The charming city of Nuremberg is over 950 years old and is located in the very
heart of Germany.
For centuries Nuremberg was the unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire.
Successive German kings or Emperors resided and held court here.
It was a place of power and prestige.
Adolf Hitler and the Nazis saw Nuremberg as the perfect stage for their activities.
Huge fanatical Nazi rallies were held here. From this platform Hitler
delivered his fiery speeches that stirred the emotions of his people.
Nuremberg became a centre of Nazi ideals. Here plans were made and strategies finalised.
Adolf Hitler planned to unite Europe and establish an empire that
would last for a thousand years - the thousand-year Reich. He plunged the world
into the largest, most destructive, most violent and most widespread war the
world has ever seen.
But Adolf Hitler could have saved himself, his people and the world a lot of
heartache and agony if only he'd taken note of an ancient prophecy, cast in
stone, above the entrance to the old town hall or Rathaus, right here in Nuremberg.
This amazing prophecy written 2600 years ago accurately predicted the
future of Europe, the outcome of World War Two and the fate of Adolf Hitler and
the Nazis and it also contains a message for us today. Don't miss it!
Nuremberg is a city of castles, cathedrals and canals. Here German Emperors
were crowned, Saints were buried and the most famous and talented
German artists in history created awe inspiring works.
Today, Nuremberg is the second largest city in the state of Bavaria after Munich which
is about a hundred and 70 kilometres south. Nuremberg held great significance
during the Nazi era. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis saw Nuremberg as the perfect stage
for their activities. Because of the city's relevance to the holy Roman
empire and its position in the centre of Germany, the Nazi Party chose the city to
be the site of huge Nazi Party conventions. In 1933 Adolf Hitler
declared that Nuremberg should be the city of the Nazi Party rallies.
The Nazis constructed monumental buildings, arenas and roads for these mass rallies, events
and parades. These fanatical party rallies became huge Nazi propaganda events.
From this very platform Adolf Hitler delivered his passionate and
fiery speeches that raised the hopes and stirred the emotions of his people.
Nuremberg became a centre of Nazi ideals. Here plans were made and
strategies finalized. Adolf Hitler planned to unite Europe and establish an
empire that would last for a thousand years - the thousand-year Reich.
He plunged the world into the largest, most destructive, most violent and most
widespread war the world has ever seen. It was the first truly global war.
Every continent participated. World War Two involved 61 countries with nearly
Two billion people - 3/4 of the world's population. 62 million people lost their lives.
Hitler arrogantly believed he could
conquer Europe with the strength of his armies and establish a world empire that
would last for a thousand years. But there was one german soldier,
Franz Hasel, in the elite pioneer companies 699, who boldly told his superiors that
hitler was doomed to failure. Franz Hasel was absolutely certain about this
and you know the reason he was so sure? This prophecy cast in stone above the
entrance to the old town hall here in Nuremberg. These stone images depict a
prophecy from the bible book of Daniel written 2600 years ago.
It predicted the outcome of World War Two and the fate of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.
At the risk of death Hasel told his commanding officer, Captain Miekus,
that Germany would never unite Europe under the Nazi swastika and control the world.
He boldly stated that Hitler and his plans were doomed.
As unit 699 drove deep into Russia Captain Miekus believed what Hasel was
saying and carried extra fuel and supplies, hoping for a safe retreat.
They were among the very few who returned home safely from the Russian front.
So what is this prophecy from the Bible Book of Daniel? Well let's take a closer
look at these prophetic images cast in stone above the entrance to the old town hall.
The first image is of a lion with eagle's wings, together with a statue of
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. The second is a bear along with an image of
Cyrus the Great of Medo-Persia. A closer look at the other image shows a leopard
with four heads and is matched with a statue of Alexander the Great of Greece.
The fourth is a nondescript beast with ten horns and is matched with Julius
Caesar of Rome. So what do Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome have to do
with Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich symbolized by these Nazi mega structures behind me ?
Well let's find out.
Our investigation starts in Babylon. Babylon was once the golden city of the
ancient world. A great warrior, King Nebuchadnezzar, ruled it from 605 to 562 BC
His rule stretched through most of the Middle East and at the time this was
the centre of the world. In 605 BC Nebuchadnezzar and his armies struck out
westward on a mission of conquest. As part of their mission they attacked the
city of Jerusalem, they besieged and plundered the city looting the temple
and carrying off many of the sacred golden vessels. Daniel, a young Jewish prince,
was taken captive and with the creme of the city's youth, carried off to
Babylon as a war hostage, where he was trained to be a servant of the king and
one of the Empire's wise men.
Now we pick up this story in the Bible Book of Daniel
in the second chapter soon after Daniel's appointment to the
royal staff, strife broke out in the palace. Nebuchadnezzar had gone to bed
worried about Babylon and the future of his kingdom. As he slept that night, the
King had a dream that seemed to contain omens and because of the great
importance he placed on dreams, he had to know what the dream meant.
But then a peculiar thing happened, Nebuchadnezzar forgot his dream.
In his desperation to recall it, he brought in his magicians, astrologers,
sorcerers and wise men that claimed to be able to read minds and
foretell the future. To this assembly of the wise men of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar
brings his strange demand. "I have had a dream that troubles me and I want to
know what it means."
These astrologers and magicians claim to have psychic powers in contact with the
gods. They claim to be able to read the stars and foretell the future, now it was
up to them to either prove their claims or expose their deceit.
"Oh King, live forever! Tell your servants the dream and we will interpret it."
They figured they could analyse the dream and then just make up
any old interpretation they wanted. He recognised what they were trying to do.
so notice what he demanded: "Tell me the dream and I will know that you can
interpret it for me." Well the so-called wise men failed miserably, notice what
they nervously confessed: "There isn't a man alive who can tell others what they
have dreamed! This is an impossible thing the King requires. No one except the
gods can tell you your dream and they are not here to help."
The wise men couldn't meet the Kings demands and so were exposed as frauds.
In a moment of anger, Nebuchadnezzar commanded that they all be killed.
"Execute them," he commanded. "Execute all the wise men of Babylon."
now although Daniel knew nothing of this incident the soldiers came for him as well,
because he was considered a wise man. Desperate, he prayed for divine intervention.
Because, well without it he was going to be killed.
According to the text, God revealed the Kings dream and its
interpretation to Daniel. He then got to speak with the king. Notice what he said
in Daniel chapter 2:28: "there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets and he has
told you in your dream what will happen in the future." He then told the King
there is only one dependable source of information about the future. Daniel's God.
The king leaned forward as if impatient to hear the dream and its
interpretation. Then Daniel went on to outline the entire dream: "You looked o king,
and there before you stood a large statue, an enormous, dazzling statue,
awesome in appearance. The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest
and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet
partly of iron and partly a baked clay." Well very simple the Kings dream was of
a large statue. Its head was of gold, its chest and arms of silver. its belly and
thighs of bronze. its legs of iron, its feet a mixture of iron and clay.
Notice as Daniel continues in Daniel chapter 2 verses 34 and 35 "While you were watching,
a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet
of iron and clay and smashed them. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver
and gold were broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor...
The winds swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck
the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth." Now here comes
the action. The statue is standing there, when a stone comes down and smashes it
to smithereens and then a wind comes and blows away the remains and that stone
becomes a mountain that covers the whole Earth.
Now what could this strange dream have to do with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis
you say? And what message does it contain for us today? Well as we will discover,
the dream outlines the future in an amazing way. In only 150 words the dream
sketched the main course of history from Babylon's day, 600 BC, to the climax of
Earth's history. Including the period of the Second World War. It starts in
Nebuchadnezzar's day and stretches generation after generation, right down
until the time of modern Europe and beyond. But what does it all mean?
Well breathlessly the king waited for the interpretation and here it is in
Daniel chapter 2 verses 36 to 38: "This is the dream, and now we will interpret it
to the king. You are that head of gold." How clear, how plain, we'll find out as
the prophecy unfolds that each part of this metal image represents a world
empire or nation, that follows one after another. For notice what Daniel went on
to say in Daniel chapter 2 verses 39 and 40: "After you, another Kingdom will rise,
inferior to yours. Next, a third Kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth.
Finally, there will be a fourth Kingdom, strong as iron, for iron breaks
and smashes everything, and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and
break all the others." Pretty self-explanatory isn't it? After Babylon came a second
kingdom, though inferior to Babylon, after that a third Kingdom and finally a
fourth one, made of crushing iron. So the bottom line is, that this was indeed a
dream about the rise and fall of great world empires, starting with Babylon.
Now just as this prophecy predicted, three other great
world empires arose. History shows that after Babylon fell. the Medo-Persian
Empire came, that was the second empire. After Medo-Persia came the vast Greek
empire, which expanded under Alexander the Great. The Jewish historian, Josephus,
documented how Alexander the Great knew his destiny as a result of being shown
the prophecies of Daniel. And then the predicted fourth kingdom, the Roman
empire followed after the fall of Greece. All this just as Daniel had predicted.
So there we have them, four great world empires following one after another
Babylon, Medo-Persia Greece. and Rome. Now do they ring a bell? Well of course!
They are the very same four empires cast in stone above the entrance to the old town
hall in Nuremberg. Now here is where this gets very interesting, the iron of the
legs symbolised ancient Rome, but the iron of Rome continues down into the
feet, where the iron was mixed with clay. Remember its legs were of iron, its feet
partly of iron and partly of clay. Now all the other metals remained where they were.
The gold in the head. The silver in the arms and chest. The bronze in the belly.
But the iron, the symbol of Rome, began in the legs and continued all the
way to the feet, where it was mixed with clay.
Clay, we think of clay as brittle, especially in contrast to iron. What does this mean?
Well Daniel explains in Daniel chapter 2 verses 41 to 43: "Just as you saw that the
feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a
divided Kingdom, yet it will have some of the strength of the iron in it, even as
you saw iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this
kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. As you saw iron mixed with
ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another..."
Now look at what you have here,
when pagan Rome fell, it was not going to be replaced by a single empire like the
ones that preceded it. Remember each empire was replaced by a different metal
symbolising the new one. In contrast Rome had been divided up, carved up, in what
had become and are still now, the nations of modern Europe and that's why the iron
remains all the way down, even into the feet and toes, where it was mixed with clay.
This prediction was made about 600 years before Christ and look how
accurately it depicts the situation in Europe to this day. The Roman empire was
divided into different powers that ultimately became modern Europe.
But notice what else had said about them in Daniel chapter 2 and verse 43:
"As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men;
but they will not adhere one to another, just as iron does not mix with clay."
You notice it says they will not adhere one to another.
That is, these nations will never be united. Two world wars in the last
century alone, were nothing but these nations massacring each other and even
today, in many places things are still very touchy. Sure there's the European
Union and a single currency, at least in part of Europe, but even all this is in
danger of fraying. You only have to look at what's happening in Greece and Britain
to see how unstable, uncertain and divided Europe really is.
The Bible predicted that the nations of Europe would mix together and try to unite.
However the Bible also predicted that no matter how hard they try, they would
never become fully united. "They will not adhere to one another", the most powerful
military men in history have tried. Charlemagne tried and failed,
Charles the fifth tried and failed, Louis XIV tried and failed and Napoleon Bonaparte tried
and failed and then came Kaiser Wilhelm II, he set out to unite Europe in 1914
but we all know the tragic end of the Kaiser story. He plunged the nations into
World War One with terrible consequences.
Over 16 million soldiers and civilians lost their lives.
And then came Adolf Hitler,
with an army of five million, Hitler promised to do what the Kaiser couldn't.
Here he was building the largest indoor arena the world had ever seen.
He promised his people to unite Europe and build an empire that would last for
a thousand years - a thousand-year Reich. Well we've already seen the results of
his attempt to unite Europe, his mega complex is nothing but a pile of ruins
and he perished amidst the ruins of his own bunker. Hitler could have saved
himself, his people and the world a lot of pain and heartache, if only he'd taken
notice of that prophecy, cast in stone, over the entrance to the old town hall in Nuremberg.
You see it's another of Daniel's
prophecies, it's found in Daniel chapter 7, and builds on the foundation provided
by Daniel chapter 2. It follows the same historical outline as Daniel 2. It's a
parallel prophecy, it also predicted the same four great world empires: Babylon,
Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. But instead of using metals to represent these
empires, it uses animals. So the lion with wings, is matched with a statue of
Nebuchadnezzar, symbolising Babylon and the gold head of the Daniel 2 statue.
The bear is matched with Cyrus the Great, symbolising Medo-Persia and the silver
chest and arms of the great statue. The leopard is matched with
Alexander the Great, symbolizing Greece and the thighs of
bronze in the statue and finally the beast with ten horns is matched with
Julius Caesar, symbolising Rome and the legs of iron of the statue.
Like Daniel 2 and the great metal image, Daniel 7 and it's animal symbols
predicted that they would only be four great world empires: Babylon, Medo-Persia,
Greece and Rome. That's it. There wouldn't be a fifth one
Now why is this ancient King's dream relevant to us today? Simply because it shows us where
we are living in the stream of time, where are we living? Not in the time of
the head of gold, not in the time of the chest and arms of silver, not in the time
of the thighs of bronze and not in the time of the legs of iron, but in the feet
and toes of iron and clay. Where are we living today? In the toenails of history.
So what's going to happen next? Well the prophecy gives us the answer in
Daniel chapter 2 in verse 44: "In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will
set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another
people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will
itself endure forever." You'll notice it says, "in the time of those kings." Which kings?
The nations of today. The nations of modern Europe that have been
attempting to unite. In the time of those nations the God of heaven will set up a
kingdom symbolised by the stone, cut out without hands. The next great event on
the stage of history, is the coming of Jesus and the setting up of his kingdom.
The Bible predicts that it will be Jesus who will set up his kingdom.
The next world empire will be the kingdom of Jesus Christ and the best news of all is
this kingdom of peace and happiness will last forever.
Do you remember Franz Hasel, the German soldier, who believed God's word with
simple faith. He believed the predictions of Bible prophecy, he trusted in a God
who was in control of the future no matter what. He accepted the promise of
Jesus found in Luke chapter 12 and verse 32. "Do not fear, little flock, for it is
your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Jesus is coming soon.
He's coming to set up his kingdom, he wants you there, are you ready?
Why not make a decision to be a citizen in God's kingdom right now while we pray?
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the great prophecies of the Bible, that
clearly tell us that Jesus is coming soon to establish your eternal Kingdom.
We all want to be ready when Jesus comes. Please grant each of us a place in your
kingdom, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. If you'd like to know more about Bible
prophecy and what the future holds in store for you and your family, then I'd
like to recommend the free gift we have for all our viewers today, it's a booklet
called 'A King a Dream and You'. This booklet is our gift to you and is
absolutely free, there are no costs or obligations whatsoever.
This booklet will give you a fresh understanding of Bible prophecy and
provide you with a new insight into your future, one that is filled with hope.
Here's the information you need. Phone us now on 0481 315 101
or text us on 0491 222 999
or visit our website: to request today's free offer so don't
delay contact us right now.
Until nextweek remember the ultimate destination
of life's journey. "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth and God will wipe away
every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."
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