Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

Today, we will talk about female plants converted into males

and other technical aspects related to the production of seeds.

We are in one of the production rooms of Blimburn Seeds,

in particular of the American seeds.

Today Jimmy will talk about

the plants the sex of which is going to be reverted

in order to convert them into males to pollinate the plants.

Jimmy, can you explain what you have here?

This is a tent made ready to pollinate

and right now we are growing the plants.

When we see it is the right moment

to treat and convert them, we will do it.

We stake them properly,

so that the male can grow strong and can ramify

and to avoid them from breaking during the pollination

and to treat the plant as gently as possible.

How many male plants do you use in the rooms?

This is one variety.

We work with one male

for the crossing varieties.

Then, in other tents and in other facilities, we have

more males for converting them,

creating other varieties and investigating.

I can see all the plants are staked.

What we do is using stakes

so that the plant has a consistency

and so that it holds the weight of the plant

avoiding it from bending

which could cause a problem of production loss

in the facility.

So we use this basically with the males

because in order to pollinate we have to shake them

and they are only stems.

This way if you tap it

you can extract the pollen causing as little damage as possible

making it possible for the plant to regenerate the pollen

in the right amount of time to make a good pollination

on the receiver plants.

We are now in one of the rooms where the receiver plants will be

in order to produce seeds.

Can you explain the technical aspect of the room?

Once the previous crop is finished,

we remove all substrates,

we clean, disinfect,

and prepare everything

for growing the plants.

We changed into tubular Can Filter extraction systems

they are more comfortable to work with,

they give us much more space,

the installation of the filters is easier

because they have different sizes for different volumes.

We also changed the tray securing board.

We also renewed the irrigation and drainage system

A little bit of everything.

They also sent us new reflectors

which we are testing right now,

and the results are very good so far.

And this is what we do.

We set it up again.

And we get rid of any insects or fungus

and make sure everything works.

On the next episode, we will talk about lightning, light reflectors,

ventilation systems

and other technical aspects used in professional seed production.



For more infomation >> Producción de semillas, reversion del sexo, Blimburn seeds, 420weedTV PROGRAMA 149 - Duration: 6:20.


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For more infomation >> „Don-2N": Darum wird Niemand einen Raketen-Angriff auf Moskau wagen - Duration: 2:15.


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Suits on USA Network

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John Wick: Chapter 2

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Koopwoning: Heelkruid 8, Nieuwerkerk A/d Ijssel - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Koopwoning: Heelkruid 8, Nieuwerkerk A/d Ijssel - Duration: 0:50.


Koopwoning: Belgischezoom 13, Nieuwerkerk A/d Ijssel - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Koopwoning: Belgischezoom 13, Nieuwerkerk A/d Ijssel - Duration: 0:52.


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For more infomation >> Comment MANIPULER 1 PERSONNE ? 6 PRINCIPES d'INFLUENCE de Robert Cialdini - Duration: 9:47.


Change the world - Duration: 4:13.

Hey guys, Krimi here

I just wanted to

make a video where I talked about

certain things i had in my mind for the past couple weeks

and I'm lucky that I

have this platform on Youtube that I can share

my thoughts on and hopefully you can

relate or learn a thing or two

I can tell that my audience on this channel is

very young as i do cartoon reactions or

random funny things, funny.. "cringe"

whatever x2, I want to make videos that are entertaining

but also some that can help you in your own life

I can do funny faces and be cringy

but I got a platform

and a voice to reach those in need of a voice

their own voice, since I got a

young audience I hope to influence the

future of this world by influencing this

new generation of kids

You are the future, I am the present

Let's get started

A wise man once said; we don't see the world as it is

we see the world as we are

How you see the world is a good

reflection of yourself

In order to change the world we first have to change within ourselves

If you feel that you're

in a bad place in life

take a journey within and try to

identify the real problem

Now this is very difficult of course, it is very easy to

blame or point fingers at others for your

unhappiness, depression, loneliness

sadness, but the hardest thing is to

look at ourselves and see what we are

doing wrong. what actions that we take

that creates the circumstances we find ourselves

First try to control the

things that are directly under your control

Be responsible for your own actions

If you make mistakes

just don't repeat them, learn from them

and improve yourself

Self development is crucial

for anyone's evolution

Change the man in the mirror

Empower yourself

Love yourself

Be in control of yourself

Grow confident and believe in yourself

It is hard I understand I myself am on

the same journey, I'm constantly trying to improve

certain areas that I don't like myself

areas such as being more social

getting in shape, being fit, discipline myself on

doing certain things that I wasn't used to doing

I'm not saying that this will be easy but

the greatest change will never occur if you

don't even try

We got doubters that want to see us fail

We have to ignore this and do what makes us happy

The weak prey on the weak to become strong but

they can't compete with the strongest

because they will always be weak inside

Be strong in mind and heart

so no one can disrupt the peace that lays inside

They want to cause disruption because

they don't want to see you succeed in life

We destroy our haters with success

They will be the ones looking on when we succeed in life

and create a more full filling

environment for ourselves because

we put in the hard work. we worked and worked

focused on ourselves, focused on success and

focused of the things that is truly

important to us much such as our future

our loved ones, our family, our parents

our siblings, our true friends that support us no matter what

Focus on the positives

Learn from the negatives

Create the best version of yourself

Create the best future for yourself

Be your best version

Don't settle for mediocre

Be the King and Queen you know you are

To change the world, first change the world within yourself

Be loving and caring to those who show you the same

Kill hate with love

Kill hate with success

Empower yourself

Respect yourself

Love yourself

Be yourself

Don't let anyone tell you different

You guys are the future

You decide what the future is going to look like

Change the world in a better place

That is how you change the world

I thank you for watching

I hope you learned a thing or two

I know this is unusual for some of you guys

but I have done some serious videos in the past

and I just like to do this once and a while

I hope to do this in the future as I progress in life

Because when I learn certain things

I hope to share this with you guys

hopefully you learn a thing or two

and take this into your own life if you want to

But if you liked this let me know in the comment section below

And I hope you have a fantastic day

Krimination, Always, Peace.

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