*clapping snaps*
You cant laugh while I'm doing these!
I have a zit right where my bra is.
You can't be in this video.
I hate you.
I put on a fancy top!
Okay I wasn't planning on filming a video, but I was supposed to go get coffee, but then
Georgia kind of exploded and apparently we're supposed to get snow so everyone is freaking out
Traffic is bad.
Everywhere is closed.
But i look amazing!
So, I'm gunna film.
Here's the thing: I love sleep because sleeping is just mmmm.
Very good.
However, I feel like I'm wasting time all the time.
I feel like if I don;t sleep I'l have way more time to get everything that I need to
get done- done.
But I also need to sleep to function so you see my predicament.
Sleep is weird because you can be lying in bed fully exhausted, and your body is just
like, "hey what about that one thing that happened that one time and then you think
about it for 12 years and you never get sleep."
OR, it's you fall asleep and actually sleep for 12 years, and you wake up and you're like
"where am I!?"
I like sleeping.
It's very nice, but I feel like I'm wasting so much of my time.
I feel like I could be getting so much done.
I take melatonin because pain is something that happens.
Melatonin like knocks me out like KO "wapshh* Melatonin is so weird because it's not a drug
in the fact that it's all artificial?
weird chemicals or anything.
It's actual melatonin that your body produces and then you take it and we need more of this
and then you're like ahh and you fall asleep.
This isn't me saying take melatonin and your problems will be solved.
My problems were solved.
Getting comfortable!
I don't know if maybe this is just a me problem...I know Nicole has it.
SO, it's at least an us problem.
I can be lying in bed chilling, reading, on my phone whatever, and think, "I could fall
asleep right now and it would be great."
But i need to brush my teeth, put on my pajamas, that whole ordeal.
Then when I do brush my teeth and put on my pajamas and get back into the same position
it's extremely uncomfortable all of the sudden.
Why is your body so strange!?
Why do we just acknowledge that when it's dark outside we just all go to sleep, everything
Why does our body need sleep that's so just so weird.
Why do as kids we sleep so much.
Like children they take naps and go to bed super early and wake up kind of later in the
day, sometimes early.
Then as adults it's like we have to work and work and work- go to bed at 11, wake up at
5, but we need so much more sleep.
I NEED four naps , and I need to go to bed at seven, and wake up at 10.
That would be so nice.
I need that to be acceptable, and appropriate.
But it's not.
I just don;t think that's very smart.
Also, why do we sleep better if you're with somebody.
I almost always sleep better if Nicole's home.
Just the fact that you're in the presence of another human being.
Is it because our subconscious feels safer knowing someone else is there?
Sleep is weird but necessary.
Rejoice in the day and be glad in it!
I'll see you later bye! *ukulele outro*
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