alright guys so remember when instant warfare
was one of the most disliked call of
duty of all time getting like big
million dislikes on the trailer
apparently this is gonna be funny they
had the double was best silly game of
he was going on guys it's your boy Yogge here
and today as you guys heard the intro
called the infinite warfare was the
number one best-selling game of 2016 now
guys I'm not gonna lie i didn't find it
by myself
all credits towards the 402 Thunder you
guys know who Thunder is he may call of
duty news as well and he does videos on
them and stuff like that and I thought
make a video on this basically you know
if the norfair was versing battlefield
one and everybody was like all
battlefield one is going to crush it is
here but for some reason infinite
workers still one so he did a video on
that and I think you know what that's
interesting so I want to video on that
today so I'm gonna be show you guys the
list of the top 10 best-selling games so
guys as you all know it starts off with
cold weekend to work for pc ps4 xbox one
I think all these are triple AAA games i
don't think they're all like exclusive
well they're all true play games but i
don't think there's any exclusive games
that is I don't know what I'm doing
we are so coming in at number 2 is
battlefield one now apparently or from
looking at this fat it bounce you want
to basically like right behind you in
the water like it was like so it would
literally like about two passions like
Battlefield one was really really close
to infinite worker again i do not know
how infinite warfare got first place on
the best-selling games this is give got
three millions dislike and somehow it
still got number one decision doesn't
make any sense
and obviously I new barrel was going to
be at least top three because it was a
really hype the game because it was
really opposite from infinite working a
lot of Transportation dropping over to
the battlefield one so you know I knew
about the was going to be a I thought I
was gonna be in first place to be honest
or maybe second or third but yeah
they're your number two in battlefield
one now coming out number three is the
division now I play Division bedo and
honestly I personally didn't like you I
just I just personally don't like the
game on my calendar place it's kind of
like destiny like destiny but the
division in my opinion it's like a lower
version of Destiny we have to plan a lot
for a lot of the things that didn't get
as good ratings at least the place of my
check didn't get good rating so our i
heard it was an alright game
of course we did not like it the gear
you got was basically like a the hat and
like you know its different forms of
beanies and hats so that was like the
main gear that you got which may be
pretty mad
so personally I don't like the division
but that's what's the number three the
Division now coming in at number four
NBA 2k 17 so obviously this is a game
that you know sports game with the same
thing but obviously better graphics and
I believe some of the mechanics were
improved and you know they changed up
something so to k-17 came with a
go-around with the board game to be like
sports games you like any of these on
the list yet
number four is MPA 2k7 teeth coming in
at number five madden NFL 17 like I said
again for 2k you know sports games they
really do good there
Ellie's more sports game is always in
the top 10 best-selling games so there
you go
we have madden NFL 17 coming in at
number five then coming in at number six
a game that came out for the last gen
2013 game all right
GTA 5 coming in at number six now im
gonna talk about why some of these games
disappointment after i'm done but yea
gt5 we all know why it's on the top list
it's a really really good game obviously
has online multiplayer that's like such
a game we have permanent number six is
grand theft auto 5 coming in at number
seven the game that one game of the year
but for some reason it's not the best
selling game overwatch not kind of take
that back games that are good don't
really depend on how much they sell
again maybe overwatch you know not a lot
of people knew about it even though it
was a great game apparently from the you
know 2016 game awards i believe that's
what it's called it won't give me your
basically but it's still at number seven
for the best-selling games of 2015 and I
come in at number eight black ops 3 this
one will be surprised me because I you
know if you would buy into the water to
get the you know cod4 bundle but black
ops cremated on this list still coming
in at number nine guys p17 obviously
like I said about sport games a lot of
people by sports team so this is pretty
obvious that people were gonna be on
here but number nine is pretty pretty
low for that we got Final Fantasy 15
i've only played final fantasy like
what's in my lifetime
I think its back on the ps2 I believe
but I'm not shadow really know what
final fantasy is not really in college
in the world that stuff like I know what
the game is I've seen gameplay stuff
like that but it's just I don't really
know mess with it that much but coming
in at number 10 is Final Fantasy 15 so
those were the top 10 list now let me
tell you guys why I'm pretty
disappointed about this number one this
list shows me that gaming overall is
going downhill
I mean look at this he a being that came
out in 2013 came in at six place it'd be
over watch people 17 final fantasy hand
blackout city and this was a large gin
game that came out 90 grand theft auto 5
is a really really good game and you
like I guess argue with that but still
like let's be honest current-gen right
now was not as good as last time last
year we had so many good games and now I
mean look at the games are giving most
of our garbage entrant warfare is the
best-selling game like what I mean I
should I said really badly damaged
because it would come out with top four
and a lot of people might have bought it
just for cox where you know it's like
you really can't say you know that it
won first place is because in still
water but again it's just I don't know
there's this little disappointed because
like some games should have made a
higher on here for example overwatch up
to look at that got more exposure and if
people talk about a little bit more it
would have went higher now just talking
about games overall guys and youtube in
general you know connecting this to you
to my YouTube specifically call of duty
like I heard I heard hollow point and
one of his VSA that called me is leaking
like it's closer to dying but somehow
still made number one of the
best-selling games of 2015
now I don't know what this says about
gaming in my opinion this means that
gaming is either going down but you just
people are buying the game because games
in general are boring now I guess maybe
for my age group they are i have no clue
but look up apparently called three is
dying but it's still feeling a lot so I
really don't know what this means
again like i just want to show you guys
one gameplay and maybe people just like
point called maybe people don't like
watching that you see on the screen I I
no guy tell me in the comments down
below what type of games you want to see
because I feel like Call of Duty is
getting boring i'll make a different
video on this way I like for example
overwatch I like i enjoy watching other
people of youtube channel so you know if
you guys want to see different games any
game on ps4 coming to comment down below
it could be anything from overwatch to
be able to succeed out I've honestly
been thinking about these two games have
been talking about all my friends you
know how I get these games or not should
I you know kind of switch over to the
game rather than called you because i'm
really not sure about playing anymore at
the moment that is the next call duty is
like banger and it's like fire then I'm
I you know go all out on the desk all
day but so far colder is pretty gay
let's not lie it's just dry right now
and really when honestly want from me at
least on a play called beauty i do I
play for like two hours or something
when i get off usually back in advanced
warfare even events like a lot of people
hate it but I played it a lot because I
believe that was like the French I got
my playstation but I just on the light
back then during blackouts to outplay
all day are no guys telling you guys in
the comments down below and tell me if
you want me to play different games i'll
be listening and looking at you guys
comment but anyways leave a like on the
video videos I don't you guys stay
healthy and i will see you all on the
next one
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