(upbeat music)
So we just came down here to find out
that our dog...
♪ Its gonna be ♪
♪ Its gonna be ♪
♪ Its gonna be ♪
♪ The best day of our lives ♪
What are we at?
Like number five meetings for today?
But, I have no idea what we're doing.
(upbeat music)
Hey guys, it's Alison.
I'm so excited you're here.
Today's video is going to be on
a day in the life of what in the devil
Alison Prince does all day long (laughing).
I've had some requests on
just to take a little tour of
what I do every day.
So I'm gonna show you.
Don't forget to like, subscribe, share this video
and let's get started.
Okay before I get started in the actual day,
I wanna tell you how I structure my week.
'Cuz I'm going to take you in
and show you what a Wednesday looks like,
my typical Wednesday looks like.
But each day is super different for me.
I actually schedule out all my days
specifically for certain purposes.
So Mondays my catch up day.
I catch up from the weekend
and just get my barrings straight on
everything that's happened over the weekend.
Tuesday is my day that I schedule to push forward.
What am I going to do in my businesses
to help me go forward?
Wednesday, the third day of the week,
is my meeting day
and that's my take you on a wild goose chase
around to see everything that goes on.
Thursday is my next catch up day
because Wednesday I've been gone all day
so I catch up on Thursday
and then Friday is my wrap up day.
So I have Facebook Lives and a couple phone calls
and then I wrap it up so that I can have
a weekend to work and just focus on my family.
Good morning, it's a little bit before six o'clock
and I'm getting started today
by just writing out all the things
that I need to accomplish today,
the things that are on fire,
and just organizing my day.
And the little guys will be up in just about an hour
so it's a power hour for me to get a lot of stuff done
before they wake up.
It's eight o'clock
and these little guys have to be to school
in a half hour.
This one
is still out.
Good morning buddy.
Go get some breakfast.
I don't wanna go to school.
(whimsical music)
(upbeat music)
- [Alison] Jareds cooking breakfast.
So we just came down here to find out that our dog
tore up insulation so she had a bed to sleep in.
(whimsical music)
Anybody want a dog?
Time to get rid of the dog.
She is naughty. Stupid dog.
- [Alison] Here comes the naughty puppy.
Where you going? No you can't inside.
No Lucy no.
Bye boys.
Bye guys.
- [Jared] Love you buddy, see you guys.
Love you.
ok, kids are out the door
and I have a meeting in about 10 minutes
and I'm still in my pajamas so I'm gonna hurry
but I walked into the bedroom
and look what I found Jared doing.
Yay laundry.
He's my dream man right there.
Meeting number one.
(whimsical music)
I just heard Ruby pull up.
Ruby comes over for lunch
every once in a while before she goes to cosmetology school.
So lets go surprise her at the door.
- [Alison] What you got?
Um, Berry Colossal Crunch
'cuz I didn't have Tooty Fruitys.
- [Alison] Is this your lunch?
Its your breakfast too huh?
Yeah kind of.
I mean I got food at my house but ...
then I have to make something.
- [Alison] You want a real lunch?
You want me to make you something?
You know my Berry Colossal Crunch will do me well.
- [Alison] Do you want some milk?
Oh no.
Now I'm headed down to meeting number two
at the Pick Your Plum office space.
I try and schedule all my meetings on Wednesday
just to get 'em out of the way
and I can focus on other things.
Pick Your Plum office space is in
number six.
(whimsical music)
Hi. Hey.
K, so I'm running into one of our warehouses.
We have two, so this is first on the list for today
and I'm checking our inventory.
It is a little bit low.
We are getting more inventory
I think tomorrow, so fingers crossed
that it comes in tomorrow 'cuz we need it.
So here's a little secret that I wanna show you.
We actually throw in this card
with a piece of Laffy Taffy
and we literally bribe our customers
to leave us a review.
So here's the front side of it
and then here's the back one right here.
We thought it would be nice to include some sugar
and a joke in your package as a thank you
for your order, but who are we kidding
we just want to bribe you to leave us a review (laughing).
It works you guys, we've gotten lots of great reviews
from this little bribe.
Ok, now I'm on to meeting number four.
I'm running into the Pick Your Plum warehouse
to see how the crews doing
and I've got some clan wins to ship.
Shirts and notes for people that have
made money online this week
in the Zero to a Hundred K system.
I'm super excited for em
and getting ready to ship it out.
So I'm headed in to see how they're doing in here.
Alright my camera died
so I'm using my cellphone to record this.
I've got notes going in
Because I Can Clan notes
my notebooks, some these Because I Can clan note winners yay!
So I'm headed into the warehouse right now.
Oh and yes, popcorn from two nights ago.
Still in the car.
(whimsical music)
Pick Your Plum.
Hi Judy.
Hi, how are you?
- [Alison] A fresh new batch of products just came in.
We're taking a look at em to make sure
how they were packaged and sent to us is correct.
Now we did have some that were broken
and what we need to do is let the manufacturer know
how we want them packaged in the future.
So we're recording a little video here
of things that we wanna do
so that when they come to us next time
we can make sure that our products are 100%
and reduce the risk of some of the breakage that we have.
(whimsical music)
Actually ordered something for a in-store pick up
and I gotta go
I gotta find it, I don't know where they
actually keep it in here.
And here it is.
This is a big old, stinkin' box.
I'm back home in my office
and I'm about to head into another meeting.
What are we at, like number five...
meetings for today?
And I have another one at four
so this one happens in about 12 minutes
and then the next one is at four o'clock.
Huh, busy, busy, busy Wednesday.
Loading 'em all, jamming 'em all in on Wednesday
so that I can get other stuff done
the other two, four days of the week.
One of my biggest distractions is when packages come.
I stop everything that I'm doing
and I open 'em.
Package number one...
lights to hang off our front porch.
Package number two, I got donut pillows for the kids.
And I think there's four, yeah.
Four donut pillows, this is interesting.
I think they tried to ship 'em in a
Priority, but it didn't quite make it in.
So they had to stick 'em in a box.
Four donut pillows for four kids for Christmas.
Hi Maxine this is Alison Prince, how are you doing?
[Maxine On Speakerphone] Hi Alison,
I'm doing wonderful thanks.
- [Alison] Kids just got home from school,
had some chicken nuggets
and then where you going buddy?
We're going to karate next and kick some butt.
- [Alison] Whoa, those are some good karate moves.
Karate time.
- [Alison] It never ceases to amaze me
what I find in my Facebook Messenger account,
my business one.
hairy men.
Don't know why these send pictures.
And then furniture.
I don't know how those two correlate,
so this one's going to spam.
Homework, yay.
- [Alison] Favorite time of the day.
I'm in charge of dinner tonight.
So we are having pancakes.
Okay, next thing on the list is...
Young Womans, we're going to a church activity
and I'm so excited, but I have no idea what we're doing.
(whimsical music)
- [Alison] Time for bed.
Ok, day in the life of Alison Prince.
That's what I do and I love it.
Seriously, I...
This is fun for me, I love building businesses.
I love helping people build businesses
and create income and changing their financial future.
This is what makes me happy.
So you guys, seriously,
if you're interested in
living your financial dreams, right?
And then being able to work from home
or just doing the things you've always dreamed about
do it.
We're living in an age where we can.
Like I'm talking to you right now on
a social media platform that doesn't cost me anything.
Like it's pretty magical how you can grow a business now
without having to take out huge business loans.
And get involved and make this a reality.
There's links up above, links below
for you guys to get started
in this awesome journey of happiness.
Alright, I'll talk to you guys later, bye.
(upbeat music)
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