Monday, January 23, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 23 2017

The Minnesota Capitol Building has been undergoing restoration since 2015.

The renovation is still ongoing

but we were able to return the Capitol in 2017!

So far, there have been many wonderful changes. For example:

* Increased seating/accessibility features in hearing rooms

* Public, accessible bathrooms on every floor

* Mother's Room on 1st floor

* New public meeting rooms

* New Visitor Center

* New classroom

* More dining options

* Better WiFi

Before there were 3 accessible entrances.

Now there are 4.

The accessible entrances are: * South via main entrance at ground level.

* West via ground level - accessible to those with card-reader access.

The East Ground entrance will be open with card-readers in April 2017.

* North via Tunnel access from the Minnesota Senate Building.

There is also tunnel access from the State Office Building

with no stairs but there is a steep slope.

There is a map that shows the locations for

both public parking and disability parking.

Visitors might want to take the Light Rail.

The closest stop is the Capitol/Rice St. Station.

Hearing loops, which enable hearing aid users with t-coils to have

sound direct transmitted into their hearing aids,

have now been installed in:

* All hearing rooms in the Capitol building and the Minnesota Senate Building.

Loops are not installed in the State Office Building,

where most House hearings happen.

* House and Senate Chambers

* Supreme Court Courtroom

Assistive Listening Devices (FM Systems) can be checked out for use from two locations.

You can use FM system in the State Office Building and in the House Chamber.

Learn more at:

All live and archived House and Senate television programming is closed captioned.

Learn more at:

The Minnesota Historical Society is now providing free guided tours

of the Capitol building during business hours.

Come and learn more about the Capitol history, architecture, and state government.

If you are requesting accommodations or

if you are in a group of 10 or more, please contact:

More information about the tours are at:

Have you signed up to attend Deaf, DeafBlind & Hard of Hearing Lobby Day on Wednesday, March 8, 2017?

Join us!

For more infomation >> New Accessibility Features at the Capitol - Duration: 5:42.


New Barbie™ Movie

For more infomation >> New Barbie™ Movie


Build Your Dreams With Lego

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Peugeot 208 ACTIVE 1.2VTI 82PK * NAVI * CLIMA * PARK.H. * - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 ACTIVE 1.2VTI 82PK * NAVI * CLIMA * PARK.H. * - Duration: 0:52.


DIY Mickey Felt Pin

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Lily Whispers ASMR

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Ford Mondeo 2.5 V6 Collection - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Ford Mondeo 2.5 V6 Collection - Duration: 1:20.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 5drs AIRCO - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 5drs AIRCO - Duration: 1:30.


Treasonous Fake news outlet CNN appears to encourage Trump assassination to point out that an Obama - Duration: 5:43.


Fake news outlet CNN appears to encourage Trump assassination to point out that an Obama

�Cabinet member� would take over as president.

by: JD Heyes.

(NaturalNews) The far Left has become so unhinged in the wake of President-elect Donald J. Trump�s

victory over Hillary Clinton in November that its behavior is bordering on the criminal.

And treason.

Discredited fake news outlet CNN is being heavily criticized for a report that seems

to suggest there could be an assassination of the president-elect in the offing, and

should that happen, an Obama Cabinet pick would be waiting in the wings to take over.

As reported by Infowars, the story, headlined, �Disaster could put Obama cabinet member

in the Oval Office,� says there is no specific threat that is targeting the inauguration,

but then goes on to fantasize about �who would be in charge if an attack hit the incoming

president�just as the transfer of power is underway.�

You can almost feel the dripping resentment for Trump and the hope that something bad

would happen to him just so an Obama sycophant could seize the reins of power (and �save

the country from the disaster of Trump,� of course).

CNN said that an individual named the �designated presidential successor� will not be at the

inauguration as a security precaution, �but it won�t be a Trump cabinet secretary�it

will be an Obama appointee.�

The �report� goes on to emphasize that �a president from the prior administration�

would then take power if there is an attack because none of Trump�s Cabinet picks have

been confirmed yet by the Senate.

According to the fake news network, the designated presidential successor would probably be Tom

Shannon, the Under Secretary for Political Affairs and an Obama appointee (thanks for

publishing his identity, CNN�good thing you were around to blow the lid off that D-Day

invasion during World War II).

CNN teases the potential attack scenario on the inauguration by noting it would create

�chaos� and �high theater,� then aired clips from ABC�s weekly series �Designated

Survivor,� starring Kiefer Sutherland who plays an obscure Cabinet secretary who is

�unexpectedly thrust into the presidency after an attack at the Capitol during a State

of the Union Address.�

There have already been a number of death threats against the soon-to-be President Trump,

including a family friend of Hillary Clinton, who was arrested after he threatened to assassinate

Trump at his inauguration.

And, there have also been numerous reports of protests, unrest and property damage being

planned for Inauguration Day, which in and of itself could create enough mayhem to threaten

the president-elect and members of Congress in attendance.

[RELATED: Stay current with potential threats to the civil society at]

We already know that CNN has regularly committed journalistic fraud; has the network crossed

another line by drawing attention to this very dangerous scenario?

After all, what is even the point of speculating something like this?

For CNN�s warped Left-wing ideologues, this is nothing more than wishful thinking disguised

as a �news story.�

Respondents on YouTube, which were very heavily thumbed down, blasted the network for what

could be taken as encouraging an attack on Trump.

�Totally not suggesting anything her, huh CNN?� one person commented, as Infowars


�So leftist terrorists know who they need to take out, so that dems can stay in power?

This is irresponsible journalism,� wrote another.

�I flagged this video as dangerous to the president elect, and that it might foment

violence,� another poster noted.

This is not unprecedented for CNN, by the way, which has demonstrated amazing bias against

Trump from the outset.

This is the same network of losers who gave Thomas DiMassio a platform after he rushed

a state to violently confront Trump during a campaign event in Ohio last year.

[RELATED: Keep current with the new administration at]

DiMassio�s intent?

Use violence to �send a message to all people out in the country who wouldn�t consider

themselves racist, who wouldn�t consider themselves approving of what type of violence

Donald Trump is allowing in his rallies.�

Imagine if Fox News had run this kind of a story on the eve of President-elect Barack

Obama�s first inauguration in 2008; the Left-wing establishment media would have exploded

with anger.

But that�s the point: It�s okay for the journo-terrorists on the Left to publish this

kind of garbage and pretend its �news.�

If you�re not boycotting CNN, you�re just encouraging more of this kind

of outrageous behavior.

For more infomation >> Treasonous Fake news outlet CNN appears to encourage Trump assassination to point out that an Obama - Duration: 5:43.


Manhattan DA mulling whether to seek new trial against man accused of killing tourist in 1990 - Duration: 2:15.

A man who was released from prison after serving 25 years for a robbery that killed a tourist will soon find out if prosecutors plan to retry or dismiss the case.

Johnny Hincapie was freed in October 2015 when his conviction for the murder of Brian Watkins on a Midtown subway platform was tossed by a judge.

The decision was largely based on a new witness who testified that Hincapie was not among the attackers at the W. 53rd St. E train station on Sept. 2, 1990.

A new trial was ordered on the ground that the newly discovered evidence would have likely changed the conclusion in the 1992 trial.

Hincapie, 43, has long said he had no part in the group subway attack on Utah tourist Watkins who was protecting his family from muggers.

Now, Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance on Wednesday will decide what to do with the case.

Hincapie's lawyer, Ron Kuby, is urging the borough's top prosecutor to finally drop the charges.

"Six judges have said that, if Hincapie were to be tried today, he would probably be found not guilty," said Kuby, who along with Leah Busby, represented Hincapie.

After the case was tossed, the Manhattan DA challenged the appeal. But the state Appellate Division upheld the lower court ruling,

Johnny Hincapie appears in Manhattan Supreme Court on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015 and bursts into tears as he learns he will be released and granted a new trial.

(Jefferson Siegel/New York Daily News)

At the 2015 hearing, Hincapie testified that his attorney at the original trial disregarded his alibi in support of an alternate defense.

He had confessed to police at the time, when he was 18, but later said it was scripted and false.

The court recently heard testimony from Mariluz Santana, a previously unknown witness who insisted that Hincapie was not on the platform when the attack occurred. Other witnesses also backed up Hincapie's alibi.

Hincapie was one of eight people originally arrested for the fatal slashing of Watkins, who was in the city with his family for the U.S. Open tennis tournament.

On Monday, Kuby said if necessary he was ready for a new trial.

"We agree and are ready to have a trial that will focus on the unlawful and coercive 1990s style policing," he said, "which extracted so many false confessions and sent so many innocent people to prison."

A spokeswoman for the DA's office declined to comment.

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