Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2017


which means hand, foot, foot.

so the basic pattern is

right hand, right foot, left foot.

This can be used for a fill in,

or also for a groove.

Moving around the toms.

Play with

crash cymbal and the snare drum.

Let's make a groove with 2,4 snare

This one sounds

kinda similar with the double bass

triplet pattern

RLR, LRL, RLR.....

But little bit different from that one

so it sounds interesting.

For more infomation >> HFF double bass by Ryo Tanaka - intro feel of Kill the guy with the ball by Steve Vai - - Duration: 2:29.


Safe found in ditch - Duration: 0:51.
















<"i have no idea what's

inside of sounds like

there might possibly be some

loose change or some type of

metal inside of it because we

can hear that kind of rolling






For more infomation >> Safe found in ditch - Duration: 0:51.


Opel Corsa 1.2i-16V Onyx - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2i-16V Onyx - Duration: 1:16.


자전거로 쉽게 알 수 있는 뉴턴의 운동법칙 (한글자막) - 조슈아 맨리 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 자전거로 쉽게 알 수 있는 뉴턴의 운동법칙 (한글자막) - 조슈아 맨리 - Duration: 3:33.


The All-New 2018 Lexus® LS

For more infomation >> The All-New 2018 Lexus® LS


New Barbie™ Movie

For more infomation >> New Barbie™ Movie


Peugeot 206 SW AIR-LINE 1.4 * AIRCO * TREK.H. * - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 206 SW AIR-LINE 1.4 * AIRCO * TREK.H. * - Duration: 1:49.


Get more Views and Subscrib...

For more infomation >> Get more Views and Subscrib...


Make Better Client Videos

For more infomation >> Make Better Client Videos


Trump Didn't Freeze ALL Federal Hiring… Made Exception for Military! - Duration: 3:02.

Trump Didn�t Freeze ALL Federal Hiring� Made Exception for Military!

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday that imposed a hiring freeze

on all government workers �except for the military,� as he himself pointed out to


The order specifically stated that �no vacant positions can be filled, or new positions

created, unless an agency head deems the position �necessary to meet national security or

public safety responsibilities,'� according to a copy of the order obtained by The Hill.

It was presumed that the order would also permit an exception for the thousands of appointees

the president had yet to make to replace former President Barack Obama�s employees.

Met with applause by most on the right and jeers by most on the left, the signing of

this executive order was in accordance with Trump�s �Contract with the American Voter,�

a document released during the election pledging that he would impose �a hiring freeze on

all federal employees to reduce the federal workforce through attrition (exempting military,

public safety, and public health).�

Included among the naysayers were union leaders like J. David Cox Sr., president of the American

Federation of Government Employees.

�President Trump�s action will disrupt government programs and services that benefit

everyone and actually increase taxpayer costs by forcing agencies to hire more expensive

contractors to do work that civilian government employees are already doing for far less,�

he claimed in a statement.

Most Republicans disagreed with this ominous assessment.

�Given the $20 trillion debt and $500 billion deficit that President Obama left in place,

it�s not unreasonable for the new chief executive to pause federal hiring while he

evaluates the policies necessary to get our fiscal house in order,� Maryland state Rep.

Andy Harris, a Republican, told The Baltimore Sun.

During the regular White House news briefing Monday, press secretary Sean Spicer noted

that the primary purpose of the hiring freeze was to stop wasting the American people�s


�Some people are working two, three jobs just to get by, and to see money get wasted

in Washington on a job that is duplicative is insulting to the hard work that they do

to pay their taxes,� he said, according to The New York Times.

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about President

Donald Trump�s freeze of all federal hiring �except for the military.�

What do you think about this freeze?

Scroll down to comment below!

The video link for the video is in the article below in our description.

For more infomation >> Trump Didn't Freeze ALL Federal Hiring… Made Exception for Military! - Duration: 3:02.


How might digital technology contribute to fostering inclusion in primary education? - Duration: 4:37.

I will be discussing how digital

technology contributes to fostering

inclusion in early years foundation

stage and key stage 1. Discrimination may

affect children learning English as an

additional language, gender or children

with a disability or additional

educational need. Schools have duties

under the equality act 2010, to 'make

reasonable adjustments to make sure

disabled students are not discriminated

against.' (DfE, 2016) Integration is where the child

in the classroom but isn't involved in

the same activity, whereas the child that is

included will be involved in the same

activity and can join in. This is

inclusion and is what teachers should be

working towards to ensure children are

valued and not discriminated against.

Teachers who include all will provide

children with the same opportunity as

the other children to reach their full

potential. As a requirement of teaching

standard five teachers must 'adapt

teaching to respond to the strengths and

needs of all pupils.' (DfE, 2011) Digital technology

can make a significant contribution to

enable children with additional

education needs to learn. The technology

enhanced learning research program

states 'to be without digital technology is

to be marginalised.' (TEL, 2011) Inclusive technology

provides schools with software devices

and communication aids for children with

additional educational needs. Tablets

apply an endless quantity of

applications to support children, Rhys

discusses how 'Apps provide visual magic...

they open up whole new interactive

sensory experiences for pupils. (Rhys, 2013)

Specialised equipment such as eye gaze and

assertive technology can support

children who have a physical sensory or

learning difficulty. The computing

national curriculum states 'lessons should be

planned to ensure that there are no

barriers to every pupil achieving.' (DfE, 2014) This

technology therefore helps to reduce

barriers in learning and helps to

support each child's ability to become

successful learners. Technology can be

integrated into the classroom to assist

learning for many different learners.

Visual learners process information and

benefit from seeing videos, diagrams,

graphs, maps and charts. Video-sharing

sites such as YouTube provides teachers

with the opportunity to show children

educational videos to help them

understand complex concepts visually.

The use of videos for visual learners is

supported by The Study Gurus who state

that 'videos are great resources for

visual learners.' (The Study Gurus, 2016) Another program is

Glogster. This is a program children can

use to make interactive multimedia posters

to visually collect and display data and

information. This can help students with

fine motor skill difficulty. Using google can

help children some applications and

street view can help to visually see

them. Another resource is an online

called Prezi, which children can use to

create visual presentations

independently. Kinaesthetic learners

benefit from carrying out physical

activities to process information. Software

such as interactive whiteboards or

Inspiration allows children to

manipulate objects around the screen to

create a map of information. Websites

such as Sporcle allow children to use

their keyboard to press buttons to

answer quizzes online. Children can

therefore use their fine motor skills

and physically move rather than just

listen to or view information. Expression

software such as Glogster as well as

being visual allows children to arrange

boxes and images rather than just have

them pre-arranged. Auditory learners

benefit from listening to information to

learn. Technology such as audio books

helps learners to enjoy stories and

information books.

This is especially helpful for students

who have difficulty reading such as

dyslexic partially or blind children.

Audacity is an easy-to-use audio editor,

which allows children to record and edit

audio. Programs such as ReadPlease allow

children to highlight a piece of text

and change it to speech that is read out.

Some children find it easier to work

with music playing. A social experiment

called Project Playlist, is a program

that makes it easy for auditory learners

to access free music to play while

learning. There are many more programs that

can support children learning visually

kinetically and auditory. Students

learning English as an additional language

can also benefit from technology. Becta

states that 'ICT is particularly

effective in providing pictorial support

for learning basic vocabulary.' (Becta, 2005) Computers

can provide very types of simulation

that can be used for collaborative

learning activities. Learning of concepts

can be supported with animation, 3D

images, text and sound to encourage

children with more language knowledge.

Translation engines and eBooks can also

help children's language development. Rowe

states 'iPads can help support children

with creating eBooks using both their native

language and English.' (Rowe, 2016) Using a child's

native language is supported by Cummins

who believes 'children learn a new

language more effectively when they

continue to use and develop their

heritage language.' (Cummins, 2000) I have experience

using technology including use of

whiteboards, laptops, Beebots and iPads.

Most of the time these were effective

editions however Bateman states '47%

of students claim teachers

need more training.' (Bateman, 2011) Technology is an

invaluable part of the future of

children's learning.

For more infomation >> How might digital technology contribute to fostering inclusion in primary education? - Duration: 4:37.


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Namuuru | Kannada Short Movie | Official HD Trailer with English Subtitles | reThink, - Duration: 2:04.

which is my hometown ?

how does it look ?

i will marry him

who will have babies ?

ok, then

think and let me know

what is your decision, when you get there

a spark, a personality can change everything


did you come back ?

which is your hometown ?

i want to see my hometown


which is your hometown ?

For more infomation >> Namuuru | Kannada Short Movie | Official HD Trailer with English Subtitles | reThink, - Duration: 2:04.


Travis Scott - Outside Ft. 21 Savage (official) - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Travis Scott - Outside Ft. 21 Savage (official) - Duration: 2:55.


Constitional Court chief justice says impeachment trial should end by March 13 - Duration: 2:16.

The chief justice of the Constitional Court gave March 13th as the end date for the presidential

impeachment trial, citing concerns about disruptions due to upcoming vacancies on the bench.

Kim Ji-yeon starts us off with the move that could have a profound impact on this year's

presidential election Constitutional Court Chief Justice Park Han-chul

said Wednesday the impeachment trial should end by March 13th,... to coincide with the

end of Justice Lee Jung-mi's term.

"The final ruling of the trial should come out by March 13th the latest, before another

issue occurs in the current formation of the court."

He said the opinions of each of the nine justices are significant and bringing in a new justice

could have a negative impact on the trial outcome.

On top of that, this is to be Chief Justice Park's last trial, as his term ends this month.

If the court upholds the parliamentary impeachment motion against President Park, the country

must elect another leader within 60 days by law, so the election could take place at the

end of April or in early May.

If the court rejects impeachment, President Park will return to her duties and the next

presidential election would take place in December as scheduled.

In response, the president's lawyers said the timeline could put the court at risk of

overlooking crucial facts and arguments.... and suggested the court may be colluding with


"We were shocked by Chief Justice Park's remarks and can't help but question the court's impartiality."

"We've formally asked the court for a prompt decision as, without a leader, the country

is facing many uncertainties on the economic and security fronts."

During the morning session, former Culture Minister Yoo Jin-ryong...testified to the

existence of a blacklist of artists deemed critical of the government and said he was

ordered by the presidential office to exclude those on the list from government funding

or sponsorship.

"Ko Young-tae, Choi Soon-sil's close associate and the former head of The Blue K, a paper

company allegedly set up by Choi, failed to appear at today's hearing, but the court has

rescheduled his testimony for February 9th.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Constitional Court chief justice says impeachment trial should end by March 13 - Duration: 2:16.


Constitutional Court chief justice says impeachment trial should end by March 13 - Duration: 2:17.

President Park Geun-hye's surprise interview comes as clock starts ticking FASTER... toward

a verdict by the Constitutional Court in her impeachment trial.

The court has laid out a clear timeframe for the case,... saying it should be concluded

by mid-March.

Kim Ji-yeon tells us more.

Constitutional Court Chief Justice Park Han-chul said Wednesday the impeachment trial should

end by March 13th,... to coincide with the end of Justice Lee Jung-mi's term.

ed:paul "The final ruling of the trial should come

out by March 13th the latest, before another issue occurs in the current formation of the


He said the opinions of each of the nine justices are significant and bringing in a new justice

could have a negative impact on the trial outcome.

On top of that, this is to be Chief Justice Park's last trial, as his term ends this month.

If the court upholds the parliamentary impeachment motion against President Park, the country

must elect another leader within 60 days by law, so the election could take place at the

end of April or in early May.

If the court rejects impeachment, President Park will return to her duties and the next

presidential election would take place in December as scheduled.

In response, the president's lawyers said the timeline could put the court at risk of

overlooking crucial facts and arguments.... and suggested the court may be colluding with


"We were shocked by Chief Justice Park's remarks and can't help but question the court's impartiality."

"We've formally asked the court for a prompt decision as, without a leader, the country

is facing many uncertainties on the economic and security fronts."

During the morning session, former Culture Minister Yoo Jin-ryong...testified to the

existence of a blacklist of artists deemed critical of the government and said he was

ordered by the presidential office to exclude those on the list from government funding

or sponsorship.

"Ko Young-tae, Choi Soon-sil's close associate and the former head of The Blue K, a paper

company allegedly set up by Choi, failed to appear at today's hearing, but the court has

rescheduled his testimony for February 9th.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Constitutional Court chief justice says impeachment trial should end by March 13 - Duration: 2:17.


How might digital technology contribute to fostering inclusion in primary education? - Duration: 4:37.

I will be discussing how digital

technology contributes to fostering

inclusion in early years foundation

stage and key stage 1. Discrimination may

affect children learning English as an

additional language, gender or children

with a disability or additional

educational need. Schools have duties

under the equality act 2010, to 'make

reasonable adjustments to make sure

disabled students are not discriminated

against.' (DfE, 2016) Integration is where the child

in the classroom but isn't involved in

the same activity, whereas the child that is

included will be involved in the same

activity and can join in. This is

inclusion and is what teachers should be

working towards to ensure children are

valued and not discriminated against.

Teachers who include all will provide

children with the same opportunity as

the other children to reach their full

potential. As a requirement of teaching

standard five teachers must 'adapt

teaching to respond to the strengths and

needs of all pupils.' (DfE, 2011) Digital technology

can make a significant contribution to

enable children with additional

education needs to learn. The technology

enhanced learning research program

states 'to be without digital technology is

to be marginalised.' (TEL, 2011) Inclusive technology

provides schools with software devices

and communication aids for children with

additional educational needs. Tablets

apply an endless quantity of

applications to support children, Rhys

discusses how 'Apps provide visual magic...

they open up whole new interactive

sensory experiences for pupils. (Rhys, 2013)

Specialised equipment such as eye gaze and

assertive technology can support

children who have a physical sensory or

learning difficulty. The computing

national curriculum states 'lessons should be

planned to ensure that there are no

barriers to every pupil achieving.' (DfE, 2014) This

technology therefore helps to reduce

barriers in learning and helps to

support each child's ability to become

successful learners. Technology can be

integrated into the classroom to assist

learning for many different learners.

Visual learners process information and

benefit from seeing videos, diagrams,

graphs, maps and charts. Video-sharing

sites such as YouTube provides teachers

with the opportunity to show children

educational videos to help them

understand complex concepts visually.

The use of videos for visual learners is

supported by The Study Gurus who state

that 'videos are great resources for

visual learners.' (The Study Gurus, 2016) Another program is

Glogster. This is a program children can

use to make interactive multimedia posters

to visually collect and display data and

information. This can help students with

fine motor skill difficulty. Using google can

help children some applications and

street view can help to visually see

them. Another resource is an online

called Prezi, which children can use to

create visual presentations

independently. Kinaesthetic learners

benefit from carrying out physical

activities to process information. Software

such as interactive whiteboards or

Inspiration allows children to

manipulate objects around the screen to

create a map of information. Websites

such as Sporcle allow children to use

their keyboard to press buttons to

answer quizzes online. Children can

therefore use their fine motor skills

and physically move rather than just

listen to or view information. Expression

software such as Glogster as well as

being visual allows children to arrange

boxes and images rather than just have

them pre-arranged. Auditory learners

benefit from listening to information to

learn. Technology such as audio books

helps learners to enjoy stories and

information books.

This is especially helpful for students

who have difficulty reading such as

dyslexic partially or blind children.

Audacity is an easy-to-use audio editor,

which allows children to record and edit

audio. Programs such as ReadPlease allow

children to highlight a piece of text

and change it to speech that is read out.

Some children find it easier to work

with music playing. A social experiment

called Project Playlist, is a program

that makes it easy for auditory learners

to access free music to play while

learning. There are many more programs that

can support children learning visually

kinetically and auditory. Students

learning English as an additional language

can also benefit from technology. Becta

states that 'ICT is particularly

effective in providing pictorial support

for learning basic vocabulary.' (Becta, 2005) Computers

can provide very types of simulation

that can be used for collaborative

learning activities. Learning of concepts

can be supported with animation, 3D

images, text and sound to encourage

children with more language knowledge.

Translation engines and eBooks can also

help children's language development. Rowe

states 'iPads can help support children

with creating eBooks using both their native

language and English.' (Rowe, 2016) Using a child's

native language is supported by Cummins

who believes 'children learn a new

language more effectively when they

continue to use and develop their

heritage language.' (Cummins, 2000) I have experience

using technology including use of

whiteboards, laptops, Beebots and iPads.

Most of the time these were effective

editions however Bateman states '47%

of students claim teachers

need more training.' (Bateman, 2011) Technology is an

invaluable part of the future of

children's learning.

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