Hi Kids,
Today Clown Bom will play with Peppa Pig and George
Clown Bom has surprise for Peppa and George
It is Lego Speed Champions Ferrari race car set
Let's see a cartoon for kids, how to assemble a race car
Do you want to take part in a car race
It is a race car which can run a very fast
Hurry up. Let's complete our race car
Start from the frame
Then add wheels
A steering wheel, to control a car
Then a body
And a roof
Attach a door
A bumper
A don't forget the lights
Hood and engine
Reddy? Let's give a try
Our pink car is going to race with green and orange cars
Look what nice Lego cars we have
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Yellow car is Lamborghini
Orange car is Porsche
And red cars is Ferrari
What do you think, which car is more powerful and faster?
Let's see the cartoon and check who is the winner in race
Cars are ready!
Look, the orange car is leading
Now the green car is in a lead
Now the last loop of the race
The pink car is a winner
That was an unpredictable race
Yeeesssss. Ferrari is a winner!
Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it
Click on the picture to see other funny videos
For more infomation >> Peppa Pig & Funny Clown | Video for kids - LEGO Car Clown Children Toy Cars Cartoon for kids - Duration: 8:46.-------------------------------------------
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Wait for me here, please.
- Hello, doctor. - Hello.
He's out of control.
Go find my mother or I'll jump!
Enough, Théo.
I want to see my mother.
Listen, Théo.
Listen to me.
Nobody's stopping your mother from coming to see you.
That is not true!
Come down. Don't be a moron.
I'll try to make her visit you.
I promise. I'll call your mother myself.
Oh, shit...
She's 10 minutes late.
Don't worry. She'll make it.
I hope she's okay.
She must be relaxing somewhere.
I hope you'll take care of her, like my husband.
Don't expect too much.
David has a hard time taking care of himself.
I don't know how he'll make it.
Do I still have time to say yes?
Because for me, it's a yes. Yes, yes, yes.
For better, for worse.
David chose me as a witness
not because we've known each other forever.
I'm his best friend.
But to buy my silence.
But I won't give in
to emotional blackmail, so I'll tell you all
about mysterious David Delorme. - Tell us everything!
Once upon a time, there was a very naughty boy.
He did all the stupid things
a child does.
He would fight, bite
and hit.
He would flirt with all the girls
and steal your fiancée, if you had the luck
to find a girl who didn't love him first.
She's only known him for six months.
She didn't even sign a prenup.
She's in love. What can we do?
Only magic
can explain that in less than 6 months,
Emma managed to change the George Clooney
of sandboxes into a husband and a future dad.
He used to swear he would never get married or have children...
- And he doesn't have a job. - Don't say that. He's a freelancer.
I might be old-fashioned,
but for me, if you don't make money,
it's not a job.
I introduced David, my best friend,
to Emma, the best psychiatrist in my team.
It was at a concert of Virginie,
my wife.
Aurélien, we'll never forget Virginie.
I don't want to spoil the party.
Long live the newlyweds!
I knew you were the one the first time I saw you.
That was not the case for me.
When I saw you, I thought: "What a fool!"
"Arriving in the middle of a concert!"
"He can't be a friend of Aurélien and Virginie.
"No way!"
What is it? You're shaking.
You'll get tired of me.
- I know your reputation. - I won't.
I will never, ever get tired of you.
That's easy to say.
How will you prove it?
I'll take you to the house I inherited from my mother.
It's a small house. You'll like it.
You remember the way.
Yes, although it's been a long time.
There's only one house near.
With a barn, by the way.
When I was a kid, I used to think an ogre lived inside.
This place is freaky.
I think it's beautiful.
Here we are!
- Is this yours? - Yes. My first one.
What did you like?
- You'll make fun of me. - Wait.
No, no...
Don't laugh, okay?
Oh, darling. Deep inside, you're a romantic.
Too cute!
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
I have to cut some wood.
Otherwise, we'll freeze to death.
Is that you?
What are you doing?
What's going on here?
We'll take you to the hospital.
We'll take care of you.
Commander, we found a guy near the lake.
You know him?
He's my husband.
You'll have to explain why you're in that state.
- Are you hurt? - You're coming with us.
What's going on? Emma!
- I want him to come with me. - No. He'll be interrogated.
- She's my wife. - Calm down.
Let me pass. Emma!
Hello, madam.
You come from far.
My baby.
He's fine.
And you're doing well. You were lucky.
It almost hit the femoral artery.
You needed stitches on your upper thigh.
Where's my husband?
Commander Loison. Remember me?
I have to ask you...
Hello! Hello...
Detective Soraya Lakhdar.
- What are you doing here? - Why?
It happened in our jurisdiction. The case is ours.
She's from Marseille.
It's my case.
My team and I found Mrs. Delorme and put her husband under arrest.
There is no way we're going to step aside.
The prosecutor has designated both divisions.
Would you please settle your problems outside?
It's the least you can do.
We'll talk about it later.
Do you have any enemies, madam?
I don't think so, no.
You work as a psychiatrist in a rehab institute.
Yes. I work with teenagers in difficulty.
It's a high-risk job, isn't it?
You have unstable patients.
Maybe, but none of them would be likely to do this to me.
Your last name has been Delorme since two days ago, right?
- Yes. - You just got married.
Did you argue with your husband?
That's enough for today. She needs to rest.
Here's my card. You can call me anytime.
I'm leaving. Don't touch me.
I have to admit it. You're tactful.
If her husband did it, he'll do it again.
From my experience,
the obvious suspicions are rarely right.
And according to my experience,
the worst is always true, especially with couples.
They wouldn't let me go. I came as quickly as I could.
As fast as I could.
I'm here now.
This is perfect. Everything's alright.
You were very lucky indeed.
- Do you hear his heartbeat? - Yes.
The police asked me where you were during the attack.
Where were you?
I was picking twigs and I fell into a duck trap.
Did you see the guy?
No, I didn't see him.
What's the matter? You don't believe me?
Well... yes.
It's just that I found some expired ham in the fridge.
It was from last summer.
But you hadn't been there in 15 years.
Yes. At least.
Don't you think someone could've been living in the house?
Maybe the attacker returned and just lost it.
Don't worry about the ham. I lent the house to a friend.
The police didn't seem to believe my story.
I contacted a lawyer. I know him well.
What for? We have nothing to hide.
The evidence is against me.
My fingerprints are on the axe and I have a motive.
If you die, I inherit everything:
your house, your life insurance.
That's ridiculous.
I have to protect myself.
The police are trying to protect me.
Thank you.
What a mess.
Wait. Come here.
Let's do it the right way.
Oh, honey!
- What are you...? - Come on in.
What are you doing here?
It's Emma's house. She inherited it from her father.
- Yes. - It's our house now.
What happened? How's the baby doing?
- Who would want to hurt her? - Let us breathe, will you.
Can't you come home and rest for a couple of days?
Montpellier is not far.
We'll be there in 2 hours or so if there's no traffic.
I'll take care of everything.
Do you think I'm going to ask her to do the cleaning?
Don't take it badly, David. I'm saying this for Emma's own good.
You can go if you want.
No, I'll stay.
Are you sure?
Your room is ready.
Yes, Mom. I'm sure.
If you change your mind, you know you're welcome.
Alright, then... I'll call you in the morning.
Or tonight.
I'll be okay, Mom. I just need to rest.
We said we would avoid routine, but this is too much.
A 5-day leave is not a lot.
David, my mother still treats me like a child.
So, please. I expect a different thing from my husband.
What exactly do you expect?
I don't know. A little bit of kindness,
maybe some perversity.
Who's that?
A patient.
You don't have the right to have a sexy husband?
He doesn't need to know every detail about me.
Besides, he's very fragile. He's an addict.
His father died
and he thinks we don't let him see his mother.
She started a new life and doesn't care about her kid.
I see.
- Do you want help? - No, it's okay, I can...
"I can manage". I know, I know...
See you tonight...
my love.
See you tonight. Take care.
- Did you almost die? - How many stitches?
Did you see the light?
They say the killer had an axe.
Is that true?
I understand that...
this attack disturbs you.
Try to speak one at a time
and only about how you feel.
Do you know what people used to think?
That the person who died a violent death
kept the image of their killer stamped on their retina.
It's an interesting belief.
Théo, would you tell us how you feel about it?
One day, my mom was holding a glass of champagne.
She was holding it so tight that the glass exploded.
She needed 4 stitches. I was there when they sewed her up.
Have you called her?
Yes. Three times.
She didn't answer, but I'll try again.
I already left you a message.
I'm your son Theo's psychiatrist.
I would really appreciate it if you could call me back.
What are you doing here?
You killed my daughter. You should've quit.
I understand your grief, Mr. Berger.
I did try to save Alice.
Chatting doesn't cure anorexia!
Talking helps express fears
and overcome them.
Your daughter had made huge progress.
One day, something happened, I don't know what,
and Alice shut herself away. There was nothing I could do.
My daughter died because of you! You killed her!
What's going on?
He's right. I must have missed something.
Stop torturing yourself.
I screwed up!
I thought Alice was doing better, but she was not.
We all screw up at some point.
I overestimated Théo's reaction when Virginie killed herself.
Every time she came here, they would go to the park and talk
on a bench.
I thought he'd have a hard time getting over it.
That wasn't the case. I was the one in shock.
I should've known better.
You have to think about yourself now.
Talk about the attack to a colleague.
I don't know.
I can't stop thinking about that hunter.
That man died trying to save me.
Not going to answer?
It's my mother again.
She sends me a text every hour.
Although it could be worse, you know.
We'll have to eventually open all those wedding gifts.
It's like Christmas. I've always loved that.
Me, not so much.
I've always hated it.
- Even when you were little? - Especially then.
Christmas reminded my brother and I
that we were the only ones whose father had left.
- You have a brother? - Yes.
You never told me.
Why wasn't he at the wedding?
We aren't speaking anymore.
I don't want to talk about it.
Besides, I have work to do.
Open the gifts.
- What are you writing about? - Wine.
The Russian mafia is laundering money by buying French vineyards.
I have to meet a source. The story's likely to be a scandal.
So, there.
I'll see you later.
Maternal Instinct
- What's the matter? - There.
What's this?
I don't know.
Who are you?
Lucie Lambert. I'm a nurse.
Emma's parents hired me to take care of their daughter.
We don't need anyone. I can take care of her.
My employer warned me you would have this reaction.
Can I talk to Emma?
Hello. I'm Lucie Lambert. I'm a nurse.
It was your stepfather's idea.
He must think I'm unable to take care of you.
Dismiss her.
Yes, hello.
I'll be there.
I have to meet the source I told you about. In Paris.
I'll take you to Aurélien's. You'll be safe there.
- You're leaving? - Yes.
I don't want you to go!
Alright, do it. It doesn't matter.
I'll stay here.
She'll make sure nothing happens to me.
I'll be back soon.
Nothing will happen to you.
There are as many duck traps here as angels in paradise.
You're wrong. I've seen three near the ponds.
- Duck traps. Not angels. - I get it. Thank you.
I used to come with my father.
Stay here. You might break a heel.
This David Delorme guy is taking us for a ride.
I did some research.
He was arrested for assault and battery.
The circumstances are different, though.
We're dealing with a wacko who uses an axe.
I mean, he hit his father! He has issues with his family.
Maybe, but he was 17. Kids do stupid things, right?
Okay. Forget about his record.
In this case,
we have his fingerprints and he has no alibi.
Motive? He had just got married.
The attack was premeditated.
The guy was wearing a ski mask.
Well, yes.
If it's not a crime of passion, it's about money.
Emma's not Croesus.
She just inherited a life insurance.
And a house.
For a jobless journalist, it's a lot.
Just look at the statistics.
In 90 % of homicides, the murderer is a close relation.
When the victim is a man,
his wife is guilty in 62 % of cases.
When it's a woman, it rises to 93 %,
which is huge.
I've been a cop for 30 years.
I've seen a lot. Statistics mean nothing.
Statistics! Percentages are only good in the kitchen.
What's the matter with you?
It's only statistics.
Careful, it's slippery.
Nice. Looks like you've find the duck trap.
Give me your hand.
- Are you alright? - Yeah, I'm fine.
Hello, madam.
Detective Soraya Lakhdar and Commander Loison.
Hello, madam. Do you live in the area?
Yes, with my son.
What's your name?
Valérie Chantenier.
Do you know the Delormes?
Vaguely. They live over there.
Did you hear any noise last Sunday at around 6pm?
We were watching TV.
- Are you positive? - Yes.
Can we see your son? He might have heard something.
Yes, but he's at school now.
The house has been empty for a while, right?
I don't know. I see a man from time to time.
- Can you describe him? - Brown hair, around forty.
- That's vague. - I'm sorry.
Can you come to the station, make a statement?
- Of course. - Thank you. Bring your son.
- Okqy. Goodbye. - Goodbye.
There's something else.
I remember a detail:
Last summer, there was a grey station wagon.
- Thank you. - You're welcome. Bye.
Like Delorme's!
He said he hadn't been here in 15 years.
Either he lied, or...
Did you happen to get a dead mouse as wedding gift?
I'm not married.
I prefer cats to men. They're more faithful.
You're an optimist.
You think I should be?
I worked at the hospital.
The patients were as faithful as the doctors.
I got to see a couple of things. A true brothel!
I don't like men anymore.
I'll go to the store that sells these boxes.
They might remember who bought this one.
I'm coming with you.
Your stepfather doesn't want you to go out alone.
My stepfather?
Now he thinks he has a right to track me?
Where are you going?
Upstairs, to the office.
Do you need a note?
You won't follow me everywhere.
I received the order to not let you out of my sight.
Call my stepfather. Tell him you're fired.
I can deal with your help
but I don't need a screw on my back 24/7.
I need the phone number of silversmith Pierre Demay, please.
I'll write that down.
Yes, just a second.
Maybe you can transfer the call.
Hello. I'm calling you about a silver box.
It's a shell.
A scallop shell.
I'd like to know if you have a customer file,
or the name of the person who could have bought it.
You don't sell them anymore.
Since when?
Alright. Thank you.
Red Wine, Slush Funds
Mrs. Lambert?
Mrs. Lambert!
Mrs. Lambert?
Are you there?
Mrs. Lambert!
Emma? What's the matter?
She was probably upset.
The vase was on the floor and the window was open,
as if someone had broken in.
Maybe it was the wind.
- What about the phone call? - Wrong number.
You were attacked. You see things.
It's a normal reaction.
Great. The psychiatrist has made a diagnosis.
I'm just trying to reassure you.
You look so worried.
Where was David when that happened?
He left you alone?
He had a job meeting. I insisted that he go.
He doesn't like to be dependent on me financially.
It has nothing to do with you.
David has always had issues with money.
His father abandoned them.
He left them broke.
Kids at school used to make fun at them.
You shouldn't feel guilty.
I didn't even know he had a brother until this morning.
Why wasn't he at the wedding?
He's in prison. He was convicted for robbery.
But that's...
Why didn't he tell me?
Don't tell David that I told you.
He will tell you himself.
It was a shock for him. He loved his brother.
Maybe he feels it's a humiliation to your perfect family.
Is there anything else I should know?
Does he have more secrets?
Look, Emma, whatever happens, I'll be here for you.
I need to go to the bathroom.
David got your message. He just called.
He's on his way.
Thank you.
I saw a box in the bathroom,
a shell-shaped box.
It's beautiful.
Where did you get it?
Virginie and I received it as a wedding gift, 4 years ago.
I don't remember who gave it to us. Why?
No reason...
I got the same.
Maybe someone bought a stock
and makes the same gift every time.
How was the meeting?
Good, but I should've stayed here.
Why did she leave like that?
I don't know.
We had an argument.
Maybe she wanted to take revenge by breaking a vase.
What an idiot.
Anyway, good riddance.
I just want all this to be over.
Don't worry, we'll stick together.
Here, honey. You need to build up your strength.
Thank you.
That must be my lawyer.
We're going to prepare
for my version of the facts.
Your version of the facts?
There's only one, right? The truth.
Cops don't believe in the truth.
There are only plausible stories.
Do you understand?
Did you empty the locked drawer in your desk?
You're going through my stuff?
Have your mother and stepfather brainwashed you?
I was looking for a sheet to write down a number.
I work with explosive documents. Someone could steal them.
So I lock them up. Sometimes, I move them.
It's irrational, I know, but I do it anyway.
Are you making progress on your article?
- Yes. It's getting on. - What's the title?
Red Wine, Slush Funds.
Do you like it?
- I'm very sorry. - Thank you.
My heartfelt condolences.
He saved my life. I will never forget that.
Thank you.
Please accept...
my condolences.
I'm sorry, but we have to go back to the beginning.
The living-room is dark.
The fuses have blown.
I call David, but I get no answer.
Do you still hear the axe?
No. I don't hear anything.
At that moment...
you go downstairs.
What happens next?
I go downstairs and...
I look out the window.
It's dark, so I'm scared.
I see a pile of logs
but David's not there.
So I look for him and...
I shout: "David!"
And then, I see a dark silhouette coming towards me.
He's wearing a ski mask.
He's wearing gloves.
And a hooded sweatshirt.
He has...
He's carrying an axe.
He lifts it up.
Let's sit down, Emma.
I'm going to ask you again:
Is there any other physical trait you remember?
He was of average build. I didn't see his eyes.
Why do you think he was wearing a ski mask?
So he wouldn't be recognized.
Especially if he was close to you.
Your husband was seen here last summer.
Did you know?
I'm going to talk to you like a friend.
I've seen hundreds of women at the station,
battered women who defend their husbands,
who know they're abusing their daughters but remain silent.
I think you're wrong.
I'm not a coward.
You know, I too believed in love.
For 2 years, I lived an amazing story.
Until I found out he was cheating on me.
The worst thing is everybody knew but me.
Yes, but I'm a shrink.
It's my job to notice when people are lying.
You see evil everywhere.
David and I love each other.
You can call me at any time.
Thank you.
The officer in charge of the investigation...
She seems nice.
"She seems nice"? She wants to lock me in.
I didn't tell anything to the cops.
Also, I didn't lead them to the duck trap.
You lie to the cops, you lie to me!
Do you ever tell the truth?
Can you tell the truth and your lies apart?
Why do you say that?
Because of everything!
Why do you keep your drawers locked?
Why don't you tell me your brother's in jail?
Why don't you tell me your article's not progressing?
Why did you say you hadn't been in the house for 15 years?
The neighbors saw you last summer!
I'm sick of your lies, David!
What are you doing?
I'll stay at my parents'.
I have to go to the institute first.
I'll sleep there. It's closer to the station.
My train departs for Montpellier at 9am.
I hope you'll tell me more when I come back.
Hello, Romane.
Please, come in.
I know you blame me for Alice's death.
I feel terribly guilty too.
I thought...
You won't kill my other daughter!
Mr. Berger, Romane wanted to come.
I'd like to listen to her.
I came to punch you in the face.
You're going to suffer, too. You'll see.
- Calm down. - I won't calm down.
- Mr. Berger, please. - No, I...
Are you okay?
Thank you, Théo.
I'm in a hurry.
My mother's coming and I don't want to make her wait.
- He's gone. - Thank you.
I'm going to sleep here tonight.
It's not very comfortable. Come to my place.
No, thanks. I'll sleep on the couch.
Are things going that bad?
Let's say I need to take a break.
You're staying here for how long?
I'll take the 9am train to Montpellier.
Can I take some days off?
No problem.
- She didn't come? - She will.
Come on, Théo.
At least wait for her inside.
No. If she doesn't see me, she might change her mind.
I'll wait for her here.
She'll come.
She's coming.
Ladies and gentlemen,
for security reasons, crossing the rails is prohibited.
Ladies and gentlemen, a train is now arriving.
Is this paradise?
With cops and doctors?
You shouldn't be making jokes. I'm spending too many hours on you.
Did you arrest him?
He left on his skate, but we're tracking him down.
No, it's not him.
The kid...
He saved my life. He didn't push me.
Detective, we arrested the kid.
He's not very chatty, though.
We have a boy who saw the attack, but he's not saying anything.
Despite your legendary tact?
I'm surprised.
Can I see him?
He's all yours.
I hear you don't want to talk to us?
What's the point?
Look at my face. I'm screwed.
I know the fuzz.
Don't insult me. I'm a police officer.
Besides, I have...
two sons.
They're the same age as you.
The first one has tattoos and thinks about girls all day long.
The second one has long dreadlocks.
He likes reggae and flirting with guys.
They're very helpful at home.
They run some errands for me, etc.
So, see, I don't exactly judge by appearances.
You saved someone today, and that's huge.
- Is she okay? - Yes. Thanks to you.
But it can't happen again. We need to find the attacker.
Can you help us?
There was no one on the platform.
I noticed that woman.
She was checking out her phone.
Was he wearing a ski mask?
Yes. A black thing covering his head.
We can rule out the possibility of a lunatic breaking in.
Yes. It was premeditated and he'll do it again.
But we do know the attacker. He has to be held in custody.
Are you alright?
It hurts.
Your wound opened up.
- The baby? - He's doing good.
He's clinging on to you.
Hello, madam.
Your husband won't be able to come.
He's in custody.
You must tell us what happened in the last few hours.
Did you and David have an argument?
You must tell us everything. Your life's at risk.
Honey, tell them the truth.
We had a little argument, but...
Where was the nurse? Couldn't she help you?
Protect you?
She was gone.
I fired her.
That's weird. She was supposed to tell us
if she was leaving.
- Have you had any news from her? - No. She just disappeared.
The door was open. I thought someone was inside.
Were you alone?
David had a meeting in Paris.
Apart from your parents, who else knew about your plans?
Aurélien Castelnau, the head of department.
And your husband.
But there's something else.
Two weeks ago, one of my patients died.
An anorexic teen.
Her father thinks I'm to blame for her death.
He verbally threatened me a few days ago.
Yesterday, he tried to hit me.
He's Vincent Berger.
You're coming with us to Montpellier.
No, I want to go home.
You said you wanted to leave David.
No, I said I needed a break.
I want to see him now.
We need to talk. The sooner, the better.
You really think so?
Please, stay out of this.
I need to talk to my husband.
I need to be sure about it.
Staying with David is suicidal.
I have a friend who is a cop. He did some research.
Are you crazy? Have you lost all respect?
Not when your life's at stake, Emma!
Did you know he had a convicted brother?
But crime is not hereditary, for your information.
Did you know David had a record?
He beat up his father.
Three cracked ribs, broken tooth, broken wrist.
I might just be your stepfather, Emma,
but I care about you.
So two people knew she was leaving on the 9am train.
Aurélien Castelnau, and you.
Did she tell you?
My client has nothing to say.
Mr. Delorme, you do realize
that you were alone with her the first time,
and you're one of the two people knowing about the train?
He won't talk as long as we don't have access to the file.
You should explain what's going on, for your own sake.
I have a simple question, Mr. Delorme:
did you try to kill your wife on two occasions?
Don't stay with him.
Come with us, honey.
I need to talk to him, Mom.
Do you prefer to stay downstairs or are you going to sleep with me?
It depends. Are you my husband or a stranger?
You have to stop lying, David.
It's our last chance.
I don't even know why I'm giving it to you.
I try to do my best but I keep screwing up.
However, I never hurt you and I never will.
Do you hear me?
Why would I believe you?
When you were at the station, I was here with Aurélien.
Is that true?
Of course it's true.
I was feeling down last night.
I called him, he came and we talked until morning.
That's why the cops let me go.
Keep trusting me.
It still hurts.
They don't want to give you painkillers?
They want their patients to suffer.
Stop it. You know it's because of the baby.
Mrs. Lambert?
Don't bother. There's no one here.
Yes. I was upstairs. Nothing's missing.
She looks meticulous.
It's easy to tell when something happens to meticulous people.
Is that a reproach?
No. But I hope the mess in your office
is in inverse proportion to the clarity of your deductions.
The mail is piling up...
The letters are from the day she disappeared.
She didn't show up to work.
It is indeed a disturbing disappearance.
Who would want to get rid of her to be alone with Emma?
David. Once again.
Right now he's alone with her. Nothing can stop him.
You're not taking into account the Berger girl's father.
I'm coming.
There you go.
Toasts, foie gras, some chocolate
and an excellent wine.
A wedding gift.
Pregnant women aren't supposed to drink.
You forgot that detail.
Okay, just one sip.
- Here. It's ready. - Thank you.
Alright. Cheers to you, Mrs. Delorme!
To my husband!
You're not sleeping?
I haven't been able since the first attack.
I'm scared for you, I'm scared of everything.
I'm scared of me, too.
My own father has been a bastard.
It's hard to imagine myself as a husband, let alone a father.
To be honest with you, it scares me.
I'm afraid I won't measure up to it.
I don't talk when I don't write because I feel pathetic.
You're brilliant,
smart, you have talent.
That's why I love you.
And I'm not able to write a single line.
It's like being paralyzed.
I write the first sentence
and it's always wrong.
So I delete it and start all over again...
You don't know what it's like.
I would like to be as brave as you are.
I'm even impressed by your resistance to pain.
It doesn't hurt anymore.
I can't take it when you're in pain. I gave you painkillers.
Don't worry. It's only plants.
Anything else you need to tell me, David?
In the drawer,
there were love letters.
From an ex whom I hurt. That's why I kept them.
I left her for you.
But that's all.
I would like you
to finish this sentence:
"In 5 years, I would like to be..."
What about you, Théo?
In 5 years, I'll be dead.
What's on your mind?
Isn't there a future you would like?
Any comments?
In 5 years, I'd like to be an aromatherapist.
If the Bergers are emotionally abusive
to their daughter, we should do something about it.
Let's go to their house. We'll make a report if necessary.
You think the guy wanted to kill you!
I already screwed up once. I can't just ignore the other girl.
What are you doing with that?
Autopsy Report
After what happened to you,
I wonder if it was a suicide.
You think Virginie might have been killed?
I don't know anymore.
Hello, Mrs. Berger. Can we have a word with you?
My husband's not here.
He'll be home any minute now.
Well... we'll wait for him.
We brought you your daughter's file.
Can I use your bathroom, please?
It's the door with the pink handle, at the end of the hall.
Thank you.
Private Property No Trespassing
Can you turn it down, please?
I saw your message.
I didn't right that.
What do you want?
Tell me what's going on.
You already lost one daughter. Do you really want to lose both?
What is it?
Are you suffering from violence?
Those girls are abused by their father.
Are you sure?
Yes. I can feel it.
With her anorexia,
Alice ended up refusing her femininity.
Romane is the opposite.
She overexposes herself. She tries to be ultra feminine.
We need proof.
We can't make a report over a feeling.
Yes, I know.
I'll go back over her case file.
Come home with me.
I can take care of you.
I'm going to be alright. I promise.
Hello, Mrs. Leroy?
I've called you several times.
I'm doctor Emma Chazel-Delorme, Théo's psychiatrist.
Do you think we could meet each other to discuss his case?
Madam, I can't force you to come and see your son,
but it's the best...
If you come again, I'll kill you!
Yeah, right!
Sorry. He had a good alibi for both attacks.
His company's near the station. He must have seen you there.
Your husband was lucky.
We were ready to arrest him.
Your boss lied to protect him.
- He wasn't with him. - What?
Clearly, we shouldn't have suspected your husband.
Anyway... Congratulations for your cold blood.
You managed to arrest your own attacker.
We have to verify the father's alibi for the station attack.
You don't think he did it?
It's not that.
The first two times, the guy was wearing a ski mask.
Last night, Vincent Berger was barefaced.
You'll probably say it's a detail...
But the devil often hides behind details.
Soraya Lakhdar.
- What are you doing here? - I wanted to speak to the doctor.
Doctor Castelnau's not in his office.
Did he leave?
He was here 5 minutes ago. Didn't he tell you anything?
Thank you.
Autopsy Report
What distance?
I don't know...
Between 800 m and 1 km.
Do you always go for rides?
Yes. Every day.
Is this the man you saw last summer?
- No. - Are you sure?
I've never seen him before.
I verified Berger's alibi during the station attack.
Many of his employees say he was at work.
He might well be a nasty bastard,
but he's not the axe killer.
- Do you know him? - Yes.
That's him.
He was with a woman.
Thank you.
Nobody believed in my innocence.
Thank God they arrested Berger, because your lousy alibi...
Yes, hello?
Yes, it's me?
Are you sure? Tonight?
Yes, we'll be there. Thank you.
It was the police.
They want to do a last reenactment.
This nightmare is coming to an end.
Do you realize?
It's weird. They told me to wait for them here.
I'm going to check inside.
- Hello? - Detective, this is Emma Delorme.
We just arrived for the reenactment. No one's here.
What reenactment? None of my colleagues called you.
Emma, it's a trap. Where are you?
Who are you with?
I'm with my husband.
Alone with David?
No one's here.
Can you stay somewhere safe?
Are you okay? You look weird.
- I called the station. - And?
Well... they're on their way.
They're running late.
I'm a bit cold. I'm going to get my scarf.
I'm coming with you.
What's the matter?
My leg still hurts.
- Would you go? - No.
I won't leave you alone.
I'll wait for you here.
Don't worry.
Stay here.
I'll hurry up!
Baby, where are you?
Don't look at me as if I were a freaking ghost.
I'm here.
And I'm very much alive.
Six months ago, I saw a girl die.
A junkie.
I was out for a ride, like every day.
I got down from the horse. She's was dying from an overdose.
She was lying on her back...
with her red hair all around her face.
It was like contemplating my own death.
Missing Person
And then, tilt.
I decided to disappear
and make it look like a suicide.
After a month in the water, a body's unrecognizable.
Aurélien knew I suffered from depression.
He thought it was me.
I met Théo at the institute...
when I went to pick up Aurélien.
We grew closer.
He was easy to manipulate.
But why?
Because of David.
You idiot!
Once upon a time,
your prince charming was in love with me.
Before you two met,
he and I
were lovers.
We would meet at his place.
When he met you,
he just disappeared.
He dumped me without hesitating.
As if I was dead.
And you...
You didn't notice anything.
You were blinded by your big ideals!
You believed
that two couples could be forever friends!
You clung so hard to your stupid fairy tale!
There was a time...
when your husband loved to write,
believe it or not.
Why are you doing this, Théo?
Virginie is using you. She doesn't love you.
She loves my husband, David.
She's mine! You're lying!
On the contrary.
I say the truth, even if it hurts.
I called your mother.
Did she answer?
She won't come.
There's no point waiting for her.
You know, you won't be dead in 5 years.
You're always messing around!
What's this?
- Who is it? - Castelnau's wife.
The boss' wife?
Doesn't she look familiar?
Oh, shit!
For David. Virginie.
- Virginie? - David.
- Police! - Don't move!
Wait. Where are you going?
We have to examine you, too.
I'll just say goodbye. I'll be right back.
I'm sorry I doubted your husband.
I might have an issue to sort out regarding men.
I'm happy David's innocent. Really.
Take care of yourself. Alright?
Thank you.
Hey, did you actually apologize?
You should have your ears checked.
How could you do that to Aurélien?
I was a complete bastard.
Maybe I wanted to know
what it was like to be the perfect guy.
It's not an excuse, but...
Perfect guys are annoying anyway, aren't they?
I don't know. I haven't had the chance to find out.
But don't worry.
I thought I wanted a prince charming,
but fairytales are too overrated.
Look where?
You must look far.
Subtitles: Eclair Media
Perfect Punch Pro By Title
Five Survivor Stories Of Hope...
【MUKBANG】 Deep Fried "5 Big Mac and Fried Potatoes"...!? Exceed 6000kcal [CC Available]|Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 5:50.
Hey Yall its Kinoshita Yuka (eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (change font size color and transparency via options menu)
So, Today! tadaa I've got 5 Big Macs and a large fry (change font size color and transparency via options menu)
and today I'll be deep frying all this business its been a while since my last deep frying vid
K, so this will be the first video of 2017 a vid that isn't livecast.
for all y'all not watching my livestreams I humbly look forward to seeing you there this year
alrighty lets get cookin'
tadaa, we'll need to prep the breading and egg. beat the egg
Big Mac, looks delish so first dunk the bigmac into the egg
next coat it in bread panko breadcrumbs
tadaa and here we've got.... ~its not showing up too well in frame~ its my brand new deep fryer
fry it up
ooooh this is what it should look like
should turn out something like this
I've got 5 of these so I'll go ahead and fry them up
and cook the fries in the same manner
looks delish
lets slice into it
looks good the cheese is all nicely melted and the sauce looks very nice
wow. I feel everything looks so great I tried sprinkling some parsley to jazz things up a bit
tadaa its complete don't it look delish?
the fries look delish itadakimasu
I couldn't wait to dig into this this is what it looks like
my pickle..
I know what I'm saying its totes obvious but the outer crust reminds me of curry buns and inside its got this bigmac sauce
that reminds me of aurora sauce this really accentuates it nicely
I had some mayo and ketchup standing by here but this sauce alone is enough
ahh its so warm and crispy
so delish and since we're deep fried it the meat is even juicier than usual
the sauce inside is also warmed and it just gushes out it soaks into the bun and is so delish
things are tastier when you deep fry them oil makes things so good
time to try out some of these fries its super crispy
for some reason its even more..... 'potatoey' perhaps its because of the oil the richness is enhanced?
this is also super delish this might taste better with some ketchup
I've got catsup over here.... oh its in the shot
mm delish
these remind me of something sold at a convenience store or something sold at a fair
I feel deep fried macs could be sold there too
there's 2 burger patties in here
ooh hands will get dirty eating this.... I kinda want a wrapper for this
third one these are delish without any condiments but
to change up the flavors adding catsup or mayo might be a good idea
deep fried things and ketchup go so well together mayo as well
when you combine condiments like catsup or mayo to it it makes it feel even more 'junkfood like'
3rd done oh before I forget when I looked online they said each of these
deep fried macs exceeded 1K cal now ain't that wonderful news
final one
the last of the crispies
final mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita the deep fried mac was super delish
I think thatI was more surprised about how the fries weere made better by deep friyng them than the big mac
the fried mac was delish the patties were made so juicy and that sauce was so warm and delish
the bread was so crispy and so good... deep fried buns are so delsih aren't they?
they were so easy to make and delish won't you all give it a try? and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video
please hit the like and subscribe buttonbs I humbly humbly hope you follow me this new year as well BAI BAI
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