Celebrities Turning 40 in 2018 Celebrities Turning 40 in 2018
Celebrities Turning 40 in 2018 Celebrities Turning 40 in 2018
Celebrities Turning 40 in 2018
Nicola, amico di Monte: "Cecilia sei stata str*nza, insensibile e fredda. - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
#Chelsea vs Manchester United: Thibaut Courtois admits Blues need a win to keep title defence alive - Duration: 2:52.Chelsea vs Manchester United: Thibaut Courtois admits Blues need a win to keep title defence alive
THIBAUT COURTOIS admits Chelseas clash with Manchester United is a must-win after a stuttering start.
If Manchester City beat Arsenal in Sundays early game, the Blues will be 12 points behind their title rivals by kick-off.
Thibaut Courtois issued a rallying cry to his team-mates ahead of United clash.
Stephan El Shaarawy scores Romas first in their win over Chelsea.
And the Belgian stopper has issued a rallying cry to his team-mates as they prepare to host former boss Jose Mourinho.
Courtois, 25, said: If we want to remain near the top of the Premier League then it is a must win game for us.
I think City are nine points ahead, United is at four.
Tottenham is just one in front but this game is a must win if you want to remain near the top and near the other teams.
We will try to get three points and give our lives for it on Sunday.
Chelsea were run ragged by Roma but could welcome NGolo Kante back for United.
Jose Mourinho lost 4-0 at Stamford Bridge last season.
Courtois shipped three goals in a Champions league defeat to Roma last night.
But he insists having to deal with European football is no excuse for his sides struggles in their title defence.
He added: We try to do our best and we want to be in the Champions League.
A few years ago, we won the league while playing in the Champions League.
Obviously it is a change so it is harder.
We are tired quicker than last year but I don't think it affects us.
I think we just need to keep training well and be ready for Sunday.
I think after the Palace game and I think Roma after, we showed some good character against Watford and Bournemouth.
We could have won 4-0 vs Bournemouth so I think we will have to meet tomorrow, see the images and see what we could have done better and then give 150 per cent of ourselves on Sunday.
Citroen C4 Cactus - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Lutto al Tg5: muore un giornalista | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
Citroen C4 Cactus - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Citroen C4 Cactus - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Capsule 3 Cissexisme et Transphobie VF - Duration: 5:36.-------------------------------------------
Citroen C4 - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Citroen C4 Picasso - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Citroen C4 Picasso - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Citroen C4 Picasso - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
كيف تقفز من الشباك او النافذة في باتل جراوند ؟ اجدد طريقة 2017 | How to Jump through windows in PUBG - Duration: 3:07.Hi Everyone, it's mohammed and amr
we are going to show you how to "crouch jump" or how to jump through windows in PUBG
It's something you guys have requested a lot in the comment section
where you were asking us "how do you guys jump through windows?!"
we are going to how you how to bind your keys in order to do that in PUBG, this works for the newest PUBG update
Please note that this is not a future proof method for upcoming updates
As of the time we uploaded this video, this method is working
first things first, you'll need a gaming mouse for this method to work
I have the Logitech gaming mouse
and this is the mouse software on the screen
any other gaming mouse would work with this method, your not limited to logitech
the software might look a little different though
the method will still be the same
We'll have to go to the following options
then, we will have to click on the mouse side button that shows "forward" on my screen
and double click it
as you can see, I'm binding two buttons, one is the jump button, which is "space" for me
and the control button which is utilised as a "crouch" control on my end
You might have "crouch" allocated to the button "c"; however, the method is still the same
What's important is to bind your "jump" and "crouch" buttons
moving on
I'm going to delete my bind, and redo it in front of you
press on "start recording"
then will have to press the "jump" (Space) button then the "crouch" (Cntrl) button as fast as possible
then you'll press "stop recording"
we have to instances here, so we have to delete one
this way we end up with one (needed) instance
then you press "ok" to save everything
now that we are done with the binding process
this side button of the mouse serves as a crouch jump button (where you can jump through windows)
the player you control will definitely jump through windows with this method
you can now run and jump through windows
it also can make you jump and reach higher locations
which gives you some competitive advantage in tough situations
where you can surprise enemies by jumping through windows
Explore what you can do with it
we are going to leave you with a clip that showcase what you can do with a crouch jump
Thank you, and stay tuned for more videos
do you want us to jump from the windows and surprise them?!
one of them is over here
Thanks for watching :)
Please leave us a like if you liked the video, and don't forget to subscribe for everything new from Gamer G
Federica Benincà: "Mi sento più tradita da Soleil che da Marco. Ora ho un nuovo fidanzato" - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
Simona Izzo critica la passione tra Cecilia e Ignazio: "Quale 'amore' meraviglioso? - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
GF VIP, Cecilia svela dei segreti di Jeremias | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 208 5-deurs Active 1.2 VTi 82 pk | STOELVERWARMING | - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Thor: Ragnarok-------------------------------------------
Capsule 3 Cissexisme et Transphobie VF - Duration: 5:36.-------------------------------------------
[#24] | Cystic Acne, Pimples And Blackheads Extraction Acne Treatment On FACE | Health & Beauty - HT - Duration: 6:04.-------------------------------------------
YouTube TV Now Available-------------------------------------------
Capsule 3 Cissexisme et Transphobie VF - Duration: 5:36.-------------------------------------------
Can Trauma Be Inherited? - Duration: 5:03.[INTRO ♪]
There's no getting around the fact that bad things happen to people—
things that are often outside of their control.
And the psychological effects of wars, natural disasters,
and other types of violence and accidents don't just go away when the war ends.
They can leave people traumatized.
Many people who are exposed to traumas like war get diagnosed with
post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD,
where thoughts or anxieties about the events can plague them
in other parts of their lives,
and seemingly benign things can trigger a fear response.
But hopefully, once a war goes down in history and few generations pass,
we'll be free of the trauma, right?
Unfortunately, it's not so simple.
Trauma can affect future generations, too.
For example, in a study of 100 Holocaust survivors,
researchers found that their children were more likely to get a PTSD diagnosis,
even though they didn't report any more traumatic experience in their lives
than a similar control group did.
What they did get was stories from their parents—
really distressing stories.
And hearing about threats to your family, even in the past,
can be traumatic on its own.
But that might not be the only explanation.
Trauma could also be inherited biologically,
sort of like what gets passed on through our genes.
And since a big part of understanding people
is knowing about the different factors that can affect
their thought processes and behaviors,
psychologists want to figure out how this works.
So far, we do have some evidence that trauma can be
passed biologically from one generation to the next, but it's very limited.
A lot of it comes from a study published in 2015,
where researchers did some genetic tests on a sample of
32 Holocaust survivors and 22 of their children,
as well as a demographically similar control group.
They were looking at what's known as the methylation of the genes,
where a DNA molecule gets a sort of hop-on, called a methyl group.
If a gene has a lot of methyl groups attached to it,
they can create problems with copying that gene,
or can keep the gene from doing what it's supposed to.
Studying methylation is part of the field of epigenetics,
the study of what can be inherited or passed on from parent to child biologically,
but outside of the actual letters of your DNA.
Since methylation levels can change based on your environment,
it's a way things that happen in your life can affect what you pass down.
And the researchers found that compared to the control groups,
both the Holocaust survivors and their children
had higher methylation levels in a gene related to stress response.
Previous research showed that gene was related to an increased risk
of developing a psychological disorder like PTSD
in people who experienced some kind of trauma in their childhood.
So the team thought they might have found
a biological way for trauma to be inherited:
through increased methylation that gets passed on.
But there are some problems with this study.
Among other things, the sample size was pretty small.
And we'd have to look back a few more generations
to see if the methylation changed when the trauma happened,
or if it was always higher in that group.
So, the evidence so far is kinda tenuous,
and we'll need a lot more research before we know for sure.
That said, the idea that trauma can be inherited isn't too far-fetched.
We know that other chronic stresses can have an effect on children,
sometimes through a biological mechanism.
But even if we never find a biological way to explain
how parents who've experienced trauma can pass it on to their kids,
there's a much simpler explanation that has a lot more research to back it up.
Usually, parents shape a lot of the environment their kids grow up in,
which can make a big difference when it comes to their mental health.
We know this happens with some clinical conditions, like depression.
Depression can run in families,
and we know about some genes that might be risk factors.
If one person gets diagnosed with depression,
it's not only more likely that a child will get a diagnosis,
but also that a grandchild will.
But even in cases in which there isn't this long family pattern,
having a depressed parent has effects on a child's functioning,
like how well they handle daily life stresses.
You can see similar patterns with alcoholism.
Even though there's a known genetic element
that makes children of alcoholics more likely to be alcoholic themselves,
there are other ways people can inherit that stress from their parents.
Having an alcoholic parent makes people more likely to show
higher neuroticism, psychiatric stress, and aggressive behavior in adolescence—
but the thing is, it makes a difference whether their parent is a recovered alcoholic or not.
Meaning, it's not just their shared genetics.
The environment the child is living in can put them at increased risk.
And if a parent has experienced trauma,
that can have a big effect on their kids' environment.
For children of Holocaust survivors, for example,
even hearing stories from their parents could change their view of the world.
So we know there's a risk that's carried to children,
even if the epigenetics idea turns out to be a fluke.
But it's also important to remember that a risk factor isn't an equal sign.
Having a parent that experienced trauma or had a clinical disorder
doesn't mean you will too.
Research shows that things like promoting positive parent-child interactions
and teaching coping skills to children of depressed parents
can reduce some of these risks.
So even though kids are at risk of
inheriting some negative consequences if their parents have
experienced trauma, it is certainly not inevitable.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych,
and if you're interested in learning more about the science of epigenetics,
you can check out our video about it on the main SciShow channel.
Kojo Funds x Not3s x J Hus Type Beat - Champagne | Prod. by RagoArt - Duration: 3:28.DISCOUNTS ON ALL LEASES | RAGOART.CO.UK
Dream of skating in Europe?-------------------------------------------
I was deceived by my husband! [Hello Counselor / SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.30] - Duration: 24:03."A wife who is still legally single."
What an intriguing title.
You've registered your marriage, right, Seulgi?
- Of course. / - You must do it immediately.
He could take it back.
We did it the day before our wedding.
I'm a woman who is 8 months pregnant.
I met a nice, sweet guy 2 years ago
and got married.
But I think I was deceived by my husband.
He's been a heavy smoker since we dated.
Honey! Quit smoking if you want to marry me.
Or I won't marry you!"
"Sure. I can always quit smoking."
But he didn't quit after I accepted his proposal.
That's how it goes.
Honey! We're getting married in 2 days.
If you don't quit, I won't walk down the aisle."
That's strong.
I'll quit after the wedding.
Please trust me this once."
After we got married...
"I'll quit when you get pregnant. I mean it."
I'm 8 months pregnant now.
Once the baby comes out...
Once the baby is born,
I will quit for sure. Trust me."
How frustrating.
The problem is that he hasn't
kept his promise to quit smoking,
so we haven't registered our marriage yet.
I really want to do so.
Please let this vicious cycle end.
Promising to quit smoking.
I'm curious to see what Jiho has to say.
How do you feel? You have a daughter.
It's not that.
I really don't know what to say.
Do you still smoke?
Yes, I do.
- You're smoking a nicotine replacement? / - Yes.
Your wife isn't coming out here today, right?
I told her before we got married.
That you're going to smoke?
I told her, "I will do anything for you.
But please understand me exercising and smoking.
I will try to drink less instead."
Did she okay it?
When we got married,
I asked JYP to sing at the wedding.
Park Jinyoung.
He agreed as long as I quit smoking.
So I said yes.
After he sang at the wedding,
I haven't seen him that often.
(Wah wah wah wah...)
(Smoking was more important to him)
I've been clean for 5 years now.
It's hard to do it unless you quit all at once.
It's not easy to quit gradually.
I really hate cigarettes.
The #1 requirement for a husband is not smoking.
Fortunately, my husband has never smoked.
That was a big plus for me.
Besides smoking,
what did you look for in a husband?
Since I'm short
I wanted to marry someone over 6 feet.
Is he over 6 feet tall?
No. He's 5'8".
What happened?
I was blinded by love
and he looked over 2 meters tall to me.
He was just like Seo Janghoon to me.
Let's bring the wife out here. Please come out.
(Who is concerned about her smoking husband?)
She's going to walk out instead.
(She's 8 months pregnant!)
She's pregnant.
(Kim Suhui)
Here's a blanket.
Stretch your legs out.
She has a baby in her belly.
The baby might be cold.
Please introduce yourself.
I'm still legally single because of my husband.
I'm Kim Suhui from Hongseong.
You're here today because of your husband.
How much does he smoke in a day?
I don't know how much he smokes exactly.
Because you're not with him all the time.
But when he comes home from work
he reeks of cigarettes.
- From his head, too. / - That's unpleasant.
Secondary smoking is even worse.
She's more sensitive because she's pregnant.
Was your ideal man before you got married
a non-smoker like Park Seulgi?
Yes. My ideal man was a non-smoker.
I don't care about how much he drinks.
That's how much I hated smokers.
Then how did you meet your husband?
When we met, I asked him, "Can you quit?"
He said he was never asked to quit before,
but that he can quit anytime.
He's so eloquent.
Only words.
That's what he said.
I was never asked to quit before.
I can always quit for the woman I love."
That's called rubbish.
(Low-grade rubbish)
We've had many concerns about smoking before
but he doesn't seem to be that bad.
He hasn't shown his will to quit so far.
He hasn't quit for more than a day.
I thought he'd quit once I got pregnant,
but even now, he isn't willing or trying to quit.
He said he'd quit when I'm close to term, but no.
He is still smoking.
You really haven't registered your marriage?
Yes, I think that's my ultimate weapon.
You're really not going to register it?
But you can't avoid it forever.
I've decided to put the baby under my name.
If he doesn't quit?
I have no choice because he hasn't quit.
Since we didn't register our marriage,
I told him that the baby will be under my name.
Was he shocked?
- He doesn't think much of it. / - What did he say?
- After I said it... / - He doesn't believe it.
He said that he's glad that we're both Kims.
Oh, his last name is also Kim?
That's what he said?
Yes, he is glad that we are both Kims.
Let's meet her husband. Hello.
We hate you.
- We don't want to say hello. / - We hate you.
- Sir. / - Yes?
Do you understand your wife's concern?
Only halfway.
- Only half? / - Why?
My co-workers who also smoke...
Their wives are understanding.
My brother smokes, too.
My sister-in-law is understanding, too.
But my wife won't permit it.
It's because you made a promise.
Why did you promise to quit then?
You should've been like Oh Jiho and said
you can't quit smoking
but you'll do everything else.
It's because you made a promise.
It's my fault.
I had never tried to quit smoking.
I thought I would be able to quit easily.
Do you regret making that promise?
Yes, a little.
It's like going to event halls.
(It's hard to quit)
- So you've never tried? / - No, I have.
- You have? / - Yes. For a day.
After I got married.
Did you have withdrawal symptoms?
When I quit, after about an hour...
- You got aggravated? / - Yes, that first.
All I could think about was smoking.
How much do you smoke a day?
I smoke two packs a day.
That's a lot.
(That many?)
I've smoked for 15 years now.
How old are you?
I'm 34 years old.
So you started around age 20.
Do you chain smoke, too?
How do you smoke two packs a day?
No. I care about my health.
So I don't chain smoke.
He cares about his health?
(I can't sit still...)
Oh gee.
You promised that you would quit smoking
if she agreed to marry you.
I made so many false promises before that
I'm not even sure if I really made that promise.
(How can you say that?)
So what about before she got pregnant?
Before she got pregnant...
Did you make a promise out of habit?
No. I always think I can quit someday.
I've smoked and drank a lot in the past.
I have nothing say regarding that. I've quit now.
I used to smoke 2-3 packs a day.
What efforts have you made to quit?
- I've tried many things. / - Like what?
I've tried nicotine patches.
Nicotine patches?
I've tried eating candies.
That's not really trying hard.
Eating candy is...
I went to a nearby health clinic to get help
and they gave me all those things.
But they have certain schedules and
I was too busy to go to those appointments.
Maybe you should try electronic cigarettes.
I've tried that, too.
It tasted different from cigarettes.
(Does he really want to quit?)
How can you say that when you're trying to quit?
I'm so frustrated.
Seulgi, taste is very important.
Any kind of taste is very important.
Stop, Yeongja. That's enough.
She talked about taste.
Have you thought about smoking less?
Since I smoked so much, I promised myself
to only smoke when I drink.
So that's how I gradually decreased the amount.
But I did end up drinking during the day.
I had to keep my promise.
But I was able to smoke less.
I've tried to smoke less, too.
I decided to smoke an hour apart or
only smoke after each meal.
But since it's been a habit for years,
I just ended up going back to the way I was.
(It's been a habit for years)
Do you think that your wife is acting
too odd about this issue?
Maybe she's a little too sensitive.
She nags at me for an hour
when she smells smoke on me.
The whole time for an hour?
Yes. So I tell her to just hit me
instead of nag at me.
You'd rather be beaten?
Yes. Other people would not have
endured being nagged at for an hour.
When he got caught smoking before,
he used to apologize.
- But he's brazen now. / - What does he say?
He says, "It's not that I want to smoke.
I smoke because my body asks for it."
He seems like the pregnant one.
That's what wives say.
Since I do service work,
I get stressed out often.
I tend to relieve stress by smoking.
But she isn't so understanding of that
and I smoke more because of that stress.
What does your wife say when she nags at you?
I honestly listen to it in the beginning only
and tune it out later. I can't bear to listen.
He must've done it quite often.
He's quite skilled now.
She makes me feel so guilty.
- What does she say? / - Do you remember any of it?
This is something that I don't understand.
She says my lungs reek of smoke.
Your lungs reek of smoke?
I can't clean my lungs.
He says he can't clean his lungs.
You can't shower your lungs, right?
The smell comes from his lungs.
Whenever he breathes.
I wake up in the middle of the night from it.
I'm particularly sensitive.
She won't register your marriage. What's your plan?
I always thought she would do it someday.
She thinks that you will quit smoking someday.
She's waiting for you. She's trying harder.
(He doesn't realize the gravity of the issue)
You don't think you did anything wrong?
If your wife has come here,
she seems to be serious about her decision.
What are you planning to do?
I plan to quit before the baby is born.
- We've heard that before. / - There's no time.
Before the baby is born.
Is this rubbish line #2?
I plan to quit someday.
I asked people around me and
they said the only way is to quit cold turkey.
That's right. You must quit all at once.
I am going to try.
Before the baby is born.
I shouldn't have stayed for the last story.
(A guest leaves in the middle of the shoot?)
You feel quite uneasy right now.
I can understand how he feels,
but there's nothing I can really tell him.
He thinks he can quit someday and
he also thinks you'll register the marriage someday.
- I won't. / - Never?
Not unless he quits smoking.
That's the only thing I ask of him.
I am understanding with other things.
He likes to go fishing.
I let him go.
Jihan, why are you surprised?
One of the hobbies that girlfriends or wives
cannot understand is fishing.
- You're shocked that she understands? / - Yes.
We've gotten many concerns regarding fishing.
I'm understanding when he goes out to drink.
You are?
But they all have something to do with smoking.
I only asked him to quit smoking.
She's very generous.
She only asks you to quit smoking.
She says she's understanding about other things,
but I've only gone fishing once this year.
It's October.
- Just once? / - Yes.
I only went out to drink twice or so.
But you still went.
It's hard to accept that she's understanding.
You couldn't go fishing because of her?
It's because you were busy, right?
Yes, I didn't have the time.
She didn't stop you from going.
You don't care if he goes fishing every weekend?
Drinking twice a month?
That's fine.
She says she's understanding about drinking.
That's because she likes to drink herself.
- She quit because she's pregnant? / - Yes.
She went out to drink so often before then.
That's why she said she's understanding.
She used to come home drunk every day.
She can't even drink a bottle of soju.
She can't drink that much.
But once she gets drunk, she drinks more.
Drinking leads to more drinking.
Oh my.
So everyone knows her drinking habits.
She runs around.
That's not that bad except
she gets drunk and falls down often.
- Some people do that. / - Yes.
My friend runs home when he gets drunk.
He wakes up super tired the next day.
(That sounds familiar...)
Do you remember running around?
You are tired the next day, right?
It's because I feel so happy.
- What else is there? / - Well...
He's excited.
He's mischievous.
He's excited right now.
It took her an hour to get to work
by train every day.
She used to go to work by train.
Since she fell asleep drunk on the train,
she would always miss her stop.
Then I have to drive along with the train.
He drove after the train.
Wait. Shouldn't you two switch seats?
She can't drink now because she's pregnant.
He said that I drank quite often, but
I don't. That was only around the end of the year.
I admit that I can't control how much I drink.
I haven't drunk because I'm pregnant.
I don't think I'll drink from now on.
I realize that it was hard for him.
She realizes your hardship.
I am understanding about
her drinking.
So you want her to allow you to smoke?
What can she do to help you succeed in quitting?
I want her to wait for me instead of yelling at me.
She's been waiting this whole time.
I want her to wait without nagging at me.
Without nagging.
You've broken your promise so many times already.
(How can she not say anything?)
My wife said that I have to quit for
at least 6 months for her to accept it.
6 months is too long for me.
Once you quit, you shouldn't smoke again.
You're not supposed to smoke again.
If she could reduce it to a month...
Do you not know the meaning of quitting?
You're going to smoke again after a month?
I will try, but 6 months seems too long.
The hardest part is 3 days after he begins.
Your wife quit drinking after she got pregnant.
How would you feel if she still drank
and slept on the street?
That's unimaginable.
Right? She made a sacrifice.
I think it's time for you to make the sacrifice.
She had no choice but to quit drinking
because she got pregnant.
Then imagine that you're pregnant, too.
Your stomach is big enough to think that.
(You look just as pregnant)
No one can force anyone to quit smoking.
It's a preference.
But you made a promise.
That's what's wrong.
You could smoke if you had never made a promise.
She married you thinking that you'd quit.
That's why you're responsible.
I hope I'm not out of line when I say this.
My father loved smoking
and he passed away at a young age.
His absence gave our family so much pain
and it was tough after he left.
I'm jealous of people who have their fathers.
Once you quit smoking, it's not only good for her,
but for you, too. You'll be healthier.
I hope you know this.
The woman you love the most
hates the smell of cigarettes the most.
She can't stand the smell. It's tough for her.
Then I promise to quit before the baby comes out.
What will you do if you don't keep that promise?
I will keep my promise.
You failed so many times before.
It's hard for us to believe you.
You've lied so many times up until now.
I would rather hear you be honest and
say you can't keep that promise.
Don't try to escape this moment
by making a false promise like you've done.
You're not just promising your wife,
but with all the viewers of this program.
Every Korean is a witness.
What would the elders say when they see you smoke?
"That awful scoundrel."
"What's wrong with him?"
Don't make the promise.
You don't think you can keep it, right?
But my wife hates it so much,
so I will try my best to quit.
I will do my best to quit
before the baby is born.
What if you fail?
Then I would be a rotten scoundrel.
But I'm not obligated to do anything even if I fail.
I will keep my word.
(He's right, but something doesn't seem right...)
- It's noncommittal. / - I can't trust him.
What if you're rewarded for keeping your word?
Once you quit smoking, you have withdrawal symptoms
and end up eating lots of snacks.
If he needs more money, I will give him more.
- She'll raise your allowance. / - More allowance.
I get $300 a month for an allowance.
I'm sure I'll get $400 a month at best.
That won't greatly improve my life.
He has no will to quit.
You want more? How much do you want?
No, I don't need anything like that.
I just want her to have faith in me.
I've lied so many times that she doesn't believe me.
Right. She's lost faith in you.
May we go see you when the baby is born?
The baby will be born in 2 months and
I have to quit for at least 6 months for her.
Who cares? Just quit.
Why do you care so much about that 6 months?
Just tell us now.
If you can't quit, say you'll smoke less at least.
Promise that you'll gradually quit.
But I've heard from those who've quit that...
You say too many buts!
- So many buts. / - He doesn't want to quit.
You've heard it from those who quit, right?
- He quit and I quit, too. / - I quit, too.
Once you quit, you'll be healthier.
Your life will change. It'll be great.
You must quit cold turkey. Don't do it gradually.
What would you like to say
to your husband?
I was rough on him
and that must've caused him stress.
I should've had more faith in him.
Yes. Don't let him think that you're nagging.
If he tries hard, cheer for him and encourage him.
Let's start with Oh Jiho.
I think it's a concern.
I hope you quit before the baby is born
and let the baby only smell good things.
You smoke, too, but you think it's a concern.
Seol Ina.
I'd say it's a concern for the family.
Okay. Seulgi.
It's definitely a concern.
Smoking is not negotiable.
I think it's a concern, too.
I understand how hard it is to quit,
but your wife and child are most important.
- Please protect them. / - You can do it!
Keeping your promise is the most important thing.
If you think it's a concern, press the button.
The beeps won't stop.
Time's up.
Please stop.
One last word for your wife, please.
I've always lied about quitting.
Since I'm here today, I'll do my best
and quit before the baby is born.
I love you.
Are event halls fun or is it more fun here?
- It's fun here, too. / - Is it?
Should he quit smoking or not?
- He should. / - He should, right?
Please hand her the mic.
Please say a word for the husband.
I hate the smell of cigarettes.
It'd be great for him to quit.
For the baby, too.
Will you quit going to event halls or not?
I will.
(Good choice!)
How many votes did they get?
Please show us the result.
I'm really curious.
The last digit.
6! If it's 146...
Then they're #1.
(They got 156 votes)
(Oh my)
Grandma's spending spree.TT [Hello Counselor / SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.30] - Duration: 21:49.There are people like her around us.
Hello. I'm a housewife in her 20s
who is raising a newborn.
My grandmother has raised me since I was a child.
Instead of being happy to live with her again,
I'm actually living in fear.
"Are you going out again, grandma?"
"Yes. Fix your own meal, okay?"
This grandma doesn't give anything?
"Where are you going?"
"I'm busy. I'll be back later."
My grandmother goes to event halls every day.
It's a place where they sell goods to elderly people.
I know those places.
When she comes home, "What are these?"
"They are free gifts.
They gave me tissues and detergent for $1."
She buys tissues, detergent, pots and cosmetics.
But the real problem is... "What's this?"
"This is a jade mat that emits negative ions.
- It's $700." / - Oh my.
This eliminates fleas. It's $700.
This is deer antler medicine. It's $1,200.
Oh, grandma.
She has spent $4,000
in the last 2 months.
Oh, grandma.
She buys goods so often that...
Where does she get the money?
"Grandma! I'm the team leader.
We got great goods today. You'll come, right?"
She gets messages directly from the crew.
My grandma is about to go broke.
What should I do?
Oh no.
Please come on out.
(Who is concerned about her grandma?)
(Lee Hansol)
What kind of event halls does she go to?
These event halls
invite many elderly people and
sell household items and health products.
People who are young enough to be sons
and daughters call them "mother" and "father."
They sing and dance for the elders
and sell goods to them.
I used to live with my grandma.
Then I moved out when I got a job and got married.
Then I moved back in after I had my child.
I didn't know but she still goes to these places.
She's been going there regularly.
She said it's fun to go there, so I accepted it.
But it's been over a decade now.
A decade?
Then how much has she spent in the last 10 years?
She's probably spent enough to buy a house.
What goods does she usually buy?
Mats, health products,
plates and pots.
She buys so many products.
Then they sell a box of fruit for a few bucks.
Yes. They have those bait goods.
They give out so many gifts, too,
so she gets into buying things.
After my dad retired,
he got his pension monthly.
80% of his monthly pension was spent here.
- I was shocked because... / - At event halls?
There was an in-depth program on this issue.
It's understandable because
these people are lonely.
Their children are too busy to care.
They get massaged when they go there
and they get companions to talk to.
They just have a great time.
So they spend all day there.
When they're asked to buy something, they do.
I talked to my father about it.
But he had so many weird things at home already.
Thousands of dollars over a few months.
Where does she get the money?
I asked her about that and she said,
"You don't think I have money at this age?"
She was never clear about it.
Why didn't you insist on her not going there?
Why didn't you stop her?
My family and I have tried to stop her many times.
But we just end up arguing,
so now we've just given up.
On the other hand, it's your grandma's only joy.
Let's talk to her now.
Nice to meet you.
Your granddaughter is quite concerned for you.
Why are they concerned for me?
It's not like they're going to give me money.
That's true.
What are these places like?
They give out flyers at first.
They give gifts when people gather around.
Then they start to sell some products.
I listen to the lectures and choose something
that's right for me or my daughters.
Why do you go there?
Is it because it's fun?
I get bored at times.
They sing and dance.
They wear hanboks and wigs and put on a show.
- They put on a show, too? / - So I go at times.
Do you dance with them?
No, I don't dance.
It sounds like you go buy goods too often.
How often do you buy goods?
I often come home empty-handed.
Do you think you buy more often
than others? Or less?
Just about average.
You don't have to buy anything, right?
Why do you insist on buying things there?
I get to see the products and listen to lectures.
I don't have to go too far.
You can't enjoy the shows and
not buy anything, right? They give you the looks.
- They give you the looks. / - Right.
If you don't buy anything,
they think you only had fun and took freebies.
It's very uncomfortable.
Is that why you buy things often?
There are people who still won't buy anything.
Aren't they being smart?
It's unfair to take free gifts without buying.
Are you taking their side?
I'm not.
But you sound like it.
They're doing business.
You can't just take free gifts.
Please be honest. What is your position?
(Oh, grandma)
It sounds like you've spent thousands there.
Where did you get the money?
Like she said, you don't think I'd have money?
You're so lucky.
I used to work at an office supply company
and for an insurance company.
You're spending your hard-earned savings there.
- I sold my house. / - You sold it?
You sold your house to buy goods?
No. The area is undergoing redevelopment,
so I moved to another place.
She seems to have a lot saved up.
She sounds like she has enough money,
but when she buys expensive products,
she buys them in installments.
She says she doesn't have enough money each month.
I don't think she has plenty of money.
Your granddaughter is saying otherwise.
She says that you said you don't have enough money.
No, I have enough money. I keep track.
But you said that to her.
As if I don't have enough.
Are you teasing her or something?
"As if I don't have enough."
Everyone else is smiling and laughing.
But the woman next to her is sighing.
Let's meet their family.
Hello. Nice to meet you.
Please introduce yourself.
I'm her youngest daughter.
You're her daughter.
Do you understand your niece's concern?
I do.
When I go to my mom's place
I see new things that I've never seen before.
This is quite serious.
There was this a negative ion water purifier.
It pumped out water with lights on.
I don't remember if that was good water,
but it was quite expensive.
She recently bought deer antler medicine
and gave it to my older sister.
I secretly gave a box to my eldest daughter.
Then on the holidays, we were chatting
and my youngest daughter found out.
Why are you in such a great mood today?
I'm always in a great mood.
Did you ever receive anything from your mother?
No. I'm very disappointed.
You never got anything?
That's why you didn't look so happy.
She gave expensive medicine to my sister.
She only gave you tissues?
She only gave me dusty toilet paper.
Toilet paper made of bad materials.
Who are you sitting next to her?
Hello. I'm her husband.
Oh, it's your husband.
Do you understand your wife's concern?
Of course I do.
I was surprised after we got married.
Grandma is usually very frugal.
But she spends hundred at event halls
or sometimes thousands of dollars.
From what I know, the most she spent
was $10,000 on a product.
In one cue?
How can you say that as a reporter?
I was too shocked.
What's the most serious problem?
Since there are so many things at home,
when I go out to have water at night,
I bump into things and get hurt.
- How much stuff is there? / - It's that bad?
I have to walk sideways to get to my room.
Since I was moving in with my baby
I called a cleaning company.
They said they'd never seen a house like that.
They gave up on cleaning up the place.
They gave us some pictures.
(Revealing grandma's things!)
(The house is filled with free gifts)
That's grandma's room?
Oh my. Pots.
A mosquito killer.
I've never seen anything like that.
How many pictures are there?
These things must be all over the house.
Why are there so many pots?
I keep seeing things that I need.
So many things are piled up at home.
When are you going to use them all?
There are some electric steamers.
I know some people in Busan.
We bought $2,000 worth of deer antler medicine.
She was talked into it.
I asked for free gifts for my friends, too.
That's why I have so many.
Your granddaughter says you were talked into it.
No, I wasn't.
In the case of deer antler medicine,
you must be advised by professionals.
You shouldn't buy them from just anyone like that.
Please tell us about that product.
The machine that makes non-ionized water.
(Glancing over)
- It's gone. / - Why is it gone?
I don't know.
How long did you use it for?
(Oh, mother!)
I only used it a few times at first, then stopped.
How much did it cost?
I don't remember. It's been a long time.
(Please stop buying things)
Did you use the mosquito killer in the summer?
I've never used it.
Why not? There are so many mosquitoes.
I didn't see any mosquitoes.
There weren't any mosquitoes?
Can I have it then?
I would give it to you if I had brought it today.
You wouldn't come to my house, would you?
I would.
Then let's go.
If she threw out old ones and used new ones,
it wouldn't be so bad.
But she just keeps them piled up like that.
She only uses what she's always used.
She knows that once she throws them out,
she has no excuse to get more things.
That's why she won't throw them out.
My father was like that, too.
So I had a severe argument with my dad.
That's why he looked hard for someone to marry his dad.
He asked me once, too.
You did.
That was when your dad was on a shopping spree, huh?
To stop him from going there.
Where is your grandfather?
He lives elsewhere. They're not together.
My father became single and lonely.
It's fun to go to those event halls.
How would you feel if you don't go there?
I farm, too.
I don't go when I have to work.
I don't go every day.
Isn't it a loss if you don't use those products?
I bought maple-leaf mountain yam.
It cost me $1,000.
Did they give you a ton of it?
- Is it this big? / - Did you get a ton of it?
They said they would let me go on an overseas trip
but I went to Jeju instead.
- For how many days? / - 3 days and 2 nights.
If they promised you an overseas trip,
but sent you to Jeju, they lied.
I'm satisfied because I went to Jeju.
But traveling to Jeju Island
would cost less than $1,000.
$300 would be enough for 3 days and 2 nights.
If they let you go to Jeju for 3 days,
imagine how much profit they made.
Of course. They're doing business.
Of course they would make a profit.
Are you taking their side?
Is one of them your child?
It would've been better if you spent $1,000
to travel with your children.
That's not easy to plan.
I went to Jeju because it was free.
Did you pay for the meals there?
No, they paid for all expenses.
Did you finish eating the yams?
I still have some left.
(She wasted $1,000 in the end)
Did you know that your grandmother went on a trip
for buying $1,000 worth of yams?
I didn't know.
- You just found out? / - Yes.
They're being misled into buying expensive things.
That's right.
I watched on the news and
they do sell products in an office.
I told her not to go
but she keeps going there.
This became a serious issue once.
We prepared the video clip of the news.
Let's take a look.
Please watch, ma'am.
This is a place where many products are sold.
They have gathered hundreds of elders here.
Mother! Mother!
(They desperately promote the products)
Kim, a 65-year-old grandmother,
has spent over $1,000 on things she doesn't use.
has spent over $1,000 on things she doesn't use.
They even dazzled the elders by
falsely advertising that the products
would delay their deaths.
These people have sold
cosmetics and health products to the elderly
at prices double to triple retail price
to make excessive profits.
They are kinder to the elders and
talk to them more than their children.
There are many staff members on site.
That's why the elders fall for it easily.
That's so heartbreaking.
This is the exact situation.
How do you feeling watching this video?
How does it feel?
Even when I watch it...
When someone asks me to go,
I say no at first,
but I get curious to see what they're selling.
You do want to quit going to these places
- but it's hard, right? / - Yes.
This is the same for everyone.
Someone told me they'd give me free toilet paper
so I went with them wearing a mask.
They talked to me for an hour.
You shouldn't go to these places at all.
- I shouldn't? / - She already knows.
You already know?
She knows, but she can't help herself.
When I see them trying to sell the products to
someone else and fail, I feel bad for them.
You may not know this, so I'll tell you.
Some old women who buy the products
may be hired by those men.
They're part of the same family.
That's what I heard.
- You knew? / - Sure.
You're not one of the wingwomen, are you?
(Are you a wingwoman?)
Not at all.
You seem to be on their side.
You seem to have done this a few times.
(It's a concern)
Has your mother always been active?
She has lived a tough life
raising 4 daughters with my dad.
She kept the lights off to save on electricity.
She would load a tub with water to save on water.
She eats food that has passed the expiration date.
That's how frugal she has been.
Meanwhile, she spends so much at these places.
Does she take a cab home after purchasing products?
Recently, it was raining one day.
She carried a big bag of toilet paper in the rain.
She saves money on those things.
She walked home?
She walked home in the rain?
You could've taken a cab.
Why didn't you?
Why spend money on a cab?
I could walk home and get exercise at that.
Then why would you give money to them?
They're doing business.
Cab drivers are doing business, too.
Why do you turn off the lights early at home?
Why leave them on unnecessarily?
Why do you buy things you don't need then?
Because I need them.
But you don't use them.
(They speak in unison out of frustration)
I do use them.
- They're fighting. / - You don't use them.
When are you planning to use them?
I will.
Do as you wish.
Like Shin Dongyeob said,
she seems to go there because she's lonely.
Can't you spend more time with her?
That's what I want, too,
but she is so busy.
She's busier than we are. If we want to eat out,
we have to schedule it in advance.
- She's busy. / - Yes.
She has so many meetings to go to.
She says she farms, right?
She goes to the farm early in the morning.
The land is 10,600 sq. ft wide.
She farms in that land all by herself.
She skips lunch and goes to the event halls.
- She skips meals, too? / - Yes.
She only eats one meal a day.
She's old now.
She says she's dizzy pretty often.
I asked her to get a physical examination,
but she refuses.
I went to the hospital with my eldest daughter
and they told me to be hospitalized for 3 days.
So I don't want to go there.
If you take care of your health
and find joy at these event halls,
we can't stop you from going.
But you don't look after your health
and spend so much money there.
Then you carry everything home on foot to save money.
That's what we can't understand.
You admit that you don't spend money on yourself?
I admit that.
Have you saved money for so many years
to spend all your money there?
You're right. Why do I go there
and spend hundred of dollars?
- Even she can't... / - She can't understand.
Right. I try not to go anymore
but it's hard.
What would you like to say to her?
I want her to quit going to these places.
But if she has fun there, I can't stop her.
But I hope she looks after herself.
I'm sorry I haven't taken good care of you.
Please be happy from now on, too.
- I love you. / - Thanks.
She's so nice.
I won't go anymore.
Jiho. Is it a concern or not?
I think it's a concern.
I think it's a concern, too.
Please cut down and spend more time
with your family.
I think things will improve in the future,
so I will say it's not a concern.
You won't go anymore, right?
(Nod) She knows.
Since she says she'll quit,
I'll put my faith in her.
If you can relate to the granddaughter's situation,
please press the button.
(What does the audience think?)
Time's up.
Please say a word to your granddaughter.
Since it's your wish, I'll try to cut down.
But don't bother me when I try to have fun.
I'm curious to see the result.
Please show us the result.
133 votes.
The previous concern got high votes, too.
(They got 140 votes)
My mom says such terrible things to me! [Hello Counselor / SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.30] - Duration: 30:23.Wow, that's a big one.
"A tough life."
She sent us a story because she lives a tough life.
But she shouldn't at her age.
Hello. I live a tough life.
I'm a 15-year-old middle school student.
Already? Why?
This is what happens at home.
"Mom! I'm hungry! I want to eat!"
"You didn't do anything.
If you really want to eat
go out and jog 3 times around the field.
Then jump rope 2,000 times.
Then do 10 sets of squats.
If you don't, you can't eat."
My mom doesn't give me anything to eat
unless I work out first.
If she doesn't work out...
Whether it rains or snows,
I have to run every single day.
Then one day. "Oh no.
Mom. I sprained my ankle. I can't walk."
"Why all of a sudden?"
All of a sudden?
It usually happens all of a sudden.
Does it ever happen gradually?
I think I'm going to sprain my ankle today.
No one plans it.
"So what? You can't work out today?"
"Of course not. I'm in so much pain."
"Okay. You don't have to work out.
But you can't have dinner tonight."
So I had to jog with my bad ankle.
After working out, I finally get to eat a meal.
My mom says, "You're not human. You're a pig!
When will you lose all that weight?"
She says such terrible things to me.
Is she her birth mother?
Even when I study...
"You gain weight because you're always sitting.
Instead of studying, study the calories of the food
that you ate and burn them."
Her mom doesn't want her to study either?
I want to eat 3 meals a day without being nagged at.
Please stop my mom. This is the story.
Is she really fat?
Ina, do you watch your weight, too?
You're a young woman.
I can really relate to this story because
I became a trainee when I was 15.
So my mom started to tell me to watch my weight then.
I know how this girl feels so well.
What's sad is that
at age 15, she must eat and grow.
Her growth plates are still open.
I'm only 5 feet tall, so I want to point out
that you have to keep eating to grow taller.
Jump roping 2,000 times and doing 10 sets of squats.
If this girl weighs 80-90kg
then I'd understand why her mom is doing this.
We'll have to bring her out and meet her first.
She's a 15-year-old girl.
Please come on out.
(Who is concerned about her harsh mom?)
(Not at all!)
(Lee Yujeong)
She's not fat, right?
Come here. Take off your shoes.
- She's so cute. / - She's cute.
She's so cute.
And the audience.
You should've answered "no" loudly.
You were too soft-spoken.
Let me ask again. Is she fat?
She's not skinny, but she's not overly fat.
Your eyes are so cute, too. Are they wide open?
She's like a little doll.
How cute.
Please introduce yourself.
Hello. I live a tough life.
I'm Lee Yujeong.
You exaggerated in the story, right?
She doesn't really refuse to feed you, right?
She really doesn't give me food.
No matter how hungry I am
she won't give me food unless I work out.
Why does she do that?
She says, "Women mustn't weigh more than 50 kg.
Women must always be skinny and beautiful."
What about you?
I must be neither a man or a woman.
- You are dressed similarly. / - Yes.
(They resemble each other)
We listened to your story.
How much do you have to work out?
I work out in the morning on an empty stomach.
I run 1-2 hours before going to school.
I was once late to school because of that.
In the evening, I do 2-3,000 jump ropes.
- Wow. / - Are you an athlete?
Then I do 10 sets of 15 squats.
30 minutes of ab workouts.
My mom tags along and keeps her eyes on me.
She watches you when you work out?
She yells at me if I can't run as fast as she can.
But considering how much you work out,
you didn't lose much weight.
Working out 2 hours on an empty stomach.
Oh, come on.
Since when was your mom like this?
Since I was in second grade.
Second grade?
Ever since I was in second grade,
I jump roped 2,000 times after dinner
and took a walk.
It got worse when I started middle school.
She got quite bad since then.
(That's terrible)
She must cook you an huge meal afterwards.
When she cooks for me,
she gives me 3 spoonfuls of rice.
- That's it? / - Yes, and
I only get 3 small pieces of ham and soup.
That's not enough.
3 spoonfuls of rice.
The size of the spoon may be different.
So we asked for some pictures.
- That's... / - That's too simple.
That's too little.
The first picture is my breakfast.
- I get 3 sheets of seaweed. / - 3 sheets?
3 sheets of seaweed and very little rice.
That is very little.
The rice bowl is only one-third full.
What's the third picture?
That's what I get when I don't work out much.
(A penalty meal?)
Your mom doesn't let you have many carbs.
Did you get to eat today?
No. I didn't work out, so no.
- She really doesn't give you anything? / - Yes.
So you haven't eaten anything today?
It's the afternoon and you haven't eaten?
- No. / - Are you hungry?
I'm hungry.
We should wrap this up and feed her.
I want to give her something, but...
When I looked at the pictures,
- and the meals are healthy. / - Right.
You eat just a little with fruit and vegetables.
You can lose weight and become healthy.
Doesn't this have a good side as well?
The problem is that she has gone too far.
I have to work out whether it rains or snows.
One day, it was raining while thundering.
I jogged with a raincoat on.
- You could get struck by lightning. / - And...
I got home at midnight after school.
I had to run in the rain and lightning.
One time, I broke my toe.
All of a sudden?
No. I was fooling around with my friends.
I once broke my toe
and had a cast for 3 weeks.
The first thing my mom said to me was,
"Why did you get hurt? You can't work out now."
That must have hurt your feelings.
What I was surprised to hear earlier is that
your mom doesn't just tell you to work out,
- but she works out with you? / - Yes.
She's a trainer.
Oh, she's a trainer.
She even has a six-pack.
(Her mother is unique in many ways)
She has a six-pack.
She has her reasons for liking working out.
But she still seems to be a little too harsh.
Let's meet her mother first.
Hello, ma'am.
Can you please stand up for us?
Since you're a trainer.
Please turn around.
(Turn around)
She has a flat stomach.
She's really fit.
If she wore pants and a t-shirt,
I would've asked her to show us her abs.
(But I won't...)
She could've slightly lifted up her shirt.
You can touch my abs instead.
- Ina, why don't you do it? / - May I?
She has a six-pack.
I thought women's abs didn't become six-packs.
Some do.
(Oh my!)
Her abs are bumpy.
She screamed out in shock.
I was able to hear that. (Mom's six-pack)
But you work out a lot because
you like to and you're good at it.
We understand because it's your job.
But do you really refuse to feed her at times?
Yes, that's true.
Must you do that? She's not an athlete.
She gained 10kg after she started middle school.
The machines say she has too much fat.
- Too much fat. / - Yes. Too much body fat.
She's getting fat instead of getting taller.
So I can't help but watch her weight for her.
But you make her work out too much.
She normally doesn't move around a lot.
She's always lying down, playing with her phone.
When I tell her to go work out by herself,
she doesn't do it sincerely.
That's why I join her when she works out.
I've been working out for 20 years, too.
Being consistent is the key.
If she works out 2-3 hours a day...
That's still too much.
- 2-3 hours a day? / - Just an hour.
That's ridiculous. 2-3 hours a day.
He was speaking nonchalantly, so I thought
he would say 30 minutes a day. But 2-3 hours?
Because she is too harsh.
2-3 hours a day isn't so bad, right?
(Shaking her head)
No? Oh...
Even an hour or two...
I don't make her work out like that every day.
Only when she has eaten too much.
How can she eat too much when you don't feed her?
She goes out to eat with her dad sometimes.
When I'm at work.
See? I knew there was something.
There was your dad.
Based on what she said, she'd have a six-pack, too.
You really don't want her to weigh over 50kg?
That exact number is not what I want from her.
She gets stressed out about clothes.
If she can't fit into her clothes in less than a year,
it means she has gained too much weight.
She should try to lose weight to fit into them,
but she doesn't. She keeps asking for new clothes.
One day, she was going out with her friends.
She was wearing her dad's pants.
She was wearing loose elastic pants.
I was so upset to see that.
Maybe that's the fashion she prefers.
She said that's today's trend, but...
Is it a trend to wear dad's pants?
Wearing loose pants.
Why did you wear your dad's pants?
Mom only buys clothes when I'm skinny.
So I only have tight jeans.
But when I'm with friends, I want to be comfortable,
so I was looking for something loose to wear.
Are you wearing dad's pants today, too?
My dad bought these for me.
Your dad is on your side.
These are loose pants that my dad got me.
- She loves them. / - She's so cute.
She's really cute.
So your mom makes you work out and eat less.
Did you ever succeed in losing weight?
Last year, my mom told me that if I didn't
lose weight, she wouldn't buy me school uniforms.
So I lost about 10kg then.
My school uniforms are very tight on me now.
Your weight came back and they're tight?
So I asked my mom to buy new uniforms for me,
but she told me to lose weight instead.
So you wear tight uniforms to school?
No. I wear PE uniforms to school now.
(Dad's pants and PE uniforms)
You can't fit your body into clothes.
But I don't understand.
You work out every day.
Why can't you lose weight?
There must be something else.
You work out so much every day. Right?
We've had similar cases before.
When we dug into their daily patterns,
we always found the reason for gaining weight.
They normally eat more than others.
School lunch.
Is there a snack store at school, too?
There isn't, but we have a cafeteria.
I eat like crazy at school.
(Forget it)
- She eats a lot. / - She says she eats like crazy.
I get a big pile of meat in a soup bowl.
In a soup bowl?
She must've wanted to eat so much.
You eat a lot of rice, too?
I lose control when I eat at school.
I would go over to my friend's place
and cook things to eat, too.
Look at her mom's face.
I knew something wasn't adding up right.
All the other cases were the same.
I'm sorry, but her mom is grinding her teeth.
She's grinding her teeth.
If you're forbidden to do something,
all you do is think about that.
She must always be wondering what time it is
and thinking about what to eat next. Right?
Right. I memorized the school lunch menu.
What did you eat last Monday?
Andong-style braised spicy chicken.
Andong chicken. What else?
We had fish sticks on Tuesday.
That sounds good.
We had bulgogi on Wednesday.
That's the best when you mix it with rice.
We had pizza rice cakes on Thursday.
That is fattening. Pizza rice cakes.
We had Vietnamese rice noodle soup on Friday.
Those things are served at school?
I want to transfer to this school.
The cafeteria menu is so nice.
You shouldn't send her to school.
That's what I should do.
(She may not send Yujeong to school)
You can't watch what she eats when she's at school.
I can't, but she makes it easy for me to find out.
She always has sauce around her lips.
How cute.
Or she suddenly brushes her teeth
when she normally doesn't.
Then I get angry at her.
So I make her work out and refuse to feed her.
That's useless.
You end up eating more and more
because of your mom, right?
When did you feel like she when was being too harsh?
My mom eats a lot, too.
Pizza, chicken, beer...
She lays them out and eats them all.
She cooks 3 bags of ramen at once.
- Alone? / - Yes.
She lays everything out.
She tells me, "Go work out first and then eat!
I'll leave some for you."
When I come back, all she gives me is a drumstick.
Is she teasing me or something?
That's torture.
You must really work out a lot.
You can digest all that food, huh?
Yes. I love to eat.
How do you stay so fit?
I work out as much as I eat.
Yujeong told us the story to badmouth her mom,
but we are all impressed by her.
How can she be so fit after eating that much?
She has a six-pack.
How many hours do you work out a day?
I work out for 2 hours right after I wake up.
Then whenever I have company dinners at night,
even if I come home at 2-3 a.m.
I work out before going to sleep.
I graduated with a degree in physical education...
Oh, you did?
Working out is a habit for me.
She's a true athlete.
That's why I can't accept her body.
How many siblings do you have?
I have an older brother.
Is he big? Does she make him work out, too?
He's a career soldier, so he lives on his own.
He's a career soldier?
My dad is slim, too.
- He is? / - Yes.
So no one is on your side.
So she only makes you go on a diet?
She yells at my friends, too.
When I'm hanging out with my friends
she tells us to go outside and play.
To your friends?
She says, "Birds of a feather..."
I think they've flocked here today.
They are one and the same.
Wave your hands.
They're so cute.
Isn't it upsetting to hear that
you're the same as Yujeong?
I do hear that a lot,
but I've never thought that we're the same.
But they say we look the same from the back.
Oh, from the back?
How about you? How does that make you feel?
It makes me realize I need to lose weight.
Do you understand Yujeong's concern?
Yujeong must get upset because she hears it often.
She talks about it at school very often.
So she spends all her money at convenience stores.
That's what happens.
Your secrets are coming out now.
She spent $10 one time on a meal.
At a convenience store?
- Her mom is shocked. / - Look at her face.
She never knew that before.
There are many things to eat at a convenience store.
Why are you yelling at her?
(Naive / Innocent)
Whatever she buys at a convenience store,
she eats it secretly at my place.
I understand that.
Then my mom cooks for us, too.
She eats that as well.
How much do you eat in a day?
You buy food, your friend's mom cooks for you...
How much do you guys eat at your place?
We once made spicy rice cakes together.
We cooked a bag of rice cakes, fish cakes and cheese.
Look at her mom's face.
(Why did you make her jump rope 2,000 times?)
Then we added ramen powder since it tasted bad, too.
Ramen powder?
- You didn't add in the ramen noodles? / - We did.
They must eat a lot.
This is what happens. This is the side effect.
What do you think?
I need to make her work out even more now.
Can't you just trust your daughter?
I feel betrayed by her right now.
She's eating like that because of you.
She'd eat that much even if I don't do that.
Tell us. If you were Yujeong,
would you be stressed or not?
I would eat more because of the stress.
You would eat more?
Doesn't your mom tell you to lose weight?
She says we should lose weight together
but she doesn't like to exercise either.
Is she big?
Yes... She's just like me.
(She reveals her mom's secret)
The woman next to her is laughing.
I'm Yujeong's friend Seyeon's mother.
You two look alike.
When your daughter and Yujeong hang out
and people call them one and the same,
does that upset you?
They do look alike.
As you can see right now.
Even I think that they look the same.
But they're not grotesquely overweight.
They're just very solid.
When Yujeong goes over to your house,
do you think she eats a lot?
I always ask if she has eaten.
She almost always says she hasn't.
So I cook for her, too.
She strangely comes often whenever we eat meat.
Strangely. That is quite strange, right?
It's strange.
She may know when you eat meat at home.
Yujeong eats a lot.
Whenever we talk
she often complains.
About what?
She says that whenever she and her mom go out
her mom is embarrassed by her.
She says it's because she's fat.
When they go out together.
Yujeong seems to be hurt by that.
When did your mom say that to you?
I used to work out at her gym
she made me promise I wouldn't
call her mom.
She told me to call her coach.
(Oh my)
I was walking with her linking arms
and we ran into one of her students.
She told me to go stand by myself at a distance.
I asked her if they talked about something serious
and she said she was embarrassed by me.
She told me to lose weight if I want to be with her.
You're not really embarrassed by her, are you?
I'm not.
But I'm a trainer.
My job is to make my students stay fit.
It looks like you don't make your daughter fit.
I feel like people look at me as though I only care
about myself and not my daughter.
That's why I've put some distance between us
and I feel bad about that.
I am a bit disappointed by her though.
That's being so self-centered.
You say you're worried about Yujeong
and you say that to make her eager to lose weight.
But you just care more about yourself.
My father used to be an elementary school teacher.
He taught Chinese characters to his students.
When his students and their parents went on a trip
and looked at a piece written in Chinese characters,
all his students were able to read that.
But I couldn't.
The parents asked,
"Your son can't read Chinese characters?"
If my father were embarrassed by me,
I would've been hurt.
But he said, "His teacher teaches him other things,
so Dongyeob is very good at other things."
Your father is great.
He wasn't embarrassed by me at all.
Of course I told many funnier jokes to my friends.
Even at a young age,
I was grateful to my dad.
Do you think your mom is a perfect mom
except the fact that she's making you lose weight?
She's indifferent about everything else.
She only cares about staying fit and working out.
She doesn't care about my grades at all.
No matter what grade I get, she doesn't care.
I used to be terrible at math.
I got 45 points, but studied and got 100 points.
She must've praised you.
I really studied hard and got a perfect score,
but all she said was, "Oh, good job."
She never sincerely complimented you.
"Your grades went up. Of course you should study."
So you ate a whole pizza pie?
Is she happier about losing weight?
Rather than getting a higher score,
she cares more about me losing weight.
Is losing weight more important than studying?
Even she didn't get good grades,
I would've made her exercise more.
I believe that being physically and psychologically
healthy is more important than good grades.
Don't you think that what you're doing to her might
make it harder for her to be psychologically healthy?
In the past, she wanted to lose weight herself.
She asked me to help her
lose weight before.
So I admit that I was hard on her at times.
But she says she hates working out now.
She's at that age. She's in middle school now.
She just hates whatever grownups tell her to do.
But you only seem to be focused on one thing
and that's what we're concerned about.
I do admit that I'm harsher than other parents.
I just want her to grow up to be confident.
She must look beautiful in order to
be accepted in society in the future.
But you must note that being confident
is more about how happy you are with yourself.
There are people who are self-conscious
even though others think they look okay.
Some people are quite confident even though
other people think otherwise.
It looks attractive for a person to work hard, too.
People aren't confident or lack confidence
just because of their figures.
That's wrong.
I'm married, too.
You're skinny, Seulgi.
You exercise a lot.
You don't gain weight no matter how much you eat.
I do. I gain weight if I eat a lot.
But you're able to stay fit by working out.
I work hard for that and I want the same from her.
She can't be just like her mom.
Let's say your mom was very smart.
But you didn't like to study.
"Why won't you study?
I study this much. Why won't you?"
But every person is different.
"Why can't you be more like me? I don't get it.
If you don't get good grades, no food for you."
You're doing the same thing.
When you look at your students,
isn't willpower more important in losing weight?
- Sure. / - You can't force them to lose weight.
But you're forcing your daughter.
I'm worried because Yujeong is at that age
where she needs good memories with her mom
and needs to feel comfort at home.
But instead, she has a scary mom at home.
Will she be able to have good memories
of you when she grows up?
I used to be an athlete when I was young.
I had to meet the quota of how much to work out.
I didn't get any food if I didn't make the quota.
Instead of working harder to meet the quota,
I just pretended to do it.
I would sneak off on my own.
I pretended to be tired to go to my room and rest.
I'm afraid that she'll end up with a bad habit.
That's possible.
I'll tell you why I am fat.
We drink water when we're thirsty, right?
My mom was always busy working
so she couldn't prepare meals for me on time.
I got to eat one meal a day at night.
So I ended up binging whenever I could eat.
Right. I know what that's like.
I really binge on food.
All Yujeong can think about is food, too.
So she eats a lot whenever she can, gaining weight.
Do you binge on food?
If your mom always cooks for you,
can you control how much you eat at school?
Yes, I think so.
Will you exercise on your own, too?
I can't exercise when I have exams,
but I will exercise on a daily basis with mom.
Please tell your mom what you want from her.
Mom seems to care about appearances.
She thinks women must be skinny and pretty.
She thinks it's useless for women to be smart.
That's what she said to you.
Women must be skinny and pretty to succeed.
I wish mom would change the way she thinks.
I also want her to care more about my grades.
I've never heard this before.
She wants her mom to care more about her grades.
I used to like exercising in the past.
I liked talking a walk and talking to her.
- Because it was fun. / - I liked it.
But now she runs off on her own.
She yells at me if I don't keep up with her.
She drags me around like a cow.
She has realized it now.
"Why won't mom talk to me about inner beauty?"
She's old enough to realize that now.
She is thirsty for your love.
I think it's best that you quench that for her.
Is it a concern or not?
I don't think it's a concern.
Since I'm an actor,
I want my daughter to be an actress, too.
This is because she's forcing her to be the same.
If they can find common ground,
I think they'll be able to resolve this.
I think it's a sad concern.
At this age, girls should hang out with their friends
and make great, simple memories with each other
and enjoy eating home-cooked meals, too.
But she doesn't seem to have that,
so I think it's a sad concern.
She has many memories with her friends.
(I'm doing that well on my own)
I think it's a concern, too.
I think it's a concern, too.
She'll grow up, get married and have kids.
But I hope she doesn't grow up and have
a grudge against her mom, saying that
her mom hurt her so much.
If you can relate to her concern,
please press the button.
(What does the audience think?)
Please stop.
Please say a word to your lovely daughter.
I'm not embarrassed by you at all.
I'm just concerned.
I know that I was a bit harsh on you.
But you must exercise.
I will do my best to
give a bit more food to you.
I know I said some harsh things
and did things that hurt you.
I will try to fix that. I love you.
Please care more about her grades.
Why don't you praise her?
She got a perfect score in math.
Her grades average 95 or above.
Wow. You're very smart.
You're so humble, too.
That's why I wasn't too excited by it.
I will compliment you much more from now on.
You're doing a good job.
She's crying.
(She should compliment her daughter more!)
Please show us the result.
The last digit is 3.
Did they get over 100 votes? Yes.
(They got more than 100 votes!)
133 votes.
(They got 133 votes)
The unrivaled Arabic prince Ⅰ, Ⅱ [Hello Counselor / SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.30] - Duration: 3:31.Here are today's guests.
Actor Oh Jiho.
(Handsome as always, actor Oh Jiho)
She was here last week, too.
She has so many talents. Actress Seol Ina.
(Talented actress Seol Ina)
Entertainer Park Seulgi.
Hello. Nice to meet you. Hello.
Actor Do Jihan.
(Handsome actor Do Jihan)
It's been a while since Oh Jiho has been here.
You were here 7 years ago, right?
On the first episode.
Yes, it was in the first episode.
At the time, Lee Yeongja wasn't here.
That's why he was here.
(It's been a long time since the hug, Jiho...)
We only saw the two on the video clip.
We've asked you to come so many times.
Did you really not come because of me?
Not at all. I came today to see you.
Then are we reenacting that video?
I've come prepared.
(Perfect pants for those naughty hands)
Sit down.
(Do they rewrite history this way?)
You're in a play?
But that's not why I'm here.
Of course not.
I'm here to see Yeongja.
It's titled "The Apartment."
It's based on the movie released 20 years ago.
Please show us one of the key lines.
Yes, please.
In the play, I'm Max.
The female character's name is Lisa.
There's a scene where I cry out after she leaves.
Lisa leaves you?
- She's gone. / - Yes.
That's it.
That was the key line.
- How can you do that so quickly? / - I was shocked.
I think anyone can do that.
(I sound desperate, right?)
I'm so jealous of Seulgi.
You got married.
Yes, I did.
Hello. (Newlywed)
Don't you have any concerns about your husband?
I'm starting to have some concerns.
You need to wash before you go to bed, right?
We have things to do, too. But...
Things to do.
My husband works until late and is very tired.
He often goes to sleep without washing.
I see.
Isn't that weird though? You just got married.
He comes home exhausted.
- He doesn't want to come home. / - No way.
That's slander.
- Don't be mean. / - I'm sorry.
Do Jihan stars in "Lovers in Bloom."
You're a straightforward man.
He's been an actor for a long time.
He debuted 10 years ago.
- Little Jang Donggun. / - His childhood role.
When I was in a movie with Donggun...
I actually look more Indian or Arabic than he does.
Jiho looks more Arabic than you do.
(The unrivaled Arabic prince)
Seol Ina. You were here last week, too.
The viewers are seeing you for 2 weeks in a row.
She got emotional last week like it was her story.
It felt like we were one big family and
we were discussing each other's concerns.
Oh, so that's what happened. We gave advice.
So Beyonce: The diva will star as fierce lioness in 'The Lion King' remake|K CHANNEL - Duration: 3:20.So Beyonce: The diva will star as fierce lioness in 'The Lion King' remake
The singer and occasional actress will voice the part of the fierce young lioness Nala in Disney's upcoming live-action version of the beloved animated film, "The Lion King," Disney confirmed.
Nala is introduced in the story as the childhood friend of the protagonist Simba, who will be voiced by "Atlanta" star Donald Glover in the Jon Favreau-directed remake.
As adult lions, Nala encourages Simba to fight to retake the throne of the Pride Lands, which was usurped by Simba's evil uncle Scar who killed Simba's father Mufasa.
Nala helps Simba overthrow Scar and become king, which puts her in line to become Simba's queen.
Beyonce posted the full cast list to her Facebook account Wednesday, confirming rumours circulating since March that she had been offered the role of the female lead in the remake.
Disney also shared the cast list on its Twitter account.
The film will hit theaters in the summer of 2019.
In addition to Glover as Simba, the A-list cast includes James Earl Jones, reprising his role from the 1994 animated version as Mufasa, and Alfre Woodard, playing Simba's mother, Sarabi.
Chiwetal Ejiofor, star of "Twelve Years A Slave," will take on the role of villainous Scar, first performed by Jeremy Irons in the 1994 version.
"Last Week Tonight" talk show host John Oliver will play the hornbill Zazu, while Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen will play the comical meerkat and warthog team, Timon and Pumbaa.
"The Lion King" remains one of the highest grossing animated films of all time.
Unlike other recent live-action Disney remakes, such as "Beauty and the Beast" and "Cinderella," the story contains no human characters, so it remains unclear how a live-action version will look, the Guardian said.
However, Favreau this live-action concept work very will with his successful reprisal of "The Jungle Book.".
Beyoncé Is Nala in the 'Lion King' Remake, But What Will the Movie Be Like?|K CHANNEL - Duration: 7:06.Beyoncé Is Nala in the 'Lion King' Remake, But What Will the Movie Be Like?
Look, youve seen the pic by now.
Even if youre not on Twitter ie: a person working in the media, someone flogging their mixtape or a pro-Trump bot, Im sure someones emailed a link or shared a grainy screenshot of Disneys cast announcement for the new Lion King film on your Facebook wall.
BEYONCE!!! has been the main focus so far.
Shes been cast to voice lioness Nala in her adult years AKA the bad bitch who had to teach a man-child to get himself together with a combination of roughhousing and then reunion shagging.
But the story goes further than that.
Have you read every name on this cast list? Have you not then immediately imagined Seth Rogens goddamn bassy chuckle jackhammering between lines as he voices A GASSY AND KIND OF INSECURE WARTHOG?? Have you not thought about Eric Andre in the voiceover booth, just slowly and repetitively perfecting his hyena cackle, channeling the spirit of Whoopi Goldberg minus all the problematic shit she says like every other week on the The View? Oh … no? Well we have.
Donald Glover as Simba.
Imagine, if you will, a shirtless Donald Glover with all those motion sensor sticker things on his torso, play-fighting with a Beyoncé body double because real Beyoncé obviously is contracted to only be touched by non-family members for a maximum of three seconds.
Donald has an Emmy now.
Donald is not a joke.
He will fully display the nuances of the emotional journey from Simba the childish moron to Simba the guy out to vanquish his fathers untimely death on some taking the kingdom back shit.
Donald will make you cry.
The ultimate ride-or-die.
The one who probably should have got away but just aged prematurely in her twenties on account of never having enough food while living under dictatorial rule and then doing unpaid emotional labour for her best friend/man.
Beyoncés acting skills over the years have at least improved since the ultimate low that was yelling IM A WHOLE LOTTA WOMAN on a loop as Foxxy Cleopatra in Austin Powers in Goldmember, so she should be able to make us feel Nalas pain and very sincere, slow-burning pride.
You know when Bey sits in that deep part of her speaking voice, when shes talking about God or the strength within her in a really serious documentary scene? We want that.
Someone on the Noisey desk just described as Scar so sexy for an animated lion so I guess this is an open-and-shut case?? All Chiwetel needs to do is ham up a campy, slowly extended smile and drag out his words over more syllables than normal.
Have you just imagined Chiwetel with half-open eyes, looking over his own impeccable manicure while ordering around Zazu (coming in a second) and sort of sashaying across the green screen room? Good.
Alfree Woodard as Sarabi.
Dont mean to alarm you but no one can fulfill this righteous mum who will not be fucked with and wraps her hair every night after putting the kids to bed, for that single bit of alone time all day role more than Woodard.
John Oliver as Zazu.
Just in time for the all lives matter brigade, yes, there will be white people in this.
And, to really keep you satisfied, theyre all men! John Oliver as a well-meaning and loyal hornbill who, even though hes a bird, definitely looks like he needs glasses, is some of the most on-the-nose casting Ive seen in years.
Except lots of spluttering.
John Kani as Rafiki.
At the risk of being rude, this is the first weve heard of Kani.
But since hes been acting for about 40 years, chances are hell be able to perfectly channel the spirit of a jaunty baboon who spends most of the day giggling to himself, welcoming newborn lion cubs to the pride and communicating with spirits, all while lurching around as though hes been gone off the Henny for days.
Kani is South African, rather than east African (where the Lion Kings Swahili references come from) so I look forward to him best Kenyan accent.
Hillary Clinton says FBI investigation into Trump, Russia 'should have come out' ...K CHANNEL - Duration: 2:26.Hillary Clinton says FBI investigation into Trump, Russia 'should have come out' before election
Hillary Clinton is defending her campaigns involvement with the infamous dossier of research into Donald Trump, which included information about the FBIs investigation into ties between the then-presidential candidates campaign and Russia.
Appearing on Wednesdays Daily Show, the former Democratic presidential nominee was asked by host Trevor Noah if there is a difference in her campaign paying for that research and Trumps people allegedly working with the Russians to influence the election.
"Of course there is.
And I think most serious people understand that, she responded, noting that the document involving Donald Trump and pee — as described by Noah — had been started by a Republican donor during the Republican primary.
From my perspective, it didn't come out before the election, as we all know, she continued.
I know that voters should have had that information, that's something that may have influenced some people.
And its part of what happens in a campaign, where you get information that may or may not be useful and you try to make sure anything you put out into the public arena is accurate.
So this thing didnt come out until after the election and its still being evaluated.
But the fact of the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia should have come out..
남자가 사랑할 때 [새벽세시2 EP1] - Duration: 6:21.Jaehoon: You called me here and why aren't you speaking?
Minwoo: Hyeong (korean expression for man when calling an older man)
M: Why girls always do that?
J: Do what? Are you seeing somebody?
M: There's no somebody.
I'm talking about Su-Ah, Lee Su-Ah
J: What's wrong with Su-Ah?
M: Nothing.. it's just.. she never understands me
J: How long has it been after your break up with her?
M: about 3-4 months
J: Have you saw your ex since the last time you came across her walking with Hee-Jae?
M: Why do you bring out that?
You're annoying
J: You too were with woman then, weren't you. Stop grumbling.
M: She was not "WOMAN" to me.
It was mere business relationship.
But Su-Ah and him are.. they are close..
I don't know. I never liked him. That tall and neat guy.
J: You are no different from me.
M: What about me
J: It's natural. Its about time to face aftermath
M: It's not something like that J: Okay. Let's just keep it that way.
M: I said it's not true.
M: It's ok! Just give it to me
J: Stop drinking.
Just give it to me quickly
If you fall down dead-drunk, I'll just leave you
M: I won't fall
J: Do you remember when I broke up with Min-Yeong?
M: You were like shit.
J: If you don't wanna be like me stop drinking.
M: That's a real threat
M: If I recorded you, you would've become a national dork.
You were like keep shouting Min-Yeong
J:If you drank this, you were shouting Su-Ah too.
J: We are pathetic
I met Su-Ah
a month later after our break-up
J: Why? You didn't say a word about that
It's nothing..just.. She said hello
We had a small talk and I tried to let her slide by
but she asked me if I have a time for conversation.
J: So, you guys had what conversation?
M: That's all J: Bullshit.
There was certainly something cause you guys met.
M: We met,
she stared me for a while and just said she's leaving.
She said nothing,
no any common words like 'Take care'
There was nothing special
J: You had nothing to say to her?
M: I was just mindless.
I was dealing with the break up quite well then and also I was busy.
J: So you just let her go like that?
M: Yeah. But that's when things got weird
J: How?
M: When she dumped me,
I knew it was over.
But when she left me again saying 'sleep tight'
it didn't feel like a closure
It felt like there will be her text in the morning
I was unconsciously checking my phone
and waiting for her contact
M: It was weird.
I couldn't even eat that day.
I asked to be excused and ran back to that place after,
but I could only watch her in a distance.
J: What is that? A freaking movie or something?
Hey, let's leave before you fell to sleep
M: Oh I feel alcohol coming up its killing me
J: I told you so
Is it natural to miss her more
when drunk?
yeah it certainly is
M: Don't you miss Min-Yeong?
J: I do, how can't I.
M: Why don't u call her?
J: Hey, how dare I.
M: Me too. How dare we..
waited for me during military,
covered for me during job-seeking time
Its hard to find that type of girl.
We were lucky.
At least we have met them.
Theres no use
We both lost them
J: You don't know that. There's still chance for you.
M: May be It's not over for you too.
J: don't know that. Nobody can tell.
M: Just call her once
J: Forget about it. You just walk straight.
J: There's a person in my life.
Who makes me feel like, one day, we'll going to meet again.
It's not because I want to retrieve the past
for the time we shared was most beautiful
It's just because there's nothing I can do
rather than wishing for a chance to meet again
whenever I miss you.
It's because I'm incapable.
It's because there's so much to say but
there's nothing I can say in words.
that's how I just left you in the past,
today again.
I hope 'us' inside the past moment would be in love forever.
3am 2
[ARIANA BONITA] Mi nuevo look & Tratamiento casero para el cabello seco │ Belleza Coreana - Duration: 10:09.-------------------------------------------
Multiplexer System Review - MPS Scam Exposed! - Duration: 5:18.Faysal here. How are you guys doing? If you have not yet subscribed to our
Channel, please do so and click on the bell icon for future updates. Today
we'll be discussing about viral software which trades binary options goes by the
name of a Multiplexer System or MBS as you can see here. This guy is the
creator of multiplexer and his name is Richard. He claims that you can
earn $20,000 every single day. Yes! you heard me right
20 G's man! You can earn 850 every single hour. But this guy is very famous
you know. After looking at his face for 10 seconds
I have recognized him. He is a professional actor and he has been
appeared in many scam video promotions. As for example, multiplexer is not a new
software & it was released on October 25th 2016. You see we have exposed
multiplexer app in our website and here you can see this guy appeared in
trading software that is called profits infinity and profits infinity was a
biggest scam. Here is the Multiplexer System which was launched in just one year
ago and we marked it as a scam. Here you can see the same guy appeared on profits
infinity scam promotion. Now you know that this so-called
Richard of Multiplexer System is a con artist and multiplexer system is the
identical software of multiplexer which was launched one year ago.
They show some trading results or LIVE training results here and you can see
every single trade is a winner. But there is no entry rate or expiry rate
they display. They show some testimonials over here
but I assume that these are fake and you cannot win $20,000
every day by a trading software. Even the best trading apps in the market like
Maximus Edge or other legit apps can make you earn $20,000 every single day. This
is just a hilarious claim and in the video presentation they show some fancy
lifestyle as you can see here. This lady is sitting on a jet plane, private jet
and stuff like that. But we have found this lady in another place. The
website called Shutterstock and it sells stock photographs and videos and see I'm
on their Shutterstock site. See this the exact same video they purchased
for promotional purpose. This is not a genuine user testimonial of
multiplexer. She is just a stock model and nothing else.
But they are using her video for the promotional purpose. Now come to the
point. You see multiplexersys.com was
registered 26th October 2017. It is not even a week old. Can you believe it's not even a
week but they are claiming you can earn a huge amount of money or you will be a
millionaire within a month or two. So, I will definitely not recommend
you this fraud production. Stay safe and don't get scammed!
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