Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

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For more infomation >> Neeharika ( Baar Baar) Hindi Dubbed Movie 2017 Upload | Romantic Movie | Hindi Dubbed Movies 2017 Up - Duration: 1:50:51.


La parella perfecta a La Fageda - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> La parella perfecta a La Fageda - Duration: 4:12.


New Fist Fight Trailer

For more infomation >> New Fist Fight Trailer


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


The Flash Season 3 "Whisper to a Scream" Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:16.

The things we see, the things that we face...

No one can do this alone.

Welcome to the team.

Thank you.

He really does want to help.

I did find at least six ways you could've done it more efficiently.

The hot cheerleaders seem to love the way we did things.

What's up Central City, the name's Kid Flash!

Yo! Hey!

That's where... My suit goes there.

That is a conundrum.

Slow down a minute, let's just talk about this.

Like two adults.

Over coffee.

Or maybe dinner.

Are you kidding me?

Why do you think you're the only one allowed to risk your life to do good?

I want my life to mean something.

That I, Iris West, mattered.

I don't know what the future holds, none of us do.

We will face it together.

He's a real hero, Joe.

Both of my sons are heroes.

For more infomation >> The Flash Season 3 "Whisper to a Scream" Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:16.


Split Brains: What Happens When You Sever the Corpus Callosum? - Duration: 15:20.

Hi, I'm Michael Corayer and this is Psych Exam Review. In this video we're going to talk about split-brain patients. Now these are patients

who have had their corpus callosum severed. So you might recall that the corpus callosum is this

large band of nerve fibers. It connects the cerebral cortex of the left hemisphere

to the cerebral cortex of the right hemisphere.

So why would we ever want to sever this connection? Well for most of these patients this procedure is done because they have seizures.

So they have seizures which are these bursts of neurons firing, uncontrollable bursts of neurons firing and this spreads

so the neurons firing causes other neurons to fire and then that causes other neurons to fire.

This ends up spreading back and forth between the two hemispheres.

So the way to stop this is to sever the connection, the corpus callosum, between these two hemispheres

and this helps to reduce the spreading of this neuron firing.

The good news is that this procedure is very effective. If you have a patient who has very frequent seizures

very disruptive, severe, really affecting their ability to live a normal life

then they might undergo this procedure and this will hopefully stop the seizures from occurring. Now there are some side effects of

severing the corpus callosum. But the other good news is that the side effects are actually fairly small.

If you met somebody who had undergone this procedure and had a split brain

you probably wouldn't know. So there wouldn't be really obvious effects on their behavior that would stand out to you. But if you put them in

certain situations and tested this you could see that they have these two separated hemispheres of their brain.

unlike a person which an intact corpus callosum where the two hemispheres can communicate with one another freely.

So how do we go about finding these differences in behavior that occur? It turns out there are some specializations of each

hemisphere. So the left hemisphere has certain task that it's good at that the right hemisphere doesn't do

and vice versa. The right hemisphere has some tasks that it's specialized for that the left hemisphere doesn't do.

This is work that was done originally by Roger Sperry studying split brain patients and for this he was awarded the Nobel prize in 1981

and in fact that year it was a split Nobel prize because he shared it with

David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel who we're going to learn about in a future video

because they did work on visual processing that's also relevant for psychology.

Ok, so Sperry did this initial work on these hemispheric specializations

certain tasks that are specialized in either hemisphere. So what are these specializations and how do split brain patients reveal them?

So the first specialization, the most important for these split brain studies, is the idea that language for most people

occurs mostly in the left hemisphere and speech production

occurs mostly because of activity in the left hemisphere. So this area in the left frontal lobe called Broca's area coordinates the movements

for speech as well as other language processing areas are mostly in the left hemisphere.

OK so what this means is that if we send information to the left hemisphere we can talk about it.

But if we send to the right hemisphere and we can't get it over to the left hemisphere

via the corpus callosum, then we can't talk about it. So how could we demonstrate this with a split brain patient?

Well, let's say we gave them an object to hold.

So if I were to place this object in their right hand, remember the idea of contralateral control, this is going to get sent from the right

hand to the left hemisphere. So if I ask the person what are you holding, they'll be able to tell me, if I blindfold them, place it in their hand

then they say "it's a key", or "I think it's a key". They're grasping it with their right hand, the left hemisphere

tries to figure out what they're grasping, then sends it to the speech production area, and they can tell me it's a key.

On the other hand, literally, I can place it in the left hand, they feel it,

the right hemisphere is processing this information saying "I think it's a key"

the problem is the person can't say this because the right hemisphere doesn't control

language production. So the person knows what it is but they can't tell me. What is it?

"I'm drawing a blank, I can't

can't seem to say it".

So how do we know the right hemisphere even knows it? Maybe they really don't know. Well, if I put a bunch of objects in front of them

and I say, ok, using your left hand point the one that you were holding and they can immediately

point to the key. So this shows that the right hemisphere does know it, it's just not able to talk about it.

OK so that's one way we can reveal this specialization in the brain.

Now we'll get a little bit more complicated, we're going to look at how this works with visual information.

Not just touch sensation, which as I said before is purely contralateral, left side of the body goes to the right hemisphere.

Vision is a little bit more complicated but not too bad. So I want to go over this and if you have any questions

about this feel free to ask in the comments. But I'll do my best to simplify this.

OK so let's say we're looking down the top of somebody's head.

Here's their left eye, here's their right eye.

We've got their left hemisphere here, we're looking down so it's going to overlap the eye there.

But we'll do our best, this won't be the most anatomically correct

brain diagram you've ever seen. But hopefully it will get the point across. Here's the left eye, here's the right eye, here's the left hemisphere,

here's the right hemisphere.

The important thing about the eyes is that

the process information by visual field.

This means they're not contralateral the way the rest of the body is. It's not the case that the left eye goes to the right hemisphere or the

right eye goes to the left hemisphere. That's not true. It's a common mistake that students make, so banish that from your mind.

What we'll see is it's divided by visual field. So if I focus on the center of the screen here

everything over to the right is red and let's say on the left side I have blue here.

What's gonna happen is that this blue side, the left side of the screen

is gonna go

the light is going to travel straight across to this part of the retina on this eye.

And same thing on this eye here.

And the right side of the screen is going to travel across over here.

Now it goes to the opposite side of the eye because the light is just traveling straight through the hole in the eye, the pupil, and just

hitting that opposite side. But the more important thing is what happens after this.

What happens is this information, the important point is really that the eye is getting two sides, a left visual field and a right visual field.

What happens then is this information comes out

here, comes out the optic nerve

and in this case it's the right visual field and it's already in the left hemisphere so it's going to actually stay in the left hemisphere.

Alright so it's gonna go initially to an area called the optic chiasm then it goes to the thalamus, then the thalamus sends it out to the

appropriate area of the cortex, which in this case is the occipital lobe, to the primary visual cortex.

Now what's interesting is what happens

over here on the other side. This right visual field needs to get over to the left hemisphere. So in this case it comes out the optic nerve

and when it gets to the optic chiasm it actually crosses over

to the other hemisphere and joins this information which is also about the right visual field.

And then gets sent out to the occipital lobe for processing.

And the opposite would be true over here. So this side, the left visual field is going to go down here out the optic nerve

it's going to get to the optic chiasm but it's already in the right hemisphere so it stays over here

goes to the thalamus, then goes out to the occipital lobe for processing. And over here, this left visual field,

is going to come out here and when it gets to the optic chiasm it's going to cross over

to the other side

to the right hemisphere,

then go to the thalamus, then go out to the occipital lobe for processing.

So what this means is that everything in the right visual field goes to the left hemisphere and

everything in the left visual field goes to the right hemisphere.

So this is the right hemisphere over here, only seeing blue information

and this is the left hemisphere which is getting the right visual field

which is all red. Now if you think about this it makes sense that we would split by visual field instead of splitting by eye.

If you were to lose an eye, if we think in evolutionary terms about how this is helpful, if you lose an eye it would be

a real shame if that meant that that whole side of the brain was no longer getting any visual information. You'd be

wasting all that brain space just because you lost an eye. In this situation we see that even if you lost and eye, information is still gonna

get sent to both of the occipital lobes. So if we knocked out the right eye here, the left eye would still send some of its information to the

right and some to the left based on visual field.

OK let me just add a few labels in here.

So this point here would be the optic chiasm, that's where the information crosses over

to get to the appropriate hemisphere

and then here is the

this is where it's

going into the thalamus after the optic chiasm, then from there it ends up in the occipital lobe

in the primary visual

cortex. This is an area

called V1.

The primary visual cortex. Ok, so let's get back to our split brain patients.

What happens when we split the corpus callosum, we sever the corpus callosum, we split the brain, we don't cut the optic chiasm.

So this process still occurs, this transfer from visual field over to the opposite hemisphere still occurs. So what does this have to do with

split brain tasks? That means we can do this just like we did with the hand version.

Except now I put the information on the screen

and I have them focus on the center, that's important, they have focus on the center. If they move their eyes around then they can

send everything to both hemispheres. That's how they're normally going to do it in everyday life, that's why you aren't going to notice. But if

we focus their vision, we flash these on the screen briefly so they don't have time to move their eyes around, see what's going on

everywhere then anything to the right goes to the left hemisphere, anything to the left goes to the right hemisphere. If I flash these on the

screen, this screwdriver is going to my left hemisphere over here

so when you ask me "what did you see on the screen?" if I have a split brain, I'm going to say "I saw a screwdriver"

because that's all the left hemisphere saw, the right visual field.

If however, you ask me to draw with my left hand what I saw,

well the left side of the screen went to my right hemisphere which is going to tell my left hand to draw a key.

Now the really interesting thing is when I ask the person. So they draw the key, then they look at it, and I say

"why did you draw a key?".

Now I'm asking them to explain, using speech, so the left hemisphere saw a screwdriver

then sees that the person drew a key.

Why did this happen? It turns out the left hemisphere will make up an explanation.

It's something that the left hemisphere seems to be good at is coming up with logical explanations for behavior.

So the person will look at the key and make up some story with the left hemisphere. Well, I saw screwdriver,

but, last time I needed a screwdriver I couldn't find one, and so I ended up using a key to turn a screw.

They'll make up some plausible explanation to why did they draw key when they saw a screwdriver.

It's also the case that there's some things that the right hemisphere does better so one of these is face recognition. This, for most people,

is going to predominantly happen in the right hemisphere. This means if we show things that are arranged into a face

this certain detection of the pattern that makes up a face, rather than the individual parts

is happening in the right hemisphere and in one of the videos that I've posted in the description

you can see Michael Gazzaniga working with a split brain patient and he gives him this task where he shows these famous paintings

by Archimboldo that perhaps you've seen before, of faces made out of objects, made out of fruit, flowers,

books, things like that. If he shows it to the right visual field, goes to the left hemisphere,

the left hemispheres processes, sees the objects. What did you see? I saw books, flowers.

But if he sends that same painting

to the left visual field so it goes to the right hemisphere and the right hemisphere has this facial recognition area, it can see this pattern

so the right hemisphere says I saw

a face. Point with the left hand, what did you see? Right hemisphere saw a face. That stood out to the right hemisphere

because it's specialized to recognize faces. So that's another specialization that can be revealed through these split bring patients.

The key ideas here are to remember are, first of all, that it's split by visual field, not by eye,

keep that in mind, students often get tripped up by that. And the second point is

it doesn't really matter in daily life. We have these clever experiments revealing these differences between left hemisphere and right

hemisphere but don't take this too far. There's a lot of books being sold you know talking about "left brainers" and "right brainers" and it's

to me, all very silly because

most of us have our corpus callosum intact and everything is happening in all areas of our brain

the hemispheres are sharing information with each other.

Yes, it's true certain tasks are specialized to the left and right hemisphere but in terms of how that's going to affect your behavior it doesn't

really matter. So you don't sit there and say wow I looked at a bunch of faces so my right hemisphere is really tired.

Or I've been producing a lot of speech so my left hemisphere is exhausted.

It doesn't really matter that way. I mean if you want to get good at a certain task you just practice doing it. You don't need to think about

whether it's related to brain activity in the right or left hemisphere, I don't really see the point of that. But I guess it helps to sell books so...

That's the other thing to keep in mind, don't go too far in drawing conclusions from this. And even for people with split brains it's true that

both halves of their brain are very active all the time and coordinate in doing a number of activities and they're moving

their eyes around and sending information to both hemispheres so it really doesn't matter

too much about which hemisphere processes which information.

OK so I hope you found this helpful. Check out the videos that I linked in the description, I think you'll find them interesting, you can see

some actual split brain patients doing some of these studies. If you found this helpful, please like the video and subscribe to the channel for

more. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Split Brains: What Happens When You Sever the Corpus Callosum? - Duration: 15:20.


KoA - 1 Lady, 3 Tips with Lady of Avalon - Duration: 2:02.

Greetings my Lords and Ladies, welcome back!

This is Lady of Avalon from the KoA Studio.

A few days ago we released the new update, 2.2 and

we've received a lot of feedback about certain features

so today I want to share a few tips with you

hoping that it'll be helpful.

The first tip is about the gift codes

and once you redeem them

you're going to get a lot of rewards.

You guys have been asking us a lot of times

how to receive these gift codes and right now

there is only one way

which is helping us to improve the game.

So if you report a bad translation or bugs,

glitches in the game, if you give us a great suggestion

or if you help us with the server test,

then you can get a chance to receive this code.

Once you get it, you go to your game,

tap on Player Profile, then on Settings

and then on Gift Code,

you insert the gift code that you've received

and then tap on Redeem,

but remember that you can use this code only once.

The second tip is about Gift Envelopes,

which can only be obtained through Alliance Packages

and the packages can be purchased in-game

but only from Friday to Sunday.

As a reminder, the envelope will allow you

to get an item from your Inventory

and send it to one of your friends.

The last tip is about Rally improvement.

We decided to revamp it a little bit

and to give more power to your Dragon.

Until now, only the Leader's Dragon and Talents

would have influenced the March.

Since 2.2, Dragon's Abilities and Research,

Lord Equipment and Talent points

of every Lord involved in the Rally

will influence the overall result.

This should open a new strategic dimension

for our Rally lovers so, enjoy it!

It's all for today guys!

Thank you for watching.

Let me know if this was helpful

and if you have any other question

please, leave a comment below

and remember to Like this video, Share

and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.


For more infomation >> KoA - 1 Lady, 3 Tips with Lady of Avalon - Duration: 2:02.


РЕАЛЬНЫЙ ПУТЕШЕСТВЕННИК во ВРЕМЕНИ | Парадоксы Времени | Достаточно Интересно #2 - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> РЕАЛЬНЫЙ ПУТЕШЕСТВЕННИК во ВРЕМЕНИ | Парадоксы Времени | Достаточно Интересно #2 - Duration: 3:43.


Garbage Truck Video for Kids | Peppa Pig & Funny Clown | Construction Vehicles Bruder | Car Cartoon - Duration: 8:43.

Hi Kids,

Today Clown Bingo will play with Peppa Pig and George

Peppa and George got a present – Garbage Truck from Bruder

Let's unpack it

Clown uses magic for unboxing of Garbage Truck

Garbage truck is really cool

Look, it has trash cans inside

We can play music with cans

Let's see what this toy has and how it works

Let's watch cartoon How to Assemble Garbage truck

Hi There,

Building new thing is a big fun. Isn't it?

We are going to build a garbage truck.

Every garbage truck has basic parts such as wheels which attached to a frame

Gas tank

A little ladder


A sit

Steering wheel




Front fenders

A cab




container fork



Lifting mechanism

Front and back lights

The garbage truck is ready

Garbage truck is designed to carry a heavy loads

As you see, it a real loading garbage truck

What this garbage truck does?

It goes through the streets, collecting all the rubbish

It lifts a bin upside down and bumps a trash

Now let's sort the trash with a help of this truck

Metal goes to the metal trash bin

Paper trash goes to the paper trash bin

Plastic bottle goes to the plastic trash bin

That's all

Peppa and George are playing Hide and Seek

Peppa is hiding

George is looking for her in trash cans

Hey, he found her

Now it is Peppa's turn

George is hiding under the trash cans.

It seems George fall asleep under the cans

Oh Garbage truck arrived to take all the garbage

First can is unloaded to truck

Hey Garbage truck, what are you doing? It is not trash, you are loading George

Peppa is still trying to find George

She noticed him inside of Trucks container

Peppa start to scream that George in the Container of Garbage truck

Oh, George saved!

Thank you garbage truck and goodbye

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