Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

Here is my pan & tilt system

Unfortunately the tilt servo broke

on my last landing

In general, it can be printed from Thingiverse

it´s from Mark Qvale

have a look at the description

it´s a system that tilts around its front

so that you can look straight to the ground

Normally the base servo would be inserted all the way

The base servo is a GWS winch servo

originally for winches and it does rotate exactly 1 turn

So it´s 360°, but not continuous

With that, you can look to your tail during flight

It´s fun and does produce quite nice footage

And here is the tilt servo

A normal 9g servo is sufficient for the job

but I´m switching to metal gearing now

nylon gearings keep breaking on me while landing

I recently broke 2 of them...

It´s a rather straightforward system

but works flawlessly

I made the top plate wider than normal

You have to modify the Thingiverse design for this

Thanks Markus for doing this! :)

And now a Runcam can also be fitted there

Of course the Runcam is fastened with e.g. velcro

And that´s how you can fly around!

For more infomation >> X-UAV Mini Talon - Pan & Tilt System - Duration: 2:15.


Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVTi 4WD Linea Sol Trekhaak - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVTi 4WD Linea Sol Trekhaak - Duration: 1:21.


Airsoft | Skirmish Støberiet Hardball Holbæk | Kill-trade | 15 jan. 2017 - Duration: 3:30.

Ref: two, one, now!!

Me: Up aigen

Me: Can you se him?

Teammate: HIT!

Teammate: Dead man

Me: HIT! Good shot!

Me: Yeah, i think they stand just behind the corner

Me: Yahhh, good shot!

*some disputes is going on*

For more infomation >> Airsoft | Skirmish Støberiet Hardball Holbæk | Kill-trade | 15 jan. 2017 - Duration: 3:30.


A Jerusalem embassy? Liberals shouldn't worry; the western part of the city is part of Israel, an... - Duration: 3:59.

P resident Trump appears to be taking steps to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; the White House confirmed this past weekend that it is in the early stages of preparing for relocation. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat seemed confident enough to announce assurances that "the embassy move is done seamlessly and efficiently."

I applaud the President and believe those who share my progressive credentials should as well.

Moving the embassy to Israel's capital is not some right-wing apocalyptic scheme designed to sink the possibility of Middle East peace, as suggested by some. In fact, not only has the move to Jerusalem enjoyed broad bipartisan support for decades, but it began as a liberal initiative. I should know, as I am honored to have played a small but meaningful role in its development.

The year was 1972, and George McGovern was the 500-to-1 long-shot liberal candidate campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination. As early supporters of his candidacy, my friend Hilly Gross and I were asked at a meeting of key advisers to help hammer out elements for a McGovern Middle East program.

We drafted an outline of principles, one of which was that the United States should recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move its embassy there. Soon thereafter, McGovern enunciated this policy as his own.

That summer, Democrats nominated McGovern and adopted the following statement in the party's platform: "The next Democratic administration should: recognize and support the established status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, with free access to all its holy places provided to all faiths. As a symbol of this stand, the United States Embassy should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem."

It was the first time an American political party adopted such a proposal. Soon thereafter, Republicans adopted it as well.

In 1995, during Bill Clinton's presidency, the Jerusalem Embassy Act was passed to fund the relocation of the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and called for Jerusalem to remain an undivided city and for it to be recognized as the capital of Israel.

The legislation included the ability of the President to waive the requirement of moving the embassy — a waiver that has been exercised by Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. That, however, was envisioned as a safeguard available to the President in the event negotiations were at a particularly sensitive moment; it was never intended to be the default policy of the U.S., certainly not during a time when negotiations were not even taking place.

When Congress reconvened this past Jan. 3, a bill was introduced by Nevada Sen. Dean Heller along with Florida's Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz of Texas.

The Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act would require the U.S.

to act on the 1995 law and eliminate the waiver option.

19 photos view gallery

Donald Trump in the White House

It should pass both houses of Congress and be signed into law.

Critics of relocating the embassy will argue that it will drive the Palestinians from the peace negotiations. Nothing could be further from the truth. The embassy would be placed in West Jerusalem, a part of the city that under any peace plan will remain part of Israel, as it has since the country's birth in 1948.

Placing the embassy in West Jerusalem in no way prejudices final status negotiations over East Jerusalem, where both Israel and the Palestinians have made claims.

The real reason Palestinians object to an embassy move to any part of Jerusalem is that they still do not accept Israel's existence as a Jewish state, which is what truly hinders prospects for peace.

How else to explain the consistent unwillingness by Palestinian leadership to negotiate with Israel — even when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to freeze settlement construction for a year and release Palestinian prisoners? Or the continued refusal by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to recognize Israel? Or the rejected offers by Israeli prime ministers in both 2000 and 2007 to relinquish up to 97% of the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority?

If moving the embassy to an undisputed section of Jerusalem is sufficient "provocation" to derail any chance for peace, we must be honest with ourselves and concede that such a chance was an illusion to begin with. Real peace requires reality to be recognized. Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem is part of that reality, and moving our embassy there confirms that fact.

As the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem becoming a united city draws near, now is the time that the United States should take this long overdue step of placing its embassy there.

Abrams is former attorney general of New York and a partner at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP. The opinions expressed here are his own.

For more infomation >> A Jerusalem embassy? Liberals shouldn't worry; the western part of the city is part of Israel, an... - Duration: 3:59.


The LEGO Batman Movie

For more infomation >> The LEGO Batman Movie


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Matěj Opatrný: The effects of the CNB's koruna exchange rate commitment are positive - Duration: 8:36.

Matěj Opatrný, who won the Czech Economic Society President's Prize for authors aged under 25 years for his paper: Quantifying the Effects of the CNB's Exchange Rate Commitment: A Synthetic Control Method Approach.

The paper evaluates the effects of the CNB's commitment to keep the Czech currency from appreciating, which was introduced in 2013.

Hello Matěj, can you describe the content of your paper in a nutshell?

Hello. My paper dealt with the CNB's exchange rate commitment, which consists in keeping the Czech koruna from appreciating.

This means the CNB is targeting a rate of 27 korunas to the euro.

I studied the impacts of its interventions

on three macroeconomic indicators – inflation, GDP per capita and unemployment.

What method did you use in your paper?

I used quite an unusual method, a new technique developed by Alberto Abadie in, I think, 2004.

To describe it, let me give you a nice example.

Imagine you're in the pub with a group of friends and during your night out you play three games together – pool, bowling and darts.

At ten o'clock you have a few shots of rum – we'll call them interventions.

I can tell you how you would have played the three games if you hadn't had those three shots.

I – or rather this method – can tell you that by observing the play of your friends.

What did you find in the case of the Czech commitment?

I'll start with unemployment, as the result there is the most striking.

Converted into jobs, the exchange rate commitment helped create about 100,000 jobs.

The effect on GDP per capita also turned out relatively positive,

although here I should add that drawdown of European subsidies peaked in 2014

and this had a large upward effect on GDP.

Prices of tobacco products were also reduced .

As a result, consumers stocked up in advance.

That had a very substantial effect on our economy.

The third thing was inflation.

Unfortunately, I found that the effect on inflation was not statistically significant,

but that basically doesn't mean anything.

Did you expect the results to be so positive before you started the analysis?

That's what's nice about economics

– you never know what you're going to find.

Why did you decide to investigate the Czech exchange rate commitment?

What led you to do so?

It's true that this subject has been discussed a great deal recently

– for three years in fact.

What drew you to it?

Exactly, it's a much discussed topic.

What appealed to me about it was

that many of my friends knew about it even though they aren't studying economics.

Even my grandmother knew about it.

So, it's a big issue for everyone.

That's the first good sign of good research.

The other thing was the method I used.

It wasn't being taught on my Bachelor's degree course.

I took that as a really nice challenge.

My tutor Professor Havránek helped me a lot with it.

You mentioned that even your family knows about it.

How do you explain the gist of your work to them?

It's true that the general public doesn't pay much attention to

why the central bank makes monetary policy.

Do you have a method, apart from those pub games?

Exactly, as you say it's hard to explain economic processes and methods.

I try to explain it using various examples,

such as the pub or the supermarket where you do your shopping,

or various other things that might happen.

People usually understand better when you use examples like that

than when you explain in economic or econometric terms.

That's definitely the right way to go about it.

What are you planning for the future?

Do you have any topics for your next paper?

I have plans.

I'm currently studying behavioural microeconomics at Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

There I'm studying microeconomics,

whereas my paper was on macroeconomics.

I want to study the preferences revealed by consumers when they decide what to buy.

What options or what products are available to them?

What drives them to make the choices they do?

Is it their emotions

or a rational model that is little used in neoclassical economics?

I want to examine the causes and determine whether what we use is right.

For now it's all in my head.

I don't know whether it's a suitable topic for a Master's thesis, as it's a very wide subject.

I'll probably focus on one particular area in my Master's thesis

and then I might want to take it further.

Matěj, you are currently studying in Rotterdam,

but you were of course a student at Charles University in Prague

and in the past you also studied in Istanbul.

How would you compare the tuition in those countries?

I was in Istanbul for an autumn semester.

I studied economics in English at Marmara University.

I can compare Turkey as the East,

the Czech Republic as Central Europe, and Holland as the West.

I'll start with Istanbul.

It was very interesting in

that the lecturers there presented the material beautifully,

but in the exams they wanted the same as what they'd said during the lectures.

In other words, we weren't required to think too hard.

Comparing it with the Czech Republic,

the level here is much higher.

I'm comparing it with where I was

– I can't comment on whether all the universities in Istanbul or Turkey are the same.

Here in the Czech Republic,

the maths course I took at the Institute of Economic Studies helped me a lot.

Maths is an exact science.

Everything you say has to be well-founded.

It taught me how to think.

What I think is lacking

is greater interaction with the business world.

In Holland, we apply what we've learnt.

When we learn something,

we have to apply it straight away.

This means that firms go into the university

and give you a case study to do,

a problem they are faced with,

a real-world problem,

nothing made up.

You have a fixed number of days to work out

how to solve it.

This type of study gives me much more.

You interact with the business world.

It's really interesting,

really great.

It's hard to say…

I've thought a bit about whether Charles University should go down this route.

They can only invite certain firms,

large firms that have enough time for it,

so they could get drawn into political games.

It's awkward when you invite only some firms

and don't invite smaller ones.

I don't know if there's a solution,

but I certainly think that applying economics to the real world is a great thing for students.

It's great that you can now make comparisons about studying in different places.

And it's true that it's vital to put theory into practice.

It's great to try that out at university.

Matěj, congratulations on your prize

and thanks for your paper.

I'm sure we can look forward to many more.

For more infomation >> Matěj Opatrný: The effects of the CNB's koruna exchange rate commitment are positive - Duration: 8:36.


Hướng Dẫn Trang Điểm Dạ Tiệc Quyến Rũ ❤ Picodi [ Vanmiu Beauty ] - Duration: 12:38.

For more infomation >> Hướng Dẫn Trang Điểm Dạ Tiệc Quyến Rũ ❤ Picodi [ Vanmiu Beauty ] - Duration: 12:38.


the MOST ANTICIPATED GAME of 2017 - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> the MOST ANTICIPATED GAME of 2017 - Duration: 10:03.


Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


John Wick: Chapter 2

For more infomation >> John Wick: Chapter 2


Le discours anti-Trump d'Angela Davis à Washington (version sous-titrée en français) - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> Le discours anti-Trump d'Angela Davis à Washington (version sous-titrée en français) - Duration: 7:22.


5 MindBlowing VODKA hacks for Non Drinking people - Duration: 1:09.

5 MindBlowing VODKA hacks for Non Drinking people

For more infomation >> 5 MindBlowing VODKA hacks for Non Drinking people - Duration: 1:09.


[ENGcc] "너의 이름은." 네일아트 / "Your Name." Nail Art / 君の名は。(kiminonawa)ㅣ예그시 - Duration: 6:07.

Hi, this is Yeggsy :D

I did this nail art inspired by the movie, "Your Name.".

You have to apply base coat and then let's get started!

Paint your all nails with this blue color for one time.

This color has a bit of purple.

Now, apply hologram blue color for one time.

And I'm going to use this stencil brush.

You can use very very small pieces of makeup sponge instead.

Put some white color on the brush,

and put the brush hardly on the palette to adjust the color's quantity.

You have to take off most of the color from the brush.

Using brush diagonally can make thinner lines.

First, I'm going to express clouds on the thumb, index, and pinky.

Put some white color with stencil brush.

I put the color on the corners first,

and zigzag on the middle of the nails.

When you use stencil brush, you have to dry background color completely

because, you have to use this brush with all your force.

And then draw two small stars.

Add this glitter color one time.

Same for index and pinky.

I put some blue color with stencil brush for too much white color.

And I drew one star for index and pinky.

And then I applied this glitter color I used for one time.

Now, I'm going to draw comet from "Your Name.".

First, put some white color in a triangular shape comes from the side of the nail.

At the end of the triagle, put some white in a circle shape for comet.

And put some pink color in two lines.

I put some transparent blue color in two lines.

Put this blue color for comet.

If there's too much blue color, you can't see the path of the comet,

so, put some white.

Put colors until you get the shape of comet you want.

Put some white in the middle of the comet.

And then draw a thin line for the path of the comet with white color.

Draw some short lines around the comet.

Express some clouds around the comet.

On the ring finger, I'm going to make small comet split off from the big one.

As you did, put some white color for the path of the comet.

This comet is red.

Not the perfect red, it's pink or scarlet color.

Put some transparent blue color.

And put some white for naturalness.

Put some white in the middle of the red comet.

Draw a thin line for the path of the comet with white color.

Draw short lines around the comet.

And then put white dots for comet's fragments(?),

and paint those dots with red color.

As you did, put some clouds around the comet.

On the middle and ring finger, I applied glitter color I used.

Lastly, add top coat to seal your design.

"Your Name." Nail Art is completed!

Today, I did this nail art

inspired by the popular movie, "Your Name.".

I expressed comets from the poster of this movie.

I was worried this nail art looks similar with the gradation nail art I did,

but I used other color, so, it looks different.

I liked beautiful scenes from this movie.

It has a refreshment unique to Japan.

If you like this video, please give a tumbs up and click subscribe button.

See you at the next video!

For more infomation >> [ENGcc] "너의 이름은." 네일아트 / "Your Name." Nail Art / 君の名は。(kiminonawa)ㅣ예그시 - Duration: 6:07.


TOKYO'S BEST LITTLE RESTAURANT (AKA The TabiEats Diner) - Duration: 14:30.

For more infomation >> TOKYO'S BEST LITTLE RESTAURANT (AKA The TabiEats Diner) - Duration: 14:30.


GYMNASTIK CHALLENGE 💪 | Hello ItsYanic - Duration: 6:56.

Guys i have so much important news!

I woud try to do every video english subtitels!

bla bla bla

and now lets start with the video! much fun!

Hi guys! Welcome to my video! to ours... ;D

today we have a good idea...

today where gonna do the ,,GYMNASIK CHALLENGE"!!

For they, they dont know how to do that...

We serch in the internet many gymnastic pictures and try to do them...

I think thats gonna be hard... But we have some pillows...

At this picture im down right?...


Come we go a little bit back...

the ball here... and i come over you...

at the 2 we need to do... no...

the ball in the middle

you go over there... and do like this...

and now i need to go over you...

in the next part we need to have the ball in the middle...

That knows... one goes down...

now i need to go like this on the ball...



ok now where at the last challenge...

its a little bit easy...

but im gonna show you how many points we have...

its like a challenge...

we are together on the ball...

and try to do sit-ups...

ok lets try it now

and hands behind the head!




nobody can do that...

now you see here the points...

and we look now how much points each sit-up

now the video is finish!

we hope you like it!

pls give a thumb up!

thats make us happy...

can we do 20 thumbs up?!!

bla bla bla

ok bb!

For more infomation >> GYMNASTIK CHALLENGE 💪 | Hello ItsYanic - Duration: 6:56.


Bagpiper ( मसकबीन ) - Auji (औजी ) with Uttam Das ji | ढोल सागर - Episode 4 - Duration: 12:20.

Namaste! You all are welcome here in "Lands of God" Uttarakhand.

Today we will talk about Bagpiper ( Masakbeen )

we have heard of Dhol & Damaun. Today we will hear the sound of "Bagpiper"

As Dhol & Damaun is our Traditional Music instrument, Bagpiper is our musical Instrument too.

If there is no Bagpiper & Dhol Damau in marriage ceremony then there is no fun.

It was footage of my brothers wedding. what you have seen.

let's meet Uttam Dad ji and Enjoy the musical journey.

Listen to the music now :)

"Mangal Badai Taal with Bagpiper"

"Barat Prashtan Taal" with Bagpiper.

Damou is a symbol of Lord Shiva.

it needs Sound.

what's that?



that's Dhol

where is it?

Air of this place is beautiful. The wind, The Trees.

In other place if you are using cooler, in the night is light is on, you will turn off the light in 1 hour for sleeping.

But you can't blow out the Diya ( Deepak )

but no one has blown out the Diya ever.

because it's Natural Gift from the God & Goddess of our mountains.

You can turn off the light but you can't blow out the Diya ( Deepak )

in the light of Diya ( Deepak ) you can easily sleep even though light is continuously on.

but in the Light ( Bulb ) you will say please turn off the light.

then and only i will sleep.

You are right :)

this is the thought you should understand.

Don't leave your culture & your houses, or you can go anywhere in the pollution.


You all should come back to your home. That's my Message.

This fast forward generation is forgetting our Culture & Tradition in fast forward way

My main initiative is "you should not forget you tradition & Culture" that's what i want from you.

you should not forget your own language.

that's my Goal.

The sponsor of this video series is Doon Chronicles.

please leave feedbacks in the comment section what you liked about "Auji Series"

I asked you two question in Henvalvani Video.

what is the Garhwali word for "Stone"

we called it "Dhungu ( in Garhwali ) everyone answered it correctly.


what is the word for "wood" in Garhwali

we called it "Lakhdu" ( in Garhwali )

i came here specially to show you.

This is wood - Lakhdu ( in Garhwali ) Lakdi in Hindi.

got it ?

my next question is "Tell me the name of this tree behind me in Garhwali"

tell me the answer of this question.

in comments. Ok.

if you know the name of this tree in different Language, you can also answer the question.

I need answer of this question.

second question is " What is the name of this thing ?

it's beautiful, Tell me the name in Garhwali.

i need answer

I will tell you the answer in my next video.

we will talk soon, till then do Subscribe and share.

don't forget to write in the comment section, Answer the question.

Now i am going we will meet soon.

Boy has been slided down :p

my foot slided :/

everything is fine.

we will talk soon, ok ByeBye.

For more infomation >> Bagpiper ( मसकबीन ) - Auji (औजी ) with Uttam Das ji | ढोल सागर - Episode 4 - Duration: 12:20.


Donating Blood to Prevent Heart Disease? - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Donating Blood to Prevent Heart Disease? - Duration: 3:27.


the MOST ANTICIPATED GAME of 2017 - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> the MOST ANTICIPATED GAME of 2017 - Duration: 10:03.


Обзор Feed the Pig (Android) - Duration: 2:11.

Apples, water — feed your pig with it to grow it up and share your results with your friends. And share fun with the cute pink piggy! - many intersting places - I can eat a lot! - beat your friends through leaderboards - lots of fun!

For more infomation >> Обзор Feed the Pig (Android) - Duration: 2:11.


Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Puppy partol and Heroes in masks New episode, Family fingers Spiderman song about fingers - Duration: 3:01.


The Kid That Raped Rap Music :D :D :D ENGLİSH SUBTITLED :) :) İngilizce Altyazılı :D - Duration: 2:14.

Mustafa. I am Mustafa Rıdvvv

Damn this life ! Damn this love !

I had loved you too much. Why did you do like that to me ?

Damn this life ! Damn this love !

I had loved you too much. Why did you do like that to me ?

Once upon a time I passed the way and saw you with naughty hopes and looked to your this arms ?? :/:D

I was expecting you were gonna kiss me

But you passd me, you didn't see, didn't look. I cheated this long time ago, I let it go, I left it

But I loved you so much again. I. When you were going on the way, I was again looking at you from back of you

I said maybe she would come back to me.

You. Know that, You didn't turn back. Destroyed me. Me destiny :( you were never satisfied

MStava me Mıstafa

Damn this life life ! Damn this love !

I had loved you too much. Why did you do like that to me ?

Damn this life life ! Damn this love !

I had loved you too much. Why did you do like that to me ?

I would dream a long time dream with you if you wouldn't have done me like this.

I was still thinking about that dream. I was gonna love you too much. You would have loved me !

Damn this Love ! Damn this affection !

I was gonna take you to my ###??? I was gonna take you to my arms.

My life... LEYLA ! :)

My Life ! My Life ! My Life ! My Life ! My Life ! LEYLA !

Damn this Life ! Damn this Love !

I had loved you ! Why did you do like that to me !?

Damn This Life ! Damn this Love !

I had loved you too much ! Why did you like that to me !?

Damn this Life ! Damn this Love !

I had loved you too much ! Why did you like that to me !?

Damn this Life ! Damn this Love !

For more infomation >> The Kid That Raped Rap Music :D :D :D ENGLİSH SUBTITLED :) :) İngilizce Altyazılı :D - Duration: 2:14.


Abortions Physical Aspects - Duration: 8:46.

Hi, I'm Julie Weber of Liberate Ministries.

Today's Topic is called: Abortions Physical Aspects.

You've heard me say, having an abortion is emotional, spiritual and mental.

Can it also be physical?


Lets look at some physical aspects of abortion.

Some physical aspects would be: getting pregnant, the pregnancy itself, dealing with the choice

and forced scenarios.

Quoted from my Lady Liberty workbook on Pages 24-26.

Getting pregnant.

There's a common saying that "our choices define us."

We are making choices each day of our lives.

The choices, as well as their consequences, become part of the record of our lives.

For some of us who are not happy with the choices we have made in life, this is a hard

truth to take.

You might think, if my choices and their consequences have become the record of my life, where is

the hope?

We cannot go back and undo them.

They are a permanent part of our past.

We can, however, learn from our past choices by not repeating them, and making better choices

in the future.

We can also take responsibility for our past choices and recognize how they affected us

personally and also affected others around us.

The pregnancy itself.

Abortion disrupts the reproductive process by cutting off the natural method of creating

new life ordained by God since the beginning of time.

Even though it takes two to make a baby, it is the woman who has to undergo all the natural

changes to her human body.

When the natural process of new life is cut off, it causes an unnatural reaction to the

human body.

Whether you had a surgical or a chemical pill abortion, a trauma (an un-natural act) has

happened and a time of healing needs to take place.

Time, rest, and proper nutrition are needed to repair a woman's body from the physical

damage done by the surgical procedure or by the drugs causing the body to expel the baby

from the womb.

In both abortion methods, life is removed from the body quickly to terminate the pregnancy.

However, the body doesn't adjust itself so quickly.

From the moment of conception, a woman's hormones have been gearing up to support the pregnancy

and give birth.

Time is needed for these hormones to adjust back to normal after the abortion.

Equally important, healing is needed to repair the damage done to the women's spirit as a

result of the abortion experience and the circumstances around the abortion.

Dealing with the choice.

Why do I have to deal with the choice?

This is unfair!

You are right!

Hey, but remember; You are the one who actually went through

the surgical or chemical pill procedure and you are the one who has to deal with the consequences

of the sin even though it might not have been of your choosing.

Your body, mind, and soul were affected.

You are the one who has to embrace the healing process.

No one else can do it for you.

If you made the decision with another person such as your spouse, you both should go through

the healing process together.

Forced Scenarios.

The abortion might have been of your choosing, or maybe you didn't feel you had a choice.

There are many forced scenarios that women face everyday in our global world.

Forced scenarios come in all forms of highly pressured situations; rape, incest, one night

stands, boyfriends, spouses, parental family pressures; different countries and societies

have their own political systems of governing the human race.

All women's bodies are different.

Some women go through these abortion procedures without complications and have no lasting

physical scarring.

Then there are some women who've gone through these abortion procedures and had complications.

Depending on the combination of the medical help received at the time of their abortions

and the condition of the woman's health determines the outcome if they have permanent physical

change to their bodies.

Deuteronomy 30:19 (AMP).

I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life

and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants

may live.

Reading this verse and looking back now, it all seems so simple.

I should have chosen life and my child would have lived.

We would all do things differently if we could go back in time to the decision point to start

over, knowing what we know now.

Things were not as clear back then as they are today.

Whatever the reason you endured the abortion, whether by your choice or unfairly, going

forward, and working through the healing process chooses life from here on out and cuts the

curses of death off your life.

I'd like to pray with you.

Dear God- Thanks so much for teaching us things from

your word and I just pray Lord that you would help everyone to process this in a healthy


Lead them to the next step you have life for them regarding this topic.


Thanks for watching, Live, life, liberated.

For more infomation >> Abortions Physical Aspects - Duration: 8:46.


How to Draw Meowth- Pokemon- Video Lesson- drawing for kids - Duration: 13:42.

How to Draw Meowth- Pokemon- Video Lesson- drawing for kids

For more infomation >> How to Draw Meowth- Pokemon- Video Lesson- drawing for kids - Duration: 13:42.


Check Out Mind Field

For more infomation >> Check Out Mind Field


Building Your Tomorrow Today

For more infomation >> Building Your Tomorrow Today


YUC'e - Sengoku HOP (c/f Athenarium) - Duration: 3:23.

It's the Sengoku Era

Warriors from all around gather to hear this beat

The time for battle is now!

Armor, armor, tie your helmet up!

Spears, lances, guns, armed and ready at your sides

Our sights lined up on the enemy outpost that we'll take

The heart of the enemy general will soon be ours!

Every one of you…

on the battlefield…

run towards it… run towards it…

Jump for it… jump for it!

Please pay no mind

put your ranks aside

Everyone lend me your hands!

"Everyone, attack!"

"Sengoku Hop"

"Sengoku Hop"

Distraction, inspiration, accumulate more virtue

Let the holy sun guide you all upon your path!

With rising morale and energy, go show me

Yell your battle cries loudly to the skies!

Yell your battle cries loudly to the skies ("Ah, So-re")

"Hah, yoi-sho!"

"Hah, yoi-sho!"

"Ah, So-re"

Even if it's hard… even if it's hard

Let's all sing

Let's all make noise

Everyone just dance

Please pay no mind

put your ranks aside

Everyone lend me your hands!

"Everyone, attack!"

"Sengoku Hop"

"Sengoku Hop"

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