Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

Hey, this is W4mp3, welcome back to TheProject.

This Episode were doing something different, I finally build a Level.

I've planned to do the first Level of TheProject first but I've seen something on the Internets

and try to recreate that.

Don't worry, I'll credit the right people at the end of this.

Remember that I promised that I'll make a video of the first Ghost House?

Me neither but I did.

FYI: This episode contains the solution to that Ghost House.

Well, let's start with the level building.

Ah, stop, I want to talk about some criticism I've got last episodes.

I'm quoting someone, who watches this and said in his Livestream, that I "have to put

my head out of my butt because [he] had to relisten to it 10 to 14 times".


Okay, let's start, no more viewer bashing.

The first thing I did was to build a small entrance area with regular SMW gameplay.

Next I thought of creating the first puzzle.

Well, as I said earlier this is not my original idea, so no thinking part of me.

The puzzle works like this: We have a relativly harmless empty room with a door.

When you enter the door you're "frozen", no music plays.

There will be some sprites there, that will not hurt the player in any way.

The Sprites will move in a particular pattern which repeats.

At a specific point, I'll play a sound effect.

This is the time to pause the game.

The first instance of this is having a recolored sprite to show where the solution to that

room is.

The next two are not that obvious but still have the same idea.

Let's try to make that work in SMW.

I can already guess, that I might need to do some coding there.

This is how the first room looks regularly, and this is how the "parallel universe" looks.

It has some minor differences but only for spawning those sprites that show you where

the required block is.

The player has to remember the location of that block and use it to progress further

into the level.

I've planned to do that 4 times in total.

I've checked my level list spreadsheet that I did in episode 1.

I have to give the level a secret exit, that is what I have apperantly planned to do.

I can solve this super easily by using one of the "parallel universe" room to show two

hints instead of one.

The second one will be harder to spot, but will lead you to the secret exit.

Enough talking lets dive right into the building.

You might have noticed, that I didn't build the "parallel universes" yet.

This way I save time so I can do other more or less important stuff.

I use that saved time to do some visual candy, which took an unnecessary amount of time,

like 4 hours for this cool glitching effect: Looks really cool, doesn't it?

Pro tip: Don't waste that much time with visual stuff, it is not worth it.

Also do good visuals AFTER you have finished with the general level layout.

Changing stuff around with decorations in the way is wasting your time unecessarily.

If you happen to have playtesters please send them the level to test BEFORE you do decorations.

Okay, let me finish the level now, polish it a bit and then show you the level.

And we're done, after many hours and some minutes it's finally finished.

I show you now the level in game.

Like in the original SMW I use the Ghost House entry cutscene.

What the original does not show is the entrance again, if you walk left.

If we progress a bit within the level we enter the first door to the "parallel universe".

This is the pattern I have chosen for this one, two Bullet Bills shooting in sync, one

of them is slightly miscolored.

When the regular Bullet Bill hits that block the game will play a sound effect imitating

a bell.

If you pause at that moment you will see the miscolored Bullet Bill at a particular position

in the room.

That is your hint for that room.

If we go there in the regular universe we find a hidden block at the position from the

parallel universe.

The first two parallel univereses are at the same location as you entering the door, the

other two will show a previously visited part of the level.

I've put a midway point in there to make it slightly less difficult.!

Okay, that were my thoughts of this level, now where did I get the idea from?

Well, there is a game called Super Mario Maker, I think nobody heard of this game.

Anyways, a user built a level with that idea and uploaded it to public.

His user name there is Aren...

Ären... pffff, again problems with the names.

Anyways, I've linked the level in the description below or just use the code on screen, whatever.

Funny thing: I don't even own Mario Maker, I've seen it in my recomendations on YouTube.

This might be the first time the recomendations helped someone, so congrats YouTube for accidentaly

helping me.

Okay, it's that time again where we have to part now.

Do the usual YouTube business stuff, have a nice day or night and thank you for watching.

If you're bored you might want to check out other videos I did in the past.

Now where is my chocolate milk...

For more infomation >> TheProject - Episode 3 - Ghost House World 2 - Duration: 12:34.


Leading lacrosse figures join resistance against President Trump and Dakota Access Pipeline - Duration: 2:27.

Lacrosse players have joined the resistance against President Trump.

"Here we go men!" professional lacrosse player and Native American Bill O'Brien tweeted Tuesday, with a fist emoji, in response to Trump's order to move ahead with the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline.

Trump signed an executive order to advance two oil pipeline projects, including the $3.7 billion DAPL, which cuts across sacred tribal land in North Dakota and threatens the drinking water there. Peaceful Sioux protesters have been brutalized by police on the front lines of the standoff, the last unfinished portion of the pipeline.

"Now the real fight begins because now our backs are against the wall," O'Brien told the Daily News. "We have to keep trying to bring awareness to the issue."

O'Brien is the CEO of Thompson Brothers Lacrosse. He traveled to Standing Rock last year with another Native athlete, Lyle Thompson (the company's namesake), and Albany coach Scott Marr to support the protest and organize a lacrosse game on the front lines as a way to heal tensions. They've used their platform within the tight-knit lacrosse community to become influential social activists.

President Trump signs an executive order for the Army Corps of Engineers to expedite its review of the Dakota Access pipeline.

(Evan Vucci/AP)

Activists celebrated last year when the Army Corps of Engineers halted the project to conduct an environmental study on the impact the pipeline would have on local water. Trump is calling for the swift completion of that study and to move forward with the project, which drew immediate resistance from environmental groups and the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.

The lacrosse community, in support of Native players and their ancestors' connection to the game, also took up the #NoDAPL issue on social media. Just after Trump signed the order, Paul Rabil, a caucasian player and arguably the biggest name in the sport, tweeted "Respect people" above an image of the Standing Rock lacrosse field

Respect people. #NoDAPL

— Paul Rabil (@PaulRabil) January 24, 2017

Thompson Brothers Lacrosse, with ties to Nike, has Patriots receiver Chris Hogan on its roster. The former lacrosse player made headlines this week after his historic performance in the AFC Championship game and will be playing in the Super Bowl on Feb. 5.

Maybe Hogan can get a message to Trump through his buddy Tom Brady?

"The battle against the pipeline has been ongoing and it will continue," O'Brien said. "I don't think the water protectors plan on leaving any time soon. In their mind, and my mind, they're fighting for something that's right.

They're fighting not just an indigenous cause, they're fighting for all human beings on Mother Earth and they're fighting for clean water, so hopefully through persistence and peaceful protests, the right side will prevail."

For more infomation >> Leading lacrosse figures join resistance against President Trump and Dakota Access Pipeline - Duration: 2:27.


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Dads Who Play Barbie®

For more infomation >> Dads Who Play Barbie®


Cops Accused of Kidnapping S.Koreans Dismissed, Under Custody - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Cops Accused of Kidnapping S.Koreans Dismissed, Under Custody - Duration: 0:57.


Audi A4 Avant BWJ 2012 2.0 TDI 143PK Automaat PRO LINE S / - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 Avant BWJ 2012 2.0 TDI 143PK Automaat PRO LINE S / - Duration: 1:34.


[Guest Script] 3 MGTOW Claims Challenged - Duration: 6:44.

Over the past several years, I have consumed a great deal of MGTOW content.

As a way of thinking and way of life MGTOW has always appealed to me.

There are, however, 3 claims often repeated in MGTOW, which, whenever I hear them, jar

my confidence in MGTOW theory.

These 3 claims, I believe, need a little more thought and scrutiny as to their meaning and


Let us look at these three regularly sited claims.

My only exposure of these claims comes for having heard them from MGTOW content producers

and nowhere else.

As such, I have nothing to say as to the methodology by which they were produced.

The first and perhaps the least jarring is the statistic which informs us that fifty

percent of marriages end in divorce and seventy per cent of divorces are initiated by women.

Now, I have heard content producers ask the question: 'would you want to enter a contract

with a seventy percent failure rate'?

Maybe this questions is just a slip of the tongue as this question cannot be formulated

in the manner it is based on what these numbers mean.

Let us pars these statistics on the basis of one hundred married men.

Fifty will stay married and fifty will at one point divorce.

Of the fifty who are divorced, seventy percent will have divorce initiated by their wives.

This translates to 35 of the 100 married men who will be divorced due to the initiative

of the woman.

Conversely fifteen women will be divorced by their husbands.

So, on the basis of the original 100 men, men have a 35 percent chance that their wives

will initiate divorce and wives have a fifteen percent chance that their husbands will initiate

a divorce.

The ratio of male to female divorce initiation is one to two point three (1:2.3).

Now, I make no comment as to the consequence of these numbers.

I leave that for others to interpret.

I am simply attempting to explain what these numbers mean.

The remaining 2 claims which MGTOW make take a similar path of criticism.

Once again, the only information I go by comes from MGTOW content producers.

All I can do is look at what I have been told and question its plausibility.

The second claim deals with the hypergamy bottleneck.

From what I have been told, I understand that the hypergamy bottleneck is something that

happened about the time that man developed agriculture.

Content producers say that during this period only one in seventeen men succeeded in leaving

a 'genetic legacy'.

Now, I am not completely certain as to what precisely is meant by the concept of a 'genetic


I suspect that what the content producers mean by 'genetic legacy', is that only

one in seventeen men reproduced.

There are other interpretations but I think this is what is meant.

Certainly, this interpretation fits in with MGTOW content producer's overall approach

to hypergamy.

With the proviso that this is the meaning of the concept of 'genetic legacy', I

will continue with my critique.

Now, assuming that the population is equally split between males and female I ask the following

question: "how many offspring would need to be produced by each man for there to be

a none declining population?"

The answer to this question is that each of the one in seventeen men would need to produce

34 offspring for the population to be stable.

Anything less would result in decline and extinction.

Though this is possible, the question becomes whether or not this is plausible.

You can make your own judgment but I will give my thoughts on the matter.

The content producers from whom I learned about the 'hypergamy bottleneck' have

as their model of hypergamy the idea that women are attracted to and breed with resource

rich men.

As such, this one in seventeen man would need to be able to support 34 offspring and several

wives to a higher standard than one of the other 16 men with fewer wives and offspring.

Is this convincing?

Also, since life expectancy was quite short, all of this reproduction and provision would

need to be done rather quickly.

Is this a practical scenario?

What is needed here is a bit more exposition on the part of MGTOW content producers who

wish to defend the 'hypergamy bottleneck' thesis.

Information on actual family size based on archeological evidence would help bolster

this thesis.

However, as it currently stand, the 'hypergamy bottleneck', though logically possible,

does not appear to be practically workable .

The third claim I wish to critique is very similar to my critique of the 'hypergamy

bottleneck' thesis and can be discussed in the same way, though the numbers are less

clear cut.

The claim is that in the past, only forty percent of men produced a 'genetic legacy'.

Once again, I am not absolutely clear as to what is meant by the tern 'genetic legacy'.

However, to remain consistent, I will assume this means that only 40% of men reproduced.

I will use the term alpha males to denote the reproducing forty percent of men and beta

males to designate the none reproducing sixty percent of men.

The picture that content producers give is that for quite some time, though not precisely

defined, but clearly indicating many generations, only alpha males reproduced.

But the content producers who say this are also the same content producers who strongly

believe in genetic inheritance.

They believe in genetic inheritance so strongly that they extend genetic inheritance to not

only physical characteristics but behavior as well.

So, what these content producers are telling us is that although only the alpha males reproduced,

each subsequent generation still had sixty percent of beta males as offspring.

And this supposedly goes on for generation after generation.

Where is the genetic inheritance in all of this?

Something does not quite add up here.

Once again, it would be ideal for a defender of this thesis to bring forward additional

expository arguments and evidence to account for this discrepancy.

The End.

For more infomation >> [Guest Script] 3 MGTOW Claims Challenged - Duration: 6:44.


Peugeot 307 SW 2.0 16V Roland Garros - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 307 SW 2.0 16V Roland Garros - Duration: 1:21.


Contour and Smokey Eyes Mini Makeup Tutorial | Belleza a lo Glam - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Contour and Smokey Eyes Mini Makeup Tutorial | Belleza a lo Glam - Duration: 2:35.


Minecraft Wallpaper Speedart ➽ BliiTX [FT.Snowixx] - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Minecraft Wallpaper Speedart ➽ BliiTX [FT.Snowixx] - Duration: 1:36.


Tesla: Autopilot 2.0 Car, Touchscreen Responsiveness and Software - Duration: 5:57.

couple of days ago myself and chalet

with to Highland Park Service in sales

center to take a look at the new

autopilot to quintal cars

unfortunately we didn't get to

test-drive but I didn't get to sit in

one and take some pictures so let's

start here we have one of the

sidemarkers redesigned it now has the

outside rear cameras built-in take their

shots and angle this is in the side

glass facing forward to take forward

wide-angle shots once on each side just

like the sidemarkers little hard to take

a picture of those with the reflection

the rear backup camera has been changed

it is a new design backup camera and it

does look a little more clear to me but

it also now features a built-in heater

to keep slush and snow melted off in the

dry and the backup camera also doubles

as a autopilot camera or excuse me at

times camp now in the front we have the

narrow field of view long-range camera

as well as a mid-range wide field of

view and a close-range extremely wide

field-of-view together these can not

only make a stereoscopic image for the

autopilot system or autonomous system

but it helps to drive and see at all

different angles and distances so we

took it except the car to take a little

look at the plate around the screen from

the inside basically the car x just like

any other current autopilot Neil car in

fact there's actually less available

features on this car then there were on

there are mine with autopilot one point

old so if we go to the driver assistance

screen and I didn't even bother talking

while recording this in the car

just because they had background music

and there's too many people so i'll just

do voiceover here now and pretty much

only thing is on the speed assist i

think i saw there's actually no

autopilot whatsoever there is traffic

where cruise control is active but

that's it

the actual autopilot started rolling out

the two-point no cars about a week ago

and it went two thousand people and it's

slowly being activated and further

vehicles functionality wise everything

else pretty much works exactly the same

there is no premium interior package on

this car so I'm missing a lot of other

features by one that someone ordered and

and just never took delivery sleeves as

the showroom model now a big big

difference also with the new auto pilot

2 point 0 / autonomous cars is the

center screen now I noticed a insane

increase and responsiveness of the

center screen with the new computer

system which is supposedly about 40

times faster than the Tegra 3 based

systems in the autopilot 1.0 and classic

model s cars

unfortunately I was trying to load i had

loaded my area

Tesla referral page on the browser we

figure we're not sitting there I believe

it up maybe you'll see it's a

thousand-dollar sure all discounted cool

but unfortunately the browser's still

isn't compatible always step up its not

compatible with a lot of new a lot of

different kinds of webpages or just

works fairly poorly it still needs a

full browser redesign but the overall

speed scrolling speed has increased

exponentially compared to first gens now

i also noticed this big time on the the

maps how the load time is still

same about the same as it was the first

gen maybe slightly faster than the 3 g's

how the car was actually on now the

service centers Wi-Fi that the f40 or 3g

ATT network but once it was loaded the

responses of the match just scrolling

around was considerably faster and even

resuming all that it was just much more

responsive opening closing of the apps

not something i did not show when i did

when i was playing with the center

screen was the quote unquote smart or

stupid to independently alright

preferred substances of the nav match

and the responsiveness of that soon

start soon I'll giving you hear top row

of icons back at first jet cars there's

just too much hesitation it was much

quicker all the language test will just

get rid of that feature off it all

together we have a 17 inch touchscreen

display we don't need it to zoom any

bigger for the match we can always go

full spring now yeah there's some the

same power to cinch there whatever they

did to bring it into the showroom here

that front door

otherwise everything else interior bias

was exactly the same

For more infomation >> Tesla: Autopilot 2.0 Car, Touchscreen Responsiveness and Software - Duration: 5:57.


PAW PATROL TOY REVIEW Spy Chase Marshall Rocky Rescue Missions Adventure Playsets - Duration: 20:48.

- [Mr. Hands] Hey kids, it's the Paw Patrol

here on ToyTimeTV.

- It's the Paw Patrol!

- [Mr. Hands] Yes it is, hey Bobby,

what were you playing with?

- I was playing with Rocky's tugboat from the Paw Patrol.

- [Mr. Hands] That's right, Paw Patrol and Nick Jr.

We love watching the Paw Patrol on Nick Jr. don't we?

- Yeah!

- [Mr. Hands] We got a huge Paw Patrol haul here

on ToyTimeTV today!


Look at it Bobby!

- It's Rocky!

- [Mr. Hands] That's right it's Rocky,

we've got Rocky and Bettina

and what's that one in the front there Bobby?

It is Chase, spy Chase that is, and the penguins,

and look over there, it's Marshall and the baby whale!

- [Bobby] Wow!

- [Mr. Hands] Yeah, these are really neat

they're all the first wave of the rescue series.

- [Bobby] Wow, it's cool rescue play sets.

- [Mr. Hands] That's right, it's cool rescue play sets

from Spin Master!

♫ It's the Paw Patrol, the Paw Patrol

♫ We love the Paw Patrol on ToyTimeTV

- Yeah, we love Rocky!

- [Mr. Hands] (chuckling) Well Bobby,

he's becoming your favorite Paw Patrol pup.

- Yeah, he is 'cause he's kind, but I still like Zuma.

- [Mr. Hands] (laughing) You still like Zuma?

Well, I think we're gonna have lots of fun

and you kids at home are gonna have lots of fun

with us too in this family friendly video

where we're gonna unbox and play with

all these Paw Patrol pups

and we're gonna have a fun adventure

and we're gonna do some learning too!

- Yeah!


- [Mr. Hands] Yes Bobby, we're gonna have fun with colors.

- Whoa!

I love colors!

- [Mr. Hands] Okay Kids, you at home,

use your ToyTimeTV magic, and help us unbox

these cool Paw Patrol toys,

and you know how you do it right?

- No, tell us!


- [Mr. Hands] Okay Bobby, and you kids at home

what you do is you yell ToyTimeTV magic three times

with us, and the toys will unbox!

Here we go, are you ready?

- [Both] ToyTimeTV magic!

ToyTimeTV magic!

ToyTimeTV magic!


- [Mr. Hands] Paw Patrol Paw Patrol Paw Patrol

that was really awesome, it was an awesome unboxing

of the Paw Patrol rescue set, now each one of our sets

here is from a scene in the cartoon on Nick Jr.

Isn't that awesome?

Wow, I love new Paw Patrol, Paw Patrol is awesome

on our toy channel, well, I wanna play a fun game

and you can play along with me too,

it's called which color is the Paw Patrol pup?

Now which baby pup is this I have from the Paw Patrol?

That's right, this is Marshall, and this is

the Marshall rescue set where he saves the baby whale

in that fun cartoon episode.

Now what color is Marshall?

Marshall's color is red!

The color red.

Now what else is red?

Oh, that's right, my shirt is red.

My shirt is red!

Marshall's color is red.

And you know what else is red?

Fire trucks are red!


Marshall's fire truck is red!

I love Marshall's fire truck.

This is Spy Chase, and the penguins rescue set

where Spy Chase rescues the penguins,

what color is Spy Chase?

He's blue!

His color is blue.

Who else has a blue color?

- Did someone say blue?


I'm blue Mr. Hands!

- [Mr. Hands] I know you are Numba, you're blue

and Spy Chase is blue too!

That's Chase's color.

It's blue!

- And I'm blue!

- [Mr. Hands] This is Rocky and Bettina.

Bettina's a cow and she's got a bell.

This one doesn't ring, but this is Rocky!

We love Rocky, don't lose it, re-use it.

Now, Rocky's color is green, say that with me,

green, green means go, and what else is green?

Silly sludge is green, let's slime Rocky!


Rocky's been slimed by the silly sludge!


Oh, Bettina, you are a silly cow,

you need to be slimed green too!

Green means go.

Hey look, it's Rubble from the Air Patrol,

we had to bring him in special just for our colors.

Now what color is Rubble?

He's yellow!

Rubble is yellow!

What else is yellow?

Bulldozers are yellow.

Bulldozers are yellow!


And you know what else can be yellow?


Play-doh can be yellow, oh, look, we've got yellow play-doh

yellow Play-doh, wow!

This pup's gotta fly,

it's Sky from the air rescue Paw Patrol

now sky's color with the Paw Patrol is pink!


Do you know what else is pink?

Bobby's sister is pink!

And also, play-doh can be pink.

Ooh, I love play-doh.

Let's dive in with Zuma from the Paw Patrol air rescue.

We had to bring him over like the other ones

for this fun game, now Zuma's color with the Paw Patrol

is orange, orange!

Do you know what else is the color orange?

- Me, me, me, me!


- [Mr. Hands] That's right Bobby, you are orange!

- Wow!

- [Mr. Hands] So Zuma and Bobby are both orange.

Rocky and Bettina, Spy Chase and the penguins,

Marshall and the baby whale, these are fun fun sets.

I think we can go do a fun pretend time with them.

Let's use our imagination, and you at home can do it too

think really really hard, and let's go do

some ToyTimeTV pretend time.

- Oh no, on the central bay someone has left play-doh

all over the ground and Bettina, the penguins

and the baby whale have gotten stuck.


(bubbling sound)

- [Mr. Hands] Oh no, Betinna, the baby whale

and the penguins are all stuck in this

basically huge thing of play-doh,

I'll see if I can free them with my zipline.

Oh no, I'm stuck in the play-doh too,

I need my red friend from the Paw Patrol

to come help me, whose color is red in the Paw Patrol?

That's right, it's Marshall, Marshall is red!

I'm Marshall and my color is red in the Paw Patrol.

Let's get fired up, I've gotta go save the penguins

and also help Chase.

Hi Chase, do you need some help?

Yes I do Marshall, we're all stuck in this red play-doh

can you use your water cans to see if you can

get us loose?

Oh no Chase, I think I'm stuck too, I can't move either

this is a disaster, oh boy we need some help.

Marshall, I thin we need our friend that is green

in the Paw Patrol to come help us.

Whose color is green in the Paw Patrol?

That's right, it's Rocky.

Don't lose it re-use it.

Hey guys, what's going on?

Oh no, someone left a bunch of play-doh

in the middle of the floor, I guess you guys are stuck,

aren't you?

You are right Rocky, we really need help,

this play-doh is really sticky

and the baby whale, the penguins and Bettina

and Marshall and I are all stuck, can you use

some of your tools in your recycling truck

to get us out?

Green means go, I'll get you guys outta there,

Paw Patrol to the rescue.

Thanks Rocky, you really helped us out.

Now we gotta get this play-doh outta here too,

before someone else gets stuck in it.

Don't lose it re-use it.

I'll recycle it Chase, let me get it

into my recycling truck.

Alright play-doh, get in there, we're gonna take you home

and I'm gonna recycle you.

Well Paw Patrol we saved the day again

by rescuing Bettina, the baby whale and the penguins,

yay, Paw Patrol we're on a roll.

That was so much fun!

I love the Paw Patrol from Nick Jr.

And I love each of our toys that we have

with Marshall and the baby whale,

Chase, Spy Chase and the penguins,

and Bettina and Rocky, that was so cool.

Well, now let's look at each one of these toys

and talk about them and have some more fun

because parents, this is where I'll tell you

about each of the toys, and what's cool

and what's not cool about it,

and also kids, this will be where you get to find out

more about the toy too!

Hey look, it's Rocky and Bettina.

- I love Rocky.

- I love Bettina.

- [Mr. Hands] Yeah, Bettina's really cool

and so is Rocky, now this is a really cool play set

because it is a recreation of the cartoon

and this episode was really cool,

do you know where it's from Bobby?

- It's from the spaceship!

- [Mr. Hands] Yeah, that's right,

there was a little alien that crashed

and the pups had to go save the martian

and he got scared and put Bettina in a really large

bubble that was floating.


That's right.

With this play set from Spin Master

you get Rocky and Bettina, now Rocky,

like the other Rockys, he's not an action packed pup,

his head does go back and forth,

as you can see right there, and his little paws

do move, you can move them out and also move

his rear paws out, he can actually fly, look at that.


So that's neat, but he doesn't have

an action pack on his back, it's just a little piece

there that is supposed to look like Rocky's tool pack.

Now Rocky is a neat pup, his color is green

we love the color green and he recycles

'cause he means grow, or is it go,

green means go!

- [Bobby] Yeah!

- [Mr. Hands] That's right, green means go on Rocky

also in this play set too, you get Bettina

sorry Rocky, now Bettina is one of the very first

ones we've seen where she is in this

so we have another character we can add

to our Paw Patrol toys for play time,

now Bettina is not articulated,

that means her legs do not move at all

she's very stationary she has a little bell

on her, around her neck, that doesn't move

everything on Bettina is there, it's not coming off

'cause she is totally plastic,

and what's really nice too is, she stays straight up

and does not fall at all 'cause she's very flat footed

which is a very nice design.

The last thing that comes in the Rocky and Bettina

play set rescue set is this little piece of fence

so you can put Bettina on the other side of it

and have Rocky on this side talking to Bettina

so you can create a fun interaction

and recreate the cartoon with Bettina in it,

now that's really cool, isn't it?

Our next Paw Patrol toy is Spy Chase and the penguins

I love this episode too when he saves the penguins

with his zip line, now this toy recreates the cartoon

to the T, at least that's what they're trying to do

and this is the second one in the first wave

of the rescue play set when Spy Chase uses

his super spy gear to save the penguins

well you get Spy Chase, now Spy Chase's head

does move back and forth actually it goes all the way around

poor Spy Chase, his little back legs do move

and his little front paws do move

and he's got on the boots

'cause he his a spy and he's gotta have

his Spy Chase uniform.

Now his backpack has a zip line in it

but we can't use it because this is not an action pack pup

oh boy, it's not an action pack pup,

I love the action pack pups, but this is just Chase

with his backpack and he is ready to go save those penguins

with his blue uniform and his badge

He's gonna contact Rider here pretty soon.

Well that's the Chase that comes in the pack,

now we also get this cool little iceberg

that the penguins can sit on, it's made of plastic

see, that means it doesn't break really easy

even when you bend it around

and we can't do anything to it

'cause it's really nice 'cause it's not made

of anything else, it's just made of plastic

so you won't break it.

Now, we also get the little penguins.

Penguins penguins penguins, penguins penguins

we love penguins, now there penguins

they're not from Madagascar.


These little penguins need to be saved

and Chase helped save them we get one, two penguins

and this one's waving now they don't move either

we can make 'em move by moving around like this

but we can't make any of their arms move

'cause he's always got his arm up in the air

'cause he's always happy and waiving.

And they look a little bit different.

I like 'em they're really kinda cool

they're not really black on the back

they're more like a grey color

that's kind of neat too, I like that,

well this is a neat neat set.

It's Marshall, it's Marshall and the baby whale

and it's also got a cool ladder too!

It's really awesome, now Marshall uses his fire hose

and the ladder to help keep the whale from drying out,

now this one's really cool, because it comes

with three different things, I love whales

whales are really really neat.

Now our little whale that comes with this,

he is kind of a greyish color and he is made solid

he's not gonna break 'cause he's made of plastic

only made of plastic, plastic doesn't break,

which is really cool, now there's his eye,

it's really nice, look at that,

he looks like he's smiling.

Do you think that whale is smiling?

I think that whale is smiling.

And on the top of the whale lookey right there

it's a spout that water is supposed to come out of.

But we can't make any water come out of it

but we can pretend that water can come out of it

and, we can probably take this one in the bath too

'cause it's made of solid plastic

and solid plastic is lot better in the water

and there's no stickers on it or anything,

so we can probably take our little baby whale

in the bath with us when we do playtime

with the Paw Patrol, now whales are really neat

and this baby whale got stranded and Marshall came

to save him by putting his water can and his water

all over him, now, so with this too, you get a little ladder

and this little ladder's kind of neat

let's see if we can get it to stand up,

see right there, Marshall puts that next to the whale

so he can get on top and get all the water

all over the whale so it'll make it really wet

and make it wet not really dry

and the whale doesn't like dryness

'cause whales say dryness is bad,

we need to be in the water,

that's what he does,

and that's what Marshall does

he goes up the ladder and saves the baby whale

with his water cans, now we also get Marshall.

Now Marshall says, don't, no he doesn't say

don't lose it re-use it, that would be silly,

he says let's get fired up, 'cause he's got

a fire hose and he's a fire dog

and he also drives a fire engine like this one right here


Marshall's really cool, he's a neat Paw Patrol pup,

now our Marshall has, woo, his head spins around,

he is articulated in his head,

but we don't wanna just spin it around,

'cause that's not good, 'cause that's not

what dogs do, and we really don't want Marshall

to do that either, his little paws in the front

they move and the paws in the back move

so he can fly through the air if he wants to

and be super Marshall.


Well, he is a dalmatian puppy dog,

that means he has these little spots

and dalmatians have been used in fire trucks

and such for a very very long time

they are really neat.

Now his little pack on the back doesn't actually

do anything, it's not an action pack,

but we can use our imagination and pretend

that it has water cans.


Because he's a really cool imagination toy

and we can take Mister whale into the water

with us too, and we can have Marshall

go up to the top and see the baby whale.

- Whoa this was fun Mr. Hands.

- [Mr. Hands] Yes it was Bobby, it was so much fun.

Did you kids at home have as much fun

as we did here on ToyTimeTV ?

- Yeah!

- [Mr. Hands] (giggling) Well let me ask you a question

and you can answer it on your screen.

Which of these three toy sets did you like best?

Did you like Rocky and Bettina?

Marshall and the baby whale?

Or Spy, Spy Chase and the penguins?

You can answer that question right now.

Wow, that's a really really good answer.

- Yeah I love Paw Patrol!

- [Mr. Hands] I love the Paw Patrol too,

and if you love the Paw Patrol as much as we do here

on ToyTimeTV be sure to subscribe to us,

you can also click the like below and let us know

you liked this video, because when you let us know

whether you liked the video, we'll make more of them!


I love the Paw Patrol.

- Paw Patrol is cool!


- [Mr. Hands] That is cool!

Well, we'll see you next time here on ToyTimeTV.

That was lots of fun.

You can subscribe to ToyTimeTV and watch more

of our videos by tapping the little image of Bobby

in the middle of your screen,

or you can tap our other videos on the screen too.

(soft uplifting music)

For more infomation >> PAW PATROL TOY REVIEW Spy Chase Marshall Rocky Rescue Missions Adventure Playsets - Duration: 20:48.


Big Decision of USA New President Donald Trump on His First Day | Top News Events - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Big Decision of USA New President Donald Trump on His First Day | Top News Events - Duration: 1:23.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


John Wick: Chapter 2

For more infomation >> John Wick: Chapter 2


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 (DW8) - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 (DW8) - Duration: 0:48.


Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI BUSINESS | Trekhaak | 17"LMV | Navi - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI BUSINESS | Trekhaak | 17"LMV | Navi - Duration: 1:34.


Possibilités d'emploi pour les employés autochtones - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Possibilités d'emploi pour les employés autochtones - Duration: 2:16.


Possibilités d'emploi pour les jeunes autochtones - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Possibilités d'emploi pour les jeunes autochtones - Duration: 2:13.





7 Conseils Pour Protéger Votre Maison Des Réseaux Sans Fil - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> 7 Conseils Pour Protéger Votre Maison Des Réseaux Sans Fil - Duration: 5:09.


DRAGON BALL WARS Z 2017 (Subt Español/ English) - Duration: 11:46.

- Here X-Wing 42, I list to enter assault!

When you say to me

- Here base number 16, received x-Wing 42

- Shortly you will have more information on the assault

- I need that you disconnect the shield to attack!

- Very well X-Wing 42

- Now we will put in touch with the terrestrial equipment

- Terrestrial equipment! Terrestrial equipment!

- You have to disconnect the shield!

- Do you receive me? You have to disconnect the shield!!

- We are entering the enemy base

- We are under attack, need help!

- Already be! Disconnected shield!

- Nónat, are you okay?

- Yes, I have had a nightmare

That they were attacking to all the galaxies

and after a lot of time in war

finally we destroy them and we were free

- Well, don't get excited

still we continue in the jail of the empire

- Lord Martí, already we have our super assault!

Whenever you want

- If everything is ready...

To attack

- We have to do something to stop him

- Well, let's get out of here

prepare yourself

- R2, R2!!

open this door! Now!!

- Where do you two think you're going?

you cannot escape

- You are sure?

- Lord Martí, Which is the next assault?

- We will attack a small region of the planet Earth

to prepare all the ships

and let's begin the assault

don't leave

anyone alive.

- Right now, Lord Martí

- You cannot escape

- Lord Martí, I ask for permission to help

- To attack!

- To seeing if you can avoid this

- Don't worry about me

- Prepare yourself!

- Nónaaat!!

behind you!!!

- Nooooo!

- You do not have anything to do!

your alone!

and you will not be able to win...

...come with me

- Never!

- Already you are lost... will finish as all your friends

And the universe... will be mine

- Never!

- I am

your father!

- I am

your father!!

- I am

your father!!

- I do not want that you fall asleep here in the car

because now we have to go home

we shower

to have dinner

and to be going to sleep

And tomorrow you have school

After school... have the anniversary of the Ferran

For more infomation >> DRAGON BALL WARS Z 2017 (Subt Español/ English) - Duration: 11:46.


Peugeot 307 SW 2.0 16V Roland Garros - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 307 SW 2.0 16V Roland Garros - Duration: 1:21.


On 'Othering' and Climate Change - Duration: 9:28.

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to my channel.

I'm coming at you live from a kitchen floor somewhere because it was the only place that

I could film and I'm also filming on my laptop so I hope that the quality is not too

bad, but, today I wanted to talk about the idea that climate change is made by systems

of domination like white supremacy, patriarchy and speciesism.

I realize that was a weird segue because I was kind of talking about something casual

and then I was like "i'm going to talk about white supremacy" but that's what

is going to happen, so!

Before I move forward, lets think about what these systems share, and what it is about

these systems that make them so essential to creating and maintaining climate change.

I think at their chore, what they have in common is that they are all systems that rank

the relative importance of living beings in one way or another.

They are systems that create an us, and a them, a dominant group, and an "other".

Accordingly, many brilliant people have also called these hierarchies, systems of "othering"

, which is a term I'll be using a lot today.

So, what do systems of othering, have to do with climate change?

And why would I, and many people before me, go as far as saying that "othering" is

an indissociable part of climate change?

Well, since you're dying to know, I'm going to tell you why!

But first, I want to credit Naomi Klein, a world renowned social activist, author, and

film-maker for her incredible work on this topic.

Her keynote address "Let them drown" at the London Review of Books conference was

hugely inspirational to me and I can't recommend enough that every single one of you go and

listen to it for yourself.

So now let's get into the crux of the video, which is that: Fossil fuels are inherently

dirty and destructive, so a world economy that runs on them presupposes that certain

places and living beings will be hurt.

It's just mathematically, inevitable.

To borrow a term used by Naomi Klein, we need to not only sacrifice natural resources, but

also we need to sacrifice humans and other animals that will be poisoned or displaced

due to pollution.

So, to legitimize itself, our economy requires the creation and the perpetuation of many

"others" whose lives are relatively less important than those who benefit from the

fossil fuel economy.

Are you following me?

So let's think of a few examples.

The battle at Standing Rock, is a recent illustration of how white supremacy and climate change

reinforce each other.

Violence against native americans has always been legitimized by theories that deem them

"less than".

The "otherizing" of native americans is still entrenched in our dominant culture,

where they exist as essentialized racist tropes and are reduced to props we exploit for entertainment


The narrative that native americans are "less than" has been key to legitimizing the building

of pipelines across their lands for decades, which implies violating constitutional treaties,

contaminating their drinking water, and looting their land.

As Native activist Kelly Hayes wrote, "we feel the need to point out that the dialogue

around #NoDAPL has become increasingly centered on climate change […] It is crucial that

people recognize that Standing Rock is part of an ongoing struggle against colonial violence…Our

efforts to survive the conditions of this anti-Native society have gone largely unnoticed

because White supremacy is the law of the land."

A glaring example of this is the fact that the pipeline was initially designed to run

through the city of Bismarck not standing rock, which is over 90% white.

But then those residents complained so it was rerouted.

Therefor, understanding the colonial politics of oil drilling is crucial to understanding

how to effectively push for climate justice.

In her talk, Naomi Klein explores how Orientalism, a term coined by Edward Said to describe how

Europeans established a basic distinction between a Western civilized world, and an

Eastern uncivilized world, has been crucial to legitimizing oil extraction in the Middle

East for decades.

It is also painfully obvious now, how conflict in the region is directly linked to food and

water shortages due to environmental degradation.

These sacrifice zones for the fossil fuel economy exist all across the globe, from the

Niger Delta which has been completely poisoned, to e-waste sites destroying the global south,

to neighborhoods in the west polluted by energy plants, causing mostly black and latino to


These are all graveyards of the fossil fuel industry.

Patriarchy is another underbelly of climate change, because women are disproportionally

affected by climate change due to social and economic inequalities.

Anyone serious about tackling climate change must put women's vulnerability to global

warming at the forefront of their agenda and include women in the climate planning agenda.

Thankfully, gender inequalities have become a leading issue for the UN's climate change

plan and was at the forefront of the Paris Climate Talks.

To learn more, check out The Women's Global Call for Climate Justice.

And lastly, speciesism, which predicates human supremacy over other animals, is another type

of othering hierarchy that is directly embedded in perpetuating climate change.

Experts estimate that we are currently wiping out 0.01% to 0.1% of all species each year—

this is an estimated 10,000 to 100,000 species mostly due to deforestation, drilling, oil

spills, and the excessive release of greenhouse gases.

Of course, speciesism is doubly entrenched in climate change, as it commands the fishing

and slaughtering of hundreds of billions of animals each year in the food industry, which

is extremely energy intense.

Speciesism must urgently start being considered alongside patriarchy and white supremacy by

those who seek to dismantle the system effectively.

All animals must be a part of our revolutionary framework.

So when fighting climate change we need to think about how relationships of power are

directly responsible for allowing the wheels of these terrible industries to turn in the

first place.

What systems of othering allowed the doors of these corporations to open, and allows

them to stay open?

Klein says that "The most important lesson to take from all this is that there is no

way to confront the climate crisis as a technocratic problem, in isolation.

It must be seen in the context of austerity and privatisation, of colonialism and militarism,

and of the various systems of othering needed to sustain them all.

The connections and intersections between them are glaring, and yet so often resistance

to them is highly compartmentalised."

That's why climate justice must be concerned with colonialism and speciesism, that's

why animal liberation must be explicitly anti-racist and anti-sexist, and that's why social and

economic justice for humans must be concerned with both.

I hope that you enjoyed this video.

I thought now was an appropriate time to make it, because we are just entering Trump's

America, which literally symbolizes the exact opposite of this ideology,.

Trumps America believes that it is through systems of othering that we will bring about


And that is extremely scary and we must stay extremely vigilant and unapologetic about

our demands for justice.

Now more than ever, our fights need to be intersectional and we need to reject every

single type of oppression and discrimination.

There are no compromises that can be made.

We must unite and fight together because no single issue activism stands

a chance.

For more infomation >> On 'Othering' and Climate Change - Duration: 9:28.



For more infomation >> MES 5 CONSEILS POUR DEVENIR YOUTUBER - Duration: 14:34.


⋖XSDD⋗ CHINESE NEW YEAR - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> ⋖XSDD⋗ CHINESE NEW YEAR - Duration: 4:53.


Big and Rapid Changes Occurring — Current Events & Intel Compilation - Duration: 11:57.

Big and Rapid Changes Occurring � Current Events & Intel Compilation


There were so many changes and developments this last week I had to e-mail them all to

myself so I wouldn�t forget what they were.

First we have some very interesting news about both Barbara and George Bush being hospitalized

with breathing problems.

�Both President George H.W. Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush are now in a Houston

hospital and will not attend Friday�s inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump.

The 92-year-old former president on Wednesday was moved to intensive care at Houston Methodist

Hospital after being admitted on Saturday, his office said in a statement.�

I�d like like to note that many reporters around them are saying that they are �doing

fine� and �everything is going well� in the ICU.

Well I am employed at a hospital and can tell you that generally only very sick people go

to the ICU.

There are different levels of care that one will receive depending on the admitting diagnosis

and ICU is the most intense and is reserved for those needing a great amount of care.

So unless this is a smoke screen of some kind, which it very well could be given Ben�s

intel about these Cabal people being on house arrest, I don�t really find their hospital

visit as �going okay� very convincing.

The events involving these two work in tandem with the Queen and Prince Philip coming down

with a �cold� which resulted in their canceling of a trip to Sandringham last week

which I also doubted.

Then we have an interview from Drake Bailey on The Quantum Shift Radio show hosted by

Dr. Sam Maguzzi the other day which had some interesting intel and information.

They discuss current events, the election and other topics of interests as it pertains

to our present situation:

Then we have brave whistle-blower Chelsea Manning having her prison sentence commuted

down to 7 years so her release date will end up being May 17th this year.

It is unfortunate that it will be another 5 months until she is released as she shouldn�t

even be there in the first place.

For those who don�t know here is a small excerpt from RT about what she blew the whistle


�Manning faced up to 90 years in prison for passing on more than 700,000 Iraq and

Afghanistan battlefield reports and State Department diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks

while working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq in 2010.

She was later arrested in Iraq in May of that year.

She also leaked �Collateral Murder� video, which shows a US helicopter attack in Baghdad

in which at least nine non-combatants were killed, including a Reuters news photographer

and his driver.�

Then we had the CIA, due to publish pressure, create an online database titled CREST to

access nearly 13 million documents they declassified a while back but were only accessible on 4

computer terminals at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland.

Many have gone through these files and found information pertaining to MK Ultra, UFO sightings,

the STARGATE Program among other damaging information about the CIA�s operations.

Source I personally went through and searched for

things about E.T.s and found a document titled �My First Contact with Friends from Space�.

It is a single-paged document, number 7 of 18 but there are no others in this collection.

Upon further research I found that it was possibly referring to a book originally written

in German.

When I searched for the German version I found a link that I translated into English and

to my surprise it contained a moderate-sized amount of information of a person getting

information about ETs, high-technology and other related topics.

Here is a link to the PDF (in German).

One of the most important pieces of information to be released this week was the coverage

of PizzaGate on CBS News with reporter Ben Swann.

He took a rational, responsible and factual approach to this topic and right out of the

gate various media websites attacked him.

Behold, disclosure and exposure in all of its wonderful glory:

In an amazing verification of this story Wikileaks brought more attention to it by Tweeting the


9:49 PM � 17 Jan 2017

This would suggest that the Wikileaks team knew that this story would eventually break

and was waiting for the opportune time to promote it.

I would also like to reiterate a Tweet from Wikileaks from a couple weeks ago about getting

the public ready for even more information and data releases:

4:48 PM � 31 Dec 2016

Will we see more horrors like what we saw in the Podesta e-mails?

I say most likely as the people still need to be awakened from their deep sleep and the

daily distractions of The Matrix.

Besides what about all those e-mails that were found on Anthony Weiner�s laptop right

before the election?

Now onto some more huge news the Clinton Global Initiative will be shut down and its employees

laid off as of April 15th this year.

I don�t know that much about this organization but I do know the Clintons were using their

foundation to launder money and to utilize it for Pay-To-Play schemes involving world

leaders and corporate interests.

Source This can no doubt be the result of the hard-work

of the Alliance and Resistance behind-the-scenes.

These Luciferian people are going down in a blaze (something they�d probably enjoy)

of glory.

Glory for us to watch anyways.


More good news includes the California drought finally ending or being near ending with loads

of much-needed rainfall to our country�s main location for growing our food.

David Wilcock will be talking about this more in his upcoming article as it is a great breakthrough

for us in regards to the amount of power the Cabal wield[ed].

Source Here is a quote from his comments on Benjamin

Fulford�s intel post last week:

�One �sneak preview� of the new article that is HIGHLY significant is it is POURING

rain in California right now.

We are experiencing something they are calling an �Atmospheric River,� and are in the

second of what will probably be four waves.

This may have been the result of benevolent weather manipulation.

The �polar vortex� that descended over all of America may well have created an energetic

low-pressure zone that allowed the users of this technology to laser in this �atmospheric

river� to just where it was desired.

I have watched California drying and dying every year since about 2010, definitely by


The meterologists even called the weather system a �Ridiculously Resilient Ridge,�

since every single time a storm tried to come in it was blocked by the same zone off the

coast of California.

This was an attack against all of America.

The hope was to depopulate the planet and punish America in particular for its work

to rebel against the Cabal.

No water means no crops, which means no food, which means mass starvation.

I have watched animal populations go way down and there are dead plants and trees everywhere.

It has been horrible and there are constant signs warning you about a severe drought and

water restrictions.

Therefore, the fact that we are getting so much water that it could completely end the

drought is another very tangible, physical metric that the Cabal is, in fact, being defeated.

This technology to control weather uses microwaves and it is simple to understand.

The point is that whatever stations the Cabal was using to do this have obviously now been

overtaken and are in the hands of the Alliance.

All this off-the-books stuff can be overtaken without anyone knowing.

It does seem the Alliance is doing as much as it possibly can to defeat the Cabal before

making a world announcement.

Very exciting.�

More proof that the Cabal is in a losing tailspin is the successful launch of the second rocket

from Space X this week.

According to Cobra and his sources the Cabal blew up the last one in order to delay the

progress of the public space program:

�Exactly 67 minutes after the eclipse was over, the Chimera group has used a scalar

beam weapon from one of their UAV craft to destroy Elon Musk�s Falcon 9 in order to

create a delay in the surface space programs that attempt to break the quarantine status

for planet Earth�

Elon Musk is the visible representative of a certain positive SSP faction and in his

latest statement he hinted at extraterrestrial involvement in Falcon 9 explosion��

Source There is also a move in the Middle-East to

indict Rothschild puppet Benjamin Netanyahu and/or force him to resign based on the following

information of 2 investigations:

Police are investigating Netanyahu over suspicions related to two separate issues.

In the first, said to be the smaller case, Netanyahu is suspected of receiving favors

and gifts from a number of wealthy businesspeople, one of whom appears to be cosmetics tycoon

and philanthropist Ronald Lauder, who has also been questioned by police.

The second investigation is the one that is being teased as a possible larger-scale bombshell,

but very few details have been made public as yet.

I would also like to share a couple of videos.

The first being of someone filming possible flashes coming from the Sun.

I�ll let you decide what to think.

It is very exciting if it�s real.

It�s almost like the sun is about to�sneeze?

The second video comes from China where once again the citizens recorded and reported that

they may be seeing through another dimension/reality/Density and viewing a large city with tall buildings.

This was reported in the past and the buildings actually appear to be similar in the present

and past images and videos.

One more thing I�d like to share with you all was something that just came out via mainstream

news source Sputnik about the European Space Chief saying we will establishing moon colonies

�rather soon�:

�The European Space Agency (ESA) director called a human colony on the Moon �more

or less fact� in a Wednesday press conference in Paris due to the enormous amount of work

being poured into a Moon village by numerous space agencies.

At present, numerous teams are competing for Google�s $30-million prize to be the first

to land a privately-owned spacecraft on the moon.

The current front-runner is Moon Express, which has raised $45 million to meet the Google


This is all I have for now.

We should anticipate more events about to occur but I wanted to document these now as

it seemed like a large amount of things that I thought needed to be saved and all in one

place and to give people hope that we are in the throws of the final breakthrough.

Much love as always everyone and Victory of

the Light!


For more infomation >> Big and Rapid Changes Occurring — Current Events & Intel Compilation - Duration: 11:57.


PAW PATROL TOY REVIEW Spy Chase Marshall Rocky Rescue Missions Adventure Playsets - Duration: 20:48.

- [Mr. Hands] Hey kids, it's the Paw Patrol

here on ToyTimeTV.

- It's the Paw Patrol!

- [Mr. Hands] Yes it is, hey Bobby,

what were you playing with?

- I was playing with Rocky's tugboat from the Paw Patrol.

- [Mr. Hands] That's right, Paw Patrol and Nick Jr.

We love watching the Paw Patrol on Nick Jr. don't we?

- Yeah!

- [Mr. Hands] We got a huge Paw Patrol haul here

on ToyTimeTV today!


Look at it Bobby!

- It's Rocky!

- [Mr. Hands] That's right it's Rocky,

we've got Rocky and Bettina

and what's that one in the front there Bobby?

It is Chase, spy Chase that is, and the penguins,

and look over there, it's Marshall and the baby whale!

- [Bobby] Wow!

- [Mr. Hands] Yeah, these are really neat

they're all the first wave of the rescue series.

- [Bobby] Wow, it's cool rescue play sets.

- [Mr. Hands] That's right, it's cool rescue play sets

from Spin Master!

♫ It's the Paw Patrol, the Paw Patrol

♫ We love the Paw Patrol on ToyTimeTV

- Yeah, we love Rocky!

- [Mr. Hands] (chuckling) Well Bobby,

he's becoming your favorite Paw Patrol pup.

- Yeah, he is 'cause he's kind, but I still like Zuma.

- [Mr. Hands] (laughing) You still like Zuma?

Well, I think we're gonna have lots of fun

and you kids at home are gonna have lots of fun

with us too in this family friendly video

where we're gonna unbox and play with

all these Paw Patrol pups

and we're gonna have a fun adventure

and we're gonna do some learning too!

- Yeah!


- [Mr. Hands] Yes Bobby, we're gonna have fun with colors.

- Whoa!

I love colors!

- [Mr. Hands] Okay Kids, you at home,

use your ToyTimeTV magic, and help us unbox

these cool Paw Patrol toys,

and you know how you do it right?

- No, tell us!


- [Mr. Hands] Okay Bobby, and you kids at home

what you do is you yell ToyTimeTV magic three times

with us, and the toys will unbox!

Here we go, are you ready?

- [Both] ToyTimeTV magic!

ToyTimeTV magic!

ToyTimeTV magic!


- [Mr. Hands] Paw Patrol Paw Patrol Paw Patrol

that was really awesome, it was an awesome unboxing

of the Paw Patrol rescue set, now each one of our sets

here is from a scene in the cartoon on Nick Jr.

Isn't that awesome?

Wow, I love new Paw Patrol, Paw Patrol is awesome

on our toy channel, well, I wanna play a fun game

and you can play along with me too,

it's called which color is the Paw Patrol pup?

Now which baby pup is this I have from the Paw Patrol?

That's right, this is Marshall, and this is

the Marshall rescue set where he saves the baby whale

in that fun cartoon episode.

Now what color is Marshall?

Marshall's color is red!

The color red.

Now what else is red?

Oh, that's right, my shirt is red.

My shirt is red!

Marshall's color is red.

And you know what else is red?

Fire trucks are red!


Marshall's fire truck is red!

I love Marshall's fire truck.

This is Spy Chase, and the penguins rescue set

where Spy Chase rescues the penguins,

what color is Spy Chase?

He's blue!

His color is blue.

Who else has a blue color?

- Did someone say blue?


I'm blue Mr. Hands!

- [Mr. Hands] I know you are Numba, you're blue

and Spy Chase is blue too!

That's Chase's color.

It's blue!

- And I'm blue!

- [Mr. Hands] This is Rocky and Bettina.

Bettina's a cow and she's got a bell.

This one doesn't ring, but this is Rocky!

We love Rocky, don't lose it, re-use it.

Now, Rocky's color is green, say that with me,

green, green means go, and what else is green?

Silly sludge is green, let's slime Rocky!


Rocky's been slimed by the silly sludge!


Oh, Bettina, you are a silly cow,

you need to be slimed green too!

Green means go.

Hey look, it's Rubble from the Air Patrol,

we had to bring him in special just for our colors.

Now what color is Rubble?

He's yellow!

Rubble is yellow!

What else is yellow?

Bulldozers are yellow.

Bulldozers are yellow!


And you know what else can be yellow?


Play-doh can be yellow, oh, look, we've got yellow play-doh

yellow Play-doh, wow!

This pup's gotta fly,

it's Sky from the air rescue Paw Patrol

now sky's color with the Paw Patrol is pink!


Do you know what else is pink?

Bobby's sister is pink!

And also, play-doh can be pink.

Ooh, I love play-doh.

Let's dive in with Zuma from the Paw Patrol air rescue.

We had to bring him over like the other ones

for this fun game, now Zuma's color with the Paw Patrol

is orange, orange!

Do you know what else is the color orange?

- Me, me, me, me!


- [Mr. Hands] That's right Bobby, you are orange!

- Wow!

- [Mr. Hands] So Zuma and Bobby are both orange.

Rocky and Bettina, Spy Chase and the penguins,

Marshall and the baby whale, these are fun fun sets.

I think we can go do a fun pretend time with them.

Let's use our imagination, and you at home can do it too

think really really hard, and let's go do

some ToyTimeTV pretend time.

- Oh no, on the central bay someone has left play-doh

all over the ground and Bettina, the penguins

and the baby whale have gotten stuck.


(bubbling sound)

- [Mr. Hands] Oh no, Betinna, the baby whale

and the penguins are all stuck in this

basically huge thing of play-doh,

I'll see if I can free them with my zipline.

Oh no, I'm stuck in the play-doh too,

I need my red friend from the Paw Patrol

to come help me, whose color is red in the Paw Patrol?

That's right, it's Marshall, Marshall is red!

I'm Marshall and my color is red in the Paw Patrol.

Let's get fired up, I've gotta go save the penguins

and also help Chase.

Hi Chase, do you need some help?

Yes I do Marshall, we're all stuck in this red play-doh

can you use your water cans to see if you can

get us loose?

Oh no Chase, I think I'm stuck too, I can't move either

this is a disaster, oh boy we need some help.

Marshall, I thin we need our friend that is green

in the Paw Patrol to come help us.

Whose color is green in the Paw Patrol?

That's right, it's Rocky.

Don't lose it re-use it.

Hey guys, what's going on?

Oh no, someone left a bunch of play-doh

in the middle of the floor, I guess you guys are stuck,

aren't you?

You are right Rocky, we really need help,

this play-doh is really sticky

and the baby whale, the penguins and Bettina

and Marshall and I are all stuck, can you use

some of your tools in your recycling truck

to get us out?

Green means go, I'll get you guys outta there,

Paw Patrol to the rescue.

Thanks Rocky, you really helped us out.

Now we gotta get this play-doh outta here too,

before someone else gets stuck in it.

Don't lose it re-use it.

I'll recycle it Chase, let me get it

into my recycling truck.

Alright play-doh, get in there, we're gonna take you home

and I'm gonna recycle you.

Well Paw Patrol we saved the day again

by rescuing Bettina, the baby whale and the penguins,

yay, Paw Patrol we're on a roll.

That was so much fun!

I love the Paw Patrol from Nick Jr.

And I love each of our toys that we have

with Marshall and the baby whale,

Chase, Spy Chase and the penguins,

and Bettina and Rocky, that was so cool.

Well, now let's look at each one of these toys

and talk about them and have some more fun

because parents, this is where I'll tell you

about each of the toys, and what's cool

and what's not cool about it,

and also kids, this will be where you get to find out

more about the toy too!

Hey look, it's Rocky and Bettina.

- I love Rocky.

- I love Bettina.

- [Mr. Hands] Yeah, Bettina's really cool

and so is Rocky, now this is a really cool play set

because it is a recreation of the cartoon

and this episode was really cool,

do you know where it's from Bobby?

- It's from the spaceship!

- [Mr. Hands] Yeah, that's right,

there was a little alien that crashed

and the pups had to go save the martian

and he got scared and put Bettina in a really large

bubble that was floating.


That's right.

With this play set from Spin Master

you get Rocky and Bettina, now Rocky,

like the other Rockys, he's not an action packed pup,

his head does go back and forth,

as you can see right there, and his little paws

do move, you can move them out and also move

his rear paws out, he can actually fly, look at that.


So that's neat, but he doesn't have

an action pack on his back, it's just a little piece

there that is supposed to look like Rocky's tool pack.

Now Rocky is a neat pup, his color is green

we love the color green and he recycles

'cause he means grow, or is it go,

green means go!

- [Bobby] Yeah!

- [Mr. Hands] That's right, green means go on Rocky

also in this play set too, you get Bettina

sorry Rocky, now Bettina is one of the very first

ones we've seen where she is in this

so we have another character we can add

to our Paw Patrol toys for play time,

now Bettina is not articulated,

that means her legs do not move at all

she's very stationary she has a little bell

on her, around her neck, that doesn't move

everything on Bettina is there, it's not coming off

'cause she is totally plastic,

and what's really nice too is, she stays straight up

and does not fall at all 'cause she's very flat footed

which is a very nice design.

The last thing that comes in the Rocky and Bettina

play set rescue set is this little piece of fence

so you can put Bettina on the other side of it

and have Rocky on this side talking to Bettina

so you can create a fun interaction

and recreate the cartoon with Bettina in it,

now that's really cool, isn't it?

Our next Paw Patrol toy is Spy Chase and the penguins

I love this episode too when he saves the penguins

with his zip line, now this toy recreates the cartoon

to the T, at least that's what they're trying to do

and this is the second one in the first wave

of the rescue play set when Spy Chase uses

his super spy gear to save the penguins

well you get Spy Chase, now Spy Chase's head

does move back and forth actually it goes all the way around

poor Spy Chase, his little back legs do move

and his little front paws do move

and he's got on the boots

'cause he his a spy and he's gotta have

his Spy Chase uniform.

Now his backpack has a zip line in it

but we can't use it because this is not an action pack pup

oh boy, it's not an action pack pup,

I love the action pack pups, but this is just Chase

with his backpack and he is ready to go save those penguins

with his blue uniform and his badge

He's gonna contact Rider here pretty soon.

Well that's the Chase that comes in the pack,

now we also get this cool little iceberg

that the penguins can sit on, it's made of plastic

see, that means it doesn't break really easy

even when you bend it around

and we can't do anything to it

'cause it's really nice 'cause it's not made

of anything else, it's just made of plastic

so you won't break it.

Now, we also get the little penguins.

Penguins penguins penguins, penguins penguins

we love penguins, now there penguins

they're not from Madagascar.


These little penguins need to be saved

and Chase helped save them we get one, two penguins

and this one's waving now they don't move either

we can make 'em move by moving around like this

but we can't make any of their arms move

'cause he's always got his arm up in the air

'cause he's always happy and waiving.

And they look a little bit different.

I like 'em they're really kinda cool

they're not really black on the back

they're more like a grey color

that's kind of neat too, I like that,

well this is a neat neat set.

It's Marshall, it's Marshall and the baby whale

and it's also got a cool ladder too!

It's really awesome, now Marshall uses his fire hose

and the ladder to help keep the whale from drying out,

now this one's really cool, because it comes

with three different things, I love whales

whales are really really neat.

Now our little whale that comes with this,

he is kind of a greyish color and he is made solid

he's not gonna break 'cause he's made of plastic

only made of plastic, plastic doesn't break,

which is really cool, now there's his eye,

it's really nice, look at that,

he looks like he's smiling.

Do you think that whale is smiling?

I think that whale is smiling.

And on the top of the whale lookey right there

it's a spout that water is supposed to come out of.

But we can't make any water come out of it

but we can pretend that water can come out of it

and, we can probably take this one in the bath too

'cause it's made of solid plastic

and solid plastic is lot better in the water

and there's no stickers on it or anything,

so we can probably take our little baby whale

in the bath with us when we do playtime

with the Paw Patrol, now whales are really neat

and this baby whale got stranded and Marshall came

to save him by putting his water can and his water

all over him, now, so with this too, you get a little ladder

and this little ladder's kind of neat

let's see if we can get it to stand up,

see right there, Marshall puts that next to the whale

so he can get on top and get all the water

all over the whale so it'll make it really wet

and make it wet not really dry

and the whale doesn't like dryness

'cause whales say dryness is bad,

we need to be in the water,

that's what he does,

and that's what Marshall does

he goes up the ladder and saves the baby whale

with his water cans, now we also get Marshall.

Now Marshall says, don't, no he doesn't say

don't lose it re-use it, that would be silly,

he says let's get fired up, 'cause he's got

a fire hose and he's a fire dog

and he also drives a fire engine like this one right here


Marshall's really cool, he's a neat Paw Patrol pup,

now our Marshall has, woo, his head spins around,

he is articulated in his head,

but we don't wanna just spin it around,

'cause that's not good, 'cause that's not

what dogs do, and we really don't want Marshall

to do that either, his little paws in the front

they move and the paws in the back move

so he can fly through the air if he wants to

and be super Marshall.


Well, he is a dalmatian puppy dog,

that means he has these little spots

and dalmatians have been used in fire trucks

and such for a very very long time

they are really neat.

Now his little pack on the back doesn't actually

do anything, it's not an action pack,

but we can use our imagination and pretend

that it has water cans.


Because he's a really cool imagination toy

and we can take Mister whale into the water

with us too, and we can have Marshall

go up to the top and see the baby whale.

- Whoa this was fun Mr. Hands.

- [Mr. Hands] Yes it was Bobby, it was so much fun.

Did you kids at home have as much fun

as we did here on ToyTimeTV ?

- Yeah!

- [Mr. Hands] (giggling) Well let me ask you a question

and you can answer it on your screen.

Which of these three toy sets did you like best?

Did you like Rocky and Bettina?

Marshall and the baby whale?

Or Spy, Spy Chase and the penguins?

You can answer that question right now.

Wow, that's a really really good answer.

- Yeah I love Paw Patrol!

- [Mr. Hands] I love the Paw Patrol too,

and if you love the Paw Patrol as much as we do here

on ToyTimeTV be sure to subscribe to us,

you can also click the like below and let us know

you liked this video, because when you let us know

whether you liked the video, we'll make more of them!


I love the Paw Patrol.

- Paw Patrol is cool!


- [Mr. Hands] That is cool!

Well, we'll see you next time here on ToyTimeTV.

That was lots of fun.

You can subscribe to ToyTimeTV and watch more

of our videos by tapping the little image of Bobby

in the middle of your screen,

or you can tap our other videos on the screen too.

(soft uplifting music)

For more infomation >> PAW PATROL TOY REVIEW Spy Chase Marshall Rocky Rescue Missions Adventure Playsets - Duration: 20:48.


Tesla: Autopilot 2.0 Car, Touchscreen Responsiveness and Software - Duration: 5:57.

couple of days ago myself and chalet

with to Highland Park Service in sales

center to take a look at the new

autopilot to quintal cars

unfortunately we didn't get to

test-drive but I didn't get to sit in

one and take some pictures so let's

start here we have one of the

sidemarkers redesigned it now has the

outside rear cameras built-in take their

shots and angle this is in the side

glass facing forward to take forward

wide-angle shots once on each side just

like the sidemarkers little hard to take

a picture of those with the reflection

the rear backup camera has been changed

it is a new design backup camera and it

does look a little more clear to me but

it also now features a built-in heater

to keep slush and snow melted off in the

dry and the backup camera also doubles

as a autopilot camera or excuse me at

times camp now in the front we have the

narrow field of view long-range camera

as well as a mid-range wide field of

view and a close-range extremely wide

field-of-view together these can not

only make a stereoscopic image for the

autopilot system or autonomous system

but it helps to drive and see at all

different angles and distances so we

took it except the car to take a little

look at the plate around the screen from

the inside basically the car x just like

any other current autopilot Neil car in

fact there's actually less available

features on this car then there were on

there are mine with autopilot one point

old so if we go to the driver assistance

screen and I didn't even bother talking

while recording this in the car

just because they had background music

and there's too many people so i'll just

do voiceover here now and pretty much

only thing is on the speed assist i

think i saw there's actually no

autopilot whatsoever there is traffic

where cruise control is active but

that's it

the actual autopilot started rolling out

the two-point no cars about a week ago

and it went two thousand people and it's

slowly being activated and further

vehicles functionality wise everything

else pretty much works exactly the same

there is no premium interior package on

this car so I'm missing a lot of other

features by one that someone ordered and

and just never took delivery sleeves as

the showroom model now a big big

difference also with the new auto pilot

2 point 0 / autonomous cars is the

center screen now I noticed a insane

increase and responsiveness of the

center screen with the new computer

system which is supposedly about 40

times faster than the Tegra 3 based

systems in the autopilot 1.0 and classic

model s cars

unfortunately I was trying to load i had

loaded my area

Tesla referral page on the browser we

figure we're not sitting there I believe

it up maybe you'll see it's a

thousand-dollar sure all discounted cool

but unfortunately the browser's still

isn't compatible always step up its not

compatible with a lot of new a lot of

different kinds of webpages or just

works fairly poorly it still needs a

full browser redesign but the overall

speed scrolling speed has increased

exponentially compared to first gens now

i also noticed this big time on the the

maps how the load time is still

same about the same as it was the first

gen maybe slightly faster than the 3 g's

how the car was actually on now the

service centers Wi-Fi that the f40 or 3g

ATT network but once it was loaded the

responses of the match just scrolling

around was considerably faster and even

resuming all that it was just much more

responsive opening closing of the apps

not something i did not show when i did

when i was playing with the center

screen was the quote unquote smart or

stupid to independently alright

preferred substances of the nav match

and the responsiveness of that soon

start soon I'll giving you hear top row

of icons back at first jet cars there's

just too much hesitation it was much

quicker all the language test will just

get rid of that feature off it all

together we have a 17 inch touchscreen

display we don't need it to zoom any

bigger for the match we can always go

full spring now yeah there's some the

same power to cinch there whatever they

did to bring it into the showroom here

that front door

otherwise everything else interior bias

was exactly the same

For more infomation >> Tesla: Autopilot 2.0 Car, Touchscreen Responsiveness and Software - Duration: 5:57.


D' Reacts to (silent but funny) - Duration: 6:16.

And another Reaction video





Where have you been

all of my life!

Watch the video!


The internet is a Weird place -2017

The Great Wrench Caper

I'm gonna build a dispenser



Heavens to bes- "XD"


Dr. Evil

Dr. Evil Villian XD



this is just



*Went to get some water*







oh god XD

Uh :I

Is that who I think is is?







Help I've been shot and I cant get u- XD




*losing my damn lungs*



oh god I'm dying XD

How am I'm dying when I'm Already fucking dead!





uh <:D













For more infomation >> D' Reacts to (silent but funny) - Duration: 6:16.


TEST DRIVE: 2017 Buick Envision AWD - Duration: 6:08.

despite producing recent flashy Auto

Show darling such as the average to end

of your contacts you again just offering

have never been a substitute for red

bull around CD headquarters

it's a sentiment that extends to the

brand-new envision compact luxury

crossover which fortune sound 17 begin

this first full year on sale baby desert

late 2016 model yet to completely

dismiss this China built crossover for

beans landed to overlook it sound

execution within an increasingly crowded

segment the envision ride on a platform

similar to that of the 2018 chevrolet

equinox filling the chasm and view its

lineup between the subcompact encore and

larger three Rohtang clay he's already

experienced both of its available four

cylinder engine and naturally aspirated

to dot five leader and the turbocharged

too dodgy religious and can confirm the

new view it's in the meat of the cross

over market

the invasion is within a few inches here

and there about you and considers its

arrival the acura RDX in the lincoln MKC

getting the 35 thousand dollars to

dollar fifty common loews case that the

envision range inhabits the alternatives

also include the audi q5 BMW x1 and x3

even the similarly you GMC acadia among

other the Buicks generic lifted wagon

design quickly stage into the scenery

when parking lot full of Avantia utility

vehicle save for its shiny waterfall

grille the envision is almost completely

devoid of visual character especially in

our test car is muted the galaxy silver

metallic paint 395 dollars our

particular example the range-topping

premium to model which starts at 45,000

885 dollars and climbed nearly fifty

thousand dollars with its added 1495

dollars panoramic thunders in the 1500

$45 driver confidence package adaptive

cruise control automated emergency

braking and surround view camera system

premium and premium to envision come

only with the two da 20 litre turbo

engine that makes the respectable 259

horsepower at 5,500 revolutions per

minute and 260 pounds to sort of torque

at 2,000 that significant upgrade over

the 197 horsepower to docs five-metre

also included is all-wheel drive which

unlike the optional system in lesser

models include the torque vectoring rear

axle that portions thrust from side to

side to help rotate the vehicle and

corners a smooth shifting 6-speed

automatic that engages top gear as

quickly as possible is the only

transmission offered

what you won't find in the envision is a

sport setting or paddle shifters behind

the steering mia there is an awkward + /

title on the gear shifter the despite

the premium with high-tech chatty

including the trick rear axle and GM

tiger strut front suspension a

multi-link setups it's out back the

incisions tuning very secure and

obedience road manners rather than extra


there's zero torch here under heavy

throttle this home field direction

entirely not in the assistance of

vectors for cat there is an admirable

job of diminishing understeer important

softly front suspension borders on

floating but there's enough discipline

and the bodies motions to keep the

handling relatively that moderate piece

premium versions also upgrade from

standard 18-inch wheels 219 sitting with

235 50 size tank and that's one noble to

all season tire which quickly and run

out of grip when pushed would help the

suspension moves out broken pavement the

invasion into a ride it stand out

feature and heard of overly thick

crossovers on big wheel




For more infomation >> TEST DRIVE: 2017 Buick Envision AWD - Duration: 6:08.


Harika Akustik Bir Şarkı Pantelis Pantelidis Seni Affetmiyorum - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Harika Akustik Bir Şarkı Pantelis Pantelidis Seni Affetmiyorum - Duration: 4:13.


Contour and Smokey Eyes Mini Makeup Tutorial | Belleza a lo Glam - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Contour and Smokey Eyes Mini Makeup Tutorial | Belleza a lo Glam - Duration: 2:35.


Inland empires best new music

For more infomation >> Inland empires best new music


Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"

For more infomation >> Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"


Riverdale (The CW) Luke Perry Interview HD - Duration: 1:32.

- Hey, you stopping by the site later?

- Dad, it's my first day.

- Well we gotta getcha going in the office.

So next summer you're not on the crew.

It's hard for anybody to be a single parent, you know?

And people step up to that challenge everyday.

That was one of the things I really loved

about this character was you know,

it wasn't flashy, it wasn't,

no sports car, no any of that.

It was just this guy drives a truck to work,

and he works hard, he's got dirt under his finger nails

and the only thing he cares about is putting

food on the table for his kid.

College takes you to business school.

Business school takes--

- Takes me back here.

To work for you in Riverdale.

- Not for me.

With me.

Fred would love nothing more than

for Andrew's Construction to be Andrews and Son

and I'd take Archie right into the business with me

and that sort of is what he's always intended to do.

The company would be yours.

The thing that you find when you're raising kids.

- No disrespect Dad.

- [Luke] You can't choose what it is that

your child gets into.

- I don't want it.

- Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't listen.

Whatever you decide,

be confident enough in it

that you don't have to lie.

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