Thursday, January 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2017

Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition Modded

For more infomation >> Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Part 3 - Chapter 3 - Testing Mods as we go :D - Duration: 42:39.


Easy Friends | Micro Sketch | OGStudios - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Easy Friends | Micro Sketch | OGStudios - Duration: 1:28.


CAP Gerry GordonBrown MP4 - Duration: 13:46.

Hi everyone, my name is Gerry-Gordon-Brown and I am the director of the Kentucky Client

Assistance Program.

Before I begin I want to give you a little historical background.

First of all, the Client Assistance Program was established as a mandatory program resulting

from the 1984 amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Every state and territory must have a client assistance program, specifically the Kentucky

CAP program was started in the beginning as a pilot project.

You know we have to determine if there is a need, of course we know that there is a

big need.

After that time the program became a permanent independent service as part of the Commonwealth

of Kentucky.

We have been in operation 35 long years.

The Kentucky CAP has had four directors.

I started myself as a consumer advocate and I have been the director since 2000.

Sharon Fields was the very first director of the program starting in 1984.

From that, let me give you some specific information about our program.

The Kentucky CAP program is an independent state agency which is part of the Department

of Workforce Investment and is federally funded.

The Kentucky Client Assistance Program is an independent program established to provide

advice, assistance, and information regarding benefits available from rehabilitation programs

to individuals with disabilities.

Under the Rehabilitation Act, Kentucky CAP is required to play a substantial role in

state rehabilitation planning.

Programs that are funded under the act are Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Office

for the Blind, independent living centers such as Independence Place in Lexington and

the Center for Accessible Living in Louisville and also located in Murray.

Purposes of the Act, to empower individuals with disabilities such as myself, to maximize

employment, economic self sufficiency, independence and inclusion through comprehensive and coordinated

vocational rehabilitation services.

Independent living centers and services, research, training demonstrations, and equal opportunity.

Kentucky CAP can assist anyone with a disability in getting appropriate services from programs

funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Services from the program like Vocational Rehabilitation, Office for the Blind, and

independent living centers.

Kentucky Client Assistance clients are adults with disabilities who are looking for jobs,

training, devices (such as hearing aids, or other specialized equipment), home or van

modification, driver's education (to operate a modified van), and ways to return to school

in order to get a better job.

Anyone with a disability trying to get services from any of the programs under the Rehabilitation

Act of 1973 as amended is eligible for our services, under the Kentucky Client Assistance


Our services are free there is no charge for Information and referral, trouble shooting

such as advice interpretation of policies and regulations, mediation and negotiation,

working on communications for example.

Maybe you and your counselor are not in agreement or maybe you have different ideas.

Handling of administrative reviews and impartial hearings.

We sometimes have situations where we have to teach self advocacy or provide assistance

for a person with a disability in his or her appeals process.

That is, helping the person understand the rules and regulations and deciding on the

best position and argument to take.

Another service that we provide is providing answers to questions regarding the Americans

with Disabilities Act.

That is a very, very, important law that helps us to defend our rights in working and in

the community.

Some of the other issues that we are concerned about are communication problems, services

such as requests for computers, delays in services, (such as not paying a bill) or having

not ordered an authorized piece of equipment.

Choice of a vocational goal, maybe you and your counselor are not in agreement on your

vocational goal that is the purpose of coming to Vocational Rehab is to get a job though

we need to be in agreement on what training you might need.

Maybe you even need to go to school for additional training.

Rehabilitation Center concerns, the Rehabilitation Center is located in Thelma, Kentucky they

have many training programs there.

Also, you may have a disagreement about a piece of equipment and the list can go on.

Some of the important things that you as a client needs to do is to understand you may

expect certain services from your rehabilitation agency or program that individual also has

important responsibilities in order to make the program work.

Some of these you and I need to take responsibility for our part.

Work with your counselor, you and your counselor are a team.

Keep all of your appointments and be on time, help collect information, such as information

from your doctor and from school.

If you are a student in school by all means keep your highest grade possible.

Keep that grade point average as high as possible and carry a full load, a full number of hours.

At the agency we don't get involved in the following situations, such as if the person

is getting a divorce, if there is bankruptcy, there is a criminal case, food stamps, or

social security.

Some of these situations are definitely connected to clients but we only get involved in that

in a very limited of services.

A limited situation.

We don't get totally involved in that.

We will talk about the appeals process.

If you as a consumer are not in agreement with your counselor you do have a right to

request an appeal.

But I want you to first remember not to be afraid, we are your friends, we will work

together as a team.

Okay, my caseload is anywhere from 35 to 40 cases per year.

Out of the twenty years that I have worked for the Kentucky Client Assistance Program

there have only been approximately five cases that go all the way to court.

Most of the cases are solved at the administrative level, okay.

The appeals process procedures are established by OVR, OFB, and independent living centers.

We work together as a team, okay.

As counselors or staff representing any one of the previously named agencies, you must

notify the applicant or client of his or her rights to obtain a review of the determination.

If you are in disagreement that affects the service, you need to talk about it and discuss

it with your counselor and then also you can have a Kentucky CAP advocate to represent


They must tell you of the availability of Kentucky CAP services.

The Kentucky CAP advocate must do research to determine if the applicant or client has

a valid case.

By first speaking with you requesting permission to contact the counselor and obtaining a copy

of your case file with a signed release.

No services cannot be suspended, reduced, or terminated while the appeals process in

going on.

Occasionally it is discovered that the applicant or client has no merit for Kentucky CAP services.

For example, in my twenty years of service I have had a case that was where the client

falsified information.

The client also ended up having to go to jail.

So therefore, that is a legitimate reason to close their case.

Because they had falsified information.

I mean you know yourself when you fill out an application you are expected to tell the


That's a rare occasion but it has happened.

Therefore the client has no merit for Kentucky CAP services.

The applicant or client may have the right to pursue one or more of the following appeal

processes and be represented by a Kentucky CAP representative such as myself, I am a

non-legal advocate.

The applicant may choose one of the following: negotiation, administrative review, or informal

dispute resolution, mediation, impartial hearing, or go to state or federal court.

In my cases and in my years of service we have been able to successfully find the solution

at the administrative review level.

I am very happy to say that.

We don't go to court unless it's absolutely necessary and if there is absolute merit.

Okay, I want you to know how to contact my office.

Any counselor such as the counselor for the Office for the Blind, Office of Vocational

Rehab or independent living centers has information on our program.

We also have a website and it's

We have a toll free number and that number is 1-800-633-6283.

Individuals also may call our office at area code 502-564-8035.

As for myself being that I am hearing impaired, I have a direct line and you are more than

free to use that.

My direct line number is area code 502-564-3421.

We also have a fax number and that number is area code 502-564-1566.

If you prefer to mail information to us we can be reached at Kentucky Client Assistance

Program, 275 East Main Street, 2nd Floor, Mailstop 2EJ, Frankfort, KY 40621.

Again, we are here to help you in terms of getting a better job, going to school, but

by all means feel free to call us.

Our services are free.

As an example, I am a client of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation they have assisted

me in many ways to get a better education from Kentucky State University.

Also they provided assistive listening devices for me which caused me to be very independent.

So I encourage you to call us if you so need our services.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> CAP Gerry GordonBrown MP4 - Duration: 13:46.


Audi TT 1.8 5V Turbo quattro - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi TT 1.8 5V Turbo quattro - Duration: 1:07.


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For more infomation >> Triplez La Vitesse De Votre Connexion Internet Grâce A Cette Simple Astuce - Duration: 2:19.


LONDON GRAMMAR - Rooting for you - FRENCH COVER by ILLE. - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> LONDON GRAMMAR - Rooting for you - FRENCH COVER by ILLE. - Duration: 3:44.


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For more infomation >> How To Edit Videos | Edit Videos In Camtasia Studio 9 - FOR BEGINNERS - Duration: 13:22.


Awesome Coca Cola Experiments! Delight your children! - Duration: 1:33.

Awesome Coca Cola Experiments! Delight your children!

For more infomation >> Awesome Coca Cola Experiments! Delight your children! - Duration: 1:33.


Indonesia in SL (Sign Language & CC). - Duration: 0:55.


Indonesia ?

West Papua and Papua New Guinea,

Many thanks to Dick (Indonesia) ...

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