Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2017

from the 70s.

Good evening I am trying


I am Rob Johnson.

We are live with breaking


Reporter: I am told it is the

third day police have swarmed

Barbara Lane.

They started with dogs on

Monday coming back with this

big equipment yesterday and


Don't be alarmed if police show

up, they will be looking around

for something, that is what the

caretaker was told a few weeks


Technicians in white suits

traipse in and out of the

building, the home said to be

abandoned for years.

Besides that several tents and


Delete investigators are for

more than an hour away.

Rolling Meadows police

confirmed this is all related

to the 1925 disappearance of

Michael Mansfield.

Detectives are coming the area

for evidence and/or remains.

It is unclear what pointed them

to this Joliet area property.

Neighbors recall relatives of

Russell Smucker lived here.

They say Smucker confessed to

killing Mansfield and another

woman chilly before his death

in 2011.

He was convicted of killing two

other people in the 1970s.

People who live in the area are

startled by the sudden crime.

Something that crossed my

mind was something bad happened

but then I thought maybe they

were getting yardwork done on


It is scary.

It happened so long ago but it

is a scary thought.

Reporter: Around 3:30 we saw

detectives approaching the

scene with what appeared to be

a sifter.

It is unclear if they found

anything of interest or when

they will be packing up and

going home.

For more infomation >> Officials Comb Joliet Area Home For Cold Case Evidence - Duration: 1:54.


Xcom №1 - Duration: 1:05:37.

For more infomation >> Xcom №1 - Duration: 1:05:37.


Peugeot 307 1.6-16V XSI - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 307 1.6-16V XSI - Duration: 1:14.


How to get world fastest internet for free - Duration: 3:39.

hey whats up guys it's axino.gamer here

back with another video and today

I'm gonna show you guys how to get

hundreds mbs per second

download speed and upload speed so this is a

legal method that you don't have to do

any hacking or something like that

another way into the very easy so first

google and search up rabbit such a

rabbit and Google this thing more

than just video chat

share your world like it don't want to

you have to sign up then your'e gonna

on yet been years around go to this


yep now when you're in this screen it helps a lot


so you can do anything you want to do

working ok

email sent so now you have to reapply

your email address i might skip this

part for sure

so now when you're back in this page and

plant just left right after he's done

with better flying address and under

verifying old that now we can I

accomplished go to youtube and yes you

can put your url year later afternoon

difference which one was different

yes well it's not taking you through

this like weird computer looking stuff

it's completely fine just like a new

computer is like you can go here is one

of the tub you can do anything one so

i'll go to lukla and test our speed

things done with now look at this now

look at the donald speed man look at the

speed it's so much

look at the speed though we see so much

feat that's like 349 199 megabits per

second and it's also upload speed is

more than the dollars piece that is so

you go and oversized happened in my life

uploads engineer slower so figures

enjoyed this video

make sure you like and scarred in peace


For more infomation >> How to get world fastest internet for free - Duration: 3:39.


how did mary tyler moore die mary tyler moore net worth mary tyler moore health - Duration: 1:51.

Actress Mary Tyler Moore, whose eponymous 1970s series helped usher in a new era for women on television, died Wednesday at the age of 80, her longtime representative Mara Buxbaum said.

"Today beloved icon Mary Tyler Moore passed away at the age of 80 in the company of friends and her loving husband of over 33 years, Dr. S. Robert Levine," she said

A groundbreaking actress, producer, and passionate advocate for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Mary will be remembered as a fearless visionary who turned the world on with her smile."

"The Mary Tyler Moore Show" debuted in 1970 and starred the actress as Mary Richards, a single 30-something career woman at a Minneapolis TV station. The series was hailed by feminists and fans alike as the first modern woman's sitcom

But that wasn't the role which catapulted her into stardom. Moore first found fame playing Laura Petrie, the wife on the "The Dick Van Dyke Show," which ran for five seasons beginning in 1961

In an interview with Conan O'Brien, show creator Carl Reiner said he auditioned more than two dozen actresses before Moore's reading marked her as the only one who could play Laura.

For more infomation >> how did mary tyler moore die mary tyler moore net worth mary tyler moore health - Duration: 1:51.


Namuuru | Official HD Trailer with English Subtitles | reThink, - Duration: 2:04.

which is my hometown ?

how does it look ?

i will marry him

who will have babies ?

ok, then

think and let me know

what is your decision, when you get there

a spark, a personality can change everything


did you come back ?

which is your hometown ?

i want to see my hometown


which is your hometown ?

For more infomation >> Namuuru | Official HD Trailer with English Subtitles | reThink, - Duration: 2:04.


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap


MLM Leads Online?

For more infomation >> MLM Leads Online?


"I'd Give it a Ten!" - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> "I'd Give it a Ten!" - Duration: 0:26.


Mercedes-Benz L 508 D openlaadbak 3 pers - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz L 508 D openlaadbak 3 pers - Duration: 1:08.


How to overcome Anxiety Attacks without medication - Duration: 9:42.


My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional mindfulness therapist and I offer online therapy

over Skype.

So how can we overcome anxiety attacks without medication?

This is a question that's I'm often asked and basically we have to understand first

of all what we're talking about when we're referring to an anxiety disorder.

So, normal anxiety is a natural reaction to changing circumstances.

Preparing for a test or exam, changing houses if you're moving.

Situations like that, changing partners and so on, these produce a natural kind of anxiety


But the characteristic of what we might call "normal anxiety" is that it's short-lived.

The problem of an anxiety disorder is that it's not short-lived, it persists, it is recurrent

It keeps affecting the quality of our life on a daily basis, it keeps coming back.

That is not a normal state of anxiety.

It's basically become a self-sustaining habit that recreates itself over and over again

when certain triggers are present.

For example driving anxiety.

So chronic driving anxiety or phobia is quite different than the normal kind of anxiety

we might experience when traffic is very heavy or when weather conditions change on the road.

So driving anxiety disorder is one in which we are propelled into panic attacks and to

extreme fear reactions by really quite normal triggers.

So in that case we need to find a way of changing the underlying habit that causes that anxiety.

This we can do through mindfulness therapy and other forms of psychotherapy that address

the underlying habits that is causing the anxiety.

Medications may have a place in some situations, but it's really important to understand that

medications are not going to change that psychological habit.

All medications do is relieve the symptoms for a while.

So, if you have persistent anxiety, an anxiety disorder, such as a phobia or such as OCD

or a panic disorder or agoraphobia or any other form of extreme anxiety, then you need

to look at the underlying psychological habits.

We can change that really by becoming more conscious of how the habit works itself.

The typical response that we have, usually, to any kind of unpleasant experience such

as anxiety is that we run away from it.

We try to avoid it.

We try to avoid the triggers that produce that anxiety.

But this really starts to strengthen that anxiety habit.

It means that we become more and more under the control of habit and that simply strengthens

the habit.

So, in Mindfulness Therapy we recognize this as a primary problem: avoidance and also aversion

to unpleasant emotional reactions.

That's really what feeds the habit.

Instead we turn consciousness and we develop a friendly relationship with our anxiety.

This may seem very strange and it may seem very hard to do, but it's actually not at


Once you start to actually change the direction of how you are responding to your anxiety

you will learn how to do this.

And it needs some guidance, and that's my job as a mindfulness therapist, is to teach

you exactly how to do this, how to change the relationship that you have to your anxiety

so that it doesn't control you, and so that you are not feeding it's blindly.

We learn to sit with our anxiety in much the same way as we might sit with a friend who

is in pain.

You learn not to become as upset as our friend, but rather to become a safe and supportive

person that is able to provide a space around that anxiety that's what helps the person

overcome their anxiety if we can provide that protective space.

Is very much the same with our emotions.

We learn to become friends to our emotions by creating a protective space around them

so that the emotions don't ignite further reactivity in the form of reactive thinking

and react to behaviors that feed that anxiety.

When you can sit with your anxiety in this way not reacting to it then you're creating

the ideal conditions in which that anxiety will begin to change itself and begin to heal.

And when you're not reacting then you can actually participate in is healing, you can

help it heal itself.

So we call this building the alliance between your True Self and Little Self.

The Little Self is the anxiety and other emotional habits that operate blindly out of consciousness

like any habit to feed that anxiety.

The True Self is that part of you that can observe the anxiety without reacting.

It's what can be present with the anxiety without becoming anxious.

So once you get that dynamic between your True Self, the observer mind and the Little

Self, the reactive mind, then you can begin to change those habits.

I will teach you how to do this during these online therapy sessions that I offer.

So if you'd like to learn how to avoid and overcome anxiety attacks without medication,

do please go to my website and then email me to schedule an online therapy session.

This approach of using mindfulness is very effective indeed, and most people see significant

changes after the first two or three sessions.

So if you would like to learn more about how to overcome anxiety attacks without medication,

please go to my website, learn more, and then email me and we can start to work on changing

these emotional habits.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> How to overcome Anxiety Attacks without medication - Duration: 9:42.


How might digital technology contribute to fostering inclusion in primary education? - Duration: 4:37.

I will be discussing how digital

technology contributes to fostering

inclusion in early years foundation

stage and key stage 1. Discrimination may

affect children learning English as an

additional language, gender or children

with a disability or additional

educational need. Schools have duties

under the equality act 2010, to 'make

reasonable adjustments to make sure

disabled students are not discriminated

against.' (DfE, 2016) Integration is where the child

in the classroom but isn't involved in

the same activity, whereas the child that is

included will be involved in the same

activity and can join in. This is

inclusion and is what teachers should be

working towards to ensure children are

valued and not discriminated against.

Teachers who include all will provide

children with the same opportunity as

the other children to reach their full

potential. As a requirement of teaching

standard five teachers must 'adapt

teaching to respond to the strengths and

needs of all pupils.' (DfE, 2011) Digital technology

can make a significant contribution to

enable children with additional

education needs to learn. The technology

enhanced learning research program

states 'to be without digital technology is

to be marginalised.' (TEL, 2011) Inclusive technology

provides schools with software devices

and communication aids for children with

additional educational needs. Tablets

apply an endless quantity of

applications to support children, Rhys

discusses how 'Apps provide visual magic...

they open up whole new interactive

sensory experiences for pupils. (Rhys, 2013)

Specialised equipment such as eye gaze and

assertive technology can support

children who have a physical sensory or

learning difficulty. The computing

national curriculum states 'lessons should be

planned to ensure that there are no

barriers to every pupil achieving.' (DfE, 2014) This

technology therefore helps to reduce

barriers in learning and helps to

support each child's ability to become

successful learners. Technology can be

integrated into the classroom to assist

learning for many different learners.

Visual learners process information and

benefit from seeing videos, diagrams,

graphs, maps and charts. Video-sharing

sites such as YouTube provides teachers

with the opportunity to show children

educational videos to help them

understand complex concepts visually.

The use of videos for visual learners is

supported by The Study Gurus who state

that 'videos are great resources for

visual learners.' (The Study Gurus, 2016) Another program is

Glogster. This is a program children can

use to make interactive multimedia posters

to visually collect and display data and

information. This can help students with

fine motor skill difficulty. Using google can

help children some applications and

street view can help to visually see

them. Another resource is an online

called Prezi, which children can use to

create visual presentations

independently. Kinaesthetic learners

benefit from carrying out physical

activities to process information. Software

such as interactive whiteboards or

Inspiration allows children to

manipulate objects around the screen to

create a map of information. Websites

such as Sporcle allow children to use

their keyboard to press buttons to

answer quizzes online. Children can

therefore use their fine motor skills

and physically move rather than just

listen to or view information. Expression

software such as Glogster as well as

being visual allows children to arrange

boxes and images rather than just have

them pre-arranged. Auditory learners

benefit from listening to information to

learn. Technology such as audio books

helps learners to enjoy stories and

information books.

This is especially helpful for students

who have difficulty reading such as

dyslexic partially or blind children.

Audacity is an easy-to-use audio editor,

which allows children to record and edit

audio. Programs such as ReadPlease allow

children to highlight a piece of text

and change it to speech that is read out.

Some children find it easier to work

with music playing. A social experiment

called Project Playlist, is a program

that makes it easy for auditory learners

to access free music to play while

learning. There are many more programs that

can support children learning visually

kinetically and auditory. Students

learning English as an additional language

can also benefit from technology. Becta

states that 'ICT is particularly

effective in providing pictorial support

for learning basic vocabulary.' (Becta, 2005) Computers

can provide very types of simulation

that can be used for collaborative

learning activities. Learning of concepts

can be supported with animation, 3D

images, text and sound to encourage

children with more language knowledge.

Translation engines and eBooks can also

help children's language development. Rowe

states 'iPads can help support children

with creating eBooks using both their native

language and English.' (Rowe, 2016) Using a child's

native language is supported by Cummins

who believes 'children learn a new

language more effectively when they

continue to use and develop their

heritage language.' (Cummins, 2000) I have experience

using technology including use of

whiteboards, laptops, Beebots and iPads.

Most of the time these were effective

editions however Bateman states '47%

of students claim teachers

need more training.' (Bateman, 2011) Technology is an

invaluable part of the future of

children's learning.

For more infomation >> How might digital technology contribute to fostering inclusion in primary education? - Duration: 4:37.


Love Hurts & Is Confusing

For more infomation >> Love Hurts & Is Confusing


The Last Enemy - Death

For more infomation >> The Last Enemy - Death


The Flash 3x10 | Borrowing Problems from the Future | CC. Español - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> The Flash 3x10 | Borrowing Problems from the Future | CC. Español - Duration: 3:40.


Red & Gold Nails | TakiyahLouise - Duration: 2:06.

Hi, I'm Takiyah Louise.

Thanks for clicking through to view my video on my Red & Gold Nails.

Let's get started!

First up, I apply my Unt Ready For Takeoff peel off base coat.

Then, I apply 2 coats of Bundle Monster's Creative Nail Art Polish in Crimson Red.

Next, I apply the first layer of Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat.

Then, I cut these gold Milv Nail's Design Water Decals that I purchased from What'sUpNails

to the size of my nail & soak them in water for about 10 seconds.

I take them out of the cup & slide the decal from the blue backing & carefully place it

on my nail.

Once on my nail I cut off the excess & continue to smooth any wrinkles in the decal before

adding the final layer of Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat to lock it on my nail.

Finally, I finish up my using my clean up brush & acetone.

And that's it for now.

I hope you enjoyed this video.

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Anything you do is greatly appreciated!

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And, while you're here now, you should check out some of my other videos.

Until the next video, take care.

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