I was very thrilled upon receiving this invitation, and could not miss the chance.
Because I am from Anatolia.
I had listened from my grandparents that they had friendships with Armenians,
they were neighbours, they had dinners/feasts together; and I wanted to see this.
What I did first was to discover our own dishes,
those which are common to both our cultures.
For example, I was really curious about "dolma".
I saw that they put mostly meat here than we do.
Besides, our fruit cultures are very similar.
Because in Anatolia we together with Armenians grew these fruits and vegetables,
had common dishes using them, became neighbours.
We liked one another very much.
I'm quite appalled regarding the cuisine,
because I was surprised by not encountering with the dishes even with the remotest similarity
to the Armenian dishes we eat or which I hunt for in Istanbul.
For example, I was really curious about "dolma",
because the Istanbul Armenian "dolma" is the one which I like a lot.
I was looking out for it.
But, there is no such "dolma" here.
They make it differently, in the first place it is made with meat, without any olive oil whatsoever.
And, for that matter, there are no olive orchards in Armenia.
Well, I had not thought of these things.
In the west, in Istanbul, influence of the palace cuisine,
the cosmopolitanism must have changed the Armenian cuisine.
Armenia is also one of the peoples who inhabits in Anatolia and with whom we lived together.
Just as I want to learn, see Jewish dishes,
so was I curious about the foods, memories, and also the cooking methods of Armenians in Armenia.
And I was really curious about Armenia as well.
I encountered something which did not fit at all into the preconceptions which I had formed before.
That was why I was taken aback at first.
What I expected was a poorer and a much more different country.
Yes, there is poverty and perhaps the economy is getting worse, but there is a standard.
This was very good for me to see.
Especially in Erivan, the capital, there is a great civilization, a great culture.
There is a respect for culture;
I saw that they hold in high esteem their poets, sculptors, composers and all such persons.
They preserve their culture so well; their monuments, their structures are so well preserved.
To be frank, I was sad about the heedlessness you find in Turkey.
I discovered that they were marvelous people.
I think Armenia is a very beautiful country.
I am hoping to visit there much more often in the future.
It gave me so much comfort. The people are sincere, earnest, trustworthy.
Erivan the capital is beautiful beyond words.
Especially when you enter nature, leave Erivan behind and go to the rural areas,
you see all the beauty of Armenia: deep valleys, great mountains surround you and mesmerize you.
We toured quite a lot within Armenia. I saw how life was lived in the remotest places.
I saw its villages, tasted its food.
I went to its capital, ate its foods in the capital, met people, talked to them and learn a lot.
I had a prejudice against what the common man's reaction would be when I said I was Turkish.
But when I came here I found out that such questions were simply unfounded.
Everytime I said that I was Turkish everyone showed me a great friendship.
Even if our languages are not the same, I was happy to see we did communicate heart to heart.
Turkey has a very different image of Armenia.
For example, among my close acquaintances who knew I was coming here,
there was a group who said: "they can be hostile to Turks there."
But no, there is no such thing.
That is why the community must be informed correctly.
Accomplishing this ought to be the media's vital function.
The media always plays a part. Us, we shall go, we shall write in our newspapers.
We shall tell everyone, we shall speak on television.
These are truly beneficial.
I think the Journalists' Dialogue Program is really important. I believe the media will have great effect.
Of course there is a lot of work for the peoples, the media, NGOs,
and also quite a lot to be done by the governments,
but, leaving aside the governments, NGOs have much work upon themselves.
NGOs working in every field …
NGOs working in politics, in culture, specialized in intangible cultural heritage…
Those which protect human rights … A lot is to be done by the youth.
I believe it is a good step that these interaction programs will keep on with increasing participation.
And what you are doing is a good gesture, a good start.
For these relations to develop, instead of state politics we need the peoples themselves interact,
get into direct contact, and only by means of sincerity, without resorting to quibbling,
above nations and religions, remembering that we are human can we develop this relation.
Governments need to warm to one another.
The communities do not have such a problem.
As I said before, when I said that I was a Turk, everyone approached me with a smile, with friendship.
So, if the governments also warm, this friendship will develop much faster.
Opening of the borders is for the benefit of both countries.
Both for commerce and tourism, and also for culture -
here is the place where Mount Ararat looks the most beautiful.
I was surprised.
I have gazed a lot at Mount Ararat from East Beyazıt but it never looks as magnificent as it does from here.
For more infomation >> Türkiye - Ermenistan Gazeteci Diyalog Programı, Ekim 2016, Ermenistan - Duration: 13:55.-------------------------------------------
Dharam Yudh Morcha - Latest Punjabi Movie 2017 ● New Punjabi Movie 2017 ● Full Punjabi Film 2017 - Duration: 2:01:51.
After the partition in 1947,
the Sikhs
from Pakistani Punjab,
came and settled in Indian Punjab.
The Sikh community placed the demand
for a Punjabi-majority State,
as promised by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,
which Nehru later denied.
Hence in 1950, the sikh leadership launched
the Punjabi Suba Movement in protest.
to trounce the Punjabi Suba Movement,
on the 4th of July 1955,the police attacked the Darbar Sahib.
The sanctity of the Darbar Sahib was defiled. -Long Live Punjabi Suba!
The centre declined the demand
for a 'Punjabi Suba,' that means a Sikh-majority State.
Even the Delhi government...
imposed a ban on the slogan 'Long Live Punjabi Suba'
Yet, the cries of 'Long Live Punjabi Suba'
never stopped renting the air of Punjab.
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Drive them away!
Drive them away!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Hit them!
Go back! - Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Go there!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Hit them!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!
Long Live Punjabi Suba!- Shut up!
Get lost!-Punjabi Suha
Punjabi Suba!- Didn't you hear me?
Punjabi Suba!- Quiet!Or l'll shoot!
Punjabi Suna!- Shut up!
Punjabi Suba!
Shut up! Or i will shoot!- Punahi Suba!
Shut up!- Punjabi Suba!
Shut up, your ..!
Punjabi Suba!
Darn you!
Punjabi Suba!
Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries
Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries
"Listen, ye rulers"
Listen, O keepers of the law
The ones weighed down by atrocities,
have taken up arms
Listen, ye rulers
Listen, O keepers of the lwa
The ones burdened with atrocities,
have taken up arms
We have armed ourselves
From our shameful slumber, we have awakened
Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries
Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries
Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries
Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries
"The humiliation of our brothers will be avenged "
"Let's see where these group of thugs hide after looting us"
We shall on longer be your slaves! We will break all shackles
"Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries"
"Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries"
"Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries"
"Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries"
" You cannot deprive people of their rights for long"
We will get rid of these blood-sucking parasites
We have awakened from our slumber to ruin your sleep
"Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries"
"Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries"
"Revolutionary Singhs! Singhs are revolutionaries"
Sir! The guests from Canada are here!
My brother is here!
I've been waiting for you since morning!
How was the Journey?
The Journey was comfortable, brother.
First of all the baggage arrived late.
Besides, the Delhi traffic was so irritating.
Sat Sri Akal, grandpa.
Sat Sri Akal, Son.
Look at you! Fathe Singh is all grown up!
Do you know me, son? I'm your grandfather's elder brother.
Gurnam Singh.
I know. Grandpa told me about you.
He also showed me your pictures.
Amazing. He speaks fluent Punjabi.
Come, song.- Get the baggages. - Sure, sir.
Take it.- Yes.
Lay the table, Gurdeep Kaur. My brother must be hungry.
Canada isn't a stone's throw away! -Right.
Oh, crap!
Run!- Move!
Hurry up! -Run!
Me, too!
Grandpa's pictures?
Grandpa's pictures?
What is it, Fateh Singh? -The Album.
It,s the saint's album. - Saint?
Yes, son. The saint.
The saintly soldier.
Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale.
These are his pictures.
Tell me about him, grandpa.
Sure, son.
I will surely tell you about him.
Tell me now.
Please tell me, grandpa.
He is the one who instilled the passion in me for the community.
I had the opportunity to serve the Saint.
Sant was born in 12th February, 1947,
in the village of Rode, in Moga District.
Sant was the youngest of all siblings.
His father was Joginder Singh.
And hsi mother was Bibi Nihal Kaur.
Before he turned five,
he took ' Amrit,' the initiation into the Khalsa.
With God's blessings,
Jarnail Singh, while studying in primary school,
under the guidance of Sir Kirpal Singh Bindranwale, studied Sikh theology.
As he grew up,
his love for his master and the sect increased.
One day, the leader of the Damdami Taksal,
Gurbachan Singh Khalsa visited Joginder Singh. -Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
It's been so long since we met, sir.
Brother Joginder Singh, While peaching,
Yes. -and serving the Master, time just flies, you never know.
Have a seat. Please get some refreshments. -Sit.
Sure. - Waheguru!
Hold the finger.
You hold the finger.. you do it.
Brother Joginder Singh, if you don't mind, i would like...
to take one of your sons with me for theological studies.
your wish is my command.
i have no objections.
They are all your sons.
You can choose any of them, for serving the Taksal.
We are indeed blessed.
it's a great service.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
You must take Jarnail Singh for the service at the Taksal.
He doesn't talk much anyway.
He is always meditating upon the Lord.
When Jarnail speaks, the world will stop to listen to him.
Come, child.
In this manner, after 1962,
Jarnail Singh became an integral part of the Damadmi Taksa.
He completed his studies at the Taksal.
He grew up with the love for his community.
Sant was married in 1966,
to Pritam Kaur, daughter of Sucha Singh.
God blessed them with tow sons.
Ishar Singh and Inderjit Singh.
Because of propagation of Sikhism at different consecutive get-to gathers,
you devotees are worried about your health.
Brother Amreek Singh Ji, Please don't worry.
Please sit here.
it's all right. I'm fine.
Are you sure? - yes.
This is terrible!
Lord, have mercy!
The Sikh community badly needs him.
If he pays heed to the doctors and agrees for the surgery,
his life can be saved.
But he says, he won't allow to dissect his body...
I still remember,
despite the Emergency begin declared,
he had undertaken 37 processions hymn singing endeavors.
He used to preach for fifteen hours at a stretch.
Sir, I hope you remember...
the 300th anniversary of the martyrdom...
of the ninth Nank, The Shield of Inda, Guru Tegh Bahadur.
When Indira Gandhi walked in, everyone arose to welcome her.
But Sant Kartar Singh Ji remained seated.
In his speech, he said that he had no grouse against anyone,
but in the presence of Guru Sahib, only the Guru shall be honored.
Indira Gandhi hasn't forgotten that incident yet.
How is father now, doctor?
We could've saved the Sant.
He didn't agree for the surgery.
It is the will of Waheguru.
My dear men,
I would like to say something,
if all of you agree.
Go ahead, sir.
I think,
besides the Sant, the community and the clergy...
very much need a General.
you are right, sir.
Jarnail Singh
has immense knowledge of the Gurbani and he is very pious.
If you agree,
I would like to honour Jarnail Singh with this service.
Perfect. You are absolutely right.
Perfect. You are absolutely right.
All of us agree with you, sir.
Bole So Nihal Sat Sri Akal!
Men, has offer a prayer.
Let's take the approval of the Truthful One.
Let's go. - This is perfect.
Great. - Very well.
Only he is brave who fights for the case of the poor.
He may be cut into pieces and may be kilied, but he should not leave the filed.
Only he is brave who fights for the case of the poor.
He may be cut into pieces and may be killed, but he should not leave the filed.
Only he is brave who fights for the case of the poor.
He may be cut into pieces and may be killed, but he should not leave the field.
Only he is brave who fights for the case of the poor.
He may be cut into pieces and may be killed, but he should not leave the field.
Only he is brave who fights for the case of the poor.
He may be cut into pieces and may be killed, but he should not leave the field.
Only he is brave who fights for the case of the poor.
He may be cut into pieces and may be killed, but he should not leave the field.
Only he is brave who fights for the case of the poor.
He may be cut into pieces..
Satnaam Waheguru Sahebji.
Raag Gauri, Mahala 5.
The Lord dwells in their hearts.
Their minds and bodies become peaceful and stable.
Bole So Nihal Sat Sri Akal!
Guru's beloved congregation, graced by Guru, empowered as Guru,
let's roar together... Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Guru's beloved congregation,
I would like to make a request.
Those who aren't initiated into the khalsa yet, should take the 'Amrit...
and become the children of the Guru.
The government says, tell us what you want, we will give you.
I say, serve the Guru and follow the paths of the Guru.
Taksal was initiated by Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Baba Deep Ji was the very first leader of Damdami Taksal.
So what does the government want?
Bole So Nihal Sat Sri Akhal!
The community is going through a bad phase,
So there's a need to carry weapons.
Kindly accept these requests.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji K Fateh!
On the 13th of April 1978, the Nirankaris,
decided to choose the seven stars.
Its revolt could be clearly seen in the Sikh community.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji K Fateh!
Yes, tell me.
On the Baisakhi day,
you have allowed the Nirankaris to hold a convention on Amritsar's soil.
We request you to stop it.
fauja Singh, it's not in my authority.
Only the Chief Minister can instruct the Collector to stop this event.
And the Chief Minister is in Bombay right now.
But Mr Jeevan Singh... - I'm helpless.
I'II take your leave. Sat Sri Akal.
To stop the conspiracy, we have prepared a plan
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji K Fateh!
We had requested to Mr. Jeevan Singh.
But he did not agree.
I think we will have to think of some other solution.
I will have to go to stop the movement.
No, no. - You don't go.
You don't go. You are very shot tempered. You don't go.
You don't go. otherwise we will get an issued.
you will have to follow the order.
Yes, of course.
Okay, if you all are saying then I won't go.
Brother Fauja Singh, you are the chief.
you go with 40-50 of them.
Stop the movement peacefully. - Yes, sure.
As you wish... Sant.
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
Why are they here?
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is..
This is terrible! - This shouldn't have happened.
What has happened here?
Let me explain.
I'm the holy man's son-in-law. Let's go inside.
I'II tel you.
I think we entered the wrong tent. Come here, I'II tell you.
But who are they?
They are devotees of the holy one.
We can't stop tem from coming.
Mr Dalbir Singh,
the Chief Minster is in the Circuit House.
I heard he was in Bombay.
Forget it. He is in Circuit House. Go and meet him.
All right, I'II meet him.
Is the Chief Minister inside?
He is in.Go on. - Okay.
Mr. Chief Minister...
how could this happend?
How many Singhs died?
You must ask Mr Janjua.
You can't come here with weapons. Go away from here.
Both of us are armed.
Come let's fight is out.
There's nothing to lose now.
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
God is Ever - existent Truth!
Mother, do not worry.
Your son sacrificed his life for the sake of Panth.
His blood will not go waste.
'Nothing's of mine belongs to me.'
'Everything, is Yours.'
Guru Gobind Singh...
Sacrificed his entire family for the panth.
Whereas I have lost only a son.
It's His will.
And sweet is His will.
Brave mothers like you give birth to warriors.
But these Nirankaris have Crossed the line.
What the government and the police have done is appalling,to.
Rather than punishing Gurbachan Singh,
he was led out with full police protedion.
The police escorted him to Ambala.
and Delhi.
In these cities too, such untoward incidents took place.
On the 26th of September 1978,
sixteen Singhs in Kanpur,
and in Delhi on the 6th of November 1978,
three Singhs scarified their lives.
The Nirankari Gurbachan Singh's case...
was transferred to the sessions court in Karnal.
Judge R.S Gupta heard the case.
This is a big shock.
Order! Order! Order!
Lala Jagat Narain, be present!
your Honour, whatever transpired on the 13th of April 1978,
I was witness to it.
Bhindranwale, the Akhand Kirtan sect..
..adn the Sikhs are responsible for it.
The case is..
The Nirankaris have nothing to do with it.
No, no.. this is not possible.
Order! Order! Order!
Armed Sikhs entered the venue to destroy the peaceful convention.
Shots were fired in self-defense.
Thinks you.
Sajeevan Singh, be present!
Your Honour, Sant Gurbachan Singh Nirankari is innocents.
I witnessed it myself. Fauja Singh entered the venue with armed men.
The Nirankaris fired in self-defense.
Thank you, Your Honour.
We knew that the Singhs will be betrayed!
This is not right.
Order! Order! Order!
Due to lack of evidence, the court esonerates Gurbachan Singh.
The court also orders the release of the 63 prisoners.
Ridiculous verdict!
We can't expect justice now!
Really? That's terrible.
Even though so many singhs were massacred,
yet the karnal cout exoneraed the Nirankaris!
This is injustice!
Faith does not survive withuot sacrifice
Faith does not survive withuot sacrifice
Faith does not survive withuot sacrifice
Faith does not survive withuot sacrifice
After the acquittal of Nirankari Gurbachan Singh,
hatred and anger gripped the Sikh fraternity.
Due to this anger,the Singhs whose blood boiled..
were Brother Ranjeet Singh,
Brother Dalbir Singh and Brother Kabil Singh.
just check if the oil is okay. - It is fine.
Did you check water in the radiator? Yes.
In 1981, during the census taken in Punjab,
Lala Jagat Narah, the Arya Samj leader,
urged the Hindus to write Hindi as their mother tongue.
He said that Punjabi wasn't their mother tongue.
But one of the Punjabi language newspapers published by him...
Sant Jarnail Singh Ji especially liked to read.
Did anyone read today's newspaper?
What's ther matter, Sant Ji?
What is written? - You tell me..
what's written in it.
Lala Jagat Narain has labelled...
the President of Shiromani Gurdwara Parbankhak Committee,
Gurcharan Singh Torha and the leader of the Akal Takht,
Gurdayal Singh Ajnoha for his American visits,
as betrayers and traitors of the nation.
What are your orders, Sant Ji? - They have dishonoured your fathers!
you need orders?
Was Sant Ji talking about the Lala,
who said that Punjabi isn't our mother tongue?
In the Haryana High Cout too,
he had testified for the Nirankaris.
He even spoke ill about Shri Guru Gobind Singh JI.
Why is he against the Punjabi language?
The Punjabi language isn't his bane;
it is the principles and ideals of the Gurbani written in Punjabi Gumukh!.
He has been chastised several times earlier too.
But he is unreasonable.
What are your orders sir?
Dalbir, get across the car!- Yes.
Speed up!- Yes, yes!
Stop!- Stop the car!
Rode! Nachhatar Singh Rode!
Why are you...? Why?
Forgive me...
Let's go.
After Lala Jagat Narain's death,
the police arrested Nachhatar Singh Rode.
He was sentenced to life imprisonment.
On the other hand,
the police made a false case,
and hatched a plot to kill Sant Ji.
greetings, Sir.
You are wasting time. Hurry up!
You look worried, sir. -Yes.
The police station called.
They want me to get back quickly.
We have to arrest Bhindranwale today.
Is it? - Orders are from the top.
Hurry up, will you?
Be quick! We are in a hurry.
Quick. Let's go, Constable.
Come on.
You are too much, sir.
Did you really fix it?
Wait, Buddy! - what's wrong, sir?
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Where is Sant Ji, Singh Ji?- He just finished the discourse.
Please go in. - Waheguru!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Sant Ji, just heard the police are going to arrest you.
They will be swarming the place.
Thank you, brother.
May Waheguru bless you!
This brid is alone, while hunters galore
This brid is alone, while hunters galore
This brid is alone, while hunters galore
This brid is alone, while hunters galore
"There is only one swan in the water"
But the predators are many
This brid is alone, while hunters galore
Take this.
Nothing will go with you
Surrender yourself to the police!
You are surrounded from all quarters!
Come on out!
I repeat.
Surrender yourself to the police!
You are surrounded from all quarters!
You can't escape!
Last warning!
Surrender yourself to the police!
Or, we will riddle you with bullets!
Sant Ji isn't here.
Am I a...?
Do you take me for a fool?
Bring Bhindranwale to me!
Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale!
One last time!
Brig him to me!
Else, we will riddle all of you with bullets!
I told you!
He isn't here!
Darn you!
Hey, why is he beating him?
This is too much. Someone go and stop him.
Perhaps he is telling the truth.
Go and search the place.
Go on.
Go and search the place.
Come on.
Go and check.
Get lost.
Did you find him?- No.
Come on.
Come on.
After searching the Gurudwara and the entire village,
when they couldn't find anything, in a rage,
the police torched tow buses... and a jeep of the sect.
In the fire, even the sacred...
..Guru Granth Sahib was burnt.
After the heart-rending incident at Chando Kala,
Sant Ji decided to surrender, on tow conditions.
Fistly, only a Sikh initiated into the khalsa will arrest him.
Secondly, all the men arrested earlier be released.
The Police released the men.
And on 20th September 1981, to arrest Sant Ji,
SSP Jarnail Singh Kaleka was sent.
Jo Bole So Nihal!
Sat Sri Akal!
Jo Bole So Nihal!
Sat Sri Akal!
Jo Bole So Nihal!
Sat Sri Akal!
Jo Bole So Nihal!
Sat Sri Akal!
Jo Bole So Nihal!
Sat Sri Akal!
Here, have some fruits.
Son, the contempt of Guru Maharaj in Chandokala...
And because of the rage that the Sants were arrested..
Bhai! Gagendra Singh and his friends of Dal Khalsa..
..without any weapons hijached anAir India airplane in 29th September 1981.
They got it landed in Lahore.
Because of which Bhai Gagendra Singh and his friends..
..had to spend a lot of time in prison.
And the second plane was hijacked..
..by Bhai Manjeet Singh alias Musibat Singh.
He was shot at Amrisar Airport.
Brother, I had heard that when Indira Gandhi arrested..
..Bholenath Pandey and Davindra Pandy hijacked..
..an airplane for the same reason.
In 1980 Indra Gandhi honored them by making them MLAs.
That's not fair, grandpa.
Son, this is what is heart-breaking.
There are different laws for ministers and chiefs.
And there is a different law for the commoners.
Mr. Gurnam Singh, I hope you remember..
..the Home Minister had given..
..a statement that there are 25 Hindus to 1 Sikh.
No action was taken against it.
But when Sant had replied that 1 Sikh equals 20 Hindus..
..everyone asked to take action against him.
You know, because of this statement, till date..
..Sant is still propagated as a fanatic and a Hindu Hater.
The situation in Punjab had become worse.
Trains were derailed.
Airplanes were hijacked.
Even Akalis demanded Sant's release.
And Delhi Gurudwara Parbhandak Committee's chief Santook Singh too..
..scheduled a huge Nagar Kirtan in Delhi for sant's release.
And finlly, due to lack of evidence..
Sant was released.
Long live Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa!
Long live Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa!
Long live Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale!
Long live Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale!
Long live Sant Jarnil Singh Khalsa!
Long live Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale!
After his release, Sant went to Bombay to propagate Sikhism.
Sit down.
Durga prasad. - Yes, sir.
Quickly get the khar murder case file. - Okay, sir.
Hello? - Mr. Tabre?
Yes. E.K Tabre.
Tabre, the thing is..
Commissioner sir! Good morning, sir.
Tabre, we have got some information form the Pujab government.
To arrest Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.
He is currently staying in you area, Dadar.
keep an eye on him.
make sure there are no interruptions in his religious programs.
Okay? - Okay, sir.
Appoint some police officers in the surrounding areas. - Yes, sir.
Do you understand? - Yes, sir.
Yes. And wait for your next order. - Okay.
Okay?- Okay, sir.
Lord almighty. - Take this.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Yes. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Brother, we have just got news that the Punjab Government..
..wants to get the Sant arrested.
Arrest wrrant against him has been issued.
Please get his news to him as soon as possible.
Okay. May God be with you.
it's okays, Singhs . Always think about doing good.
There is nothing to worry about.
Mr. Singh.
Sant, I just received a phone call from Bhai Amrik Singh from Punjab.
The Punjab Government has..
..issued an arrest warrant for you.
Noble one, it is important that you reach Punjab safe and sound.
i don't know what they want this time.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Stop the vehicle.
What is in it?
Sir, I am Gyan Singh Puniya.
Okay, you may leave.
Let Mr. Singh leave. - Thank you, sir.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!- Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Brother, we wanted to meet Sant.
Sant is unwell.
He won't be able to meet you.
Please eat something and allow me to leave.
Doctor is here. Ask him.
Doctor, where are you going?
Sant isn't feeling well.
I am treating him - Oh. Okay.
He is being treated. - He isn't well.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!- Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
I plead to all the people persent here..
..that Sant won't be able to propagate..
..for a few days as he is unwell.
Bajaji, I wonder why the police is not leaving this place.
Babaji, Sant has reached his destination.
Thank you, God.
Bole So Nihal..
Sat Sri Akal!
Bole So Nihal..
Sat Sri Akal!
Bole So Nihal..
Sat Sri Akal!
Bole So Nihal..
Sat Sri Akal!
How is this possible?
Durga Prasad? - Yes,sir?
Your father has reached Punjab.
Who are you guarding at the Gurudwara?
Call everone.
Okay, sir.
You got me humiliated.
Go and give your attendance.
Look out..
Stop the motorcycle.
Sotp. stop. Stop. - Stop.
Yes, what is it?
You are being arrested.
Get inside the jeep. - But what am I being arrested for?
We cannot tell you that.
We have got orders from our seniors.
Let's go. Put them in the jeep.
Let's go, sir.
Come on, boy, you get the bike.
Let's go. Make him sit inside.
Let's go.
Serve The Lord..
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!- Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
What brings you here, Ragi?
Brohter, I wanted to meet the Sant.
He is not feeling so well today.
Let him come.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!. -Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Sant ji, my sister who got married in Lohiya has sent a news..
..that the police killed Amarjeet Singh Dhaheru in a fake police encounter.
And Sant ji, we just received a phone call from Amritsar..
..that Bhai Amrik Singh and Bhai Thara Singh..
..who had gone to the court to release a jeep of the sent were arrested by the Police.
After hearing this news, on 19th July 1982..
..Sant ji started the war for religion.
During which, every day, 51 Sikhs.. ..used to go to get themselves arrested.
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
God is Ever-existent Truth!
On 25th July 1982, in Gurudwara Manji Sahib,
a meeting was held.
This meeting would prepare..
..the future image of the war for religion.
Akali Dal joined Sant Bhindranwala's protestors…
..and decided to start a new protest.
In that Anandpur resolution demands were fiven top priority
Anandpur Resolutions, which was drafted in 1973
According to which Kapuri's protest was diverted to Amritsar
And the name of the protest was changed from 'Nehar Roko' (stop the river)
.. To 'Dharam Yudh Morcha' (battle for righteousness)
This protest began on 4th August 1982.
Akali Dal joined Sant Bhindranwala's protestors…
..and decided to walk together under one Nishan Sahib.
During the Dharam Yudh protest the process..
..of getting arrested continued uninterruptedly form.
..19th July to 4th August 1982.
Dharam Yudh protest was at its peak when..
..an untoward incident took place.
'A bus full of arrested Shkhs hit a train..
..at Taran Tara's railway crossing.
36 Sikhs were martyred in that incident.
And a large number of them were injured as will.
Even after this sad incident, Sikhs didn't deviate from their agenda.
They continued to get arrested.
Punjab's prisons were filled to the brim
Government had no option but to release the Sikhs.
Finally the government ordered to release all the sikhs.
This was the first and the biggest victory of the Dharam Yudh Protest
Brother, whoever drinks this tea.. Sings his praises..
Drink it strong.
It will open your eyes.
Take This.
Take this, hot tea.
Drink it and tell me how it tastes.
Brother, Sikhs are drinking a cold drink.
They are strange people.
Look at there clothes
Look, they are angry. - Well, just.
Should we take revenge?
Let it be. Let's Go.
What else can they do?
Brother, how much for this tiller?
Rs. 12, Sir.
The shopkeeper had given a gaurantee that it won't break
Really? Let me try it out.
No, stop it.
He has killed me.
Oh God!
How many men were you all?
Fifteen (15).
Fifteen – Yes.
And how many of them?
He was alone.
Fifteen of you and he was alone?
There were fifteen of you whereas he was alone?
Find him. – Okay, sir.
You have beaten up fifteen people.
That too with a weapon.
Sodhi, you will be charged for this.
Do whatever you want. – Now I will do as I please.
Damdami Taksal's chief Sant Jarnil Singh..
..Khalsa Bhindranwale will now talk to you.
Brother.. – Yes, Sant..
You have arrested one of my brave ones.
Release him as soon as you can.
Okay? – Okay, Sant..
Take him outside.
Let's go.
Sodhi, you should run away.
What happened, Inspector?
What made you change so quickly?
I told you, you should run away.
Please go.
Please go.
Thank God.
Grandpa, Surinder Singh Sodhi must have been a great Sikh.
All the Sikhs in the group were great Sikhs.
Like General Shabeg Singh, Bhai Amrik Singh...
Bhai Rashpal Singh and his wife Bibi Preetam Kaur Khalsa.
Bhai Thara Singh, Harminder Singh Sandhu..
And many more Sikhs who were always..
..ready to sacrifice their life for their religion.
General Shabeg Singh Was from the family of a great warrior..
.. Bhai Mahtab Singh Merakotia, who slayed Massa Rangar.
In 1965 during India Pakistan war..
.. General Shabeg Singh got a telegram from his home.
Shabeg Singh, I want you to move from here with your regiment.
Sir, if we camp here,
We can cover all this.
Very good
In this way, you can cause a lot of damage to the enemy's infantry
Right, sir, a telegram for you.
Shabeg Singh, what happened?
Is everything all right?
You must take leave.
You should attend your father's funeral.
Sir, my country needs me.
My nations more important than my family.
And sir, I don't want anyone else to know about this.
No one in my regiment should know about this.
Thanks you, sir.
What happened after that, Grandpa?
Son, the hero of Mukhti Bahini and the recipient o..
..Param Vashist Sewa Medal and Ati Vashist Sewa Medal...
This highly decorated general was dismissed for the army..
..a day before his retirement without being court-martialed.
After some time he met with Sant ji...
He was so influenced by him that he joined him.
Brothers.. – Yes, Sant Ji. – To fight for one's freedom is not terrorism.
To make your destiny is not terrorism.
Terrorism is looting what doesn't belong to you.
And to suppress the voice of freedom…
… with the sound of guns and bombs is terrosim
Yes absolutely, Babaji
Bless us.
Congratulations, Rashpal Singh on having a son.
Congratulations. – Thank you.
Sat Sri Akal
Congratulations. Congratulations. – Thank you.
Congratulations to you too. – Thank You
Congratulation to you too. –Accept my best wishes.
It is God's grace.
He is Bhai Rashpal Singh.
He left his government job of teaching..
..and to became the PA of Sant and served him.
He got married to Bibi Pritam Kaur at Gur Ram Das Langar…
…Hall's roof on 20th February 1983.
God blessed him with…
… a son on 19th May 1984.
Pritam Kaur, we are fortunate that Sant ji name our son.
Manpreet Singh.
Hello, Khalsa.
Fulfill our demand!
Fulfill our demand!
During the DYM…
…'Block the roads' protest was done on 4th April 1983..
And on 17th June 1983 'Stop the train' protest was done.
During these protests many Sikhs were martyred by the police.
On 6th October 1983,
The Central Government dissolved the Punjab Government…
… and declared President's rule in Punjab.
Fulfill our demands.
Son, Sant ji had become so popular…
… that people clicked their photos with him and got promoted.
Moreover, the issues which couldn't be…
… resolved in court or by the police…
… were getting resolved after people visited Sant ji.
People had started coming to Sant with their problems.
Sant ji,
Sikhs have always been saving…
…the honour of women from the Mughals.
But today some goons kidnapped my daughter.
If you are right and there is no other reason behind it…
…then your daughter will be in your house before 5:00pm.
Thank you, Sant ji. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Mahinder Singh Sayian, this is your responsibility.
As you wish.
[Girl Crying]
Look, I don't want to cheat you.
She is very stubborn.
Thank you so much, Mr. Singh.
No need to thank me, Mr. Hukumchand.
We must treat ll women as our own daughters and sisters.
Bye, Sister.
No Problem.
I will do it. - Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru ji ki Fateh!
Yes? – Lawyer,
A copy of Ramayana was burnt in Kapurthala.
Are you representing the prosecution?
– Yes, Sir
Sant ji has sent you the fees on behalf of the sect.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru ji ki Fateh!
This story is about the time when Subramaniam Swami,
Had visited Sant ji for a week at Darbar Sahib.
The girls in – laws are here.
Please have a seat.
Please take a seat, lady.
So, young man, you want dowry?
No, Sir. – Pick it up. Keep as much as you want.
I don't want anything. I don't want dowry.
Sant ji, we don't want dowry. – If you don't want dowry,
Why are you harassing the girl then?
Be sensible. - Of course, sir.
Tell me if you need something. - No, we don't want anything!
Be sure about it.
Think over it.
She is my daughter.
Ask me if you any need anything.
But don't harass my daughter again. - We won't harass her, sir.
You better not! - We won't, sir.
This time, we are cordial. Next time, we won't be.
Sardar ji, your demand for DYM (Battle for Righteousness),
Won't be met.
You must let it pass. Compromise with the Government.
You will be voted back to power in future.
And the Center will honour and respect you.
What do we do about Bhindranwale, Sir?
Don't worry.
The government is all set for operation sundown.
It will be carried out anytime in January.
Sant ji,
Bhindranwale is holding on firmly to Sikh ideals.
We have also sworn sacrifice with millions…
…for this battle for Righteousness.
And in such a situation,
I don't find a way to escape.
There is a way.
What is that?
By eliminating Bhindranwale.
But how?
That has been taken care of.
Surinder shinde has been freed from the Jail…
Just for this reason.
Sat Sri Aklal.
Sat Sri Aklal.
Baljit and I will do this job together.
Just arrange…
A room for us at Sarai.
Just do this job, Shinda.
I won't let the government even touch you.
You will
get your money.
Goodbye. - Goodbye.
Sant Ji, what if he is caught?
If he is caught, they will kill him.
Else, we will kill him.
In any case, they will be blamed.
Physical death is not death to me,
But the moment my conscience dies, I die.
A Sikh is dead when he keeps his conscience at the feet of Mrs. Indira,
He surrenders and says that Sikh isn't a community.
I think that Sikh is dead.
One day, Baljit Kaur came for the discourse,
With a gun to kill Sant Ji.
But she couldn't muster the courage.
Then Shinda and Baljit decided…
To kill Surinder Singh Sodhi,
Who was Sant Ji's right hand.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ka Fateh!
Mr. Sodhi, tow people came looking for you this morning.
The will come again, Mr Bhatia.
Get me a glass of hot milk. – Right away.
Chotu, give Mr. Sodhi a glass of milk.
Shinda has been harassing me nowadays.
Please reason with him. I feel terrible
No issues, lady. I will talk to Shinda.
Don't worry.
Kill him!
Kill him!
What did you do, lady?
Today Babaji is looking very good.
Let it be. Pay attention to duty.
Where is the car going…
Come lets, see.
Why have thy put up barricade? – Stop the car!
Stop! Stop!
Its our man.
Where are you coming from? Where are you going? Its 11:00pm
Get off. – Relax.
Talk to the officer. – Fine. I'll talk to your officer.
So how's life?
Sat Sri Akal, Sir. Sat Sri Akal.
Sir, I'm a very important person to the Government.
I killed Sodhi, Bhindranwal's right hand.
And for that the government gave me a huge sum.
Sir, I found a pistol and a watch in his car.
Do the watch and the pistol belong to Sodhi?
Yes… yes, Sir.
It is Sodhi's.
And sir, I'm Surinder Shinda.
This is exactly why the Government freed me from the jail.
Don't you know? – How shots did you fire at Sodhi?
I pumped seven bullets into his chest.
He just dropped dead!
Well then, look at me!
Into my eyes!
General Labh Singh...?
A slap was enough to kill you, Shinda!
But Singh's always retaliate in kind!
In less than 24 hours,
They avenged Sodhi!
That bleeding flunkey of yours disclosed everything!
Contact Delhi as soon as possible.
Tell them to take further actions.
Drink water, Relax. Relax.
I have fixed you meeting with the center on the 26th of May.
Do not worry at all.
Go to Delhi.
You can place your grievances before the government.
Nothing will happen. Drink water.
We must take some actions.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Come in, Lady.
Sant ji, this lady has come from Sathiala.
She wants to have a word with you.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Please sit. – Sit. – Be comfortable.
Sant Ji,
I want to have word with you, in private.
No issues, lady. They are all our own.
Do not worry. Tell me what you want to.
Sant ji, my brother is in the army.
I have found out that…
The army is preparing to attack the Darbar Sahib.
Thank you, lady.
I have received such news several times.
Rest assured. We will not let the Panth be disgraced.
Brother Rashpal Singh ji, - Yes Sant ji?
Let the lady partake in the meals. –All right Sant Ji,
Come on, lady.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Is he willing to compromise?
He is not willing to compromise.
All right.
The plan is in place.
Twelve meetings were held to find a solution to the Punjab agitation…
Out of which three meetings were kept secret.
Details of which are found in the White paper…
Released by Indian government on the 10th of July 1984.
Despite all those meetings,
Both sides could not reach a conclusion.
And eventually, the holocaust took place.
All right, brothers, please excuse me now.
Jagtar Singh is here. Please send him in.
I need to discuss something important with him
Welcome, Jagtar Singh Ji.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Have a seat.
Sant Ji, the troops have been deployed.
Can we still find a way out?
Jagtar Singh Ji, let me be clear,
This is not my battle, it is the Akali Dal's.
A compromise can be made on two conditions:
Firstly, all the demands of Shri Anandpur Sahib resolutions must be met.
The agreement should be made with the Akali Dal in a fair manner.
Right – Secondly,
All my brothers who are arrested must be released.
If it happens, I will go to village Mehta tomorrow itself.
I have no issues. – All right.
After the meeting with Journalist Jagtar Singh,
Sant ji had a very important meeting…
With a senior reporter.
The recording was sent to Indira Gandhi in Delhi.
Even then, operation Bluestar happened.
Though Sant ji was willing to compromise,
On the condition that all the demands of the Dharam Yudh Morcha be met,
Without discounting.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
My dear, Khalsas, the day has come that we've been looking forward to.
They will come by air, they will come on foot as will.
Those who have more than one weapon,
Leave one aside.
Our new members need weapons.
You will not open fire first.
Only if the paratroopers land inside the Temple,
you will open fire. Not otherwise.
If the enemy attacks, bom them!
Bole So Nihal… Sat Sri Akal!
You will not harm the elderly, the fallen,
The unarmed…
You know my disposition.
and women.
you know my disposition.
If I have hurt any one of you.
then I have erred in judgement
All of you have lent me great support.
You have stood by me with all your heart and soul and wealth.
it is for me now to stand by my community.
Bole So Nihal.. – Sat Sri Akal
If anyone wants to leave, you can leave.
This monk will stay put!
It's either me or them!
Bole So Nihal.. Bole So Nihal..
I have to tell you something, brother.
May I?
Sure, Sant Ji.
Please do not keep in in your heart.
After I am gone,
Whomsoever you choose to lead, do it with consensus.
If you want to perform my last rites,
You must do it on the road,
Outside the Darshani Deori.
Do not make a memorial for me.
Just hoist the Nishan Sahib, the community flag.
The reason I want my last rites to be performed on road is…
I will have the blessings of the congregation who walk by.
Bole So Nihal… Sat Sri Akal!
Bole So Nihal… Sat Sri Akal!
[Music in background]
1st June, 1984.
The paramilitary forces had already set camps…
In the private buildings around the Darbar Sahib.
The Central Reserve Police Force started firing at 12:40pm.
The firing went on till 7pm.
Having been trained by Gen. Shabeg Singh, an expert in Gorilla warfare,
So fearless militant Singhs…
Did not return fire for some strategic reasons,
Even though more than a dozen innocent pilgrims had been killed.
2nd June, 1984. The Indian army…
sealed the international borders from Jammu…
and Kashmir to Ganganagar.
The army deployed seven divisions in the Punjab Countryside.
After sundown the media and the press were gagged.
Rail, roads and air services were suspended.
Communications were completely cut off.
Punjab was cut off from the country and the outside world.
Water supply to the Darbar Sahib was cut off.
3rd June, 1984.
It was the Martyrdom Day of Guru Arjun Dev Ji.
The curfew was lifted.
People were allowed to enter the Darbar Sahib.
The curfew was imposed again in the evening.
Due to his the people who went inside were trapped.
4th June 1984.
On the morning of June 4th, the Indian Army…
Fired approx.. 35 cannonballs,
Which ripped apart the quarters and burst the water tanks.
The count of dead Sikh piligrims inside the Darbar Sahib kept rising.
5th June 1984
Even after 72 hours of fierce battle,
The army was far beyond its target.
On the other side, surviving on roasted grams and sweat to drink,
Spent and sleepless, the guardians of the Sikhism,
The dauntless, valiant warriors,
Held their camps.
On the night of 5th June,
A symbol of Sikhism, a sacred structure,
Shri Akal Takht Sahib was demolished.
The front side of Shri Akal Takht was completely destroyed.
Only a pillar remained.
Even the adjacent buildings…
Were bombed and razed to the ground.
'The human body overflows with lust and rage, O my friend
'These demons can be dispelled only by meeting the Holy Saint'
'By pre-ordained destiny I have met the Guru'
'I have entered the realm of the Lords Love'
'Greeting the Holy Saint with folded hands is an act of great merit'
'Bowing to him is a virtuous act indeed'
'The thorn of ego keeps the faithless away…
… from the lords sublime essence'
On the morning of 6th June 1984
as early as 1:30am,
General Shabeg Singh
While inspecting the Singh camps,
Was shot when he had reached the Nishan Sahib, The Sikh Flag.
And Brother Bakshish Singh carried him to Sant Ji.
Gen. Shabeg Singh Ji…
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Holy sire,
I think Waheguru has had enough of my services.
As I promised,
I didn't leave my weapon behind. I carried it back.
Waheguru himself chose you for this service, Shabeg Singh Ji.
Tell me, how do you feel now?
Holy Sire,
The soul feels very joyful.
The Singhs are facing the cannons bravely.
I am blessed to be in the abode of Guru Ram Das Ji,
And to die on you lap.
Its bliss!
It is only matter of time.
Proceed, Shabeg Singh Ji. I will follow you.
It's a bliss indeed!
The community in which people like you are born,
Is a high-spirited one, Gen. Shabeg Singh Ji.
You will always be remembered…
For the fortification and your tenacious resistance.
For the Guru Panth, your services is incomparable.
Mere mention of your services,
Will give the warriors the strength and resilience to destroy the enemy!
Your services and sacrifice for the community,
Will be held in the highest regard.
And it will be always remembered.
On the morning of 6th June, Sant Ji offered a prayer at the Akal Takht.
After the prayer,
With brother Amrik Singh, Brother Gurumukh Singh Garvai,
And other followers, Sant Ji came out.
As he paid obeisance to Darbar Sahib,
Brother Amrik Singh attained Martyrdom.
Then Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale,
Attained martyrdom beside the Nishan Sahib, the Sikh Flag.
The government shouldn't have attacked the Darbar Sahib.
Son, the government didn't attack the Darbar Sahib alone.
Many other Gurudwaras were attacked.
Son, the Army had taken more than 180 hand written scripts,
Of Guru Granth Sahib Ji have yet not been returned.
Son, the attacks continued for a decade and a half.
Countless families were brutally tortured.
Countless boys were picked up from their homes,
And shot near the canals, inside jails and on the roads.
They did not even hand over the dead bodies.
A very famous Human Rights activist, Jaswant Singh Khalra,
Who identified 25,000 unidentified bodies.
The police picked him up from outside his house in broad daylight…
And shot him.
6 September 1995.
Come on! – Move it!
Where are you taking me? – Get In!
Get In!
Leave me.
Where are you taking me? Let me go!
Sir! – Where is Khalra?
He is in the lock-up. – Haven't you killed him yet?
Sir, give us some time. We just brought him in.
I don't care. Until you kill him,
I'm not going from here.
All the atrocities of Mogul reign and the British reign,
They have been taken over by the Government
That's why they attacked on Harminder Sahib.
I make a strong appeal to all Sikhs
To retaliate in the best possible way,
They should be combat ready. They should be prepared to fight
This could be a big sign of slavery of Sikhs,
The sin that just took place.
They don't like Sikhs.
They want to kill them.
But their wish won't get fulfilled.
Because there have been many who have tried to exterminate Sikhs.
But it won't go away that easily.
Cherishing the comfort of Satguru's feet, beloveds of Guru,
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
I will tell you a fable
The sun…
Was setting for the first time.
AS it was going down,
The light was decreasing.
As the light was decreasing, the signs of darkness were appearing.
There was a great tumult everywhere.
People were worried that after the Sun hides,
Darkness will set in,
And no one will be able to see anything. They felt helplessness!
The entire world was worried,
But the sun set.
Then the darkness, in order to show its might,
Set its foot on Earth.
But somewhere far away in the little hut,
A little lamp raised its head.
It proclaimed, 'I challenge the darkness'
'If not much, at least I won't let darkness settle around me'
'I will establish light around myself'
It is said that, watching that little lamp,
Lamps began springing up in every little hut thereafter.
And the world was amazed…
That these lamps stopped Darkness from spreading,
So that people could see.
I believe,
When darkness is trying…
To overwhelm the truth…
With all its might,
Then if not much the self-respecting Punjab…
Is challenging the darkness like the lamp.
And I pray to the Guru, who identifies with truth,
To keep this lamp always lit.
Bole So Nihal! Sat Sri Akal!
'La La Land' Trailer
Shadow - Inertial Mocap
Weaving newspapers. Keel. Master Class. - Duration: 2:30.
Introduction to FrwTwemoji - emojis in dotnet and asp.net - Duration: 6:40.
Hello and welcome to this presentation of the project FrwTwemoji
which allows to have in its dotnet projects icons and images
Twitter has created for his project "Twemoji".
The "twemoji" project initially converts the unicode
containing emoji
in html file
well ... html text and image components
describing the various characters unicode emoji.
The project dotnet FrwTwemoji
is composed mainly of a generator project
So here "Generator" in the solution
which recovers
unicode website descriptions for emoji and variants,
compares it with images Twitter has created in his project
and then generates
three solutions:
the solution Twemoji
which contains both png images
and svg images;
then two projects that have been called "SizeLimited"
that is to say they contain either the png
or that the svg.
Using the generator is easy: it is enough to place and describe the
as Startup Project ...
switch to debug ...
and run the project.
It will recover on the Unicode website descriptions of characters,
it will compare it with the setting available images,
by Twitter
and it will then generate the files "csproj"
for dotnet solutions then let
compress and
compile all these images as resources
for use ultérieure.Voilà So the project is executed,
I press a button;
as the generator has changed the solution
Visual Studio provides everything here recharging.
That's what I did.
Now that the project is therefore recharged my three solutions
here were eventually changed according
developments of the project from Twitter.
I will go now
and in Release
regenerate the solution completely.
Therefore, it generates me FrwTwemoji, generator and
the two projects
72 and svg.
That generation is complete
and now I have
in the "BuildOutput '
My project
of FrwTwemoji
one that is limited
and one that is limited to svg images.
Of course,
I can not advise you use the version release
of these projects.
So the project containing all:
the assembly is about 14 mega,
the project that contains only the png
the assembly is much faster ... more...
"Thin" forgiveness. She does
2 mega and a half.
Svg and she,
makes about 12 megs.
You can then use to see a little what happens,
test applications that are in the project
there is for example one, here, which is a web application for testing.
I'll define as project start-up,
switch to run.
So there is text that is pre-entered in the various web pages.
Part .... columns left use resources
by FrwTwemoji
at the web
and right columns use
the "Content Delivery Network" MaxCDN
which also relies directly Twitter.
Here just now to test take a little bit of text containing
emoji. So here ... There, I have a little bit of text
the copy-paste. If I "Render"
he created me here ... so he recovered those images
"display /
Inspect element":
we see that the picture here
(We expect it load) ... This
the image here is hosted by "WebResources.axd"
with internal reference moreover to dotnet ...
(You do not have to enter all this of course) ....
the icon
in the resource file.
You will look elsewhere if ever you're interested using
of this
in code.
There are two ways to use FrwTwemoji:
The easiest way is using the user control
who is here
and called
who will take for example what provider you want to use
for images. So for example, is "localhost"
or "MaxCDN";
what kind of image ... here "png"
what size is desired for rendering, here, 36 pixels
etc., etc
That is the user control "EmojiDisplay" which is contained in
all solutions.
There is also the even more simple
which is to define such
an element "span"
here, "runat = server"
and in code
saying that "InnerHtml"
My span tag
comes from
in the parser
FrwTwemoji of a function "ParseEmoji ()"
and then made her move text
containing or not
And ParseEmoji ()
emoji transform all characters in the text: in pictures.
Of course: depending on options that we may provide.
Here, for example,
can be added
the provider that is desired.
May optionally be
also add the size ...
etc ... etc ... "Size"
and there ... "AssetSize"
Take for example
"72 pixels".
Here, here, it takes a gray color since this is the default.
That is: a quick presentation FrwTwemoji. I invite you well
obviously to leave me comments either on the blog,
either on Github project directly.
Good use and soon!
The First Sunrise of 2017 in Japan | 初日の出を求めて天山へ! - Duration: 8:22.
Alright, friends, it is 4:38 a.m.
January 1st, 2017 and we're on the road.
It is most definitely dark here.
Shine a light on my face.
Happy new year everyone.
Happy new year.
It is new year's day in Japan and it is 4:30 something, 4:40 in the morning and we are
on our way to climb a mountain to catch the first sunrise of 2017.
We've only slept two hours so it should be really fun climbing a mountain in this condition,
but I'm looking forward to it.
We're going to hike for about an hour I think.
45 minutes, an hour?
Make it to the top hopefully before the sun rises.
The sun will rise until about 7:20 in the morning, but we're still worried that we might
not get there in time like if we get lost of something.
We might actually die in the forest so this could be the last footage that you ever see
of us.
We have arrived and we're clearly not the only ones who were planning to climb the mountain.
Japanese tradition.
We picked up these Kairo which are like heating pads, but yeah, we're going to stick some
of these to the insides of our clothes to keep warm and then we're going to make our
way up the mountain.
It's very, very dark.
It's very, very dark.
I should probably stay close to Tatsu.
I don't see anything.
Alright, guys, new year's resolution for me, I have to get in shape.
This is awful and pathetic.
I'm so tired.
I guess there was a mudslide or something because this path it's like snow, ice and
then this huge crevice of like nothingness.
You obviously don't want to slip while climbing because you're going to fall into this deep
There's no way I can climb this with my camera in my hand.
All right.
Now we don't even know if we're going the right way.
All paths have dissolved and it's like a full on rock climb, but we're almost at the top
of the mountain so this shouldn't be that much longer.
There's just steam coming off of everything, like even coming off my phone.
It's crazy.
We did it.
We did it.
There's quite a few people up here.
All right.
Here we are at the top of the mountain.
I'm using my iPhone as a flashlight.
It's not really cold up here, but it is very windy and that's a little bit annoying and
I think we're going to be seeing the sunrise in just under an hour.
Very exciting.
The weather's held up too which is awesome and we've got a little bit of cloud action.
Cloud always makes photos look a little more dramatic so it's a good thing.
It's a good thing as long as the sun comes up.
There it is.
The first sun of the new year.
First sun of 2017.
I don't know if you can tell because I know my lens is super cloudy, but my camera has
like totally frosted over.
My bag is frosted over.
Tatsu's bag has frosted over.
My handle, my tripod has frost on it.
It is so cold.
The sun did come out finally.
Thankfully it did.
It came out.
We had to wait a little bit longer for it, but that's okay because we saw it.
I feel like if we had come all this way and the sun didn't come up, it would mean a few
bad things for 2017.
Here we go.
Super pretty.
Guys, I hope that you are having a safe and happy new year wherever you are in the world
and please know that it is safely become 2017 in Japan too.
The future is now.
Climb more mountains.
It's good for you.
We didn't get to see any of this on our way up.
So pretty.
I guess the parking lot that we need to get to is right over there.
It's all downhill so it should be easy, but it's super slippery.
Be careful.
This is going to be really hard.
We made it.
Good job.
How do you feel?
It's a good start of 2017.
You think so?
We saw beautiful sceneries up there.
I think we challenged something we have never done.
Hiking a mountain?
Hiking a mountain.
I feel amazing.
I feel amazed.
Good job.
You did really good.
It's a good start to 2017.
All right, guys, so it's the start of 2017.
It's a start of new adventures.
I challenge you to challenge yourself this month.
Do something that you've never done before.
Do something brand new that you've been interested in or something that you know you've been
thinking about, but you haven't had the chance to sit down and try.
Develop a new skill.
Let's improve ourselves.
Let's do something fun.
I hope you guys have a safe and happy new year.
Happy new year.
Happy new year.
Happy new year.
Check in from time to time in the new year as well.
As well.
I'll check back with you guys soon.
Thanks for watching.
How To Be The Best You Can Be - Duration: 3:32.
Dr. J. Graf M.D. Rejuvenation Retinol Triple Double - Duration: 11:28.
Daily Football Trivia Quiz #55 - David O'Leary Arsenal Trivia - Duration: 1:04.
Optimal Distinctiveness - Duration: 3:05.
Humans have evolved to survive and reproduce.
But to do either of these activities well, we need two opposing skills:
Mimicry and Differentiation.
We mimic others to survive because things that others have done without getting hurt
are less likely to also harm us.
Imagine you're sent back to a hunter-gatherer community 4,000 years ago.
You would eat what they eat, sleep where they sleep and mimic pretty much everything they're doing.
Failure to mimic could lead to an attack by a wild animal or poisoning from a tasty-looking berry.
For similar reasons humans like familiarity.
When we are in a familiar territory we don't have to look over our shoulder all the time.
We know from experience that we are safe.
When a stranger joins our group, we want them to behave like we do
so we know they're one of us and we don't have to fear them.
However, the familiarity that helps us to survive in a dangerous world
becomes less useful when we're trying to mate.
When were looking to spread our genes we want to stand out from the crowd
so that we become visible to potential mates and to reduce our competition.
We want to differentiate.
Evolution has engrained both of these activities in our subconscious,
so we're constantly doing one or the other.
Am I in a strange environment?
Blend in.
Has the danger passed?
Stand out.
When we start working for a new company we analyze the office culture and start mimicking
our co-workers as fast as possible, but once familiarity sets in were quick to demonstrate
how we're different and why wed make a valuable contribution to the team.
In his book Invisible Influence Jonah Berger explains that there's a point between these two activities
where we are similar enough to belong yet still being different enough to compete.
He calls this point Optimal Distinctiveness and argues that it's the reason for a long
list of otherwise counter-intuitive behaviors that humans show everyday.
For example, despite being a bad thing, hurricanes are the inspiration for many newborn names,
not because people like naming kids after hurricanes,
but because their frequency in the news makes similar names feel more familiar.
Conversely, a deeper understanding of our need for differentiation
would allow luxury brands to benefit from counterfeit products, rather than fighting them.
Luxury bags are a way for the rich to differentiate themselves from others.
Allowing counterfeit sales of older models will encourage the rich to buy newer models sooner
to continue standing out.
Jonah Berger describes many remarkable studies about how our drive for optimal distinctiveness
influences behaviour and how we can use it to help us better achieve our goals.
In our next video we will look at some of these studies and how you may use them
to help you in your life.
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