Sunday, January 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 23 2017

Some of the lucky ones were sipping hot tea near the fireplace in their mountain resort hotel, waiting for snowplows to arrive so they could finally go home, after a winter holiday made nerve-wracking by heavy snowfall.

Suddenly, Vincenzo Forti and girlfriend Giorgia Galassi were knocked violently off a wicker sofa. A few other guests nearby tumbled off their chairs. An avalanche of snow had just barreled down the mountainside Wednesday, smashing into the Hotel Rigopiano and trapping more than 30 vacationers, including four children, and workers inside. All the kids survived.

On Sunday evening, rescuers spotted a man's body in the wreckage, raising to six the number of confirmed dead. Twenty-three others remained missing.

Details of nine people's harrowing survival accounts began emerging Sunday. Among the details: the seemingly endless isolation, since the snow absorbed any sound from the outside world. "We banged until I couldn't anymore, we yelled," Galassi said.

"It was like we were in a tin can."

There was no food, but there was ice, from the avalanche.

Rescue workers search near the avalanche-hit Hotel Rigopiano in Italy on Sunday.


"We ate ice, that was our fortune," Galassi said. Forti's fishing buddy, Luigi Valiante, added more details, telling reporters after visiting him in a hospital Sunday that the young man "realizes he is a miraculous survivor."

Until their cellphone batteries ran out, the survivors had some light. Then it was just dark, Valiante said.

Another survivor was near the couple. Francesca Bronzi was trying to find where her boyfriend, Stefano Feniello, ended up.

Bronzi's parents, Vanessa and Gaetano Bronzi, said that the chair's high backrest saved her, protecting her from a beam that "could have crushed her."

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Avalanche buries ski resort in Italy

Bronzi continues to ask about her boyfriend, who remains among the missing.

With air pockets detected in other areas of the wreckage, rescuers were holding out hope for more miracles even four days after the tragedy. Impassable mountain roads have left crews without equipment like cranes that could help them remove the piles of ice and snow more quickly.

Around 60 people at a time have been using shovels and their hands to dig, passing out bucket-brigade style chunks of ice snow they dug out. The massiveness of the avalanche has become more apparent as experts studied the area.

For more infomation >> Italian mountain resort guests never saw avalanche coming, as death toll rises to 6 - Duration: 2:13.


New Barbie™ Movie

For more infomation >> New Barbie™ Movie


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego


Reading Diversely & Picking What to Read // Discussion - Duration: 3:55.

Hi everyone! It's Clarisse, this is ClarisseReads

and today I'm going to talk a bit about

reading more diverse science fiction and

fantasy books. As you may know, I decided

not to set yearly reading goals but

instead try to set more specific

quarterly reading goals. And I'm still

sticking with that, but even though I'm

doing that there are still some reading

goals that are more general that I do

want to prioritize - not necessarily for

the year, but just right now, for some

undefined period of time - and one of

those goals is to read more diverse

science fiction and fantasy. Well, the

first part probably makes sense to you; a

lot of people on Booktube have been wanting

to read more diversely - I mean to

DiverseAThon is a thing, and I think it's

going to be happening when this video goes up -

and that's something I want to strive towards

generally. But the reason that I'm trying

to read diverse science fiction and

fantasy specifically...well, I think that has

bit of a longer explanation. Recently, when

I was trying to reflect a bit on my

reading goals in 2016, and things

that went well, things that went wrong - I

did make those videos, but there were

some thing I noticed that I wasn't able

to mention in those videos. Specifically

for my "Read the World" goal. As I mentioned in

the video when I talked about the results of

that reading goal, I was pretty proud of

what I was able to accomplish, and I'm

still pretty proud of it.

But something I forgot to mention is that even

though I read from so many different


last year I don't think any of the books

I read from my "Read the World" goal made

it to my "Favorites of 2016" video - like I

tried to read more diversely, but my favorites

videos still didn't end up being all

that diverse. I tried to figure out, why is that?

Am I just naturally biased towards things

that aren't diverse without me even trying

to be biased? Then I realized there was

something wrong with my mindset when it

came to reading more diverse books.

When I pick books to read in

general, I normally gravitate towards

science fiction and fantasy, because I

know that those are my favorite genres.

But when I was trying to pick books for,

example my "Read the World" challenge last year,

I was picking books that were rated really

highly, books that were recommended by

my friends...and I don't think there's

anything wrong with that, but I do want

reading diversely to become something

normal, to become something natural.

And I don't think that's going to happen if I

continue to have this disconnect

between how I choose books to read in

general and how I choose books to read

that are diverse. I wasn't unimpressed by my

"Read the World" books because they were

from other countries, but because I

wasn't picking them the way I was picking

books normally. I wasn't picking them

with the same filters. I wasn't picking

books that I thought I WOULD enjoy, but

instead I was picking books that I thought I

SHOULD enjoy, and I think there's

something wrong with that.

So now, for again, some undefined period

of time, I want to try to focus more on

reading diversely, but also reading

books from the genres I love, and

knowing that those two things aren't

separate, I don't need to think of them [as] separate,

I don't need to pick diverse books

differently from the way I pick normal books.

So I'm hoping by the end of the year my

favorites video is going to be a lot more

diverse, I'm hoping that as I progress

with this channel I'm going to be

able to share books that other people

aren't talking about, and, most

importantly, I hope that reading

diversely eventually becomes something

that I don't need to consciously do but

instead becomes something that I

naturally gravitate towards doing. So that's all I

have to say about that,

I guess. Sorry if it was a bit ramble-y; normally for videos I try

to write a bit of an outline first, but I was actually filming

something completely different when I

suddenly went off on a tangent and started

talking about this, so I figured I might as well

make it a completely different video. So if

you have any thoughts on this, or on reading diversely

in general, feel free to share it with me in the comment

section below. Also feel free to share with me any of

the diverse science fiction or fantasy books that you think I should read

also down below. Anyway, thank you so

much for watching, and I hope to see you next time. Bye!

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