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Sensationnel X-Pression Party Curl Crochet Hair Review| Lia Lavon - Duration: 7:15.Hey Youtube. Lia back again with another
video. This time coming on here with as
the title says another crochet hair
review. Now I'm very proud of this
crochet hair review just because I
installed it myself. So I'm a little
biased I'm probably gonna love this hair
a lot more because I myself installed it.
So I am so proud of myself and if you
guys haven't seen my installation of
this hair video I'll leave it up above
I didn't want to do one whole video just
because the video can be very long so I
broke up my installation adn my review
into two separate video. So if you want
to watch that installation video first I
just I won't mind you guys and click off
click above and then come back and watch
my thoughts on the hair. So yeah I like I
said solve this myself.
This is what the hair looks like it is a
the sensational party curl hair from
their African collection it is 14 inches.
The hair is in the color 2 and it is
pre-looped. So it just means that the
hair has a loop already which makes it
very simple to kind of hook your crochet
needle through and pull it through. I
strategically chose a pre-looped hair for
my first installation just because I...
like I said this is my first time I'm
very much so a beginner and I wanted to
start off with very kind of training
wheels type hair. So I thought why not
chose pre-looped hair. This is kind of what the
curl looks like. Well this isn't kind
of what the curl looks like this is
exactly what the hair looks like right
off the pack. And as you can see it
in my hair right now but this is kind of
it un-laid on un-manipulated
on touched kind of you're seeing my hair
right now
one week after I got my hair done I'm
gonna take do this review a little bit
different than my other hair review
videos normally I come on here with my
first day reaction my first week
reaction and then my final review of
their this time I'm just gonna do my
complete and full thoughts in one video
now if you can see this curl to me
kinda looks like the twist and go go
curl head of eight so if you're not
familiar with what he was in google
chrome looks like i'm going to insert a
clip right now of the beat was here and
i will insert a clip right now I have
the go-go curl here now on the hair I
think go girl because I see a little bit
of a spiral to it like towards the top
i'm seeing a little bit of a spiral and
then throughout the curl i'm seeing a
little bit of a go go curl type look so
I think this curl type and it is the
party i like the name is aptly named
party curl because this is a whole bunch
of here
it's a whole bunch of different kind of
clusters into one here type which I love
which I do love Mike your and feel like
I'm getting two different i'm trying out
a bit different here without trying out
different here that makes sense it feels
like I'm trying to twist and go girl and
one sitting which is perfect i know a
lot of people I've seen a lot of people
this is new to me they like to mix their
hair so they'll install the twist and go
cross at the same time to get a
different color pattern and i feel like
i'm getting that without doing that if
that makes it so yeah I love the curl of
this hair it's a beautiful curl my
nighttime routine with this here have
for the last week has been simply
pineapple I know I sound like a broken
record using all my other videos I've
been pineapple in my last couple years
because i'm so lazy i'm so lazy at night
I feel like I want to twist so bad but
I'm like if it I easy
I do so hope i have been a pineapple in
this area and then taking it down in the
morning with it being 14 inches i have
been in all over that I'm like now going
forward i probably need to always cut my
hair down to 14 inches just because the
deep with the gold curl those hairs have
been 24 26 inches aruba girl was 20 into
my hair's have been very long 14 inches
for me things like the perfect perfect
perfect blend and it is very volusia
with I think when it first you know
started off the hair was very
right to my face now it's kind of puffed
out a little bit more which I've loved
this was my birthday here um if you
cannot tell from the dress I'm filming
this on the same day that i'm filming my
look so that party curl I'm like I'm a
party girl i need this hair and so I i
love this hair i cannot say enough good
things about it i use four packs up and
I had initially bought some impacts
because i'm always on the eye on the
side of caution with my hair so i bought
seven I use for it took me it took me
quite a long time to install I'm not
even gonna say how I good to me on
camera right now because you guys it
shouldn't take you guys this long if you
guys have at least a couple of crochet
install yourself it will not take you
nearly as long as it took me to install
this here I promise you that I got this
here at my beauty supply store but it
could also be available online and i
will leave a link down below if it is
available online to where you guys can
purchase it as well like I said this has
very low maintenance i think 14 inches
is amazing
one for me and I'll go in head into my
review and rankings about my hair so
that I've tried so far if you're not
removing my videos I always do kind of
writings of my favorite hairs number one
don't have to be the deep twist I don't
know why I have such a partial pneus to
the free training twist hair i just love
it but number two now would have to be
the party curl hair i think this hair is
a phenomenal hair i think its rivals the
twist in a way that it's only a little
bit shorter the thing that it is keeping
me from giving it an upper-level to the
freetress deep twist is just because
it's extremely soft or frizzes up for a
great deal kind of a lot more than the
freetress deep twist hair does but
that's the only thing kind of keeping it
away the thing that's really elevating
this here bumping it up the fact that
it's pretty loop is the fact that it's
already 14 inches i don't have to do a
lot of comp cutting the fact that I
didn't have to use a lot of this here to
get a very kind of full look there's a
lot of things that I'm keeping us here
at a very high ranking for me
number 23 would have to be the freetress
water wave here love that hair
can't say enough good things about that
hair number for would have to be the
go-girl here i love that hair as well
and number five was a reuben curl hair
and you guys watch my room curl your
review video you know I am so yeah thank
you guys so much for watching make sure
you like make sure you leave any
questions that you have down for me
below make sure you subscribe and I will
See you in my next video. bye bye
Sensationnel X-Pression Party Curl Crochet Hair Installation| Lia Lavon - Duration: 12:35.Hey Youtube! It's ya girl Lia. Back again with
another video. This time coming on here
with as the title says my first-ever
crochet hair installation video. Now I
have this big smile on my face and my
face is beat to the gods because I am
excited about this. Now when I went to
North Carolina State University and got
my degree in finance
they didn't teach me anything about
cosmetology. I am nobody's coordinated
when it comes to doing hair. So for me to
do this myself.
It should inspire you guys to believe in
yourselves because when I told my
friends I did this they were like okay
maybe I can do it now.
I think it's one of those things that if
this girl can do it now I can do it. Now
it's easy. Now anybody can do it. And I
want you guys to feel that way because
like I said if I can do it you guys
can do it. I used the Sensationnel party
curl hair it is from the African
collection brand and it is 14 inches and
the hair is pre-looped and pre-looped
just means that hair is already looped
for you. So it makes the hair installation
so simple. I wanted to try a pre-looped
hair because if you're going to be a
beginner in something start off with a hair that is
kinda easy to manipulate.
I'm not going to do a review in this
video. I normally do my hair review but I
wanted to kind of separate it out so each
video wouldn't be that long but spoiler alert.
I love this hair. So if you guys want to
see my full thoughts on this hair I'll wear
this hair out for a couple of weeks and
come back with my thoughts as I normally do
in all my videos. I'll leave my hair
review of the party curl hair up above.
Yeah without further ado if you guys want to
see my installation of this hair just
keep watching.
So as you saw from the intro I am
installing the sensational party curl
hair. From their African collection
it is the looped style. So it's very easy . Should
be a lot more easier to install than a
lot of other hairs that I've tried.
Just because of these sections come of
course pre-looped for you. This is what
the girl looks like. I got in the color
2 and I wanted to get party curl
because my birthday is coming up.
I wanted a hair that was gonna really
wow signify party and when you say party
curl I'm like okay I want to try this
party curl. I want to try this pretty
Yeah all you need to install this hair is
of course a crochet needle. This is what it looks
like. This has the kind of loop and then
there's the portion where you open it up
and insert the hair through and of
course I'll walk you through the process
while I'm installing. So without further
ado let's get into the installation. So
of course I had to start off by showing
you my braid pattern and it's a very
simple and easy braid pattern. It's just
straight backs. If you're familiar with
any of my other videos I love straight
back braids. I'm not all into the
intricacies and designs and trying to
figure out how I'm going to take a braid
pattern out. I love a simple straight
back braid pattern and then my hang
time is just sewn up in the middle. Now I
don't leave a lot of space in the back
for me to do kind of up do style but
that's completely fine with me. I like to
just wear my hair middle, side or any
kind of part . And I love the versatility
of having straight backs to be able to do
my parts and just go out the door. So
like I said I'm not really up into kind
of having a four-way like versatile
part or vixen hairsyle at all. Just
like simpleness and of course I'm not to
the level where I could do all that. Now
as you can see I'm un-packaging the
hair right now. Very simple. The hair
comes in a net so that lets me know that
the hair is very soft. If you're
familiar with my Aruba Curl video that came
in a net and I knew it was going to be
very soft. And here I am just showing you
the loop again like I said it's pre-looped
hair which is ever so simple. So now I am
putting the crochet needle through my
braid now. As you can tell kinda took me
a little bit of trying to do it was my
first time ever doing this of course. So took
me sometime but all I did was put it
through, open the latch, close the latch
pull the crochet hair through
my braid, open the latch u, remove the
needle from the hair and then make kind
of a loop and then pull the crochet hair
through that loop and then kind of pull
the knot up to the braid. Now that was it
it's pretty simple. Now I did not double
knot my hair. I know some people
double-knot their hair because they want
that extra security. For me I have had my
hair installed with the double knot and
the single knot and neither time could I tell
the difference. Like I feel confident in
the single knotting. If you don't you can
of course of course double knot it. And
hopefully in my next installation video
I can show you guys how to double-knot
I know how to I just knew this process
was going to l take me forever as it was. I just
didn't want to add an additional step
into it. I just wanted to show you guys
how you can do this as simple as
possible and have an amazing amazing
hairstyle. Now as you can see I'm going
to continue this process all throughout
my hair of inserting the crochet needle
through the braid putting hair through
the crochet needle and then pulling the
needle with the hair and across the
braids and I do this throughout the
whole head now it took me and I'm bear
soon long amount of time to install this
here installing the hair alone for me
took about four hours now that is
uncommon for me ideas was was trying to
be as efficient as possible i was coming
across some points with my hair was too
thin to put a crochet needle through was
coming across some point where i was
putting too much here in one area that I
can really need to
of course with this it's gonna be a
process of trial and error and of course
of course
each time i do this is going to be even
quicker than the last time but as you
can see i'm just doing this process the
out my head and making sure that I cover
all parts of my hair so that no braids
are showing at any point I'm coming in
here with my old kind of interjection
where I'm going
I think the curls look a little bit
different it's not me it's just me or do
these curl look highly different maybe
it's just me and my i thought it's not
thinking about him over this one spirals
a lot more it looks a lot more like a
spiral and this woman looks more zigzag
i don't know i could be going crazy
let's get back into the installation
so when it came to the front of my hair
I did not do the invisible not method i
continued on with my single nodding of
my crochet here just because I know the
invisible not method but like i said i
was in such a routine with doing my hair
this way and I wanted to make it as
simple as simple as possible for my
first installation i think for beginners
the simplest you can make the process
the easier it will get later on I know
it will i know in my next couple videos
i'll probably be an expert pro at it
we'll see but yeah I just continue on
throughout my the entirety of my head
it took me about a grieve
four-and-a-half packs of this party girl
here to achieve the look i have going on
right now which is great and i love the
length being 14 inches now if you've
seen all my other videos my hair length
has been over 20 inches long and looking
at me as I'm installing this here right
now i'm confused as how he's doing 20 to
26 inches of hair now 14 inches i
believe for me now is my perfect perfect
plan it just suits me and I think it
Frank my face very very well so now i'm
just giving you a better look at the
front like I said for these front Braves
I'm not invisible knighting I am so we
single nodding but to me they don't look
chunky the hair doesn't look at a
realistic and for some reason it looks
like it's going from my scalp I don't
know why my hair looks so realistic with
the Sigma as opposed to having an
invisible not i'm definitely for my
upcoming installations I definitely try
to do an invisible not throughout the
front if i can remember but like i said
it's so easy to get into a routine with
installing this hair that you just want
to keep doing the same thing throughout
the entirety of your head
so take a closer look if you can see
right now this is what I'm talking about
it looks like it's going from my scalp
it does not at all look like I have that
not coming in
looks like my hair you can look at that
braid to the right
so this is how my hair looks as soon as
i got done installing it in this uncut
rise form and it now you're seeing
healthy here looked and about a week
later after playing around with it cut
it in style that kind of how I desired
make sure you check out my review on
this hair make sure you like make sure
you comment especially make sure you
subscribe and I will see you in my next
video bye
Describe of Ghazi Tanveer Qadri - Al hussaini | Rizvi Media - Duration: 4:23.In the Muslim world today, most of the focus on the relation between Islam and science involves scientific interpretations of the Quran (and sometimes the Sunna) that claim to show that these sources make prescient statements about the nature of the universe, biological development and other phenomena later confirmed by scientific research, thus demonstrating proof of the divine origin of the Qur'an (and sometimes the Sunna). This effort has been criticized by scientists and philosophers as containing logical fallacies,[1] being unscientific, likely to be contradicted by evolving scientific theories.[2][3]
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