video
but those photos taken from camera is quite good!
i decided to name this as
"The Last Traffic Jam in 2016"
i leave after this (with urgent hunger call for supper)
this elevator is real fast
going down form 63/F to ground floor
it only takes around 35 seconds!
there's a digital monitor inside
telling you the current speed of the elevator
the speed increases gradually
and the fastest m/min is 600m/min @0@ may also overhear other's conversation (as korean listening practice keke)
finally, we've arrived :)
there's a full-glass revolving door at the main entrance >v<
indeed love playing with it so much
so i went in and out twice before leaving (haha)
okay, this is the last video taken in 2k16
hope that we can let go
with the undesirable things happened in 2k16
and get ready for a brand new start in 2k17 :)
that's it for today and see you later ( ^ ^ )/
please stay healthy and wait for me to come back
bye bye~
Roxanne Bacon et Luc Tremblay ... chez les rendez-vous à Franky ... - Duration: 9:36.
Artist Zayn Malik Live
What The F%&* Is Self Care? - Duration: 5:33.
WTF is self care?
Spoiler alert: It is not just bubble baths and nice candles.
If you want to know the nitty-gritty of what it takes to build an
awesome life, stick around.
[intro music]
Hi everyone, I'm Sam.
Welcome to my channel.
This is my very first video and I am super passionate
about self care and all its facets, not just the nice stuff.
So the reason behind that is: I really suck at self care.
So now I'm making a YouTube channel to force myself to practice because it's really important
for life in general.
But, particularly, my life.
It's really important to me because I have struggled in the
past with mental health issues like depression.
After my daughter was born, I had really, really
severe Post Natal Depression and self care is one of the things that helped pull me through
Also, medication.
Very important for mental health issues but we'll talk about that later.
I'm starting this channel and I'm going to document exactly where I am now and I'm going
to do things a little bit at a time to get through.
Because I want an awesome life and I think you deserve an
awesome life too.
And I know that one of the things that stuck out for me when I was looking for help was
all the self care stuff was really about what it takes,
like nice baths and taking care of yourself and curling up on
the couch and watching your favourite videos and stuff.
And I'm not saying that that's not really important, because it is, but the problem
is that when you have depression or anxiety or other mental
health issues that really impact your enjoyment of
everyday things, you actually don't enjoy laying around and just doing nothing.
It might be what you need but, for me anyway, it wasn't helpful.
The parts of self care that really helped me were forcing myself to do the things that
I didn't want to do and I still don't.
I joined a gym.
I went three times a week for two months and it was
awesome and then I just stopped.
I was making good progress and I just stopped.
So I'm working on creating an awesome life.
That's the goal.
That's all I want to do.
If I can go to my deathbed as some eighty-year-old lady and
my life has been awesome, I will be happy.
I hope you'll join me on my quest for an awesome life and maybe some of the things I'm trying
will help you too.
So we are going to talk about nice things like makeup and movies and books and activities
to do with your families and all sorts of stuff like
But we're also going to talk about making sure your bills are paid on time and going
to work - even though you'd rather get hit by a car than
go to work.
Stuff like that.
I think it's really important, well, mainly because somedays I definitely don't want to
go to work.
So the nice parts of self care are really great but I really, honestly believe that
it's doing the difficult things - the difficult parts of self care
- that's going to change your whole life.
I hope that the information that I'm gleaming from the internet and from therapy and all
sorts of stuff like that is actually going to be useful
but, here's the thing: I'm just one person and I'm also coming from
a position of privilege in our society.
I'm white, I'm straight appearing - I married a guy - you know, I live in Australia.
It's just, that's the lot I have.
So if the things that I'm saying don't help because of location
or money or anything like that, tell me about it.
Send me an email, my email address is down below, tell me what doesn't work.
Tell me the things that I don't know.
I don't know what it's like to live in another country.
I don't know what it's like to live in India or
South Africa or anywhere other than Australia.
I've only ever lived here so your experiences will be so much more valid than mine will.
Collaborate with me.
I would love to film videos with other people and given that the internet is marvellous
and we can just connect all over the world,
there is no reason why we can't do collaborations and never meet.
I think that's fantastic.
Although, I would love to travel and meet people as well.
That would be great.
I'm going to update videos once a week because I do have work and a baby and things like
that but, eventually, I would love to be able to do
this fulltime.
It would be awesome.
That's one of the goals.
But to do that I have to do hard stuff like go to work when I don't want to.
So, one day at a time, I'm going to make my life awesome.
And I hope that you will stick around and see how that pans out.
If you're interested, consider subscribing.
The button's down below, as you would well know, and I
will catch you in the next video.
Bye! [captions by]
GOD OF ROUX! 8.53, 9.24 & 10.27 FAIL TRILOGY [Fast Solves] - Duration: 1:59.
Bad LSE...very bad LSE
OH MY GOD What the Heck?
Reading Goals // 1st Quarter of 2017 - Duration: 8:32.
Hi everyone! It's Clarisse, this is ClarisseReads,
and today I'm going to share
with you my reading goals for the first
quarter of 2017. You may be wondering,
"Clarisse, why did you decide to set goals
quarterly instead of yearly this year?"
Well, as you may know, reading goals were
a massive part of my reading year last
year, and really liked having that. I felt
like it gave my reading a bit more
direction. But at the same time I did
find some problems with it.
First of all, I noticed that I didn't do
well focusing on multiple goals at one
time. I really preferred just thinking
about one, two or three goals at a period of
time and just forgetting about the others
for a while. And second of all I didn't
necessarily find the same things
important at the beginning of the year
as I did
by the end of the year; it's hard to know
what type of books you're going to want to
prioritize for the whole rest of the
year and try to figure that out just at
the beginning. So I thought that maybe
quarterly goals would be a good
alternative to this. It still gives me
goals and something to work towards when
it comes to my reading, but it also lets me
be a bit more focused and only think
about two or three goals at a time
rather than six or seven.
It's also less likely that the goals are
eventually going to seem irrelevant
or unimportant
if only planning them a couple of months
in advance. So now that I have "why I
decided to do this" out of the way, it's
time that I moved on to the actual goals
that I plan to work towards this January
to March. My first goal for this quarter
is to reread books.This is actually one of
the goals that I set for myself last
year but I didn't end up rereading as
much as I wanted to. But even though this
was my goal last year, I feel like it's still
relevant this year, and it's still
something I want to strive towards
because I do want to eventually get to a
point where I'm rereading more often and
I know all of my favorite books
extremely well. My specific goal for this
is to reread at least six books in
this first quarter.
There are few books that actually really
do plan to reread and I want to
prioritize reading this quarter, and the
first of those is the entire original Mistborn
trilogy by Brandon Sanderson,
including The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension,
and The Hero of Ages.
This is a series that I consider to be
my favorite series ever, and I say
that to everybody, and yet I've only read it
once. But I recently bought myself
physical copies of this series - because I
never actually own physical copies of it
before - in the wonderful UK editions, so
I'm especially motivated right now to
read them. The other series that I want
to prioritize rereading this first
quarter is the Locke and Key series by
Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez. My
motivations for rereading this series
are very similar to my motivations for
reading the Mistborn series. Again, it's
a series that I tell everyone is my
favorite, specifically it's my favorite
comic series ever,
and yet, again, I've only read it once. And
also I just recently finished acquiring
all the physical copies in the master
editions, and so I'm, again, extremely
motivated to reread this because of that.
There's the first one, the second one and
the third one. Each of these would
contain two of the trade paperbacks. In case you
aren't aware, the Mistborn series is a high
fantasy series, while Locke and Key is a
dark fantasy horror series, and I don't
even read horror normally, but I love
this. Another series I'd like to reread if
I feel up to it, though it isn't a priority,
is the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman,
just because there are a lot of parts of
it that I'd like to go back on and read
now that I know how the entire series
ends and I just know I'm going to enjoy
more on the reread. So maybe I'll reread it this
quarter, maybe I won't, but I do plan to
reread it sometime soon regardless. My
second goal for this quarter is to
reduce my physical TBR. As you may know, I
do have this ongoing goal to reduce my
to be read pile in general though that
does include ebooks. And while I do want
to get through my ebooks, my main
priority is actually to reduce my
physical TBR, because of my greater goal
to reduce physical clutter and to reduce
my possessions to things that I really
really do love. So my goal this quarter
is to reduce my physical TBR by 5. I'll
put the current size of my TBR on the
screen somewhere because I'm
pre-filming this
and so I don't know how big my TBR is
going to be when this video goes up, but
whatever this number is, my aim is to get
this number minus five. So if for
whatever reason this quarter I buy a new
physical book, that means that I also
have to read an additional book, but this
also means that reduction of my TBR does
not need to be done by reading the book -
it can be done by me giving away a book,
so that will still lead me towards this
goal. There are few books that are
currently on my physical TBR that I feel
like I'm going to get to quickly just
because of either the size of it - and I
feel like it's small enough that I can
read it fast - or because of my excitement
for the book, or because I recently got
the book and so I'm excited to read the book.
And among those books are: Sounds Like Me
by Sara Bareilles, which I recently got as a
surprise Christmas gift from my parents.
Red Seas Under Red Skies, which I am
currently reading as film this, so I may
actually have finished it before this
video goes up. Zoe's Tale, because I love
the Old Man's War series so much,
though I have heard kind of mediocre things
about this book. I also heard that you
don't necessarily need to read this book,
but I'm still excited to get to it.
Something to Smile About which is this
really tiny book that I got from my thesis
adviser for Christmas, which was totally
unexpected. It was so sweet of her.
As you can see, the merry Christmas to
from thing is still
over there and I forgot to remove it. And
Tree by F. Sionil Jose, which is actually
really short, but I remember taking a
while reading the first book in this
series just because, you know, it's one of
those books you want to take your time
with. And my third and final reading goal
for this quarter is to read more diverse
science fiction, because one of the
reading goals that I had a problem with
fundamentally last 2016 was my
reading goal to read more science
fiction and fantasy from NPR's top 100
list of science fiction and fantasy
books, namely because the lack of
diversity of books on that list made it
contradict with my other priorities in
reading. But I know there's so many great
diverse science fiction and fantasy
books out there, and especially for
science fiction there were quite a few
books that immediately came to mind that
I wanted to read that were more diverse.
So I hope to get to those books this
I'm aiming to read 3 diverse sci-fi books this
quarter, though I actually have five
books in mind that I may be able to read
so yay for choices. First of the
possible diverse sci-fi books I could
read is Project 17 by Eliza Victoria.
Eliza Victoria is a sci-fi and fantasy
author from the Philippines who I
discovered last year and both of the books
I've read from her so far, namely Wounded
Little Gods and Dwellers, I really really
enjoyed, so I've been wanting to read
more books by her anyway. I also plan to
maybe read Binty by Nnedi Okorafor, which
is a novella that won the Hugo award. As
far as I can tell, I think the main
character is African and author of this
book is also African. I actually already
read a book by this author. I read Akata
Witch, and while I liked it I did have
some problems with the plot. But I've heard
so many great things about Binti that
I'm still really excited to possibly
read it regardless.
Another book I could possibly read is a
by Nicola Griffith. I didn't want to know
too much about the plot of this book
because I like going to books without
knowing much at all, but as far as I can
tell, all of the characters are female, and I
also believe that it's an own voices
book, because I think there might be
lesbian characters in this book and the
author is also lesbian. Again, I don't
know too much about this book, but I do
know that it's really good.
Another book that actually almost got
around to reading quite a few times last
year is A Planet for Rent by Yoss.
It's written by Cuban author and even
though the book is set in a dystopian
future in space
I heard the whole thing is a massive
metaphor for modern day Cuba and it just
sounds really interesting. And the last
diverse science fiction that I may get to
this quarter is The Three-Body Problem
by Cixin Liu. It is translated from
Chinese. It won the Hugo. But other than
that I don't know much about this book
except that it deals with aliens and the
Chinese Cultural Revolution. So those are
all the reading goals I'm aiming for
this first quarter of 2017. I'd love to know
what some of your goals for this year are,
or if you're planning on doing something
different about your goals this year, will you
have reading goals at all, please leave
all of that in a comment section down
below if you feel like it. Anyway, thank
you so much for watching, and I hope to
see you next time. Bye!
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