Sunday, January 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 23 2017

South Korea, the United States and Japan have concluded a three-day military exercise aimed

at countering North Korea's missiles.

The joint drill that ran from Friday through Sunday came amid signs Pyongyang may soon

test-fire an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Military officials said last week that the regime appears to have developed two additional

ICBMs and placed them on mobile launchers.

The trilateral training is the third of its kind,... since first held in June last year.

Japanese broadcaster NHK reports that North Korea has placed what appears to be ICBMs

with new engines north of Pyongyang,... citing South Korean and U.S. military officials.

Military authorities here are keeping a close eye for any unusual movements by the North

Korean military.

For more infomation >> S. Korea, U.S., Japan conclude 3-day joint military exercise - Duration: 0:54.


Top security advisers of S. Korea, U.S. reaffirm alliance after Trump administration kicks in - Duration: 0:54.

A matter of 24 hours after Donald Trump took office... top security officials of South

Korea and the United States reaffirmed -- and pledged to reinforce -- their strong alliance.

Seoul's National Security Council chief Kim Kwan-jin... and Washington's National Security

advisor Michael Flynn spoke on the phone on Sunday morning, Korea time.

Flynn said the bilateral relationship will develop in a strong, positive direction...

with Kim congratulating the launch of the new U.S. administration.

Both vowed to continue close coordination on North Korea's nuclear issue.

Their first phone conversation, held at Flynn's request, hints that the top communication

channel between South Korea's presidential office and the White House is officially open...

following Kim's visit to Washington earlier this month.

For more infomation >> Top security advisers of S. Korea, U.S. reaffirm alliance after Trump administration kicks in - Duration: 0:54.


500 kills challenge on black ops 3(just like alia`s yea I know) - Duration: 12:32.

whats up guys here we are back

with a challenge video

For more infomation >> 500 kills challenge on black ops 3(just like alia`s yea I know) - Duration: 12:32.


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3



For more infomation >> Silence


Avokado-ananas | Q&A - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Avokado-ananas | Q&A - Duration: 7:34.


Creepy Pixel Madness!! | Mirror Layers - Duration: 14:26.

whoa what happened huh

hello everyone on jayskibean and welcome to

mirror laters it's a pixelated horror

game made by the unity made with unity

engine not by the Unity engine on

gamejolt you can find it there

I'm sure you guys have seen other

youtubers play it's been played by quite

a few other youtubers actually but yeah

super pixelated for a game about

different dimensions and such a blah

blah etc it's like a safe option on the

computer der help der do

ok that's just the directory

ok that's strange never had a game that

brings up stuff up

alrighty the a believe this is a game

with like mirror dimensions of stuff

then edge is already pretty eerie but

even really done anything yet

ok the connection between this world and

the one you are living in

okay okay well I'm keep on explored

can hear noises in the background

something rustling around so it's just a

closet don't know it's a hallway

fuck alright so this is seem like

there's anything anything really here

room in the bucket interesting

ok let's explore the whole house

Oh what's this

three aky 233 key three key of dude

that's creepy

hey computer shut the door because i

have good for game

ok i can't play with the computer

nothing in here all right

well then to do I don't like this place

for the three key go to anything

whoa happen huh

something grabbed me

okay look like something grabbed me

he's got to go to something that put in

a toilet with this

ok it's not that

okay well okay well there's gotta be

what does that say on it is that 22 ok

i'm a three key i need a 2k the three

key because it's something completely


maybe it's in the Otherworld like I

didn't see anything

well thank God you can go back and forth

ok I'll see anything I didn't see

anything in the Otherworld originally

but maybe just two step clock ticking

it's really getting me maybe just maybe

go to the the bloody box with the lady

on it the blush hit the bloody lady box

wherever that is

there it is try it take it back up

take it up it transferred to your world

transferred to my world

what's that mean

what does that mean that's something to

do with the computer okay okay so

apparently how it works is everybody has

a different key on their game

ok so this is where you get files from

the internet and ok alright you go to

the theater you can't help and it takes

to facebook page it's like a group page

for mirror layers and everybody gets a

different item in game and it can

transfer it to a certain folder outside

of the game

mine was a key for test number three and

all that's so cool you interact with

like real life stuff all the Sioux

that's awesome its own little way I

still don't want to die by this thing

but that's so cool

ok it's not have two key so i went it

and you hit he'll pitch to the facebook

group page and found somebody set foot

okay well I have a foot now what do i do

the foot

I put it on the guys okay so put the

foot on the dude honestly if there's

anything changed

maybe maybe something's changed

there's the Trading Station ok but yeah

it like interact with the community

that's really cool so you can just go to

the facebook page and people will post

download links to what files popped out

of their game when they threw it in the

thing that's really cool that's really

unique I've never seen a game to

anything like that ever before

that's awesome that's awesome possum

I did not know that was a thing whoever

made this game your genius you are

genius see what happens he was going on

the Otherworld ok well the guys hanging


oh yes nice in the hand

now and figure out this is our box here

no just books ok so i think i just need

to like I had to find whatever body part

he's missing in a tree attach it and

essentially to the next little Eiffel

impossible back of the leg and there is

a train passing through my down right

now so because here's the background

sounds is that it's a radio

can i play the radio no okay can't play

the radio i still have to find

here's something

their stuff again you walking around

with me and don't know there's a

password now on the wall just figured

that out

ok so maybe that's another thing with

the community you have to go and help

okay so this is this is an interactive

game with your community to figure out

puzzles and find items transferred

throughout the world it to help you

complete the game interesting or maybe

maybe solving the puzzle gives you the

correct key that you need

I don't know either way either way

that's awesome i like it is very unique

super unique and a really good way to

get your own fan base

my nose is she in a really good way to

get your own community going for an

indie game like this i still hear stuff

like is to to do that kind of thing I

like how they incorporated that so many


but yeah um it looks like it's a

full-fledged community thing so i'm

going to go into steps it off here

actually you know what I'm find a

monster first and see what's going on

with things

oh there is

and then here walking there it is

so that's it that's the guy that's the

always turn the lights off and then you

drag you away

where did they drag you to know deaths

nowhere okay well anyway that was Mary

layers super unique game it has a lot to

do with the community there's a Facebook

page about it and everything and

transferring files in and out of your

computer which is which is pretty cool

that's not that's not bad at you throw

it items in and out of the game super

awesome i like it in unity games you

know like that cool so um you guys

enjoyed she slap that like button

underneath the video with guidance h2

haven't already and tell your friends

about be up to you guys later

For more infomation >> Creepy Pixel Madness!! | Mirror Layers - Duration: 14:26.


Talk to a therapist online - See a psychotherapist online via Skype - Duration: 3:33.

If you're interested in online therapy to help you overcome anxiety or depression or

an addiction or any other emotional problem, you might consider talking to a therapist


Being able to talk to a therapist online is really quite an effective way of getting the

help that you need to to manage difficult emotional problems.

I see clients online on a daily basis and have done so for many years now and it's definitely

just as effective to speak to a therapist online as it is to see the therapist in-person.

The focus of the online therapy service that I offer is to teach you practical ways of

managing difficult emotions.

The principal habit that most people experience is one of becoming identified with emotions

and with reactive thoughts.

We tend to get lost in these patterns of habitual reactivity that simply feed our anxiety or

depression, so the the most essential step in successful psychotherapy is to learn how

to break the cycle of reactive identification, to be able to become the observer of your

emotions and thoughts without becoming lost in them.

This is essential because if you continue to simply become lost in thoughts or emotions

or emotional trauma then you simply reinforce the underlying emotions.

During mindfulness therapy, which is what I specialize in, we learn exactly how to do

this, how to become the observer and how to develop independence in relationship to our


This is the most important step for producing change.

If you like to see a therapist online and learn some of the mindfulness techniques that

I teach to please go to my website and email me.

We can schedule a Skype counseling session at a time that works for you.

I see people throughout North America and abroad in Europe and the Middle East and as

far away as New Zealand.

So if you are interested in learning how to overcome the patterns of emotional reactivity

and you'd like to talk to a therapist online please email me and we can schedule a session.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Talk to a therapist online - See a psychotherapist online via Skype - Duration: 3:33.


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


Colony Season 2 on USA

For more infomation >> Colony Season 2 on USA


Schwertwal — eine Jugendherberge Geschichte (Familie Midterm Projekt) - Duration: 18:58.

What are you doing?


Were you watching Tomi Lahren videos again?


Let me see!

What's going on here?

I'll tell you what's going on.

Bernhard was editing Wikipedia.

And it's an article about Nabeel Kandah!

Father, I swear he exists!

Yeah! Have you not heard the stories?

Those stories are all just myths. Now come on, Julian, do the dishes.

No! I don't want to!

Ok, fine.

As for you, Bernhard, if I catch you editing Wikipedia again, you are grounded!

Uncle Helmut, can you drive us to band practice?

No, I don't want to. I'd prefer to just stay here.

We'll give you a KitKat.

Ok, let's go.

What's the name of your band?


Are you guys ready for take one?



What's with you?

You haven't sung a single note!

It's compulsive. I can't help it!

Can we hurry up? We have to pitch our youth hostel idea to Herr Bergen soon.

Yeah, yeah, we'll hurry up. Bernhard, count us in!


I can't stop now!

Oh, forget it. We have to pitch our youth hostel idea in 15 minutes.

Why is this youth hostel idea so important? I thought you retired from that business

after you had to rescue Gunther from the vikings.

For God's sake, you almost died!

Our heroism must continue. We want to bring youth hostels to America.

Ah, Gunther sent me a text. He's bringing us to the airport soon.

Ok, we'll pick it up right here when you come back.

Manfred, get up!

What should we do now?

Uh, I could play the cowbell.


I think Treffpunkt Berlin is on TV.

Yeah, ok.

We'll be right back

Bernhard, we want to help you with your Wikipedia addiction.

Guys, I don't have an addiction. I'm writing an article

about the best musician in the whole world. It's very important!

Who? Jimi Hendrix?

No, no, Nabeel Kandah. The famous guitar player.

I must create the perfect song so we can go on our epic search to find Kandah.

Kandah? I learned guitar from him. I would love to visit him.

You learned guitar from the great, mystical Kandah and you've never told us before?!

Maybe he can help us find a map.

A map? One moment, please.

You mean this map?

Yes! This map can help us find Kandah.

What nonsense. I've had enough! I'm kicking you out of the band!

You can't do that! That's unfair!

Yeah, Jürgen! Think about what you're doing. Can't you give him another chance?

No, he can't stay.

He is an affront to this band and the youth hostel business.

Forget your damn youth hostel business! Quit talking nonsense!

Without Bernhard, Schwertwal is no more!

What do you know? You're just a puny piano player!

Careful, Jürgen! He is one with the Deutsch.

Ok! He can stay. Under one condition.

What is it? I'll do anything!

He has to wear shorts for a day.


Jürgen, are you crazy? It's supposed to be 9 degrees tomorrow!

It's so cold, that Wake County has cancelled school.

Yeah, why do you know that?

Hasan sent me a text.

Hasan? You don't mean...

Yeah. THE Hasan.

Why do you know so many famous people, Manfred?

I'm kind of a big deal around these parts.

Julian, we have the map now. We have to go!

Ok, let's go. Run!

Where's your crutch?

I lost it.

What are you doing here in the middle of the day? You should be in school!

We are finding the temple of the great, mystical Kandah!

The last German teacher.

You are crazy. You'll never find him.

You are even crazier than Helmut. And have you heard the stuff that comes out of his mouth?

Obamacare is dumb!

We have to keep searching. We've created the perfect song.

Is that that repugnant noise you were playing last night? You are so full of shit.

I don't care! I'm going.

Me too.

If you take one more step, you are both grounded for the rest of your life!

I don't want to get grounded. He'll take away my computer,

and I'll have to edit Wikipedia on my phone. Do you know how hard that is?

Bernhard, we are 17 years old. We must take charge!


Do you really believe he's here?

This is where the map leads.

Make it grand!

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