today I am going to give you the Facebook live formula and if you follow
this you could get triple the amount of views that you are getting right now hi
there I'm Tracey Rose from and I got this formula from the
fabulous Chalene Johnson she is an absolute online marketing superstar but
I have added a few bonus points which I think you will find really really
helpful because by doing these extra steps I've definitely seen differences
in my video views so first of all you've got to come up with some great content
that your audience wants but the biggest thing to catch people's attention in
this world online where there's so many people vying for our attention is to
come up with a great title this can be the difference between someone watching
your video or scrolling right by now to go live go on to your profile or your
business page or maybe you're going to go live in a group wherever you intend
to go live and go to post something and click the go live option now when you
start your lensses be brief and be bright there's nothing worse than
someone waffling on and you're like next! when you are bright and happy you are
going to be high vibing and more magnetic more people are going to watch
your video for sure now you're going to have to start your video strong a lot of
people don't do this because they were my thinking the live option they're kind
of waiting for more people to come on but Chalene makes a great point here the
majority of your video views are going to come after the live broadcast is
finished I'm going to add a little step here which I found super helpful
after doing videos for quite a few years in different niches follow some notes a
lot of people get rambling and waffle on or lose their whole train of thought
because they don't have some notes to follow you know put up some post-its or
even write down some notes on a notepad right it really large if you need to
follow them and tell people hey I'm following some notes here and that's
okay like people don't mind if you are following notes if you have to look down
at a point and then come back and engage with your
audience again that's totally fine but keep on track because you will keep your
audience more engaged the next point here is to interact with your audience
for the people that are live but remember not to get too distracted now
if you're really new at this or you're trying to build up your audience again
and sometimes you don't even have someone on life that's okay just pretend
you know no one's gonna really know about that or it doesn't really matter
just continue on because after you do this which I did I followed Chalene's
advice and automatically by doing these I got more engagement in my video after
doing exactly what she said the next point which a lot of people totally
forget to do is ask people to share your video say hey if you found this
information useful you know someone that this info will really help please share
this video sharing is caring people like to share if they know why they should
share it so tell them why ask people to turn on their notifications and tell
them the next time that you're going to be going live in fact this was a really
cool step that chalene had said that I had not really thought of if you tell
people the next time you're going to go live so consciously they're also going
to think about like oh that's right they're going to be live on this stage
or this time they will look out for it on their Facebook newsfeed and by
telling them hey I'm going to go live tomorrow so make sure you turn on your
notifications they're actually going to get a notification that you're alive
therefore probably be more likely to actually get on the live and watch you
and make sure you have a call to action now your call to action could actually
be the turn on new notifications or share this video but it could also be a
comment below or make sure you sign up for your free be newsletter or a free
download offer that you have whatever it is make sure you have some sort of call
to action now here are my little bonuses that I promised I would share with you
bonus tip number one is do a Facebook live with a friend so if someone in your
business or in your niche lives nearby get together and do a Facebook live
together what we see is many people doing facebook lives but
when there are two people in the video it's it's just more visually interesting
and eye catching so people are more likely likely to click on it and go hey
what are they doing now if you don't have someone nearby you don't work with
summer that's totally fine too you can do one of those combined Facebook lives
where you have a split screen you invite someone onto your facebook life I do
that with some of my work colleagues sometimes some people in my team as well
and it really is way more eye catching on people's newsfeed
so we find that a great option now bonus number two and three is really getting
your video out there after you finish the broadcast so pay Facebook to boost
it to your audience or to our new audience or just go and share that video
into some groups you can either do it yourself or get an assistant to do it
for you and get it into some groups where you know your ideal audience will
be so I hope this Facebook live formula video has been helpful now make sure you
go and follow Chalene Johnson she is an incredible online marketing superstar
and comment below or tag someone below who needs to know this helpful info for
their business let's get this video and this info out there so we can boost your
Facebook live views as well and I'll talk to you in the next video. Bye!
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