Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

Capital, Productivity and Income (16) by Dr Lee Sung-Yeon

For more infomation >> Capital, Productivity And Income (16) by Dr Lee Sung-Yeon - Duration: 29:35.


Christmas holidays in Croatia, really?! - Cinematic travel Vlog by Tolt #1 - Duration: 3:24.

Hello everyone!

Today we're in Zagreb,

the Croatian capital city.

You are probably wondering

what am I doing in Zagreb,

in the middle of December?

Well, simply because

for the past five years,

the city has put a lot of efforts to organize some very nice advent celebrations.

There's not many people right now,

because it's in the morning.

But actually at night,

it gets crowded.

and it gives a very nice atmosphere to the city.

One of the major embodiments of the city,

is of course the cathedral.

Look at this, it's really amazing!

After this very nice city break

in the enchanting atmosphere of Zagreb,

we are now trying to find our way in the fog

to go discover the medieval monuments of the region.

The sun finally rises

and makes the fog go away.

The frozen countryside looks gorgeous.

At last,

we arrive at Trakoscan castle.

It's not open for public yet

so we can wander around on our own.

This amazing place

makes me wish I could go back in time

and see how people really lived in the middle age.

Let's go to Varazdin now.

This place is quite different

as the castle is not isolated

but inside a city center this time.


we head to Veliki tabor,

another castle located on the top of a hill.

Perfect location to admire the sunset.

To sum up,

Zagreb is a great destination for a christmas city break.

We really enjoyed the advent celebrations atmosphere

and the surrounding castels

are great to visit in the cold weather.

Hey ! Your feedback is really essential to me,

so don't forget to tell me what you think

about this new video format!

See you soon for new travel tips and videos!

For more infomation >> Christmas holidays in Croatia, really?! - Cinematic travel Vlog by Tolt #1 - Duration: 3:24.


DIY Harry Potter - Spicy Jar - Duration: 3:17.

DIY Harry Potter - Spicy Jar

Paper look old



Mod Podge



Removes decorations

And voilà ;p

Print the PDF on the paper look old

Cut the labels

Place the label and glue on jar

Remove air bubblz


Jar filling

For more infomation >> DIY Harry Potter - Spicy Jar - Duration: 3:17.


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


#1 HTML tutorial for beginner Hindi mein - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> #1 HTML tutorial for beginner Hindi mein - Duration: 3:00.


Matěj Opatrný: The effects of the CNB's koruna exchange rate commitment are positive - Duration: 8:36.

Matěj Opatrný, who won the Czech Economic Society President's Prize for authors aged under 25 years for his paper: Quantifying the Effects of the CNB's Exchange Rate Commitment: A Synthetic Control Method Approach.

The paper evaluates the effects of the CNB's commitment to keep the Czech currency from appreciating, which was introduced in 2013.

Hello Matěj, can you describe the content of your paper in a nutshell?

Hello. My paper dealt with the CNB's exchange rate commitment, which consists in keeping the Czech koruna from appreciating.

This means the CNB is targeting a rate of 27 korunas to the euro.

I studied the impacts of its interventions

on three macroeconomic indicators – inflation, GDP per capita and unemployment.

What method did you use in your paper?

I used quite an unusual method, a new technique developed by Alberto Abadie in, I think, 2004.

To describe it, let me give you a nice example.

Imagine you're in the pub with a group of friends and during your night out you play three games together – pool, bowling and darts.

At ten o'clock you have a few shots of rum – we'll call them interventions.

I can tell you how you would have played the three games if you hadn't had those three shots.

I – or rather this method – can tell you that by observing the play of your friends.

What did you find in the case of the Czech commitment?

I'll start with unemployment, as the result there is the most striking.

Converted into jobs, the exchange rate commitment helped create about 100,000 jobs.

The effect on GDP per capita also turned out relatively positive,

although here I should add that drawdown of European subsidies peaked in 2014

and this had a large upward effect on GDP.

Prices of tobacco products were also reduced .

As a result, consumers stocked up in advance.

That had a very substantial effect on our economy.

The third thing was inflation.

Unfortunately, I found that the effect on inflation was not statistically significant,

but that basically doesn't mean anything.

Did you expect the results to be so positive before you started the analysis?

That's what's nice about economics

– you never know what you're going to find.

Why did you decide to investigate the Czech exchange rate commitment?

What led you to do so?

It's true that this subject has been discussed a great deal recently

– for three years in fact.

What drew you to it?

Exactly, it's a much discussed topic.

What appealed to me about it was

that many of my friends knew about it even though they aren't studying economics.

Even my grandmother knew about it.

So, it's a big issue for everyone.

That's the first good sign of good research.

The other thing was the method I used.

It wasn't being taught on my Bachelor's degree course.

I took that as a really nice challenge.

My tutor Professor Havránek helped me a lot with it.

You mentioned that even your family knows about it.

How do you explain the gist of your work to them?

It's true that the general public doesn't pay much attention to

why the central bank makes monetary policy.

Do you have a method, apart from those pub games?

Exactly, as you say it's hard to explain economic processes and methods.

I try to explain it using various examples,

such as the pub or the supermarket where you do your shopping,

or various other things that might happen.

People usually understand better when you use examples like that

than when you explain in economic or econometric terms.

That's definitely the right way to go about it.

What are you planning for the future?

Do you have any topics for your next paper?

I have plans.

I'm currently studying behavioural microeconomics at Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

There I'm studying microeconomics,

whereas my paper was on macroeconomics.

I want to study the preferences revealed by consumers when they decide what to buy.

What options or what products are available to them?

What drives them to make the choices they do?

Is it their emotions

or a rational model that is little used in neoclassical economics?

I want to examine the causes and determine whether what we use is right.

For now it's all in my head.

I don't know whether it's a suitable topic for a Master's thesis, as it's a very wide subject.

I'll probably focus on one particular area in my Master's thesis

and then I might want to take it further.

Matěj, you are currently studying in Rotterdam,

but you were of course a student at Charles University in Prague

and in the past you also studied in Istanbul.

How would you compare the tuition in those countries?

I was in Istanbul for an autumn semester.

I studied economics in English at Marmara University.

I can compare Turkey as the East,

the Czech Republic as Central Europe, and Holland as the West.

I'll start with Istanbul.

It was very interesting in

that the lecturers there presented the material beautifully,

but in the exams they wanted the same as what they'd said during the lectures.

In other words, we weren't required to think too hard.

Comparing it with the Czech Republic,

the level here is much higher.

I'm comparing it with where I was

– I can't comment on whether all the universities in Istanbul or Turkey are the same.

Here in the Czech Republic,

the maths course I took at the Institute of Economic Studies helped me a lot.

Maths is an exact science.

Everything you say has to be well-founded.

It taught me how to think.

What I think is lacking

is greater interaction with the business world.

In Holland, we apply what we've learnt.

When we learn something,

we have to apply it straight away.

This means that firms go into the university

and give you a case study to do,

a problem they are faced with,

a real-world problem,

nothing made up.

You have a fixed number of days to work out

how to solve it.

This type of study gives me much more.

You interact with the business world.

It's really interesting,

really great.

It's hard to say…

I've thought a bit about whether Charles University should go down this route.

They can only invite certain firms,

large firms that have enough time for it,

so they could get drawn into political games.

It's awkward when you invite only some firms

and don't invite smaller ones.

I don't know if there's a solution,

but I certainly think that applying economics to the real world is a great thing for students.

It's great that you can now make comparisons about studying in different places.

And it's true that it's vital to put theory into practice.

It's great to try that out at university.

Matěj, congratulations on your prize

and thanks for your paper.

I'm sure we can look forward to many more.

For more infomation >> Matěj Opatrný: The effects of the CNB's koruna exchange rate commitment are positive - Duration: 8:36.


LG Electronics posts Q4 loss, but experts forecast better prospects ahead - Duration: 2:29.

LG Electronics had a tough fourth quarter last year.

While sales increased from the year before, the company has run up a deficit -- largely

due to its mobile division.

Oh Soo-young has the numbers.

LG Electronics' quarterly earnings are in the red for the first time in six years.

The Korean electronics giant posted an operating loss of 35 billion won, or roughly 30 million

U.S. dollars in the October to December period.

This compares to the company's profit of 298 million dollars for the same period in 2015.

Sales came to 12-point-6 billion dollars,... up one-point-five percent from the year before...

and beating a market consensus of around 12-point-2 billion dollars.

However, the profit line was largely dragged downward by losses in the struggling mobile

division, which posted a loss of 399 million dollars.

The mobile division has been in the red for six quarters in a row.

"Despite the release of the V20, there wasn't a flagship model to make up for the lost sales

volume after sales of the G5 flopped at the end of the second quarter.

So revenue fell into the billion-dollar range, and that brought the division into the red."

Even the home appliance and home entertainment divisions, the main drivers of profit for

the company, couldn't contain the blow.

Sales grew 5-point-6 percent and one-point-one percent respectively compared to the year

before, but a rise in prices of LCD displays along with marketing costs and seasonal markdowns

pulled down the margin.

Still, analysts say better prospects are in the cards for this year, as the company shapes

up its premium range of household appliances and entertainment products for the global


"More than anything, we expect the vehicle components division to do well.

LG is supplying GM Chevrolet's Bolt model with OEM components.

In the second half of the year, we think revenue will increase significantly and that profit

will recover faster than expected."

"The upcoming release of its new flagship G6 smartphone presents the company with another

opportunity to turn its second quarter earnings around,... especially because the device will

be launched before Samsung releases its Galaxy S8.

LG could see its profits rise even further following a series of planned structural changes

and other cost reductions in the mobile division.

Oh Soo-young, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> LG Electronics posts Q4 loss, but experts forecast better prospects ahead - Duration: 2:29.



Hello everyone, welcome back!

Thank you so much for your comments on my last video!

In this blog, we celebrated my sister's birthday, shopping and sightseeing.

If you're interested, please keep watching!=)

Me: I think more choices in Starbucks.

My sis: Kiss me please! XD

My sis: Oh...I made a voicemsg to someone!

Me: Wakakaka....then they just hear us "ng wa ng wa" (kissing voice)

As you can see the breakfast in Mcdonald's is different between HK and Europe.

And there are more choices in HK.

So we went to Starbucks instead of Mcdonald's.

But my sister and her bf prefer something salty than sweet for breakfast, like some noodles.

So the breakfast in Europe not really suit their taste.

Me: Kaka, what do you want to eat? Not something sweet?

My sis: I also don't really want to eat sweet, but I can eat.

After breakfast, we were walking to the church, it called Basilique du Sacre-Coeur.

Actually I didn't know how it called and I search on Internet.

My sis: Why others can take the lift?

Me: Maybe need to pay.

My husband: Is it a lift? XD

Actually you don't need to walk the stairs, you can take the lift but should be need to pay.

My sister also asked why we didn't take the lift.

My sis: Wa! This is a real man! Me: Yes!

My sis: I didn't notice before.

I want to let you know first, this vlog included so many photos.

Because we took so many pictures on that day, maybe over 100-200 or even more.

But I don't want to cut them because I want to find a place to store them together.

I hope you all don't mind and actually each pic is only 0.5 sec, so total is around 1 min.

So don't worry, it won't take you too long time to watch.

The road I pointed before can go down and leave.

The road when we came and leave are different.

I want to say sorry for filming so shaky and make you guys have dizzy, I hope I can improve next time.

After visit the church, we wanted to go to Lafayette, so we walked the road which full of souvenir stores.

You continue walk, there is the Moulin Rouge, and the street is full of sex toy stores.

We went inside for visiting, let me bring you guys to have a look.

We were walking to the shopping malls area.

Because we wanted to go shopping, my husband and her bf wanted to go to watch football match in a bar.

My sis: They are so happy! He look forward to a long time.

Me: Really that want to watch football? I think is boring! XD

If you watched my last vlog, you may know we met a nicest Chanel SA in Galleries Lafayette.

We went back to find her to buy things.

When we arrived, she already went to eat.

So we were sitting in and waiting her.

Before I really think I won't buy anything, only accompany my sister.

As you see the wallets on the table, is my sister helped her friend to see.

I thought buying nothing, maybe maximum just a pair of earrings.

Then, almost when we leave, before paying, I asked the SA, do they have gold hardware WOC.=.=

The SA brought out the WOC, it's super pretty.

Then I tried and I couldn't resist this beauty and finally got it.

My sis: Did you bought passport?

Me: Yes

My sis: Do they need to match with the Credit card holder name?

Me: No need!

Because the WOC is really so beautiful, I really couldn't hold myself and bought it.

You can see the earrings that I chose, there are 2 colors, one gold and one sliver.

I think gold ones are prettier but I think I don't have much sliver color earrings, so I chose sliver at the end.

After that, we went to Louis Vuitton helped my other sister got something and then went to Pandora.

I bought one charm for myself.

Actually I went there because I need to helped my sis to get a charm. But then I also got one for myself.

I bought this one.

My sister chose the other one.

She chose this one.

Me: They must be so hungry. They just drink.

After shopping, we went back to hotel and let these things.

Because we didn't want to carry them all the time as we needed to go to eat dinner and sightseeing later.


Be careful and pay attention when you cross the road.

Me: Is it not the one we saw no atmosphere?

Her bf: Yes! But inside have a big screen can watch football.

My sis: Oic! A big group of women! XD

Me: And they were cheering a lots! XD(we're kidding, they said no women in the bar and we didn't believe it!)

My sis: I know there is a cake!

Me: How you will know?

My sis: Because I think why the waiter still set up the table?

Me: Yes lo! He shouldn't set up the table first!!

Me: I think you didn't know before he set the table!

Me: They went to buy the cake for you!

My sis: Where they bought it?

Her bf: You don't need to care where, Arian and I found it so long!

Me: This is my idea!

My sis: I want some pics alone, go away!

Me: You know is so hard to contact them both when we were shopping together!

My sis: So pretty!

After dinner, we walked to the Louvre.

We planned to sightseeing after the dinner.

We took so many pics.

Please forgive us, we took so many pics in this trip!

Normally, my husband and I went to Paris, we never really asked someone to hold the camera and help us take pic.

Luckily, this time my sister and her bf were here and they both love taking pic.

They helped us to take some nice pics.

You probably notice my husband and I always kiss on the pics.

Excuse me! XD

We are used to kiss when we take pics together.

It's like our tradition photo pose.

I think except this" my husband hold me "theme pics, others are nice.

We look weird in this theme album. But it was funny!

You can see my husband's neck full of blue veins because I'm too heavy!><"

My husband looked at his wrist but he had no watch on his wrist. XD

I think this view is really nice and good for taking pics.

You better to use the long lenses to take pics here.

If you're interested to take some nice pics in Paris, you can come this place.

Don't know what you guys think, but I think we 4 together on the pics look like Paris Travel advertisement! XD

Before we wanted to walk near the Eiffel Tower and take some pics.

But as you see the sky became dark and it was too dark to take pics.

So we decided to go the next day to take some pics near the Eiffel Tower.

We went back to the hotel and take rest earlier.

But where we were was far from the hotel, so we took the taxi back.

I took a taxi in the middle of the road and I forgot where and I discover I didn't film it. (I believe is no battery)

So I think this is end of the video, I don't remember why I filmed the Laneige products in the hotel.

Probably I just wanted to show you guys what skin products I brought with me for travelling.

That's it for this video, I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you so much for watching!

If you like this video, please give a thumb up.

See you all in my next ones, Bye!

For more infomation >> VLOG: CELEBRATING MY SIS BIRTHDAY IN PARIS♥ | ANGELBIRDBB - Duration: 25:12.


Constitional Court chief justice says impeachment trial should end by March 13 - Duration: 2:21.

We begin at the Constitutional Court of Korea...

The chief justice of the court gave March 13th as the end date for the impeachment trial

of President Park Geun-hye, citing concerns about disruptions due to upcoming vacancies

on the bench.

The move is expected to have a considerable impact on when the presidential election will

take place.

Kim Ji-yeon reports.

Constitutional Court Chief Justice Park Han-chul said Wednesday the impeachment trial should

end by March 13th,... to coincide with the end of Justice Lee Jung-mi's term.

"The final ruling of the trial should come out by March 13th the latest, before another

issue occurs in the current formation of the court."

He said the opinions of each of the nine justices are significant and bringing in a new justice

could have a negative impact on the trial outcome.

On top of that, this is to be Chief Justice Park's last trial, as his term ends this month.

If the court upholds the parliamentary impeachment motion against President Park, the country

must elect another leader within 60 days by law, so the election could take place at the

end of April or in early May.

If the court rejects impeachment, President Park will return to her duties and the next

presidential election would take place in December as scheduled.

In response, the president's lawyers said the timeline could put the court at risk of

overlooking crucial facts and arguments.... and suggested the court may be colluding with


"We were shocked by Chief Justice Park's remarks and can't help but question the court's impartiality."

"We've formally asked the court for a prompt decision as, without a leader, the country

is facing many uncertainties on the economic and security fronts."

During the morning session, former Culture Minister Yoo Jin-ryong...testified to the

existence of a blacklist of artists deemed critical of the government and said he was

ordered by the presidential office to exclude those on the list from government funding

or sponsorship.

"Ko Young-tae, Choi Soon-sil's close associate and the former head of The Blue K, a paper

company allegedly set up by Choi, failed to appear at today's hearing, but the court has

rescheduled his testimony for February 9th.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News."

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