Thursday, January 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2017

thank you everyone for being here tonight wow this has been a really

exciting bizarre humbling few days of like never making art that other people

see that I'm not before me because I'm a performer so I'm like reading a poem or

I'm dancing around i'm taking my clothes off and it's like you know we're having

a relationship and I'm just like

there you are just sitting in the chairs looking at this stuff and I can't

respond to you about

so it's it's a new thing you wish thing but the response has been really

wonderful so thank you

so today is pretty pretty chill i would really love people ask me questions I

would not ask me anything

I'm i'll just sell it tell you don't want to answer if you've seen the work

before like in the past few days and you want to ask questions if you're seeing

it for the first time you're like what does that mean

I thought I would start with a poem so for those that don't know every piece

that's a series has a corresponding poem that goes with it and I didn't get to

read all of them on the one opening but i would like to share this one with you


so this poem corresponds with the peace in the Middle pain map which is the

white background in red stitching

when did the pain start that depends on what you mean by when and pain and start

you see there that sunken-in part around my heart

that's the moat that that developed around my ability to feel and give love

the water is mostly tears and it's full of scorpions that Fisher after like like

a fish year after an earthquake that formed right around my mom died but it

didn't really start to fill up until later when I realized that she wouldn't

be back

now if we're taking a wide when I came into the world on the ways of a trauma

so not to mention all of the pain and heartache and ache and grief

I carry in my Merrill from my mirror and not so near ancestors

oh oh you mean the pain that can be diagnosed

oh when I was like 12 or 13 juvenile fibromyalgia

huh did I experience a trauma at that age?

no no no no

well the summer before I turned twelve i did officially get a step monster

stepmother and not just any stepmother but the kind who validated every single

fear that disney movies had planted me with cold


I can't handle that echo, ok a cold

unkind, she didn't like kids, it's in the gas lighting and the drinking and the abuse

I cried throughout their entire wedding

it was my first time being a bridesmaid my cousin took me to see my then

favorite musical west side story on the big stage and I cried through all of

that too

it remains the consolation prize i won

well they went on their honeymoon so sometime after that I started

experiencing a searing pain in my back

it was really raw and splitting and it would steal my breath

at this point i already had generally uninvestigated chronic headaches and

foot pain

so this was kind of the maraschino cherry atop my pubescent shit sundae.But

children don't get back pain and you have those headaches because you read

too much

you're just out growing your shoes that's all you're always crying for

something anyway all that swelling around my spine

that's going to impact of every time I was told I was somehow making it up or

that it wasn't as painful as i described or do you mean the self-inflicted pain

began its cutting and moved to piercings and finally tattoos

the pain that I made visible. The scars that remind me of the madness and the

mire that I've made it through the glimmer and shadow of the jewels armor,

gold rhinestones, gems, bits and bits were punctured just to live that have served

their purpose

the tattoos that steadily cover more and more of my body

the process of trembling under the needle for hours after hours

the ink input and blood pooling together working out how they're going to coexist

those grotesque days of scabbing and gracious days of shedding and once

revealed the healing now complete

there's only beauty left pain detectable outwardly or otherwise is the natural

state of being for this meeting, for this body.Does this hurt?

that depends. Thank you.

Does anyone want to ask me a question?

I'm happy to talk until you think of some.So I thought I would share a little

bit about where all the all these ideas came from and I spoke a bit about it

on the opening that I have a we have a pretty good relationship, my

muse and I.

Now when they were like, so you have this idea, it's going to be five quilts and

I was like I don't know... five quilts is kind of a lot, you sure it's one quilt? no no Mel,

it's five quilts.Okay, okay fine. I can do five quilts.

Dear tangled, can I please do five quilts?Sure! So then I was artist in residence

and it was great and I was like yeah yeah yeah I'm doing 5 quilts... yeah yeah yeah.

These five quilts next year, totally going to happen, these five quilts. These five

quilts? Oh, I'm making 5 quilts, you're making five quilts? I'm making 5 quilts.

Totally gonna happen.Totally gonna happen. I can do it.

Hey Mel? yeah? So that third one, they're not actually going to be a quilt... Can you

like weave six different tapestries that kind of represent your ancestors?

That's kind of a lot... I don't know if I can do 6 tap-

no no it's gonna be this person and this person, so these are tapestries? Good,

ok fine, fine. So Mel, Mel? Yes? There's just one more... You know that one you've been

working on? The one by hand? It's like your astrology quilt.

Um...I know you weren't going to finish it include in the exhibition, but could

you just like wrap it up and like include it?

I mean I don't know... it's like it's all done by hand, it's like it's gonna take me

a long time. No, but it's really important. you gotta do

it. Mel, Mel do it. Tada!

so I feel like I had some choice, but not a ton of choice in

um in kind of what you see here, but it wasn't you know

wasn't like a rude obligation. it was like this process of two years the past

two years of being in a really close relationship to all of these ideas and

all these themes and thinking about them constantly

like I was thinking about fabric and patterns and textures and stitching and

like stitching positions and weaving positions and what kind of snacks to

have at the studio and and all sorts of things over and over again and one of

the biggest questions that I get is like, how long did it take you to do stuff and

it's a funny question because spoons and crip time and like time...

not really being the same for everybody like I feel like I went to

another dimension in order to complete all these things... we like don't know where the

hours came from. But for example, this piece, older still, took me about a year

and a half

and it's all done by hand and I'm really happy with how it turned out. It just took a

really long time.

Who knows about astrology?

Come on... I know there's some homos in here that know about astrology... So this is

my birth chart.

It's super personal if you're into astrology, to look at it. If you're not

into it, you don't know what it means but if you're an astrology


this is very personal and so if you don't know, a natal chart is... everyone is

so welcome because time is not linear so please come and make yourself so

comfortable. Um so a natal chart is kind of a snapshot of the sky and all

where all the planets were and stuff the second that you were born

and I've had a lot of lovely reading and stuff by people to learn a lot

about how astrology is played out in my life and it's become a huge part of my

spirituality and so I wanted to share this peace with you and I really like

that it starts the show because just been together for like a really long

time like we traveled, we've flown places like we've had to like undo stuff and go

back together I've had to like learn new skills to finish it.

Overall, I'd say one of the most kind of like thrilling things that has come in

the end result of making all this work is all the skills that I got to learn so

i learned how to do a whole cloth quilting

I wanted that tapestry is like a year ago I didn't know how to knit

I didn't know how to weave a year ago and that way and I love doing it

different things different things that I've picked up that have really helped

form how I envision things and really when I say like divine

intervention it was like things just like that one was going to be about


There was a map and it was anatomy and that one was going to be some kind of like

planetary sunset sort of thing because it was in space and it was in space from

the second I got the got the thing and that one was always going to be all black

because all black everything and it's been super bizarre to sit here and be like

they look like they look like how my mind made them and it's like my hands

did those things... I still don't make sense of that. I sold

all those things. I cannot comprehend it like when I was bringing them in and I

was like, this is a lot of a lot of stitching and like all this, one

by one

what?Like stitch by stitch and it's just like I've never done anything this big.

I've never worked on anything this hard since I was like in school and working on like

an essay about Shakespeare cause that's the kind of nerd that I was. Um and it feels

really amazing to be able to show and to talk to you which is why don't you ask

me questions to talk to you about what it's like to be in this body making this

work and there was a lot of times that we're really really really hard

because like my hands were cramping and like this one,

this last MF ER like we were like, you are so done so i had the trim and we're

going and it was like the last couple of days and my machine is like full and

fuzzy and hot and what they were doing this is happening and then I did it and

it was like I don't like this

I'm gonna need to undo it and do it again... Then he said, really? Muse? personally

like the last one like we're so close and it was like actually, no. I don't like

it at all. You have to do it again.

So we did it again and

and it was like, when I was kind of doing the zig-zaggy parts, my hands started

cramping but I was like so close and It was just this thing of like, okay

listening to my body but also deadlines and also being sick but also being like

oh it like being accountable to other people and yeah it was it was just like

a constant negotiation to be like do I push myself or do I go home? Or like,

am I gonna, what

what are the consequences of me asking this much of myself right now and the

consequences are like a lot of pain and being really really tired and eating

weird things at weird times like eating dinner at 10pm... a lot and like going to

bed at 4am because I couldn't get out of that cycle for like a couple of weeks

and yeah that's just like something I want to have a conversation with and

just be like what

what does that mean for us to expect a thing from ourselves and fulfill that

thing even if it's really hard.

Um...another piece that was really hard was, The black matter excellence.

Um..I have been, so if you haven't looked at that piece

it's embroidered with names of people

Um so ok, backtrack. The pattern, the traditional quilt pattern is called

flying geese and when I think about geese and when I think about Fox, I think a

lot about Adrienne Maree Brown and Emergence and Dandelions and the ways that she

talks about how how a flock of birds can communicate with each other without

communicating and how they know where they're gonna go

you know because of trust and patterns and energy vibrations, right? and how that

happens all the time every year with so many different kinds of species that

they find their ways find ways to move together in pretty unique ways and

I was thinking a lot about what it means to like join as black people with Black

Lives Matter and try to like move towards this like a thing of not being

killed of you know not being hunted

and what that would be like to like move together and what it's like right now to

move together across like many different countries and cities and communities

just trying to like exist like just trying to be free for so many years and

how you know we're trying to like do this really we're just trying to like

get past this kind of genocide.

And what happens is, they're being killed right and so we're trying to do this and

then people are like bringing us down

and so I was like what what is it like when we keep losing the birds that were

in flock with and it sucks

that's what it's like it sucks. But as I read in the poem, and I can talk about it

later. But alongside the experience of grief, of the particular kind of brief of

being a black person right now, or for like the past 500 years is alongside that is

like all the I mean all the activism at its base that like all the power that

comes from trying to like make yourself matter and so how many years of like

amazing like revolutionaries and leaders and people that like like holds so much

power for people to keep going and like those aren't forgotten like they're not

in isolation like I didn't learn about like I didn't learn about Trayvon

without learning about other people I didn't learn about my ground without

learning about black lives matter and so it wasn't

it's not for me

part of what makes me be able to keep kind of flying up is like knowing that

we are finding power and we are getting stronger but there is just a lot of like

people taking us out on our flock right and yeah and so that pattern i wanted to

kind of mess with geese and mess with order

and the kind of umm almost like routine, complacency that comes with a lot of

people are killed at once or in a lot of in a row and when you're hearing the

same story over and over again on the news like what that does to various

kinds of people and whether you ignore it or whether you see it you're like

that hurts

oh well whether you see it or like that hurts i gotta go to bed for a few weeks

like or whatever it is I'm and the fact that it's like a ticker-tape just - I

wanted to kind of draw people closer to some of those names and for me the names

that I picked where folks that specifically affected me when they died

like the moment I remember the moments of all those people

when I learned about them and it was really really really hard to work on.

Umm.... the names were the last thing I did like I finished most of it

for like months and months ago but I was like I couldn't I couldn't write them

on, I couldn't sew them on, I couldn't like it was just

it was just really difficult it was just really hard to like sit with these

people that I really mourned but i never knew that I wanted to remember but i

never knew, right?

Um and sometimes it was a little bit easier by the end. I had wanted to add people

that had been, that were killed last week and I couldn't fill their names and so I

had really

blessed, lovely, queer brown community come and be like oh no no no

this is not a job at a black person has to do right now I'm going to take this

and I'm going to sew until one in the morning so that you don't have to do

these names and that was probably like the most blessed thing that happens like

it was really amazing and that person isn't here, so I'm not going to shout them out.

Um...something I wanted to speak to that kind of relates that is like how a community

like made this happen

like people fed me, people like fed my cats, people brought me snacks people

send me text people send me texts, people sent me so many texts that were like I

know what's your last week or like here you go and like I'm really excited about

this and I was like who are you? Who were these people that were excited about the stuff

that I'm making?I don't get it... but it really helped. And every time I would

what kind of really kind of kicked me into an excitement year was in October

or the fall of last year, I did an event with another disabled artist,

Ellery Russian BT Russian at unit 2 and we did kind of like a work in


comics, text, textile thing and the night before

we're like talking about what we're going to do when going over stuff and my

like 20 pound cat was like sitting on your lap like being adorable and it was

like shooting the shit and stuff they're really into cats they have two

exceptional cats.

I'm not going to talk about cats more than like a little bit and so i was just

I had planned to do one thing... like a few palms or whatever and I was just telling

them about the exhibition at the show and I was like oh yeah and i'm like

doing these X amount of pieces and it's kind of like this and they went through

and I talked about each kind of piece in the series like each kind of section of

the series and they were like have you told anybody that and I was like no just

I'm kind of like working on it like I'll be done in like a year it's fine they're

like I think you should

that was a bit like can you do that for your present that was really cool that

your presentation and I was like but it's just like my work

they're like no nobody wanna hear that stuff like go and so we I totally we did

a presentation and they made a powerpoint that night and then I was

like, hey people, this is this thing that i'm working on that's a work in progress

and it's kind of like this and people were really into it and come on in and

I have not had that experience before because like writing is so like like huh

and you know that's great but it's not always the public and not always super

like hey i just wrote a poem about these really awful hard things

want to read it? It's hard to do that... poets no.But there was something about people

being like excited about the pace that i was going to do the things that i was

going to do that was really really validating and really surprising because

I feel like everything is just got a really fast and it's art didn't have to

happen quickly you're right you know got to let people know in these ways and I

don't I don't I don't even know how to qualify it by time but like so many of

these pieces happened in the last like six weeks like that would take me a year

and a half that when i finished last year

But this one like, I finished in the spring. But like these little tapestries were

one night each for one day each.

The other thing about it is that a lot of it was improv all the weaving was

improv and so I would you know

watch some videos of like Audrey talking or I would like watch these really cool

interviews with Octavia on Charlie Rose and she was like no that's not what I'm

writing about this is what i'm reading about and like the really beautiful

interview with basket and like talking about his art and stuff and I would sit

with them and then I would be for them and we with them and this is what they

wanted me to do so they just kind of happened

but yeah like it took a long time but it was all up here like it was all the

poems and all the layouts and all the feelings or appearance i was just once I

got my hands on the things that just kind of happened in a way I mean a lot

of work but it did happen

I'm going to stop talking in case anyone wants to ask me anything

it's okay if you don't but i love it if you would

hi hi Jerry you can you



finish structure

object this







thank you so yeah you spoke about kind of the disorganized and so each piece of

the people that I picked who spoke to me were what kind of inspired the whole

ancestor piece was the fact that I get to sit here and talk about being a Crip

artist and be like this is really painful

that took me a really long time or whatever and that you know that about me

and that like I i get to be really clear about this part of my existence as you

learn about my as you read my poetry as you get involved in my heart and there

are a lot of folks who came before me he didn't get to do that and so Audrey and

you in particular both lived hell along with cancer in like a lot of pain and

you know Jim talked about like you can stop working and she she couldn't have

to mark papers while she was like in cancer pain and so the pieces are that

the tools are partially what they used and also almost like us a symbol of what

they kind of had to like give up and we know about their illnesses and there

and their communities they've gone right like we know now that basket was in like

he was in a really bad car accident was younger and it affected his body like it

affected how is affected is paying like it affected his whole system but he

didn't want to get stuck with 27 like he didn't get to talk about that because he

was a prolific like you know like life-changing artist and how do you in

that moment

talk about being in really physical pain or not being able to do the exhibition

with andy warhol because you feel really crazy when people are like can I have

more tho can like can you make me more continue to make me more amazing

beautiful inspiring art about your pain but don't tell me about your pain and so

that's that's kind of what I was really thinking about with these pieces and

octavia like no lived with like mental complexities and was like this amazing

hermit and and how she lived and that affected have the things that she made

it and affected if I could have she died and i wanted to just have as much like

rimming beautiful foliage because that's where she died like she don't like you

know covered in trees and you know around her house where she liked me this

like amazing nest but like the result of being someone who needed a certain kind

of isolation and the fact that people are like the case you're kinda famous

and your kind of permitted so I'm just going to like peace out while you do

your thing i'm not going to check and necessarily

I'm maybe not going to show up because maybe you don't need me - because you're

famous and you live alone

and I'm just gonna cause for one second

and so it was really it was very like it was hard but also really feeling feeling

to be able to like work on those pieces together together with my ancestors

yeah yeah


thank you




so yeah so the question was if one of the tapestries symbolizes and my mom

more than one of the others and like with doing the doing the self-portraits

something is true that I look a lot like my mom like we kind of look like the

same person

so much so that the portrait that i have in my arm when I'm like in places with

like curious ways of understanding tattoos people are like did you get a

portrait of yourself and I'm like I did

yes I got a massive portrait of my own face on my body

so anyway and so what we've looked a lot alike for a long time and about 10 years

ago now i got a massive surgery on my face in my jaw and it completely changed

i looked for like a year and a half and it fucked me up like hardcore because it

was like this is no this is the face that I like this is this is what i get

like this is the space that I get this is this body that the blood in my body

is like what I get to be with her I get to look at myself and see what she looks

like and then it was gone for like a while and kind of I have a really

different relationship to my face now and like I'm not I don't actually like

see what people see like when I see pictures and stuff because i still see

where it was swollen and i still see like like where it didn't move back or

whatever and i had to do a lot of like reckoning around her memory and face and

I wasn't prepared to do that at the time

and so there's something about working on these portraits and being

I mean it was it was improv and it was like what it was like the materials that

i was working with her just kind of like his bedside connected or collected over

years and i would say like especially with the self-portraits like she's just

like part of the part of the world like and particularly because I went away

with such a like a long long game story but i'm going to try and like make it


I went away and I didn't know I had some family and I met some family and it

turned out we all look like me look like my mom

and so I've had the last like a few weeks of being like it was only it was

just our faces like it was just me and her

that looked like and have this kind of similar face stuff like for a long time

and then now all of a sudden I have aunts and cousins and uncles and nieces

and nephews and grandnephews that like share this space and

that's just been like this really powerful like like oh it's okay

and I'm not the only one I don't have to do all the job of like remembering what

you look like or like it's not like it's not up to me being the kid that I am to

carry all of the weight of her memory and so that's been really healing but

yeah it's a she's like yeah yeah

thank you

any other question


so I couldn't work at home because i have two cats that shed so much that

when i was working on this one like we had to like I had to put . so i was like

i am weaving your entire body into the 50s and i would love to not do that

so that was definitely part of our relationship the amount of like lint

roll that I have gone through just to like get these pieces not allergic to

people when they get in here is like a whole thing and I'm you

so a couple years ago i heard i think it was i want to say it was like a story

about Tom Waits or something like that

I heard the radio and he was in a car he was driving and he got like an idea for

a song like right away you have anything to write it down and stuff and he was

like listen if you really want me to have this song you're going to give it

to me when I can actually write it down and do something with it otherwise you

can give it to somebody else but I cannot do anything right now so we're

going to have a quick conversation about like timing and I was like you can talk

back to them like we can like have a conversation about like how you're going

to show up

and so this whole like the music thing has been like a huge exercise

interesting my intuition which is really hard for me to do is like a trauma baby

and like all the different things that I live with and like trusting that I make

useful choices and so there was this freedom and being like I did just like

all five the first five a rove rove arrived arrived to English major

arrived and um and I didn't understand like I was like I didn't I never I've

never really understood how my poems were just kind of me or how like

whatever I would make was just like blah and I'd be like people like a whole can

write this thing and I was like I actually just actually just did like it

just came out of me and it when i was i want to say like nine

I wrote the first poem about my mom like the first time i've written about my mom

dying was when I was about nine and it just like the name of this poem and I

was like I'm 9 i'm going to bring this to school and show my teacher and so I

brought this lake

you know double Scorpio kid poem about like my mom dying to my teacher and she

fucking lost it like in the class and she's like wailing classmate was like

literally know what to do with this at all the reading is that doesn't like

words do that to people like that's like really i'm sorry i had the hard thing

you're having like a really hard too much into it and I my kid and I don't

really know what to do with your feeling but they've always kind of just like

come through me and it's been a really hard thing to trust because for all

sorts of reasons

and so in this the past couple of years has been like there wasn't ever there

was never like any doubt

I guess I have a lot of doubt and other things and so there was never any doubt

and what the use

we're and so that kind of gave me the time almost to be like like

just ask a lot of questions I'd like okay well what if i don't do one like

they would get card readings and stuff to be like it's okay if you don't finish

it and I'm like okay but what if i don't do one that I would like sit on it and

it would just be like no it's these are the ones are doing and I feel like

it was this process of trusting that there's a that there is like like a

central something that I wanted to communicate or that i wanted to make or

express or experience that all sorts of things and depressions and stuff have

like going like this and i feel like my muse was like it's a comment like it's

okay maybe like cool

no like I'm just going to like maybe not do that or I don't think anyone's gonna

want to hear about that i'm just going to do one and then like a few months

later be like here a little bit work and I'd be like okay we're going to do this

and it was just like it was really like this I feel like I can we can talk about


my news now because we've had this time of me being like I don't know if I can

do this and then feeling what that was like

and then feeling like a new kind of inspiration and like finding support in

random like occurrences in life and just trusting magic

yeah just magic I would have gone to get to know where use which sounds really do

but I think could be into that




totally thank you so kind of had the poetry and the attack textiles work


so I've always said that I'm a poet first like I was born a poet and so

everything that kind of comes out of my hands and mouth ends up being some kind

of poetic like I wrote that and it was like here's some paragraphs these are

paragraphs about art and someone was like that's the best poem and I was like

oh cool

I got that fuckin and so it was that there was a trusting of that and there

was like ok these poems want to be a part of these pieces and they wouldn't


they would not come they would not come I would sit and i would try to get

myself ready and have my candles and get my shit ready and if you like

ok typewriter let's do this and they just wouldn't come you didn't want to

come but I knew

oops i knew i knew that they lived with poems because of how I couldn't put all

the words in two stitches like they're very like they go like this to me like

it was like I couldn't find words for everything so i stitched what I couldn't

find work for and then what their words

what words were there i put them into poems and it was the same thing like

they were with me

I was writing them in my head for months for a really long time but they wouldn't


they wouldn't come out and so again i have to be like okay

muse I don't know if I can do six poems on top of doing like six texts of pieces

I don't know if I can do that and then they were like okay like or you could

write haikus and I would like I could totally do he wasn't so i was like

thinking about how cool is perfect for awhile and then I just

that's not what's her to be written and I couldn't they weren't enough words and

then it happens with me apparently is one night I was like listen these forms

have to come out right now because I have to send them to somebody you know

because it's not just me and so literally they just went like a sign of

my typewriter and one after one they just came so I don't know what to say

about that but um like it didn't feel like I made them up at once it was that

they were just kind of like

sitting waiting for the like almost like the the fogger like the the clog miss of

actually doing all the work like I couldn't think about anything I couldn't

think about anything else like I was thinking about stitches until like the

day of the opening right and so it was really hard to get it was hard to feel

when i was putting in there and like feel the things that i want to put their

homes at the same time like it was kind of confusing and so I did do most of all

most all the texts i work before I did the poems but the poems were with me

when I was doing the textile work

ya think ya





so I don't like I had spoke a little bit before I like the way of like you know

trying to find ways up through like big clouds of oppression and you know I i do

believe that it won't always be this way I don't believe it will be in my

lifetime and I feel like I'm like I'm at peace with that like I'm like I I feel

excited to make change even if I'm not necessarily the one that experience

isn't and i think i've learned some of that from the people that I am was kind

of like lifting up in in the cult and so that was one of the people is Alexis

pulling guns and she's she's a writer and a scholar she's like a black

feminist visionary and she really grounded and like shifted my experience

about thinking about my how experienced depression from centering like centering

white supremacy and take it away in center Daniel blackness instead

and when I kind of started to think about racing that way and think about my

experience of race that way

it was really

it was just really powerful and it was really like like making felt like a

holistic kind of filling in

because it's hard to talk back to white supremacy because it's white supremacy

and it's so like in everything but there's this way that anti blackness is

so tonight

like is so pocketed in this way that it's like it's like not

oh no that's not anti blackness that sex no that's empty blackness and so like

kind of really just like shit how many things but i think they look quite a lot

of things and she's one of the people who introduced me to so many black

feminist ancestors because it's part of her work part of our work is like its

legacy creation is like a sea documenting is archival work and she has

a meditation series that different monitors from 21 black feminists and she

she says their names

a hundred and eight times because it's the distance between the Sun and the


you know the distance between the Earth and the moon I'm like it's like I takes

a hundred and eight turns or something like that for things to make orbit and

so she breathed those those words a hundred times and learning about all

those different people and the kinds of Lake like the kinds of conversations

that were happening now that were happening two hundred years ago like and

it's like people know that some people like to talk about anti blackness as if

it's like oh yeah we know like five hundred years but like when you like

actually break down your like thinking about it you're like oh this person like

I to be Wells said the same thing that people are saying now but it's like you

know it's just really like it's a really grounding thought to be like I'm not

having this hard thought for the first time I'm not having to make this like

justification of my person hunt for the first time even though it feels like it

for the first time

every time until yes i like this one of those folks bringing some is one of

those folks and she's the woman who climbed and took down the Confederate


I can't work with on there right now

mmm yeah and with major uh-huh

the faders on there and miss murder is like a like a queer trans black grandma

of the movement of the like century but also doesn't exist in that adult

idolatry way like is still like a working-class like you know people like

she's like you know but she's still like exist in the same impression that she's

fighting against in this way that doesn't always happen when we exalt

people and she's really stays in touch with who she's fighting for which is

really meaningful and she just been doing it for a really long ass time and

she's amazing

and when I think about like yeah like queer and trans and non-binary black

folks like surviving to her age it's really something I just like that's what

I need to like that's the thing i want to happen if I don't make it then it's

like I need to like make sure that people get to like be like Miss majors

like my peer or like I got to live as old as Miss major like whatever it

because it's like we're not we're not given that as queer and trans and

non-binary brown black but like we're not given that like that you're going to

get to live until you're like a beautifully grade saying like creased

soft creature

we don't always get that opportunity and so I feel like I really wanted to hold

up hold her up with someone who's like fought quite hard to get to being to be

where she is and then I yeah I just want people know that special someone in the

man mr. Berger someone to and I kind of wrote about them together in the poem

because she's someone who was she

17 or 18 now and she's someone who i am like I didn't have any of that

understanding or or confidence or

language at that age which is cool whatever it was what it was but like I

appreciate the kind of movements that she's making in the kind of ways that

she is using her platform right now to like like speak in between the lines of

like common like LGBTQ narratives like I really appreciate that of hers and so

she's someone that I wanted to lift up

yeah and yeah I people that I've been inspired by sure i'm going to the time

to be okay for time

yes to your question yeah





totally thank you

yeah i mean everyone every everything is intentional

I guess every stitch is intentional which is a lot of stitches to think

about quilts are kind of weird

quilts are weird because they can think there's so many parts of them that can

be meat that can be meaningful

I guess um there's parts of there's so many parts of them that don't have to be

described as any meaning

and so it's it's a decision of being like okay well are people going to read

in to that or and like also part of the process was knowing that people are

going to look at it and that was like a huge thing that I've never really had to

like think about before so being like Oh is someone going to get that don't think

about that or is like should i do it this way don't think about that and like

trying to like really like find some balance between that so pattern wise

I guess I'll start with running late which is back corner and green and so

that one is lots of concentric circles and diagonal lines kind of crisscrossing

into each other and I guess what I'm thinking about the quilt patterns it's

kind of like this like almost like this subtle vibrational energy like under the

message of the quilt and for that it was like a lot of like just time

Colossians like time like mix like bumping into each other all the time and

kind of feeling like I've never quite like there's never quite a clearance

it's always like there's kind of like moving dots of like how much capacity i

have like how much time there is or how much I can give and like there's there's

always this movement and so I kind of wanted to create this like colliding

colliding movement for that one and kind of a crisscross energy because it isn't

like i wake up

this will be my day I will go back to bed it is like it

I it will change in time that I wake up in time to get up

as a skinny body so that's kind of for that one and then with this with pain

mat with anyone

so there's a couple people that were helping me with this one because i was i

was struggling a lot with it because I had wanted to I really wanted to just

like show the central nervous system as like a trauma highway and like and the

fact that it does a lot of the work and how we and and how we respond and help

heal and that kind of those kind of things that is can this really

biological thing that I don't think we always like to think about but like you

know folks like go to therapy and stuff but like you can change your neural

pathways if you like you know there are ways that we can like learn how to heal

from trauma and learn how to like and and like in conversation with her PTSD

and stuff like that and part of that is like recognizing that trauma does


top to bottom and the way that this one kind of worked out

I just wanted to like have this kind of explosive sort of like dynamic energy

coming from my heart because a lot of

just just hurt like I wanted to like its physical but there's also so much

emotional trauma and oppression that goes into the pain that I experienced

and like that will like folks of fibromyalgia

no it's like if i get if i get really stressed out than like I'm gonna be bad

if i get you know if I get triggered when i'm out i'm gonna be in a lot of

pain and like that's that like that's like something in my heart going of the

left I'm not safe

I don't like that and then everything just right so that was kind of that one

this one I wanted so the the center is just the chart like that's kind of what

the chart exist I but the kind of raise the diagonal lines on the outside of the

frame there

I i just really like thinking about the sky and thinking about sun and thinking

about cosmic energy is kind of just like constantly moving and constantly kind of

like flowing and that that's just like a like a brief second of kind of like it's

kind of who makes me but also it's something everything I can be in

relationship with i guess like there's things that I thought were permanent

years ago that I thought I couldn't have any relationship with like my pain or

like my crazy and I feel like now I'm able to like have a relationship with

that even if it's not necessarily positive even if it's not necessarily

healing it's like okay like we're having a dialogue it's not just this like like

that's hard hurt that exists with that like just kind of like sits and and


yeah I just kind of wanted to like create like a bit of like Sun energy

going into that one for the fun of it was kind of the opposite that I wanted a

son and energy going out back into the sky i wanted to start pulling like

pulling me into the sky and then leave kind of like sending energy back out and

then with the with the less without the last of the fourth one and black matter


it their prison bars for that one

metaphorically and otherwise prison bars

yeah yeah

absolutely and and i know it the thing like holding pattern of a commodity the

thing that I have no idea if I have relationships you are not so i don't

know but i can't really imagine any of these being appealing to other people

which is fine i'm quite happy with them

yeah yeah




it is really new like it was like I you know I've had to life had I've had

deadlines before but I've never had to navigate or like mine be the breadth of

things that I've had two and then like presented to somebody on the deadly and

one of the one of the earlier things that I learned from my mentor was that

because i was lamenting how long it's gonna take me like it was like anyone

who follows me on Instagram knows that that one has been like a powerful force

in my life for like a year and a half and like I was really angry like I was

just like why it this isn't it's taking too long like was just taking so long

we're never gonna get anything done and data and she was just like every like

stitch like every hour that takes his value like every like every 20 minutes

that you're sitting in 25 stitches or whatever like that's value the fact that

it took you a quick is taking it like this much time is adding value to the

fact that your body is creating this this work and so that really helped me

think about pace and and and get into a relationship to this might not get done

and that's okay that was like I had to say that a lot of times I was like this

. i get done and that's okay it might be one quilt and that's okay

like I promised six it might be one like right and you know knowing that in other

circumstances if you know there was like you know a number like a medical

emergency or like the things that are like conventionally understood is like

blockers of productivity

then people would be like oh it's ok that person so and so such and such so

it's fine but if it was like oh that person was just tired like it's

different right

and so yeah and so it was like really hard

often times and I got really angry

like with time and with like having to explain anything like I got really

irritated i got really irritated like I really irritable because I was like I

felt like I was like you get don't you get my body like want to stop asking me

like don't like it was just like this is my body but you get my body because you

want this art but you don't get any money because you have a timeline but

you do because you're kind of flexible better but you don't because it has to

happen at this time it was just this kind of like like how much do I have to

like continually explain the way that I work in order to like get time to work

for me

that's that was hard that was just like something i had to like be with

I do a lot of like lists and like and calendars and and then like that kind of

scheduling and so it was like when I started who the list like the cleanest

timeline that I had for january

this is going to get done your home favorite if we're gonna get on your

phone was going to be so good where you're going to be done you're going on

vacation it's gonna be great and I was like this is all the time and like it

all worked out and my mind knows that this probably won't happen but there's

still this like idea that like okay I guess someone I can show this piece of

paper to someone that I tried really hard and that like this is you know what

I worked for and it for me anyway

I'm a deadline worker I've learned that about myself that I works so great

real close to that deadline

and a couple you know a few years of kind of like being in this in that

rhythm has given me like an idea of what to do with it now so its like before

it'd be like oh shit like it would be like surprise it's due tomorrow it'd be


think think think think think think think think think think imagine imagine

dream dream dream

think think think think think due tomorrow and then I just

which is maybe not the like most effective way to do things

but I guess

I think that yeah the biggest thing was was being was reckoning with myself but

like that this wasn't the only opportunity also that this wasn't the

only life that these things would have

and so if I didn't finish this one or this one or this one I could finish it

and it would have another life and so like really thinking thinking big

picture and thinking about like I do a lot of thinking like thinking about like

who the deadline was four and then like and like okay it's actually important

because of access and like this way and so like okay what can I like offer at

this time to make it work for every all the parties comes

I'm involved the biggest thing that was hard about time was how many delays

they're wearing the getting started like there was like a lot of pickups to me

actually being able to like be in the studio in a place that wasn't shifting

that had access with an elevator with that was working

technically not but you know it was accessible to me and that wasn't the

case for a large truck part of my residency that there was like a lot of

pickups with locations and access and elevators breaking for six weeks and

that kind of thing and having to move around and so there was like a lot of

jostling to help because for me it really helps to be able to like imagine

myself in a situation so like I imagine myself in the space doing this

ok I can sit in that chair for this long were like I can bring this when he

snapped so it's this far away from home

like I really have to do a lot of like you know a little planning and things

like that which I think comes from

well comes from a lot of things but I'm PTSD is one of them but it's like making

sure that things are not going to be surprised

and when I have to go into the feelings of this work right

but it took a long time to get there and so that was also hard to be like okay

you have a deadline and I have this deadline but i can't start yet and so

I'm just going to hope that it's gonna I just had to hope that it was going to

happen in the time that I had

I think the thing that was thinking about community to is like not doing it

by myself like i did a lot of it obviously by myself I did

oh that mostly by myself but like having someone else accountable to a deadline

for you is huge like having someone else be like hey so I think that that grants

doing a couple of days how are you feeling about it like really shifted

things and so I was actually working with some and for the past six months

who I was kind of like who's coaching me in like Time stuff and so for that i was

like we meet and then should be like okay into becoming like what you want to

get done and be like okay I want to get the top piece of this done and I want to

have half of that drafted and then i would like have that little thing it was

just for her or just for me but it really really helped and so like that

was one thing that like even though my capacity is varied if I would figure out

in those two weeks how to meet that tiny task and that was a huge huge thing

having someone else accountable huge yeah yeah

and if there any more questions I'm happy to answer them I can I don't know

how we are for time I can't

15 minute okay

I me like I just really want to know this is really awkward embarrassing

thing they don't know how to ask them if I won't if I don't want to answer it is

small but you can ask me see you think about something interesting to share

with you while you think about question

so many brilliant people that make me happy

that's the thing that's true is that home

poetry is tough like poetry being like I'm going to be a poet hey Dad

or I'm gonna be a poet not even a novelist i'm not i'm going to be in all

this i'm going to be a poet and it's like it's really solitary it's really

weird and like ugly and there's you know it can be really just one pleasure to to

want to let someone in because it can be just like really like emotional work and

so like being able to communicate that this like weird poetic textile thing was

happening and that I was really scared about it and I was really excited about

it and i really wanted people to show up and then I was like have you ever done

this thing and I was just like a really liked was able to be like universe

I'm doing this universe I'm doing this universe you got me right and sometimes

I didn't feel that way but like the fact that

I did feel like even if it's just the six poems that I ever right for the rest

of my life like the fact that people wanted to experience them and then I got

to share them made the whole like dad I'm going to be a poet kinda feel a

little bit dr. a little bit nicer



totally and I had to really prepare myself to not have them anymore

like had to really be like okay you're not they're not going to be at the

studio when you go back there tomorrow

like are like you're not going to like wake up and get to touch that thing or

whatever and so I do kind of like a lot of coaching to be like you're gonna have

to leave them in a room with like alone overnight and that was really was hard

but then i was able to be prepared for that and so I was able to do some ritual

and like I say goodnight to them when i leave anything I didn't when I come back

and I feel like

so when i was when i was working in the studio and I kind of like opened and

closed with a prayer and especially i was working on an ancestor pieces i was

like i don't think i want to know that I'm doing this right now like and that

really helped

like remember the heart of why I wanted to do things even if it was like feeling

like deadline or like oh this material is working or whatever like it was like

I was able to be like okay like I was witnessed by my ancestors of my spirit

whoever was like with me for that session and so that kind of like helped

them feel quite cared for by the time they were done by the time I kind of

like had to leave them and so like I feel like they're pretty like protected

now which I know that answers your question


great ok




we thank you for the question and I really had to think about my pain in the

new way

I guess to do this work and just too especially work on payment to start to

like unpacked we're like my first trying to find my first memory of pain was

really intense like it's a really intense experience and it really intense

process to kind of get to but there's something

yeah there's just something about having like had to like experience my body and

the way that it is to touch everything to like touch every piece to really like

negotiate not even negotiate but just like conversate with different pain bits

of myself and i'm like so I grew up I grew up with my mom being dead and so

that was like it's a thing that you today when your kid it's like a thing


Oh like do you have brothers and sisters nope and like who's your mom and dad oh

I don't have a mom it's like a conversation you have a lot and so it

was like this pain that was really routine or like that was very like very


like it's like muted muted in its in its emotion because of people don't and

especially when your kid people are like i do not know what to do with all the

shit that you just told me about your life like even if it's not one thing

people are like really uncomfortable with it and so I feel like I've had a

long relationship of like being aware of how my pain affects other people and I

think that was something i was conscious of in in doing the work and being like

okay I'm gonna like Express as much as I can

the the different kinds of pain that I talked about that I live with that I've

experienced that I grew up with

I see but like being like being an empath like person in being someone

who's had to carry and like and like softly frame some really hard things

about my own life rather people to like be okay when I really didn't want to do

that here

like I didn't want to like be like here's here's a kitten

first a little bit of trauma to the puppy

uh this there's little that star happens and and because i don't i don't get to

experience it that way like I don't get to like have a break I don't get to like

have a kitten when I you know when someone died they don't get to like

whatever and and it really really feels like I can't even express it another way

but like if you were too if I was like if you just went like this and like

those geodes or whatever like this if you put it all back together would like

I would turn into this kind of thing

um and yeah I don't know if that speaks to your question enough

yeah okay i can say more later if you want

yeah it's it's just weird being it's weird and people who experience in this

it's really weird to be in pain all the time like I don't know if you're someone

that doesn't experience chronic pain it's so hard people to understand that

you're like actually in pain all the time like even doctors that know what it

is they're like so all the time and I'm like you

you gave the diagnosis would be really cool if you could like remember what I

was that it's actually all the time and so like this one tylenol they're gonna

give me for the next six months it's probably not going to do much because

it's chronic which you told me it's so you know and and it wasn't it's like

it's whatever it's my life it's the reality is the reality of many people in

my life but it's also like this thing that people just don't get and its

really annoying that people don't get it sometimes like it's like well this is

this gonna hurt you and I'm like I don't know because i'm in pain all the time so

it's a negotiation and so it's like also what you like with the spoons thing it's

like getting people in your life to witness that it's not about being in

pain and not being in pain

it's like like how can i meet you at this pain level or how can I like get

know how am I going to see you in this moment and I'm not going to try to like

make you feel better because it's actually not possible because you have

chronic pain and it's scary because people don't like think people take care

for upset or in pain or you know people don't like seeing people that are under

60 with canes they have a lot of opinions about it they have a lot of

opinions about people that are not seniors in their age times with canes

they're like I have so many questions about your body about your experience

your age your medical history do you have like a deal like a file that I

could like read about your medical history disapprove you actually need

this because you probably don't need it because you're really on and and that

kind of thing to of like okay well my pain is making me super uncomfortable

but like the fact that i have this thing that makes it easier that makes it like

you able for me to like interact with the world more makes it even more

uncomfortable me being in pain and she'd rather me not have it

and so I'm just kind of like also like asking people to think about that and to

like don't

don't question someone when they tell you where they're at don't question

someone when they offer you something of themselves because it doesn't quite

match up with even if you know them so super well like it

it does nothing for your relationship it does nothing for that person's like

validity and their personhood and one of the huge things that are hard about

finding a personhood is when it's not being it's not being mirrored back at

you like if you're like Here I am

no do this Here I am Here this is like being misgendered it's like like

Here I am Here I am but I don't really like these people are going to really

get that so I'm just like not going to engage with that part of you people get

it being in pain is a part of like how I actually exist like it's not an option

not to have and so it's something that like I've had to again become in

relationship to you and it's a big ask some ppl my life to be like can you be

in relationship with this - like when it's good it's going to be like for us

to be in community together for us to be family is for you to be in relationship

to my pain because like otherwise i'm explaining to you all the time or I'm

putting myself in danger to make you more comfortable and it's hard to be

it's hard to offer that because maybe you don't want to maybe it's like you

don't like that person that much or maybe you know you don't know how to

give that of yourself and that's actually completely valid

it's like actually completely fine if you can't support someone just tell them

that and like you know I've been in a lot of situations where it's like I've

needed a lot of help i need a lot of support and you know care relationships

the whole other kind of conversation but i think a huge part of i guess like a

message that i wanna share is like so back to my mom part of the reason that

my mom is deaf is so hard is because of how her my grief was shipped and how my

grief was responded to my dad

I'm and how it was ignored and how like it wasn't it wasn't and

presence that this person lost this person that was going to be something

that happens for the rest of their life and so I didn't get to grieve and so it

was this relationship of being like I have this side feeling you don't have

that feeling I have this question you don't have a question

and what that does what what why it hurts so much in this life that I have


thank you for the death of my mother is because of how invisible eyes and how

fucking awful it was to like be like I'm hurting so much and no one cares what

you know what actually seems to be aware that this is kind of destroying this kid

whereas like I you know I lived with many other people in my life who lost

their moms and philosophers that same ages and who get told stories and get

told mysteries and all those kinds of things you got to have a relationship

with that

and so it makes the pain different is make it left it makes it different and

so had my pain my physical pain

you know have and not just myself and other folks in the room - it's like if

we didn't have to make so much noise for us to for you to great witness my pain

that I would always be like having to like do stuff with my body to be like

I'm actually like I really need to pay attention this time you to witness this

because when every time that you don't like I don't know what to do with it i'm

not i don't get to be me anymore and so every time that you tell me that I'm not

grieving or every time you tell me that it's not in pain and whatever way that

is if that's like if that's asking you to do activity that you know I cannot do

and making me make that decision even though you know I can't do it

oh we're all gonna go on this really cool like Mike let's go on a hike and

it's going to be so beautiful and like you know we're gonna do this thing that

i'm like that sounds really beautiful

I'm going to have to like ask you to accommodate me because you haven't

actually like spoken to the fact that you understand my pain because they're

not in relationship to my pain and I think it's yeah it's just like a scary

thing to make friends with

but like not having the option of a lot of the relationships that I have

including trauma and anti blackness and all the things like it's a request that

you be here with me on those things and like that's like you know a lie when I

want to one which is like a whole other thing but it's not just like getting

that you might need a chair sometimes or that I might need to tell sometimes it's

like I don't want to be the only one carrying carrying this all the time


and I don't just have to be romantic partner I don't have to just make a

request or something like that and like that's I would love to see a community

where we're doing that collectively and like we're actually like like in

relationship to each other's experiences because i feel like it kind of like

perfect like our empathy when we do that I think I think that's all I don't know

are there any last questions I don't think

any more poems i always have homes but i don't think i have any more for today

thank you and thank you it's been like everyone


For more infomation >> Tangled Mel G Campbell Artist Talk - Duration: 1:16:42.


Life May Have Existed A Billion Years Earlier Than We Thought! - Duration: 1:55.

Hey everyone, Trace with you for a DNews Short We like to think we're special, that life

only pops up once in a planet's history.

But new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says there

might have been complex life on Earth before us that eventually died off!

It might have developed in the oceans far earlier than we previously thought.

Looking for ancient life is hard because not everything gets preserved as a fossil.

In fact, according to the researchers, the probability of an organism becoming fossilized

is pretty low.

So instead of looking for direct evidence of life, they have to search for evidence

of the conditions to support life.

In this case, they looked for a form of the element selenium in sedimentary rocks over

2 billion years old.

Selenium reacts when it's exposed to oxygen, so the researchers were trying to find evidence

of this oxidation.

This would be clear sign that there had been oxygen in the air at that time.

And they found it!

Based on the selenium traces they analyzed, the researchers were able to reasonably conclude

that oxygen was present in the Earth's atmosphere between 2 and 2.4 billion years ago, which

is much earlier than our oldest recorded fossils of complex life; those are only about 1.75

billion years old.

Their research says that oxygen levels were possibly high enough to have an impact on

the planet's ecology!

After this time period though, the oxygen levels crashed, and the life, if it had evolved,

likely died off.

So the next question is, what caused global oxygen levels to drop so dramatically?

There's work to be done, but in the meantime, this type of research might help us look for

ancient life in extreme environments, like distant planets and moons!

And speaking of, what if life didn't start on Earth but actually came from space?

We talk about that idea in this video.

What else would you like to know about fossils and the history of the planet?

Let us know down in the comments, make sure you subscribe so you get more DNews and thanks

for watching.

For more infomation >> Life May Have Existed A Billion Years Earlier Than We Thought! - Duration: 1:55.


Cập nhật Tây Hồ,Nam Thăng Long (CC) - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Cập nhật Tây Hồ,Nam Thăng Long (CC) - Duration: 0:56.


Samsung smart view connect to samsung smart tv in window 7/8/10 - Samsung screen mirroring - Duration: 3:22.

welcome to my channel in this video we will see Samsung smart view app connect to your samsung smart tv

thanks for watching my videos Samsung smart view connect

For more infomation >> Samsung smart view connect to samsung smart tv in window 7/8/10 - Samsung screen mirroring - Duration: 3:22.


Top 14 Unbelievable Places Actually Exist | Toplists - Duration: 12:07.

Top 14 Unbelievable Places Actually Exist.

Most of space photos seems to be so unreal because we have never seen such

places before.

There are thousands of such unbelievable beautiful places on


Some places look like places from other planets.

Luckily many of such

places untouched by human activities.

Here the list of 14 unbelievable

actually exist.

Number 14.

Mount Roraima, South America.

Mount Roraima is a flat-topped mountain located between the borders of

Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana.

Mount Roraima is also one of the oldest

geographical formations on Earth.

The 9 miles long mountain consist of 400

meter tall cliffs on all sides.

As it rains almost everyday on the top of

the mountain number of highest waterfalls also located in the site.


unique landscape also home to number of rare plants in the world.

The beautiful landscapes, dense forests, rare plants and moderately

difficult trekking makes Mount Roraima to one of most interesting

destinations for tourists.

Mount Roraira also a part of South American

National park.

It is illegal to pluck flowers and plants from the mountain


Number 13.

Tunnel of Love, Ukraine.

Tunnel of love is the one most interesting and romantic place in Ukraine.


is located in the town of Kleven.

It is a place where you can see the

perfect fusion of great architecture of nature and men.

In fact it is 3 km

length railway line surrounded by trees like tunnel.

It is actually passage

of train itself causes the formation of the tunnel.

The tree corridor of Ukraine mainly attracts photographers and lovers.


of lovers believed that their love life become success if they visit tunnel

of love with true passion.

So tunnel of love considered as the most romantic

place in the world.

Number 12.

Hitachi seaside park is a flower paradise located in Ibaraki city in Japan.

Hitachi flower park spread across vast area of 190 hectares.

The park is

known for blooming of flowers around the year.

The flower paradise of Japan

features wide varieties of flower.

Baby blue eyes flowers is the main

attraction of the park, blooms 4.5 millions of baby blue flowers in the


Hitachi flower park also include wide varieties of daffodils, tupils and

many other flowers.

This flower paradise is also provide small amusement

parks for kids and beautiful trails for tourists.

Number 11.

Tianzi Mountains, China.

Tianzi mountain is located in Hunan province of China.

The word 'Tianzi'

means 'Son of heaven'.

It covers total area of 16650 acres.

The mountain

range is widely popular for it's thousands of legendary peaks.

The highest

peaks in the mountain range is 1262 meters above sea level.

Tianzi mountain is also known as the monarch of the peak forest.

Each peaks

of Tianzi Mountains are provide stunning view through scenic rocks and

plants at the top.

The floating clouds, radiance of moon lights, reflecting

sunshine are the another focusing sights from Tianzi mountains..

Number 10.

Algarve Cave, Portugal.

Algarve cave is the stunning sea side cave located in Algarve of Portugal.

The Algarve cave is formed by the continuous action of sea waves.

It is one

of the largest wave cut caves in the world.

Algarve cave stands like a

shelter on the sea shore and faces action of waves all times.

The in and out

action of sea waves and filtering of sun lights through the holes becomes

interesting attractions at Algarve cave.

Number 9.

Hamilton Pool, Texas, United States.

Hamilton pool is a natural pool located in Texas across 232 acres of

naturally protected area.

The Hamilton Pool consist 15 meter small waterfall

and a pool that never dried up.

The pool was formed by breaking of dome of

an underground river over thousands of years ago.

Today Hamilton pool is

most favorite summer swimming spot for Americans and foreign visitors.


only offers limited usage of pool.

Hamilton pool have perfect ceiling made of stones and also surrounded by

naturally carved limestones.

Fishing, biking, camping are strictly

prohibited in the site.

Visitors can also see number rare birds within the


Number 8.

Great Blue Hole, Belize, Central America.

The great blue hole is the world's largest sea water hole located in the

coast of Belize in Central America.

It is a world heritage site protected by

Belize Audubon Society.

The great Blue Hole was formed by the sudden rise in

sea level 150000-15000 years ago and cave was flooded.

It has depth of 125

meters and today it is one of favorite spot for scuba divers.

The mysterious blue is a part of great coral system and enriches wide

varieties of marine life.

Nurse shark, reef shark are the main marine

animals found in great blue hole.

There are also millions of years of old

limestone walls at the site.

Number 7.

Moraine Lake, Canada.

Moraine lake is globally popular for it's turquoise water and beautiful

mountainous surrounding.

The lake is located at an elevation of 6183 feet in

Alberta of Canada.

The blue-green color of the lake is due to mixing of rock

flavor and refraction of light.

Glaciers are the main source of the lake.


is a part of banff national park and attracts thousands of visitors every


Canoeing and hiking is the main tourist activities at moraine lake.


helicopter riding is also available for the visitors to get upper view of

moraine with mountains.

The surroundings of moraine lakes also provide

stunning view of landscapes and tall peaks.

Number 6.

Sagano Bamboo forest, Japan.

Sagano bamboo forest is the one of the most amazing natural wonders of


Sagano bamboo forest situated in Kyoto city of Japan and it covers 16

square kilometers of area.

Other than the beauty of forest the sound when

the wind blow through it becomes a wonderful experience for visitors.


sound is considered as one of must be preserved sound of Japan.

The forest

also features walking paths for the tourists.

Number 5.

Son Doong Cave, Vietnam.

Son Doong cave is the largest cave ever discovered.

The massive case

located in Quang Binh province of Vietnam.

The word 'Son Doon' means

mountain river cave.

The cave was first discovered by Ho Khanh, A local man

in 1991.

The cave was formed by decaying of limestone underneath the

mountain by continuous action of river water about 3-5 million years ago.

The cave still facing erosion and continues to reshape overtime.

The son doong cave is 200 meter wide, 150 meter tall and have a length of 9


BBC officially entitled the son doong cave as 'most beautiful

cave on the planet'.

It is a part of phong na-khe bang National park.

It is

thinks to be Son Doong cave will open for public in near future..

Number 4.

Ice Caves, Chile.

The Ice Caves of Chile can be called as most spectacular ice-marble cave

network in the world.

The water filled ice cavern is located in Patagonia in

Chile.These beautiful ice caves are formed by continuous action of water for

thousands of years.

The cave network are also called as marble caves due

it's unusual formation.

The tortoise water of general carrera lake flow

through the cave network also produce beautiful reflection of light.

The distinct color of general carrera lake is due to the mixing of different

particles from ice of glaciers.

The level of water in the marble caves

continuously changes over time.

It also makes possible changes within light

show in the ice caves.

The natural color of cave present in spring season

due to fall in water level in the lake.

Number 3.

Lavender Garden, London.

Lavender fields of London is the finest lavender nursery in the world.


flower paradise situated in Carshalton village, few kilometers away from

central London.

It spread across vast area of 25 acres.

The perfect time for

visiting London's lavender field is between November and end of December.The

fields are opes daily for visitors.

The lavenders within the nursery grow

purely in organic methods.

The lavender filed also attracts many butterflies

and small birds.

Number 2.

Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia.

Salar De Uyuni interminable mirror and largest salt flat in the world,

located in Potosi of Bolivia.

The site covers an area of 10582 kilometers.

It was formed millions of years ago by transformation between number of

prehistorical lakes.

Other than vast source of salt Salar De Uyuni is also

rich in lithium reserves.

Space agencies also make use of the exceptional

flatness and clear atmosphere for satellite calibration.

Salar De Uyuni contain over 10 billion tons of salt.

The thickness of salt

deposit in the site varies from few centimeters to several meters.

In rainy

season the neighboring lake floods Salar De Uyuni.

At that time Salar De

Uyuni reflect the sky and it becomes world's largest natural mirror..

Number 1.

Antelope Canyon, Arizona, United States.

Antelope Canyon in Arizona is the most visited slot canyon in the world.It

was formed by erosion of sandstone millions of years ago.

The awe-inspiring

stone structure is also the most photographed canyon in the world.


antelope canyon have two many parts called upper antelope canyon and lower

antelope canyon.

Upper antelope canyon is most visited section at antelope canyon because of

easiness of access.

The section has wide passages and require no climbing.

Lower antelope canyon demands climbing through ladders.

Lower antelope

canyon has very thin structure and narrow passages.

The magnificent view of

sandstone structures main attraction of antelope canyon.

The site is also

prone to flooding during monsoon season.

For more infomation >> Top 14 Unbelievable Places Actually Exist | Toplists - Duration: 12:07.


ESPECIAL DE 2000 SUBS !! - Duration: 15:24.

(Special New Year Video, when we reached 2000 subscribers)

Speak YouTube guys, you know?

Here is who is talking about Deadpool Gamer, I'm here bringing you another video

And well, guys, I'm finally here to bring you the 2000 special!

I'm here with Danilo!

Danilo: I'm hunting something to fiddle.

I'm here with Diego ... Or is it Diogo?

Diego: Well, my legs ...

And I'm here with Diogo!

I'm here with Mel too! (She's in her box)

She does not like bottles and today's video is about bottle

Well, guys, what I just said today's video is about the bottle.

And once again this misfortune that is always in the specials

(Water weapon)

Danilo: In the next special he will not be !!

Yes, this is the last time the water gun will appear in a special

(Pretending to be sad)

And people like I told you, I'm here with these guys from the zoeira who always so special

I wanted to bring more people just that everyone else is traveling

Less people because we are poor ...

And people today the Challenge of this special will be with the bottle of water, this challenge will be formed by two teams of two people that we will be forming soon

Danilo: "A pair of three"

It is a pair of three (Laughter)

Classes are coming and all this will come back (Laughter)

What I think fuck is that the guy spends all year, asking for lessons to finish and when the vacation comes what do we do? ...

I know we're going to stay at the computer all day !!

Beauty people we will make the teams, and each team will have ...

How many chances will the teams have? 5 or 3?

Danilo: 3 ... no, 5!

3 or 5?

3 chances

Each team will have 3 chances to hit the bottle (From turning the bottle)

And the team that can turn the bottle more often, will be able to play water and hit with the slippers the team that lost

Danilo: So let's make the teams! There are no expensive teams (Laughter)



Not worth !!

Good luck guys, now let's take "zero or one" to see what the teams will be

Teams formed Dead (I) and Diego against Danilo and Diogo

Let's start with beauty, the teams, me and Diego, and the enemy team, Danilo and Diogo

Let the challenges of the bottle begin !!

(First Chance)

(I begin)

Danilo: What rubbish!

Danilo: Your lives are ending (Laughter)


(Vez do Diego)

Our commemoration of Diego is half a second

(Vez do Danilo and Diogo)

Their lives are over (Laughter)

Diogo: But now that I was the first!

And that one there?

Diogo: It was not worth I was playing that pro Danilo

So come on second chance

Your lives are over again! (Laughs)

Danilo: I'll have to hit all of us to win !!

Either tie or lose

They lost !! (Laughter)

Danilo will hit at least one


(Second chance)

(I start over)


Celebrate me face !!

(Double celebration)

(Double celebration)

(Double celebration)

Danilo: No shit that we accompany

(Vez do Danilo and Diogo)

(Danilo begins)

Just to shut your mouth I'm going to make 3 points!

"Just to shut your mouth I'm going to make 3 points!"


No longer will 3 (Laughter)

Diogo: It's only going to make a

Danilo: Come very close !!

Danilo: Fuck you.

Now you're in Diogo's hand, if Diogo equals everybody loses more you'll take two and we'll only have one

This if you draw, if you lose you take two and no people

We won !! (Laughter)

(Double celebration)

Final Score: Dead (I) and Diego: 5 Danilo and Diogo: 1

Beauty guys Danilo and Diogo lost So come on, like I said at the beginning of the video Those who lost would be shot by water

You are too bad, you have lost both chances

Filling the water gun

Diogo: Testing weapon ...

Are you recording?

Danilo: "Are you recording? Are you recording?" (Laughter)

Danilo: Wait! Wait a little fucking !!

(Diogo was hit)

Danilo: Let me have the gun ...

Diego: Calma Danilo !!

(Danilo took the water gun)


More then this is it people, this one was the special of 2000 registered, I hope you have liked

I'm sorry for the delay but I was thinking about bringing this special when we had about 2,300 subscribers but the channel grew a lot

More then that's it guys, enjoy the channel page there on facebook, follow me on twitter why there I put a lot thing related to the channel then follow me there

Also has my instagram and my SnapChat, everyone will ta here in the description

More then this is it, thanks, said and until the next video !!

Diogo: Are you recording yet?

Okay, just recording there that I'm going to wet Diego

3,2,1 ...

You could not leave without taking a shot of expensive water (Laughter)


Let's go to 3000 subscribers !! Let's try to reach this month!

For more infomation >> ESPECIAL DE 2000 SUBS !! - Duration: 15:24.


New Barbie™ Movie

For more infomation >> New Barbie™ Movie


Build Your Dreams With Lego

For more infomation >> Build Your Dreams With Lego


Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L2H1 4Motion DC DSG Dubbele Cabine 180Pk H - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI L2H1 4Motion DC DSG Dubbele Cabine 180Pk H - Duration: 1:14.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2-12V COMFORTLINE - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2-12V COMFORTLINE - Duration: 1:01.


Chicken wings and feet in Acid | AcidTube - Chemical reactions - Duration: 0:49.

Acitube Chemical Reactions

The reaction took 17 hours.

All parts of the chicken feet and legs dissolved, including the skin and the bones.

Absolutely nothing has left.

If you enjoyed my destruction at the chicken department,

dont forget to subscribe.

My new challange is to put a silver play button in acid,

possibly mine but I am open for suggestions.

For more infomation >> Chicken wings and feet in Acid | AcidTube - Chemical reactions - Duration: 0:49.


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


Crash Bandicoot 2 Sewer Levels Synth/Metal Cover | Dacian Grada - Duration: 3:01.

Hi guys, Dacian here.

Thank you for watching and thank you for almost 300 subscribers; thank you so much for the


I just wanted to tell you that I have a new channel, "Dacian Grada Misc"; and you will

find miscellaneous stuff, such as gameplays, tutorials and everything else non-music related.

Stay tuned on Saturday for another special video and a new announcement.


For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot 2 Sewer Levels Synth/Metal Cover | Dacian Grada - Duration: 3:01.


Ultimate North American Driving Fails Compilation - 56 - Duration: 10:47.

Ultimate North American Driving Fails Compilation - 56

For more infomation >> Ultimate North American Driving Fails Compilation - 56 - Duration: 10:47.


WHAT DIET, FOOD On Body TRANSFORMATION ? (freeletics, gym, bbg...) - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> WHAT DIET, FOOD On Body TRANSFORMATION ? (freeletics, gym, bbg...) - Duration: 3:51.


Steins;Gate [VN] VOSTFR : Episode 14 : La conclusion d'Hououin Kyouma sur le PhoneWave - Duration: 37:59.

For more infomation >> Steins;Gate [VN] VOSTFR : Episode 14 : La conclusion d'Hououin Kyouma sur le PhoneWave - Duration: 37:59.


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


Volvo V60 1.6 T3 150pk H6 MOMENTUM Business Pack Pro 95.000k - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 1.6 T3 150pk H6 MOMENTUM Business Pack Pro 95.000k - Duration: 1:48.


11 Pro Cycling Team Kits You Should Know For 2017 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 11 Pro Cycling Team Kits You Should Know For 2017 - Duration: 3:28.


Renault Twingo 1.2-16V Authentique - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo 1.2-16V Authentique - Duration: 1:07.


Hair Tips in Urdu | Balon Ko Lamba Karne ka Oil | Balon ko Lamba Aur Ghana Karne - Duration: 3:37.

Hair Tips in Urdu

Balon Ko Lamba Karne ka Oil

Balon ko Lamba Aur Ghana Karne

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