- This time on Hot Rod Garage,
we build a half ton on fun.
(van accelerates)
(car wheel spins)
(fast rock music)
Welcome back to Hot Rod Garage presented by Lincoln Tech.
In this episode we are going to do something
that Lucky and I have not done before,
we're going to build like a fun 70's boogey van.
- Boogey van.
- So what we have here is an '87 G10 van
and we're going to back date the whole thing
and make it look like a '77 using headlights,
grill, doors, a bunch of sheet metal
and the we'll do a bunch of suspension work,
maybe some side pipe to make it loud
and get the right wheels and tires on here
and turn it in to a sweet cruiser.
- We doing like a couch and a bed and a bean bag.
- I'm with you on that, I'd like to see a fish tank
and a bunch of weird lights and lava lamps.
- Yeah.
- This is my buddy Lindsay's van and he's
a motorcycle racer too and I know he wants
to put his bike back in there.
This is going to be authentic California cruiser.
- Driveable
- Low buck, grimey, sleazy.
- Sleazy rider
- Sleazy rider that's what I'm talking about.
So I'm here I've got my 70's shirt,
I got my 70's stache and I'm ready to party.
- Nice
- Out of ten how sleazy do you think I look?
- 11
- Perfect, is that what these, these are my 11's right?
(presenter laughs)
- Alright let's get started.
- [Lucky] Let's go.
(upbeat funk music)
Don't crash in to the van.
- [Tony] Alright.
- [Lucky] So what we got here buddy?
- I got all these front end parts.
We have G30 springs, super cool cross drilled rotors,
new calipers and upper arms, pads and drop knuckles.
- You mean spindles?
- Spindles, yeah whatever you want to call them.
Any way so that should lower this thing
but with a heavy duty spring it'll still have good travel
that'll transform the front end
and get our stance the way we want it.
- Where did we get all this stuff?
- Rockauto.
You just get on the app
and your like beep bop boop boop, done.
So you get started on the front end upgrade
and I'll find Lindsay, he's got all the old sheet metal
he dug out of a junkyard.
Pick him up, bring that stuff back here,
that way we're both getting stuff done.
- Lindsay's the guy with the pretty hair that owns the van?
- You got it.
- It's going to be good times.
- Alright' I'll see you. - Okay.
- So now we're getting ready to pull out all the old stuff.
Some of it's not so old, I see he's been doing some work
in here, we got some Gas-a-just shocks on there.
Looks like we got a heavy duty coil spring.
So we're going to snatch all this out
and put in all the new stuff.
Cover your ears.
(upbeat rock music)
Okay so it's never good to let brake calipers hang
by the hose, the break lines.
If they're old they will crack and fatigue
so you want to hang them by something
and if you don't have a coat hanger handy
that leads me right in to your zip tie moment.
So I run it around here, tie it to the sway bar,
hook it up in the dark and there it is.
Another brake line saved by a zip tie
and that's your zip tie moment.
So after I lower the control arm
with the spindle removed the spring pops right out.
New control arm time.
Always important to line up the pig tail
with the little dimple in the pocket.
Oh yeah.
So now that these drop spindles are all installed,
here's Tony with your Lincoln tech tip,
to tell you exactly what drop spindles do.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to another Lincoln Tech tip.
Today we're going to talk about drop spindles,
as Lucky calls them or drop knuckles,
what they do and how they work.
A drop spindle is a replacement after market knuckle
that has had the spindle moved up on the knuckle
in order to lower the front end of the vehicle.
The traditional method of lowering a car is
to use a shorter spring which lowers the car
by putting the suspension arms lower in their stroke.
Now this system has two disadvantages.
One negatively effected suspension geometry
and reduced suspension travel.
A drop knuckle solves both of these problems
by preserving the factory geometry and mounting positions
while raising the spindle up on to the knuckle,
effectively lowering the car.
Two things to consider when using a drop knuckle
is that the distance from the center of the wheel
to the lower arm will be increased
by the amount you're dropping the car
so you'll have to probably run a bigger wheel than stock.
And secondly the track width overall will change
so you want to keep that in mind as well.
So now we've got drop knuckles all figured out,
let's get back to the shop.
- [Narrator] Lincoln Tech can teach you how
to have a career working with cars.
See lincolntech.edu.
- Alright I've found him.
This is my buddy Lindsay Ross.
I've known him for a million years.
Lindsay is an automotive designer,
he's designed some of my favorite race cars
that I drove in FT.
He designed Ken Block's Hoonicorn maybe you saw that one
and now he works full time
for our buddy Vaughn Gitten building everything.
- Yeah Mustang's, RTR stuff, his formula drift program
and all of his cool projects.
- But not his facial hair concepts?
- No, no, no that's him on his own.
- So what do we have here?
- We've got a whole bunch of parts from 70's vans.
Streamline, thin bumpers, an old grill,
smooth doors C10 sport mirrors from a truck
which are super rare and awesome to find
and old rear doors as well.
- It's an '87, it'll look like a '77.
So it's going to be smoother,
- Tighter, just more boogey.
- Got it, more boogey.
And obviously it needs a bunch of metal Work
which is the worst,
so we'll let Lucky keep working the front end
and we'll start doing a little Bondo and sand work.
My favorite.
- So we ordered everything from Rock Auto.
All the wheel bearings, the seals,
the only thing we forgot were the nuts for the spindles.
- [Tony] Knuckles.
- Knuckles.
(upbeat rock music)
- So we're going through the stuff that Lindsay got
from the junkyard, the earlier doors for the back of the van
and it turns out that the passenger side door
is exactly the same as the one that he has already
which is in far better shape.
The only difference is the glass is different
and his door on the outside is perfect,
somebody kind of hacked up the door limiter area
so I'll just cut out that metal here, graft it in there
and we'll swap the glass.
We won't have to get this painted
and the car will look great.
- Let's do it.
- Let's do it.
- Then I'll mark, cut, transfer this metal over here
and we'll put it back together.
(upbeat rock music)
I think it looks cool.
- When they ship the rotors they put something on them
to stop them from rusting and when you touch them
with your greasy fingers you'll contaminate the metal
and you want to wipe all that off
before you put your brake shoes in,
otherwise that grease and grime gets impregnated
in to the brakes and they don't work as well as they should.
That's pretty much done.
- So we're putting drop knuckles
from a C10 truck that CPP makes on the front
of Lindsay's G10 van and that would work fine on a truck
but it turns out that the tie rod opening here
does not fit with Lindsay's tie rod
so I got a hand reamer from a local truck shop
and I'm just going to try to get it out.
When you buy these things you have to make sure
you get the right taper, the angle exactly right
because sometimes if it's wrong it'll tighten up
but it'll work itself loose,
you need that contact all the way down the shank.
- We have a couple welds that we're trying to knock down
so when we body fill them,
they're not going to be bumps, they'll be smooth.
- So Lindsay is ready for me
to lay some Bondo in to those divots that he made.
We're going to send these things off
to get painted professionally because bodywork is the worst.
I think this is the kind of thing where being an expert,
you're faster you have to sand less
but you know take your time,
you'll be able to and it out and make it look good.
(upbeat rock music)
- [Lindsay] These look nice.
- [Tony] Yeah they do.
Let's load them up and get them out of here.
- Hell yeah.
- [Tony] Off to paint.
- [Lindsay] We go
- So fresh new day, we're going to swap the grill
and headlights and I know there's a little bit
of metal that's got to get moved around up here.
Bumpers, marker lights, everything's going back to the 70's
and then we're going to install some portal windows
which are weird and awesome.
- Here you get up with it.
Helping Tony stay in shape is what I do.
- Right so this is the 87 bumper
and that is the 70's bumper as you can see,
that one is more streamlined and it doesn't have
these big five mile an hour rubber blocks on it.
Just nice, clean, cool 70's look.
So Lindsay's actually already test fit
this old style grill on here and sort of hacked it into place,
we're going to clean up this installation
but the major things you need to know
is that there's a ridge of metal here,
you have to trim off I think about a quarter, 3/8 of an inch
to let the old grill sit a little bit flatter
and then you've got to make room here for a headlight bucket,
a round head light bucket.
Which he did but again it's not the prettiest thing.
We'll clean it up, weld in those headlight buckets
where they're supposed to go and it'll be much, much nicer.
- Have you ever been knifed by one of those?
- [Tony] Yeah
That was an injury waiting to happen right there.
- [Lucky] Yeah it was.
- [Tony] I got my tetanus shot for nothing now,
you got it all clean.
- We're done dude.
- [Tony] Alright let's go home.
- Let's go to lunch.
(upbeat rock music)
Fits pretty good.
- Alright so before when Lindsay test fit this
he just drilled a little hole to accept a lower turn signal
but it doesn't sit exactly how we want it
so we're going to hog this area out and make a different mount
- [Lucky] Hog it out.
- Hog it out, get hogging.
(upbeat rock music)
- We decided to cut out this whole area
behind the turn indicator, I'll put two little tabs in,
drill one little hole on either side
and we'll bolt the front turn indicators in
just like they were factory.
I'm making some sparks here in just a second,
it's going to be bad ass.
Ow, ow, ow.
(upbeat rock music)
(upbeat rock music)
- I switched side markers to the Beauville style
which are fancy and have little trim rings on them
and these are just blah.
These were on a few models of vans
and they look pretty sweet.
One thing you have to be careful
of with the new weather stripping,
is that it doesn't get crunched
and you start leaking water everywhere
because it's brand new and the van is not
so make sure it's seated right and screw it in.
(upbeat funk music)
- We're installing these round porthole windows,
they're super 70's for these vans.
You're going to drill in, cut it out, seal it up.
I'm just making a quick template,
I'll hold this up to the side of the van
and trace it properly, make sure it's exact
and then we're going to cut a hole
in the side of Lindsay's van.
- Let me see what this thing says, we can consult.
Did we do it right?
- This entire book is just naked women, it's unbelievable.
- Sounds like we're on point.
- Yeah.
- Perfect
(upbeat funk music)
- I'm going to put in some caulk style tape,
it is called Strip Caulk.
It's semi-hardening but super pliable
so it won't hold the window out,
the longer you hold it there
the flusher the window will be.
Oh yeah.
- So to figure out exactly where to place these port windows
so that they would look right
but also not interfere with any
of the strengthening ribs on the inside of the van.
We discussed it a bit
and figured out exactly where we wanted these to be.
Cause once they're cut, they're cut.
Right so we have to bleed the brakes on the van
because Lucky replaced the front calipers
when he did all those suspension upgrades.
Motive Products makes this cool one man brake bleeder
so the two of us together should be able
to work this thing just fine.
- [Lucky] I actually have one of these at home,
they work really good.
If you get up to ten you're done.
- Yeah I agree.
Right so now this reservoir is pressurized
with clean new fluid and we should be able
to just go to the calipers crack the bleeders
and it'll pump down.
- [Lucky] Is it flowing?
- It's flowing and it's getting cleaner.
It's coming out great.
Looks clear enough.
There she goes.
- [Lucky] Drink it I dare you.
- Pass.
Right imma lock it down.
So that's it brakes are bled,
you can do this with one person.
- So I just got done pulling out the stock starter motor,
it's a giant tanker of a starter motor,
AC Delco all covered in, oh look from an '84 Chevvy,
all we're going to do now is
slap in the new MSD gear reduction starter motor.
Bam there it is, isn't it pretty.
It's a high torque starter that requires less voltage.
(upbeat rock music)
- [Lindsay] So the headers are in and they fit great,
we had to remove the dipstick
and kind of sneak them around the new starter.
The hardest thing about installing these was taking out all
of the stock stuff which is garbage.
- Okay so we have the hooker headers on Lindsay's van.
It's time to put the side pipes on
but the lift is in the way
so we're going to put it on the ground.
Which means its time for new wheels and tires.
Lindsay tell them all about these.
- [Lindsay] These are ET4 slot mags from the 70's
and they're uni-lug so they fit anywhere
from five on four and a half to five on five.
These little spacers change your PCD pattern.
(upbeat rock music)
- So we're really hustling to get this thing done
while I'm putting in these 70's side pipes
and connecting them to our long tube hooker headers.
Lucky is in the back installing the doors
that just came back from paint.
(upbeat rock music)
- Getting closer.
Bring the bottom one in and in and in.
Two down, two to go, see ya.
- Marking everything up, I'm going to remove a couple
of inches out of this chrome 90
that's basically the first part of the side pipe.
Because there's just not enough room
for these pipes to fit neat together.
So I'll cut it, remove it, weld it up.
- [Lucky] Lift the bottom up.
Ya kind of got to go out, out.
Close the door.
Just it, oh there we go.
- Lindsay have you thought about your own personal safety
and issues with the van?
- Not really, we got new brakes on it.
- Like what about the hordes of middle-aged women
who used to listen to Rad and Winger
throwing themselves at this Thing?
- Yeah I mean that's kind of the point of it.
- Stay safe out there.
- Alright so we got the front lip installed.
Tony's finishing up the last side pipe
which he is exceptionally good at
and we're going to put graphics on this thing
and start the party.
(funky bass guitar music)
- Well that's pretty much it.
We got to put clamps on but it fits pretty good.
Okay so we have the headers, the side pipes,
the old doors, lights, grill, everything, bumpers, all done,
but we're not there yet.
- Nope.
- Because Lindsay is a designer.
- So we designed out this Z28 inspired graphics package.
Kind of get that late 70's street machine vibe going on.
- So vinyl is about being super clean
and taking your time and getting everything right
and it's super annoying and I hate it.
- Yeah we used to do it a ton for Tony's race cars.
- It's true.
- I know that he loves it a lot
and I'm going to put him to work.
- Yeah let's do it,
you've definitely done it on my cars a few times.
(upbeat rock music)
- We want to make sure we leave enough vinyl to roll in
and wrap around the front of the door lip
and get in to the door jam so that's nice
and well secured.
So I've laid some tape down and put a mark on the body
so that we have a front to back measurement
because we basically have to now pull everything off
and do it by hand but we've got a good idea
of where it all goes.
Some people just throw it down,
with not a ton of Windex or soapy water
or whatever on it and get bubbles
and they start to work them out
but if you have enough of this lube on there
you can pull the whole thing up
and like I said sort of lay it down all at once.
One flat motion and not have any bubbles to begin with.
Any kind of grit on your fingers or anything you get
it's going to be really easy to see
on the vinyl when it's laid down,
you have to keep it perfectly clean.
When you're peeling this back you want to keep it super flat
because every leading edge has a tendency to pull up
and then you can tear stuff, it get's really dangerous.
So I'll run it right around the door
and at the first lip I'm just going to cut it off.
(upbeat rock music)
- So what I'm doing is
in the compound negative surfaces here,
we're hitting it with a little bit of heat,
it makes the vinyl want to stay
and stretch in to that valley so it doesn't peel off.
- Okay Lindsay's van is on the ground for the first time,
with the stripes and everything.
It looks awesome.
What are we going to name this thing?
Street Loaf, I like that one.
- [Lindsay] Vandito
- I think still Vandolf
and you airbrush a hand like Lucky said,
holding up the bubble mirrors
and go like real wizard style with it.
(upbeat funk music)
Get in losers, we're going vanning.
Oh yeah it just feels fun dude.
- [Lindsay] Step on it.
- Woo.
(group laughs)
Funnest slowest car we've ever built.
- Sounds about right.
- Hold on we might take this scooter.
What's up, ready to do this?
- [Lindsay] She's beating us.
- [Lucky] She just put you in your place.
- Yeah we got smoked by a Vespa, dang.
- Alright, Van Diaries, Volume 1.
Super sketchy sitting on a couch, I don't like it.
- Actually if it's in a van it's a love seat.
- [Lindsay] I don't know what I'm supposed
to be doing with my hands right now.
- You've ridden with Tony before, right?
- Yeah, yeah.
- So what you do with your hands is hold on.
- [Tony] Hold on Linds.
- [Lindsay] Holy (beep)
(group laughs)
- Woo boy.
- This is pure vandemonium.
- Alright we're going to jump the tracks guys, ready?
- Sure.
- [Tony] Hold on Linds.
- [Lindsay] Oh my god.
- Brake checks.
- Woah woah woah.
- [Tony] I got it.
- Dude that was so close.
- [Tony] The steering's a little slower than I thought.
- It handles like a porch.
- It's fun though, this thing is so rad.
You want to just do a burny right here?
- [Lucky] This is where the magic happens.
- [Tony] Half ton of fun guys.
- [Lindsay] Oh my god that's a good name.
- Right that's it for this episode
of Hot Rod Garage presented by Lincoln Tech.
I think I love vans now.
- You think?
- I think I do.
Don't forget to check us out
on social media between episodes.
The show is Hot Rod Garage Show on Facebook and Instagram
- Traffic
- I'm Tangelo96.
- I'm Mobiletechlucky
- We'll see you guys
next time. - Help me.
- Help. Send help.
- [Narrator] Replacement parts in this episode
provided by roackauto.com.
- Tomorrow, tomorrow huh huh huh tomorrow.
Only a day away.
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