hey guys I'm back with another video I just want to start off by saying Happy
Thanksgiving to you and your family um and be blessed and I also want to tell
you you guys need to follow me on Twitter that information will be in the
description for you to follow me and if you haven't already subscribed to my
channel please do so and before we begin this video please give my video a like
and a share and make sure you make it a favorite but today I thought it was
suitable to talk about this topic um about a half an hour ago I just put
my dinner in the oven I totally forgot that it was my last meal of the day
I break my fast at 12:00 noon I eat now what I typically eat for my first meal
because I eat two meals a day so I eat between 12:00 and 4:00 and I have to
pretty much be finished eating what I'm gonna eat for the day by five o'clock so
that's four hours 20 hours for a fast so today I have for breakfast which would
be the second day I had three egg scrambled eggs with cheese two slabs of
bacon and you might say what is two slabs of bacon I don't get that bacon
that you get in the supermarket like what is it Oscar Meyer I get the bacon
that you get at the deli or you get at a butcher shop with a cut it and they cut
it to your preference the thickness or the thin arm people like some people
like their bacon thin some people like their bacon thick but it has like that
when it you have to bake it in the oven pretty much just kind of bacon and it
has like that pork rind on you know the bacon so this is the real deal type of
bacon so I usually get mines cut at the meat store kind of a medium thick so you
only need two slices because there's a lot of salt in bacon and I swell up
really easily and I also retain water so I don't need to
or to retain water so I had two slabs of bacon three skinned scrambled eggs and
cheese and I had some salmon and when you eat a protein filled meal you can go
longer hours without being hungry you can almost feel like after you have the
meal that especially you cooked it in butter and all that you you can feel
like you're cheating like there's something that's missing that you had to
have eaten for you your appetite to be distorted where now this is your last
meal and you're like wow was four o'clock and I haven't even started
preparing it and I only have two five o'clock window to be done with all the
meals for the day so that I'm in a of fast by five o'clock and doing my 20
hour fast and not starting to eat another meal into 12:00 noon tomorrow
this is what happened to me today I was like wow I'm really starting my meal at
4 o'clock I had my potatoes on before 4 but I just got finished mashing my
cheese potatoes um that I usually make and one second yes like I was saying if
there's one thing I do not like is when I am making a video and I get a phone
call it's family love them to death but I get a phone call and sometime I like
to make sure that I answer the phone because you never know if it's an
emergency or whatever and it's family member that you know is just calling you
to actually do this actually to do that and gonna get on your nerves and you're
in the middle of a video like I was I should have actually not a paid that any
attention but that's what I was saying I kind of lost track of that I had to have
my meal prepared by 4:00 so I could eat from 4 to 5 that hour window and be done
with it so pretty much I'm making my video before I eat my dinner
and I won't be eaten too after five and this is because I had that protein-rich
breakfast this morning it filled me up it made me satisfied I'm talking to you
in this video right now and I'm still not hungry I was even questioning if I
should even drink my lemon water that I have prepared in the frigerator is
always nice and cold with cut up sliced fresh lemon wedges that are inside of
the you know thing of water and I was even questioning if I should even drink
any water but I did feel kind of uh thirsty I didn't want to drink any sweet
drinks so I said I'm gonna drink some lemon water and I said now if you drink
this lemon water for some reason this is another thing that I have picked up to
do I don't just drink when I do drink water you know anyone who's been
watching me I'm not on that water to gallons of water kick anymore that is
not safe I know that that is not helping me lose weight if anything is not giving
me an accurate reading when I do my weigh-ins and it's gonna be bad for my
health in the long run aint potentially kill me so I kind of cut back with all
that drinking of water but what I do now and I will continue to do it and to it's
my time to go to heaven I'm gonna make sure that I put fresh lemon slices
inside of my water because I noticed that when I do drink water with lemon
and to be quite honest with you when I used to drink plain water I never had
this feeling but when I drink lemon water
I can literally say and I swear on everything I love it also distorts my
appetite it makes me not hungry it makes me feel like I must have ate ate
something like an hour ago and my body signaling you don't want any food so why
would you eat that candy bar why would you eat that cake why would you eat that
bagel cream cheese and smoked salmon um if you you know be feeling for savory
snack rather than a snap why do you want to eat that you're
not even hungry you're not even craving any sweets any
salts you're not craving any kind of food you're not thinking about food this
is what I get from drinking lemon water and also a protein-rich diet and when I
say diet I don't mean diet I'm just talking about when I refer to diet as a
way of eating intermitting fast is something that people who've been
following me they know that this is what I do and this is what works for me and
yes this is a lifestyle change doing the intermittent fast because not only could
I go from four hour window to eat but I can also go to the eight hour window to
eat 16 hour fast so that means I would eat from a certain time and end at a
certain time and within that certain time I stopped eight hours later I would
have to stop that doesn't mean eat the whole eight hours know if you're doing
that then you already know why you're obese or overweight or gaining weight or
on the verge of being another pant size whatever how you want to look at it but
like I was I'm saying yes I'm definitely doing the protein thing I did it in the
past I always have good results with it but it's not really good on my digestive
system but I have said I started doing this yesterday today is my second day
doing this protein thing I do eat a little bit of carbs
I don't measure it because I have learned over the last two weeks I know
what a cup is an actual cup is so I can identify even looking at plates of food
in my head that I've served my own self this is why you're not losing weight or
this is why you're swelling up because sugar and cortisol make the body swell
along with sodium carbs can be your enemy so if you eat
too many carbs and you're getting on a diet and you're about to do what I mean
you're getting on a diet I mean if you're getting on a scale and you're
about to do a weigh-in don't recommend eating too many carbs towards the end of
the week because the scale is going to fluctuate and it's not gonna give you
the accurate reading of what your actual weight is just to let you know a key
point if you are really serious about this weight loss thing like I am you see
that I'm documenting every single day my weight loss journey even on Thanksgiving
I will have a video up for you guys um and it will be documenting that day
because I don't keep this a holiday or not nothing ever changes when you have a
way of eating that's why I do the intimate and fast if I have to do an
eight-hour window just because I'm doing an exception for the holidays it still
works for whatever I'm trying to do and it's not taking me off my focus and my
weight loss you never want to get off your weight loss until you complete
where you're trying to get to and for me I just want to live better I want to be
able to sleep like I used to when I was younger I want to look myself again
which is very you know shapely and sexy I want to you know keep that going on
for a long time and if God blessed you with the nice shape why not keep it nice
you know I don't want it super-sized I like me the size that I was before the
weight loss journey and I'm gonna get there and now as I get older and I'm
seeing that it's harder to lose weight I'm gonna stay there because as you get
older that's just a proven fact it gets harder and harder to lose this
stubborn weight so once you get a method that works for you you got to stick with
it you truly have to stick with it and if you stick with it and you don't give
up like with me there's been many days I could have gave up because I had
followed the water fad the water myth and I wasn't getting accurate weigh-ins
on the scale it was one week I didn't even do a weigh-in so this week this
Sunday will be my which should be my third weigh-in but I only did one on
video so the second weigh-in was last Sunday
and because I was so swollen and was thinking about going to the hospital I
didn't do I did a video but I didn't do a weigh-in video because I was too
swollen and I knew I didn't gain weight I was retaining water so I had to give
my body a break from the water and I had to drain out my system but today I got
my green tea with Senna it's called ballerina tea it's in a green box so why
should you guys see videos on YouTube I'm kind of surprised myself that they
had videos about this tea but this tea works wonders
and once you cleanse out the colon and everything's all cleansed out which the
colon works with the liver and the blood and the kidneys and all that once that
is all hand in hand all clean though everything is father's burning fat and
removing toxins from the body which is key toxins as in fats
once you get your colon and your blood and everything all cleaned out which
this is why I'm so glad I got this tea cuz I've hadn't had it for about two
weeks now and I didn't realize how important it was to me to have this in
my life and - I ran out so I bought three boxes of this tea and what I'm
gonna do is next month I'm gonna buy which is almost over so in a couple of
days I'm gonna buy another box of it I just decided today so when I get down to
three boxes already gone I want to have six boxes in the house but go through
three always have three in the house and once I run out of three boxes I will
replace them because I don't never want to run out of this tea ever in life
this tea is what's gonna keep me looking young looking Virant vibrant and feeling
good about me and cleansing out the body is a the best medicine for people with
anxiety or suffered from depression or bipolar that you can give yourself is a
cleanse that's better than any medication that a doctor can write out
in a prescription so listen guys I want you guys to have a great Thanksgiving
please like this video also share this video and make it a favorite and I'll
see you guys in the next video bye for now
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