Thursday, November 23, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 24 2017

today I am going to give you the Facebook live formula and if you follow

this you could get triple the amount of views that you are getting right now hi

there I'm Tracey Rose from and I got this formula from the

fabulous Chalene Johnson she is an absolute online marketing superstar but

I have added a few bonus points which I think you will find really really

helpful because by doing these extra steps I've definitely seen differences

in my video views so first of all you've got to come up with some great content

that your audience wants but the biggest thing to catch people's attention in

this world online where there's so many people vying for our attention is to

come up with a great title this can be the difference between someone watching

your video or scrolling right by now to go live go on to your profile or your

business page or maybe you're going to go live in a group wherever you intend

to go live and go to post something and click the go live option now when you

start your lensses be brief and be bright there's nothing worse than

someone waffling on and you're like next! when you are bright and happy you are

going to be high vibing and more magnetic more people are going to watch

your video for sure now you're going to have to start your video strong a lot of

people don't do this because they were my thinking the live option they're kind

of waiting for more people to come on but Chalene makes a great point here the

majority of your video views are going to come after the live broadcast is

finished I'm going to add a little step here which I found super helpful

after doing videos for quite a few years in different niches follow some notes a

lot of people get rambling and waffle on or lose their whole train of thought

because they don't have some notes to follow you know put up some post-its or

even write down some notes on a notepad right it really large if you need to

follow them and tell people hey I'm following some notes here and that's

okay like people don't mind if you are following notes if you have to look down

at a point and then come back and engage with your

audience again that's totally fine but keep on track because you will keep your

audience more engaged the next point here is to interact with your audience

for the people that are live but remember not to get too distracted now

if you're really new at this or you're trying to build up your audience again

and sometimes you don't even have someone on life that's okay just pretend

you know no one's gonna really know about that or it doesn't really matter

just continue on because after you do this which I did I followed Chalene's

advice and automatically by doing these I got more engagement in my video after

doing exactly what she said the next point which a lot of people totally

forget to do is ask people to share your video say hey if you found this

information useful you know someone that this info will really help please share

this video sharing is caring people like to share if they know why they should

share it so tell them why ask people to turn on their notifications and tell

them the next time that you're going to be going live in fact this was a really

cool step that chalene had said that I had not really thought of if you tell

people the next time you're going to go live so consciously they're also going

to think about like oh that's right they're going to be live on this stage

or this time they will look out for it on their Facebook newsfeed and by

telling them hey I'm going to go live tomorrow so make sure you turn on your

notifications they're actually going to get a notification that you're alive

therefore probably be more likely to actually get on the live and watch you

and make sure you have a call to action now your call to action could actually

be the turn on new notifications or share this video but it could also be a

comment below or make sure you sign up for your free be newsletter or a free

download offer that you have whatever it is make sure you have some sort of call

to action now here are my little bonuses that I promised I would share with you

bonus tip number one is do a Facebook live with a friend so if someone in your

business or in your niche lives nearby get together and do a Facebook live

together what we see is many people doing facebook lives but

when there are two people in the video it's it's just more visually interesting

and eye catching so people are more likely likely to click on it and go hey

what are they doing now if you don't have someone nearby you don't work with

summer that's totally fine too you can do one of those combined Facebook lives

where you have a split screen you invite someone onto your facebook life I do

that with some of my work colleagues sometimes some people in my team as well

and it really is way more eye catching on people's newsfeed

so we find that a great option now bonus number two and three is really getting

your video out there after you finish the broadcast so pay Facebook to boost

it to your audience or to our new audience or just go and share that video

into some groups you can either do it yourself or get an assistant to do it

for you and get it into some groups where you know your ideal audience will

be so I hope this Facebook live formula video has been helpful now make sure you

go and follow Chalene Johnson she is an incredible online marketing superstar

and comment below or tag someone below who needs to know this helpful info for

their business let's get this video and this info out there so we can boost your

Facebook live views as well and I'll talk to you in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> The Ultimate Facebook Live Formula for Business - Duration: 5:57.


BMW ′뉴 335i′ 컨버터블..오픈카 변신 22초! 질주감 스포츠카에 버금..탁월한 코너링【24/7 카】 - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> BMW ′뉴 335i′ 컨버터블..오픈카 변신 22초! 질주감 스포츠카에 버금..탁월한 코너링【24/7 카】 - Duration: 3:54.


여자를 미소짓게하는 車..뉴CR-V 女心잡는 편의사양..매끄런 주행성 돋보여【24/7 카】 - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> 여자를 미소짓게하는 車..뉴CR-V 女心잡는 편의사양..매끄런 주행성 돋보여【24/7 카】 - Duration: 4:54.


기아차의 첫 준대형세단 'K7' 타보니... 감성 살린 럭셔리한 이미지, 품질도 '굿'【24/7 카】 - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> 기아차의 첫 준대형세단 'K7' 타보니... 감성 살린 럭셔리한 이미지, 품질도 '굿'【24/7 카】 - Duration: 9:53.


Bufera shock al Grande Fratello Vip: nuova squalifica in arrivo? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Bufera shock al Grande Fratello Vip: nuova squalifica in arrivo? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:23.


'슬기로운감빵생활' 이태선, 안방 시선집중시킨 '강렬' 임팩트 - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> '슬기로운감빵생활' 이태선, 안방 시선집중시킨 '강렬' 임팩트 - Duration: 4:05.


나영석과 친하다는 손호준, '예능 욕심 있나' 물었더니... - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> 나영석과 친하다는 손호준, '예능 욕심 있나' 물었더니... - Duration: 9:04.


2010년형 링컨 뉴 MKZ 타보니... 부드러운 감성에 강력한 주행성능 인상적【24/7 카】 - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> 2010년형 링컨 뉴 MKZ 타보니... 부드러운 감성에 강력한 주행성능 인상적【24/7 카】 - Duration: 8:01.


경차 지존(至尊), 2010년형 모닝 타보니... 경제성 높고 민첩성 뛰어나 - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> 경차 지존(至尊), 2010년형 모닝 타보니... 경제성 높고 민첩성 뛰어나 - Duration: 5:56.


I LOVES YOU PORGY (George Gershwin), by Christina Von Bülow With The Tivoli Ensemble - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> I LOVES YOU PORGY (George Gershwin), by Christina Von Bülow With The Tivoli Ensemble - Duration: 6:28.


스코다, 올-뉴 코디악 공개..국내 출시는 ′언제?′【24/7 카】 - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> 스코다, 올-뉴 코디악 공개..국내 출시는 ′언제?′【24/7 카】 - Duration: 4:38.


Une accusatrice de Tariq Ramadan placée sous protection policière - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Une accusatrice de Tariq Ramadan placée sous protection policière - Duration: 2:32.


Apaisez la douleur avec un remède au citron et à l'huile d'olive - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Apaisez la douleur avec un remède au citron et à l'huile d'olive - Duration: 6:24.


Les 6 meilleurs remèdes naturels pour soulager la douleur de l'arthrite - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> Les 6 meilleurs remèdes naturels pour soulager la douleur de l'arthrite - Duration: 7:30.


新型N-BOXを発表 ホンダ、全車に安全装備【車と人生 24_7】 - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> 新型N-BOXを発表 ホンダ、全車に安全装備【車と人生 24_7】 - Duration: 1:34.


陷入泥沼 Mudbound 2017 電影預告中文字幕 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 陷入泥沼 Mudbound 2017 電影預告中文字幕 - Duration: 2:06.


4 Foods You Should Avoid if You Suffer from Acid Reflux - Duration: 3:19.

4 Foods You Should Avoid if You Suffer from Acid Reflux

Although these are the foods that are most commonly related to acid reflux, each person

should assess which foods cause them most problems and seek to avoid them.

In this videos, we want to share the details of the 4 main foods that make it worse so

that you can try to exclude them from your diet.

1. Red meats Red meat is a significant source of proteins.

In small portions, it can be beneficial to the body.

Despite this, it�s not recommended for people who suffer from acid reflux. After all, many

of its components can make this affliction worse.

Its purines and acid compounds affect the digestive process and increase the production

of stomach acid. On the other hand, it�s a very fatty food

that can cause slow digestion and constipation. 2. Coffee

Thanks to its delicious flavor and the energy it gives, coffee is one of the most widely

consumed drinks in the world.

It contains antioxidant substances and vitamins and minerals that, in moderate quantities,

improve health.

However, it is not an apt food for those who tend to suffer from acid reflux. This is because

caffeine can trigger this symptom.

This substance acts as a relaxant for the valves that regulate the flow of stomach acid.

Thus, it can make it easier for it to return to the throat and mouth.

3. Processed meats and canned foods

Processed meats and canned foods can cause digestive difficulties. This is especially

when we suffer from recurring episodes of reflux or acidity.

Their high content of sodium and artificial ingredients causes irritation of the stomach

lining. As a result, it facilitates the return of acids to the esophagus.

On the other hand, they contain saturated fats, flours and sugars. Once assimilated

by the body, these can cause metabolic disorders and digestive problems.

4. Spicy condiments

Consuming spicy condiments can cause fluctuations in the stomach acids and can sometimes be

irritating for the gastric mucous.

Although they don�t tend to cause problems in small portions, some people suffer from

acid reflux and burning after eating them.

Overall, it�s essential to minimize your consumption of spicy condiments, especially

when combined with other irritating foods.

For more infomation >> 4 Foods You Should Avoid if You Suffer from Acid Reflux - Duration: 3:19.


Disney/Pixar's Coco

For more infomation >> Disney/Pixar's Coco


U.S. to deploy six F-22 fighter jets to Korea next month for joint exercise: Officials - Duration: 0:52.

Our top story this morning...

Get ready for another demonstration of force by the United States...

The Pentagon is planning to deploy six F-22 stealth jets to South Korea next month...

to take part in a joint military drill.

According to officials from Seoul's defense ministry,... the warplanes will take part

in a South Korea-U.S. air force exercise... from December 4th to December 8th.

They will fly to the Korean Peninsula... from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan... and may

also accompanied... by up to four F-35A stealth fighters as well.

This would mark the first time,... the U.S. has deployed its most sophisticated jets to

South Korea in such large numbers... in line with the Trump administration's goal of applying

maximum pressure on North Korea.

For more infomation >> U.S. to deploy six F-22 fighter jets to Korea next month for joint exercise: Officials - Duration: 0:52.


S. Korea looking into rescheduling of joint drills with U.S. during Olympics: source - Duration: 0:42.

The South Korean military is considering whether to reschedule joint drills with the U.S. next

March because they'll coincide with the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in Pyeongchang.

Government sources said Thursday that the military may consult with the U.S. to change

the date of the Key Resolve exercise, which is a computer-based wargame.

North Korea has long denounced the drills, calling them a rehearsal for a northward invasion.

Seoul is hoping Pyongyang will take part in the winter Olympics as a way to ease tensions

on the peninsula.

Regarding the drills, though, South Korea's presidential office says nothing has been

discussed or decided.

For more infomation >> S. Korea looking into rescheduling of joint drills with U.S. during Olympics: source - Duration: 0:42.


Morning snow to let up but cold all day _ 112417 - Duration: 2:07.

Those of you in the central parts of the country had some snow and ice this morning.

A heavy snow advisory remains in place for some central regions, including Daejeon, you'll

get up to 5 more centimeters this morning, but Seoul won't get any more.

Temperatures will be similar to slightly colder than yesterday while snow will let up and

the sun will peek out.

But Seoul will only see a high of 3 degrees Celsius,... while Daegu and Gwangju will rise

to 10 degrees.

It's going to be a wet weekend for the central region, a mix of snow and rain is in store,

so if you plan to travel this weekend be sure to pay special attention to the forecast.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

While South Korea's central region had wintry weather this morning, most of North Korea

will have a similar weather pattern to yesterday.

As for major cities in Asia,..

Beijing will be slightly cooler while Tokyo will have a mild day at highs of 6 and 12

degrees respectively.

Meanwhile, Southern Australia's heatwave is expected to last well into the weekend and

rain on Friday won't do much to ease the sizzling heat.

Heading to North America, New York and Washington DC will see plenty of sunshine with highs

reaching 12 degrees Celsius which is about 54 degrees in Fahrenheit.

As for South America, major cities on the continent will be under mostly sunny skies.

Taking you to Europe,...Berlin and Paris will have a similar weather pattern along with


Lastly to Africa, those in Cape Town will need to brace for strong winds from the Friday


That's all the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> Morning snow to let up but cold all day _ 112417 - Duration: 2:07.


Osaka to cut sister city ties with San Francisco over 'comfort woman' statue - Duration: 1:53.

The city of San Francisco has officially accepted a statue... commemorating the victims of Japan's

wartime sexual slavery.

The move has triggered a furious response from Japan,... with the city of Osaka saying

it will end its 60 year old sister city agreement in protest.

Yu Joonhee reports.

Back in September,... a "comfort women" statue honoring those... who were forced to serve

troops in Japanese military brothels during World War II,... was unveiled in San Francisco.

The first of its kind... to be erected in a major U.S. metropolis,... it sparked a fierce

backlash from Japanese officials,... as well as far-right members of the Japanese community.

(English) "The comfort women stories generally propagated

in this country are totally false."

(Korean) "Did you see it with your own eyes?

Who is lying?"

On Wednesday,... two months after its unveiling,...

San Francisco mayor Edwin Lee signed a document... that formalized the city's acceptance of the


It's a notable victory for those who have been struggling to raise awareness... of the

historic truth of Japanese war crimes and the plight of the victims.

The reaction from Japan was immediate,... with the city of Osaka saying it will terminate

its sister city affiliation with San Francisco... established back in 1957.

Osaka mayor Hirofumi Yoshimura,... had written a letter to protest the statue... saying its

acceptance would impair the relationship of trust... between the two cities.

Other "comfort women" monuments in the United States,... include a statue in the city of

Glendale in southern California,... as well as a memorial in the state of Virginia.

Seoul and Tokyo have continued to clash overthe wartime sexual slavery issue,... despite a

settlement that was struck in 2015,... with the new Moon Jae-in administration citing

disapproval... of the vast majority of the Korean public.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Osaka to cut sister city ties with San Francisco over 'comfort woman' statue - Duration: 1:53.


North Korea replaces security forces at JSA over soldier's defection - Duration: 2:01.

North Korea has reportedly replaced most... or even all,... of its soldiers stationed

at the Joint Security Area in the truce village of Panmunjom.

This comes after their collective failure to stop a soldier's defection to South Korea.

Park Jong-hong has the details.

Most or all of the 40 North Korean border security officials at the Joint Security Area

have been switched out.

This is according to an unnamed South Korean intelligence official who also suggested that

senior level officials may have been reprimanded for the failure to stop a soldier from defecting

across the border.

The surveillance video made public by the United Nations Command on Wednesday shows

the defector's dramatic escape and North Korean soldiers shooting dozens of rounds at him

as he fled.

The UN Command noted North Korea's breach of the Armistice Agreement.

"They violated the Armistice Agreement by ... one, firing weapons across the MDL and

two, by actually crossing the MDL temporarily."

The defector is said to be in stable condition after two major surgeries on the gunshot wounds

he sustained.

After the rare defection through the JSA, many believe North Korean commanders and senior

level officials will most likely be held accountable.

In contrast, six South Korean and U.S. soldiers were awarded Army Commendation Medals by General

Vincent Brooks, the commander of the UN Command.

Meanwhile, in the wake of the defection, North Korea has temporarily sealed off the 72-Hour

Bridge, the only road that connects the North to the northern side of the JSA.

Driving a military jeep at high speed, it took the defector less than a minute to cross

the bridge.

The measure is apparently intended to tighten security and screen troops coming in and out

of the area.

Park Jong-hong, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea replaces security forces at JSA over soldier's defection - Duration: 2:01.


'Suspected explosion' heard near missing Argentine submarine's last known location - Duration: 1:29.

Now for our look at stories making headlines around the world and we start with Argentina…

The country's navy has raised the possibility that a navy submarine missing in the South

Atlantic suffered an explosion, sharply raising concerns over the fate of the 44 crew members.

With more on this and others we turn to our Ro Aram…

Aram… what do we know so far?

Well Mark… nothing is confirmed as of yet, but the Argentine Navy described the sound

on Thursday as being consistent with an explosion.

"An abnormal, singular, short, violent and non-nuclear event" near the submarine's last

known location is what a navy spokesman told a news conference in Buenos Aires.

He was commenting on information the navy received from a nuclear test watchdog, but

added there was no evidence of any attack and no information on the cause of the noise

The ARA San Juan disappeared last Wednesday and more than a dozen countries are frantically

looking for the submarine as the vessel's air supply is nearing depletion.

The crew's family and relatives, camped out in a naval base in the city of Mar del Plata,

have been largely optimistic until now.

But after hearing the news of the possible explosion, they collapsed in tears, while

others reacted angrily.

They accused the government's lack of investment and corruption in the armed forces of making

the submarine unsafe.

For more infomation >> 'Suspected explosion' heard near missing Argentine submarine's last known location - Duration: 1:29.


S. Korea commemorates those killed by N. Korea's artillery attack on Yeonpyeong-do Island - Duration: 2:23.

South Korea has marked the seventh anniversary of North Korea's shelling of Yeonpyeong-do


The surprise attack on the West Sea border island back in 2010,... killed two South Korean

soldiers and two civilians.

The Marine Corps held a ceremony in Daejeon on Thursday to honor the young servicemen

who died.

Our Oh Jung-hee was there and filed this report.

Placing flowers and paying tribute to the two loved sons, friends, and comrades...

November 23rd is a solemn day for South Korean citizens.

It was on this day, seven years ago, that North Korea bombarded South Korea's Yeonpyeong-do


Over 200 people gathered at Daejeon National Cemetery on Thursday for a commemoration ceremony,...

and heavy snowfall added to the somber atmosphere.

(Korean) "It's already seven years ago, but I remember

that day was very cold just like today.

Today we miss and pay respect to the two soldiers who died while carrying out their duty.

I hope the whole nation remembers them with one heart."

On November 23rd, 2010,... North Korea fired 170 artillery shells at South Korea's Yeonpyeong-do

Island,... located south of the Northern Limit Line, and 110 kilometers west of the capital


The attack left two soldiers and two residents dead, and 16 injured.

It also damaged military facilities and civilian structures.

(Stand-up) "Seven years have passed... but the bombardment

of Yeonpyeong-do Island is still vividly recollected and is seen as one of the worst inter-Korean

clashes after the Korean War."

The Marine Corps honored the brave deeds of the soldiers who fought this tough battle

against North Korea,... and promised to secure peace for the South Korean people.

(Korean) "Still, North Korea is raising tensions with

its unpredictable provocations and continuous nuclear and missile tests.

We, the Marine Corps, are well aware of the security situation,... and are maintaining

the highest level of military readiness to protect South Korea and the northwestern islands."

To remember this day, the Marine Corps also held a special drill on Thursday afternoon,...

at the exact time when North Korea launched the attack on Yeonpyeong-do Island.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News, Daejeon.

For more infomation >> S. Korea commemorates those killed by N. Korea's artillery attack on Yeonpyeong-do Island - Duration: 2:23.


Leaders of S. Korea, Uzbekistan pledge to take bilateral ties to new level - Duration: 3:17.

The president of Uzbekistan is in Seoul on a state visit.

Rolling out the red carpet for Korea's special guest,...

President Moon Jae-in held extended talks with his Uzbek counterpart,... cementing their

25 years of bilateral ties.

One of their main talking points,... was President Moon's "New Northern Policy" aimed at building

an Eurasian economic community,... including Russia and Central Asian nations.

Moon Connyoung with more.

South Korea President Moon Jae-in rolled out the red carpet for his second state guest,

Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev... for an offcial welcome ceremony complete with

honor guards, national anthems and children waving national flags of the two countries.

Meeting for their first bilateral summit ever... the two presidents still fairly new in office

noted their strong, mutually beneficial relationship that Seoul and Tashkent have been able to

build over the last quarter century.

(Korean) "Uzbekistan is South Korea's biggest trade

partner in Central Asia.

South Korea is Uzbekistan's fifth-largest trade partner and its third-largest investor.

I believe the potential and possibility for greater development between our two countries

are vast and boundless."

. 5 3 . (cut) .

The Uzbek leader reaffirmed his support for President Moon's "New Northern Policy" which

is aimed at building an Eurasian economic community by boosting South Korea's ties with

Russia and other Central Asian countries.

(Uzbek) "I would like to once again express Uzbekistan's

strong and absolute support for South Korea's policy on North Korea's nuclear issue: diplomatic

resolution for peace and security on the Korean peninsula."

Concluding their first one-on-one, the two leaders signed a joint statement on comprehensive

development of the strategic partnership between South Korea and Uzbekistan... which outlines

a boost in relations in everything from politics and trade to culture and people-to-people


That exchange was further highlighted during the state dinner hosted by South Korea's first


Guests and menu reflecting the popularity of South Korea's television series, "Dae Jang

Geum" and delegation represented by high profile ethnic

Koreans in the Uzbek community.

(Korean) "The friendship between our two countries

was particularly dazzling in the last 80 years.

80 . The people of Uzbekistan warmly embraced Korean

migrants who were forced to move there from the Far East and together created a community

of harmony."


(Uzbek) "I am proud to say that I have become close

friends with President Moon Jae-in whose direction of state affairs and management coincides

with mine.

We will together bring our bilateral relations to a whole new level in the near future."

(STAND-UP) "Based on the two countries' mutually-beneficial

industrial endeavors, a historical link between ethnic Korean peoples, shared cultural interest

and now... strategic realities in Seoul and Tashkent, the two leaders foresee good momentum

in bilateral relations.

And, further progress we may see when South Korean president makes good on the invitation

he received for a state visit from President Mirziyoyev.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House."

For more infomation >> Leaders of S. Korea, Uzbekistan pledge to take bilateral ties to new level - Duration: 3:17.


Consumer sentiment rose to highest level in nearly 7 years - Duration: 0:45.

Consumer sentiment reached its highest level in almost seven years in November... as relations

between South Korea and China improved... and geopolitical risks stemming from North

Korean threats waned.

Data by the Bank of Korea shows the composite consumer sentiment index has risen by more

than three-points from the previous month to 112-point-3.

A reading above 100 means more people are optimistic than pessimistic about the economy.

The same data showed less people expected the strong upward trend in real estate prices

to continue,... mainly due to government measures unveiled earlier this year to curb housing


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